2 The Canadiari Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 27, 1963 and Cournoyer, B3ob Charle- i - - boispoked the loose puck in f rom under Reesor's ]cg. G ens ADannv O'Shea was sitting out GensLose to H b4s a charging sentence at the Troo much Yuan Cournoyer: es to click, stili could have had lime. Vi lse uhn George albatdBcn- t'he Junior 'A" circuit's top 1 a tie, but Bill Smith missed aisda rmtefc-f goal1-getter f ired three goals! the open cage with il secondsans ra fom teac-f ~nd ssitedon he ohertworeminin an golie Raypast Andre Gagnon at î:23 of tnd ssitedon he ohertworeminin an golieRaythe final stanza only to have ~sMontreal Jr. Canadiens Reeson off for a sixth attack-Coryegtitbk21sc edged Oshawa Generals 5-4,1 er. onds later on a glittering solo ai the Memnorial Arena, last Montreal grabbed a 2-0 first effort. 4ight. period lead on a pair of goals Wih Jacques Lemaire sitting sCournoyer, the left shooter by Cournoyer, both with'out a cheap holding the puck Slaying right wing a la captain Andre Boudrias assist- penalty Bobby Orr led a rush .Rocket" Richard, had about-ing. In the secornd Ron Bu-!and put a perfect pass 011 five great chances In the gamne'chanan tapped Bill Little's.O'Shea's stick to once again' §pnd cashed in on ail of them. pass-out int the corner at the draw the Generals 10 ithin a Tuhe Generals who had a f ive minute mark. but after single goal aI 14:30. l-ug ime getting their pass- Reeson had stopped Boudrias Little more than a minute r later Boudrias batted in a f ly- ing puck aftcr Reeson had ELECTORS 0F BOWMANVILLE: made a great save on - who else but - Cournoyer. Oshawa Having had 5 years prcvious ex-*.., claimed that the Habs captain had knocked il in with his perience on Bowmanville Council, : glove, but referce Ken Arth- ur turned a deaf ear towards seringon ariuscomnijîtees, Ihave terpes 1 MonU~therpeals. tomn hr allowed mny namne to stand for elec- IMnra a w e hr on a tripping penalty to Box tion on Monday, Dec. 2nd.1 Lemnieux and another holding the puck eall on goalie Gag. non when O'Shea notched his VOTE AND LECTsecond, Vail and Srnith assist- VO E A D EETing at 19:01.Coc m Chrypulled Reeson with12 seconds remaining, but all Oshawa could do was corne Lloyd- Preslostoneed Lloy Pre toil Three Stars were: Cotir- noyer, Buchanan and Boit- drias. Generals are on TV F O RE VE head to Montreal for a 7:30ýL Turday attrhctin adlto. FOR TRANSPORTATION PHONE 3-3070 Toronto Marîboros here next 1 Tuesday night, 8 p.m.j FOR000 HONEST DECISIONS REmELECT KOOPAER TOWN COUNCIL FOR TRANSPORTATION DIAL 3-3970 Electors of Bowmanville: On Monday, Decenîber 2nd, >,ou wil have the opportunity of electing a new Council. It has been niy privilege to serve you for the past five years as Councillor and 1 -hope to have the pleasuire of serving you for another 2 years. Therefore, I would humibly seek your support at the polis on Dec. 2nd and by the help of God and yours 1 will endeavour lu do my best ... that is ail I can do! I remain your humble servant, WESLEY E. FICE VOTE FICE FOR COýU*NCIL FOR TRANSPORTATION CALL 3-5611 - 3-2044 - 3-3829 - 3-5696 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Next Monday, December 2nd, 1963, the electars of Bowmanville will choose the men who will guide our Towri's destiny for the next two years. It is theref ore important to consider the issues and get out and vote for.the candidates of your choice. VOTE as you like . but VOTE! Published in the interests of good gavernment by Bowmanvillie Chamber of Commerce For Further Information... TELEPHONE 623-5031 TO THE ELECTORS 0F BOWAIANVILLE Having beca a regular and most intcrested spectator at couneil meetings for a long lime, 1 have allowed my naine to stand as a candidate this year. As a rcsideîît of Bowmianville for 35 years, 1 arn prep)arcd, il electcd, to serve the peo>ple lu the best of nxy ability. James Coyle VOTE AND ELECT MAURICE PROUT FOR TOWN COUNCIL PROUTx TO THE ELECTORS 0F BOWMANVILLE: The Municipal Election on Monday Dec. 2nd, should be a very important Issue to everynne. 1 have accepteil nomination to Counicil as 1 be- lieve It presentr a challenge to me at this tinie. Being born anîd educated in Boivmanville and now married with five eilîdren, 1 have paid taxes here for the past 15 years. As a property owner aind taxpayer 1 offer vou lionesty and sincerity In ail duties 1 arn asked to perform if elccted. Vote and Elect MURRAY McKNIGHT FOR INFOWMATIION AND TIRANSP>ORT AT!ION PHONE 623-3157 FELLOIV CITIZFNS: During the past two and one haîf years It bas been my pleasure to serve the public of the Town of Bow4manville ln the capacity of Coun- cillor. In addition to having had the oppor- tunity of participatlng on various committees of ('ouncil It has been MY responsibility to chair the Civic and WecI member of the Finance Committre it has heen my desire ta keep the 196.1 milI rate incease4 to a minimum. 1Ivish to take (hi% opportunity Io express my sin- cere wvish to rePresent you again, this finie however, as your Deputy Reeve. You have my pledge that every effort %vill ho made ta proteet and develop Your interests ln Ihis comnmunity May 1 have Your support on I)ecember 2nd. ANNIE NI. OKE. VOTE AND ELECT OKEo ANNIE DEPUTY REEVE Af fer 21 VOTE the soda water at Bagnell's'ycar. muscumn visitors who callie confectionery store. and Man- The Victoriatn parlour has last year or even eafi«rti .ning's (Grand Central> before a horsehaîr suite and a big 1 year will f ind items notihown that; other articles such as square piano made in the Do-I efore. Don't forget, last da3's the nietal tea and coffee potsî minion Organ & Piano Co. for his season arc Satuî'd used in the Alma Hotel, built factory, xvhich were not there and Sunda', 2 to 5 p.in. FOR R E EVE Sidney Ziuile 0 0 0 e Mayor For 3 Years 0 Reeve and Deputy mReeve For 13 Years Partially respansible for a greater road rebate f rom Counties Council for the Town of Bowmanville. In soliciting your support I pledge ta do my best for the ratepayers of the municipality. l* FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS PLEASE PHONE 623»5172 Museum 'FROM PAGE ONE) are changed each year, and one of this year's features lias been an oid tirne store carry- ing goods from ribbons and' corsets ta patent medicines,, ]Jamp chimneys, and hog cure.i Several items have been acquired during the sumnier,- some of which are shawn now -such as the amazing lookingr Vote For PAUL CHANT FOR TOWN COUNCIL MONDAY, DEC. 2md Six Years on Public School Board Six Years on Recreation Department In terestedin i Positive, Progressive Administration of Town Affairs If( Il VOTE A.C."Bert" PAYNE FOR COUNCIL HE OFFERS FAIRNEýS, SINCERITY AND HARU WORK Monday, Dec., 2nd Poils opern 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Let's See Ou r Town years FOR INFORMATION in success fui businessý$ OR TRANSPORTATION 0 0 0 HERBERT W. "1RED"y Il QUALIFICATIONS e.e.eGo Aheaid1 here in Bowman ville, I believe I can help with a progressive, active, energetic pro- gram . .. if elected a member of Town Coun cil! FOR on MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd POLLS OPEN 9 a. m. UNTIL 6 p. m. Phone 623-m5418 or 623-m3443