The. Canadilan St.ateamnan, BownmnvIlle, Dec. 4, 1983 The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Two Attractive Floats in Santa Claus Parade Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maore Mm. ài- A. Drummond and1 streamers. and her nephew Mr. Craig Mrs. Carl Billings and three Joan became the bride of Hind of Toronto were recent on Tuesday evening at theI Mr. James Gibbens, Nov. 30,r dinner guests of her aunt Mrs. homes of Mrs. Len Pears, Mrs. 1963, and wiUl reside in Osha- Fred Eagle and Mr. Eagle. Lorne Bowins and Mrs. F.Iwa.1 Miss Josephine Armstrong Vagg.: After the gîfts were openedc of West Denriis, Mass., is visa- On Friday evening, Nov. 8, and admired, Joan thanked ngher sisterMs.hrnn in the I.O.O.F. Hall, Miss Joan everyone in a few well chas- Wilson and her brother Mr. Alldred was guest of honour en words and invited every- Wm.E.Arstrngfo seer hat a miscellaneous shawer. one to visit her in her new wes.Joan received many beautiful home in Oshawa. Ur:and Mrs. Marshall Chat- land useful gif ts. There were The tea table was tastefully tenn, n. ndMrs Orill iappraximately 40 friends at decorated with yellaw 'mumis C tterton, ar and Da Ovid e i h all ta greet Joan when and pink candles. A deliciaus spejit Sunday witb Dr. and she arrived. Doreen Wood, lunch was served by the Mrsý Keîth Taylor. Nancy and her sister, presented her with hostesses Betty Branch, Gail Bonnie, in Brampton. a corsage and led her ta the Lane, Marilyn Barrabaîl, Do- DU. and Mrs. Walter George1 seat of honour which was dcc- reen Wood, Patsy Reid and o! ondn vsied n, ndMrs. i rated with pînk and white i Mrs. A. L. Hoaey. Mliton J. Tamblyn aver the GodnWdig niesr, B LAC KST OC K of -Mr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Ca*ker of Bo-,Amanville oni In elertion for Board of tle Breeders Association, at- Sunay.Educatio1I on M.Nonday, results tended and reported the pro- Please telephone Orona 127,were as follow%,s: Dalton Dor- gress Gucrnsey breeders are3 re yrur new or renewal sub- reli 250. Walter Wright, 23 1.1 making in milk sales promo- gcitas ta vaur Statesman. -ae Wilson 197. Harvey tion in the province. Appx- A jiice Christmas gift for Graham 197. Donald Frew mately 60 attended........7 frie'nds far away from home. 84 ndNiMaol 7. Thirty-two m e m b e r s of %jr. andMs are ap The first three will serve for Blackstock Town & Country beL., Mrs. Roy Wiggins. Mrs. two years, the ast three for Club met for the last meeting, H. Kelly and MIr. Hantharnet onc vear. of the year on WcdnesdaY, of NVyman, Quebec, attended ThGnrametn ofte7h November. The following the. marning service at OronoUCWia edi h hi- people were unanimously elcc- United Church and veeita dcto ete us ted officers for 1964: Marion luntheon guests of Rev. and'day afternoon. As the ladies~ and Glen Larmer, presidents;E Mrs' Basîl E. Long. ahrd h ns r. Norma and Merrili VanCamp, UÀttle Jo Anne McArthur Gardon Strong was playingl secretaries; Margaret a n dE of Oshawa is visiting her Carols. President Mrs. Neilý Ivan Mountjoy, treasurers. graiidparents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm read a poem, "A The report on the Smorgas-r Tom~ Hardy and family while Chnita PrargTe orth bord, held on 30th October, ber mother is nteOhw a nthdcag ftesae that five hundred and 41 Ho*ital. worship and program. Mrs. seventy-nine people had been. Congratulations ta Mr. and Leith Byers read the Christ- senveci, and the organization Mrs. James Albert Gibbens, mas Story from St. Luke. Mrs. had proved smooth and effi- the eormen Miss Joan Lorraine Cecil Hill gave a meditation cient. The presidents werel 1 Alldred of Orona, on their on "The Journey ta Bethle- grateful for the hard work of' Marriage, Saturday at il hem" which was inter.spensed the organizing committee and o'clock in St. Gregary's Ro- with caral singing. the many other people who rnari' Catholic Church, Osha- Mrs. Ida Taylor oresentedihelped them. The main part Bruce Mns. Neil Malcolm with a life of the programn was the film Mr.Brc Tennant has re- membership ta the U.C.W. A "M Son" which examined the tunned ta the Memorial Hos- playette, "Big Chief Trouble personal relationships ini a pita1, Bowmanville. Shooter", fnom a scene in farming family. Although the Thirteen ministers from this Hong Kong, was presented by film was made in the earlv area, and their wives were Mns. Lloyd Wright, Mrs. Wal- 1930's the family situation uests of Rev. and Mrs. Basil ter Wright, Mrs. Stanfard seemed ta be much the saâme ~.Long at the Manse last VanCamp and Mrs. Fred today. Before the film was .*.. Thl*tsday evening. Dayes. This was followed by shown, Granny's Bible Cake Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lea-a discussion. was made wîth ingredients men, Scarboraugh, visîted Mn. During the business peniod brought ta the meeting by W. Leamen, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. reports wene heard fromn the club members, and this was Irwin recently. Kiptik vaniaus departmcents. In cam- served, fresh from the aven, Mrs. Marion Klarc is a mencing her report of the for lunch. The next meeting patient in Memoial Hospital, nominating com.mittee, Mrs. of the Town & Country Club iiovhanville. Glenn Larmer read a poem will be on 22nd January 1964. Aanong the Orono guests "Officens". The annual meeting of the whô- attended the Gibbenis - Following are the officers Federation of Agriculture for Alldred weddinig in Oshawa fan 1964: Past President, Mrs, uhmCut a edi last Satunday morning were John Carnaghan; President, DuRrha Countra e ld in Mn. and Mns. Roy Barrabaîl, Mrs. Neil Malcolm, lst Vice stokSaurdyNo. Mrs., Roy Bnanch, Mr. and Mis. Pres., Mrs. }Harold Kyte; Smrgsbrd iner tprpa d( ci1-ic riTedSsabywel p. Horace Best, Mr. and Mrs. Vice Pres., Mns. Ivan Thamp- At1:0pm eiiu T A V P fT~Te hstandyepinginEng-r Wills Barrabaîl, Miss Betty son; Secretany, Mrs. Ralph by tc..NO.Clbw s r-' w 'rlsiadHitoyinan rae Brahch, Mn, and Mrs. Boyd Larmer; Treasurer, Mrs. Gar- te of. Hlenb, eil, a-Il Nanyd Horl in84%, prete Wood and daughten Janice don Paisley. C on v en or tknofs: elnAelaNny orl 81Î,*rsn wowsafoegilfrhrChrstianCitiznhipad S Rural Socialogist fromn On-i L. by Miss A. Van Camp. wh ws foengil o hr -iin îznsp a - tario Agicultural College, was 1 U U I i Principal's pnizes for the aunt. Bed cial Action, Mrs. Roy Mc- guest speae.EtranmnG au t o x e rc ise s highest standing in languages: Miss Bed Mitchell of Laughlin, Communîty Friend- cakrviebMr. tanMent Grade 9, Lorna Wright 95%i'; Keene visited ber grandmath- ship and Visiting, Mrs. Ken- Crvasht iprovided bytckonFrdayMr.e- teandonBrMrsnd.o en Ms, m. Mtchll. neth Lee; Representativs Ralph Preston, Bethany. 115 Cr rimenicemeonlcktok, on Fridayer Nove.m stan Bon n!RnGrade 10, Lynda Kyte 89U; Mr. aceAhi adMr.Board of Christian Education, persans attended. ComneetEecis'vr e 2d atn Grade 11, Pat Adams 86%; Mr.LodWihMrs. Cartwnght sili sands weîî1 held at the Recreation Centre,' The pnogram included re- Gice Club Selections: Nath- Grade 12, Joe Reitsma 79e., HavyPrnrmtoe aMs lydWihM upin C artwity of grsansstock, ___marks blr the Chairman of the: an Fit the Battle, Standing in wr rsne yMs as Flo?îda with the former's ray Byers; Co-operationinuinqaiyogrnsstcwe eetdb M .Pi- moter Ms.Wm Mrce o Critin Eduatonan Ms-etc. Following are samne norDY A Board Mn. Dalton Donieli and: the Need of Prayer, Dry ley. Kendal who plans ta spend sianany Education, Mrs. Stan- the prize 'vinnens this fall. GPaYE Rîsîtey.PriaeciealarMrHomeocrnomnsBariesop the >vinten in Florida, and they ford VanCamp; Flowers fol At Ottawa, three entered Office just about wrapped The Glee Club sang: Blow The allac Manlow Pro wrkesentme bynMrs Ar-1 wil. return by 'plane. J the church, Mis. Bruce Mount- grain: John Carnaghan won up the first schedule champ-1 the Wind Southerly, I Feel, T-i Wliaencylo Proizeswoer present- ad ayorta Mr B rnn Mrs. Jack Shaw, uditb, joy; Literature and Communi. first on whcat, first on bar- ionship hast Thursday niglit, Pretty, and l'mi SeventeFlydene Yvohine, Jeffery and Wendy of cations, Mrs. Russel Mountjoy; ley and third on aats; Herb whipping Comets 7-01 while'Come Sunday. ed ta: Grade 10-îst NancyFOY Kye Klienbung visited ber grand- Manse, Mns. Ivan Thompson Swain won third on wheat, Belts 'vere upset 4-3 by Lead ItredaeC ifc tesMontay 77.2%. G)dRade ! Tgîe by ledc ain esoutjo parents Mi. and Mrs. Harry Mi's. Gordon Strong; Member. founth on banley and eîghth Press. Braiders toppled Tigers r ie yElieMuto Rovýe on Sunday afternaan. ship, Stewardship and Re- on oats; Harold Swain fifth ta mave from fifth into a wr rsne yRv .F s ayFe 9, 2ndIQueen's University, Kingston, I~r an Mr. Eeret Cyd critig, rs.HaneyGra onoat. rnne-u ti wih Bits b1tSwann ta Shirley DeJang, Brian Staniland 72%, by Mrs. and is reported elsewhere. erman of Enniskillen visited ham; Noninating, Mrs. Glenn At the Royal in Toronto- thcy trail the league-leaders, Eleanor Firlit, Lynda Kyte, 1. Thompson. Physical Exercises ta music,, his aunit Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Larmer, Mrs. Jean McLaugh- Herb Swain woan fifth on oats, by 19 points. Lamne Lansing, Leah McKee, The Blackstock Women's girls; tumbling and pynamids, Mrs. O. Chapman bas ne- lin;, Press and Publicity, Mrs sixth on wheat, and seventh Hase absorbed a 7-0 pasting Glenna McLeod, Dianne Mairs, turned home fromn visiting in Ceeul Hill-, Programme, Mrs. and eighth on twa kinds of at the hands of the Fan Belts' Ray Mountjoy, Ken Robrer, Institute pnizes for the bigh-i boys. Oshawa. ichard anCampMrs. Da. barle; HaroldSwain wn ChristinetoSheoaner Narcstnetani-eestnmarksniinesHomeksEionomi EsoGiniesClube Seub ections:s:Thhe Oshaa. ichrd anCmpMrs Da~ bnle; Hrol Swin on a fhl ntothecelarwhen land, Linda Venning, David and Industnial Arts 'vene pre- Lord's My Shepherd,, Ye Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood o! ton Donnell; Social Function. fourth on oats; and John Car- former tail-end Banbury puîll te sented by Mrs. C.Smt: achradYeHyOns Laefed istd rs hale ndKtcen rs JmMa* aha, fifth on baniev, cd off a hugeC 7-0 upset avený Secondary School Gradua- Grade 9-Judy Cochrane 86%/,,God Be in MY Head. Wood. 10W, Mns. Hanry VanCamp eighth on oats, and thirteenth Combines. Machine Shop edg- to ilmswr rsne Brian Mountjoy 80%,. Grade Oeatpay Te Ul edTheeUnits o! reetns Unt- PlanistMSocGardonstangne het.ed Laboratory 4-3, as the by Canon Asbmore ta Lor- lO-Dianne Mains 75%7, David1 Duckling" by A. A. Milnc, pro- cd huchhel metngsonSuph an Scil Asitace Al'wan some prizes an each third place Lab barchv stayed raine Dayes, Mary Frey, Sylvia Wotten 82%7. 'duced by special arrangement! Tuesday afternoan at the Mns. Cecil Hîll; Representatîv( item cxhibited at the Royal. alive.LarneDoaMcugin TeON pizs ortewt Smul rnc Ld. honeso! rs M.J.Tamly, a te oar o StwadsMn Sock Lsli Tylo 'an12 Mike Murphy came close t- Paul Rahm, Joe Reitsma, Bilh highcst standing iii Grade 9:!Toronto. Cast: The Kng- Bliae Gu neUntLaerls pnizes on hags, including a the 900 mark, with a tremen-i Reitsma, Janice Sadler, Briani Girls-Lorna Wight 81 % i David Ballingail, The Queen CAnnac, Ms. KenethoSmes reserve champion sow. Keith dous 879 triple. He bit for! Staniland, Don Swain. Boy-Brian Mountjoy 76%»,,-Dianne Felstead. The Pnin-ý IL. J. Skaife C. A. Drcas, Mrs. Walter Wight; fourth and one seventh on capture high single honours as Gauto ilms wr alnal E as d e , M rs. B r ac e T o m p sjo n a C m ' a w t i d , a c a eGfr1, 3 2 n 5 a S nd at olonn oulm a w r e re p r e s nte d bi. J, ess C ha m i l - i d e n n s r t eraM s . B r c e M o n t o y s e c , a d e v n t o F e d r - 'vI .p r e s e n t e d b y R e v . P . R o m e r i l M . A h o a e t e p e - j o y ; D u l c i b e l l a - C h r i s t i n e ' Chaterd Acontat Metng loedwit a en- reep d ler sso h o ases: urrv77an6copîid ato Joan Bradburn, Elaine entation of pnizes frhghs loane, Prince Simon-Cari dace Unit served a deliciau a1 alr'vntv 7 oa, followed by Don :Mountjoy, Larry Hoskin, Jim standig i h foîo'vîghesGihbank, Carlo-Brian Mount-: Whitby 101'sonds, five thirds, anc founth, Bagnell 767, KarI Piper 744, Swain. jy hi ylch. 34 l aedesd. sv nean fifth and anc sixth. Ivan Vern Cannons 742, Jim fMur-ý Students' Council members Grade 9 Mathematie and Sci- Cartwright l-liglh School P. 0 Box208The annual business meet- Cochrane's "Good Will Marge' ph y 737, 'Bud" Henning 72-4,iwene introduced by the Presi- ence, donated by Frank Hosk-, Board- Dalton Dorrell, Chair-: P. O.Box 28 chidren ttendd. won senior champion a nd Frank Samis 704, Jack Honev- dent, Janice Byers and there Eabe0Mth Thmpisond% a;Dv isn ieCar Phone îng and pot luck dinner of the grand champion; "Bro'vnîc man 660, Waît Hateîv 660, 'as asetto of bnoks Sine 0Mteaisad a;Ms lieRmnl Big 4 Guernsey Clubs for Lee" woan first in pace andi Bihl Shotteîr 656, Norm Luxton ýta the shI î ibrary from the Sine donated by Mrs. Secretanyr-Tneasuren; Harold O o o 18Victoria, Peterborough, Otr action cîass and second n 655 and Jim Allin 653. ~ W VnCap fmî George Blyth, Nancy Stani- Kyte, Ivan Mountjav. Don Ontar-ls; D n O h rbi a esw r rlelM r n a " 'land 7317; Grade i byis yr w Orn 8 Blankstok, r dnem a) 'vs'Leen"a onli scon don! bYOh1rbig games 38,'25re nxoldn io rdbrsxpes and Geometry, donated by Mr. Cartwright High Schaol Staff Whtv 668-8197 1 1an anm4niý;ý1RRTmMno 308, 9771-: Luxtnrtb1nAs1 Ashton, Janice Byens 92%;Msoy lnkMs ey *bg comfortable double room at the Royal York tram "Hospital, spent Friday at 1e John Carter ...... 2159 Friday night, through Sunday 'tii 4 p.m. I home in the village. ie r a Camplete dinner, dancing end show (for 2) Frday night len. spent a day last 'veek1 Sympathy is extcnded Mrs. H ea ing A fid R epair Service ani n the Imperial Room. 'calling on friends in this anca.iLc'vis Fitze on the death of aBreakfast in b.d on Saturday and an Sunday too. iMn. and Mrs. Harold Mc-f Mn. Fitze, Tuesday. JLaughiin called on Mrs. Ednai Mrs. Albert Black, Midland, McLaughlin in Oshawa Hos-' ter, Mrs. L. Fitze, and Mn. Ta make a reservation, simply write: h. oa oki pital, Sunday, and they and, Black, Miss Isabel Black, Mn. Mr. Carol Anton, Hearing Aid expert, will be in Eaton'. Toronto specifying the Royal Weekend Package; or . children 'vere supper guestsi and Mns. Harvey Eliison, Mid- phone the Royal Yark direct: 368-2511 local 212. of the Ted McLaughlins, Coi-1ý land, 'vere Sunday visitors. umbus. We wish a speedy ne-1 Mn. and Mis. Ernest Larmen to check your hearing aid at no charge to you. If repa: covery for above mentionedý attended a neunian of former ladies.! Sunday school pupils in Sa- A tn wl iey uan si aewto blg in.I Sunday guests of Mn. and lina Hall. Saturday evening. A tnwl iey uetm t ih u biain Gea . . awf r ee and andbos iterM. and Mrs. GenLre best of condition, now is the time to have it checked jR UYA L.Y UIVS Mis. rW J. Pere adMr.' anâ nd y isM.ndLaren Mrs. Eanl Corkumn, Mary Anne Francis Jase and famiiy, New. hism s and Jeanne, Mrs. Archie New-, castle, Sunday. 'ton and Mis. Jas. Petch, Ton- Dr. and Mis. John Wenry onto.' and Miss Anne Werny, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and, manville, visited Mn. and Mns. ~m ue eu~r m~w~~*.Îsu hildren, Toronto, visîted Mn.'Rupent Wenry and Roy on EATON'S HEARING and OPTICAL CE and Mrs. Austin Beacock on Sunday on Mr-. Wcrny's binth- Su.nday. Robent remnained foriday, IAfternoon Curling ; Two games were played the lunch. Nov. 26th and 28th. The These games are open toaait wnning skips Tuesday were club members, two draws, Mesdiames Osborne, Woodlock, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., the first 32 Campbell and Morris. Mrs. in the clubhouse taking the- James filled in for Mrs. Os- first draw. The next ance vill borne and Mrs. Kramp for be Saturday, December 7th so Mrs. Morris. Thursday's win- corne along and have an evcii- ners were Mesdames Bell, ing of curling and good fel- Woodlock, Os b or ne and lowship. Lunch will be scrv- Kramp. ed. Anyone wishing to have Saturday night saw many a club crest please sec Pat of the afternoon curlers out Burk. These retail at $1.50. with their husbands for a club bonspiel, 56 takîng part. Dr. 1. Woolsey's teamn won topT1U au 1 honors with Dell Vinson as àe a L a u Vice, Walter Goode as second en g and Jean Peterson as lead. Mr. Bantam Girls and Mrs. Les Smale providcd Lyle 5, Evans 0; Sellers 3, Ayre 2; McMurter 3, Henning Mixed Majïor ~1 Team Standing Ayre .................... .........31 Team Standings Evans........_................. 25 Pt.s. Henning ...................2 0 Bickell . .... ... ..... 27 Sellers ...................... 17 Terry.......................... 22 McMurter........ ...-..... 14 Joli .............................17 High Single- J. Sellers 214, Etcher ........................... 5D. Lyle 194, F. Henning 190. Beauprie.................... 15 High Double - J. Sellers 336, Mairs ..........................lil C. Ayre 318, M. Macklin 307. High Triple - Pete Dobbins Regular Teenage Bowling 773. will continue again this Sat- High Single - Kay Beau- urday' at the usual times. prie 303. Low Single - Babe Browni IPERFECT HITS 933 111. 1 Last night Ernie Perfect High Games - K. Beauprie put together nine strikes for 303, 241, P. Dobbins 293, 262,'. a 338 opener, tossed six in a J. Murphy 294, D. Joli 284,! row for 331 and wound up R. Wright 278, G. Beebe 277, with a 266 effort to knock E. Perfect 255, D. Brooks 252, off a big 935 triple at Liberty B. Barter 241, S. Bickell 240. Bowl. Earlicr this season, 214 and Over Averages - P. veteran Bill Shotter also had Dobbins 244, D. Jol 236, B. a 935 in Goodyear League Buday 228, E. Perfect 228, R. play. Ernie's top effort takes Wright 220, B. Hearl 217, O.* over fromn Dr. H. B. Rundle's Etcher 215, B. Holroyd 214. 919 and Bill Westlake's 912 of G. Elliott 214. twa weck-s ago. ___ REMINDERSE of action to take to keep Insured w If you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certificate of Payment Forma 104, which your group is required to give you. When you reach 70u1! 19th blrthday you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate. Register separatelj within thirty days to keep insured. Forms are available at hospitals, banks and Commission offices. 'When you marry, the Family premnium must be paid to caver husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION 2195 Vonge Street, Toronto 7, Ontarlo R. 1ulia ;w * lIki11111 l I k *111 I [ d * 1a11j0ai lj à à 1 IIeI KNAPP'S WHITE ROSE Service Station BASE LINE You can expect a sharp drop in the temperature any day naw! Better bning your car in for complete cheekup and wlnterlzing! Quality White Rose Gas Lubricants Automatic Car Wash 24-HOUR Oul TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-5418 shawa ) CLEANED and id Diagnostic Clinic X, 9:30 a.m. tili 6 1s Hearing Centre for two days, irs should prove necessary, Mr. If your instrument is flot in the - and make sure you enjoy ENTRE, Upper Level - r r - ..,-~----------.....................~-* 14. Adh'UNURIO HOSPIUL INSURANCE f , . , . - . - - -