~Clarke Incumi ci IThe Canadian State!xan, towranvlle, Doe. 11, 1963 classified as rural. Rural farm Safety Club trophy donated s 2s017% and rural non-farm is ,by th e Durham County Feder- "Rural dvlpeti o The following directoui only for farm people but will were elected in each town' affect ail people in Durhamiship: Darlinglon, Bruce Taý: rScounty. Durham county is lor, John Knox; Clarke, Clar- what you make it. We must, ence Allun, Donald Staplesý fors remember that people fromý Hope, Howard Quantrill, Mil- the cilles are looking for things ford White; Cartwright, Dal. that we take for granted,- ton Dorreli, Merrili Van Camp: stated Dr. Abell. Manvers, Ray Robinson, Law- 'ilJohn David Allun. Bownant-, renc, Staples, Cavan, Ertc ville, was presented with Ihe Fallis. Les Pritchard. ter, P-Per- 4-IH Automotiv-e -and -Farm DonaldWelsh.-- 'DiscussParkingCommunity Ca Bowlingaflt ro Cun Counc'aslalCleans CoUp ,C o u in i'l C l a n s U pNewcasle-Following is aý Those castin in thelwas Andrew Sulch who fin-IC-Chater, F-Fost( lkt of the high scorers in the election mn 1thihp of:shed well back with 80 vOt2s. rault and -utch. varou lagesonth Cm-Clarke on Dec e rath- Mr. Sutch was making his, er on the sca Out of first bid into municipal poli- itwsuie' munity Bowling Lanes for theaposbe,5 only a tics. eryl h a B u sin ss fo Y e a rweek ending December 7th. scalit 30 t o .make Tefloigi eodvt Newcastle-A general clean- gard to the contract for thelcontact the tdepartment and Ladies' League (2()0 and the selection ncil for of the voting at the various terest and knowle Up of the year's business oc- construction of additions 1 arrange for a representative, over) - Eleanor Perrin 2-9. the corning epr-pls election was lacki cupied the members of the vil the local system.Te gr e etwt ebr fteAieRw 4a centage votinjel hal olN o c lage council at ricil to %vor10outetnwithemembers ofnthe Aheice Rowe 241, Doreen Nealn fifîeF p isue er efr agconiaIils-,December ment vas approved by counicil cuclowrkotanare; 235, June Kramer 221, Helen ene ~ud l of.a1 C-F---P--S28 2issu ae os were before meeting held on Monday even-1 and il is presumed the con - ment on the problem. 'Coureaux 220, Nina MadilI actually b n fa1- --2 6 2 I 0siuaeI ing when the Reeve and ail tract wvill he let and work A motion wvas passed bn-'201, Joan Ard 200. recordin t l of the 2 ------ 8 10 7 6 in the dulI campai members of the 1963 counicillstarted in the near future. t*ctn t1 lrk10Wite to Men's Leagrie (225 and over> nThen 00' ipalit\--------- 27 55 35 13 The cost of runni were present. Aoetrws eevd f r'.ex aruhesMP.. -Bob Shearer 323, Bob Glan- return the nt mem-. 5 -- - ----- 49 46 459 12 lion oni eleclion d motion was passd in-iTrheantri Drmnt of cxrcsing the aprecition o ville 305, Albert Pearce 275, bers of couin 64 Thev 6 -------- 37 28 21 5 i close t0 a dollara structingse Tannrtoulim the clrktcoun a icil for his co-operation 'Ron Goode 268, Rick Pearce 'are Rov Fost 286 votes., ---- --I 4 I ýotde o nl utructing p r sen atlv of e C h t 24 an d8g----Il--14_ Il3533c s o s n t l c leterenloinr$001nthclhe-s nsgf rpr4e0a0v o tetheouhot he1cr926,6, nis udan 25. . . haRu48an, B .--2528. 3 1 tr. wicG. Gaaak osrainA-epartment who had made a' This being the last regular, George Kimbaîl 244, Bill Den- Lorne Perta 243. The 9 ------- 54 64 59 17 whcther or flot an thority as the vilîage's pal'--ury of parking on Kig meeting of the193cuclns28 fourth candlix -erceTtas 24-8624----d.Trns ment of ils 1962-63 levy in fuil., Street on requesî of thc and as Reeve Cunningham and, Junior League (200 and counicil. There was consid- Couincill or Bonathan will beover)-Ron Good 326,lJo0 An agreement was received erable discussion of Ibis letterthe only members of the 1964 'a from the Ontario Waler Re- erally and a motion was pass- was introduced al, this meet- Thursdav Mixed LeagueiR ur< e ev l p mn sources Commission with ne- cd authorizing the clerk 10 îîg. (200 and over)-Ken Whitney - 253, Dianne Pearce 211, -Donna Lookig Lik Chritmas! Hicks 210, Grace Couch 2Il.UD1 sed b pae Russ Powell 206, Art Dubeau s d bS p a e Lookng Lke C rist as!206, Eva Mcllroy 206. LIFriday Mixed League (20 and ovem)--H. M. Munro 295,, tC om m unity S p ark lin gGeorge mait Ev.,EMe 49r bainCdation ulndhwA RD tgr a r t etei t W îth L îgty s, D cr ti o n s Jean Rickard 258, Irene Cun- The allIIL'ing of the:redevelopmenl and brîefly needash sated Dr. Trac Emley233, Marg. Pa- Agriculture 'id al, Black- i culture Rehabilitaion and De- 'ini part lime farmi ersn 29,Jack Holmes 213, stock. Dr. Abell. Fed- vlopmenl Act) is 10 function. specially truc î'W it Lig ts, D co ra ion sMurray Paterson 206, Ken1 erated ColqGuelph, ad- "The people must gel togeth- 1:xvhicb is close t< Santa Suggests ... iRCA Stereo or TVI - ---- *THE DEBONAIRE' f Adbcauty tb your home . . . sterco with f AM/FM StereoRdo 6speakers give perfect tune control. SHC-994 . $399.00 Less with Traie "THE TRIBUNE' Black and white TV, beauliful wood cabinet, transformer powered, 2 speakers for perfect tone. wident ev Ihat a lig ýistered.1 ldge oft ing and cIhe elect, ricir inter igri. ing the el y would r a vole. T' ide expem e incuri mi eleciom at et* AbelI. Eî ady increi ing. This in Durb ýlarge f Less mith Trade *!37 -£à »Air ~~~~~~~Dean 206, E. C. Woodland 200. diesscd the' g on rurd _!eriii__ecounti _uasesii*i Newcastle - So many peop!e, many homes in bbe village are' ýe been saylng they juç;t i decorated in various waysEN 4 K LN icould not feel like Christmas' with plenty of ligbling and e1 n was coming, but al of Ibat thbb darkncss of the season it ¶ ,c lsi The secd,,da, of the Miss Susan Wearn xwas Sn lilm ohv hagddrn en frotnmt llte1l w a eAdlcnt ýeaa,, the oppor- dayx visitor wîth Mr. and Mrs. the past few days and now the beautiful displays of colour- i tYfrom oîmrer Tessag er- r n Mcr. F. Pcbic IWvillage has become a blaze of e! I 11 e.maneue - aMdrobindTornlF. wee Sun- Chrisîmas lihtn. ayeed lights and Christmas trees , i iî- Li mon title JaI ee'sSataClusPa-and other decorations oubside Ij C tt u lt~ .e s il o ibMI-. Crawfo rdiday guesls of Mr. and Mrs. S. -'ýde in Bowmanville or buelof the houses in the village. explied God reeiei. chik 'llîght sprinkle of snow on the' Another dccomation will be . iruselfif 11carinat being; Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethicka Eighî local ladies were1 posting aI the RCAF Station, of Jes. 'boir's message! were recent visitors of Mr weekend had something 10 do addcd this week witb mcmn- the bus load of 40) from;Goozse Bay,. Labrador. - Living foradMr.EO.etikTr:i wilh il but, whatever the reas- bers of the Chamber of Coni- amo ;i tig-an r.E .PehcTrý on the Christmas spirit has mcî-ce scbeduled 10 erect the thîs aiea atten ding the show. Mr. and Mrs. John Votitt v JeSUS 'r pastoral Pray- onto. bee eidntdurngIh psbI Ntiil Sene mde îam."M%- Fair Lady" ah the O'Keefe Ited on Sunday witb Mi, and e~,' ord requested - iv been evient ciuing thepastlNatvity Sclle, mae lastr. u omnt aI week and with onîx' îwolyear, at the main intersection1 Centre in Tnronto on Salur- .Mrs. Leslie Kinnell in Lindsay. special &ýtion for thce r comnh weeks togoiisbenngofhevlaeIbsaeron da v. The trip was organized Mrs. G. H. Hodgson spent a1e-avdl of the laIe'nmourns, the loss of a wonder- to looka lot lke Chniîmas".in Port Hope. ýfew days Ibis wcek visilîng Ms xafInîhomwre n Thelok sltris oficoloured Another bing thal will Hcnav£îcd nIewitb ber daughîer and son-mn- laî'll 1t red~ t' essde brighten the main stem of the sddnd larîawMr. and Mrs R. K. P". eth W xln or epe lighton Kig Stret arenom? ilage werc adendto l, r. atendgîrualC h îistm as 1,iht o KngSîretar 1,0~ village is the announicement o b udnpsiî fM~ and family in Bowinanville rit~d1na - ympaîbv 10 Mr. Yeo ana tam-i ~igIedevry igt ad any 'elsexvberc on Ibis page Ibat Saxon Graham, a former resi- There will be a special sel-- Vesp fCnieLg îigk ntromim.f ratsn Ihe stores are going 10 be re- dent of the village, in Gan- ice n the United Cburcb tIServihce av e(.G1.9thuw.f GET CASH TODAY maining open evenings until anoque on the weekend. Tbe, 7:301 on Sumîday evening when l Port Pda, Dc. y1h Mr. and Mrs. rJfe FOR OLD APPLIANCES Christmas for the convenmence funeral service was on Mon- the combined choirs of thie a 7 p.m or PrvMrmad Mr. thrughof laIe shoppers. The 1ihig a- Orono and Newcastle Unitedi Mi sýesita ,nd .Marjorie Frank MeGiîl, Toronto,Mr STATESMANof stores and their gailv dcc-rtdwnosxii ea Weacpladlu eot Churches will present theirjOke, Be?l'C c n n r. alBuIadfm CLASSIFIEDS markcd improvemnent and add'Ihat Mrs. Maie .Grsoe nulCrlSrietc.SareOaa r lBwavlc cexii Telephone 623-3303 greaîly 10 tbe xiîîage's all-out a patient lu Bowmanville Hos- - ____ - atiMr Drand Aweret s ith r n rs rbr Christmas Scene. pitl, is in sitisfacbory condi- 0 i El tion, ater majr surg«ry last BROWN' The U. met at the homle icWolWaTw th Mmr. amnd Mrs. Pcrcy Hare re- Tesv!îx- ~l~'f \'rs.m1 Sharp on Nov. SfncoWor ato thei The sympata\ on.,hxith 25 aduits rt fcroain txi UU~I~ AAA~ urned the end of last wceki munity goes ouI 10 Mr. andjd -.i ch iltril present. Caaahsicest rm3 follow-ing an cxtended trip n IMrs. W. H. Mclrov in the sud-M., and lhprcntti52pr re.t.- CH I TMSwtih hy iitdm nyMest! denlsso hssister iMlms. gElllein asortpeni bcprcetto2ne et Coast A ~citesincluding Va-stn The funeraî as i M ~~h hrt. F.oe <i Scouver, Victoria and WhteMo'acoire of the Dex'o-' Rock. B.C., San Francisco andl A presenlation for Mmr. , dand s01ljg ibbm SH O PPIN H O U RS Los Angeles in California and;Mrs. Henry Demark anti fam- ioand i u en e iptuce, . Reno in Nevada. 1 Iv was held aI Ibe scbool on and ni'. Thppians. chap- ofrshwan Mr. an dr; Saturday cvcning. Mn. Rober-t, fe .,P 116,was reari THE STORES LISTED BELOW WILL niOhwin c n r.Hicks was MC. for bbc even- hx MI,. Stainton. Mn.,ý OPEN UNIL 9 P.. EVERY Clinton Farrow of Newlonvillering and Mrs. Hick.s read a'xei ' appr on 'LPI REMAIN O E N I ..E EY wcre Saturday night dinncr short address, aI which lime A P-~'aP uesofMrs. Helen Bowenr she presenled them with e, Us M,-,p d d loseti EVENING FROM DECEMBER 12th. and daugbter Darlene. cepscoeig h emnho "TLC RSM SMr. and Mrs. George Staple- Iheir basement floor. and bc Umtha5mecag o h 'TL HRST ASton of Newlonvillc accom- wi-ing of their bouse. Mrs. progrt\*hiciliconlsmsîed ofrA EXCEPT DECEMBER 14, 21, and 24t1, panied by Mrs. George Smith'Lillian Bne rsdeto edf>Mrs. H. AshonO. vere Sunday guesîs wilh Mr.. the Brown's Busv' Becs, pre-, "The ich of the Master'5 WHEN THEY WILL CLOSE AT 6 P.M. and Mrs. Ar-tbur Redknap in'sented them with*a quilt, donc Hland-Mrs. Crawford anid Oshawa on Sunday. bytemmes.AqltfoMrs. Wright favored ius WIUIUIIUIOIUIII<lhm<llI'iihFriends of Mn. J. E. Rinch 'JVÏrs William Allin's group of with ovOlv oa de*i will be sorry 10 learn thal he thie*Ne wcastle U.C.W. was ai- compd bŽ.' Mis. M., Slao- Ys is a patient'in Memorial Hos- so giv en btb em, as wcll as, a loni. z. ]L. Ashton antiMd JOHNSON'S GOODES pitlIicn Bowmanx'lc arseesfo tmille .1Tave mis a report tiom Mr,, Hellen Bowen anti W.' 1.*Baxmanville Kinettos ;,Pres?'riPaî betdita Prince Drg toe arwaedaughter Darlene wcerc Stmo-1 egving tbem a Christ'mas Alhamti rs R. Ormisto' day guests witb ber.sister Mrs. fadg\ voucher.s.V.Stin on ouce.Mr. Demacirgk, a~gMs M Ii- S N I .IlBarcharti andi famllY, 5.5.' Ibaiketi evervone for thm'mr ton )"cin iwrsii TOMSI SONS LTDL.A.W. Bexlr1% who h, and iMrs. Demark tiepp;\, lîamýt r ms. Sharp for Opico- C Iothing Stores view spenl the weekend withý neighborhoodA put foi-th on oteni brparents, Mir. and Mrs. their behaf..Ashr prograni' T nîmîmiet nio the 1,10 Charles Gilk.es anti family and followed lhat consistetinof m-neAzxxrerp rti; anti ap- __________ ~ ~ ~ left on TucsdaY for hem' new. lsb r. orieJ oî mo.The tesuesreport - xxtb ber own piano aconw.xlfb, r5 . Virtue. - l~ panimenoi. guitar select ion.s Ltf t'-in n 0 ut. ý500.011 anti imitations h\- DaxvidVI:- m i bmldîmîg funci, and tn Fil. m A f Reelis, harmonica selecîmomîs il sIno.o o inthe church S PbLIM LyV Vr. Andx' Hecreli. acc'omn- clli ;accOmnt. I Lt as pani e hv Mrs,. Lorraine., dprrl In1 ive $2-500 O lthe SPEC A L OW RIC S Bownon tbc piano. M; -al rais\- school in Osh- Bm'own also comducîtid a sng- avamîinc O to thie March msong.Refreshmts m-r' erc ser- oie.The Churcli Exten- *ON NATIONAL BRANDS +l1vd ipola la ulndh A~ Ak Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. » Fri. - Sat. * IAIka Seltzer 25sRg7c 5 7C 1111 Ban Lotion Deodorant -- - ------- 10(9 .111 l:i MODESS------12's51c 44c "i jC RESI 1001H PASTE ------ ---------------6C 5 7C kr VICKS VAPO RUB -- ------s1.09 92c l' 1:" TrRIVU-SOL 3e..s2.95 2.39 ' TWEED COLOGNE $2.00> 1.79.111 111F BRYLCREEM c83c ."11 lis LISTERINE -- 14 o.99ec ""I BUFFERIN 9887c ~l WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK p.i' BOWMANVILLE NEWCASTLE1 :~ COWLING'S DEUG STORE JGRNSON'S DEUIG STORE ~ ALEX NcGEOR, DRUGS ORO9NO 41 JURY &LGVELL STUTT'S PHARMACY ~~ OBITUARY M L. Staimîmon. Mcch credit ;,le hothie efficient nomim~- il comiîîîtee xxhost, report wprcesemîted hv Mi-S. NI JOHN .ALBERT IWRIGHIT S511 t',. 1xv'"iloc- A, two-car collision on Hîgh - i(led ta t-Camiarlâ wa '\13.5 causeti the ;Iiddeiiî R avi mnd iecaur death of John Albert Wright, iiiEnfiLV RaU.C.W. M etig aged 35, on FridaN', No%,embcccr 1 icitîîpraver Meti ng 29, 1963. .xet i atfi anverlanm Unih Born at Jamîetx 111e.Itie de- --(da ailvunh cePaseti was the son of Mi, anti.1r. ai)d Mis. A. llwlv Mis. Robect Anthoîx- Wrmght, ai Dale. Nomtral ore vîsi- nec Anna Alberta Hèaslmp, H-Pet 'Aith Mc. and Mcs. Joe attendeti JanetVille and le De. verton Scbaols. WIr. and iMc;. C. Stainton On Mav 24, 19,52. h, marrirdi ai Rvce'hati Sundav cdin- IhP frmer Patricia Mmjfii i t Wmti Mr. anti Mc.-. Davý:d Eli7meth CGibson, x'ho sur- J 11- il.. Maple Grove. vme.Thcv hatirei I \r.anti Mrt, C Ferguomi Behhanv for eighî ypar%. *1 faniiih were Sundav vx'mz- Before moiring ta Bethan\ f7,0f Mr, anti Mrs. Ken the deceaseti hat i lîet ai 1'rrnznRon. Oshawa. Janetville. At the limne of hms Mr.andi Mrý. Gan- Vicers. cIeath lie operateci a service hàmmtorr, cvre Sindav guestz station On High%%a,%- 15 nor1,h , Mc. andtiMc;. A.'J, Werr-v- of 7A Higbwvav. Mcr. Wright Mr, anti Mrs. S. R. Pethick had operated thie serx mce sta- aeiid the 1Luncheoni gix-en lion foi' eiglit ,ears. b ,hp Grercai Matois;, Osh- The late Mr. Wnight \vas a a.r -o *'mi rmed mC'mber5. member of the Unitedi Churcii ati oece t'allers at Mc. andi and was also a memnber of Nms. Ar*.hmcr Redknanp's. Osà- Yelx'erton YoLing Peoples Cluib. a' a. Sum'vmving besides bis wm-fe 'ti. F. Pettifer anti Ross. are, five chiltiren, Murmel 10 Dvîxe. tmmta tiax'last yrs.: Rabert 8 yrs.: Kenneih Wek vw:ý iu er parents, ttc 6 ycs.,' Shirley 3 yrs.; anti Ivan A L. Wrarni.. 18 months. V1;mzF Rubx'v :tmToronom. The funeral service, c'on- smi' the weeke-nrî %i*h Mn. ducleti by Rev. Taylor, anti ani Mca. R. V'mc'mî. Rex' Rose, was heid from the ,orrv ' ý report Miss- Mari, Mackev Funeral Home, Lind-,- Onper is in Bowmanvillp ,;ay o n Monday. December Mo-norial Hos;pital anti war 2nd. latermenî a in Janet- oyratpi on for appendicitig ville Cemetery. Wf w; ' ;h ber a reedv ne- Amiongz the beêau'ltli flor-al camer-ý tokens were Irîbutes from Iliss MNar;p Forti, Oshava. three churches anti from Lif- ML Bert Werrv wene Sunidax ford School. tes guel.,s o f *Mr. and Mrs. Palîbearers wcm'e Messrs. Gnmt Wecry. Morley Wright. Weslev Gil- 11r antid ~ Bs Sharp, bank, Lloyd Cain, Ross' Hamn- Kalhs- anti Gordon we',e Sun- mton, Rox' Stnong anti Donald da,-x :s::ors at Harolti Skin-1 McGregor. ýnerà, Ty rone. Fre igni people uuuîîîîî Canada 10 study ways of1 ng are amazed at such g ernment policies as freee compulsory education, fanr il]owance and old age ass aiRe. -These are thii .vihpeople in Canada te for grantcd," said the speal In rural Canada the way living is very uneven. Sc areas have low living stai ards. Canada is now third living standards for the woi 53<> of the 40,000 people1 ing in Durhamn County Mihts SHERB Coie in and see our selection of RCA COLOUR TELEVISIOIN Priced f rom $695.00 up - GOOD SELECTION 0F OTHER MODELS - MYLES RADIO & TV Phone 623-3492 3 Silver St. arc Presto. You dld it ail at OC. It's a great feeling, getting your week's shopping done ail at once, ail at Oshawa Shopp ,g Centre. OC is time-saving and convenient one-stop shopping for you. You'l i fnd everything your family needs at OC's 54 interesting, well-laid-out shops (including a major department store). There's quality goods and specially-priced hargains. Enjoy OC's f ree parking, fashion selection, service trades, and covered mail. Make it a habit. lt's a good one. "the lnteresting place to shop" 140W TCO ErT 14ERL FROM HIGHWAY 401 EASTBOUND - Exil aet1'hiCkson Road. toke Nortlh or South Sida Road @st te Sbmsven Road, thon forth an StemflonROO& FROM IIGHWAy 401 WLSTBOUND - Wxi et Puk Nosd&noe* m Park Road to Elmgrove Avmne, wsmt on Ekwem. Bowmanville lunny f lavour %NVIN AND PORT WINE loiles. 1 t, ý 1 $399.00