with Mr. and MrS. IKen May- The Canadian Statian ozavle e.416 berry and family. <1/se ,x~~~Îe 944~~~ Speaker Describes Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brant- irTîI9 tBoanflto~rik ford, Mrs. Otis Pritchard and BDASE L .ali tn 6yas80a son Paul, Manotick.. wereMrc 1719,mare weekend visitors wth the lat- On Tuesday afteron r.fre Mroi re k Gordon Anew, Edior Phone987-4482 Apple Industry ai ter's nother, Mrs. L. C. Snow, J. R, Metcalf, accmaidb, uvvs GodnA n wE io hoe9748 den, and brother Bob, and at- Mrs. Glenn MetcaeOhw.I Teazu L ions /V lee tir, ~ ~tended the 50th weddng anni- attended a birthdaypryi lyeo h Li ns C l bihe inversary oenhouse at t ýhonor of Miss TIdce nuh -. 3 Seats Change I ~om m unity9 Lions Centre for Mr. and Mrs.I Bowmanville. mnîlrtrn 3-easCh ng-om unt Newcastle>- The storage and Port Perry, Lindsay and Co- H. G. P'reemnan. M r .and Mrs. ChaesSo-Hewsaem r fS.Jh' ____________________ Idistribution of apples was ex- bourg clubs were given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steve!s den were Monda(in gîc hrh i Bowling plained to the members of the members who had been pre- spent the weekend with their guests of Mr. and r.Rv Frmn yastelt i C o u c h H e a d s P o ils ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a local Lions Club at their bi- sent on the visitations. o h daughter and son-in-law, Mr. Van Camp.Sowe spt nit.wsanctvad Cu hHas Pl slist o h ihsoesi the the Elmhurst Hotel on Wed- meeting the megnbers werel boys of Barrie. few days ]ast wekvitncwrrinteç various leagues on the Com- nesday evening. Lion Irwin taken on a guided tour of the' Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk, Mr. and Mrs. RoyVaCmpSouorniaonhr us munity Bowling Lanes during~ ColwiIl gave the members a cold storage plant by Lion Kathryn and Barbara Me- Master Elroy Timbei ws sceay o h _ _ _ _ 'ic i ~ ~~~the week ending Novemnber brie! talk on the industry, Irwin Colwill who explaîned Guirk were Sunday eveni.ng home again followigavp1i h eev ry 1~ 3th. showed a film depicting the to the members the workings dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. pendectomy in 1omnile 96 InCuc ll E e c i nLadies' League - (200 and value of eating raw apples af- o! the plant and sorrne o! the George Hall, Rexdaie. . Hourispitaidl.is~vif _________ ~~over) - Alice Rowe 284, Elaine ter meals for dental health, members finished off the ev. Symapathy of this commun'- The Base Lino odNih r treduhesm Elcinyars' experience as a memn-1 The New Council 'Jean Allin 254, Nancy Gaines guîded tour through the Dur- (eating a raw apple) before Gordon Beech and family in iber meeting a h oeecs e-Wt 1evenonr nDcme.Dst21 lao ernt4 n to h ebr naeigb lenn hi et yIlxede oM adMs orCu ed hi oe y<r.J .Nw Cards f ThanS ber of village council, Fred: There will be plenty Cfl242, Doreen Neal 230, Lii Far- ham Co-operative Cold Stor- leaving for home. the passing o! his brother the president, Mrs lfodInEey MsJh~) ____________oG.fochTahrtune oný municipal experience in thaý row 229, Mary Garrod 218, age Plant. Everett o! Port Hope. Wilson, on Wednesa fe-bt f omniiGo Iwouid like to take this op-' Monday at the head of thcl 1964 counicil headed by Reeve Marg. Winters 217, Teresa Following the dinner the Mr0n r. .Claut on Plans weremaefr(r.AFilsNwBn- poruniy a eprss y hanks pol wiýth 264 votes after aý Douglas J. Cunningham who Langstaff 212, Dorothy Mer- sound coioured film was attended the married peoples' the annual turkey inr wck aodan ere t to, ail who supported me at vear'swabsence from councillhas served for seven years as cer 209, Betty Major 208, Hel- shwn adEMr-Colill ok Party at Solina on Saturday be held at the homeo r ~Bwavie the polis. I will endeavour to Robert W. Waiton with 244ý reeve with a number of vears en Coureaux 207, Mrytie Nay- on the storage o! apples andl e v P evenîng. Gep A. Barnes early in eebr lrltrbts vdnei continue my efforts on your placed second, foilowed by1 prior council experience. Fred lor 205, Ruth Couch 203. explained the difference be- esu n Mr. Don Brown, Gep g Names for an Pxhneo semi hc h ea~ behaif. lHarveV C. Bonathan with 2141G. Couch has served for Men's League - (225 and tween common cold storageN e r si e triculturai1 College, spentth gifts had been drawi ttewshiwr hs ri Councillor Bob Walton, land Boss Dickinson with 210. eleven years prior to unsuc- over) - Ron Good 299, Gary whlch compares with putting weekend at home with his October meeting. MrlA\i-BwiavleDsrc Newcastle. 41 Reeve D.1. Cunningha seeking the office of Barchard 285, Bob Glanville ajyples in the home refion il* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W . H. son wvas the proud oseorBySuto!CnaR i and Councillor H. C. Bonathan Reeve last year. Ross Dickin- 25 i ens21 Bob tor and the Controlled Atmo- L.egio Lad ies Mr and Mrs. Wm. Davidson of the lucky numr o nCnda ego rnf Although I was unsuccessful 'wrthonym besf i son served a number of years Shearer 256, Wayne Pearce sphere storage where appiesMr apron. Miss Phyllis ot~o n on Monday I do wish to thank 1963 chonlyrerned f th4e as a school trustee prior to a 253, Bill Lake 239, Bob Heat- are stored in an air tight room At the meeting o! the Bow- and son Paul, Westocn, spent the door prize o!fw as et.9 ee1i~te those who supported me with 19Coucilr C. Rneg.ovek964. numbler of years on counicil lie 237, George Kimbali, 236, ivith ail o! the oxygen remov- manvilie Ladies Auxiliary to Canada. ih e ise Ao sa, n ther vte an i oter ay. ws ocetor d eg.Lin e inaprior to 1957. H. C. Bonathan Merrili Henry 231, Lloyd Tay- cd so that the apples, stored the Royal Canadian Legion athe weeker-nd whhr.ssrand WilsoapadavitoMr. Te unrlsvî~'w and brthvr-tesaanMr.ian MtWliiaws had he makddthld on hursdy, Noenabç and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . wihth ew cuni to or reelcto de as served for the past two lor 231, John Forrester 228. without air, remain as they heid in the Legion Hall on Mrs. Ron Rogers and daugh- tea cup and wonan pr.28frmteMri uru avdry suctes. c onl for piiments v e assamebrocuci Junior League - (200 a.nd were when tbey were stored Monday evening, Comrade ters. jAil prizes were doi e yCae.Bwavle n'a oftesao aeeyn. poor bealth, and Counicillors Edytb Mr Arden G dhe)-Bar at 5,Nac nilteror s(Yee gan dyh udl a eetd Mr ren Gomrpyihehses.Ms Jackhe sib tttvry. 49-1 w e t o n deettepeed more than thiryvears Gaines 238, Arthur Montgom- Mr. Colwili said apples have, prBsiddgeof the orgnization oomupy,0the host ss Ms m oe-cnuceiy By . JacckNeeittbandTom4Brow ind a edpre viusy o- ve)- aryWat 51rany nîlth ooai peedagî.1 e udl wselctd rn Brdespofte ethek, saw. sisedbr a-Frmto o t.Jons oib I 11. haswen p ols w t ote fe1a nd he as v i Il a g le clerk-treasurer. ery 219, Bon Good 208, Judy been kept in controlled atmo-1for the coming year. The end with hîs brother and wife, ither in serving thelaiswtcnChr. ne et n ta eleTins pene t o ll97specî voes f 27an Robert W. Walton has return- Powell 206. spbere for as long as twol immediate past presîdent wufl Mr. and Mrs. Mamford Good-, a tastefulîy arrangedlnh0iomnil eeey cols.Ti apndt e 9 epciev d to municipal politics aft"' Thursday Mixed League -, years, without spoiling. b ordeAde1Bt b murphy and family. hot chicken salad. odbi. Plberr eeM,? on Monday. I do wisb 10 ý40.5 or approximately 53"C an absence of sometirv(20ad ve)-GnRoc uin the bsies portion bas served two ternis in the M.ad r.AthrBl- potato salad, relisesan A.PkrLoe offk er oultonstforthe fture o75t7eli olis othe vlae a s cunch illoe r ow 24,21f teiimn on eeSna !2uthallce Couch 2, li Pr esn a oducGi bso , a toffice agaecin. manTownwere unoayvisi-ldessert of cake an( C ra re od o elected council members, and Mondav. However, il must bei With experience like tbis) ýDorothy Whitney 200.1 resoiution which w o ulid1 Zone Commander Gertrude îcù mas cake atbractîiy dd extend season's greetings to remembered that about one we sbould be able to look for-:ý Frîday Mixed League - (2001 change the constitution with Williams, Oshawa, presided aut charm to the tablE.Asca everyone. hundred of these eligible vot-ý ward to a successful year iný and over) - Harvey Partnier, regard 10 attendance was d2-'during the nomination and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoar were bour xvas cnioYcdbytren Tom Brown, Ncwcastle.' rs arc non resident property, 1964. 278, Ben Hoogkamp 256,f feated in a secret ballot. The ielections. Other officers eleet- in Toronto on Sunday 10 sec members and five vstr.~~ 4-GereKinibali 244, Nards hs ohYOUR.LeaHor want ta thak ail 49-1 oogkamp 228 Glen Rowemonthiy 50-50 draw among cd for 1964 are: Ist vice-prei- i ohr r.Ln or Mr. and Mrs. Norma owr Hogap28 lnRvýthe members for the adminî tCni raeJa Browbo is a patient in Princess and Brenda, Oshawe! ' those j j , ~208, Murray Paterson 207, Joe trto udwsxo y Liont , Comrade a utn Margaret Hospital. Sna inr 1 ieho- supported me in my re- I Lewis 206, ohn Cunnin.gham Gerrv Duval. ýMillie Bates, treasurer Coin- Teguess o! Mr.r. ndMr. . . ellection ta the village counicil le c s l 204. Reports on visitations tlrade Ruby Palmer, Chaplain, Hindman, wbo ives on the ________ in Monday's ciection. I will - 'Conirade Lcah Grahami, Ser-Cburch Road North and bas try my best to warrantyor ..i read and also "The Star, geant-at-Arms, Comrade Bon- been laid up for nearly 1wo confidence and support. It iTheei Spangled Banner". ni oivrt n Clr at montbs witb a chipped bone BT A my sincere wisb that al t. \-rffl fl , O h Buttons picturing Qucen' Conirades Georgina Carter on the ankle o! ber right leg. citizens of the village o! New- '- " <'o'< 4l i. " I.id ffi ePéJ nIL1 Elizabeth I - wbo rine* !ad Lea bGahm.will be happy to learn she is ROBERT E. KENET- castlemay hae a Mrry: 158, alo ourpresent Qucen,f tary wiil be elected at a futurej gettîng around in a wheelTh etofRb Christmas and Happiness and M.adMs hre înrsctSna iîîgwt East West !Qucen Victoria, King Edward,imeetinig, chair. Tedaho oetEwr Hasp rey C6. Bnthn oMTro nto we Crle snd isi- hs mtherMr s PearlHt- adWadTtl lgAir Force Buttons, j Those elected as members Mrs. H. R. Foloey bas re- Kennett occurred suen'a Harey . onahan .ýhi mohe, Ms. eal Ht-Army. Navy, Rcd Cross,! of the executive for the com- turned home after spending 10 bis home, 58 Quen t o 49- tors with Mrs. Pearl Hutchin- c nsnCouchl 124 140 264ý Crown s, Navy League,wreoingyaaeCo ads er- days or more with ber sister manville, on Tucsday oe _____son. Mrs. Howson o! Toronto Wallon ..... 116 128 244! the cards, making quite an ina Carter, Ann Piper, Hilda Mrs.. S. T. Bartlett, Brooklin, ber 26, 1963, He wsi i Muy 1 express my sincere wbo was visiting with Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mat- Bonathan ...105 1019 214 bistorical 'display. There waslHumphrey, Rena Batbgate, previous ta ieaving for Cali- 63rd year. supote m n onayswith them. Edward Island, were wcekend Brown . 91 106 1971 blue button on white hack-, The auditors appointed werè Mr. and Mrs. Cedrie Russe, Folkstone, England. n t election and placed me at the' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Foster, visitors xibb Mr. and Mrs. Df Nesbitt . 61 66 127 ground representing the Union Elva Beckett and Grace Mur- attended the Orpwood-Plumb tendod scbool there. ecm head of the polis. I will do! o! Peterborough spent Sunday M._Bernard and Eric. _____(The first tour elccted) jack, and another witb 50 doch. weddin.g in Oshawa on Sat- ni loto cuclt ar iiig with Mrs. Georgei stars on il witb red and whitef urday. ranti' the confidence you bave, Smith. 4Q L# cajr stripes representing the Star! Mr. Cecil Burton's nmotbcr, placed in me. To ail the Mr. and Mrs. Bon Hoog- Tw L ca F oa s n panged APLE GROVEac Mrs. Eric Burton, is a patient citizens o! the village m1aY.kamp and familv spent Sun-'! star was a smal utton whichj MA L R V in Oshawa General Hospital. 1 express my sincere wisbosf day in Fergus visiting 'Iwitb'bs. ad actually heen sent bore by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MilIs, K for a Happy Christmas and 1 ,par'ents, Mr. and Mrs. H.' ; i Iw I Iwe 5 r v g l American Button Coliectors,ý "The Tbreefoid God" was Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brad- a rgt ad Prosperous Hoogkamp. wl 1 I !S ant e 1a that card was truly Amer- the subi ect of the worshipi loy wore away a couple o! ae .Yeihtard.r f C lacan. dservice conducted by r. .dys last week on a pleasure Fred Coucb. 49-1i Mrs. Charles Glanville ac- Ner saJc ut .Mro n rs .Fitftrp ;;____l-companicd bv Mrs. William i Nwcastle:- The local Boy-! SîiLancaster and driven by Tee sa akHorner but S. orn nd3 fMs.P. Fhinof! lt heldep. heUCW Chali o Milhoo rcureders ad Scouts entered two'Boss Boyd. ton but. none o! the members 'we nt3o ai rv iltelde !teUCW GET CASH TODAY 'oeo rdvfioig. float s in the big Santa Clausf The second float depictcd a have found anc as yet. The U.C.W. heid their meeting ati please rmme h ia FOR OLD APLIANCES on F visi wib rs.CIn-prdnBwavli n a varieti fetstory is quite intoresting and the home of Mrs. R. MeeL General meeting for this yearIa FO rO ugh j liNC s ' snda is twt M s. Ne sn Roddy, a r d avhs as ayit b î g p o u ed b o c b n-a ead at the m eeting, on Nov. 18t. M r. W.I Laird w ich w il ho eld on Thurs- iTTSA in Winnipeg. Tbey made bbcý effort with nearly allo h eo! complete with, a hurning Que-f. Jack Horner was a steward summarized the concludingl day evening, December l2th,> CLASSEStrip in a Jet Airliner. i Scouts and Rovers participat-1 bec beater besîde a bridge' in onc o! the last remaining, chapters o! the book "Journeyl at 8 p.m. in the church. CLASSIFIEDS ing in bhc planning and pro-, made cf cedar poles, and thh 1abcys in England. The Ah- Into Understanding" w b i c hl Congratulations ta Mrs. R. Mr. nd rs.G. . Hucbn- araiono! bc loas. ddls aon'bot, in hopes o! winning the deait with bbc need for anf R. Stevens who on Sunday, Telephone 623-3303 M.adMs .A.huhn aain ftefot.toop cance and pfaadodbcKngleneisscueicl vision o! theiDec. ist, celebrated ber 85tb ________________ !1son and son Gary o! Toronto'One flot depictd soepteds wing, sscktpak and oter . fo Oneflot dpiced heperd wih asac pak ad ohersteward. Jack Horiier t0 Lon-ifcburcb in the world. Mrs. S. bîrtbday. CHRSTM S T EESFOR SAL cwat i tei r e e w s f aig er. Tehoa's odon witb a Christmas gifI 'Morton gave a few highlightsi Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Eliiott. CHRISTMAS TREES. FOR, SALEn ray.and The gift was the tille deeds tý from the Preshyberial Meeting Toronto, called on Mr. and BY EWCSTL HIC GOUPsbep oand b Mr Llyd!Tir Grs1 12 manors and il was carried at Newtonville, Mrs. C. Greer - Mrs. R. R. Stevens on Thurz- NE CA TL n al a yre, with PauldNesbitt, Johnii The tractor traier used for'in package the shape of a'bam took charge o! the busi- day hast. onsae tCunninghaman Grant Wil-< this scenle as loaned and pe On the way, Jack Horner ness and made several an- Congratulations to Mr. El- NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL lianis dresscd as shepherds. driven hy Bob Stephenson. becamne curiaus and is said to: nounicomonts. There was aý win White on reccivîng bis ON WEEKENDS As there were no Scouts seem-1 The Scouts and Bovers marcb- lhave lifted the top of tbe discussion and plans for adiploma from the Toievision OR ONTCT EMBR 0 GRUP d ta fit tbe part o! an angel, i cd ahead o! this float display- package, taking out the deed catering date. A social haîf; Electronics I n s tlit u t e Ltd., OR CNTAT ME BEROF GOUPthis part was capably portray-f ing the Troop and Crew Flags.ý ta the Manor of Melîs (ho boock hour and lunch was en.îoyed'Toronto. _______________________________________î ed by a Guide, Dorelia Lan-i The members in tbc marching'out a plum). The descendants by alI. The Women's Institute wilh castor. 1 party were Stan. Cohbledick, o! Jack Horner live tbcrc to- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. DeMillo, mccl on Monday evening, De- The trailer for this float. Davo Gibson, Jini Stephenson, day at the Manor o! Melîs. Craig and Pamela DeMillcf cember 9tb, for a pot luck In respect to the niemory of owned by Bob Stephenson was' Peter McCuliougb, H a roi1 d A vote was taken ta decide Oshawa, were Saturday evn upr ubnds are invited. drawn by a tractor loancd byl Powell. on a namne for the club and ing dinner guests with Mr.ý Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow niy mother ýfrom about 10 namos suggest- and Mrs. T. McGuirk and were Sunday afternoon vis*.- ed, the wining vote was the:family. Itors with her mother, Mr'F, name "Pioncer" so now we' Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Pierson. Fred Ashton, who is a patient :S ta ted s a obby are proudly named "The Pion- ,Tbornton's Road, O s h a w a,f in the Bedwing Nursing Home cor ButaM a y oa ton Club. were Sunday dinner guests on Broadview Ave., Toronto. NEWCASTLE GARAGE May Be an Industry j~. . w1ii oe closed irom Frlay noon, hec. 6tfl, Newc.astle:-Wlia t startei until Saturday niorning, Dec. 7th, at 8 o'clock. out in June as an interestin, hobby may yet turn out to bý FRANKHOAR another small industry for th I~RAN HOA village, makrng ceramies. Proprietor Purchasing their equipmer last June as a hobby, Mr. an( Mrs, Harper Kelsey starte( making -ceramies xwhich ai 1SPECIAL LOW PRICÉS *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* pè A t Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. -Fri. -Sat. Bayer Aspirino cg 359c k~ ORNAL Cold Capsules ----- $1.39 size 1.17 -111 Il. PARAMETTE Syrup - S3-----.50 size 4.2.9 LIM M ITS ----- ------ ----- -------- -----$.98 7c ILAVORIS - ---Reg. S1251.07 1111 SPOLY -VI -SOL 50 c.c. S5.25 4.2.9""Ii E O Fruit Salt- -Reg. S1.19 99C i l ITONI Home Permanent - -- ,- S*2.O 1. 5 7 li I'NIVEA Skin Creme- _- 4 oz. i33 1.09 4! GERITOL Iliquid or tablets S5.4,9 4 1 i WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK 41 B OWMANVILLE NrEWCASTLE 411 COWLING'S DEUG STORE JGHNSGN'S DEUG STORE ýI AUEX McGEEGOR, DRUGS ORONO 41 JURY& LOVELL STUTT'S PHARNACY ~ A _ ~ À ÀvL ed: dishes and novolties made witb n- liquidcl ay, mouldeci, painted1 b"' and bakeci, producing heautî-i lefui articles. The Kclseys bave made hundreds o! articles sbowing nt tbem to friencis and acquaint- id ances bave sold many articlesý dwbich have gone to Toronto, r2: several to places in the Unit- f cd States and one article nas1i found ils way to Scotiand 1 f l seems tbrough Ibis wordj o! mouth advertising the Keh-1 sey's products have become known far and wide, wbile ai large majoriby of village rosi-i dents are not aware o! their! hobby o! ceramics, or even know wbat ceramies are. Mr. Kclsey says Ihey starî- cd with a very few mould ' botties o! iiquid dlay anci paint and an electric aven in, which the articles are baked.: and bave been adding newý moulcis ovor the montbs until, now tbey bave many and van- t ed articles, aillof wbicb bave been made in heisure bours. In bbc assortment are cakc and candy dishes, plates, asb trays. etc. Andi according to Mr. Keiscy. tbev bave been, unable 10 get a stock o! any, o! the articles made up be-, cause the\- are sold almost as fast as thev are made. One article wbicb is having quito a run aI tbe present tîme iz a large plate with a Pain-1 settia in the centre. Mr, Ke' sev bas baci numenous ne-1 quests from organizations for demonstrations o! bis hobby. fButton Club News Thrc \ovemher meeting of bbe Button Club was held at thc home o! Mrs. Marie I. Gartshore on Monday after- noon. There were fine mcm- bers present (two new ones irom the Oshawa District) and two visitors. The Buttons on display for Ibis month were Composition and Patriotic. Composition buttons are a mixture o! matenials such as cvv. îubber. bonie, etc.. mixed witb mother o! peari, gold- stone. silver or any coloredi material to add to the beauty' o! the finished product. Theý patriotic buttons were very beautiful and interesting and before they were shown, the poern "The Union Jack" wazi New popular price, new pep, new proportions! Buick's new Buick Special is rolling off Canadian assernbly lines C Now costs less E It's longer, steeker E On new 115-inchi wheelbase D Cornes in 3 series E 10 models E Your choice of sedans, convertibles, hardtops, station 9 wagons E AIl-new perimeter frame EI 64BUICK Fuil-coil springing OI Big engineCTA choice E What else is new? Ql It puts P CA Buick quality in your hands for less Q "boe aIL tqW Bidk MS.! Be sure to watch -Telescope- and "Zero One* now showing on television. Check local listings for time and channel. ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED 166 King St. E. Phone 623-3396 Bowmc~Jf