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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Dec 1963, p. 2

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2 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Dec. 4, 1963 ...8 % Were Promoted Principal Lucas Predicts School fo Reach Capacif Yi In '6 7 Unless Changes Madel IR vil nec on ta1 Seý I ei flci at 1wit Bowmanville High Schooli Principal that in this way mains for life. " 2 36 5 8 12 91 641 83 1 24 4 8 Commencement E xe rc ise s there is a continuous threadi The study of Mathemnatics - 2C_43_68_25_84 81_20_49_17 46_48_1578_13_10_22_49_47_80 were held on Friday evening,1which helps to integrate aýreveals more than the prosaiý1 Northl1A 51 51 36 62 55 28 45 22 35 46 17 5528 13 18 40 45 6-4i and the spaciaus assembly halli pupil's complete schooling, work-a-day arithmetic which ý B638 3f6 5 1 92 4 6 1418144 %vas filled to capacity for thej and assists in placing each is used in buying and selling -, J) -- -- - WC ______________ ___859t happy event. L. Lucas, thei one in the course which mat- and other businesses, Mr. L!u '> 2 98 77 58 122 97 25 70 44 82 83 25 82 39 17 47 70 59 109 ceE Principal, was the charmai,ches most nearly his ability in cas explained. "You have seen 3 5 5 46959>1 8375-6 48 2-92-6 3 2sei and the excellent Valedictor-1 order to provide the best op-~ that Mathematlcs can remove _______________________________________ - sa Jan was Christopher Robinson.! portunity for success. itself from the physical world.1" 3 84 9 8 82 52 05 67 31 54 4 7 Mr. Lucas welcomed theý Mr. Lucas outlined what the~ Here man rises above the -________________ ______du_______ _______ _______ large audience, and congratu-1 school has tried to do for ils~ animal in his power of ab-1 South lA 59 78 64 74 74 35 48 17 66 59 17 66 33 13 37 52 43 78 d --ated the graduates and prizel students in the past severalp straction," Mr ucas stated. 1 B 72 48 65 57 51 49 57: 16 73 51 15 33 28 13 48 40 37 62 i winners on their accomplish-ivears. "In the study of Eng-? He also spoke of the advan- " 2 0 4 12 9 05 03 2 87 5 21 4 01 19an ~jncnts. He told the gatheringliish it is hoped that you have1 tages resultant from the in--______ _____ ___ __ ihat Bowmanville High Schoollacquired a background ofistruction given in Home Ecr'-!" 2 14 4 5 63 78 7 8 0 4 3 621 3 4c iad 460 students last Junc, grammar to express yourself nomics and Industrial Arts.l"2B 91 52 514 925 63305547 69 71 370 403416 23651 34 4cl and that the total has no%%, more correctly, andavobu He also mentioned the bene -ý C9 2 5 2 7 35 76 63 14 reached 533. He predictedý lary to do so more fluentlv., fits of physical education. Ttal1281 66152 10 1 63462813674618 6776311 that the sehool will pass itsl Through prose and poetrvy ytiý "Nor hias the social aspe,7t oa 0881 6615 0645723482813682461346776311 o maximum capacity in Sep-ihave felt the resnonse to th.c of your training been neglect-Jmi tember 1967. but added thafl written word. If we hiave ed. The student council in il diaries between this town'sý better readirng, a search for ties bas brought you togethered this from inside the box. forgettable. Lana Morrison tumes of gold and black withilI ÀAL. M c iI foi I-igh Sehool and those, iný wider knowledge and deeper on many social occasions. The Ontario Training School was the Ice Queen, and the theîr wide brimmed yellow, i nleighboring municipa 1litI e s understanding, then our job Failure to, get along wîth fel- for Boys, Bowmanville, Band Eskimos werc Pat Richards plumed black hats werc at-,A~ TI cou]d change this. eý has been worthwhile," hie said.~ low workers is claimed to be played well and its members and Penny Jeffrey. tention -catch ing. D~ i~ a] "0f the 410 pupils in the1 'Through History you have tie greatest single reason for wore appropriate northern The sweet Tartan Teens Then all eyes werc drawni Hc the final year, 80 per cent has brought man to this stage or just quitting. Since we live, parkas with rcd lined hoods, ked blue skirts and matching float. There was a real pump-i M anver w . Ho were successful in gaining in his evolution, an evolution work and play together, social red wool sashes, and navy blue tunics, and their tempo was kmn coach drawn by four large promotion. In the final corn- leading we know not where, functions serve ta help in thi3 trolisers. just right. Rub - a - Dub - Dub white mice. A driver, and Btay-LwsMGlha inercial year 85 per cent were but through your efforts it direction. The Robot float was moder- Three Men in a Tub brought footman, Larry Luxton and .. Bethany,Leis the nexv er sucesfu ing ad a in . ustpusu a upar pth Mr. Lucas told of the three nistie and much admired by the favorite rhyme ta life. John DeGooyer were pcrched Reeve of Manvers Township,ý s4h ei rae1 teeweeYorae enmaCtommercial Course, and the crowds. A towering giant The butcher, baker, and can- high on top, and inside was the n 42vtsinMna' 272 papers written of which finest hour and at his Clark- te reparatian ve fo a brain made of glistening or- dle stick-maker were Pat beautiful Cinderella, Ginny pllcin 42vehs in Monday's 217 were passed for a per- est hour. You have seen bat- business career from learning chid and green materials was Goode, Tove and Anette Jor- Osmond. former Deputy Reeve Harvey centage of 798. tles won and lost, plcdges kept shorthand and typing, book-complete with dials and ather genson. The giant dragon caterpil- Malcolm o! Yelverton, whose in, "We lost anc staff member, and broken. You have seen keeping, business law, cco-idevices and there were two Then Dino the Dinosaur lar proved to be colorful, and total vote was 287. Mr. M- Dr Miss Cowan, who is teaching decisions wise and foolish. nomics, and history. !other slightly smaller golden made by the Chauffeurs Club sinuous. It had an almost hypîiîla eodo ayA in Germany for the Depart- This background of know-, "Tiirough reprimand foricolored robots. Jimr Symes came. Viewers werc astonish- notic effect on the crowds. years of service on council, De Mient of National Defence. We ledge will help in evaluating' lateness we have encouraged and Danny Ferguson operatcd cd ta sec this tremendous Then a tiny old fashioned having served as Deputy pa: Xcquired two ncw teachers, current history, and assist the promptncss. Through pressureithe giant brain fromn inside. pre-histaric monster mnoving "fliver" carrying a man and Reeve in 1956-57-58. He re- Co Mr. Von Schilling,rpacnyunpopeithdcsos we have instilled the habit of Then alang came Tubby along. woman startcd the vicwers tre acuci gi nb MvissCowan, and Mr. Safrance, they must make," Mr. Lucas industry. Through enforced Tub. This vehicle almost The Tyrone and Bowman- laughter. 1961. pruicl gininb teahe ofEnlîs, îstrydecard'home study we have nurtured strangely was a bathtub with ville Flute and Drum Corps "Ohs" and "Ahs" were heard T tri ..nd Boys' Physical Education. 'The study of languages, a sense of rcsponsibility. a face painted on front, and wcre combmned and played as The Sugar Plum Tree pas-e. oîîowîng i here flýrc The Durham County Dis- French, Latin, German, and Through all we hope ta have it dashed back and forth ac- particularly well. AIl the scd by. It wasmae ythe1nthsenpoigdvsos:r trc ihScolBadwitîi Greek, have made you awarel fostered a craving for know- ross the parade width and members were costumed as Orono Junior Gardeners Club MeGiII Malcolm of -'ive schools under ils juris- of tongues other than your1 ledge, and a capacity for rea- along the streets apparently clowns and worc funny "cows' and designcd by the director, Lati 6 ar: ,Htinprvdewhr r-ow.Frmthsyou sec thelson. powered by electricity. In the breakfast" bats. Mrs. Tom Fairbrothcr. Theiots g uircd, schooling in ail three derivation of maoy of aur "We only hope that the! tub, the driver wore an old Very young majorettes were cxquisite trec had dozens of Ballyduff 56 31 r Aranches of the Revised Sec- English words, and are made sceds that have been planted fur coat and extraordinary cheered by the onlookers. sparkling blossoms, and damn- Pontypool 41 65 vi( o..ndary Sehool Plan, Mr. Lu- aware o! other cultures. within you will bcecncouras-lhat under a plaid umbrella. hywr trcieydes y gen lae. Mrae avr t.3 4 W cas stated. Mr. Lucas discussed the cd into growth that will pro-I The lst Newcastle Scouts cd in blue and white. The Mitchell, wearing a beautifulB "Ibas established a Guid- benefits of the stud of the vide you with fodframr a three excellent floats in Bownianville Arena had The pink net frock was the Sugar 1 ethany 133 57 one oorintngComt-ScecePhsis Cemsry stsfig nduefl ie, M- teparade. Two depicted Wne od ln la.Ska- PumPrincess, SsnAstFleetwood 8 Ire with representation from Biology, Geography, and Aýr- Lucas said in conclusion. woodland scenes, and typical ters per!ormcd on a rink with all in red was the little girl Janctville 86 47 me oad, ubicsearae icle. This leads ta a bet-I L. A. Parker, chairman ofscuigatvte.Teewsra ice. The skillcd saesin dreamland. and the Sufar4228 nnd high sehools. This has ter understanding o! the the Durham County Distri ctla canoe, bonfire, log bouse, werc Yvonne Anonichuk and Plum Fainies wcrc Caro yn Te ohr mmes o -civen rîse ta a guidance Pro- world, and causes anc ta pan- High School Board, congratu- furnishings, and other eqiJip-iMary Oke. Johnson and Donna Challice. Te ohr m brs fi nrain common ta alI elemen- der the power o! some Sup- lated the gradutates on behalf'ment. IThe Cobourg Legion Drum The Old Woman Who Livedeounicil by acclamation for -tary sehools in the area, and reme Authority, hie declared. o! the board. He said that al] Scout Tim Gray tended the Corps made a fine showing in a Shoc was another fam- 1964 are: Rodney Porter, Dep- -continuing unbroken through '"Courses in Art and Music must experience gratifyirig bonfire, and Scout Keith Caîl bath in ils playing and pre- ous nursery rhyme float. The uty Reeve; Wilson Heaslip, .the high schools. ' have offered an opportunity tc. pride in the results o! their paddled the canoe. Rover cision drill. It was strikingly enormous black shoe was lac- Johnl Payne, Alex MeMaster, I-t- was -ex'plained by the test your capabilities in this examinations, and in their Leader Robert Stephenson was uniformed in red satin tunics eïd in gold, and bad gold fram-' counicillors. direction, ta discover for your- fine record of achievemnent the driver. and red stniped black trous- cd green casement windows. On Saturday night the two self if some talent is unde-1 duning their x'ears at Baw- The lst Newcastle Scouts ers. The black roof bad a real young people's groups o!f tected. Bath are modemn and'manville High School. He alsoI Col or Party was compased o! The Jack and Jill float was chimney. Margaret Corden Bethany, the Hi-CCu !te classical, bath have a univer- paid tibute ta Mr. Lucas, theStan Cobbledick, Dave Gib- exceedingly papular. Attrac- was the Old Woman, and the United Church and the Ang- i sal appeal, and an interestl Principal, and ta the ather son, Jim Stephenson, Frank tive, Nancy Hooper was JilI children wcrc Ricky Kilpat- lican Young Peoplc"s As- - once__aroused in cither re-teachers. - Hendry, Pete McCullough and at the well on top of a bill, rick, Dcbbie Slaght, Mary Jane sociation met in the Parish. ___ --Harold Powell. and at the foot was Jack, Bob- Walters and several other Hall o! St. Paul's Church ta IM I MJ The Treasures a! Storyland by Luxton. youngsters. discuss the joining of!h to - float was heart warming. It The Belleville Clown Band Two Sea Cadet Bands add- groupsP The decision was' S a n a C o u P a a d showed parents reading their again proved hilariaus. Its cd ta the attractions o! the unanimous and in the future (FROM PAGE ONE)î gazcd on the Chîld. The shep- children the traditional tales members bad completely di!-padeThrwsan frmtywilbkn nasBt- Bruce Colwcl], and followcd;îîends were Peter Wcrry, j0.. that ail remember, so well. fenent costumes, 'ànd their Cobourg and one from Qsha- any Young Peoples". The elcc- *hy another car in xvhich AlexIseph Slappendal, and 10 year Judy Brough as thc mother canîic talents werc tops. "The wai The. Foster Flintstones 1tlon o! foffîcers followed: Ray -Carruthers, M.P.P. for Dur-lold Herbert Deruep. a Sigma- wone a becoming rcd bouse- Hootcnany" was a wondenful from Belleville in their am- Porteous, President; Allan -ham, and Jack Adams, cha ir-IC member, who held a real coat and matching rcd cap. ship. This super float was azing vehicle werc cheered Smith, vice-president; Carolyn man Santa Parade Financelbaby lamb. The father, Alan Munday, was built locally, and an its deck along the route. The Beverly Smith, secnetary; Roy Scott,- -Committee were the passen-1 Shepherds Watched their in a stripcd woollen night it carried a launch, "The Lit- Hilîbillies wàs also f rom treasunen; Dianne Smith, pub- ~ gens. Russell C. Honey, M.P.IFlocks was also a supcrb float. shirt and white cap, the chil- tle Hoot." Belleville. The kilted General licity convener. for Durham County, was un-jIt was created by the New- dren before the easy fireplace The Unity Flute Band from Electnic Pipe Band proved The group then dccided onl -able ta take part because helcastle Scouts and Rovers, and were Eddy Bans, Julie Lux- Toronto was impressive. Th.e popular tati. . a number of topics fan discus-1 ;uaw11wwuo SnolAaJd P. peul was designed by Rover Lead- ton, Daugie Cnaugh, and Gail bandsmcn wore dark blue, MI- The Salem Athletic Club' sion at future meetings. AI -ta attend the Federation a! er Robert Stephenson. It de- Knapp. litary type uni!onms and they presentation lancder direction Christmas party will be held ~ Agriculture annual meeting picted a lovely angel. Dorrell The Pickering Yauth Band are talcnted musicians. Kani o! Harvey Webster, was ex- On Decemben 27 and a night ~ being held in Blackstock atlla Lancaster annauncing the Was uniformed in navy andColbary, 8 Liberty Place, plays ceptionally gaod. In a Wood- o! carolling ta the sick and -the same time. iglad tidings ta three shepherds goId, and played fine march- in this band, and it was land setting was Davy Croc- eldcrly is planned. There will - ~~~~A smart group af soldiers Grant Williams, John Cun- ing airs. The Mother Goosethnough bis kindncss that all kctt, Bnian Blackburn; a bear, as eaCnsmscuc marched biskly. The redÎningham, and Paul Nesbitt ýfloat wvas uttcrly perfect. Aihis fellow bandsmen volun- David Maynard; and a wol!Iaso evice Cnductmaci y he1 coats wcne commanded by anýwho ail wore replicas a! the huge snowy white goose whose tened ta came ta Bowman- Barry Phillips. The Indians young people. They will meet S officen wha held a flashingilowly watchers' garb of long wingspread extendeci acnoss ville ta play in Mn. Colbary's wha fallawed were Chic! Ja-onDc br2.Rv.R- sward. Then the Tartan Las-iago, and there was a flock o! ýthe entine front af the float home tawn Santa Claus Pa- mie McPhail, Jahn Wolnik, inald Rose closcd the meeting *sies Bowmanvilc's awn starIrcal sheep. was drawing a black garbedlrade without pay. ua Mrcnd RyM-wih pyes Lnh ws 'majorettes high stepped andl The Whitby Brass Band Mother Goose, Shirley Irving,, Gail Cbapman's Maor uts, Pan arcd hadetoay Mc-iwîth padtes. Lnch ede perfarmeci a perfect routine played seasonal music. The in a slcigh. There vas also aB'leilewere slPhi iýai AvidyMuhackTwto Nn-and" ed hand t f he eogaed.d Cul ThatIs to say, bof Or wîtn. faultless timing. Theyv band members mrhdwlIv oky n flock of their castumes o! white fur ilPers George Allin wasi _________ coursel Le COQUETEL lwere led by Patsy Blake, and and looked matin Wi uiehl e e against a deep trimmed blue velvet andtPetier. The_____________ ; iawiefoapèsidinr, had an excellent colon party.1fonms. ýbluc sky. md r-white niaribou talbats. The wcre as fallows: "S" Mary-.'o Il$a inforapèsle înrs Two amazingly agile clowns: Youngsters were fascinatedi Then the Whalc aeate accompanyîng boys in the Lou Burgess, "A" Linda AI-l.'tM caled en anias arcivt applause for their and their elders xtvere amusedýmendousi hit. This huge sea Drum Corps wvare light blue lin, "L" Ruth Shackleton, "E", o n i "wie cocktail." acnobatics. They seemeti to be'by the antics o! twvo largeltmanmma aeibc n1hrs lc rues n ua Craig, and "M" Jessie Myfaorieofestoi !able ta turn cartwhecls tire-'and rcalistic appearing mon- orth across the roati and along white western bats. :Downey.ea s Myflessly. keys in a huge cage. Randy the route under ts awn paw-I The Joyeux Noel float pre-1 The Long Sault Kitchený e r Coquetels by Brights, The Royal Canadian Legion'Dewell and Bob Jackmaner apparcntly, while froni its sented a picturesque frozen Band atideti gaiety ta the pa- FO A[OE IsCOQUETEL ABRICOT. ýBowmaiiville Pipe Band led:were the twa disguised as mouth protmuded tlîe boots o! lake scene with iceboat. This, rade. It was led hy Mrs. Jimýcmlmne nhsc-p Déllleuforippng, by Drum Major James Marty'monkeys. a mari, Jonah perbaps? Theffloat was much admired. Wdl' .Ms.Harold Mucr-mntdo isc-p Délciuxfo sppng li!ted local heants xith pridel Fairylanti goats, same pas- whalc was madie by tlîe staff1 Appcaling majorettes, the]ac. r eration in regard ta the offer. 1 V itIsa in wthth ure ias it passeti in perfect mach- tel green, athers mauve, or yel- !MQcnMtrSls aar wnetewr h a insat n.J'in A petition fnom nesîdents in flvoofhearioj ing order, kilts swinging. Thelowtook part in the parade.ý w ponies o! Ray Coch- black velvet costumes, anti C lhicaninsn ay s at e rs. ai the vicinity o! Frcderick Ave. wodefl îîsc f le ipsTby teheetfo teTao eOterpayrswreMn.Stnfor a sanitary sewer under Aheflmsi fteppe'hywr ln o h eventirane's, R.R. 1, Enniskillen,,anti black feathers in their!Goble and Mrs. Walter Van-'Lvmn roiin Atrès boni Très bon, S. and drums xvas stirning. ýby Lloyd Ayre, andti heir fur drew a gaily betiecked cart whitc bats. The Toyland Ex- ýEyk, pot licis, and Mrs. JohniLocal Improveetpoiin * certainirenti Très joli, auss 1 The Nativlty Scene float was dyed by a special and decorated witb pink and whitepress was an outstantiing float.ýJohnslon, scrub boarti. 'hel was received. Councillor Kený --i its very beautiful ýpresenteti by the Hi-C Group harmless proccss. The goats'foil. The vehicle was filleti It bad a fine train, with en-' ao laeswrcMs har- e secondeti by Council i decntrfriaabe.o! St. Pauls United Church weeacmaidb îa- with a number o! pcppy mu- gine, passenger car andi ca- e enadnMsoBbB r Annie Oke moved that itiiW was truly wondcrful, anti was ing group o!f tiiminuitivei in.boe h nierws John gcss, Mms. A. McLaggan, Mns. be referreti ta ncxt ycan's - Essayez-le, trylt soonl !a reverent representation o! clowns playeti by Ciîîty-Lou The Woodview Majorettes iHentiry, the conductor, Mk Ernie Topple anti Mns. A.!couîîcil, and the motion wvas jo the First Christmas in Uic anti Wendy Ayre, Cathy Land wxere attractive iii their cos-<Bedford andi the passenesMlsncarnieti. (BIiilltl fotý,taleat Bethlehem. Besîie Carol Wight, Marilyn McCul- turnes o! becomîng blue anti: were Linda anîd Canal Bcd-ý A trim group of majorettes Offers to ResignY 'the Infant Jesus in the man-,lough, Jean Turner anti Leslie white with reti plumeci hats.ýforti. wcre costumet ini white with A communication written to ger were Mary. lis Mother, Benson. The lovelY Ice Queen an beri The Lindsay Kavaliers is a purple touches. The Royal Ca - 'b Works Supenintendent T. i (Anne Ferguson), and St. Jo- CGroups o! riders displayed regal throne surmounting a bilI notable bandi with perfect dis- nadian Legion Musketeers K1 Sewrtwa rcevei y MspE(ai edl.Treeceln Ssmnsi nio M. niatnei yt cpiQmrhn bhiy niDuiCopPtroouh oni.Mn twr nt cd;he wa el kn o n ronSaetci.t Cloa ewth is soîdiers te ti yeo!atitue Nefondand Prdcsscene with tnees anti a large of toys packed in bis sleighproof myscîf anti the persan pond. The twa chiltiren on thewsdaw byigtenencnnei came ta counicil ~ t *ra!t in the pond wcre Jahn andibati four attendant elves,;about lt. *zz m ~ m- w .IRudell anti Elizabeth Spry. Lindy Mountjoy, Nancy Woal-, "If Mn. Stewart thinks this: MU * W \~A. , roup o! jolly clowns scy, Ilcane Rahme anti Pat:council, or any othen council: F U N D Y % precedeti the four fine Coch- Thompson, who wenc attrac-îsbould take abuse from bhim,ý rane hanses !rom Burketon OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FRO tively attireti in green jenkins, he is wrong. This was thrown pr '\. pulling a cart dominateti by aRO and red leggings. They also in bis lap anti then cames bis SEAIFOU S 'Christmas chimney. hati yellow scarves anti sash- resignation. rvvu~~~~ .,' ~~ The Jack in the Box was a m . -e." aesiita n tw PH O N E 728-1171 U n .st iking float. The en rm ous m N a d wr nes. I ar d e s a ta t ob or. dS w box was covereti with multi- 1uwi.. anrets. esh o ul stick I OSH WA acs te ld oul fl oen cM u le H a dw a ., Eward Island i s "Parva suio roas anti streets anti fot OSlIA A pa es t e lit woud fl ape 36 King St. E. LIM ITED P o e 6 35 0 ingenti," which means "The ty ta create p oblems for, and op u anenoroùs ackPhon 623540small untier the protection of councillons. I was not for, ,costumeti in reti. Ron Etcher o«%i the great".i letting him go or 1 woulti Monday's Town Election Returns REEVE D. REEVE COUNCIL _______ SUB DIV.zz 0 West 1 79 66 48 9 6 76 32 62 31 56 55__27 83_32 14 3664_62 88 2A 68 37 35 69 69 21 49 29 41 49 20 61 16 il 30 45 52 67 "2B 73 50 48 75 64 24 58 24 51 51.14 55 35_10 54 4Ï83 68 Councillor Hoopcî- claimeti was a x'cry wcak excuse,' ti it took a long time for the,ý anti ta think it up. He ungeti uncil ta visit the school andt )ok at the floons. "The board is attempting tai Dnfuse theie ssue. I know the, ian who laid that floor anti ,was donc nowlienc like 50 eans ago. Tlhe floo- thene be-I ne this one was matie of ine anti lasteti many years. îce present floor is matie o!: ak anti shoulti las, much' )nger than pine, Councillorý looper assenteti. He mov*d; e lette- be receiveti anti ave sponsoneti such a motion, tthe time," Councillor Hoop- rstateti. The motion xvas camnieti. Dogs an the Loose Town council a!tcr recciv-! ig ativice on the subject !nomý 1Ivan Woolsey, Hcalth a! îimals Branch, Canatian 1partment o! Agriculture,Î asseti a resolution moveti by ouncillor Hughes, secontieti yCooncillor Oke that the aovisions o! the Dog Con-r 1o By-Law prcventing dogs .arn ronning at lange be helti abcyancc during the months fDecember, Janoany, Febru- ry anti March. AlI wcre in greement that shoulti an out- 'eak o! rabies in tbe near icnity occor, the. regulation lulti again go into effeet. çlean car. Barain! 1959 Plymouths Chalce of two. Bath are sedans. 1958 Plymouth 4-Dr. Standard transmission. cus- tom radia. washers, wheel cavers. Goad cdean car. 1956 Dodge Regent 2-dr. hd. tp. Campletely reconditianeti. runs like ncw! 1954 Plymouth Station Wagon 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion. Runs gooti $95.00 Twa Bargains 1953 Plymouth, 1954 Plymouth:,% Clearing ai Reduced Prices! PALMER MOTO R SALES CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH VALIANT - DODGE 20 King Street East Phone 623-5487 JURY & LOVELL LIMITED OPEN 'TILL 9 P.M. DAILY THIS WEEKI TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES 0T ý 25'7o Off OUTFITS PERFUME and GIFT SETS by , "HELENA RUBINSTEIN* REVLON *YARDLEY * LARTNELL, - "~-,-,...--,---. - * CHiANE~L No. 5 *EVENINC1 IN PARIS * SHULTON 1ý TABU"'\\the forbidden fragrance" For The Man In Your Life ... "ARDEN GIFTS FOR MEN" OLD SPICE SETS -.* from $1.50 to $10,00 "YARDLEY GIFT SETS" ELECTRIC SHAVERS...... ..f rom $13.95 Genuine Leather CHRISTMAS WALLETS GIFT PAPER Reg. $3.50 A ND ony---2.59 RIBBON ~ ~(23075 Off EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR ... Jenny Lind (hocolates JURY & LOVELL WE DELIVER 2 King St. E. Phone 623-3361 w '4 f i. 4 i 's ji~ 's 's 's A A 2 1; I I ichool Board Replies 4-t ro Letter from Cou ncil te New Tile on Floors A letter from the Bowman- fileti. This was secondeti byy lle Public Sehool Boarti was Councillor Weslev Fiee, andti ýceiveti at the meeting o! carrieti. owmanvb]le Town Councîl nTuesday evcning. It was reply ta cauncil's letter af! eptember 25tb nequesting the 2ason whv the hantiwooti ianr in the tiownstains ha.l' tCentral School was coveretidE AL rth tule. The scbaol boanti's commu- ication contendeti that this oor was thin in spots, anti e only alternative ta tili'. rulti be an expensive pro-L USED CARS ýss a! removing existing flonr !"a -r ýaI by solvents anti scnaping, 1963 Dodge -r 3n the floon, anti refinish it1 V-8, automatie, windshield ith Penctrim, or a like pro - washers, padded dash. uct. Gleipn blachik finish. flna, GIFTS 0F BEAUTY ... by Elizabeth Arden from $1.00 to $20.00 -.- -, à a, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m . % % m m - m * LENTHERIC

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