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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1963, p. 6

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TheCaadan taesanBomavileNo. 2, 96 and were used as bases for attaciv lmshr ande-Bing o Crowds Growing Mf aimai, and birds and ap-S Hancrft Ql Dspayatpeared most realistic. Perhaps Memora Park so Hand raft on isply at the most fetching was a tiny Makes forawn T. Cuffe, age 18, had a dis-M o e o t o aIr i~I~L (" nfr~ play of remarkable handcarv- O p flfl1 ning f ob y en re Ing. There was a large head President Margaret Jeffery be removed to provide space with a totem effeot in cedar, presided at the meeting of for the Bingo caller's booth. walut hesimnand a sniall Memorial Park Association This was seconded by Mrs. Visitors to the Hobby Cen- hs who attended. and pottery trom Kay Forseys walnut image.- held recently in the club- Mars.ara one Bru c reen tre, Ontario Street, on Satur-~ The dispay of woodwork studio, 66 Ontario Street, by The Bowmanvile and Dis-Ms rne Buepeet day aîternoon and evening, by Bob Kin near, 135 Elgin Mrs. Forsey and her students. trict Aquarium Society had huenTPark resen.ed the- uav ialeaeneofi the Nov. lth, and on Sunday af- Street, included many excel- There weïe several attractive tanks of picturesque tropical HlnPr rsne ai-uaodbeasneo h tmOn weeurssdby lent exampes of ha ndtooled green leal broocheS made by fish on display. The specta- fctory financial statement convefor, Mrs. Annie Dilling. thie marvelous displays of inlaid and parquet articles. Mrs. . .Mcoaland a tors thwuto, nd arie. hatth ktcen eric & hadiratsan hbbies. Rev.1 There was a handsome serving w.hite urn by Miss Audrey tiger barbs, striped like the was seconded by Mrs. Dorcas Mrs. Greta Luxton, movec W. H. Crawford, Enniskilen, bowl and individual salad Fletcher, as well as a deep jungle animals, black lace oadcrid httekthnsrieb ottficiated at the officiai open- bowls, a lovely fruit bowi, Plum bowl, and a toreador angels. silver angels, and Mrs. Annie Clapp present- brought up to 125, and the jng at one o'cock on Saturday and trays. A beautiful repro. bOwl in dalmatian black and black platies wîth orange tails ed the Euchre report. On a motion was passed unanimous- afternoof. Miss Helen Van duction of the famous picture white with bridai veil by Miss and fins, motion by Mrs. Dorcas Mut-y. jI»en, who had purchased of The Last Supper made en.- Fletcher. One of the most fascinating ton, seconded by Mrs. Helen The president, Mrs. Jeffrey the building, arranged anditireiy in fine embroidery was A smart ashtray hand mod- displays at the Hobby Centre Park, it was decided to dis- announced that the Memorial Iplanedthe obb Cenrelhownby rs. innar. eiled in terra-cotta dlay, and was one of Polish handcrafts continue the Tuesday euchres. Park's Christmas Party dîn- Ïeich is available for groupsl There was a wonderfiii ex- a cleverly detailed African belonging to Chester Borek, Mrs. VI Thompson In sub- Cathoilcaoen'reagoruye o and individuals, welcomed aill hibition of superb ceramies mask has. been desîgned and Hampton. There was a magni- mitting the Bingo report stat- Detcb er t. Onagumon ____________________________________________made by Mrs. Ken Nicks. The ficent handcarved w o o den ed that attendance at the by Mmbrs.Bety Richardstsec statue of a golfer in the midst eagie with wide wingspread, Bingos had picked up won- n by Mrs. MutRihrdsTerry of completing a drive had a extraordinary pictures Of PO'- derfully since the addition of te n e rinMrelntnenry Mdynamic appearance, and it îsh dancers and scenes form- the $100 jackpot. Mrs. Dorcasfo the Chtristrnrty, Menrs Mwas the original handwork of ed entirely of straw, a black Mutton moved that a piece of So heyCowsta a y Mrs.s 623558 poode ornmenthadelbyorate smokngdse wit'Itray BO M NVLE Ken Nicks. A black French lacquer carved and gold dec- the partition at the archway bel Sweetman, were appoint- _______________________________________ Mrs. Amy Tait was also at- match-holder, and cigarette Duasinsess Direclory ed.1wsdcde htec tractive. box-, amber beads in a neck -________________________ Thurs. at 7.30 and Sat. at 7 & 9.30 Two other pupils of Mrs. lace, and a large doil dressed member bring a prîze, mini- il orsy, ho ad pecall inautentc Plis cotum. A :C ui an c y mum 25 cents and maximum striking articles in the show A highlight of the show was 5 cents, to be used for the weeaisDouice ndMis the demonstraton of spinning RAY .. DTLING games. Also that each mem- 10 IANu Cf Iris Fowler, Oshawa. A black by Dr. Doris Tremeer. She Chartered Accountant ber bring a present for the EXCELLET COMED chip and dip dish with over- was the centre of an interest- 93 Church Street gift exchange, value 75 cents. EXELETCO EV lay of jewelled glaze, an eye- ed circle as she carded the 623-3861 The association will cater catching red poinsettia on a1 combinge from her Samoyed& 0ADJ~ RO for a wedding reception on Starring Jack Lemmon, Shirley MacLaine black plate, and hand modt-1- and spun themn into fluffy ChOareD JAcc Bouta nt Shirley Cwan anad Mc Aduits - 75 cents Iled ashtrays by Miss Fry werc white wool. An evening wrap. Thrteed in B anpty hiterygconorfr s aeven rnuch admired, as was th- cardigan, scarves, gloves andTSutee 05W 725.9953 erial Pavnrk soria vet chip dish in soft greens with mittens knitted from the OSea0W Shoppng 5Cent e moilPr soito Fi two7 tinySft.ish for dips made Samoyed wool were also di- will also cater for a banquet Fn a 7an St.maineby Miss Fowler. played. Also wools spun frorn WM. 3. IL COGGINS on December 7th, and Mrs Among the outstanding work other dog combings includ- Chartered Accounitant Annie Dilling will be the ca- of Mrs. Forsey's that was dis- ing examples from a New.- Second Floor tering convenor. *"lTh e I igh t>' L rsus played were an exquisite hand foundland dog, Keenshund, New Library Building Mrs. GraceDong ve modelled Talisman rose on a Chow and Pomeranian. These Cor. King & Temperance Sts that a Birthday Box be start Color Adventure taîl pale yellow vase, a scenic were dyed by Dr. Tremeer Phone 623-3612 ed by the association. This wa. vase called Fiesta in Venice, with the natural dyes such as YALE, FRIEDLANDER seconded by Mrs. Dorothý a deep sea green scraffito goldenrod, plumn bark, sumac, & COMPANY Leaman, and carried. Plar * Opn Sun. Dec. 1 to Sat. Dec. 7 work plate, tules decorated in black walnut hulis, and chic- CatrdAotantp for the Benefit Bingo for thE golden scraffito work, also ex- ory. aee Acu Santa Claus Parade were dis. Matines Sat. 2 P.M. quisite bird tules copied fromn Licensed Trustees cussed and completed. Ad. old prints of the designs ein- In Bankruptcy journiment was moved by Mns broidered on panels by Mantha OBTTUARY 164 King St. E. 728-7371 Dorothy Leaman. "Th T ril o I A Wahigtn.Othawa, Ontaio - Following the business a so. "The ThriIIsofndUthAil"in l MRSashtrayD S. Pgem-N MONTEITH m MONTEITH cial hour was ejyd n Delightful in Color . ~ gaeadohr IFE RIEHL & CO. delicious lunch was served b3 jewelled tear drop shapes at- The death of Mrs. Wilfred 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Mrs. Muriel Terry, Mrs. Greti Doris Day, James Garner, Arlene Francis tracted the viewers, as did a S. Pogson, 493 Athol Street Chartered Accountants Luxton, Mrs. Yvonne Ec Fr. St.a 7& .1 and-painted blackberry plate East, Oshawa, occurned on 728-7527 mondson, and Mns. Rose Ov Seen to Thurs. 7.30 P.M. r.&Sta 7&91 wreathed with flowers. An Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1963, at Partners: ery, the membens of the luncl emç'rald green handkerchîef Steckley Clinic, Oshawa, after Hn .W otih ...cmite Vlembers A uxiliary ras Nov. 18 wscarried. Following the business meet- ing a social hour was enjoyed and bingo was played. A de- licious lunch was served by Comrades Carter and Burton, the social convenons. YELVERTON Four New J (Intended for last week) Thertvebermeeting o!f f L g o Yelv rto U *C.W was held at I e g o 0the Church Hall and opened in due form. Mrs. Ted Spnce- i ly convened the devoi,% .flIT a e o !eMrs. Jerry Bristow reCad -I i i t d o SScnipture. Janet had a very Four new members, Com- intenesting topic on missioni rade Agnes Sheehan, Ruth study iBarclay, Marion Perfect and ie Minutes were read andlLouella Williams were initiat- i adopted and 19 membersIed in an impressive ceremony g.answered the oll. Tneasurer's at the meeting of the Bow- l report was given by Marijorie manville Ladies' Auxiliany to id Stinson. Connespondence in. the Royal Canadian Legion le cluded a donation of $5.00 toi held in the Legion Hall, Queen ie U.C.W. and a letter fromI Street on Monday evening, S- Sophie. Plans were made to, Nov. 18. repair and tune the recently President Audrey Bate of- ,acquired piano in chunch f iciated. She was assisted by al basement. A donation o! $15() Ilst Vice-President Rena Bath- l- wps made to the Church gate. The Colon Party was ie Tneasury. An additional sup- formed by Sergeant-at-Arms in ply o! chinawane is to be pur-1 Jean Burton and Standard- in chased. Plans were made to Bearer Georgina Carter. - dlean the church hall floor: Comnrade Hilda Humphrey ywith a rented machine, to be was the acting treasurer in the rs operated by Fred Stacey.1 absence of Treasuner Ruby -.Meeting closed with Benedic- i Palmer, who is a patient in ation. ' Memorial Hospital. A satis- Lora Wlso cnveed hefactony fînancial statement t- orn Wiso covend te;was presented by Comrade pnogram: Piano solos by Ruth Humphrey. -I Wilson and Janice Stacey, and Catering plans for the Stag -a reading by Peggy Stacey. Night Dinner in the Legion ni Hostesses for the abundant Hall on Thursday, Nov. 22 ta le lunch wene: Mns. Isabelle Wil- raise f unds to assist the Bow- - son, Manjonie Stinson, Eileen manville Santa Claus Parade ie Malcolm and Corree Malcolm. were discussed, and completed. eiSeveral Yelvertonians have Comrade Florence Knight was )n attended the Royal Winter the catering convenor. 7Fair this past week, while President Bate announced a-ýothers plan to do so this week.'that the nomination and elec- IL. Mr. Ken Wilson will be tion of officers for the comn- )exhibiting hscî ~1h ing year would be held at next his alf in lem eetng of the Auxiliany on t; Queen's Guinea Class on December 2nd. s.! Thursday and Frîday. Good.i Committee reports were luckKen!given as follows: Bereavemnent, A few from this community President Bate; Kitchen, Com- dattended the presentation on rade Millie Bates; Birthday Satunday evening ini Bethanv Party and Birthday Box, Com- as Township Hall held in honour 'rade Grace Murdoch. y, of Mr. and Mrs. Rod Porter on The Bowmanville Ladies' ns the occasion of their 25th Wed- Auxiliany to the Royal Can- h.e ding Amniversary. adian Legion will hold its anulChita Pryo ~..Mrs Aue Vn Dr MenMonday evening, December rs. and Roxanne of Bowmanvlle, 6th , a d t e m b rs o wereweeendguess wthBranch 178 will cater for the her parents, Mr. and Mrs. dinner. It was moved by io Frank Glasbergen Sn.CordMiieBtsscn- a ord ileBtsseod by A parent-teacher night was ed by Sergeant-at-Arms Jean a held at Yelverton S.S. No. 1 Burton that each member 1- on Thursday evening afford- ýbning a $1 present for the ex- v- ing the parents an opportun- change of gifts, and that a h ity to discuss with the teacher card with the donor's name be 11-- i f +ho*>* A,.n , A .1 Office 623-5681 Residenco 623-5493 Heard about the savings boing. ottorsd on quality Auto Insuranco? You may bc able ta reduce your auto insurance preniium and stiUl have protection in a top quality company of The Hartford Group. Savings for drivers under 25 wha have completed an approvcd driver training course, and dis- ,counts if you insure two or more cars with us, arc just two ways you might reduce your cost. Let usreviewyourcompletc needs an.d. prepare a preznium quotation. STUART B. ey JAMES Â INSURANCE REAL ESTATE

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