6 The Canadian Statesman, Bou-manville, Dec. 4, 1963 an d the others for one yea-. Mrs. 'M. Hepburn anid sonsý New Geerain PlntRusse] and Harold, Columbus,flart Foundatilon ChapterDner Meetiga 1were Sundav dinner guests of iMr. and Mrs. Russel Mou'it New Mr.eaadiMrsPlantman Mur Mr nd r. oa .:Plans Campaign in February 't onsCuc ec phv and Linda and Mrs. Bella Murphv. Toronto, and Mrs.1 O p en e d a it tte r R a p id sEdith *Murph%. Tvrone, were, The hurnan heart has been a who previously would have tario Heart Foundation hass t o O p e n e d a t O tte r R ap id s ~ ~~~~~~~Sundayguests of Mr. and subjet2t for the attention Of been doorned to an early been formed here in BowmaivSx eetyhldisana onGabat.CclMr Mr.Ry eaghi ndpe, rahead hlsohgrvnomlhealthy lives. ville, as reported previously i n taj ulcSho e eeae oPoica s 1,1 O r tar o I\ ar h I in iIr. and MIrs. Noel Morton years, because of the increas-ý The Ontario Heart Founda-;,this paper. The task before SiTecesFeaton In Ot r o s N r h a dand boys, Oshawa, were Sur.ý mg incidence and the com-'tion, formed in 1952, is in a our local chapter is to acquaint risnWiliarOtra, ar by Lynn Lashbrook, president ed the opening of Ontario Hy- to the cernent used in paving dav gùets of Mr. and Ms. plexity of heart trouble of one large measure responsible for' you, the public, with the work faldne etn tS.rn Cae yeFifed kidoraote teh Mmc fti wr.Te,0 teFudto i h iisJohn's AnglicanCuch al'WlimA stng of the Ontario Weekly dro's new Otter Rapids gen- 50 miles of four lanes o! 401 Bill Fercuson and Mr. Roy ___r_____tehuat___fhswok TeofteFonato n h fed Newspaper Ass's. erating plant, 93 miles north highway. Fer-uso. heart is receiving the attention Foundation has a two-foldofhatrerhan hat n owail. In Homnetown, Ontario, or Of Cochrane and about the, Just taking expansion and Sundav visitors with Mrs. E. of science on a greater scaleiprogramme. namely researchýsurgery and to ýýulicit your in--_____________ the bak conessios, th onlvsarnedistace soth ofJamesconthanionvero before.tioandr education.I Argt w'stated veterest andd esupportIts spersonaret andsrppWilliamonaOyutramWilAamax, lin wih Otaro Hdroi sBay thre asthe eFUztinwa a real challenge for the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wise-1 Operations on the heart policy is "to develop a con- and financially, in combating President o! the drctal likxihOtaj yr anymre x as reialo 'in ngieas wode pte ai oot.anr us-which were unknown in our tinuing programme of pro- Canada's number one hea!ti conducted thie varoitesc the repairman who braves el-1aYmoeaeinovd iengineers r'sdahoredrewilupucthe meical.eseoro wih-o. and :Mr. Russnse.Thi ectrical, wind and ice stormsithe complex organization thatplans for the 1,800-foot long!Spinks, Oshawa.grnahrsdyreaaidutvmdiarsachwh-azd-het sae.Ti business. to restore power and keep thelis H.E.P.C. concrete and earth dam. Glad to' report Mr. Rav occurrence and every report of:in the broad field o! cardio-. will be done in many ways system in repair generally. . First glimpse at the new But these and other challen- Bradburn, Mr. Bill Tavlor andsuch operations commands thevascular disease at University but chiefly through brief Mrs. ElizabethBtîn o To te nwsme wh attnd-Extra High Voltage plant and ýges were successfullv met and Miss Eva Parr ail able to be'respect and admiration o! the medical centres and their af- articles from time to time in Toronto, Assistant ertr To he ewsen ho tted-'dam proved years of plan- when the button ýwas pushed home fromn hospitals. We wishigeneral public - operations on !iiated hospitals throughout The Statesman and by a spec- of the Fedieration o oe nigby many engineers in to set three of the plant's four themn a soeecd% convalescence.:"blti babies"; operations tol the province." It promotes ial appeal to you during Teachers' Associato&fO UyrosTootohadofieýecrtrsinmtin tefa replace derectIve valves in theboth professional and public "Heart Month" - the month tario was presenttrrn OBITUARY Hdo oot edofcIenrtr nmtotef- Miss Ë la i nlé Mountjoy, aat peain wen mbth plntbefreitsce cf eginer wee h Kngton 'his Grtrde He praiosto replace education in matters pertain- of February. The date for greetings from thatognz IPERCY RESKER BROWN generators could be started. smiles because they had Ov- r', and Miss Doris Griffir. wa rdsae otosoigt er îes n t hsapa oal ilb in Following an iilness of one Too, it wvas obvious the la-lercomne tremcndous obstacles Toronto, NIr. Larrv Hoskin. arteries by artificial arteries. cure through books, literature, February l7th. So when the M.Win Davies ootpoeto o year, the deat'n of Percy Res-ibor of hundreds of men forito, assure evervone of ample Hamnilton, spert Ihli' kn< These and other mnarvels o! films, speakers and special opportunity cornes G I V E M. ker Brown, Newcastle, aged;many months were involvedýe1ectricity to meet the prov- at thieir respective homes mode'rn heart surgery are giv- 1travelling clinics. FROM THE HEART O ectryoteOnaiPu-yuî 83 years, occurred at Memor-ijn taming the rapids, blastinglinces ever-expanding require- - ing large numbers o people, A local chapter of the On- THE HEART. lic School Men Teaces e-vcto lai Hospital, Bowmanvîlle, on! and exca\7ating thie rock, build-Iments. BuiesDeerr11 prcation ttresak. rprsnatie frotri]Po Thursday, November 21, 193.ing thie dam, powerhouse and' B sies__________________ th-seakr.-ereenatvefr So ftelt r.adMsTebitdy fGro vincial Executive.Bcrc~ugelo-ct So ! h lt r.ad r.transmission line, before any n- n ear Tiebithas ! oro Alre ron tedeceasedýelectricit\~ could be turned on V A VTlT lanc L O l Chartran, Byron Vanstone and Dr. Claude Vipondo sa rvlAcdn nuac wsborn in Kent, England. 10 !eed into the province's sys- JJj.LCKSJTOJCK_____ __ amsBel ee eebacdb w va uetspakraH ad wic iI roie nacî Hea ne ronsShol e.RAY J, DHILING 0 their fellow Lions. Ken recently returned 1rmMly cîldahbni lspo RR2,NwateIn10 e But why did Ontario Hydro (Intended for last 'week) Cli.arteîcýd Accotintant JiI Brooks, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, wherc he had spetni-tcinauu, h eia married trie former Vio'a select such a location so far, AlI Unîts of the U.C.W. met 93~ Chunrh Street wsageta h inreal iea u Maude Jackson who survivos.inorth from centres Of popu- this past week - Tuesdav a" 61-:3-.38 61 meig Te--eGrv h olrb The deceased tbad resided inîlation and industry? ! 1:15 p.m. trie Anna Unit .at -I o y United Church Womeni caler- scription o! thatcury duigor nretp-r Theresonestha Otaro he om o Mr. . A JOnt 'ON.RD.!.ME1dOOKfo.rV the d or hedelciusmea. ondtins n riecindd!itionastnteain d"stres on Newcastle and area for about, rotehm fMs .A oin 'EN DJ3E ROI F o r . V p 27 easadpirtt hati~ydro has searched trie prov- ton. with Il adults and o Chartercd Accotintanttis eome, Roceser NY.A arene"ince over for good sources O! children. After a deliciious' Triistec- in Bankrtiptcy TIhe Lions Club members heaih and medicinewsîs r~d uuac o.~u Rohtr , roN.YwAs selfeboer,'Pwater power as close as pos-1 dessert wvas partaken of ,-i Suite 2()'-W 725-9953 An informative address by operating room nurse under donated $64 to the CARE pro- inectn n dctoa. bgacadohrproa an eiedapoimtî 0sible to lîydro consumers. With Leader Mrs. Ross Duf f read Oshawiý,a Shopping Centre Dr. Claude Vipond, Oshawa, trie Colomnbo Plan. The doc- ject which helps supply food, ýalohe uh siles in the a rticle on '"Ado* t \il vvas given at the dinner meet-;tr'wvsad htrnlvdclothing, shelter and med- DitctSxoierclce efcl.aiusfrdats pronne bisoed t[ah ienoter suc se an a otn Ci- V1 ..If OGIS in-g ofthe Bowmanville Lions i eaga-odrn h icines for poor chitdren in the for the year 1963-6,rsle years, evrs neaneo. ssindevelopersdt o-Coors"v . Ciartered Accountant Club last week. 1He was in- tr ero ! hi ervie. under-privilegod countries o! as follows: PastPrset in R eforvorsip.1Second Floor trieirvorld William Outam:sPreviden anfrthe General Trust ilokfrh aed.Roy Taylor gave the wr]I rdcdb oetKn.tewrd ila urm Roooserk fur Te treraidsste,23Mrs. Kennetri Saineils deail: Newv Library Building D.STUART R. JAMESifcutosan r-Cei MrrsnI Mr. Brown was a memberrmie dontam fm with trie chapter Mrce"Cor. Kin, & Te'mperance Sts trodcod y Robrt Knt. Te lie c thean re-winners o! the Hockey Barry King; 2nd Vc r NtRNE RAETT ~ohete, .Y Te OtternRapisste 2 .Drlie pntdtrientwangious prcticmles owtee da- Da wrTeebrie h,* CociMrisolst îcePre ýf St. George's Anglican Abitibi Cnowscis~ from Trie Word and the Wav. Phione 623 3612 yearsri spn in eagaasteslvsd-Daw oe:Dcm r4t Church, Newcatle. beMataya, as aremember o!alcussedwaby Dr.owVipond. He DouglaJackasan anderDofgaBarred Wayne.Whitney;HeSec. JTreas.,aningugStarE. ayoemWhitney Surviving besides bis bviea ufe t o!!er or goo discussion. Mrs. K.1 Samelis YALE, FRIEDLANDER teain o! fix e doctors and one also spoke o! thie many natives Decemnber 7th, James Marr aiid Carl R i t c h e y.Co ite $re a daugriter, Audrey (Mrs.gnrosfuo!hihav was nominated as unit leader & COMPANY1 -,ean s oro wih aeo! India, ahl strict Hindus, who Ernie Perfect, December 111th, Chairmien: Sick BnftadOfc eiec M. Gogerty), and two grand-: been installed. Provision was for 1964. The 'Bakcless Bake Charteri'] Accountant5m N WTON VILLE are omployed on trie rubber !Don Sel! and Ken Kelly, De- Insurance. Dwighî wrfe children, Sheila and Jack. imade in construction for four Sale" netted a nice sumi. Nexti Licensrd Trustees N planitations there. A graphie cember l4th, Robert Wallis or; Educational StdoJc62-816-59 Arnong the lovely floral tri-moegnrtr wic vl meeting to be at the home in Bankruptcy sriso! colored slides was'and Bob Mutton. Hro;Lf ebrhp i butes, evidence o! trie esteembe installed wrien required. llo! Mrs. Carl Wright iu Jan Il- 64 King St. E. 728-7371 10r. and Mrs. George ElliottIrsne ytesekr n h cort eepeet aly eilto n ic th eesda .iary. Meeting losed withIl __Oslinwýa, Onitario - wr Saturday evening . etsthev showed beautiful scenes cd by trio secretary, Bob* Lawrcnce Milison: ulcR- Rpccto in hih hedecasd as Ontario Hydro also foundîpayr.- e r goduerins, speete yti sekr nd Ti ccut ee rsn-Lalyiegsainan oiy ?îeld, was one from trie NoWr-throe otrier good power sites prayer. a MWýTE t M.Lud atn, at-o! trie land, trie busy cities, Williams, Alex MeGregor, sec- lations, Warren Chae ua aiodAcdn n Cate otiutua .Scey.'on trie neighbouring Mattaga-' trihe Chndae oUnit assemld MO LIEIII -&NCO.TE ter amo yre asî wok theredaugr-and trie encrgetic inhabitants. ondcd by AI Cuthbertson, Aflairs Geog t Trie funeral service wasimi River. Triese are wriat is a h oo M ai 135i Rice St. N.COsha toc Cnatr ieaiin there overR.Jae mve leld from St. George's Angli-Iknow,\n today as trie LittlelLarmor, Tuesdas' at 1 p.m. for' Simerd c S at. saw thedweeed Cindy Pentyfo hS trt Jaessoved igmovebsiaiels eidh i ecy, R.. endero; u- ebTbPtr can Church, Newcastle, o'i Long, trioHarmon and Kipling' dessert, !ollowing wriiih 7-)C8-t7r52Acountnster Prnd th eny voe!thnstDrVindadtswscrrd.Flo-rnutinJhnGîrti; nsaceCup 7287527Webstersat Pot Granb.d'for islintrestingaddress and ig trievusines meetin trieeTacher ducatioRGsaerChaase:rd 15,Coon. îatrdyNovmbr 3rd ad ite. 2,55 nd58mies orhGordn trîiggae fic arueIl ri pesien, ussllOk, 'lu's crbbae ounamnîhao: chlashi. icae *ras conducted by Rev. D. R.io! Kapuskasing, respectively. 1 worshLp on "Jesis. trie Ligrit lion.... Montecitti, F.C.A. iIi.ad1tr.Fe Hne- also expressed his personal 'was started. Karpiak. t)ewdney. During trie servicL' Little Long constructionio! trie World.- Mrs. Rorîtr'i A. B.*Nienteitri,1B. Cern., C.A. wîhMc ndMsC the choir sang "Abide Withicommeîiued in trie spring o! divided trio unit mbt groups, G. W,'. Rienl, C.A., .I.A. Farrow, altended Masonie La- Me." Interment was in St. 1960 and wvas producing pow-1 each of! xhicli iad qetos (Licensed Trustee) dies' Nigrit in Cobour-g, last1 George's Cemetery, Newcastlz.[er October lst with one o! itsi'on Acts 1,5 te discuss, thon the' G. E. Tretriewey, C.A. Wednosday evening. PaIlbearers were Messrs.twO units. Trie Harmon sta-, findings were brougrit te trie R. F. Ligritfoot, C.A. 1A emionstration o! Lin-' Norman Allin, Brenton Rick-tion was started last faIt and! fuil unit for furtrior discu s- B. R. Waters, C.A. gards Products was hetd at, ard, Tom Brown, Ken Wi Iilbo producing in August, sion. During business period - - tr§-fie home of Mrs. Ray Tomp-I 1 k niey, Talbert Alldread and,1965. Construction on trie Kip- Mrs. Ivan Thempsoni xa' INILON & BUHROW'Sst Frank Gray. i ing plant will commence trisl nominated as unit leader foi'11 Chartered Accourntants kis Wdnsa lst -faIand will be put in opera-! 1964. Seven members attend- 1ParKng.Ers: Lhaa, O ne T odpn t a copleto o! rs lion Auust lst, 1966. i ed. Meeting clesed with pray- Rnl .D isn . das lu Toronto ast week. ~:l our plants witl be op- er. 7 ani îerateil by remote control from; On Wednesdav t2reî G dodlurwCA uiso rds6 n,-.- f or a transformer station furtrier~ h ocsUi e tte _ Phono 728-7554 .from ti oa col n ,._ &transmission linos will con-i members and one xisiter a,- Chiro j day afternoon. i~~4~ Festive eason. "verge. From there power will tended. Fellowing silent pra\- G c.adMs a Festiveo Tueday eeningguest ,gçbe sent southonlinos carry- eteleader Mrs. Hill led in: .EWNMAINN, DC. aeetuc. F. G ir's.t, A X'gWahl trillinos.ren ~a brie! pravor. Aff or trie Chiropractor tM.FGimrs Whl h iei urnly sînging of a rivmn, Mrs. Stan-1 Office: Student teachers Misses Tle-, SPECIALLY SEECED~ Value check'd- Choice yug3to" lbAe . being built to Sudbury, it witl ford Van Camp rend tio scrip- 15 Elgin St., cor. o!IlTorscy St. rosa Feruandez and Eleanor yo g ibe extended to Toronto b ure passage and Mis. Irla Phiono 623-5509 Fesonko of Toronto were at 1966 - a total distance o! 450 Taylor gave trie medibation 01) Office IlIu rs: 13v Appoîntment Crooecd Creek Sohool lastI miles; "Peace". Mrs. W. Ross dodi- l weck, and boarded at Mr. îeUntil now Ontario Hydre oated trie offering, and iVrs. Den iIWilfred Wood's. got irinl has been transmitting povier Taylor played asa piano sci e i__ Fridav ovening gus W t UO INO f PR A , ove réatielyshofditnes,'lHow Great Thou Art,." A DR. W. 1MI RUDELL, D.D.S. rc. dMr.e.Elitin at 230,000 volts. Because of playlebte. "Thie T r ou b 1 e175 Ring, St. E. Bowmanvitle cludcd Mc. and Mrs. Bill Dow-j For Frying - Lean Mýeaty - WelI Trimmed f lust Right for Sufn a et thie great distance between the Shooter" !com a scerie in Hoiig'Offj'e Iheurs: ýdoîl and son, o! Roxboro, C ' James Bay area and Toronto, Knwa ie yMd. 9am e6pm al ubr r n r.LloydP L UN ORCH S l UUKS AR R B47 rpower o! trie four generating KLongv a ie yMd. ..t pm al ubu r n r.l sttin w bLlote o yd Wright, Walter Wight. Ctosed Saturday andryundaOIcGariey, Mc.and6Mrs. Ga 500,000 volts so a minimum Stanford Van Camp and Fred ffc Poo 2359( McGaricv, o! Port Hope. rsMied-EtaLnlx WhteSwt of. ower will be îost in trans- Dayes. Another li*vmn \va- Flouse Phiono - Newcastle :3.551. Mi-. and Mrs. Ken Joy o!frehMne xr en îhteSetSoedTsecclsrae ~,~noprsn~h meeting closod with benede:- LS )15 tors at Mr. Clinton Brown's. G OUND BEEF CHUCK 5 5b ~ Ted Rndes B C Nl i By comsungobuinessdat mtheu ' DR .. SO. -Trno eeweodvs A delicious of H.E.P.C.'s otrier generating liio.l ovl unhbas51 Office in ris home 1,rs. Aul ae a No-lohle stations, Otter Rapids is smaîî od y trie hosqtss and social îOOILiborty St. N., Bowrnanx-ihleGranit speut Saturday in Toc-!~ ........................... AElc-Asre Non-lcohlicDrink! Aibut ,vricn il is considered ev- lime enjoyed. December meet-l Prione 623-5604 'oiW. . .Smtl lerytriing had 10 bo taken by ng 1 ohl t rehm fOffice lIocîrs: Congratulations te Mr. and BONU S BUY! You Save 4c! - Green Giaiit Regular 15 oz. Tin Quart1 rail iner îhr rishn o ', r alter Wriht. 9 a.Ctoscd te 6 pm diy Nrs. Ray'mond Bruce, former-' Aý( A S oJ r ~ Y Qurt 6 5 .wr ito Onari osnto.Svnme.ýourh,1 Wecluesday Surîdaylv Mrs. Rose Irwin, who were' not fly, and whecete- lais nnRowRrerlDR. C.F. (A.'TTRAN, D.D.S. marî-iod iu Bowmnanville las'SAE5!-o.Tn liie doos I.,, late teni-tded trie Esthier Unît ai Office Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Char-i IAN Y EL M J R 5 2 __ erturcs are subzero many trie homne o! Mrs. Richard 75 King St. E. Bowvianvilletlie Wattors o! Toronto, were ,DlM nt ri dmontris, construction o! trier an Camp on Wodnesdlav CV17 Office Heurs: thie atendants. BONUS BUY! l'ou Save 2c! - Hamburg - Rot Dog 12 oz. Jars G l n a plant was a remarkable acri-.ening. Mrs. Glenn Larme'-, 9 a.mi. to 6 p.m. daily Mc/I. and Mrs. Keith Steven-: 9 eeie. leader, presided; Mrs. Harvoy, Closoci Saturdav and Sunday ;o and family visited Mrs.II IND I CII O KT I 26i NI ~aiu. ~ Sinco work startod i1 958 rGraharn read tie seriptu,.' eToeriu: 23559O e r the"""' D aUiI'y cor a third o! a million cuboie:and led in pravor: Mrs. Brui(e - . ETO-OK encd. tre EIN*I* R E SVE S!- ANC 2 7O yards o'! rock and a quartier o! ýMountjox' gave-trie meditation.i .DS . D. S. isDrtrySaltn 'sBNSBU!YuSv 4!-Yr omgnzd1o.IeBxJa aaon aa million i yrd ofeacubic omri yardsdd n .Do! LDea MsstriRev.letn asBOUSomerilSav 4! Yrkpocinded 6 z.lie oxJa Phone 623-5444 ,eeocvîd ure o recipe ~o Office : Orono lâodical Contre home froni Kingston over 43 1 ,eeecvtd urirolh hpe-"o adFiTlene in R 189Sndax',qand Miss- Barbara -C.IIAAàL0 very gratifying returns Irom E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Mris. iNcil O 'Conne l., Bren- t ILE'-%.j r77 trie recent suppcr and bazaar. B.A., LL.B. 'da andi Dayid cf Cobourg, vi ýCorporate Communion wiul b",in Barrister. Solicitor itcd Scindas' witri Mr. and F O E O D ...N.iGae5 b a Dec. Ist. Committee ,vas an'-Kn St. E. Newcastle Mrs. S. Rowe. R Z N F O SPE1No1Grd Anli opry ntald rdeejo poinbed to look after Christ- Hus Phone 2246 Mc. and i 1vrs. Ken Bait and Sae2!-Br An n oprl istaedordeere-mascherfo te lde1vpe- ous:9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9-1 girls, wvî1h Mrs. Nita Bircrh av 8!-Bid Eye 12-oz. jikg. ___ rated YV aerial is a source of danger pi n htis.I a love ire Mc.andr ss. Chnton 29 ýpead htin; t i('___ _ ___r ato es eanon CO FLLTS29 to life and property ... particularly r decided to help trie Stiidp-: M o r tg a g e s Bccv.i.FL ET in high winds and stormy weather. 1 School superintendent with -S:rir n rs arodGl .b.EooyBgPt t e If n eralfaU o ahyro in o o 1their Christmas party. Pros: - SADIE 1TIA.1ILTON - ORONO Mnc. and snsfis. Rai on i- 2-b cnoi a Jfnerafalonhdrin"rndent losed trie meeting %witri Pone1 r16 cc udaysio s o aslntonr, S DDR MEPEAS 53c F' hand ener- No.1 service wires entering the home, fire prayer, whicri %vas !otlowed First Alortgage Funds wr udyvstr IM. UEUIrs edr i1eîiu ac rd t o can resuit. Power interruptions, with by lunch o! fruit salad and Residencos - Farms F. Gilmer's. d od0f Greh eso r uba thi icnvnenetocstmrs'ak.Business Properties i 'Mc. and 1Mrs. Wilfred Wood aed F res egton r 45Sunbeam f Brocco.. bh.2 oveir a idne areahe alcstorbeen miakie.o ri on orcae- - --eeSunday supper guests at Cnamn Rglr4!-Pk.bh29 A jo Per 43 ovr wdearahae ls bsnNoin ! aisifr thwe old f- o-aec moe available Mr. Levvis Wood's Bowman-, BUTTER HORNS 41c Belle Green - Sweet - No. 1 uco~Cldri rs case i te am wy.Fciday aflernoon. Trie Coun- Lot ti arrange 'oîur farm Mcr Arnold Wade took a Delicious Flavoured Suprenie Brand We solicit your co-operation in help- cil were re-elected b -vacecla- lban comiiig dcc or a new boan, business trip 1 Toronto on iP p es4fr2 ing to niake TV aerials safe every- ýmation and ar-e as follo\v.s: Wc cauri auie mcctgages o! Monday,.i DONUTS doz. 29C P p es4fr 5 1E b.cl a 9 where by having yours inspected Reeve, Bort Gîbson: Deput. e e'ccy doscription. '\,I. and MIvrs. George Etîjot frm im t tmebya uaifedReeve, McruH 'air Camrp: HRL>.PDW L attended trie 451h Wedding 7 frteleiso ervieban. T ak Counct, Willim Cergus. BrokerAnniversary celebration for John Hamilton and Ernest !Mr. and Ms Robert Morton, » you. Swain. There will be an elec- _ ec.l 987-43:36 a reVlaeMtl ecm tion Mondayv, Dec. 2nd, %vith on1 Monday evening. polils open !rom 9 arnm. tO 7 O p ftom e t r y Mt' nttt ilme p.m., for Board o! Educa*iori E__ B-- _ __Wed., Dec. 11, aI brie home o! A L ROE MR E for he ownsip f Cr- kITÙ-ý.1,LET, .D.Mrs. C. Ferguson, Newcastle wright, six 10 be leeted. Trie Optomectrist at 2:301 p.m.. There will be an am i followîng have qualified. Dal- 141 King St. E. - Bowmianville cxchange of Christmas giftsS S MR E O iaiuuHarve.v Graham. Harold Kvte, Telephone 623-3252 on Plougri Lodge.- Neil Malcolm, Wallace Mar- Mon. - Tues. -Thrs. - Fr1. Mc. and Mrs. Alec Marin, lo.Dave Wilson and WValler 9 arn. to 5 p.rn. Tommyný. Donny and Gregor PO T RRE& W HE Wrigh.Tetrehge! Tusa verns o evatea ereStap- iwil.l serve ;or a two year tcrmn Wed. and Sat, - 9 - 12 'beton on Sw'day.