M_ The Canadien Statemfnian, Bo w..anville, Dee. 4, 1@63 1 §laine Mountjoy 7,U,,,ves Valedictory «A Cartwright H. S. é,. -Miss Elaine Mountjoy, hon- mencements that came and .f'Iraduate of Cartwright passed like milestones in our ~.~ThScho1,Blackstock, and tiign school career, and former .'sehtly enrolled at Queen's graduates whn disappeared ?'jMvérsity Kingston, deliver- from our view into a new and , 1&e following valedictory different world. Tonight we &Is6 at Commencement Ex- are those graduates. #I1es, Frday, November 22. We can recail our high ,.:,,Mr. Paisley, members of the school days with affection -tfand board, graduates, now. and we feel almost like 2%ei~ts and friends : Tonight, a parent patting his child oný 4efow graduates, we are the head as we watch present haring out last commencement students, younger versions of e-?t¶'lthe students of Cart- ourselves, filling our places iv"iË High School. It is my and living the lives we used, '-honou*r and my privilege ta to live. ,jlak for you as we look back When September days have ïi_'»life that we shared with their back-to-school flavour r»1ea few short months aga. and textbooks stili smell new,! b 1~-temember former com - these students will practice for field day and the Tri-School meet, and go home with saw- À dust in their noses - as we did. When November days feel ~NY WARD WE snaw in the air they will order NY 44WA DS W jEider and donuts, and look for ÂjOlN AVME WON, bales of straw for the Sadie _ HY AVE OUTj- Hawkin's dance; and they wil rCARS FoeA Jes ,J6 Temperance St. FI.ine Mountjoy spend a whole day downtowu while at the "Royal" - as we did. They boa will play games ta the lune off basebaîl bats and hockey sticks. Tbey wilt [attend plays in Stralford and From the dreamas o! a !ew music loyers, sibting around a kitchen table in the spring off 1954, developed anc off Can- ada's top junior bands, the Lindsay Kinsmen Band that took part in bbc colorful Santa Claus Parade here on Satur- day. Unfortunately, the cx- treniely cold winds made play- ing i-ost difficult. These few'people decided ta caîl a meeting for any parents wvbo had a child that would like 10 play in a band, and bbc idea was an immediate suc- cess, with approximately 60 pîiruc,.ts tuî'niug up for bbe meeting. An executive and !mothers auxiliary-was formed. that first nigbt, and even lhouch tbey bad no money, instruments. uniforms or band-« master bbe Lindsay Boys and Gir'ls Band was on ils way. The parents supplied the instruments, a t e m p a rat-y bandmaster was engaged, uni- forms werc made, and practis- es were hcld. Very shortly a permanent bandmaster was employed, in the persan off Mr. Frank Banks, who is silîl con- ducting bbc band. After one short year off training, Mr. Banks conducted the band in the Waterloo Music Festival, where they won bigh bonours, and from that day on the baud neyer iooked back. The Lindsay Kinsmen Club became bbe sponsor off tbc band and bhc name was chang- cd ta the Lindsay Kinsmen: Boys and Girls Band which was laber sbortened to the Lindsay Kinsmen Band. This club deserves great credit for their support and encourage- ment for the band. Since their formation tie band bas played at a great many functions, and have won many trophys, which in- clude the lst prize at the Can- adian National Exhibition lu 1961, and the department trophy- from bbc C.N.E. for Iwo years, '62 and '63. Tours have been made bhroughout Western and Norîheru Ou- tario, and la Tht-ce Rivei's and Shawinigan Falls lu Quebcc. The bighlighl. la date, ou their tours w'as their trip lu July of 1962 Ia the Calgary Stamipede. On this occasion flot onîy did they wiu the prize as the best brass baud in bbc parade, but they lbad tbc honour, that very fcw Can- adian bands have enjoyed, off opcning the Stampede ilselff. The band bias played for two National Conventions offlbbc Kinsn'en Club, anc in Toronta and one lu Hamilton, and on bathi occasions i'eceix'ed a standing ovation durniw their concert. The baud last Scplem- ber bad tbc honour off plaviiîg fort-hbb famous R.C.M.P. Mus- icaI Ride. Many personal medals have heen won by the menibex's lu music festivals and rampe- litions tbraughout the prov- ince. The bandmnastcr, Mr. Frank Batiks, as wvell as tutoring the 53 regular baud nmembers and 15 junior memnbers. îs presi- dent of the Ontario and Que- bec l3aiîdm-as-xcrs Association. and w..as the direcla'of f the Ilt-st music camip bcld by tbe Association iu Beavertan last summer. The baud mcm bers Iheinr selves are alread *y lookiný forw.ard ta a tour next surn mer', which couîd possibly bý oulside aur province. -Photo courlesy Waichmar. Warder, Lindsay. Famous Lindsay Band Takes Part ln Santa-Claus Parade irSlffiboPe ~T~EA$UR1 -- ORDER YOUR --cCHRISTMAS FOWL SHOICE, TENDER ~ELICIOUS PHONE4 SBOWMAN% LOCKER ýTKing St. W. 6 . 0 NOV CHICKE GEESE DUCKS HAMS 623-5 578 viLLE FRIGI ýSYSTEM Bownîai in Tor'onto with a spi rit of Il independence and adventure, haviour, as we did. And when they reach Grade 13, they will discover that Grade 13'ers are'E p e s s T a k once thought they were, but are just a few years removed We will always remember During Nomination meeting year Reeve Little and Deputy 1963, our graduating year. November 25th, Mayor Hobbs Reeve Stevens took this mat- Former friends had followed thanked his nominators and ter up and our town now re- der f were p throndwn oe expressed his appreciation of ceives an additional road re- werelef wee trow clserthe acclamation accorded him bale, which means thousands together, sharing the same, to be Mayor of Bowmanville of dollars for Bowmanville." ideals and the same goal. Op.r 'for another two years.1 "In 1962 our budget reduced future dîd flot seem a reality "I is unusual to see such a the mili rate for Bowmanville -' until our final examiflatioris lre ubr popepes- by 2.6 milîs. Wc budgeted for lausince s mb a orl of ctnt in the counceil chamber, another reduction of the mili dstiobln. We rctur ntonit, and on behaîf of counicil I rate in 196:3, and hoped lu aslilblinkting act eo, would like to say we are grate- make a reduclion of 2 milîs, and sîlil gcttring cstoedt fui ta the Canadian Statesman, but the public school grauls * aOur hnew bcarings. cti the Oshawa Times and CKLB amountcd to 8 milîs. 1 arn not Our ighsehol eucaionfor covcring the council mecl- criticizing the school board, bas been somcthing we had to ings and kecping people ln- but 10 point out that while xve do and wanted ta do well; and! formcd of what occurs," His did riot want ta spend in ex- the habits that were developed Worship said. cess, we found that we had and applied there, we carry, He told the nomination to incur a six milîs increase with us. We owe a great debt'meeting that some years ago due ta school requirements. to the community which takesý at County Council when hie "Iu the last two years we an interest in school affairs,twas Deputy Reeve he and have expanded industrial wise Io the school board and ta our Reeve Little tried ta obtain more than in many years in leachers who hold the school an increased rebate on roads Ihis community Il Mayor Hobbs together, and ta aur parents. for Bowrnanville but did not slated, and he praised the who want us ta have the best* succeed at that lime. 'Last work o! Councillor Glenholme Mis off everything.- Hughes, chairman off the In- Suit We must also want the best Sunday afternoan guests off dustrial Commission, and the for ourselves. We are givefi Mr. Robert Sim. other members of the commis- dget the opportunity ta learn how, or orpr r.Fe in to iv an t lie o lar.,Partner was rushed ta Memor- Referring 10 Roads and * We are given the chance to a1 optl owavle tetste Myrsi explore opr1ntes ofid1ialopitaBwavle teesteMyrsi a o pp torni d ties find win a heart attack early pretty fair job had beeri doue goal aisnto r t oward n Frida *y morning. there. "Over the ycars storm- there is nyofgralerii tan - Sympathy off the enlire] sewers had been suggested, jec, ad n geatr snseo!community gocs out ta Mr.' and now that there is a 50 per ject an nogreaer ens ofand Mrs. Rye Gibson on the cent subsidy for this, the town NS accomplishment than a goal tragic dcath off their son-mn- is able ta do lwice as much acheve. A wepurue uraw, Mr. John Wright, w~ho for the moncy il would prev- future way off life, aur hih'ivas instantly killed Friday1 îously have cost, and 2,87.7 school motta, "per aspera ad night on Highway 35 and was feed have been laid," he stal- astra"I will lead us through ie MndyadofM.e. diffculiesta uccss. MayGibson's aunt who was buried' Surfacing admlhn f you climh high, climb far, on Salurday. 10 miles of roads having becu ~orgolth ky u i Home & School Friday donc, one and a half miles of the star.1 nighl, Dec. 6th. sidewalks have becu laid. ____ -Mrs. Fred Blows, West Hi-]. "The employecs under 1h"ý was a Wednesday afternoon supervision of T. K. Stewart LONGu SAULT visitor of the McLaggaans, and are working well, and Mr. Mr. nd rs.Jams Sith Stewart's work on roads is Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Langley and famnily and friend Robby, excellent. We will have belter and familY, off Bowmanville,' Ajax, were Sunday guests. roads afler the slormi-sewer- D were Sundav afternoon viSi«-r To the eleven gals frorn the ing is completed,"hle said. M.and Mrs. j. c. Cook clothes and more clothes tj cd Ihat in the last îwo vears wereSunay uppe gusîsof'brave the cold north wind and contracts have been negotiat- the Smiths. play on the Sauta Claus par - d wih the Ivorks departnment Miss Allvson Tobin and Mr. ade in Bowmanville, Satur- aud with the police. This is ville Keith Jackson, Peterborough. daY, wc say bravo! Hope for .au additional cost, but corne0s Mis atv aris ad rindll il ftreffects. with the limies, lie added. KaeBowmanvil le. wei'e Mi'. and Mrs. John Vanexk 'i Cic. )n Culri and ffarilv were Sundav su I) Fire. and Public irPnev per guie.ts off Mir. I. W. Lar- commlIittees; have becu x'ery UN ~ mer. Millbrook. active iu the ast lwo vi SW *Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaucvk Iand have douie a gond ion." wee atrdN upergnsî the Mavor said. lie spoke off AA of Mr. aud Mrs. H. DeMille. the gond work off 1the sii I o E un T s o , and Sundav -BorteLbav ord Alffred Milîson. Recreabion Comiiuitcc, an I- --the Committre o~f Alui,- ments. "We are privileged to LIZA ETH ILLE have a fine Planning Board. ,E ELZABE HVIL E Weare verv forbuinate tn ha\(,, thî- boar'd," he stated ep? q 5 Chui'ch services and Suindia,\îci. 5school wei'e held as usual. The Mavor aiso spok', OChurch services will be here strongly off the importance off b e 9 hon the 8îh. those ou COLnucil dev.oting a Mr. and Mî's. H. Quantril reasonable amoutit off lime ta attended the Federation Ban-' catixcil work. should aî'i' quel ai Blackstock on Salur- mnember not do so his work *A l L D day. falîs ou the shnîî!deî's off h.: h of Bnwmanville and 1-à mile Gea. McGahey's hatisehold calleagutes. "Ta get a job done por Pery ia ighav A.sale on Saturdas' was posîpon- give it 10 the busiest mari a., Port erryvia Hghwa 7A.ed and will be 'the 7th off Dec. he is the anc who will do i Several in the communitvý best." he said. BRED shopped in Peterborough dur'- "I amn grateful bo depart- 'ng Rileways week of sales. !meut heads. Town Hl]pcr- :A TT E HE D iMr. and Mrs. O. Mercer hadIsonne], police staff for the'r :Â u-'rLE HEA Steven Fajt for Sundav ,wor-k and coopet-ation. It pringing Younz Cows and 2-year- while his parents, Mr. and* only by working together that 'alves for Calf Club prospects ini Mrs. J. Fajt, visibed wîlh Mr.!nIuCh cari bc accamplislied for er classes. and Mrs. Provost, Belleville. the gaod off the mncplt, ýase our alf lub alf.Miss Jane Foster, Kendal. Mavai' Hobb 'z said. ase ourCaî Clb Cîf.called ta sec Suzanne Thick- "The numnber off nomindî- BLOOD TESTED son on Saturday and she 's lions indicales intlerest, aiid naw at Kingston for three the town muist bc iu goal1 xport. Ail cattie tested or months off her nursing course. shape ta have people lut-n out tfied area herds. Miss Bery'l Thickson. Osh- as \,'ou have iurned out ber"ý awa, visited at ber home on tonight.- the Mavor said. UARY 30th AT 1:00 P.M. Sundav. "I thank vair again for Somne o! the Muldrews from electing me as Mayor for Auctioneer: Oshawa were down over the another two years, An'; d'- weekend. (isions I make will be the HOWARD TREVWIN, Biackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar lrwin result off mv sincere and hon- and famil '. Oshawa, visited est opinion at the lirme.* ___________________________ with Mr. and Mrs. E. White, Mavar Hobbs assured his ils- on Sunday. 'teners. I AN( 1-lb. 2-Ibs. MiedNuts 59c 10 MHSINCEDPIE IADilY BEFrit 1-1b. 2-lhs. M N E I Choclate 87c1.6YHOS PITALITY Choolte 87 169BLUEBERRY PIE ('HRISTM.NAS- Pkg. off 6 Pkg. off 12 D MSE' (andy Canes 25c 49C DAPEROLL DEMPSTER 'S MOCHA SQUA "Easy ta Peel," Navel 1.2, Hc 'c K RES- K49ji 113's Size Dozen Sunkist Oranges 49c n'orida Marsh Scediess Size 96S I'.S. No. 1 (Grade Frceh 10-o',. Bars Grapefruit lOfor 69c SPINACH 2 for 29c Choice New ealand Lamb Sale! SIIORT CUT WHOLE OR HALF'MOTu LEG O' LAMB lb 45c Lamb In a Basket oat- <'hnnD,- Stew Vl- Ooe r nIH.'~ LOIN0' LAMBÀ29 c Front O' Lamb 1c ,lpine or Prîmrose chopped55 Burns Pure Polik mm al i 1k4 STEAKETTES 55b Sausage lb pkg49 Bowmanville IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE-I flDT'T'TADV 1¶Palibearers: 'Messrs. C. flich'- OBITUARYardson. Wni. Miller, J. Pay ne, WMIN. KEITH BRADLFT I Trick, G. Fisk. W. Fallis.1 The deaîh off Wmn. Kciîh Bradley occurred suddenly at Zi bis borne, R.R. 3, Pontypool, §f Now Available ii an Wednesday November 20, 1963. He \vas in his 651h year. yffo Son off the laIe Thomnas Brad- W o IlyadAmelia Blewett Brad- fF tie S so the Township off Clarke, 101h C Concession. and atlcncd Fn- v terprise School, Clar-ke Town- m_ ship. On November 3, 1920, M he married the former Gcrt- rude Kirk who survives. ' Mr. Bradley bad resided lin Pontypool for 20 years. dur- ing whichl ime lie owned and tu operated a retail store there.Y Prior ta moving la PontY'pool, Ihe had lived at R.R. 3. Ponty- pool for 23 years. The deceas- ed operabed a fat-m for 31 ycars, and was also a Cock-Y shutt dealer for 30 years. The deceased reirci from ute business in Pontypool three A xveeks priar ta bis death. t-e- 9 turning ta bbc farm properby je A deliciouis 11 lat R,R. 3, Panlypool wher'e he Y had lived before m ta 'ft Non-Alcoholic Drink' theVilageof o ing W1- Mhe Bradley w'as an adher- Vilg9f onyol ent of teUie Church, Rnd 1, Quart 6 5~C Lodge, Pontypoal. Surviving besides bis wviffe off Pontypool. and four grand- W rhildren. A sister, AIma WJhibe e2 noff Orona, also survives. The funeral service was held Y D o, ry g9 from the Pontypool UJnited SChut-ch. on Salut-day, Novem- ~ hn 2-44 ' jebe 3rd., and was conducbed -M b ' Rex'. Picrcy off Bethany. i, 98 King St. W. l- Inlet-ment %v.as in McCrea's !e TREWHA CONSIGIb SA L Thurs., Decer 17.: 1963 - 1:00 p To beTRW VE held alt EW A E which is on the Scugog Road 15 miles nort soutb of Blackstock or 7 miles east of 1 .50 WE OFFER PURE HEADc HOLSTEIN C ,We are offeringr a uefi et roup of Fresh and Si nids, as weiI as a number of Yearlings and C both senior and Junioi Dont Miss This Opportunity to Pureh2 ACCREDITED - VACCINATEIJ The majority are ready for Immediate e eligible to enter listed or cert NEXT SALE WILL BE UELD JANi Saie Managed by: TREWHAVEN FARM LTDo ReR. 1, Burkcton, Ont. Phono Blackmtoek 986-4957 1 a ki