t, '~'~'1 -~ 12 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanville, Dec. 11, 19631 ~ommerciai Uraduat ýceive Diplomas lOrono Girl 'hP METo Give Vc MisSheila Barrabaîl who1 TIP M Erecently graduated as a Reg- - istered Nursing Assistant was the valedictorian at the grad- uating exercises which were « held in the Church af the Messiah in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Barrabail in fo a fi sf cl ssinno Haduthe h r cs course af the Ontario Depart- bered 45.L CHRI TMASMiss Barrabaîl in giving the valedictory address had the folaowing words for her class mates and friends who were Gif f Idea "FTarewell is fe a wordc (52 GFIS I ONE)gotten,, but when it marks the (52 IFT IN NE)roundng off and completion S.+. ai a chapter it becomes indeed 9 ~ "the word that makes us linger" but it does nlot pro- Mate many other words. It is 0Y. Commercial graduates who received diplomas at KnaPPýe Richards, Sandra Gibson and Linda Pamilyt Honor c: the B.H.S. Commencement recently, include, from bowenpt, Marie Foster and Margaret Stewart.P r n s V e left to right, Carol Sheehan, LoreceLunneFe , ee ueyFredasum of $40 accumulated for a Forty Years = A El5 0 , 19~J1~qspecial projeet, was sent ta Mn November 24th, 19'23, (ÔI I ' I I s sthe M.& . for Dr. McClure s on eeuie nmrig M y F rst hris mas ee ork ith nderourihedby tebiesfather, telt r e mothers and babies at the Rev W. S. P. Boyce at Bright- CD Vellore hospitai in India. n by M inie . M cH lm Rev. Freeman Is gîving a Through the courtesy ai Me- by M i ne . cH Imseries of sermons on the Bible marial Hospital, where Ms I wasgoin awa thisheav ta ake i anyshopandwnded m ant asking for congregatian Penfound has been a patient ~ O C1istas fo the fîrsttein weavwee rdta leave t at-mgt andwnee y. j ntoryco-operation by providing a for the past ten weeks, they Christas forthe frst tie in e wereafrai te leve itouprinted sreview woaiypeachd week'sofwere whonorede hwithd ath delight-t 1. ~ ~ .* Omy young lufe. This was very side for fear it might be tak- about whgndmother or study with accompanying Bi- fui 4Oth anniversary party, CD exciting news, especiaily se be- en away. I spent a whole six- grandfatheýd say if told ble readings. A full choir led which was held in the second -.Acause I was going by train ta pense an coloured candies, of my greet However by in the hymns of the evening floor lounge. Present for thel ~ r . <ATrowbridge where my parents, Chinese ianternis and strings of supper tîmývas forgiven, church service and their spe- occasion were their family Osisters and brothers lived. tinsel ta decorate the "tree." I jaîned in fun with a cial music included a part for consisting ai their daughter ThDr was ta be a Christ- Grandmother and grandfather lighter heari alwselth maevis.A arendir husband, two sons and <r> ~ ~ ~~~ A ~mas tree too, something we had each given me a silver_____ e m.gthi neyer had in grandmother's sixpence to spend. I spent aneeC hsasonbcacf w eeksruh-12randilesand ilo a ir îE home. My aunts said trees and tied the other in a corner dtesaobyafw ek,12gndhlr. e wee s mesy nd y gand-of y hnki. O ontort was beautiful ta see. Its long Mr. and Mrs. Penfound have A parents toaid for such nlon- We arrived home in good branches lay on the table be- lived, since their marriage, at sense. tiebfr helmswr side the large jardiniere, and Courtice where bath have been j timeusebeforewa the lii n iet amps waereS ce stood erect in the centre to active in Church work, first question ai buying gits for set up the tree in a wooden aenarhorsyclu.tEbez ndae ite emother, father, twa sisters and pail by the bay window oi the twas brought for the church organizatian and building ai CD treboMes y oktm- sitting raam. By modern stan- Xm s etngservice by Clara Darke. Courtice United Church. h- ney was two penniesa week dards ai taday aur Christmas C and having but two weeks no- tree was just a mîdget, but ta The Orono lulturalSa - -< ~~~tice ta start saving, I had but us children, it was ail a tree ceyhl hita CD îtet sed sedgad ol be, very few families meeting recerit the 1.0. Amother if 1 could open my boasted such a one. 0.F. Hall. T. were ap- money box. She was agree- Supper aver and table clear- proximateiy 5"ons pre- able. When apened I counted ed, we put al aur trimmings sent and the ýs for the fourshillings and ninepence, candy and small gifts an it in different classe Christmas two shillings were returned arder ta select each article as arrangements 1 very at- ~wit two weeks pocket mon- wanted. tractive, thoughmayi " ey in addition. I had the big Wmtlowdmohr nt henibr -sum ai two shillings and thir- eflo dmthriotenub. teenpence. sitting roam ta trim the tree. A short bum meeting 'lh Ily waefo ngtstr-It was a lvl upiewhen was held aiterich Mrs. layawae fr ighs ty-she took a parcel tram the top Fibohrdltae Thigouea a h ciaI ng e fgur ou awayte f te hin caine ,unwrap- making a Chris decora- ,buy something for each. Fa- ped it revealing a bright shin-tan hie hesMr ther must have a tobacco ing angel ta clip at the top ai Van Horne and Jëdrns ai poch, mother a pair ai warm the tree. This was perfect and Whitby made th-Jecisions buy four Peppermint candy net anly the tree but tub and brother had gve5samne cans nd ixsugar mice. The floor around the windaw. Our demonstrationgon vnChan Spennies remaining must bya o was camplete when mather nl9peiul.ý hn a a j ff rattie for baby Nora and tive took the tire guard away and prvusy 15 th r rr c~îqT sugar Father Christmas with we ail sat around the fire each Mr. and Mrseymond tapaper face.on in turn reading a portion Chpmn he pic- . A Two days before Christmas af The Birth aorJesus Christ tures ai a trip Mrllapman ........ for sn ordaugter t colegeor a ay rndfather took me ta the from St. Luke 2:1-20 and sang had taken this sum on the forsonor auhte atcoleg orawa ~raiway station with a parcel Christmas Caros until it was Saguenay river. 1 Chap- from home wrapped in brown paper, tied bed time for Freddie and man gave a very esting with cord and with my namne Nora. The fire guard was re- cammentary and lictumes fo osaa nsrieand destination printed in rcd placed, lamp taken away and were most beautifu.-id en - ______________________K__ for oys way n se viceink. The guard on the train the door ai the sitting rom Joyed by everyone lnt. ...* foranyfrendor Apromised ta see I gat off at ciosed until Christmas Day. Following this .t)udges fo'ayfred rreaiv ho re p 5the right station. In my par- Father and mother were go- gave their decisiarwhich__ __ relatve WsO grw UP cci werc my gis, best dress, ing up town ta do same late are as ioliows. 30L ~ stockings, slippers, brush, shopping. We were allowed ta 1. Christmas Gii B ax, . ______________ * FULLY comb, and nightie. I feit vemy stay up until nine, then hang wrapped-Hclen Sch: Or-* OVEN M grown up talking ta the pas- up aur stockings and go ta ville Chailice, Isabel12hal- CE)____ * REMOVI . . sengers in the campartment bcd. We playcd Tiddiey Winks lice. *SOA and before we amrived at the and Old Maid, washed face 2 hita*ii'bcCST AG Sfirst station, Westbury, every- and hands and away ta bed.2 A rrang m a yiale TTflA ~~~body knew I was goîng home The street lamp at aur frontHenSc idAleey AA T R C TIVIE for Chistmas. gate and the hanging iamp in HlnShiAie)y II ~ jthe hall gave us pîenty ai 3. Christmas Mant Ar- OE K bride next stop was Trow- îight.PosîFept i anaîî rmIagemlentC--allcenI The wh e e guard Nora Palle , F din a n ba y r Iange mle nt - Eilee n lngM O o pened the door for me, I saw nearmtranddFoec Schmid. G IF T C ER TI I Tm in brtheand iters wait-a and I shared a largor room, 4. Christmas Doar Lêma-Cu ngdI h aked the id gand Arthur and Bert a raom at the tion-Isabelle Chalice, len WT 2 sad h atd my h a n end ai hall. We had said ur Schmid. SIH 52-1 like the one pictured above wiII bring the g sil. »Merry Christmas iittlc prayers tagether in the sit- 5. Christmas Arrangt.nt CHRIVS Rr irt wlcme ew ofvnor in4na&-%»j i-r." ting, room. -We hung up ur with a Reliius Teme.a I- M I Mrs. McRabbie, a memarable ten off two beads each and an ening nder he nsi MODEL CW-501 enclose $ for-Statesmnan SUBSCRIPTIONS Mac inch tram two candy canes, of Leonard Oughtred. Discus Hem flight here was the first then quickly sllpped upstairs 1 sion cancemncd the permane 'aePlane trip she hialeimade, and tabc. nvestment af p e r p e tluit A utorm atic W asher Naie ________________________i___ a highlight lhas be hem first As 1 gat inta bcd, I thought j funds and the questiono *: gl1impse ai the wonders ai af Santa's visit and hoped he1 thinning the stand ai whit .5..YEAR PARTS GUARANTEE Adrs Niagara Falls. She had neyer would nat discover the head- p'e na otion ai the ceme- ai-Mne * ddes_____________________________ beeni in the United States and less mice. ici-y. Appreciation Was cx MgeMne * a~~~~~~~~ she crossed the barder wbiîc Crsma eî cr ign presscd ta Mrs. Archie For AuoaiCnti540 * _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ * a I aw oke. Floîrence w a and son Leslie w h a are ca me- A t r a i o t o 240 MySbcitoAn avid*N.H.L. hockey fan, almeady feeling for ber s takrkeoh rasct n Es to read fabric guide My Su scripion s inc udedYes N Mrs Cop land saw her first king, she gave me mine. T h the un s a paing apitlaceA ER CO SU PTn * live game at Maple Leai Gar- street lamp was stili bumnining pa o the grud e resin la s Sed idenscrptontI ast Wedncsday night, Pallie, Arthur and Bert came cPlace ai those who made tou Kliao ûontcWsesueol 8gl * Pleae Sen GiftSubscrptionto: :Dccem ber 4th. Many may in with theirs, theme was nobrhpsil.KlvntrA~oai asesueol 8gi a* ýhave seen Mrs. Copcland on ather sound in the house. We Mhr. andosl. KnAhy in oa slti s5gloso duic h ameraeshe qity u nd ou ah stc fet on Fmiday momning, Dec*. hot water per load. This i aenlr e ae cmrsweme intentionally king, took a bite ai this and 6tb, for their annual holiday heaterlungecessary ,0sdd*s focused olir hem, Deai that, replacd the rest, rturn- in Florida. etruncsay ' Adres______________________________ UýHockey Announcers" Fostet cd ta bcd until time ta get Mrs. Emeno and Mrs. Penne- * : ~Hewitt, very kindly sumrend- Up. àahrwr n oat r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a c m e d i.e t t b r f r î c I t w a s n o t v c m y p l e a s a n t t a S a t u m d a y t a a t t e n d t h e p e r 4 ai gTmenx a, r.C face the starm when the head- formance ai "My Faim Lady s * T he exi day, M ms. C ap - less m ice and s ort n ed pep - at t e ' ce c C e t e Name* lnd eceivcd an invitation permint canes wcre discover-j Mm. and Mms. E. Webster ao(OA NE M fromn CFTO.TV ta be on cd. I, being yeams aider than'otGanby wcrc in Hamnil- Mamning Magazine, with Iris Bert aught ta have known1ton for a icw days during the-, C OMI E Addres [CoperTuesday mamning, De- better. We werc nothing but a past week. AdesMand ber appearance was that Punishment was i grumpers."1 Theme was a good attendance c m ofa a vetcran performer. Christmas Day butat SmidH. ay with Mrs. 13KNGS.E UFor additîonal gifts, please attach a plain sheet Mrs. Copeland expects ta mc- not ta cat any kind ai swect turc. Thc4wKitNgiftT.]le. * ~ turn ta hiem home some time al day. lo iThe-phieviusSudc Moeuoeoeuuumuuuoauuuaaaoaa.u......~iin the New Ycar. I feit pretty maiscrable and I was increased ta $25 and thel e%--- -1 . i o%èý a a hxghest capabilities ai mmd manville. a ýý - a KNAPP'S WHITE ROSE Service Station BASE LINE You can expect a sharp drop in the temperature any day now! Better bring your car in for complete chcckup and Quality White Rose Gas OSWHITEI 011 t.> i i I BUDGET TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED QUIPMENT PANY BOWMANVI LLU Lubricants Automatic Car Wash 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-5418 Fcaturing 3-autoniatic dryingi (1) Wash 'n ivear fabrics (2) Regular fabrics (3) Heavy fabrics illuminated back guard Concealcd lint trap Manual heat sciection diai CHRSTMS SECIA 29.o Wringer Washer " il-LB. TUB * 12-YEAR WARRANTY 1 ýý ndil SChosen :rledictory bcst exprcssed in a iew. To have been assaciated with yau, brings, I teed, a meal and lasting honour, and I want ta express My sinceme appreciation ai your kind re- gard, yaur faith in my abilitv, and your whaleheamtcd ca- apemation during the short pcmiod ai lime that we bave workcd tagether. As wc take aur separate paths in this phase ai lufe, il is with a confidence that ath- cm hands will carry iorwamd its mequirements with an in- cmeasing measure ai succcss, and ta those who camne ta take aur place, extend nat anly a cordial gmceting, but congrat- ulations upon an oppomtunity for service that wili cnlist the and heart-- I wish to express th"deePo est thanks to aur parents for being Sa understanding durmng our moments of frustration and giving us the encourage- ment we needed to bring us to the end of the first chapter._, in this immense book of life. Perhaps aur gratitude was' flot evident at ail times, but always in aur hearts there was a definite feeling of ap- preciation towvard aur instruc- tors for the time and effort that was contributed for aur benefit. Although we cannot offer you anything but a simple THANK YOU, you have the knowledge that we are canstantly striving to do aur best and that we are proud ta hold the title, Reg- istered Nursing Assistants. In conchîding her- address Miss Barrabail read the Nurs- e's Prayer. As of December lst Miss S. Barrabali joined the staff af the Memorial Hospital, Bow- ý219*00