10The Cenadian Statesan.n, owmanvllle. Dec. il, ips3 Many Helped with Parade' To Make if Great Successý 1 ý r- 1, ffl I1I1 ml 1I More Scenes From Santa Claus Parade in Z3pite ot LoiU Weatheri Sanita Claus was, ien '1 Mutton, Ted Clarke, Clarence chal. Bil Walliîs.Bud Moses, wonderful welcome tn ow-ox Bell, Larrv Luxton, LIC d Mýln Farrnxi l xxîn Dickey,ý manville on Nov. 30 with a Preston, Bob H-ayes and Peter George Stephen and Jîml Inarvelous parade. This wa Bathgatr. Crombie were assistant parade' largely due Io the fact that Bill Çohban a publi ctx niarshals the parade was a comnmunitY o'rîecor, and lion Brooks xwaý A wxarm xwcIcome Io tthe effort, and many organiza- in <carge ef al] the n'runc' peoiple in the crowds along the 4 tions and private individuais sections of tbe parade, and route %%vas given just before con'ribu1ed much time. effori, was responsible for ail herses Ilbe parade started by Jack........... and hard work. and ponnies rncluding those Brerigh through the loud . The parade cemmitte bead- with vebicies. speaker of Counicillor Wesley ed hy ce-chairmen, Carson Tedi Hutton as transportation Fice*ls sounid truck. Elliott and George 13tcphen, chairman otained many farim Mrs. W. M. Rudil, Presi- x 4 0 did a splendid job. and wr wagons andi other cquipment. dent cf the Bowmanxrille anti coincernied With eex aspect Miss Helen VanDusen tootc and District Brancb of the ' cf the proceedings. mani% 'phone cails and ilirougb Canadian Bcd Cross, who is! >Other committee rincber the generosit *v et Specialt * alse a member of the Ontarjol Were Miss Velma Gav, Secre- Paper Preducis, Lti., a direct executive cf the erganization tarv-treasurer. Jack Adams, lune 'tinToronto xvas piacetiatnadricmpeeni ln ' chairman ef finance, Ed. the cormttec's disposai. ativance for the rare cf ainy' Bundie., Fred Tippins , John Mrs. Edc Cole and Deu,£ casualties during the parade.. Bain , B. P. Rickabv, M i s Rig. Bc man ill's e a- Two perfcctly' vequippeti ambu-,r oil-( v B oo rae Annore Oke.Lly Ellis. Bert tional director ieen ca ]telances, orne froni the Bowman-WapridthNBrkrl- Snow'den, Jini Bell and Don cf costumes andtmro~ ri ll Area Aýmbulance Service Kingswa.v Nurs r1s }Iarve.v. designed and matieb'. MIýs. nthebc ther frono St. John MB The Legion Pipe Band us'.ri Bruce Ccil%,l and Doue Cole. Santa Claus, Edi. Leslie. Ambulance Brigade, Osha- dForngagetwàmu _igg %vre ce-chaii--ren ethad purchased i.,is ewn cos. a, x%ere bere for the event. I.hrEirnsret ro wrm iph I as. Thev wec assistcd bv turne. Then'e wcrc also five Emeî'g-,* ,,, Mrs. Tom Fairbrotthcri, .B.. Ted MIller showet rrnark- enc V Measures Operationýs' Somep who deserive <reiti 2'Jwrste.Bill Bates. Cecil abie ahilitv as a parade mi asplaned i a strategiepnt." myhebenndvtnir aln terot.Each was missed ie thîs accounit of cern- euppeti witb twe-way radio, liebe communi1v ce-operat ion equ i vegeesl el on a great project. The States- Lh ioxtisAe e n rouy l n t',. m ari would apprciate receiv- B E L LforthbbcNlive sbee nd baby aiin ,in 'mv aditiîtinal informa- tfock cf ]ivre sheep for the '"~'ci~rO15 mernorable Shepherd.s' float,ýtoi ravc eadn n The two officiai cars and dîo]v- ~r esWr rvd. yB ruce Rec.v L IN Speciai credit ik due to Mrs.iv W. D vd Hi g n for tdesig - «% by Jhn . Lo ry ing anti mnking the attractive i your telephone reindleer, and ase for hier cre- . US ation orthe artistie highlights ~ manager 011~o the Santa Claus float, The U S o lg m a n a g er 1b eys f te Ontario Training; o l g Sehool here spent many heurs M JrreanD.MicN.lW.Mitcnell YEAREND ALLNG wrkig ontheconsrucionýMrJanmesD. Mitch.Mitsonlof YER NDCALIG O ti gonthecelt1c5 r i~Minerva Str'eet, Huntsville. Anvene specln the aninunt of parclis, letters anîd Tractors te pull the fleats fomerv Of Bow'nanville, will cards plied up in Post Offices this finie of ycar van %verè Previdcd bý, Tom Cowan 4' participate in riivar coni- easily' undcrstand "'hy the Post Office Department W. H. (Mick) Brown, AI Hoar, ' mencement ce remni nies o n ào strongly urges people to "mail early for Christ- Roc Brooks, S. Morton, Mapie i Deco-mber 14 at Tri-State Col- mia s." Grove anti Charles Downey lg. Aiigo]a, Inidiana, an- The Bell lias a similar problem ai Christmas. but Police Chief Bernard l<nucR.r ihrdM ae no graphie way te show il. Frein seeing a Long KitneY anti bis staff assistpd:: mancprsiD. Ric hd M. Bat Distance cable. it's impossible ntelle that ail the b ' Ontario Police Consal nin e int c te8o4.g circuits in lt are being used anid that saine custnmers 1,0o hati been delegated K by- foui.dtchenll8> l b aon are waiting te get their rails through. Yet, at Christ- Sergeant Gordon Keast with 1 "~ "r~t, mas, this can iinfortunately happen. the coeoperation cf UtheO MiiSitch erell n wi aon The reason is flot hard to understand. Long Dis- Inspec(tor in Peterborough, The marching cf the srnai't Color Guard above was much admired bv the ScAdinietratien Busnmajo tance Lines are fully adequate for any normal day, helpeti the Parade Ccmmitte Santa Clans Parade crowds. Reading frîomn lefi to rgtaboxe are the soidiersAin ti Trapration Âamao whn nfrt udes ftosnd fris(mostly b aaeeto rfi o atn Stephen Oke, Gary Clark, and the officer' in the lcnd is Bob Ken- ministration. H-e s a 19,59 of a business nature) are earried. But, at Christmas, despibe the crcwds anti thons- nedv This guaî-d was or.ganized and drilled bv Charles Kilpatrick. Th-e sold- gradtiate Of Fort Francs a Ai LY psittate n o a llie n g m er gef s al a e aTies ucpo e t own visiHtr iers are w earng te unif rr s of the R ed iVarine B and, shaw a. The of ficers H ih Sclool. M r. M itchell's betvith thersitthatcallhuge nmber etrls anreqmet iIV msuper btug. "The "" i be we n ow s ha c l! en no he o ly in re ue t- na î" w th its "L ittle H et', sw ord vas len t by . J. P resson, and th e mwes b o e~ v r u îrt .Pi re ier thS ief o nm e Fou s Iy throughout the rest of the year. Since Long Dis- fLea\Vas tiesigncd anti con- tance lin"es engineered te carry the regular flow structeti by o WilcOX oxhtCr'tl ar t trers c ybto os eth r Mr. Mitchell was setecteti in of cails, rallier than that for a single day In the Lamb's Lancl anti Charles Kil- deughntwservofc ati oeluatbnsado irýcnfrnelrcenhl e are Don :1961 for irrclu.rion ini the 1961 - year, they are overtaxed. and the congestion leads patrick, 18 Third Street. Tuichclt a eve- emr arntbnsat tercncrrc uicje et c-62 edition et wbo'sM'ho. te delays. Constructing additional ies u'ould be Hampten Ladies Service ClubOhan 1,50 peopleie n paces 1creniabe ctipulicnte el-al davs PirI h aaeAogSuet nAeia tinjustifiably expensive, since they would remain :matie the thatcheti hut ex'er a Josepb's Hall, This includetid i usgetcmtnt for newspaper reports, TV anti Ceileges anti Univeisities. lic Idie froni one Christmas te the next. mtrvebicle. This hati beeti the xisiting bantismen anti .iect.i rad i-o comnimentatois. T hce bas carnti the Silver Kex'. Oine way te avoid delays Is te make a Veair End planneti to pull a 15 foot highihuntiretis cf others taking part Te-,-Sl t oai'Drbanqe t os alsoheprovieti bosi apntmend oas anu ral during the week BETWEEN Christmas and New elephant ercaeii elvlei teprd.Ms atThePeSl fRtr ucha a . rvddhno ponmn saS lear's - an excellent %way te combine, Christmas w ic u fo nael:dc e CWL ,presiderît. was the con' C rsna ie ib al the f e n d rg forn Rih mon~ld et ieto srve, idsgrn te love and New 1'ear hopes fer those close te us. Be- 'the severe celti iev'er reacheti venor in char'ge. Sficpxvas'pioccetis going te thc Santa TpesBn rmRcmn ceit ev sadst h cause Year End calis are spread ever a longer pe- 'Bow'manvle It hati trans-1 assisteti bY Mis. R. Crawford,,Clauýs Parade was a tremeni-1HilI te change mbt their uni- !Dean of Stridents. Mr. Mit- lo. fhey do net invlve the delays that, an ceeur poration problems about halIt is.Paul Laprade, M" osh l.Gng tepeji io1,. cheil asd beresitient et on Christmas Itself. And because the spirit of Christ- 1W'av hen'e. A float witb a 211 Michael Hccîîan, Couitice. was li charge cf ti proecet i Schwârz Brothrers, B.R..Sklani oeCA, n 'nas is still with us. but the rush is over, tv'e have foot scalp motie] cf the S.S. Miss Rose Prins, Miss Arma a«ntireceitedc edolomniignroii etbnrr oit o ap more ltime in relax and reflert, and grasp again the Queco Mary WAS Alse tinable. Prins, Miss Louise Parrv', Miss salec' ikt mteb-hthi uligintor b laes niba cvt u Puiticketsnaadey of Ihose we lobeltengetnhere. Marjorie Murphy aaddCharles imonilis ful pesonlit o thse e lve tOP(l hee" Mrjoie urhy nd haresnremhers of tbc towns serviceiolti canning fctIl ,for thîce fra'ernity, Alpha Signia Phi. The majorette groupis tak- Murphy, both cf Newtonvilie clubs. Arryone who misseti thelots for thon construîction of as vice presitient, treasur'er, ýig part in the parade wetei:Miss Mary~ Anne Donnelly, canass max' stili buy a ticketifloats, anti W. Davidi Higgon anti as reporter for the Tri- R o w an v îîe 5 T rta L a sie M r St w ar C h sh o ni nd fo r a trce, or th cy co niti p u:- - co n trib utedt h (- l lectrical w iî'- A n gle. ca m p u s n e w sp ap er. H Pe anti Taanvil * at n L si s M g t w r h s o m a d chase their Cbîistmas tîee t, ing. T'Flc wonderful T rn ra lo been treasuLrer f bbc CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION:adTrn Teen's, four Irene Mis. Bet Payne. 1 bc centrai1 lot, Chnuich anti Reeket was st or'ed inr Depu tY college ch a pte r. Na tion al De- E vêr if vou innt ha pen to h ve n ex ens on arvey grenps, Y orkcîîes , W il.. A fer bhe parade an eqnaliy D ivision Stî'e ts, hctw een 'DE- B ee'c Ross S evcn s C len Bar feese T r'a sportation A ssocia- Eve i vn iet apentehae n xtnson lowdaie. Twirlettcs, G a i I, large number cf ils par-, cember l2th and 24th. lDaii',. anti storage fer the' tion anti was ticosurer of hi." telephone now, VII bet youll reatiiîy admit that onel Chapman S Croup, Brenda joed imlr Would certainly be hantiy. Maybe you've even thought B rsom e:Cru , ani tc luci n Meori aTei Park Club- -al\-cou ana Cl u fot uio las about it wistfuly??? WelI now, suppose that Ibis Twirîing Belettes, the hast1 honse, w here the joint commit- Christrmas you finti a special1y-wrappeti extension ýlbrcc ail from Belleville. Don tee undrthenvnsipf untier yonr tree. Wonld yen make gooti tise e tFotrBflvilpoidteMs rthernenoassiste ofi Ye e orle yon wonid. Sure it woulti spoil the Fittns Ooidsrigh r.1 yeni, but what a practical way te be spoiled' -Noxv hthtîban nid fashioneti car, Ms d uir i.Ar how about that speciai someone? Weuld their rac- anti sveral other entries. Diling, Ms.Deinthy iv s c rn n r aa M fIc m t tien be the sanie as veurs? 1 mean woulti they ra- Mrs. etJhi n o-lrsadMrs. Rc DwireN, lyhurest-to-gootinessîy appreciabe >'onr thongbt- cesin Stehnsceaethn e,- ad rri Mrs. rr eîe flnes, ç anti w eniti they rem em ber yen ex'eiv tim e sn w decorations for the Bo ' er bc uc e hv t e ark o e ep n s o h bli y o o rt u ktod h o tth o e tp s i l VOUR extension saveti theni stepsz anti trouiblep? Cet %' o h uce vteJc cesson tret, reaetithe Sanwices ei' doatei Erng pweBdesensenste Of-iy o yor tucanodo te jb aCthubostposibl whatFmgtigaWynteuoiBsns0f manx'ilIc Arena float, h niilCu, the CWL, thmo' cost. Thats where Chevrolet Trucks shine. They've been earning top money for fire totiay anti taik if over witb us?' inter Wcndclanti. ArenaKinettes, the Lionettes, 'Ri,- owners on every kind of job, in every part of the country for many years. Your local Manger Bo Netis wa re healiBeeiveLetigebb Chevrolet Truck dealer has the right Chevrolet Truck (5,000 to 43,000 Ibs GVW) * * * * * spensible for the perfect ire Eastern Star, Court Veetturre t 52 fryorkido 'Pnsbl fi."t te igt heroetengine (90 t 5 hp) fryu ido hauling. No matter AND FROM ALI 0F US HERE AT THE the s-kobirs* nMpela ICoii-1 which one you need, you can be sure of this: t'II have plenty of power-earning Lunches weic eiv,,Pi-Cpd in n Mpc af C ire'.. b'îndreds cf the parade par- parinsce M hv oe stîu, toAt0' power. That's the kind that counts! BELL, TO ALL 0F YOU AND YOURS, îic'rpants both hefore anti after 100> do'zciî douiurits. AGi<rjMln ~u bbc eovecît.Presitient Audiev ;riri nos au kÀrr~ ~ Jlrr A A- Rate oethIe Bewman\,iiîe , Memorial Park Cltibleinsc A IVEKKT ' CHRISTM ASI' I\~ Larlie' Aixi'iar was the isup nnurd oo And a happy, healthy and prosperous 'jet. Bbc was assisteti by ib) San ta C laois Parade per-se>i,tr1rjlÇ following. eint, ccmmittee, Misnr ea> ru. een~I- New Year. ý.J. F. Randi. president cftbh charge nedrr directior cf »Mis. ~'"..* ---" 1 o ia i llF ornce Kng nt L'wA nvl..tiy C uib,. . . . . . ...c-L PLR BH) is"Lo Treibeil anti Mir..r 50WE OFFER 5 FURicethxs.'ou hMis.ela a ev Prh,.pd 050Dolores Davev, aise twovo-PePan HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE HEAD 'anti Mis. Florence der, son We are offeringr a useful group et Fresh and 'Springinz Ylung Cows and 2-vear- A most suc'ccessfnl benefit olds, as %veli as a number eof1Yearlings and Cali es for Calf Club prospects ln 'bingo was held là by Memoria! both senior and Junior classes. Park Asoitionpaade Muen house for teprd.Mc Dont Miss This Opportunty to Purchase leur ait (Club aIt. assistance was ase givecnb 0 1 EF I ACCRDITE - ACCIATED - BOOD ESTtheb Stag Dinner helti in thi, ACCRDITE - VCCIATEDBLOO TESTD 1Legien Hall uruder the aus.ýpices T h e m a J ril a r r e d y e r m m e ia t e ~ o rî ~ iî c a t i e e at d o fe t B r a n c b 1 7 8. T h e d e lic i e uis ehlmjoigiblere enfor ilsedior e PrtifedAliaters. ormeal was provideti by the OETRc- elgbet etrlse o etfe ae ed.Bowmanviile Ladies Anxiliaiy Be sure to watch Bonanza each Sunday on the CBC-TV oetwork. Check your l0 NEXT SALE WILL BE HELD JANL>ARY 30th AT 1.0)0 P.M. to the Royal Canadian Legion. EaleMangedby:Tbrough the Chamnber of saleWH1AVnFARM LTD.,Aîctloneer: Commerce the tewns merch- PhoEWBîAEkstek98.457 OWRDTRWI. Rîaksac, ashdnatins ten lp wrthR O Y W . N IC i Rt.R. I, Burketon, fOnt. HWR metBlcsor. Ils oantiobnssen çmawtie Phoe laksock98-457the parade eprre.TireCOURTICE -Phiono 728-6206 BCr.tmanviLlioneiies tiîstrrb- uted 250O bottles donated by* ' Re m Elect Ted Sheehcln dn.egonPrsPen a ri a tir' r, I"d rii 'e* r. Kl~7 ; 1 1 J!, ' , 1j t' ' ,.' , carfi i'orr lie. ;j ' , ,e , Frtrtr.i tr<;, 'à n : d r à wl'ir, - , 'j .r t. e ' (.'atri a1r' , " Ed' 4 r . j R<>brr t J;,,'. flr"r A.,', r Th ru i -i f1 ri or, ' 2 r~' ,f EVERETT OM ';n.:j ~ oerhr3>itl. The The rJ,, i r .of eonciP;ctnd bv Re,. hrdaho ;r'r r orI. n p n .readinter- m)boo Rch on>'r rd . r-d i.'..rn Weicome Church en p.<d a YNorive(ni bnýr 27, i9r? CTr af (r an of r abot a '-- Mr. -i1, wa bori» ila-> ]rngton town.'hip ativri ,t 1.5 Slitter Strceot. Port' Hope. He waý in h; fiith cr ;, Son of'lhe late .1r. and MmS iV 6EU1F£ Arthur R cr (-h, Mr. RCOIR~7gf5TAT7 w na rried fo a o ~ H(' wasz a memher of the Unit- W/1t1!. PRSE 6V ed Chrirch. PF/VOCM'R H(' had Àwork(rlfor aboujt PEU Cp IT 215 *er with Cranep Canada APLEAS/N6 T l'tri., Port Ilope Divisijon. and Was dUe fo retire next 'Car. Mr. Beech la'shjiz wif,ý: tWO sonS. Raymond and Carl, of Port Hope; one daurrhte'i Gladvs.ý (Mrs. Morlcv Cook!' of Port Hope: two br-otlrrs,.: Cordon of Maple Grove and, Rex'. Etigenc, Reerh of Toron- GOOD t: and three sistri, Mabe' (Mrs. W. Harrv Larmer) of PUMSING South Monahan, Ada (Mrs., Ross Richards) and Phoebcý (Mrs. Austin Larmer), both of! BUiRNER SERVCEI Bow ma nviii c. (sý0 MWr. Beh restedi at thoi 0oS S Furierai Chapei. Port. Attention Farmers: Are -yois placing your farni fire Instirance in a pin-elyiintual farmiers' co-operative? Ax a supporter of agricultural associations we in- ,vite -you to participate as a member in this Farni Fire Insurance Co. which is owned and operated hv farniers for the henefit of farmers, and has been serving the area for 68 years. IVe solicit your enquiries for quotations to inîet your fire Insurance requiremnents. The following authorized Agents of the company wotild he pleased to serve you. HARRY HOWDEN . R.R. 1, Oshawa BILL MIORRISON - 26 Concession St. W. Bowma n villIe FREI) LX'CETT Orono FARMERS' UNION MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE 12-16 Peel Street Lindsay, Ontario par'>' "a ro-M. H. C ~* R-e"%I(KniRht.Ta; k"n .J O'N('YNell and Glen- rr.~ I;ee~ The mîiditnri '.'" AecLv'le and * " oa> rimrpq qiv P bv Pref. S' ~r' a<,:t'ed hv * ""'r ,'frHonorarv 1 -l 3t78Thp rVImemberm ~ '4 t""David r' ' ' brt.and 'r pew- 'k,-!. Ne)', 306O- r0rr, ',<b%, ,pJ e ones. Ocal listing for channel and time. 0OL S BOWMANVILLE - Phono 623-3353 r MORE MUCKS for 1041