fAutumn Wedding in -9 MM 9*5~ (i $4.95 to $6.95 MEN'S FOAM TREAD $2.98 to $4.98 if CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS ------ from $1.98 up WOMEN'S CUDDLE PUPPIES ---- $1.98 to $4.95 SAMSON SKATES WOMEN'S $10.95 to $14.95 GIRLS' FIGURE SKATES $8.95 MEN'S $10.95 to $29.95 1 BOYS' $7.95 to $14.95 Trade-Ins Accepted On New Skates St. J oh n's Ch urc h j Zion (Hope Township) Te Canadian Statesmn, Bowmanvlle, Nov. 27, 19635 Sunday, Nov. 17 was Lay.- Luke 10: ver. 25-37. The. the Newtonvflle U.C.W. bazaRr man's Sunday at Zion United' theme of h'smssg asllast Friday and enjoyed a Church. There was a fair* ov h Neighbour as'pleasant afternoon. attendance of the Zion, Mor- thyseif" and closed the serv-1 The sale of Mr. Harold Cas- rish congregation.cevhrar. well's farm stock implements The service was conducted Mr. Dawson Beebe and Mr., and furniture was well attend. bY Mr. S. Dickinson, Zion and Fred McConnell, Morrish, re-, ed last Saturday afternoon. Mr. George Tufford of Wes- ceived the offering. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traver, ]eyville. Mr. Dickinson open-; Sunday Sehool followed at Fenwick, spent Sunday with ed the service, used Psalm 699 il a.m., with a fair attendance. their daughter and son-in-law, as the responsive reading andý Mesdames E. Caswell, R. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Raby. made the announcements. ýMorton, C. Irwin, R. Gerow,: Mr. Harry Raby, Stirling, :i Mr. Tufford toId the ChiId- M. Irwin, R. Best, C. Meneil-, was visiting with relatives at ren' Stry, eadscrinture , ean Hilda Raby attended Roseberry Hill on Friday. Justi holcis any WITTNAUER watch 'tiI Christmas Corne In And See Our Large Selection 0f.. WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND WORK BOOTS SNOW BOOTS - SKI BOOTS - RUBBERS Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan Spacious FREE PARKING at Rear of Store LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King St. W. Bowmanville Pictured above are Mr. and Mrs. Morley Ross Farrow whose marriage took Place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bawmanville, on Saturday evening, Octo- ber 12, 1963, at 7:30 o'clock. Formerly Caroline Elizabeth Sopko, the bridie is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sopko of Whitby, and bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farrow of Starkville. Photo by Astor Studio Diplomaf AII.Proof, braiceJet-..-.... $59.95 Mormoid AIPnf..............$59.95 Elottro-Chron AitProof electrie.... $99.50 CountesaGod.filied, bracelet...... 8500 Wittnauer watches Jrom $39.95 HOOPERS Jewellery & Gift Shop 29 KING ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE AUTHORIZED ezae.JEWEL.ER eé.' WMENS 69~ L U G A E -- -- -- -- -- -- --$ .9 -5 U a . ý by McBRINE MEN'S ROMEOS - -y- r