Wallace Shiaw, in Toronto. Mcs. W. Calver and child- Mr. and Mrs. T. Panes. Tor- ren. Waupoose, Ont., spent The titie and theme of the Rotary Club's annual ono, visited Mcs. A. Ruiýr Fridav and Saturda.v ith lier avIKildteCutwsamo o ret if and June, and enjayed the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank'Play" ildteCon"wsms totu alf Santa Claus parade an Satur- Hooper, Ontario St., and en- recentiy due Io President Kennedy's assassination on day. joyed the Santa Claus parade Fridav, the second night of the play. It is believed Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turnes' on Saturda.v. Mrs. W. Stefof, this tragic developmeot did flot improve the attend- and Allan spent the weekend Toranto, spent Fridav with with Mrs. Tucnev's parents. hier mother, Mrs. Hooper. ance, but those who were present were high in theirr Mc. and Mrs. Roblin, in Pic- Little Miss Deirdce O'Brien, praise of the cast for an excellent acting performance. tan. ýToronto, wý%as a guest af hpr1 Tr.n Vernon Saunders aI gcandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Honor Ross Strike Toroto ws aweekend visi. Raymond Hutchinson, Egn- loc with hîs parents, Mr. and St., and viewed the Santa Mrs. A. Saunders, Waverlvý Claus parade on Saturdavý. Her Road. parents, Mr. and Mcs. Patcickl have returoed from a visît in' day at the home ai Mcs. Clfri ihterson and'Br13ien's parents.an Ms.VG.nie an 0 W bPn T hr daughter-in-law, Mc and Mrs. Weekend guests with M r ý o o P a h Mr.- and Mrs. Alan Cornish Brock were Mr. Snider's par- and family, Buffalo, N.y, ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Soi- An informative address en- turns have amounted ta $767.l were visitors ducing the week- der of Bancroft and his sister.!rtitled 'Estate Planning Can He annaunced that Bill Thies-j end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mcs. 1. Wemo aof Kingston SavE You Money" vas givenr burger's teamn was the winnec Nimga, Jne ad PulJrMrs. Maurice Adams ai Ban- bv A. Harold- Bickecstafi, ai the ticket selling contest,1 croit receotlv spent a wee& Toronto, at the luncheon with R. P. Rickaby's team,1 Mr. Norman Vanstone and with hier sister, Mrs. Solder, meeting of the Bowmanville second, and George Stephen's1 Miss Margaret Va n st o r ,!Mr. Soider and Brock. Rotarv Club held at the Fly- teamn third. Queen'q Univecsit, w e r e home for the weekend and at- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, ing Duttchman Motor Hotel on Io introducing the guest, tended B.H.S. Commencement. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright.. Fridav. speaker Ken Hockin told the- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Presise. and Ross Strike. Q.C.. Ontario club that A. Harold Bicker-, John Phîlips ai the RCAF Mr and Mrs. Norman Wright Hydro Commission Chairman, staff is praminent in service base at Clintan spent the attended the funeral of Les- was specially hionored during club wack. He is a holder ai ,'eekend with his grand-ý lie J. Bradford, late husbaod the luncheon meeting. It was a Kinsmen 14 year Perfect At- hiother, Mcs. Morden, Scug(og ai Norma Wright, of Tucsoni, annotinced hy Bill Thiesburg- tendance Pin, a past Kinsmen $tceet, and visited tawn ici-j Arizona, at the MacDougal & er that ducing his years on Deputy Govecoor, and was *nds:Brown Funeral Home. Tor- the Special Ev e nt s andmd ebri 91 ~Mr. and Mrs. Rav Luht3 onto, on Monday. Intermeot Crippled Children's Commit- He is alsa chairman aif the ;nod son Billie, and Mrs. Bill was in Glendale Memnoriai tees lie had found Mc. Strike'Kinsmen World Council, Mr. ;Andcew, al of North Bay. Garden. was mnost helpful, and ceady Hockin said. ~-ere weekend guests ai Mc iMc. and Mrs. Arthur Web- to hclp muchi more than the " Mr. Bickerstaff was born ndtree.A.Mrersn lt ber, Manitou Man., Mr. and line ai duty requires. i Mimico, and priar ta Worldý Misses Gladys and Greta Mc. and Mcs. Roy Webber, the hockey tickets each yeac adian General Electric. After, ~/ollon, Mrs. Mary Grineau< tawn, were recent Sundavfor our draws, and I iound out the war he took courses in Ilue: W nd Miss Elsie Gcineau, al ai ýsupper guests with Mr. anà that this is done by Ross insurance while hie was en- ~'arnto atcndd te SntaMcs. H. J. Babcack, Ontaria Strike," Mr. Thiesburger said. ggdi el saeoea laus parade and were callers S.M.adMs.Jh stnH also pointed out thatlions, and joined the Landau C W Dowoey's. andMary, Pickering, visited transportation niust be pro- Lei 98 Amang former B.H.S. stu- Mr. and Mcs. Babcock on Sat- vided for 50 crippled childreni He has established a record, lents atteoding Commence- urday and enjoyed seeiog the to Toronto and ceturo for as a member ai the $1,O00,000 k.ent were Brad Yourth, Ric- big Santa Claus parade. treatments and that Mr. Strike Round Table ever since 1 948,11 ~ Laderbat aiQuen's Chrstms peseîs î~iî~%vas always îready to do more and in 1959 he sald $5,000,000 Lander, botthofnuhis'shaChrisfathis deniv-w worth ai insurance," Mr. iJnvesiv.an Gan Wigtmust be sent through the mail ing. "H a ee eue Hockin said. He told ther ~TesernUniecsty.cati arrive just as prett sweoN a be sed"M.Ratacians that Mr. Bickerstaffý *Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foster, whien they were sent if pre- Thiesburger stated. ihad joined Eric J. Newec andi - elleville, speot the weekend cattions are taken. Take vour "For yeacs T have been Associates a few yeacs ago,: vith Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mac- wrapped gift and place it 1'1-rxývondieriog what-we might do, and then established his own, bougal and family and parti-,side à shippiog box packed for Ilim and decided ta pre- ficm in 1961. ?Ipated in the Santa Claus, with crushed newspapers and sent him with a full length r The importance af estateý .rade on Saturday. rte h rtycba o ite"M. Thiesburger planning was stressed thcough- Th Cnain rdr ior decoration with a card- announced. He laughinglv rOut Mr. Bickerstaff's speech.1 'oeTe sCourt V eotr of board tube. Wrap with ship- showed that the tie bas a red He outlined the costs that' Orestewsfote ntuai No-0ping paper and tie with cordJ.!ining, and quipped that could be saved thx-augh the mbcnth su ai$15 Smah setned ta should Mc. Strike ever defectimaking ai pre-administrationý Pswon by Will Hawkins,iMcs. Cathrine Jeffries and ta h SRN ol eraragmns n eadd 43eaver St. North, Newcastle. r M. and Mrs. John Jeffres. the color outside. Folhowing Ithat prablems which wouldý ~* M. ad Ms. Wllim BR.R.2. Newcastle, in the îossthe presentatian Mc. Strike1 prove costly ta deal with later1 .t4hl and Mr.Wliam B . *a ason and brother, Mr expcessed Ihis thanks ta r. could also be eliminated then. ýr.É lleand ami, M.alndFan Tfrisa aiwuThic'sburiger. Will planning was also dis- ý$touffville, wece guesîs ai Mcr 'was hast in the terrible TCA Gcathe Staphlauscarmae rcussed by M. BierstasionsHe *ndMr. Wllam icaisioJet crash at St. Therese, Que.,, te ataClusPraeheerreurta orthe provision ai ,tu rav ilam ttnded hol last Friday eveniog. He wa.,Tcee Committee, told the Ro-teCusfothdisona aturdma aiedawithdthceersmlî tacians that the members aif'the estate ai a man who dies 'tanta Claus parade. Icide.MsJnefeiesail the local service clubs who withaut making a will, and! ~Mcs Ev YongDx a E- isem.loyd a LINd IEscanvassed the town on Tues-! the resultant passible diffi- r taes i agustaiMc a~ hoi day eve oinof a last week, had cuities for bis widaw or other' tIrsq. G. Badgec, King St. East.! We atadcmoe donc vel.S. xell. lie added relatives. Ni wek M. ndMr. .Wlsn pMtacDnd, womPS that Christmas tcee tickets are He dealt with the simple! rctacr andi daughter Joan, w i still available, aod may* hab type ai will in whiher- raen unavrpresently composiog a sOl1' ac b t a i nl a d in Bowmanville thiog is leit ta one persan, but ~~indsa~'. wece for each Canadian provinlc. vhopz;. Tickets will also be on:ugdta ntecs iNs ~uests ai Mr and Mcs. Badgec.r visited the Toronto Teachers' sale front December î2tli ta bands and wîves pravision SMc. and Mrs. Wilfrcd Pae-. College. recentlv, Miss Cath- 24th in the uptown lot whetceimust be made for a cammon Nien ai Toronto visiteid withlarine Lynch Nad the honor of people wvill choose the trees. disaster in which bath might Tc.Carl Pacden and iamilvbeing chosen ta sing "Ahc'tý- Procveds are for the Santa accidentally be killed. Con- lT' nundav and called on hswi' Calling", the Prince Cla13ý Parade Fund. 'sideratian should be given tai rotNer. Mi-. Carl Pacdcn, \vki1 Edward Island sang. Mi-Ss Toni Coxvan, chairnmanofa trus-teeship, and executars asý sa patiet tn Memorial lias- Lvnch is the dauglitcr nf Mrs. the Rotar 'v play' ticket commit- 'wall as ta guardians foc the! tee ccported that ticket ce- children, Ne added.1 TflIIIT uIIITrt ~**,~**The advantages of a trust, r. IK llI U IE H K HPavne, ConccýýsioSt. ît iý will eealo enindbv: Minister - Rev. Wrn. K. Ilousiander, B.A., B.D. MacDonald is 81 years aId. will provision could be made lIn undv, ececberhstfor a lufe incame for a wife. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. ai th~e îmort 1ingI service of i o the bodyaiteste l'iix United Church. the wvith rnodest enroach ments fol lowingj recviveci the sacra-. on capital, and for the' estate SUNDY, DECMBER8th~ n haaism Jaiceta revei-t ta the children on S lineofdahisni:Mc.and ecerdeath. Such a will would Il a.iu,- M orn Ng o s Ip Nîrs. Wlie laulia tr oess r.a nI- also preveot the necssitv ai Il a.i. - Moning WrshipMrs iarin dugess:oAnd-paving death duties again on r(1 MarieGlnn Buter or Dr. the' estate at Nier'death, lNe ex- ""A Very Present Help" l, :j rs (Ieiî)ii u of M.v aDi laiuîad. 7 ~~~~~Mis. Gardon Lamaont: Kenneth H ce ha vr a 7pani. - Evening Worship Bruce, ,*on oriMir. and Mr. 1,enne1h Mardien; andLvn B TH N coîîducted bv Jack and Jili Club Ma]BndaTHe n M. n 'Speaker- Dr. A. Sylvester Mrs.Lne enn.Ms. Ross Hall. Miss Lynda Mr. and Mrs. Clifford NMack- Hall. Mrs. Olive Richacdsoo,ý SIUNIAY SCH0OJ, lin. Town,. were saddenpd ai Whit'by. were Sundav gzueszis, Junior, Interniediate and Senior - 9:45 a.rn. Saurd on leaoiiig oif tic with Mr. and Mcs. Carl Smith.! PriaryandKinergrte - 1:2 ar. îagic death ai Mr. Macklin's Mr. and Mcs. Ed. McGlynný Priiaryand indrgaren 11:0 ani.firsi cotisin. Ross Joncs. inand their six children- ofr Beiner -1101 am.the Trans Canada Air Linies Peterborough spent Sundavy Beginers- 1100 ani.TCA let crash ai St. Theres,-, with Mrs. Ina Palmer. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL Plainville. Que>, on Fridav The syrnpathy ai the coin-' _1night m. Joncs, wo vsmunit%, k extended ta Mcs. onoV and was employed iný John 'Wright in the sudden the Head Office ni CeocraI death ai Ner husband as a ce-ý r% i r%É-- -ri i --ii TIr- ARKi §Fonds, Toronto. was cetumnio sIt i a car maccident oo Fr-_ IA. Carter Is on the sick list. The Canaian Statesnian, Bon-manville, Det. 4, 1.1837 We hope her condition will The players included, frc Hockin, Mrs. E. G. With Mrs. A. A. H. Strike, Dr. Brown; back row, Donald tec B. Rey'nolds, Ian Sm Mann and W. J. McMech& Mcs. H. B. Runidie. Advice Es fates make sure that his wife Nas miade a will. "l would be nice ta be able ta stay in your house until you die without hax'mng ta buy il fcom you. childcen," lie asserted. The benefits now possibrý under the federal Estate Act were emphasized by Mc. Bick- erstaff. Now. ownership of the insurance policy cao be passed on ta the' benaficiary at the' tinie it is purchased. Th is is \vise, xvhy have the gový(.emat take between 25 and 30) par cent aI the time lhe dlaim is paid, hae said. He also outlinad the cules regard- ing gifts, and hoxv estate soon be improved. Rev. Nelson of Oshawa showed some very in teresting films in the school an Friday evening. Sorry to report that Mrs. Edna McLaughlin and Mrs. Herbert McLaughlin are bath patients in Oshawa General Hospital. We wish them both a speedy recovery. Mrs. J. Sinclair has return-' ed home from Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, feeling much improved. A number from here attend- ed the Santa Claus Parade in Bowmanville on Saturday afternoon. Mr. AI Reid left on Satur- day for his home in Ohio, U.S.A. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. BilI Mantel and family ta aur village, who have moved inta Mrs. E. McLaughlin's house. Mr. Harrietta, Mr. Hurst af Toronto have been the new student teachers this week in the Senior Room. Mc. and Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Bowmanville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allison, and family, Oshawa, werel Sunday guests of Mrs. Pearl -ont row, lef t to right, Ken Avery and Mr. and Mrs.1 iVIs. ame StttGeorge Allison and family. herspoon, Ms ae tt Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larm- .K. W. Siemon and Merrili er were Sunday guests af Mc. d Morris, Rex Walters, Wal- and Mrs. Kenneth Larmer, iith, Eric Whyte, G. Edwin Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitch- an. The play xvas directed by el, and family, Toronto; Mr. Photo by Rehder. Williami Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mvitchell and fam-I growth could be frozen in this ily, Pontypool, were Sundayf roanner, and income tax saved. guests af Mr. and Mrs. L. R. i Different types of insurance Argue and famil.y.V on retirement programs were Please take note of change also outlined by Mr. Bicker- in service time. These sched- staff. ules for Suniday School and A vote of thanks ta the Church will commence on speaker was moved by Wi- Sundayv, December 8th as fol- fred McMechan. The presi- lows: Sunday Sehool at 10:45 dent, Dr. G. Edwin Mann, alsa 'a.mn. and Church Wocship at expressed his personal ap- 1:45i a.m. spreciation bo Mr. Bicker'daff, The C.G.I.T. will meet in eand on behaîf of the club pre- the church hall at 7 p.m. on rsented him with a book as a Tuesday, December 1Oth. ,souvenir of his visit. The C.G.1.T. Vesper Service t ______ ______ xill be held at 7 p.m. in the r church, December 22nd. DTDVlPOTThe U.C.W. will etith DURKET.L.LJ. chuirch hall at 8 p.m. on t Thursday evening, December -Nlr. and Mcs.B. Slinger- 12th. AIl ladies are mast wel- )f land, Oshawa, weîre Monday came. Its in the form af a ýe callers at the home of Mr. and Christmas meeting. y Mrs. B. Hubbard. Dan't forget the Sunday L Mcs. G. Wetherup, Miss School meeting for teachers e Hilda..1Hall, Mrs. Dorothy and officers on Thursday even- 5Brya . rs. J. Miller and ing at 9 p.m., December 5th. e baby, Oshawa, were Wednes- The Explorers will meet on e day evening guests af Mr. and Friday evening at 7 p.m., Dec. 1- Mrs. B. Hubbard. 6th, in the school. ,e Sorry ta report that Mrs.' Mrs. Ella Krantz, Miss Dar-, Trini ty U. C. W. Unit s Display Attractive Articles at Bazaar TIiY'ta geeltlîcough Safe- Driving Week without a traf- fie mishap. If you caxi do it for a week, you cao do it al- w ays. and Miss Elsie Waters %vere in charge of the Candy Booth, and the members of these twd units assisted. The members of Unit 9 with their leader. Mcs. Earl' Osborne mwho is presidrnt of the Trioity United Church Wornen, and Mrs. L. Wooder, leader of Unit 12, and its, members were responsible for the Christmas Decorations and* Gifts Booth. The leaders of Unit 3 and Unit 6, Mrs. Walter Woolley.* and Mrs. Michael Puk were irn charge of the Sale of Homne Baking assisted by the mem- bers of bath groups. Unit 15 led by Mrs. William Cowan, Unit 7 ledi by Mrs. W. K. Housiander, wife of Ille minister, and Unit 7 led by' Mrs. Ray Hutchinson wece ce- sponsible for the tea rooam and assisted in serving. A beauti- fui arrangement af white and bronze shaded chrysanthe- mums centred the serving table, which was Iighted by white tapers in silver candie- sticks. Each tea table was ceotred with bronze and yel- low 'mumns. The members of the public- itv committee for the bazaar, were Mrs. A. L. Haoey, Mrs. R. Hutchinson and Mcs. Lawrence C. Mason. BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP Fresents "The (URIOUS SA VAGE" a 3-act Comedy by John Patrick in BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY December 5tIi-6th-7th 8: 15 P.M. ADMISSION Aduits - 75c Students - 50o Tickets available from any inember of Draina Club or phone Mrs. R. Sheridan 623-3588 or Mrs. F. amuel 623-2473. The Bazaar hield by the Trinitv United Church Women on a recent Friday afternoon was most successful. The hundreds of patrons were pleased with the wonderful array af attractive articles on display at the booths. and en- joyed making their selections. The members of Unit il and Unit 2 prepared and staff- ed the Children's Booth with Mrs. Allan Moffat and Mrs. Keith Siemon as co-canvenors. Mrs. Walter Hately and the members of Unit 8 also assist- ed with this booth. The leaders of Unit 13 and Unit 1, Mrs. Stewart Crago lene MacDonald, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hubbard and Janice, Trenton, were Sunday guests af Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- bard. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Hlaydon, were recent guests af Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Roblin. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grant and famil ' , Oshawa, were recent guests of Mrs. R. Da vey.