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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1963, p. 13

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'The'- Orono j Mrs.J ?ýof Scarborough, Mr.ailà Ha:L :FakWhite of Trenton vis: ed Mr. and Mua. Wmn. Robni.- son. Mrs. Frank Werrv ofrvir ,has returned home aft-,., '.spending seveî aI daSi s .* Mrs. D. G. Hooper. *Mrs. Sybil Snell of Boy - 'manville is visiting Mu-,and Mus. G. L. ýMece. 5,Mu. and MIrs. Heub. JarSi e "ýand amiiv of Toronto "o. t.Mrs. Wm. Sevmour on sur, day. r. Mr. and Mus. R. J. Nc-j Jnight nf MiMýbok.. Ni Lorne Todd of Stai-k%-u.,e James E Richards, %-:zited MI-. and «Mi' W\. Noý rnan Pot i Saturd aY a fe., noori. Mus. (Ch a aor us .a :a tient :;IlMemio:ial Hospiia Bow-nan.- ::ýr Anunimbe: of i>n PICS (J Qi-ono ds:.:a**tended tIi Ho1steýn-F-ipsiai, Banique*, a Ebeîîezer Clînrchl ast Frîda. je ve n;rng. MrI. and «Wl:-5s Joîî n Cht eu ton of Hiave:ock '%vere recen i\vilors Mt Nr. and Mist V1arýha!! Ciîatîerton. .Mr' and M .Keii N:xor and fainC\- ha% e imoved i nn,. !he Watson apartrment ni Ma:n St2reI! have yourself * a Royal WeekencJ in Toronto Park vour v.oeg and troublesa and t'orne ha% e a %%ýppkpnd holid a '.away-from-home in the I'letct around. * Staly at the Royal 'York. ('orne just h% voursel e bring the familv. . or a ',arload of't'uiends. There , loads and loads of things tb do in Toronto. ('hristmnas shopping, theatre. ue.('hristaiae pageants. NHL hockey, -Jazz, Museuma.s and at the Royal Yok her-ea * Hootenannv (Nov. 29 Dec. 13., "An Evening '%ith Richard Rodgers- Dec. 13-28! n the 1 mpprial Hoomi ini the Black Knight suipper club, Marilynvr Reddiî-k (Nov. IS-Dpc. -1 . (;illian Grev Dec. 9-28. So \OU sep thereas plenîy in make a %wpe 5endi n T'oron io grea t ltri. VERY SPECIAL ROYAL WEEKEND PACKAGE a A big corrifortable double rooni al the Royal York trom Friday night. through Stinday 'til 4 p.mi. a Inidoor parking. th ..,Coprete dinrner. dancing and show (for 2) F rday night intýhe Imperiat Rooni. Breakfast in bed on SatLuîdaY and On SîiLndAy ton. Alil for $4950 for a weekpod thats as gond as a tîolicday To ma ke a rsprva t ion. ei nipli'v "rite: thé- Royal )i'ork in Toronto gppvecîfvîng t he Roý aI %%'Pfend Patkige,, or phone the Royal Y'ork dircct: 368-'_51 [local 22 R0YALYORKý mi UA I Mu ri NirFStan MîMsor I Wa nd sons %x îs:ted on Sunda'. Iwith Mu. arid Mrs. Wm. Caru p Editor Ja t Newtonvifle Dcnbe church service will be held a- 9:30 o'ciock. \vi *,IlSundia.MI- Rov WirIter. Mr. Cee Sehool at 10:4.5 oclock. rRobinson and Mr. Bruce Tey- fia n 1 ave ieturned homie In the eveiig ai 8 o'cloc-k from MIenioria; H- itBo the Uni:ed Church Womnen manvilîe. 0pta w . hold aVespet ser\-.ce Mus .Arnn , Hoskin r î< A ae crdal 'vîn%-Ited. Sbourug has reiurned honme af:e ,On SL1ndaý'. Deceniber 2 %-isiing hre duglitr tne White Gi ft service \wi; Fi? vîuîig hredauh 1uN1' heïd durinR the Sunda.vSeho * Ivison Tambil n and Mr. Tam- ho'- bIý n.LI, M rs- Lorne Atkinsoji The Expiouers mi Salît' - Whitblv spen', several davs la s day atternioon wi'lhi lq ern- *' week with hier mother. M- brs present. The girls prac- sJames L. Johnson. - tised their song for the Vesper service on December 15. Thea .Mr. and Mrs. .MiltoIiî ilsaseudt, o * rambl.\n isited Mus. Farnî with the nionth of their bir!h-r cl Jackson at Fairvîew Lod,,>s. dav and their birthstorie. The Wtb.on Monda'v. M: s Christmas proie-t Vas (-om- Jacksonî wishied to bc renirni- pleted - il being a Chrisîrnas; beued to ai]liher Orono friends. candle centrepiei*e. W o r i d Mis. Beth Sherwvin of Bran- Friends \were distrîbuted.Th don, Manitoba. visited Mrs Christmas part \ wili be niri Wm. Cobbiedick. Saturday. December Il1. Theted Mus. Wmn. Robîinson and hpi wiii be art exchange of gifis Wus rs. Roxie McEirov o! Mus. Gi'aliîîGiaspeil (for- Peterborough, Mus Ken Sver- nierlY Arlente Westlaket va- a of Cavan and Mus. Ed. Hogg hionored bv the ladies of iýhc'a or Fuaserville attended the cominun-it v ai a mliscelianleoiu. futiera! of their cousin. ih-e shower in the communît.v hall. late Mu. Rov Porter. MNoiida.v evenitg. Mr and Mus. Fred Lovet," Mu. and IrMs. E. Larnier. M of Milibrook Miss MIyur!e Blackstouk. Mu. and Mus. F., Tamibivu of Toronto visitej 1Crydeî-maii, Mu. and Mýis.Fa Mr-. and Mua, Ivison '1ambl\ n R. Taylor and Mr-. A. J. Bal- H and famiv. son were suuper guieStS Of Mt ý Murs. W. B -Ia r 5fpiii o\ eu and Mr. . H.Yelioxviees and t\v»O 'eeks with lier sisfej fani uv on Fridav cvenuî-l. Mus. Paul Si-odgrass in Roci, hoîiung Mus. E. Launier 011 ester, N Y who is wearing a lier birthda\v of Decembr r 4. B cast On lieu broken ankle foi Conistable R o ss Kossa ,, six weeks. R.C.M. Police. New Waterfoid 'V Corigî-atîî!atiotiîs t NS., is visitin.g Mr. and MIrs. al Shrila Baurabal. auhern Rai ph Davis a nd Pat foi-, B( Mi'. and Mus. Sid Barraba!i eral daYvs. and relatives. %vlinlhas gradUated as a Reg.. Sîrd v 'eniiig :Mur and au ler-cd NLiusing AssistantIl () Il Tororîto ai)i lias joitied il,.Hot-lie of Wilîtbv\, NMus. 1": ed T, -;taff of ilhe Memnot-lal Hospi- TainblYni and Mus. Chas .E ta!, Bowtiiaiiville M1ifler i' sited her son Mr Br -Mu- and Mus.Rii,-scl; Xai CLari-v Milieu ai Waterloii Uni- 9gI S O.L IL. J. Skaife c. A. (liartereil ?tnntant W}itby P. (). Box 209 Phbon e Orono 138 Whitby 668-8197 v *'-It- n1 udauio N'. anîd Mus. G. L. Ncîe wlio speuit severa] davs wih Mi'. and iNs. Doniald McG;e anîd childuoni ai Richmond Hill. have retuiied home. Mr. aîîd -'. Leoiîard Jolim ,;on aînd son Alan of Pariiv Sounîd isitecl il.s pal.(,it s Mr'. anîd Mrs. Jamnes L Johiîsoîî. M'i«. and rlNs. [vison Tanb- lvii attended the Victoi-a CounItv I-lostein-Friesiari Ban- quet ai CanibraY- last ThLîî-S- daý veveiiinc. Mu. anîd NI'.RîuSn Ml andl sounJohîij x ue sLIndadiiiueu guicu s of MI'. aîîd Ms JohnîîMurph ' , Nwîakt Bri ail i n Rc El'i Ai fa. b'u lu -.-BUY NOW AND S4VE!, NICHOLS CHEV. TRUCKS Ki À9% lm e INA Ni. Wee Nellao aid vMia-x.i lees Mis 'Gia ee:ý .Mu. and Mrs. wlee s and fam i fxer an d Mns Rai and Pat. Mu-.anîd NMr Danîd Pal vere inner guests of Mi-. . Rod Simpson anîd f field. Mu. aiîd Mis rns- ton anîd Baub !nlbLIS. visîted Mur. a Bruce Tînk anîd fan,;jîda,. Mus. H. E. ed Mu-. and Mus. Peu Il and fainii.l' -l ampt Mr. anud Mus. g* ad Mr-. anîd Mus, ngmaid aid famuilv A-av dir - ner guiest .s of id Mr,. Rv , eGil,. n Mir. andICIMi Cook, Frank anîd S owttiaun- ville -Mu. anîd v Vail- !ancoîurt. Jea*Rona1d, LiiîdSav, MIOVu. Y. Dveîîcn. Keîîlid Ra,,- dv. Oshîawa. B3lack - .u-n. SalIi,. Buooîne were Sundav wt h Mu-. anid Mis. Fi-af ike Ju and famuil. Mu-S.N. î1tt. u and Mus. T'onlîke. Bnw Westiake Su. Mu. anîd Nvr\v Kiîor and sons -isit),and Mis Hilton Tink.-e/ei, 0on muiida. Mu. a utI -S Pli fe vi.sied 'Mu-. 1s. Frallîa Bli rnws, O.sli S Imda Xli' anîd i. WOtt? i cisited Mis XVf 1Iiliiotl ind Mus. I. Wfliiarns, Boxvnanit v1e. Mi. F. Dr leiee ind Mi.s HfakC1. 'roi- jîito. vîsited aiid MIus oni Baker imi Mu. and Milleslîrî nwrnaii\v lieFi-idav tea uLC st_5 t-f Mll.Mis. Lloyd 31,0o111(, ud iuilthe oct-s moi of tlîcrurvlPl> 7h wccddi ii$Vousa \ý. Mis. A. J. i wa S a 1 ef -t isitor . .and M,.s Miî. and ai~Kt ,d ;Onls weit.iida * eveti-ý g guests (. alîd Mus. MuI.. \. j. iî islted on, ,da, witlalid Mis. H Mu. anîd "5fuc\ Gilbeit. îwniaiivilic . - ai-IC I Mis lier Hei-r)S'*la\va.aiýd r. Ha5c-î uIteus. IFra', Si N .. .:Mi . anîd M:s. aîik Gilbe- STEAK or ROASIS 7 e the yettiVo wI 1Mbe sure o bnsy ,: t. Boss the bossChrwiomeTurbo-r the boss nmmsnoTha * why it » o w..ismyso vo-, ch to DOMMNON. Cktnas,. 0 ClinaiuFood S oSpwY-'Il 1,. .surod olthe linosu ammmosi o Cli unis Fonds ycm il bd.'swh.o b-o b.,d b. faomm..n s s an "s . q n. MapleLeaf Brand E LyU XE GOLDEN"BIR GEVISCERED WIENERSTUKY pkg 4 18 lb. and up 4 3l FRESH PORK Shoulder Gade A Eviscerated TURKEYS 18 lb. a nd ove r c 39lb 10o 16 Ibs 45i lb FRESH PORK BUTTS 43 e e DEEP CUT SPECIALS0 GREEN GIANT Niblets CORN 4 Tn RICHMELLO Salad Dressing Q.T.F. BRAND Fru'it Salad 2 DOMINO FANCY Tomatojuice Z NABOB REGULAR GRIND COFFEE S.X. BRAND (ooked Hams 69 c 16 oi.. Jar 29c NDE REDc STEAK 89 i MINCED GROUND PORK 15 4oz) C Santais Toy Bag Sale Tn4 9Save 20c av mg 1 Your Choice 20 oz. 29c 1 lb. Bag 77 in. 1.49 GOOD LUCK COLOURED Margarine 2 lb. 5 5 STUART HOUSE 18" HEAVY DUTY FOIL WRAP 1Free Parking AII inwîrhandise %oId ati Yoti r D)ominion Stoi e Li.,umtrd i' tîtu onditiorîn a1Ib guaranteed to gmi e I00ý%r %atifaction. 25ft. 59c OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY DURING DECEMBER Vateeffetiv e in Botwnanville titil (closn tî ÉC!%LSatmmrda'., Ihsemher I4th, 6 p.m. I il .1 K. 0 USED OF, CARS WE ARE OVERSTOCKED. ROy w. CHEVROLET - CHEVY Il OLDSMOBILE ROUND ý ýThe ennadian Statenman, Bownanville, Dee. 11, 1061 k -TSN OE..iENG Y THE

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