R,. U. Commission ers Present Reports at ,,Nomination Meeting Lawrence C. Masan and Wil-î tiflied in 1963 but as it would itl irid Carruthers, two former ieffect domestic consumers I- Mayors of thîs town, were re-'ý most such increase was flot si elected as PUC Cornmissionersadopted and there will be an l et the Nomination Meeting' increase of rates only when itj held in the Council Chamberý can flot be avoided. We are P. on Monday evening, Nov. 25th. flot i business to make mon-lal Both presented reports. 1 ey - simply ta caver costs gi "I cangratulate you, Your:and meet required obligations ai WVorship, on yaur re-election' with sufficient margin to pro. Ir for anather twa year ternim vide for necessary capital ad- 1 'Your acclamation is wxell de:'ý dition. served ail will agree, " Mr.ý "I have a table here cov-' Xvason told Mayor Ivan Hobbs.: ering 1951 - 1962 but I be-I d"Speaking as ta the Electrie: lieve that you have enoughi departrnent of aur Commis-: figures. This comparitive ta-I &Ian I would like ta recail ta: ble refleets a steady growth you first that it is the func-'from 1905 eustomers in 19511 tion of the Commission ta' to 2595 at end of October this maniage and operate the El-!iyear with 89 new custamners ectric Utiiity of the Mvunici- added in that portion of 1963. pality on behaîf of the own-j While it reflects increasingl ers - The Corporation of the'income it also reflects stead-1 I'own of Bowmanvilie, whichlily increasing casts. rneans the residents of the "o a s h f ~awn an to tted tathethe function ot the Commis- the purchase, sale and distri-i sion is to supply power at cast butian of power locally. and no profit motive is in-1 "Power is supplied by On-. voived, is there s0 much em-1 taria HIydro whichis in theory phasîs on load building and' a partnership of the Munici-ý promotion of use of Hydra1 iDality owned Hydro Utilities.I here and throughout Ontario? The function of Ontario Hy- Electricity is not a commodity elro is ta generate and supply which cari be praduced and ypower at cost ta the Muni- kept and stared and used as cipalities and ta act in their;required. We are charged for behaif in the procuration and 'power an thé basis of peak distribution of power and ta load. The monthly peak laads supervise and contrai rates. in 1963 have increased an av- "In theory also ail partici- erage of 650 K.W. over 1962 pating municipalities have an and continue ta increase. equity in Ontario Hydro but "If there is a great varia- persanally I do flot think that tion in the peak load and the this will ever resuit in any, average îoad we are the laser. return of any specific sum 0oflTherefore it is the obligation rnoney but rather a continua-lof the Commission along with tion of the services and suP- other Municipalities ta pro- ply of power as mentioned. ýmote the use of power 50 that "'Capital casts Iocally canithe constant and average use be provided by the Municipal will be as close as possible ta Corporation by issue of deben-1the peak load. This is calledý tures il necessary and such the "load factor." In Bowman- debentures paid and retired ville, at present, thanks toaa from local rates. At present variety of circumstances, aur there is no debenture debt. j"load factor" is reasonably "Capital expenditures for satisfactory. niew Plant have increasedý "For these reasons we stress framn a total of $638,000.00 as the value and advantage of el- It was In 1951 ta $1,185,000,0ectrjc heating for homes, wa- et end of 1962 ail from earn-' ter heaters anîd the use of oth- ings. This year ta end of Oc- er utilities which result in a' tober a further $24,000.00 baslsteady and constant use af el- been expended for new Plan t.; ectricity. This is to the bene- "lI this connection I wouldifit of the consumer in the sta- say that lines have been con- bilizatioln of rates. êtructed ta, serve the New In-! 'Resîdential consomption dustrial Area, Parkway Cres-ýwas an average o! 6,300 KW cent subdivisions and two new hours in 1962 and will in- subdivisions off Liberty Street. crease for 1963. We have now A new 4 K.V. feeder fromj 900 flat rate water heaters in Temperance Street sub-sta-1 service. These are automatie- tion to a point north of the ally shut off at peak load per- Ç .P.R, on Scugog Stre:et.,and iods. As has been recently re- eastward along Concesion ported there are 50 all elec-ý Street ta High Street was con- trie homes in this area and structed. This line serves R. 25 in Bowmanville together M. Hollingshead Plant andýwith two schools, 2 - 3 storey 33owrnanville Faundry and the office buildings. Five apart- subdivisions off Lberty St. ment suites, one store, one of- "There is $120,000.00 heid fice, the Lake Ontario punip- invested In Governiment se- ing station and sewage treat- curities af which at leas$6, ment plant. Many homes use 000.00 will be used on account supplementary electric heat. of a new substation 1964. "Speaking recentiy, the "This sounds encouragingi Manager of Brockville P.U.C. but increased costs of power made reference ta his own al In the past year and the comn- electrie home as an example ring year have and will tend o! the good value which elec- $ io reduce surplus and earn- tricity represents. He said that îings. As of January lst, 1963 for 70e a day he supplies him- our cost of power was increas- self and his faniily with heat- ed by $1.90 per K.W. year ing, cooking, cleaning, drying, frorn $35.50 ta $37.40 and we ventilation and home enter- have now recently been ad- tainiment. He thought this eom- vised that there will be a fur- pared favourably with the ther increase in 1964 of $1.80 $1.00 he spends in municipal making $39.20. ]Based an an taxes and the higher price hie average monthly K.W. load o! Pays ta operate his automo- 7,000 K.W. these increases bile. mnean that we pay $13,000.001 "For these reasans we urge mare for power in 1963 thanhame builders, electrical can- in 1962 and $26,000.00 more1 tractors, dealers, Hydro users In 1964 than in 1962. and the general public to con- "In actual fact a rate In- sider the advantages of the erease would have been jus- adoption and use of these - 'phases of electric power. The _____________________ Manager in Bowmanville or the information Centre at 61 Temperance Street wiii assist Uq ll 111,[c i jý gi cianyone with any probiemn. "Dur-ing the last terni we suffered the loss af former T,'il >V* f,#'È'EA'S J Chairman Morley F. Vanstone for hom we all had the, AND 0 AIL fRAT/ONA- greatest respect. WirG&M Ef.READ0VICE' "Before concluding 1 want tosythat we feel that Mr. W/Ti#Co/T OLI6A T/ON sGeorge Vanbridger, aurmai ager, and his staff (which isý CONTACT. for counter tops, etc. DUNKIT BRUSU CLEANER DUNKIT PAINT AND VARNISH REMOVER WALLPAPERS... rolis or room lots PAINTS AND ENAMIELS THIX . .. "*The Dripless Paint" REZ WOOD FINISHES PAINT BRUSHES, SCRAPERS, ETC. Rent Our Wallpaper Steamer ta remove that stubborn paper. ABERNETHYS PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. BowmanvilleI t R ANN PAGE FRUIT CAKE PIE 2-LB l 11/2-LB PIECE 3-LB RING 5-LB RING 9ICE7 9 4-LB 43 .9.29 SLAB 1.93 ROSE BRANDO, COOU REO PEPSI-COLA 2c SA LA DA TEA BAGS ORANGE PE LBBY'S, FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE SOCIETY Re DOG FOOD (20c OFF DEAL) FAB DETERGENT STUART HOUSE (12" WIDE FOIL WRAP Reg. Prie 4-Ibs 99e-SAVE 14o 4 1lb pkgs 8 5 c (PLUS BOTTLE DEPOSIT) :îtns of 6 10-fl-or btls 99c SPECIAL 1 EKOE pkg af 608 3C SPECIAL I 2 20-il-oz tins 31C tg. Pricet 2 tins 3le-SAVE 100 7 20-fl-oz tins 9 9C SPECIAL I giant size box 6 9C SPECIALI 25-h rail 3 3 C ,FRUIT unqd VEGETA lIEMFA URES1 CALIFORNIA NAVELS - FINEST FOR EATING ORANGES FANCY GRADE DOZEN 5-LB CELLO BAG 59C SIZE 113Ys 19C Californie, Red, Large, Fîrmn Clusters, No. 1 Grade EMPEROR GRAPES 2lbs35c Ontario G' o'n, Finest for Eating, Fancy Grade A PPLES McINTOSH 3-lb( Californiai, New Crop, Excellent for Eutina, Ne. 1 Grade DATES FRISH PITTED lmported, Round Stringlesa, No. 1 Grade GREEN BEANS California, Pascal, Jumbo Suze 24'1, Ne. 1 Grade CELERY STALKS POTATOES P.E.I.. Packed Under A&P'm Own Label, No. 1 Grade colla bag 39< 12-oz pkg2~5< 1b25c 4a&625C 10-lb bag 4,5 GRAPEFRUIT oride, Ruby Red, Extra 2r APPLES CELERY HEARTS British, Columbia, Red Delicieus, Faney Grade, Size U's Ontario Grown, Crusp and Tender, No. 1 Grade 6 for49c bd of 29C Taity, Sweet Mandarin Oranges now arriving from Japan IME GRUAANTIC& PAOC TU COmM M. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1963 JANE PAR KER BAKERY SPECIALS M-M-M I EVERVONE WILL GO FOR THIS PIE WITH ITS JUICY RIPE BERRIES BAKED TO PERFECTION IN ITS SHORT, FLAKV CRUST. BLUEBERRY LARGE 24-OZ SIZE RAE .PRKERec ePARKER 'I69c9 PIE SAVE ~20c - Each q1 Jane Parker Reg. Prie* ach 39c-8SAVE $a Jane Parker, Brown 'n Serve, Plein Reg. pku 27&-SAVE Ila ENGLISH FRUIT CAKE each 33c FRENCH ROLLS pkgOF621c Jane Parker, Old Fashioned Reg. Pries Ioaf 25o>-SAVE 4o Jane Parker WHITE BREAD 24-ozloaf2lc LAYER CAKE SANANA etch65Sc Jans Parker Reg. Priesach 35e--SAVE 6. Jans Parker, Orange Twist Reg. Prie* eseh 49e--SAVE 10* BAR CAKE BANANA IC[D .ac 29c COFFEE CAKE ach39C Jane Parker, Individuel Reg. Prie. pkg 35e--SAVE 4o Jane Parker, Chocolat. Reg. Prie pkg S5.-SAVE Se j CINNAMON WnIRs 8W/,ozpkg 31c CHIP WAFERS 1ooz pg29c__ ,A&P Han dies OnIy Meats Purchused From Federuilly Inspected Pucking Houses BONELESS SOLID MEAT PORK LOIN ROAST END i CUlb CENTRE CUTS lb CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK SUPER RIGHT TRIMc PORTERHOUSE STEAK or ROASI lbf7C Freshly Ground, Ail Beef Hamburg MINCED BEEF Super-Right, Vac Pac, Beef BOLOGNA Choie. Quality, Sliced PORK LIVER Schneider'., Vac Pac, Smoked SIDE BACON Smn Seald, Oeam PERCH FULLETS Cooked and Breaded 6-oz pk 'h2-lb pi HADDOCK PORTIONS Headies and Dressed, Vac Pat WH ITEFISH FROZEN FOOD FEATURES Pennywise, Chopped Beef or VEAL STEAKETI Southland, Fremnh Cut GREEN BEANS Hi Le Farms DICED TURNIPS Reg. Prie* plcg b59-SAVE Ue 'ES -lb pkg53c Reg. Prie2 pkgs 4§o-SAVE 4o i io- pkgC 45C Reg. Prie. pkg3&%--SAVE Se 2-lb pkg 19e Choice Quality lb45c CHICKEN LIVEI Excellent for Bri-îsàng kg 23c BLADE STEAKS Freshly Chopped Ib3 5C KUDNEY SUET Shopsy's Slîcmd kg 43c SMOKED BEEF Burns, Vise Pac, Suiced lb35c COOKED HAM 8X Brand lb57c CANNED HAM Allgood - Srmoked, Sîiced, Rindlest lb53c SIDE BACON ts 13 9c l6,59C lb29c 3-oz pkg 29C &-oz pkg 53C l'h2-lb lin 1.47 1-lb pkg 5 9C A&P LOW, LOW PRICES Tuff y's NUTS'N BOLTS 7-or pkg 49e A-Penn WICK DEODORIZER 12.-e ît49c Mitchel' APPLE JUICE VITAMINIZED 48.-l-o tin 31 c L ipton ONION SOUP 22zpko3c 'f i 'uthers said. Road, and the Ontario Train-i L PSàN "I will present a brief re- ing School for Boys here, bathý ities. experiments and explain-i port on the water and sewage, good accaunts. i- eR e N W ed the courses offered in thelmight be in town for. cial attractions for this dance, departments a! the PUC. There' "There is $65,000 in bonds, field of education.jTecoigwkisoe!wilb a wae '- is a fairly heavy load, but but I feel we should add to Hello again folks! Havingl exam. It was indeed difficult * m both departments are in gaod'this amaunt as we wili face had a two weeks' haliday to concentrate on ancient bis-ý Friday nigbt was the an-'the truly "fun" weeks at guzzling cantest, square dane- shape. We are justly praud of the major expense a! instal- from column writing, I amI tory when the TV sa abivi nual commencement. 1 know B.H.S. It is known as TWIRP ing and the presentation of a the sewage disposal plant. It ling a filtration plant at the having a little difficulty get-ý covered the current history it was covered by The States- week. For the benefit o! those huge blue stuffed dog to the s aperating satis!actorily. The lake soaner, or later, as the 1ting my mind back on busi- 1being made. The events o! the, man and will appear in an- who' might read this column lemliio o te od oo ppuatin ras.Intalatonnes. Like everyone else'1 past twa weeks have certainly otCher coiumni. I wouid just and flot know what these let- girl having the mast names factory and the fixing up o! o! the filtration plant will cost studying for and writing: been the inost tragic of auri like to offer the congratula- ters stand for, it is "the wo- o e wr ad htsti the grounds has been an im- $400,000 or $500,000. I exams bas been uppermost an life tirne !rom the president's' tions o! the present studenti man is required ta pay." Thel 'riday night at 8:00; dress is pravement. The service is de-:: "The elevated water tank in the schedule and now we are assassination ta the fatef ul body ta those awarded diplo- girls an request o! the bos og-patch style: so corne on sindta aceomodate 15,000 the town was sand blastedf (nervousiy) awaiting the re-' crash of the TCA plane, mas for campleting their higb open doors, carry books, - - grs aktatby peaple. 'and painted inside and out suits.1 Last Wednesday the senior schoal courses. I know that sboes, and do other odd tasks. Next week P'li report -'o& "ur wat.er supply is arn- this year. We do out best ta-, The tragie news of the Unit-, home ecanomies students, ac-i many have gone on ta variaus During twirp week the girls Monday's fashion show tat.be. ple for industry and residents,Igether with aur Mayor ta op-' ed States president came dur-I companied by Mrs. Wolfe, had, universities -in t r a i n i n g", are always so willing ta do presented ta the home ecano.-- and there bas been a healtbylerate the utilities ta the besti ing the last days o! exarns the interesting excperience ofj courses and we wish them these littie favors. But Friday mies classes. I guess t hýt growth o! custamers. Thereio! aur abîlities and ta keepiand I know we all appreciat- visiting the home ec. depart- cantinued success and wuil nigbt the ta'bles turn for the about wraps il up for ZbS ire 69 new custamers this yearlthem in good shape," Mr.'ed the thaughtfulness in pant-Jment a! the University of Tor- welcome them baek ta anv 'girls asks boy' Sadie Hawk- week. in addition ta the new Im-içarruthers said. I poning the MoInday marningrianta. Our hastess for the at-Ihigh sehoal events that they ins, Marryin' Sam's Jam. Spe- Jill Ames (1 j- - - --- ýffl