4 The Canadian Statesman, BowmanvMle, Dec. 4, 1963 EDITORIAL COMMENT * Why Not Age 20? A completely reliable news report out of Ottawa - it is distrîbuted by the Canadian Press and may be taken as fact and not rumour or conjecture - says that many members of par- liament are pivately opposed ta iow- ening the voting age from 21 ta 18 years but are afraid ta say s0 publicly be- cause they fear the youngsters might take revenge in the noxt election. The socialist party has long favored ,.# drap in the voting age. Most people are assumed ta be politically radical in .their youth - perhaps because they are then away under-average in their tax payments and willing ta permit ,grandiose government schemes - and socialism finds support amang the very .young ahmost univensally. But it is doubtful if the franchise age would have been at issue in this paliament .except that the Liberal Party was flot quite sure it could win the iast elec- ltion, and tossing promises in ail direc- 'fions, followed along the aid NDP .plank of a federal vote at age 18. S It will be more than unfortunate if no Member rises in the House ta question the standard argument that 18-year-oids deserve the vote because at that age they can marry, work for a ,living, drive a car, and even die f or their country. Ail of these things are truc, but only with qualif ications. A 17-year old may enlist, but he is not required to, nor would he ever be drafted. A 16-year old may drive a car, but so many young drivers are involv- ed in accidents that their age group is insurably only at extra prcrnium. In mast parts of Canada 21 yeans is the age of consent for marriage, although parental consent iowers tho age any- where in the country - even ta 12 years in one province - but f ew par- ents, clergymen or marriage counsci- lors would advise marriage in the teens. And although the majority of senior teenagers are working for a living, few o! them have the expenience or judgmont for responsible positions. In the matter a! voting there are some 18-year-oids who are as respon- sibhe as some 36-year-olds. But at age 18 f Ow youngstens are accountabie even for their own welf are. And few have opinions, let alone considened opinions, on the mattons that parliament deals with - trade, justice, defense, finance, industry, immigration, and so on. If the voting age must be iowcred, why ta age 18? Why not to age 20? At least that compromise would exclude a great many who do not have the ex- poience and knowledge - and prob- ably even the desire - to partîcipate in the government of the country. Safe Driving Week- Dec. 1-7 As in the past six years, Safe-Dniv- .Ing Week in Canada will extend from -December 1 ta 7, inclusive. The Ca- nadian Highway Safety Council wil sponsor this major road safety cam- paign with increased co-openatian ex- pected from provincial and communîty ,rafety onganizations in ah Provinces. As in the past, Safe-Dniving Week wili stress problems that arise in winter driving and walking. It will also serve to lead inta the nation-wide December- )tng campaign ta combat holiday traf- rc hazards, promoted, each yoar by tderal, provincial and community po- During Sa!e-Driving Wcek in 1962, 70 people died in traffic across Canada. This was a considorable incroase aven the same period o! 1961, when 55 pen- ishcd. However, o! the 43 Canadian ci- tics with Populations exceeding 40,000, ail but 10 comploted Safc-Driving Wock without a single road death and were cited by His Excellency the Gov- ernon .General. "Vigilance," said W Arch Bryce, CHSC's executivo dinec- tar, "must be maintainod eveny min- utc, walking or driving." 1 Miracle of the Seal .-Anyone oven fi! ty years o! age and thousands of people iearnnd what the even those with good miemnoies who services should be. Becauso thcy wene are nat that oid, can remember when appeaiing f or funds tubencuiosis wonk- tuberculosis was the ieading cause o! r a erychnet amra death. One of the miracles which has eshdayai hnet amra taken place is that instead of being al- the fact that tuberculosis was curable riost helpiess before this disease we if treated in time. Thcy had an open- f ind ourselves in a position ta say "Now ing for repeating that tubercuiosis was is the time ta dig in and wipe ouit tu- not hencditary, that it was not caused ',berculosis." by a danip cimate, that it was infec- This is not going ta be easy. Des- tas ~pite advances thene were 769 deaths Then there came a timo whcn the nrom TB in Canada last yerýand 8,922 Christmas Seal campaign was not oniy ý:'anadians, Wà&it 'Into sanitorii't6- raisingfuaids ta pay for mass sunveyp 4,reated foe' ,8t- 00,ýt,,Ranting out the advantages ta the wIien our population 'was' smalr, e xn4- Ï výi.xI âÏand the community o!f fliad- "deaths fnom tubercuiosis in this coun- ing cvery case eanly. As a resuit of what mtry were 6,051. That is why in the next those seals from the TB Association 'few years there is a special respansi- have accomplished aven the years we ,biity ta push the campaign ta root out open the onvelopo containing them with ,,this disease. slight awe. They look sa, small ta have raised millions of dollars for TB pre- :Ever since the Christmas Seal cam- vention. But that is only part o! what paign was launched it has been encoun- they have donc. They have proven that aging h vrg esnt ae heaith education o! the public is a paw- hand The direct appeal was ta provide enfui force in the conquest o! dîsoase. tUnds for tuborculosis preventian but Which was mare important, the money the indirect appeal was ta learn how or the knowledge they spread? Eithcr fuberculosis could be prevented and way, they are well worth aur support. Iput the knowledge ta use. Sa be sure ta forwand a substantial do- It was when asked ta contnîbute nation for the Christmas Seais you have qioney for preventive services that received through the mail. Modern School Buildings :A honni! ied shiver went through a Tononto engineer when someono came ight out and said "air conditioning" was recommended for schools. He aidn't like the term because it soundcd Dke a "fnili" in education. In his opin- ion, air "purifying" was an absolute Secessity. "Fathen goos ta his air con- fitioned office, mother shops in hon air sonditioned supermanket, sa why shouid ,re send Johnny to study in an un-air eonditioned school?" ho asked. :And another onginoor asked an *ven mare pertinent question: ho won- ;qered whether mankind wasn't creat- Vi too many atificial contraIs for his odily environment. "If they ever fail Wrhat will he do?" That's a good ques- Another challenge was put by an nrchitect who said schools are closed aUning the hottost summen months. The engineer had a neat answer for this by saying that it is during October and November that the sun angles its rays straight thraugh the windows and into the ciassroom. Al night, boys, who put in those great big walls of windows? - Cobourg S entinel-Star. Poetry Corner I The wonderful love of a beautiful maid; The love o! a staunch, truc man, And the love of a baby, unafraid, Have existed since time began. But the gnoatest love, the love of loves; Even greater than that of a mother, Is the tender, passionate, infinite love- 0f one drunken bumn for another. -Kinsmen Dist. 8 News ~be 4~rn ~hîe~nn *Durham County's Great Family Journal %- Establisbed 109 years ago in 1854 d Alzo Incorporating The. Eowmarnville News The. Newcarstle Independent 4* 1 IL 0 'lh. Orano News «Authorlzed as Secound Clase Mail by the. Post Othie Dpt.. Ottawa, and tor paymient os Postage In cash"' Praduced every Wednesday by THE JANRS PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 Kng St. W., Bownianville, Ontario JOHN M. JAMES GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS EDRnI-PUILISM DADYTG. MIIAGES BusN-ss MGa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Yeair, trlctly in advacnc. $5.50 a Year in the Unted States Athouqh every preoution will b. tabou te avoid errer. The. Canadian Stetesmen accept odvertis- m clumu. on the und.rstondinytat it wiU net b. fiable for aen errer tr. any advertisement =t b.e..d nme"O o tsuboYllmii srqas. writinq by the. advertisez sud geturned ta Mme Candien tteanian busipets office dul ind by the. advertiset and with such e~o rcorrecton plainiy noted in wrltinq thereon. end lu Z thatcase if any error se ntd infnot =«:ectd byTA»is Canadien Statemnian us li abiity shall net excoed such ai portion i the. entire cost 01 @Mhcg evtilAemnt cm thé space occupied by the. noted irar bears te thse whoi. space occupied bt' euch advertlmflbt. BOWMANVILLE STORE HOURI (CLIP THIS CALENDAR FOR HANDY REFERENCE) Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.s DECEMBER 8 9 10 il 12 13 Closed 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. DECEMBER 15 16 17 18 19 20 Closed 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. 9 p.m. DECEMBER 22 23 24 25 26 27 Closed 9 p.m. 6 p.m. Closed Closed 9 p.m. DEC./JAN. 29 30 31 1 2 3 Ciosed 6 p.ni. 6 p.m. Closed 6 p.m. 9 p.m. These store hours are not compulsory, but are recommended to merchants in the interests of uniformity and customer conveniel RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCI Sat. 14 6 p.m. 21 6 p.m. 28 6 p.m. 4 P. . Sail ence. E0 à NOËmioi"iffl In bygone days, thcre ai- The Scot hiad his balf buit other for the balance of their ways seerned a fresh stary of when the Limey went ta hitch respective lives, but there's a __________________________________________________________________ neighbours scrapping over a bis fence on ta Scotty's anchor happy sequel to this story. line fence, but sucb carryings post, but was stopped by Fifty years after the lawsuits, on seem ta be on the wane Scotty who pointed out that a granddaughter of one mar- which suggests that people are the post was HIS property. Not ried the grand nephew of the R ep o rt fro m O tta w a either iess buli-headed, or too to be outdone, the Limey said other, and as far as I know, i indolent to bother. "OK, l'Il buy your post, then I are stili enjoying each other's SLast week, Bill Bunting told CAN use it; what is your company in married Mliss. By Russell C. Honey, M . P. of a happening, "away back price?" Sandy cbarged five A f ew years ago, a chap de- i j iwhen," in his former home dollars, which was pretty cast- manded that haîf a line fence Reditribtiondebaes i t ivicinity. It seems that a Scot ly, then, but Joe paid the be built by0 the people for Reitrbtindeaesi he day had a majority of the constituents represcnted b';'ý and a Limney lived on adjacent money and bitched bis fonce wbomn I worked. We com- past have beon among the membors. Mr. Pickorsgill said, Mombers of Parliament. AtI farms, and were not on speak- on ta tho post, tben remindod plied with the request which most partisan and stormy re- "The Government bas no in- the oxtremes are Iles-de-la- ing terms, but tbey did meet Sandy that it was now bis soemod to irritate the othor cordod in tho Hansard of Can- tention of trying ta impose its Madeleine (population 12,479) 1ta decide which baif of the post,, ta wbich Sandy agrood,if0el0w One morning, the -en- ada's Parliament. This has wiiI, and has no desire ta do and York-Scarbarough (papu- uine fonce each was ta build. whoreupon Joo, with suitablo ,tire fence was off the pa'tts been so because Mombers have so. 1 want ta emphasizo that. lation 267,252). Referring 1a Sa, one started fram the Narth language tald Sandy ta take and rulled up. After a while, exhibited proprietary interesis We are committod ta the prin- the duties of the Comimissions-,' and the other from the South. bis blankety-blank fence off the fonce disappeared, then in thoir own constituencies. ciple of an independont, im- Mr. Pickersgill said,' It is aur bhis, (Jo's) blankoty-blank the pasts gradually disappear- There have been maneuvors partial redistribution ta be duty ta treat al the peapie I pte ard s, Jaeng ios to bted ossvstoed thlide ao in which one Party has tried porformed outside this House." of this country equally, sa fari thewir, on pooeadyshandbut se body, widthe pîa.t ta hurt the other, and in which Redistribution will be car. as we can, and if we reallyv ie loigpo ad'sads oeoy ihpat variaus injustices were danelried out by independent Corn. mean what we profcss aboLOI .IIJIIU~ niccly strung fonce ta bit tho of gail, some labour and no ta individual Members of msin stbibdin echslfgven.ettonru&l ground. It was aiso last week tinanciai outlay, becamne the Parliament wha saw their Province. Theso Commissions each of them shouid have an. that John Breen told of a case sole possessar of approxim- Riding jorrymnandered by a will be under the gonerai equal voice in this Hbuse,ý in North Western Ontario, ately five cbamns of new, wav- rutbloss governmeflt majarity supervision of a Commissioner wbicb bias the responsibilit.v Sunderland, Ontario, about twa surveors wbo were en wire fence, with enough intent on removing political xvho will bo appointed by of overseoing the gaverrncnt Navember 27tb, 1963 bired ta run a boundary line. steel and woaden posts to advorsaries by one moans or agreement of ail Parties in the of our Country." Dear Sir: Like the two cbaps in the eroct it. another. Houso. Thore seems naw ta In generai the redistributioný Gretings. 1 suppose that precoding yarn, eacb started It's as true today as it lever The Canadian constitution be geierai agreement that this will be carried out on a basiF i you have a deluge of letters frnm opposite ends, but wben wstapo ecsmk pravides that the boundaries office could be most capably o! representation bv popula- tallowing the series af trages tbey arrived at the middle o!f a t poor fences make of the eiectoral districts or filied by Mr. Nelson Caston- tion. There will bo departurede of last week. Here is the lne there was a difference po egbus constîtuencies are ta bo ro- guay, the present Chief Elec- of course, from the application. anather. of twa feet. As neither sur- Last week, wbîle driving viewed after each decennial tarai Officer for Canada. In of that principle. For exatrple, After the initial re-actian of oa oldamtt pre titalesg aur oad, at about census. The iast census was suggesting Mr. Castonguay's there will ho co)nsideratinincrodulity, that in civilized tratîng an error, bath haives tit ie o or is taken in 1961 and It is now the name Mr. Pickersgill said, 'I given ta the nature of the North Americta, two sucb de- of the fonce were built on the ed striking a dae by three duty o! Parliament ta make do net mind saying at once Ridirig. Obviousiy in a Citv,'plorable deeds could be wil- surveyed linos, and a two-foot foot as she crossed in front of some necessary provision ta why I feei ho (Mr. Caston- Riding it is much easior for lully enacted - far different cross piece used ta close thethe truck, but witbin seconds. 'Irsposescam tome.Oftngap A onuentto tupd-I bumped inta a large, fat readjust constituency boun- guay) would ho acceptable, a Meniber of Parliameât ta ospne aet e!fegp ouett tpd 'buck. Ho roliod over a daries ta reflect the growtb We have had four elections service the requiremonts of while viowing some American ity! couple of times then jumped and shift in population in the since 1957 in a period of a lit- bis coristituents than ini theifilm wîth Chinese friends, I Many years ago, I worked th otadbuddit ton years since the last re- tie over six years. Aitbough case of a Rural Riding, the'have been deoply ashameid.!for a man who wont through tohi ebusnh.ude it distribution carried out after some o! those elections were boundaries of which may cx- Again a like shame possessesý the financiai wringer bocause ýh uh the 1951 census. quite bitterly fought and many tend two or three bundred mc. But tho olement of sur- io! a series of lawsuits ovor a Twenty-four hours later, not In introducing the Resolu- bard tbings were said, I bave miles as the case of same af prise bias gano. lino fonce that was thought ta far from the scene of rny en- flan ta set up the machinery nat heard in any quartier of the more sparsly populated * Haw and why could this be be tbree foot out of lino. My counter, Andy Sutch, Jr., spot- for redistribution, Secretary the Hause, no mattor wbo was provinces. Consideration mill' in a cultured, christian land? boss won the trial, but the ted a buck, and stopped bis of State J. W. Pickersgill made in office or who was in op- na dau.bt be also givon ta geo)-'hese wero not the acts o! trueineighbour won the appeal, vebicle, anly to have tbe big it clear that tbe government position, any suggestion that grapbic factors, the accossi - Chrýistians,, who do not murder my boss won the next round,. deer slani into the side of bis would nat follow the practice tbey were not conducted with bility of regians within a co- nor hato. Nor may we only but the neighbour came out car, thon jump up and gallop used by all governments since the utmost propriety. I tbink stituency and so on. blame political fanaticism, or an top at the end ai this costly off. Andy and I are wonder- Confederation whoroby this that ail o! us as Canadians If Pa rliament processes the the mental upset or morals a! litigation wbich meant that ing if the buck resented the task was performed by a Par- can be proud of thýat." legisiation -quîckly so that the some strip-tease aperator. We the fonce stayed "put" and thre-2-day bunt in this regian,. liamentary Comm i t t e e on To-day there is a great dis- Commissions cari be set ùp may naot look ta Dallas and in- tbe laser ]ost bis financiai and is trying to show bis dis-, ofand got to work at once, it .., wardly boast that this could shirt. Naturally, neither man pleasure, or if be's bent o wbicb the gavernmont of the crepancy in the nuniber aievs.o htterprs i h oe h ie n îe rbtered with the suicide. will be availabie in 1965 and wishes o! good folk, as o!fjwj~ w ~~*that by the autumn of 1965 an lJosus Christ are always boset un e-.. IW -~ lection could be held on the ae o n!a evil.e o In th e D * baIiso! the redistributed co-, Wie are o adil-diet so!yS U 1stituoncies. If an election ~imeadeis ti bw held before the autumn af'nws On roading Hansard a d1965 it wiil have ta o cri oe is disgusted with the ducted on the basis onth rancour, bot inveîgbing andan T~$ .4 T i. onstituencies as they exist tro--1rîvairy that serves not Cana- -- . LtSLU010%j*SL ay. With the existing wido au o h qeta s ~~~variations in Bcanstthitustinen, S From The. Statesman Filet boundaries existing to-day it shah wo ho difforent? Shall would appear ta be in th e we only add police and securi- interest of fairness talal Cai;-'ticshal and eomthisonoub-1 25 YEARS AGO 49 VEARS AGO adians ta see the rodistribu-O shhw an ugvr- By Bill Smiey tion completed befare the nextmnttuaafitbscevs <Dec. 8, 1938) <Dec. 10, 1914>)lcin Tisseshh and the bitter fruit of mis- Culture? It's wunnerful! begins ta get into the tge*rs. eletio. Tissces t) b Pdirection. Canada is not the And it gets wunnerfullor ahl Six kîds wbo didn't want to The two winning teams o! Mr. Alfred Mann recentî very com'peiiing argument, and home of love and unmixod the time. This was my onlygobv deie thyd1k the grain juding compotition visited at Coîborno. oewihwl a,dobtichîoo wl.Taeyhscrepsil ecinatran-9 considered by alpliia oto-awi Taedyf baatsornersible ractin iterg ta. T bey are added ta the list for junior farmers at the Pro- Mrs. A. G. Willoughby and partis toyîng witb the idea ou !aciaeo aaiimohrso tercigthean a phono cali produces tic- vincial Winter Fair, Guelpb,1 daugbter, Coîborne, are visit-a!neecin and evil, We may not Say, lives o! someofai ur stu- ket for tbem. came from Durbam Caunty: ing Miss 'Helen Mitchell. oftan electhatprn.îosIl Gad's in His heaven, alsdents. Frtrewesbfr h Geore Tffod, Prt ope Mrs. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, tions are the arder af the dav. ngtwt tewrd It is Every year, when it's over, big day. teachers accost Mn. and Alfred Allia, Bowman- is visiting her father, Mn. S. Will you permit me ta joiflot. Our laws and sociallI sign an oatb in blood, sw7Oat Siey in the halls and band ville, finisbed in irst place; F.Hl nd te riens i n prophesy il custoi-ns ought ta ho, and prim- land tears that î'î nov or do Sim aonslkl$98.Ti ýMarlow and Glon Hancack, F il doto f nin-- y(cnier- ariîy 'eno based on the rjgbtlit again. And a year laterim aou nnetsikets2for.thie ýorono brothors, won second town. many factors and the ri, and iust. Thcuse must heOaur i thore 1Im up ta my thick 1 r"ietikt o h bonours. Rov. and Mrb,. Gardon S. distribution is oaly one of dictatars still. head in team o! cultural show aad tbree bus faros ex. M rs. A rth r G a , M r , H o - J u y , C b ou r , w e e i ev er l im orta t on s) ithei eso na mpr d cepttoG eorgeme t.JonosGorge Jste aod ollarla Jrdy Cobourgwtren ...n.soveral ipor tant r ci)o Wie n ol dcao nrcmnso I loaned it to bim but1 Mrs. Artbu a, Mrs. HoBFlaykeigatedn heta u nx eeaieeto said that evory land bas its' It ail begins innocentiye-doly 83cntnndMr ac anok Ms BaeCanadian Club banquet. will ho the Spring or eariy -t tak caver henthtndthar Countice and Miss Margaret, villians, we canno ake cvroug. 1 Ioarn tat tere 's15 ,Sit' mother won't lot her Pollack, Courtice, were guostsM.adMs e.P ik umro 96 in this, but in this time o! ing ta be a production, in a go and she wants ber money o! Mrs. W. R. Courtico, Toron- ard, Shaw's, announce tbeý sobtred thinking, recail Presi- city theatre, of one of the back but I haven't ber name ta. mAie o! their daugbten, y I-T dent Koanedy's words, "Wh atiplays the kids are studying ticked off s0 I don't know if oha. Adm isvisi lbTrtanto MA .ke FisK D O together we can do for the' in schooi. The date is a month segv tt eadwa MsJonGAdmisvst rono o aeplace t'-s lneedom of man?" We couldliaway. 1sbo uldaveIto?" ndwa iaey ,rwiuhe, Mrs. L. A. month. Recent gucsts af MI,. uîîic1 close aur oyes, ears and beaits "Wouldn't it ho grand," 1I Adam met with a painful ac- D.JmsCppeBiinsMRs oss Lee at a fan1i,,vta vialence, hate and evil, -,cao ta myseif, "if the young-' nteesigtrewes ciot by sriin ahMontana, who bas been taking party were Mr. and Mrs. Hal,- but SHALL WE? Isters could sec thc real thing?,Mr. Smiloy, who gets a very ankles aad is confined ta ber a,.post graduate course in New son 'Richards of Oshawa. Thp Fred J. Reed. It would ho an experience sml loaae a oe bed. York, spont hast woek with Richards are leax'ung sharthl" they'd nover farget. It wouhd spends miscellaneous bits of MisEey icad is his sistor, Mns. F. M. Souch. for a six months' trip araurici kiadie a real interest in tîîo'ticket and bus money on lun- Bietty T nn, M. alRîxn M. nr. a.G.Mc-thissdh pa a 'stL aILdramia. It would show them ches, cigarettes and raffle tic- Bety enan, r.HalRion M. ndMr. Js.G.Rik-th wold Teypln o is fIL that Shakespeare (or Shaw) kets, and quails inwardhy as and Mn. Byron Vanstono wore ard and Miss Fliorence bave New Zealaad, Australia, Hong i e ifleves wnesof pnizos at the Bad- 'neturnled fromn Newcastle Kong, Japan. India, Egypt. thle is exciting, sad, funy, roman- ho coatemplates the comiag wiaans tc no jus a wole oo swdown this oi, hot minton Club party on Thurs- where the former bas been!Holy Land, Itahy and the Bn Ofllienijsingaaad fallnt ac- howoks aterthijoi acount day nigbt. taking charge o! bis brotherý tish Ishes. *IformdUU** sntuf Mr. John May', Toronto, ne- William's coal business forl At a receat meetin g the tion, memory work, suspense, * * wees. edrn 2B ub ackpro £0 pathos and dramatic irons'." Two days before erto last week assisting bis son Messrs. Alex Ms'ers and sented a number of well eariiv ntar p ls* *gth u cmay0nom whoba oend te ac'sFrak amac let as weked badges. First Eyes "Right' I sas' ta mysehi,lthat anis' three buses will be Meat Market in the Cawaîî for Porthand whero they sail pnesented tri Wesley Glaspoîl,' An informative leaflet gîv-fîrids'.are'lig ha eit. hesvirhelandie. Mhr.bs.he ae .Block. by the S.S. "Zealand" for nyWall, Bnad Roddiclz-,,ing new and factual materîah îsaegil a aet r1l n aohrbs h a Kein atsnsn' rrýchance." eewe lbave, eight of the JsT.Brown and Noble I. Liverpool ta visit friends in Bin Wt!aad Tm'and recîpos on methods of us- Icnatheoerteach. ief haven't produced a nic- M etcahf a e a o g t e f r -t e r h m l n .Soucb. Gardcn en's B a d g (' sing Ontaio fresh and proces-' Ir conth yat te e then sic kîds h e o h r h v h n ar rmthssreioct h arm- their.heand r. J . Icc were pnesented ta Bruce Ar'-sod apples bas been publishod cors.tchearintipai. eiskelthere o! tbamdhave chan, ensfro ths dstrct ho e- Dr.andMrs J.R. anccknand and Brian Starkoski. by the Ontario Department of otc h rnia.H 5 o hi id n o' o 'mnty o 66 punebnotesn spent Suaday week with reha- olco' agsweoer-Archue not, but clears it with the and four are at home, sick. cments ontpribed Hta te shool board. Mn. Smiley, the pon old t buyersila Hoîsen s i vesataendl. d by Kennv Wall, Paul Walk-! ut is anticipated tbat the pub" The teachers ask the graded~lflsaon ieadn New York Ptaenayvnaad Ms.onHci a n-eAd alr ndRc-lction wihl prove ta ho a val- ellevens how many would likelin a windstorm, trs'ing tu, Mn. and Mrs. L. A. Toppnturned. from severah weeks' dick. Bnian Star'koski, Bruce uable guide in assisting bouse- ta ace "My Fair Lady," the mk iktbssasm ToTronto, visied Mrs. L. J. visit with fiends atTrne MaD aladFakBah. wives ta select thevait musical based an the Play bodies came out even. Baron, Church St. 1 Mrs. W. J. Williams bas re- At. the Hallowe'on Party the lbest suîted ta ber purposo. "Pygmalion," which they are Mn. Harold Williams whlolturned !romn a pheasant visit prize winaens for costumes Eatiag and cooking quaities studying. About hait the hands But somehow, the cavai- *~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ba bee lvig n-oostok-it od -i-d-i-Neto- e- Ws.y Ga__ _-Bnanofnin Otaipvaieiet a g u. he I 1wanouce cdheualIlldichhehlh. t Religion for Today by Rev. W. H. Crawford, Enniskillen "Awlýake, O nonth wind; by; wonk must continue, time, show bittenness andh unhelief; biow upon ms' gardon, that is prociaus and must fat be iwbereas others radiate a faith the spicos therea! may flow lost! 1 in God and convey the arama .out"~ (Sang o! Solomon 4:16). If this can heoaur attitude in o! a dedicated life. The M7e are alroady la the seas- tbings natural, why not in± disciples of aur Lord, on one on wcn wo become aware things spiritual? If we can particular occasion, founci thatthe ort Win basla-show sucb zeal and detormin- 1 tbemselves enguhfed la a great deed been awakened, and as ation in sometbing temporal, storm; thes' were fearful, be- lime goos an we shahl bavp'bow much mare la sometbing, reft a! faitb, s'et that wind -reason ta know just bow eternal! Lot us ask ourselves,, and storm was the means-in ~stng and ferociaus that north wbat preparations have we God's purpase-of bninging wind can get! made for tbe winter a! life, tbem into a dloser rehationship We wihh have areads' pro- whicb mas' came upon us al, witb bimself. How truc is "pared ourselves for the in- too soon; perbaps some o! us that old proverb, "It is an 111 r evitable, restocking aur fuel have nover even begun aay wind which doos not blow supplies, fixing starm windowsi preparation, or ovea giveri someone some good". TbTese and doors, etc. We bave nati seniaus tbaught ta such a mat disciples came out af that onîs' expnessed wîsdom la the! ton. Mans' bave been ovortak:, stanm, tbey were sure af the rmatter of forti!ying ourselves on unawares, witb sad and Divine presence la their midst. aga iast the onsuaughts of the evon traglo results wbich could This is tbe secret o! true ehements, but in thîs modern have been averted if the nigbt' success, ta bave God wîth us. ageofo ours we have become preparatians had been made. Lot the winds of advensity sufficientîs' dexteriaus as ta Much depends upon the kind blow. If we are prepared, even dame ta do battie against o! prepanations we make as ta thon ah il can do is carry tram them! We are no langer con- how we wih came out o! the, us the fragrance af the Divinc tent ta hibernate, untiltein stonm. Witb samo, thein ne- presenco, and that we know cment weatber bas passed us actions are sucb, that thos' will do someone some good. edJounçjman's Coum 5