B. H.S. Graduates ReIurn For Annual Commencement Exercises The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 4, 1963 One of the highlights of the BUHS. Commence- 1ta. Also included are the platform guests and Miss1 Helen Vanstone, Loraine Taylor, Erie S mient Exercises on Fridav \VOs the presentatian of dip- Diane Biggs, standing, who was in charge of having ry Samis, Christopher Robinson, Dougi lomas to those who graduated from the school las>. the correct award and diploma available at the right ard Lancier, Jane Lander, George Kcnr year. The graduates, after thcv had reeeix'ed their di- tirne. Graduates, from left ta right; Bradley Yourth, ham. Anthon\- Garson, Jane DeJong, elornas, litied Up in frant of the platform foi- this plia- i Grant Wright, Kingsley VanNest, Norman Vanstone, and Bob Black-burn. The Bawmaniville Bujsijic,ý: nnct Professional Wonici's Club cerated its 13th birth- day at the dinner meeting of the__organization held at. the FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS 4t*ok Çfer11,1, s. tf'i Yu, ( k< *ucre.eeof perma.ne a0 STAFFORD 1 Ar BROS. LTD. Stafford Brothers LIMITED Monuments Box 133 318 Dundas St. E. IWýhitby Phone Wbltby MOhawk 8-3552 Hovv elect maki heatiil oui Celebrate 5Orh Anniversary Boxinanville Ilte îcn lv.te ciub's UNICEF Tag day, Aîiss Margaret Joncs, Cobouirg, which was canvened by Mrs. the Begional Adlviscr, was the: Nora Hornick, amounted ta gucst speaker. 'S684.49. This total includes a, There was anit ipiessivn( $25 donation tram the Bow-1I~, -cidî lighting t'eîcmony il, manvilie High Sehool Students w vhicii tapers %ver(, lihtcd by Couneil. Mi.ss VQ1lma Ga.% the priesidenit,' Mrs. Marion Jeffei'y uîîroll- and] M\rs. Victoria Franik, Miss cd a seroîl and read ifs mes- Marlyýn Wilcox, Mtiss Isabe! sageý honoring Miss Helen Cry-'7zY Davi.s, pas-, prcsiciîts, aid derman and Mrs. Anna Wat- Miss Margaret Joncs. wh() r,- son for their wanderfui wark pres-2nteci other past presi- for UNICEF. They hadtge dentsthe longest and brought in the Prc2sident Gay '.poke of tue( largest amourîfs of money tliis, lîighl'ghts of lier ycars ni vear. Mrs. Mabel Bagneîl's office. She paid a special trib- name was also on the honor -te ta the late Miss Frances roll in recognition of 1e Heaiean he at Mssassistance with the club's Acla Dadsori, txva valuied mcm- annual UNICEF Tag Day since' bers who had been kccniy ". its ilîceptian. For the pas>. ili tcrested in the club, and its years Mrs. Bagneli had count- activities. Mis. Frank, Miss ed the returns and rolled the Wîlcox aîîd Miss Davis also nioney. outined the highlîglits of thei'- erms as president.- After reading the honar ral The treasurer, Mrs. Shirley commendations Mxs. Jeffery Coliss, gave a satisfactor retii-ed the sera l, and form- lnarca aitatenuent, and she aliy presented it ta the presi-i annou iced that the proceeds of dent, Miss Velma Gay. Mrs. Frank, the immediate past president, intraduced the speaker Miss Margaret Joncs,IM the Regional Adviser for Bus-' M ~ I A VELmen's Clubs. She told the W1A) meeting that Miss Janes is a social warker for the Child- ren's Aid in Cobourg, and that âzed she succeeded Mrs. Marjorie vel Consultants Pewtress in this position. Hec hobbies are boating, fishing~ ýs Steaniship Lines, aid photography, Mrs. Frank Rentai'; Etc.aiCongratulatians and best and Scrr tee' wishes to the club on its l3th MIr. and Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker Birthday were extended b.v N4G ST. E., OSHAWA Miss Jones. She also brought. Suîîday afterîîoon and even- sons of Charles Cawker and jmarl. greetings from the pravincial îng, December lst, about 2-25 the iatc Eleanor Cawker, af- git frens ndrelatives joined teîîded the door in the even- ta hee ýwith Mr. and Mrs. T. Weslcy J ing. a Gaid iCawker ta celebrate their 50th Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn (Lillian).f Mrs. A Weddîng Anniversary at their Mrs. Cawkcr's sisteî-. reccived' ing va spaciaus home on Liberty St. 1 the gucsts in the hall and an- North,1 other sister of Mrs. Cawker,' The raams wcre apprapri-! Mrs. J. E. Leisiîman (Eva) ateiy decorated with 50 goldenî. was in charge of the guest roses, red roses, giant 'mums,i book. Mr. and Mrs. Cawker's fl mle scarnationsan a numnber of idauhter-in-law Mary, Ms fromthe ownof Bownîan- Huai- were M.C.'s iii general, ville, friends in Santa Barbar-a, 1 look ing aftcr the guesfs and Calif.; London, Ont.; Ottawa,îfami1y. Vineland, Campbeilford anc) Between 5:30) aîd 6:30) a T I e a i gmany from town friends. buffet supper xvas served ta r c ha i gCnrauin ee ocv 8, long-distance friends csdil o t e rrom rts Exile Mn Rute Toel!ig c uij B. Pearson and The Hon. John ]land; Mrs. Frank Hunnisett, Hone, M,, ad Mr. Hoc,,by: rs.Loriie T. McLaughlin,, n g s y s t m sthe ros, Carers d ere,ville, anrofi. tr uci amoîîg the numeraus caliers. Smith, Bnwmnanville: Mrs. F.' n g s s eMr. n . Cawker anîd Morley' Vanstone. Bowmaîî- receivcd in the living room, Lonîdon, Ont. Sixteen relatives; whih - their grandchildreîi and intjimate friends scrvedi gî-eeted guests at the door. from the weil appoînted table, Little Marvruth, Michael and and the doliciaus refreshmentsý L of date!' Mrray, dughter and sn fesple yUi o Mr.andMrs Gerg Cakerof rinty United Chureh ansere th dor n te ater Wmen ofvvhchMrs. Cawk- " It's the world's safest Iieating system - does not use flammable fuel. " It's cleaner than any other heatinE svstem - cannat create dust. smoke, soat or dut of any kind. " YOU get custom-comfort in every rooz-electric heating allers you a separate thermostat in each ravin. 0 Easy to install -no furnace or fuel tank. 0 No annual maintenance costs-nothing ta c/eau, no filters ta replace, electric heating is truly a carefree system. Reduced operating costs -ilu many municipalities the rate for electric heating has been reduced as much as 30% during the last 2 years. Cail your qualified electric heating contractor or: yout' hydro LIVE SETTER ELECTRICALLY president. Mrs. Mai-garet Ash- clown, The- speaker- discussed plans foi- the provincial confereiice and empliasized the impor-t- anîce of the attendance bv as nianv members as possible ai the national conterence of tli'ý Fedeniation of Business and Professional WonicîV's Clubs, the provincial and regional con ferences. Today, 850,000>o)woen ;are actîvely takîîîg part in publie life, businîess and the pro-. les.s:ons, Miss Jonlsesç,t ated. Leader.iuip is of greai mu- partance, she poîîted out, and urgcd tlîat the Business aîîd Professianal Wormen's Clubs be buiit from ivithin. She su- gested that the members eaciî niake a list of occupations, then write the names of thc wamen engaged in tlîem beo- ally and tell them of the club, its ideals and objectives. Miss Joncs aiso dîscussed public affairs, and the re- sponsibility each persan has ta exercise Ilîcir franchise in cvery election. She spake of the briefs presented jaintlv every year by Business ami - Professional Women's Clubs. ta t'Ic provincial and federal sga'ernnmuîuts, aiid toid of the eresuits liîat have been. lu1 closing Miss Jones asked. eètch rneriber to continually tcoia bei i bes> toin ucrease iii wisdomn and stature. IVrs. Jean, Dcvilf mttvcd a vote of thanks, ta Miss Joncs for hier excel- Jvnt address, anîd President Gav ilr-soed a rift ta her on behiaîf of the club. N~IIrs. Bagneli m-oved tlîat instead of having an exeluanga of gifts al the Christmas clin- ner meeting of the club ta be held on Decemnber 'i2tlî, the menîbers preiîae a Christmas hamper for a needy family. This was sccoiîded by Mrs. Anna Watson,. and carrîed un anima usiv. Mrs. Jcffery led the mcm- bers in an enjoyable sin--sang. :Ors. Marion Hloar, Bowman- ville, was a guest at the din- ner meeting. Plans wvcre made ta have the club provide 30) boaves of sandwiches for the Santa Claus Parade partic- ipanîts lunch. Memorial Hospital Get Cash Today 1 Weekly Report For OId Appliancee through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone 623-3303 For the 'w ek of Nov. 25 Dec. hin1 sie Births. 2 maie, 4 femalle Discharg-es 99 Major operations Mino- iperahîon3 3 Emer2eenzcv treahmerits , Visý' :ng hour5 .3 - 4 iu.m. and 7 tu 8.30 P.m, i auceci 1VIL,.irs' ajçns ana NEWTONVILLE IV. 1. mother going out ta wvork. Mrs. F. Watson. îThe Newtonvjlie VW. . nice (2) - What would be the Our- District Presidient Mrs. Wedesavafernon Nv.20effects of women spending Milligan wvas prescrit a.ni at the hom e of M rs. M . Jones m u h of their m a i d l ve sp e on W t u g n ra Preidet Ms. . Hndes'noutside the home?- Here the tion is leaving behind.» apreen th etis .ng with th emotional insecurity of chili- Mrs. R. Eakins showed pic- Insitue Oe, aryStwart ren %v'as discussed. One w'- turcs which wcrc taken on Collue OadeLorStPaer man whose husband works in the bus trip i July. Mrs.Letanaste rrad' th 'erin a Boys Training Sehool x- A social inie vs enjoy erd Ms and canci rai rheport-pressed the opinion that marnv bý-a oîetcodcte Finl panswee mde or hcof the in mates were praduets Mrs. Chas. Laigniaid. W.i.nardlanswrx-madesothie. of home whcre there vas no ____ hW.pIto adpf tailwose omgiemother at hand when thc ho,- heas baurned. osehanecame home from public --hoa)i. BOWMANVILLE W. 1. was b rned.Other opinions - "You cn The W omens Institute n t Mrs. M. Jones read a paperhrdverdotoob at the Salvation Army Youth on the motta. "Memorv is a cessfullv and it is the home Centre on Nov. 28th, with a wonderful treasure ch est, iV that s,'ffers." "Men mav feel ggood attendance. Mrs. Wvise- x'ou know how ta pack it.- their place as provider usUr1- p- mane ein with thefxelow This splendid paper was pre-,ed and ini turn mnav be îess'oee h eeigwt h pared by Mrs. C. Burlev. scesul""txoudb inging of "O Canada," the Mrs. C. Brown, aur officiailonelv life foi- a 'man on the Institute Ode, and repeating delegate, reported the eventsý farm«." -Women cani beconiic the Lord's Prayer. The secre- of the day she attended the' toa independent and then theltar - read the minutes apjid area convention, while Mrs. mriaesffr. gave the financial repori. Milligan and Mrs. McCullough' (3) "Would vou undertake Summary Day for the caursp alsa gave brief accounts of the further training or education on "Desserts" is ta be at Or- event.; if it were available and if the ana on Dec. 4th. Mrs. Pai-k t Mrs. Gartshore, an enthu3i- answer is YES. what are the and Mrs. Downey, leaders four astic member of the "Buttoný barriers?" Most of the groun hscuswr ahpe Club, gave an intersting felt they would not goa v sented with a gift by Mrs. Ja!.. -hackleton, Lar- talk about lier hobby. Sheo from home for furthr train-ý Abernethy on behaf of the las L an , R c h- sh w cd car s o bu ton cf ing . but it w as inter sting ta W . I. M rs. B ragg, ur delege to different kinds, glass, china. note that neariy evervone had ta Toronto in November, gavîe nedy, Fred Gra- diminutive, cut steel, bal,ý attended every Women's In- ýan excellent report an the Jeanette Boe] buttons. rcd buttons arranged stitute Short Course that had! convention. ____________in hicart formation, green but1-îcame ta the villagce. Two re-1 Rail eaul, "Wear your cldest tons ta form a shamrock leaf,ý cent courses of M.illinerv and hat and give your grand- Eu.ropean buttons, etc. Copper Tooling were put taý mother's maiden name" xval The ail au w s Mv oh-use that night as three ladiesianswered by al. The mottc. jections ta the Qld-fas ianeJ! vho ou d fot attend w rc, " l n e d o h r c e i cook stove." an iven ircin bvtioseiyour home: they wiil blossotrn Mrs. Jon s a d he gr up vho had. One member said in the future," was vers' cap- served lunch a l enjoyed "I you wanted somethingiaby handled by Mrs. 'Black. the so ial hou r.b d y en u h t er o l e M -s B ragg entrtained u3 Mrs. Trim receved tiic .no barriers." However, trans-, with a piano solo. The mcci- narst birthday" prize, and portation, baby sitters. tn a n !Isoia e the uck prze ent to rs.were mentioned as barriers in;: search and Mrs. Sumersford. Gartshore. the country. It was also men- cnvenor, gave us an interest- ____tioncd that carrespondene ing paper entitled "Facts about couse an msicleson ae ur Town" and she closed BETHANY IV. 1. available by record, but it was ' Wihacmclrdng i- A special meeting of thc fet that a ereat deal of slf- titcd "The Country Store." Wmn's Institute mmbrs! discipline was necessarv for' Our December meeting is ta ~tand othet- interestd ladies these. be on the 8th in the form o!f was eld on onda ni ht t -a C hristm as party, at ur us- w a s el d n M o d a y i ch t a tiu a l m e e tin g p la c e . T h e r e is ta the home of Mrs. RaiphPe- SOLINA W.eaneehne fgisan. tn, ta listen to a Farm For-' The November meeting of seiai ecolleto. is n *umi radio broadcast concern- Solina W. 1. was heid in the, r.Dwe a ots in«g Womn - Ini Their Place."I Communitv Hall n Novemberl hemeetiDong closd awîot th S Folowing the broadcast thel 14, at 8:15. Thirty-six 1ais ini a The Queig o e n Lnchh ladies d i cus ed hre qu s-w ere present for this m eeting. W tions. (1) 'Do you think thatMs ap aiPeiet as served by Mrs. Downey atý rs. Ral h D vis Pr sid ntand her group. women in your commun i tv, presided for the business.Mr. are interested in en tering oc -lWm. Ashton. secretary-treas-i cupatians outside the home?"! urer, read the minutes andz It was the opinion of thei communications. I o ï I E for working outside the home twenty-five dollars ta thef L RET M was need of more MONEY and, Canadian National Institute o m hneeyoygt J- ~~in mast cases ta buy luxuries for the Blind, ane hundri-d "tirdot elnadmyb thatsomethik beome e-'dolars ta aur localcurh cesstis.ome iw eorktagii fntedlar t hSuna , o1hered by backaches. Peihaps notb. cesstie . S me ork a g vc-fify d llar to the Solna ng aerously wrong, jut a temporary ther eîlden betercd-,Library, and twenty-five do'- ondition caused by urinary irritation or :> cation, but it was found thatllars toward the fund for thîe badrdof.Ta' h iet S coilege education money for; Santa Claus Parade ta be held talle Dodd's Kidney Pilla. Dodd's bel » children can be had withoutî in Bawmanville. stimulate the kidneys to reliere this working mothers, such asl Mrs.' Wesley HuIs gave a, condition wbich may often cause back- Canadian Sschoiarshîp Faun-isplendid repart an the Con-' ache and tired feeling. Then you feel k . dations, Bursaries, Courses ventian held in Toronto at the better, rest better, work better. Gei that can be paid for by work- Royal York ta which she wasi Dodd's Kidney Pilla now. Look for the. ing, or ta Jet the child wark a delegate. blue box with the red band at ail drur for a period and then returnl Mrs. Robt. Eakinsrrei counters. You can depend onDd'6 ta__college, rather than theý on the recent Dessert Coursel held in the hall on the l2th g g i -I 13AVNMjll "Y beautiful anniversary were received, and one especially mentianed was ]den Tree designed b 'yj Aubrey Smith and bear- 1, aluable gifts. Exitraordinar y Values PRODUCT oF LONGI1NES-WITTNAUER We bel'eye these to be -the finest watch values being ofFereci anywhe<e! Each watch is manufactured and styled to Longines-Wittnater quality standards ... your assurance of the finest. 1h. love price reflects the remarkable value for such high quality. A. Chairmmnon eIsnDot@ chanegs Oofot-coily ............. B. Leader. Al-.Preof for total protection o"oitt wtcl, hazort. C. CodeS. A depenedbi. wolcI t0,ats d,stinctrveiy styi.d...-. ........... Ea.h of tes ay hs. 495e. rC.. $5F . C. ed D $3995sstmt t $$4999 Othe r Witt ncuer JEWELLERY & GIFI SHOP 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE wthst 9 AUTHORIZED zy/<J)itwt3~JEEE $49.95 $45,00 B.& &P. Women's Club Holds Thirfeenth Anniversary 0f Their Club's Formation e ,.tillor:'rei' 1)caier I FOUR SEASOI (OSHAM Your Fully Recogni Prof essional Trav AGENTS for ail Airlineý Hoteis, Tours, Car Free Information PHONE 728-6201 57 KIN am Women's Institutes il