R e cre a t io n R e v ie w s Canadian Schenley Awards Winner f M ixed M ajor League p~ aainSaemEwmvfe e.1,18 T e a m S t a n d i n g s B . B r o w n 3 0 0 , B . C o l w E l 2 7 3 . ! a t s p e n t h w e k d Minai Hockey Sehedule Saturday, Dec. 14 Jdressing room numnber 2 a Pt.S ieel20,B ua 27.1 bee rho e.techii Pr An players taking part ln Bantam League- Memorial Arena. . BlckeS...............30BG. Beeb 257,1 ihb45 oehe. reitcenlseharg on C u lhe Rereation Department's 7:00 a.m.-Braves vs Pirates Recreatlon Office B Trr.............2G. tfeld 2, 24 . ight Thoe ht if ev W>!inor Hokey League are re- 7:45 am.-Lions vs Pee Wees The ReElects n fficers .uminded that they must have 8:35 a.m.-Flyers vs Huskies ýthe Lions Communlt CentreBapi........7 Hg vrgs .Dbls aa .0nx udya their heimets by this cominglPee Wee League- ýwlll be closed from Thursdayl.. thr........l 4.D lfl24 .Pret aen s1en ie Saturday, December l4th, or 9:20 am.-Canadians vs Atoms Decemnber lUth, ta MondayMis1 c7 .Bdv ~ .Wihoirby he tM 4 they will fnot e eligible t 01 .n.w\e' ers Jnay6h Hal hi hedrcino t101 ..Wnsv er aur t.High Triple P. Patterson 841 221. B. Holroyd 218, B. uner foloin ein th e a ce Al g oal i e u t wad1 0 . m - r i s v a k D an cin g Ç la u es H ig h S in g le B . H olroy d 338 214, D . B roo k s 214, G . E llio t M r . W s h u e .j T h o n a v t eR c n the fce m sks rovid d. A om L ague-The ecretion epar ments ow Single 0 . Patfield 118 214, . Etcher 213. J. Carter,Pi e n C u h ld t er a Atom League Standing: il1:50 a.m.-Indians vs Raxns Wednesday a nd Saturday R igh Games- P. Patterson 212, G. Beebe 212. B. TrimbleWna eea etn eet W. L. T. Pts. 12:35 p.m.-Royals vs Bisons j Dancing Classes will hold 37 7,23 .Hlod38î1,J oin21 flonbers ... 4 1I0 8ýAMidget League- itheir annual Christmas Studio ! e e Barons..... 2 1I 1 a 1:30pm.-Orphans vsMaroonsParty at the Bowrnanville Bisons........ 2 1 0 4 2:15 pm.-Comets vs B.TS. Town Hall on Tuesday, Dec. O D E R O LN Rais ......... 2 1 0 4 1ebr7t.Kic r Ind an ..... 2 2 4 Ju enle Le gu -It's ail over but the shout- Other top efforts went to Oshawa Generl e o n e Horvas he....fter1which3t...... Iforets ~ ~ 313:00 p.m.-Mt. Royals vs Aces, The programme wll! ha un- lng, as Office cllnched the Randie 293, Jim Houck 291, mrn a l.-0 frt : cc fiesfrteya 94w Giants ....o 2 2 2 Sehedule Monday, Dec. 16 der the direction of Miss frtshdi odea e-J"ufHnig 8,Pts29 rn r~ f~eetda oiis rsdn R o al i 3 2 At m ea ue I en e ar ey an M s. Sh r-gue tite, w al oping their c o - 2 1 K ar i P iper 278, L obb 277, tez ,,-i.K in, P e W e e a u e S t n d n g : 0 p m . R a s s a r n S t a n deine tgu r ue: B a i e rj. 05:0 0e n o n o r 2 6 o a s , p a r o f S e O n P r -FvnsB ttB are ctorns u e Ranera 3 ~ 5.5 pm.-oretsvs isns il ens ad fieds f .. ~.......Thu.rsday night. Victory sentlBagnell 268, "'Joe"Pie 265, Wad Ranears 2 O3 5Thr0wll12 ageerlthe cidrntaking dancing or arKithenr1 Be rs . .... « 2 1 5ý Th re wil e g nealthe white collar crew 23 points 1263, Grant 265, Jack Bond 264,"~ K th n r a dtru Canadians 0 2 4ý meeting of ail coaches, fol- vited to attend this Christmas upo etw o rped a1Jac eds28adFak Atonis ... 41 lowing the completion of theiripv y4-3 decision tb Fan Bels and. Samnis 253. The ing rke afv uut Wig ..1 3ýshdidgae hscmig hrlSoit --Machine Shap, 5-2 winners, Tcam Standing@ Generais to reann PionCuasoedtetr Leafs .....1 2 1 3;Saturday morning. 'The Ban- oChoral SocplceietytcI1 Bruins i 3 O 2; tain coaches will meet at 9:20 The BowmanvIlie Choral Co7iesLbraoy, ie~ vrKitcee niHmlo oeo .Rcad nNv Hawks 0 4 0 a.n. The Pee Wee coaches Society will again present an 4-3, whiie Lead Press tO bred in 1963. There ..........r...four0 Banta Leaue Stndin: wil mee at 1:50 .m. Te evniposftChistmaachine a -0hsp........... Tger0 four . points...28th....or....u....5C1ckmbBird c Atom coac'hes will meet at this comning Monday, Decem- .~ ~te cinmb ail the way' intoi Laboratoi-v.............. 49, osers' goal at1:6ob oiin nec ls.Ti Lions ....... 3 0 O0 1:30 p.m. These meetings are ber 16th, at the Four Corners. fourth place. Lead ress............ Flyers . .3 0 L,, heirg ca]led to strengthên the Al members o! the Choral Ms fteectmn ok ries47:0scrai' d drivta Pee Wees .... 3 1 O 6: weaker teams in each league. Society are asked ta 12e at the paea h poieedo Combines..................... 4 Bobby Orr satotanebweernusedqie ap Cu'bs_...... 3 1 0 6, Ail meetings wvi1 12e held in, Four Corners by 8:00 p.m. theae sttanding sitwendHofe~ lis.......2 ~zpnl ihtersls Braves......O 3 Othe tro n d ianburv 7-O to.. ... . ... ................. 1 A e c e k r Jo2 Kl e Huskies .....(j 3 0er p: e hd evra1gust1fo Pirates ....o..Aternon Curling rbur 71 o a - gedB~r ....... . ...........30'Ace849 ! heecodadVirri n o on la Piates th0'e ce lar, with the loseral Comes... ............ 39,ifthe Gencirals oni e emOh~a nldn r .S Lions Mldget League Standing antaking. over,.....s3 Ron White's 756 3 ootdani f aRngrKelrSr Gat n ohr Orphans. . 2 0 O 4> Tuesday saw a full sheet of~ ing one win and one los balLb t yasingleor he eat 2M'aroons .... 2 O O 41 ice despite Christmas drawingj Saturday night agaîn saw a pin for high triple markY;forYthe. ventua~ înr oso n ehdavr Bantams ... 2 1 O 4sa close. Winning skips were fuil sheet o! ice for both Quarterback Russ Jackson of the Ottawa Rough- "Joe" Piper was next at 735,; TA K IL Goa,-keeperDnisGsoenobl cnn.Teex Generals ...i... 1ii 1 fi clbîxd u3 .foilowed aRaalphe BT ........O 2 1 i edmsFlthr a nd 'as nte lbmxdc rîrders has mlade history in the Canadian Schenley Jacklp Campbell Campbell, with skips Kramp ing. Skip Jack Gay with Pat 704afneJacekive ffot sh689,U 1e W dnesaipier 704, Pots 689, K riPiperj Mrs. Lorne Todd visifed In hed Kitchener s oees t e D c lh a h o e o e Cornets . 0. 3 0O Oand Burk coming up with e. Burk, second Walter Goode Football Awards winning national honors as both the 689, Aif Randie 686S, Georgei Toronto receiitl, rest of the way. Lk nHmtn Lions Juvenile League: Id raw, land Dell Vinson lead, took the MotOttnif Pae n h anda lyrTdso 684, Art Rowe 663,1 MrI. ur, Toyt, v-s-t- Ace 2 O l T ursday's gaine w iîîn-ers fr t p a e n th e o dbB g ei 5 , D n B g e d M r, A rtur M K ay during, Mt.Roal i I 2wee Brk Gy ndCapbil draw, Skip Hai Falk with of the Year. Tom Brown of the B.C. Lions was selec- 658, Ernie Hansen 657 and the weeke4ri. Mt._______ù____________Gyandampbel Murray Grant 651, î an Mr. reRal Canucks _02 O 2 .t i0brn n rm Norma Gay, second AI Tr,- ted as the Lineman of the Year. Jackson receives a WhtealohirfrhîhE nd Harvey wr ne's tak1ing t'he draw, Hilda Rundie the first place. Silver spoons Toh and a total of $,0 in Canada aig Bonds single honors with a , " h1ad 'Satraey enein e substituting for Freda Kramp. 00 ie o i h ines rpy$350Svnsgamcj guestwitiij .A. JUNIOR "A" --Wednesday this cub tvas, Ail gatliered in the big rooni asel __ I represented by skips Krarpl after the curling for sand- is the first time since the Awards were established inl 'When Ma is Sick' and 'When.Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Far- - and Wý1oodlock at the inter-1wicixes and coffee which werel 1953 that a player bas been selected on the final ballot1 Pa is Sick', read by Mrs. W'I rc a 1vsidNi, club bonspiel at the Oshawalserved by Les and Pearl 4 Vaneyk, Mrs. W. Vaneyk!j\Vo Sundav CrigClub. Both skips hav-Smiale, in more than one of the tîree caegories. shictur seres o f th! e SanaCas-.f.ar.d r. Mol RHin C À SIow _______w:: discussed and Mrs. Ann Paraded as:es o!moi;n:j fand family ÎieM 'a ____ League Basketball Simipson and Mrs. Ruth Gibson comfortable in the sehool tharilW. Prouse and Chai-lie, OsaLca. AT A NEH W S L.Loans $50 to, $5,000. lcetamk , standing oul t hecl Mr, and Mr.s. E, Sher, Tr O -On - the - Spot S The club ,as told inquiries Everyone enjoyed seeing al î .,vîsited at Mr. Lloyd: Sevce a been made about the in- the colrful floats ither folHaSwels Sevc.~O ~ F r s a eon the childrcn riding the first time or agaîn.TfolrJ Haniwels lnCrIh M- otaeLas MQe n s T k v r F on the Iuc bus. They de. Long Sauit Kitchen Band Was andafamiy, Buffalo, ..rA A G N R L lwpla e !initcly are covered. Fees were catight in action. Folks were were recent guests with Mrs.l plan a iscsse an itwas eid seen bsl eating a heartv Victor Farrov. QSH B-Budget lans to tey 12e $1.50 per famnily per mca! at the school picnic aI Mr.RyMKay, Bronte, at suit every incomne. 1964. itommbrtobe There were many more Inter- Mr. Arthur McKay's. ,W A esting scenes taken around Saurday e',ening a group; A vilbeEvnna McQueen's Motors wallped .pFrank Sobil hooped i3spurge led al peiormers but ln charge of the next meeting home, and others taken on a of frends feted Mr, and Mrs. after 5, dial last place Hooper's Jewellers'points to pace the wlnners, wasn't enough ta hait the %vin- r r n Ms .Alnvacation trip to Canara'sj Ross Farrow a- a charivari T I t PE k~ 623-644,46-7 ani Stphe Fues uPetJwhile Lloyd Coverly notchedlners. Dan Seto hit for ten for Mýr. and Mrs. R Osborne, Mr. Pioner Villageý Party at th-- home of Mr.I U PEF 1 1 N N dlys- li- defending champion Cor-oia-. ten-, John Lunu hlad nine and!Coronation. *1. cati deans inC-e932 sMcue'ssvn.KnKel edSehe'!and Airs, ÇG. ùMcDonald, Mr. fM lson 1801read an Inter. Howard FarrowOonTistE tion afe 9-32 as ,%Ic uee-i'si on M rtin evei. Ke Kelv le Ste hen' ' eting anta, ab ut S ntaohr. Stnotone :,o vrtp pti hTe aryxt nn n ih 1 pint, with Fa% when lie considered Ieaving ed his mother, Mrs, F. Stone,'I60 .l Kno y ur oi - en' T wn Bas etal Le-1Ray Walae sveî, acc unedSwinburne adding il end Dnn V Ra3-nard. his reindeer at home and try- Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- bankmanger eau gue, iast Wednesday night. for nearly ail the Jeweller's, Welsh eight. r.CaeeAlnasaî-fIng another mode of trans. well wcre dinner guesta on D SIO hlm nyt1ie.McQueen's were in corn- scorlng. Tem tadig& icexcellento.Mr Mur portation. T he helicopter Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.1 mnc right frorn the start in, Steplhet's overcame a siimi Ta tnig îtrso elo c ar emdt answer but Santa Bill Reid, Orono. Sd'-$.0Ed 12 * " . the opener at the High School 19-8 deficit in the first quarter' W. L T. Pts., ire Ped«well thanked Mn. Alun1 was worri ed ini case the egg-, Mr. and Mrs, Ed Ruthven,'Sadn$I2 gvnlnasiun, holding Hoo>pe,:'si ta lead _20-15 at the liiandMcQueeilcîr 4 1 191 on behal! of the club. Lunchirbae fsokb o-teZoM.adMsCifr FOR PRMP'r ba Fingle bski i i ticst 130-20 ha i nto the final ICoronatiori Cafe 4 ? 0 81a servdb heldr, egg, To eleryone's deliglit helJFonk -wcre Sunday visitors; Studeibts andChdrn ato tadn EFFICIENT SERVICE 1quarter and leiding 28-7 at quarter. Stephen Fuels 2 3 1 r n c. rdLwrr ctbc1ohsfihu ri- ih.r.A osn CAL6336 aftme omBwla 8pointj ooper's ew'lrs 1 5 o and family visited his parents,ijdeer. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casweilý C A L 6 3 33 3h l-tx e N n B w ld ' 8 ~ - . 1- - - - - M r. and M rs. B ert Low ery,l, T e m eeting closed w ith lattnded O 'K eefe C e t , Tor- subse ri e i k t o n S l Open Friday Evenings Osh awa, recently. J The Queen'. A decii lnh ota e te, Offth Ope Sauray or isLocal 189 Hockey Mr. and Mrs. 'R. Li, g werc; was servedanda couscha onto, 1 lastPaiwLad,oeche Aea x c Oe audyvisîtors with Mrs. S, B3utt(,rrv wr-s EnTicyed byail. Mïiss MarIlynFls ee _______ am.ntil Christnîas froin 9 -12 an o5. wveek. lelst - --nFl, Ptr îV p " IH I. -6everal around here took !-4 Santa Claus parade in BowN w. wu Smanvîlle a weck ago. __ SMr. and Mrs. Cavert Bar W EA' 00ýFislç, a week ago. edd. 4 KING S .E 0 rAction was fast and excit J xod to win 8-6. Cornets saw à Gary Cooper notched four Mr. and Mrs. David Ge es,lw. ~ îng in Local 189 Hockey Lea 6-3 bulge dîsappear i n theg o ais anxd asssted o nte Toronto, called on bier fam!lf.5 WA IL !gue play Sunda_ mornîng as' second tilt under a four goal to pace the Cornets to a 6-3 hast week. F. fl thie Horneta and Bruina came splurgebvlagelcdngledafe o nohrs.ASoEV ERY ! IN G FO R#e geb laueladn la atrtwo periods ln theMS ok te aI e Finance coin behind ta gain victories Hornets. nightcap. Alex Wisemnan and morial H-ospital, We wish lierl'- sme le-goememL'er fer MONE Yfi the twin-bill. In the open- Don'Bagnell with two and Grant Fintoff were the otiier a specdy recovem-v. Miss Alice'" COLIN COOKE, ManagerJ er the taîl-end Raiders led 4-1 others by Peter Stacey andimarksmen. ýDe Vos is keeT)ing bouse forl M 'and 6-4 but the Bruins count- John Lutin against one by Billi 1wr unny h a the family ed four times in the final per- Crossey gave Raiders a 4-1 accounte for the first threel Mrs H.t wnadDree~ first period margin. 'Th elHres akrstu pair Newcatle, spent Sundav withlml' Bruins came back to tie It l i efn alperîod, with Tedlhecsse and fmlywc the second on. goals by "Jiggs" Faircy, Ray Cronîbie anid Ray MrS. Bh arch&rd, in tlieir!U Cowling, Roni Pollard and West scoring ta tic the score. new- home. Lloyd Hamilton. But "Mýort" West tipped Faicey's drive out Miss Rosernarv MoMurray L ~ b r e s Richards scred befre the of the air te send the league- spent theweekend ahaine. peid made itand4. n e 4,ades rnd ortha rt lasCni, .,Daled, we recen 111ake anan Sthe nrlt5tandjn4>-g - ,... T 1 ,,+1-d 1Mi__. _ MWaddell was to speak. Hoe& Soo Club was dcawn.WinsweeBa- Mrs Quntrll as ppont.hcid hast Thursday evening ket, Mrs. A . Phillips, Tyrone:ii Mr. uatrl Ws PPin-with 28 aduits and six stu- quilt, Mrs. Glenn Brooks, R.R. ILAL1 MEN m ed as our representative to the dents present. Fred Lowery, i, Markhani; and cup and sau- i. ...... 1. 4 H D f V K I lAssociation that bas to do with the president, called Ci theer Miss Brenda Murphyý, 121~ planning 'safety for Durham nxeet-I cet-, vDR ing o oderand all sang O1Southway Dr.. Bowînanville. a report on the Acea Conven-CLordsay olwe te'M . d"lls .0 mttl ae e tion. Mrs. MeAllister had acadatda ertry uprge Mand Mce rs. M ATS Crstmias table centrepiece lwc g hariac te M. Lrac ow rnarviFlGeSwetSd * IVater eeln m2t nade. She explained how l n h ints ow-1 F G. mit. *Pplr ' mntd ,ie nikete anetad1io Oery told the club o! the meet- Ms nhony Bino and Ppsa 1.aiae"sev ip an intccestîng paper. Lunch îgnl h nvosTedyRiCky, Mc. and Mca. Tom Rg$19 nigt wenthe cormlttee and Nesbitt and girls, Oshawa,"Oln PieL eds dae w s served.1 Our next meet. a !ew others met at the achoolý wece Sunda,.' visitors of the * Olo"PleLnd IALJ. M' Dstr eatict rsn, Mad ith Mc. Carruthers, ..P. Kovaca; and Mr. and Mca. JoeLghWegh for Hghes Por Hope is a for Durhami. This was with Don ami Joey, Oshawa, we adMae invited. '4th Lin. at 115 Highway. M.Kovacs. Beautifu Shinde Pai Sxladies w-cnt ta Mca. E.I Carruthiers ;vas vecy impres-! On Friday evenîng, Derem- aî uuam ', Garden Hil, and met scd with the statistics, etc. ber 6th, the Long Sault Home ~Rg$99 vth their Institut. members. which had been collected and and Sehool Club was opcned DRegki$2Shir5 Miss Waddcll spoke on Tricks pcomiscd to meet with the' b President Mr. C. Pet-war CiRST A in Advertising Eye Appeal Righway Dcpt. the next day. dn. il resnt oind i deie and gave us good advice on; A platform foc the school, sing O Canada. After the~ SPECIAL AiCoom wvhat to iook for when buylngý ha been obtalned and is in' minutes %were ra dar apE packaged goods. The ladiesstocage for t:'le presen:. proved the president annoure "' had a Chri-stnias gift cx- It v-asdecided to hoid the, ed that the followin- members$39 J AA:= ig e* uh 9th, Instcad o! an. 2nd . Pleasel uan' l1th meeting: Brown, C.- On Nov. 22nd, wncn com-itake note! 'Penwacden and Johiiston fa. niencement execcises were, The president sald he hoped, ilies. A nuniber o! items were held at Port Hope High School, 1any motions made la future: discussed durIng the business SE gI LARGE SELECTION OF GIFT ITEMS... one of last vear's teachera: wûu,_,d be deait with at the ses;sion.1 MnIr Lucas. ivho apparentIv, nezx: meetig ami a report, Mcar. Alf Mihîson, program DIRESS SLACKS - GLOVES - SCARVES - BELTS was an Anerican citizen, art- gi'er. of accomplishnient or, chairman, presented the fo"-' tende-' and was so pheased. it.-%vise. oing prograi: A haînoroýs wheM he one minute silence OtThe banner for the schoollreadng which compared'