HoId Graduation Eitrcises for 19 -S. Courtice Pupils "This is a night which will But whatever you do, grow u /be chcrished in our hearts for* to be fine Christian citizen * the rest of aur lives," said Sus- knowing right from wrong, al a nne Rudkay in her valedic- ways doing wbat is right ri torian address at South Court- matter what the cost." ice graduation. "I do flot need' Mr. Robert Starey then call a slip of paper ta remind me ed an the graduating ciass an( what to say. We, my fellow introduced themn. He saîd i students and I, are pleased and, was glad to be able ta say, hanored to be here tanight ta few words to this class whicl receive aur pins. We waflt ta had camne to him twa year thank aur parents and teachers ago. For same that was the: and ail who contributed ta first adjustment, new teacher thiS night in aur honor". Thiîs new schooi, new problems * was the graduatian party held'new friends. Through thei at Ebenezer Christian Educa- own endeavar, bard work anc tional Centre, November 4th. effort they had won the right .Mrs. Archie Campbell called ta be here tanight. Naw the3 on Miss Alice Arnold ta speak are making their second adc Ia the graduating class. 'It is justment, mare than ever theý &pleasure ta be here tonight are asked ta make decisions ta cangratulate the graduat- mare difficuit than before ing class," Miss Arnold said.'They have reai problems Six of the 19 graduates began which should flot be brushec school life at S.S. No. 4. Al aside, or iaoked upon a, spent six years, except John trivial.. They are struggiing Worden, who spent three between childhood and adult. years, before being moved ta hood. Teachers and parent. the highway schaal. She re- have to give the answers. Le niinded ber students that us not shirk the duty whici Susan Quinton had alsa start- is ours. We set up this miser. ed school' with themn, but had able warid - it is up ta us tc xnaved ta Bowmanville. "You teach the children how tc have now entered a new phase handle it. of yaur education," she said, Tefllwn wr h "which is interesting, exciting presented with their pins b. and challenging. Accept that, Mrs. Campbell: John Warden challenge, enter as fully as, Kenneth Cryderman, Dean passible into ail activities, but Worden, Todd Penfound, Rer- remember your studies corne aid Siblock, Tom Van Camp, first. Lea Christi, Daniel Browr, "I hope this will not be your Wayne Wright, K e n n e th first and last graduation, but Wright, Susanne Rudkay, Loi5 that you will go on ta Uni-'Down, Karen Raberts, Wilhe]- Iversity and graduate from mina Cochrane, Gail Walter, there. Don't give up if things Vicky Ormstrup. Absent were get difficuit, keep on wîth de-, Ane Steenburg, Drew Mc« termination ta reach the goal Lean and Paul Tubb. Yau have set. I would like yoU u snehngaeerve ta think ai the motta of a great d tarann addgvehr ae mnan -«Stil I arn learning'.' w oranadress. Mr. Fred Wright, prograrn ______________________canvenor, calied on Mrs. Cecil .Faund ta introduce the speak- er of the evening. Mrs. Found said she frit we were ver' fartunate ta have Mr. Mel Smith speak ta aur graduating class. Ask the busiest man in town ta do samething and he will always find time. Mr. Smith, she said, bas full time Pyramidemployment ai. General Mo- having drawn up the plans for your the Found home. He is beard each Sunday marning over rail travel savings l CKLB wth the Sinday School with lin tca-operation with the Sal- vation Army, with the retard- r ed chiidren at Orillia, Boys' ' Training School at Bowman- viii 2 and witb the Harbour ftI Light. He is a man who re- 4" alizes the importance af teach- i ng young people. She con- FARESAVER PLAN gratulated the class and a sure they would go home witl- a wish in their heart ta be a fine example like Mr. Smith. See your agent today "This is a nigbt for the grad- uates, something they will nev- _______________________ r forget," said Mr. Smth. "Il idcmocracy ai. work, let's Home Decorating Accesso ries HALLMARK FURNITURE AND WOOD FINISHES - WINDOW BLINDS iCONTACT.. for counter tops, etc. DUNKIT BRUSH CLEANER DUNKIT PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER WALLPAPERS ... rolis or room lots- I PAINTS AND ENAMELS THIX. . . "The Dripless Paint" REZ WOOD FINISHES PAINT BRUSHES, SCRAPERS, ETC Rent Our Wallpaper Steamer 5~King St. W. Bowmanvil le 'hope it will neyer be retrict. ed. I enjoy my wark wi1th Wo Se v u c maladCuto Serve Lunchun tries, it would nat be ailowed. I1 believe everyone has theý haveý a wonderfui opportunityrî c p n s n here," le said, living in homes ' ieis ail uphili, you can ac- l i s' P r d r ns com muh nthies kyouad o.1 ilcomplmshfanything yourhave ta Plans for sçrving lunch ta cesan CWL, Peterborough, 0 cimbo. i sK oee yoursigtsthe participants in the Bow-1 which praised the report she e0 hih. Thi5aomp-ieteifew manvile Santa Claus Paraderecently received af the local erain ductin -a trriicwere discussed at the meet-'CWL's activities during the 1age, with the wboie field o'ing af the Cathoiic Women'sl year. Other correspondence e id oeargadikn. Hli Lall oneld in St. Joseph's ýdealing with C.W.L. Nvork from le "wieae ntheebychne ast o Tuesday evening o? diocesan officiais was aiso h-vereone bas apl an e YouIj E . The president Mrs. read by Mrs. Nowlan. -Eeron hs pan YU,. .Rand, presided.! It was moved by Mrs. Stew- rcan violate that plan. It's u1P Lunch will be served in St. art Chisolm, seconded by Mrs. ita you ta make the choîce. Joseph's Hall, Liberty Street Payne, and carrîed unanimous- rBut try ta, foliow the plan, lay South tram 10.30 o'clock ily that the CWL donate the s, a good foundalon, the most the morning on November 3th flowers for the altar at Christ- ir important part. All of us are until just before the Santaimas. d not able ta make this choice. Claus Parade ta thase who are Catering convenors far the ht Some are not capable af mak- taking part. Mrs. Lea Gouiah coming events were appointed ýY ing decisions, but they are be- seconded by Mrs. Michael as follows: Memorial Park As- 1ing belped." Mr. Smith then Heenan maved that hot choco- sociation Christmas Party, De- Y gave bighiights af variaus late also be pravided by the cember lOth, Mrs. L. Hardcas- 11 hroadcasts fram the Ontario C.W.L., which is also donat- tie; The Dietary Staff af Me- 'e Hospital at Orillia, where ing sugar, miik, caffee, and marial Hospital Christmas ts children liad been given the plastic cups. This was carried. Party, December 1Oth, Mns. ýd opportunity for self expression, Mrs. Rand annaunced that Rand; the Bawmanvilie Lions IS and thus a mirace. Give boys Bruce Myles, Orono, wiil again Club Christmas Dinner, De- g9 and girls an opportunity ta donate 100 dozen doughnuts cember l6th, Mrs. Michael texpress themselves. They will for this Santa Claus Parade Heenan. tfind a footing. They wilI find lunch, and appreciatian ai Mr. Mrs. Rand announced that et tbey belong. Myies' cantinued generosity the Haiy Name Society will ýh r- Mr. Smith piayed a rusty was expressed by the mem- cater for the C.W.L. Christ- tsaw, which lie said was pretty bers. mas Party ta be heid on Tues- to rusty and not u"h goo for The treasurer, Mrs. Bert day, December 17th, and Ontig u tmd eui Payne, presented a satisfac- James Fair, the immediate anythuicbutitmae beutio- tory financiai statement. The past president will be the ca- fui uic wH ith the right apsecretary, Mrs. J. C. Nowlan, tering convenor. sa prun. esid theopust, read a letter tram L. Lucas,l Mrs. Deibert Hendsbee af- swat gremiedhmai peaple, Principal of Bawmanville iered ta donate Christmas ~wbat goad isn that ersYon? gh Scbool, thanking the trees for the haspital dietary V nyercantel tli e gve he C.W.L. for the pnize ta be staff's party and for the CWL's nethe canceltl egv hr awarded for Grade 10 Latin. Christmas Party. Adjournment P, te paker. av s He infarmed the League mnem- was moved by Mrs. Heenan, n~~~~~~ maviosdmasrtasa bers that Miss Saiiy Witheniy secanded by Mrs. G. Prins. mahisvcrlstiiity wit ios saw, is the winner. The prize wili Folaowing the business meet- ihasrncs an trombones aw be presented by Glenhoime ing a social hour was enjoyed. I-armpanieas and tepobne acHughes. A deliciaus lunch was served e, chaied ttepaob r A ietter ai congratulations by the social canvenor, Mrs. * rheCampbell. was received tram Mrs. D. Payne, Mrs. Chisolm and Mrs. Itis possible," lie said, ýMcIlray, president af the Dia- Gouiah. ____ "that not too many af us willý > be great shining iights, but ne- member the littie iights aiong n the shore play an important i1 part. Let's ail do what we C t c -can ta make this world a bet-C o rt c d ter place in which ta live. If L Y' we ail said a prayer for each High School News il other every day, what a wond-- 9 erful place this would be. b la onmn 'e, .Blo;CnreM n "Get your sights set," lhe said, Now thla te ootbmall sea- r GhiebgerR.aGay;eBue- " set them high, face or o httefobl e- hebgrR Ga;Bu1 rproblems, know what your i son has been com'ipleted, the1 birds, P. Williamson, B. Has- e ta do and neyer waste sprs activities at C.H.S. arcl iuk: Swallows, P. Westlake, î- a moment. Each one that is now turned to volleybali and J. Adams. tpasi. will neyer return." basketbali. The junior foot- On Nov. 8th a very iitting r Mr. Campbell thanked Mr. balli.eamn under the able Remembrance Day service d Smith for sharing bis talents!r coaehing assistance ai Mr. F. was heid in the auditorium. r witb us and for gvn the! Wootton and Mr. J. Neshiti. This thougbt-provoking ser- 1 students such a givilnge . did very weil this year by vice was conducted by aur s The meeting wcallee. compieting two playofi gamies principal, Mr. Speers, and hie -order by the singing aof"o I before being eliminated from was assisted by faur Grade 13 Canada", foilowed by the C.O.S.S.A. competition. The students, Norma Gearing,l Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Camp-1 seniors under Mr. J. Brownlec Carole Greenham, Bob Burton bell ecmdtesuetan and Mr K. Dennis did very and Earle Keatiey. The free- r hleicoed the stdents andi well considering that lasti rdams we have were obt.ained cbailenged the arensa t if- ea we did flot have a senior ai. a great casi. by those who -bers ai Home and Schaol r team. Ail teamns are ieverish- fought so bravely. For many -tbey would reaiize at this ly practising for the basket-ý this cosi. was death. smeeting that they had a dt bail season ahead, as Courtice A the conclusion of the 1 toidenify hemslves t a apact odits thi year Iner-ifservice, a well-rpanned as-1 o rganizatian that was trying ta ocpct hsya.It ebypormwspeef give the students a feeling that bahous e tollybl and Borden ed by wu y ar-b precoent- they belonged and were im- .alcmeiin are now tak - tee. aryer-bok comi- portant enough. ing place. The Hauseleaders tri-he fteSettr The inues ere eadandare as ioilows: Cardinais, M. to-ncifo1teSettr tpprhedminte tresrer'sreand,. .introduced humorous imci- apprved Th tresurr'sre'dents all of which could vex'y part, read by Mrs. Jack Col-, istani embroidenies. well be inciuded in the year- lier, sbowed a balance an hand r Mrs. Charles Bettie, presi-l~a dta.Seitoue af $57.75. The roam caunt was'dent ai ail the W.A.'s in the Legs Keatiey, aur star basket- 'taken with Miss Kathleen Deanery or Northumberland, bail player, who said that bis *ae' nant s with7pint pen- and Durhami was in charge of lsuccess was due ta the tact Dave'scls wininthe arrangements for the event' tat hie was big for his ag-3. At the December meeting,!i and introduced the gu esti (Keith is a five-foot fresh- înstead ai a gift excbagespeaker, Mrs. Vandenbossche.,mn.Tecrti aipn each persan is asked to bring e'Toese embraideries wet agift for a retarded chiid. made in Pakistan by simpleedowhaws uoedt The meeting closed with "The village women traîned by aur eorfvui tah t Queen". W.A. missionany, Miss Elsar C.H.S., but instead a maie and Peter, and her nativecar female student dispiayed what, A large, decorated gradua- cl hytogtwn ni h tion cake was the centre ai at- leagues. They are available sbtaf houg! ht e o ite traction and was much en*oylin a variety ai articles and a taff room The favorite n ed. Mrs.Garnet G ynean wide range ai patterns. Thistehrwathnreeedi ed. rs. arnt Gone ad 1the form ai Sandra Scott who bier cammittee served lunch. beautiful shadow wark is em-, 1 ______________ broidered an the best quaîity 1did a marvelous take-off on Swiss organdie using colorý one ai aur female teachers. fast threads," Mrs. Vanden- Favaurite pastîmes of C.H.S. bshe told the adec. suet eete rsne W V.A. Hea rs O o sh sai htwe h r--thents re-then pl, jeÂIl.. I rte 13 years ago game ai Russian roulet, a it mplyedonîy four women. round ai strip poker. The 3 i ssion vvorks 2 illgs.euiryjanigseas fon bawere hersenfte iThere are now 450 wamen in r trfobl paeso h In Pakistan r ug otolyt have food (Esther, Beatrîce, and Nn! forther fmilesbut ta edu-! The program was completed The wonderful work being cate their chiidren, the speak- by the presentation ai Miss done by Miss Elso Peter, ar er pointed out.. C.H.S. Zsa Zsa Hasiuk (a -a- por peaphe .ta 'bec orn'e self re- girls were compelled ta per-' liable, responsible, and inde- iorm those duties ordinarilyil pendent. She iiiustrated ber expected ai the gentlemen aiý [ES tahk with a senies ai graphic, the school (e.g. carrylig! sides. books, opening doors, andrý The articles in the display cleaning black'boards). T he, of samples ai the Pakistani week ended by the girls in- oMen's handwork were fa- viting the boys ta the dance~ 4ýscinating, and were greatly and paying their way in (aý s admired. There were hovely'financial break for the boys). dresses for children and in- During the dance aur Execu-i VAGONSfants, handknit puihovers and tive - B. Mitchell, G. Fraser,' VAG NScardigans for boys and girls in S. Scott and D. Hardie - wer.- attractive colors and designs, each presented with a beauti- r daintiiy embroidered band- fui sweater by the mernbers, kerchiefs, tea cloths, luncheon' of hast year's executive, B. r and dinner cloths, serviettes Burton, M. Thiesburger and ta match, runners, place mats,! A. Youngman, as a token for doileys, tea cosy cavers,aprans, r their work s0 far this year.l geargette scarves and spun We hope they will wear themi silk scarves. Proudly in official Studenti .The viewers were also par- Council functions throughoutl ticularly pleased with the em-. the remainder ai the year. broidered w h ite organdieý Our scbool was twice sad-1 iengths wîth lily ai the valhey dened and sbocked by the un- designs suitable for making up timely deaths aif the Mayor ai into Chrîstening robes, and the Toronto, D a n a 1 d Summer- 1 exquisitely embroidered baby ville, and the President ai the 1 piilow covers. A marvelous United States, John F. Ken-1 1 white runner with poinsettia nedy. The interesi. ai aur stu-i 1lin the traditionai red design dents in current events was! with holly wouid be absalutehy ampiy displayed by their con-i perfect ai. Christmas time. cern over the loss of these two1 nres were taken by Mrs., great palitîcians. I arn sure' Vandnboscheand other ord- that every student joins with i BOWMANVILLE ers may alsa be placed through me in expressing sympathy ta teEvenîng Brarich ai the W. the families and governments A. af St. John's Anglican concernied. i I1II1~. .3IL~5.~A7 oz. Boneless Chicken Tin E.D. SMITH 20 oz. Apple Pie Filling Tin DEL MONTE FANCY 20 oz. Fruit Cocktail Tin _____________________________________________________________________________ & RICHMELLO IGE. 12 oz. SIZE Angel Cakes SIZE 24"s 23C THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. ONLY BRAESIDE NO. 1 GRADE MED. EGGS SEE OUR HAND BILL FOR ADDITIONAL VALUES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY DURING DECEMBER Free Parking Values effective in Bowmianville until closing timne, Saturday, November 3Oth 1963, 6 p.m. Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is uncondition. ally guaranteed to give 1- ILwà CALIFORNIA GROWN FM CRISP HEAD LETTUCE RICHMELLO 3 Varieties DONUTS 2137e