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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1963, p. 11

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I Having been approached hy a nuniber of ratepayers to offer myself as a meniber of the Newcastle Council, I solicit your support and inf luence. Robert Walton of thefiînance cammittee of' the village council, said state- met eportedly made b' C m-nt Councillor Bonathan at a beet ing of the Ganamaska Region Conservation Authomity inBo ln Port Hope that the village was Newcastle-Following loaa in a critical financial con- list of the high scorers In the dition were flot true variaus leagues on the com- The reeve gave a financial munity bowling lanes during statemnent for the village for the week. flic past 10 months and said ~ Ladies' League (200 and that audited statements for the over)-Ruth Couch 240, Betty past two years had shown a 1 'i ajor 233, Nancy Gaines 226, iurplus and that, barring un- Alice Rowe 218, Dianne Lang- forseen emergency expenses staff 218, Eleanor Perrin 214, before the end o! the year, Jnce Quantmill 208, Joan Ard the village would again end *.i 207 .. , Elaîne Dost 207,, Evelyn the year with a slight surplus.' Meadows 206. Mm. Cunningham said the Men's League (225 and newspaper publicity given the over)-Gary Barchard 262,J villa ite was not the best thing Rau Good 256, Albert Pearce, for the village. 249, George Kimbaîl 244, Roný The reeve in his talk also Munro 244.1 said that the local fime pump- uirLau (200 andi er had about run its course over)--Ron Good 258, Gary and would have ta be replac- ReeeD .Cniga Forget 235, Nancy Gaines 255, cd in the near future. He said iopD TCniga Arthum Montgomemy 223, the pumnper had been taken to roads, Mr. Cunningham sa2d0Thunday Mîxdon L eague Woodstock for an averhaul a i(200 and aver)-Donna Heard month or so ago and had been thtajubr !yar g 316, Alice Rowe 304, Ruth found ta be almost beyond re- 1 the council had stated an a Couch 261, Glen Rowe 258, pair.1 five-year plan ta hard surface' Dianne Pearce 250, Ken Whit- In speaking o! the village'aIl the oads in the village.1 ney 248, Grace Couch 210. He said that digging up theî Fn day Mixed League (200 dlay when the water systemi, and over) - George Kimbali was installed had delayed the.ý 335, Wayne Flintof! 314, Jean O ~ I ETYplan, but he believed all Rickard 231, Myrtle Naylor O C IETY streets noth o! 401 would be 231, Murray Paterson 229, Icampleted wîth an ail and John Cunningham 221, Ken chips surface by the en d o! Neal 214, Ruth Bonathen 219, next yeam. There certainly Ev. Embley 219, Alice Rowe bas been a marked improve- 217, Imene Cunningham 214, ment in village roads during! E. Woodland 211, Rager Hen- D urh m ,1the past few eaf Douglase1204, Merrill Henry 203, J. unnngam orreeve was George Kimbali had e high pmoposed by H. S. Britton and. triple o! 889 and a high single seonen _ _ _ __onthn o 35 ýVillage Takes Action JUMBO KLEENEX 'To Collect Tax Arreairs Cadbury BISCUITS 6 aite Newcastle-A repart was must be paid by a certain date given by the Village Tax Col-1 or the properties would be semls lector Mr. F. B. Pidgeon at the registered in the name o! the M lI I NYLON> S eai nomination meeting held on 'village. Some $2,200 was cl -__-___-----___________ Friday evening in which he'lected in this way and then a explained the action being total o! 14 properties were IGA Reg. or Nlppy Royal GoId taken by the village ta collect registered. 8 o~ z. Pki Mr. Pidgeon said aftem he ý registration six properties hadSLC had taken aver the job the, been redeemed bringing in Frozen turkey, chicken, beef oz.8 Department o! Municipal Af- another $6,800. The remain faims had în!ommed him there ing eight properties have onie M ORTON PIES t5 pies iwere too many outstanding year from the time o! regis tax arrears in the village andi tration ta pay the tax arrears that action would have ta be and penalties and expenses. ta ken ta collect them. He said At the end o! this time the the department had given him praperties become the prop- the necessary information on! ety o! the village. how ta collect which had me- I The collector also explained T ALR I ceîved the approval of the 'that amears in business taxes council and he proceeded ta were being collected through take action. seizume a! chattels and he also IL NP REH UE The collector statcd that stated that where properties warning letters had hcc-n sent in armears o! taxes exist the ta the delinquents who were ,tenants are ordered to pay three years or mare in arrears their rent ta the village until telling them that the arrears' the arrears are paid. l 'j,', FAMILY SERVICES Explore and evaluate ail complaints of neglect concerning children in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. Give help to those parents who may have physi- cal, economic, mental, moral or social handicaps. Bring other community sources of aid to their attention and use. Offer guardianship and care for children who are orphaned, deserted, neglected or illegitimate when parents are not able to assume responsibility. FOSTER HOME CARE Arrange for children temporary boarding care and super- vision with selected faniilies. This foster care is only given when illness or other unforeseen difficulties arise and no siîitable plan can be made %vithin the family circle. Provide long-term care for children under our guardian- ship for whomin imediate adoption is flot the answer - the older child, the scriously tipset child, the handicapped child. ADOPTIONS Arrange permanent care in an approved adoption home for every chuld deprivcd of his own parents, who can be cnabled tbrough adoption to grow into a useful, happy citizen. Searcli for and select parents froin withîn the commluni. ties of the United Counties who wish and are able to offer boarding or adoption homes,. UNMARRIED MOTHERS Help unniarried mothers arrange shelter and medical care. Give understanding and assistance with social, personal, cmployment and financial problenms. Assist tbe nmother to plan for lier future and the future of her child. GROUP CARE Arrange care for extended periods for some seriously up- set children who cannot be adequately helped in foster or adoption homes. I a o b November 29 to December 14 No one will cali at your door ... Please leave your jdonation with Mr. Burk, Toronto-Dominion Bank. Georges W. A. Plans CorprateCommunion Newcastle-It was aanounc- meeting in Toronto. She said, cd at the regular meeting of in future, Deanery meetings the Evening Brancli of St. will ail take place in the George's Woman's Auxiliary spring. The appeals for the held in the Parish Hall on i caming year wilI be for a Wednesday cvening, Novem-'Scholarshîp at an Indian Uni- ber 20, that the Corporate versity and aid for a Japanese Communion of the Auxiliary Sanitomium,- would be held on Sundayý The nomination of officers morning, December lst at. the! for the coming yeam was held 8:00 and 11:00 o'clock services. and, as two officers are still This being the Sunday closest in doubt, a report on the com- ta St. Andrew's Day. plete list will be given at a The president opened the later date. meeting with prayers and the Complete a r r angements officers' reports were given. were made for a catering job A "thank you" card had beeîi in the near future. received fmom the Fiendshîp I Mary Dewdney ennaunced' Warkem in Toronto for a recent that the Christmas dinner o!f. hbale sent by the Bmanch. The the Branch would talke place *Dorcas Secretary had receiv- in Oshawa on December 4th. ed a form ta be filled in with A number o! small interest- j regard ta the Dorcas work ing gi!ts were packed in cer-j dane by the banch and also tons ta be sent ta the W.A. a pamphlet an Dorcas womk House and some members in general. womked on e quilt. The balance o! the annual The meeting was brought. ta pledges were ordered paid and a conclusion with the serving r the members paid their fees o! refreshments. for the past year. A sum o!f _________ money was voted ta the Church Wardens for variaus Almost bal! the newspaper. purpases. pages in the free world are, Mrs. K. Stephenson gave a printed on Canadien news-i report of the General Deanery print.1 The Canadian Statesmnan, 13ow-manvllle, Nov. 27, 1963 VOTE FOR Tom AND RE-ELECT BROWN FOR VILLAGE COUNCIL Five Bethany Give Acclamations 7ke /voe " cad dedOYWomen HurtSchoolBoadl*P.OU*Ce, Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 987-4482 ln Accident .ecsl-heeprnilh fails ta have any onet.op: Five Bethany women were nielmbersao! fthehPublpiceho oennal hî H s h utm Mrs. Pauline Sorks. injured Thursday afternoon in Board and one member of the ers of the commission had in- Reiring councillor C. R. a car and milk truck collision Public Utilities Commission creasedfroem469 in 1962 ta! on Highway 28. were re-elected by acclaa42atpen. Lovekin sent a letter ta the re-, Police said the milk truck, tion on Friday eveningfoa E lectio n fo r C o u n cil a s turning officer dec1ining nom-1driven by Fred Delaire o further two-year terM.E N Z R ina ion for h ea th reasons. M r . P eterborough, n e e gh T e fo l w g w r s cIat e-E N Z E wa 8 aini raeDiv ed for two more years Lovki sidhe njoyed and colliced with the east- School Board, John Rickard, ie S ix LO fT ~ TIf~ 1 u ~ e ts his two years as a member of bound car containing the five proposed by Mrs. Pauline "A Recipe for Peace" vn in o ricouncil and found it hard ta ome.Tecr a1 o-Strs eon yHCby Mrs. Elqner Down opene4' decline nomination for a fur-i plete write-off. Damage to the Bonathan; Douglas G. Walon, the November meeting of the, Newcastle - Eight candi-! an election for council person-,seats for a one year term: Jack ther term, but the state of his 1mîlk truck totalled $60.00. The proposed by I. J. McCullough' vnn ntwihwshl dats wrenamnatd n Fi-nelnecssry or hefirt imeE. esiti prpoed y ea h wa he oud gie didn't driver o! the truck was ad- seconded b M. Hok; I i in the Christian Educto daye ee nin afîlteou r i nsel years.o h rttieE ebtprpsdb e.beleeh ol iejustice' . . . y vc ositl it . MCancgh poc, rvî nte *at ovni t villge fou ncilI Te follwing wee nomin- Bonathan, seconded by D. G., ta the job and his health came amîtted to ivîcHospîad cothD.J. McCloug,spopaed by BCenespro olwd seats anbrhisedlragetclegcand ThelfD.lG. WaltonTsecandedobyJ.iIsBuiness perio d reoswede, six of whomn qualified makingiated ta fili the four vacant Walton; J. hmsBon s. cussion. T, Brown.whnvrusrpts ee proposed by E. A. Walton, sec- Mrs. Madeline Williams said of the five womnen taken ta H. Stanley Graham was; presented and announcemnentsl onded by R. W. Walton; H. C. she had at least two support- hospital by ambulance, Miss nominated for re-election ta made. General meeting will Bonathan, proposed by E. A. ers, hier naminator and second-1 Winnifred Nesbitt suffered a the Public Utilîties Commis- be Thursday, Nov. 28th, at Walton, seconded by D. G. er, but that she would decline fractured left ankle and infra uth woyr8 lew castle po;oser . Bron, enThinavthioe m mbeliChesh ir e dscalMs Andieterm. His nomination was pro- The cammittee In charge of lewcastle pWaon R berJ. . aon, c. Thi enoiavtion m m ult Csil ries. sc a nie s n for a furtherchws-year ' pfor onded by H. C. Bonathan: ! h 1963 councîl, Jack Nes- multiple bruises, and bath had ()sed btLoyhteheso r th rgr Amceath fori Frederick G. Couch, proposed 1bitt, J . T. Brown and H. C. ta remain in hospital avrhned by J. T. Bro n therthm. al awo1î cS~oCiaI an CI 6~ers riaI by R. M. Paterson, seconded Bonathan, and three othe- weekend.Jon Rcad prsty Faith" and prayer by MrE. S ocl.(Il ari .(Ag sona :'y J. H. Jase; C. Reginald candidates, two o! whomn have The other three occupants; chairman o! the Public School Walter Tink opened this part. Lovekin, proposed by J.E. served for a number of years o! the car received outpatient Board, gave a brie! report of Amsclslcin"hr' Mrs Brbaa range i an dugterFae vsiedNesbitt, seconded by J. T. 'in recent councils. The new treatment at Civic: Miss Laura the activities of the board. He a Rainbow Shining Some- Mrs.Barara raiger s 1anddaugterFayevistedBrown,; Ross Dickinson, pro-1 candidates are Robert W. Wal- Morton, facial cuts and bruis- said there are presently 2381we- asetlsugb upending this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Donald posed hy E. A. Walton, sec- ton, Ross Dickinson and Fred es, Mrs. Ross Carr, massive students attendirig the school whe, re" os sweaetl sun b wlth her nephew Mr. Gog Jase and family in Brampton onded by R. W. Wallon; Couch, the latter two eigl bus;Mr.Ad and that there are now eight MrsLo oks Pve rc, Mrs. Os Wallace in Belleville. ion Sunday. Madcline Williams, propased se rved on council drnthSctt, facial cut and multiple tecesfrteih rds borne and Mrs. Wes. Down. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Noble 1Mr. Roy Allun and Mrs. by M. Hancock, secande b erm o! the present Reeve. bruises. in ikadsi the school. In loyan interstn maner, of Listowel were weýekendlwith Mrs. Fred Couch, Mrs., ~ .M.Rcadsi h d r.LodDw odce anditor withMrs. rE ' kSmit h a Tro i ntMr. Lsie Lint emdition ta the school, now un- the Bible Study period, com- andMr.Fre Adîr Aline dylatw ek. -_________ der construction, will have paing the pmoblems of Joseph vstr ihMrs. eamlHut i N o m.nS and Mr .siadtwo classrooms and a base- and is family with the pre- day visitin witchiMm. and I Mr. and Mrs. MRayB. Patr-, used by the teachers when! A suitiable poem was read1 Mrs. Grace Toms spent Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson, e 'c I J,~ e , etuiîyro htcnb etdystain Mr. rd yrsinCva. so, r adMmMuiray ater-'III~fIL II sevemal classes are taking bv' Mrs. Brooks Pearce, who Wa iiig hM. a tn Mr. and Mrs. W.n n ng a n musi, etc., together. He said aiso clased the meeting with Mr. aned rs.n Regin. al Ca r .et and MradMs. IuR., the new addition is being buiît, prayer. Mr.odha Ms. Tom nto wm ariehPedwer. anded te Ei.Eso that a second storey may A social time was enjoyed Sunda siofTor ntwith M r e M idia lAie c',i,,the be added in the future, when when refreshmients e sr Sna iioswt r.fut niesr hreD ep lo e NwfRp rtlecessary, andj ill cost slight- ved by Mrs. W. DwMs P e SrMrs. N o r n o! W htb o n te dayL vns ngb ofly over $ 1,0 .0 .A , R. M uir, M rs. R. Bickle, Mm. ndM.LeleAli.Wiyo and rs. Thos Cndn I m ' IqUMIIdhiIkL.*5Stanley Graham whenland Mrs. H. Sweetmnan. Torntoertsapendin a few M.and Mughter L ori neo! M EE speaking ta his nomination said ____i____ Torono isspendng afew f1 aoone seemed ta be intemested 1kr day iitn wihhrsseakville vited wth rie An e o' h t Nw a s l s B o e nasa nth uleUil Ls er aains Mrs. Pearl Hutchinson. Mrs. R. A. MacDuff and fam i eto h ulcUii- Ls erCnda mkm __svstn ihhrsse Okil iie ties Commission because everY paid Ottawa a total of $382 __Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jase ily on Friday and Saturday. Newcastle - Speaking fol-! 1 Declined was the nomination time he cames up for election million in tobacco taxes.____ lowing his election for an i, of H. C. Bonathan for reeve, ________________ eghth term by acclamation on :pmapased by E. A. Walton and FriLayevening, Reýeve Doug- 1 sI oIIIIIflM blIIIIIMmro TO THEELCT RSls J. Cunningham, chaimman! eoddb oadMno VOTE COUCH FOR COUNCIL Monday, Dec. 2nd Fred Couch bas served il years on Council and if elected, will serve your best interests p Your vote and influence wvill be greatly appreciated VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE 'j C) il i CHILDREN'S AID Si Northumberland and WHAT WE A m m ilst. 1 uiuiTc cuiiLsi iriermir

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