1pls prevlously mention- use. We must set ourselves a ln eS EW the most capable <l'hat-mnak. The Canadlan Staesa, omnilec1,193 1 h ers" and fr their efforts re- is guidance that we made if we are to make our confri- evdtcts oSuray Cligsab B. H S To Stu den our way through three years bution worthwhile, and have ngtsBditnCu dance. Anyone interestediswlo .sev agrtdalfcri. y .H .T p S u e t f aur education. He was ai- the satisfaction of lcnowing it. Ta sec the girls now looking L'il Abner, Daisy Mae and During the evening records No experience is ncsay hi hwia bt neet ways understanding and ready carefree and unworried is the Mammy Yokum. This was toi were given to Elaine Biggs The jr. and sr. grs ak n n epu si aeu C hris opher obE fl Ofl cltis. e m fw ad anyworth- two atin or d've fm sign to everyone that Twirp be the setting for Marryin' and Steve Simpson for a spot etball teams willlb hsnsre usa 0hw C h is op er Ro in o cltes H mdeawoth to atn ods 'al' ea-dance and to Jan Black and this week. We hop oee rv u aho hw whl otiuinto eua n o y rfrwi n eki vr tofcal a' a. The cpbePu Welsh for a square dance. defeat Henry St. t i er ? usdywsdesu (,;'It is my honor and privi-J izing it we found ourselves in tion. Tonight, we graduate 'dicere', to say. Thus vale- ended at 4:00 on Friday. After "M.C." for this Sadie Hawk- Marryin' Sam arrived just in On Monday al tegrswe u ls itrswr l,ége fo represent my graduat- Grade 13. Our final yarw under Mr. Lucas, a man who dictory rneans «a saying fare- Friday's dismissal, Tw ir P in's Dance was Pat Gill. To time to conduct the marriage assembled f0 watch h] aho eae.I em h is Ing class here this evening. fhought - would we make it has continued ta do the fine beell'n. Ti irha aerd soneBcounted n or-begin the evening there was ceremony and the dance end- showv presented by ipii nswr lre hrfr Some of us have been present in June? The next ten months work of his predecessor. Webeean doofsqar dning. rainebouodgs:0nAtllB, came outternsr of sq ar oruat o ae nwn1-Hwve efr Ibd ythe winner with 101 names o urclrand ucar dancing.e daiyaboutL:30. Atbsgi lsatterntAppoxiaey2nh nyfigf owst t former Commencements and; would tell. Grade 13 seemed' r 1 tnt ohaekonI"oeerbfr i yher card! Lorraine was Ore- caBllCaer. and inctr was teoDatis Me dpL'ilAbner gilass rmte hm eoomcatkste oe aan dreamed of the day when we to most of us an uphili battie two such men as our princi- 'final farewell may I say pseBinCre.Th wnnrsowideortin wrepueaahcasesseve s odls Ti Te rae II' ae usl toowoud b grduain. Nw al te wy.pals. Ithank-you on behaîf of thesetdwh the huesqtuizzing contest turned tout another year and our was quit e an expeinea aigpeaain o u th ih a ial ric.ý"o h ;s ieorfnl "Now we stand at a newi graduating class present here dotttedneta i o be Phil Johnson and Mur-dac hall was transformed there were na o readCrsmspry odt a "On lokingback n reto- exminatons wre s t b reshold, ready f0 make ourj tonighit to those parents, teach- Also on Friday at 4:00 the vin Fredericks who each re-lback into an assembly hall. preparations and thegrshdbe e n sytn eal "Oen atour lg at iv etryexa pe onle w dee" seenb contribution f0 this world, the ers, and Our principal who form reps were busy moving eived a wallet. Next in order Now to sports. Mixed neither seen nor tre1nteaeaalalbttesuet hpere, which basaost e en s eoesa hadv coud tho world which is now ready fa helped f0 make our years at chairs and putting up decora of events came the judging of volleyball is wefl underway, clothes until abot oehu r okn owr oti aee "secdhsme t bnus, w e o w ohatwonw.cOur hetest us and our knoled B.H.S. successful. Lde n in hstasomn h as tsesAde with games almost every noon before. the programecm nuleet a "stetrndthorec"' ht our eachers could o nlepr anwhich we must soon pt 0gentlemen, I thank you! assembly hall int o a worldo Hayes and Jili Nichols were hour. menced. Our girls!i eyJl e lA first days in grade nine werci advise us as to what topicsj like. B0w m a nville Highý were mosf important, andi School seemed saenormous ta,what questions had been oni uis. We were confused and at last year's paper, 50 we the same t ime excited. W'i wouldn't have to learn themn greeted the years ahead of usithis year. These thingrs they %vith anticipation and with a did verv wcll and I feel we littie anxiety perhaps. ail appreciafe their fine cf- "Was high school hard as, forts while helping us through they said it was? We were ta aur final year. Mr. Lucas, find that ouf. Soon however1 our principal, especially took we gat to know aur wav a great deal of interest In us arotind and we were quite, and aur work. confident we cauld handly any "But in spite of the drud- problem. The senior students geryof Grade 13 classes and cowed us a littie as they re-, four hours of homnework ev- garded us as infantile intru- I ery night aur spirits were nat ders who had invaded their' darnpened. We formed the hallowed halls of learning.! Blister Club and showed ev- 33ut we gained camfort when eryone we cauld use aur f eet, the following year's Grade 9 if we had f0, as well as our entered and we f00 had some- heads. We organized the one fo look down upon. ThreyiChristmnas party and dance, seemed so much smaller than and played the traditional uls. volleyball game with the tea- . . "Th yers assdeach chers- the latter fraditionally ene litlemor dificit osing. Ta celebrate the end dd o f the final exams we held a thanandmar emaîngOflhayride. That was on a mcm- Ù5 one, just as each ycar's grade Oa feta fremendaus burden had uin cmdt e mle. been lifted from our shaul- PFA C QULT "Ding these years chang- ders. We heaved a sigh of re-APFNC QU I SPECIAL 1 sehool population had grown! for' that day when the final M8-fi ta tch an extent that when' resuif s would arrive. Most fo* %ve* were in Grade 9 the cafe- wondered at that time what oz tins cr Lu teria had ta accammodate the aIl would be daing the follow- TMT UC students at lmoon by means of ing year - whether thev woud MAPLE LEAF Re. Price tin 53e-SAVE 4c twa shifts. Finally, in aur be attending a university, orRe third year, if became nece- ofher institute of higher cdu- Cary to operate the school if- cation, wUhter fhev would self in two shifts whh op- h ave started a career, or pes-M I CEA @zi4 OFE erated smoothly under the, simisticallv, would they be 8 ztic direction o! Mr. Dippeli, aur 1back at B.H.S. late principal. This system weI "Yes, aur paths have sep- WHITE SWAN, WHITE OR COLOURED SPECIAL 1 JUMBO Oo feît was beneficial because ifl arated.lThis is the last fime gave us haif the day free - we shale meeting togetherAA prequmablv fa do our home- as a class - the graduatîng k Work. The next year the class o! '63. We are here ta- TI E I SEOf rolls 7 Courtice students movedtaihfwhamnge feln their own school. Last ycar o! regret and eagerness. There the Clarke students moved ta is regret at the realization AYLMER SWEET Rail. Price jr33e-SAVE 4c their own sehool. We saw less that we are really leaving of many of aur friends. Bowmanville High Sehool.m a w o 1-i "Then almost without real- Though we shahl follaw our different paths into the world M IE I K LS1E9 cRop memaries of parties, variety Try It with Fruit or ce. Croami nights, band concerts, sparts, '7'OP jO0,0IC;FÇ cassrooms, and the delightfui O/VLYis W/AT WE tîme we had just being to- ..* . . US:tR M IEST gether. FRON FNESI» "Ahl this bas passed, and If ToIR E ECTRICAL is now ta the future wc look. A P Arde nyÀf it % e td Jr rdrly Iset FUSE~'Yef whaf knowledge we bave for te re s of aury li.thius "CANADA'S FINEST QUAUITY RED BRAND STEER BEEF' knowiedgc is not ail academic. From the sehool organization, student council, committees and clubs, we iearned ca-oper- ation and responsibility. In jans Parker# Large Reg. Price. ach 590-SAVE 140 EFR OS 0 sports, ive learned the niean- *ing of sportsmanship and the tc cd when we know we have A G L C K ah5 done our best. We have gain- ed this knowledge and ex- jn akrReg. Prie* ach Blo-SAVE 10o RM I C O SR 1 perience under two fine prin- ~fParPKer P RIME RIBOA FCONT ACTI GREP I~ ~ f ~ f t f ~ f l *Jane Parker Reg. prie oaf 22o--SAVE 7o 'EC M lon k dnays fa i to removeBR A CrcdWha24aiaes37R A T exces, acide and wastes, Jane Parker Plain, Sugared or Cinnamnon SAEe bakache-t red feeling- R g rc k 9. dosturbed rert ofen may Reg Pic pî 2c-AV S 16 Temperance St. * ow. Oodd s Kidney P ls CAKE DONUTS pkgaf223C -0 aimulate kidneys to normaliS V o iA o dufy Yu feel botter, lop Jane Parker, Spiced Reg. Prie* pkg 35oBAVEB LEG SIUIAEPR T btewkbotr 80FRUIT BUNS pkg of 6 31C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j 'sjano Parker Reg. Prie* pkg 2go-SAVE 4o Excellent for Braisini Fr.sh Minc.d TWIN ROLLS io-ozpkg2.5C BLADE STEAKS lb59c GROUND CHUKi9 J a n e P a r k e r , O ld F a s h io n e d I S N f a h 3 g u e - i h , C u t y S y e l e tC - . u l t , S i e SPICE CAKE I'V&E1 ac 3 < upràRghtCour tAilca C1 ÀQAmM eletom Green Peas and Celery or Green Peas and Peari Onions CORN & PEAS & TOMATOES 3 lo-oz pkgs 8 9e 'I. _______________________ TORONTO 250 UNI VERSITY AVENUE TELEF -)NE 368-1145 'I FROZEN FOOD FEATURES 8«a Seald Reg. Prico pkg 63c-rAVE 49 HADDOCK FISH STICKS 16-ci pkg 59< LIMEADE REALIME #36-fl-ai tins 49< A&P SPECIAL 8 PEAS & CARROTS '2-lb poly bag 4 1c A%&P Frozen SPECIAL I ORANGE JUICE 269oz tins 55c 1A&P QUALITY FRUIT CAKES NEW IMPROVED ANN PA6E 1- 2. 1-lb Piece 1-Ib Pice S-lb SIab 49C 97c POTATO CHIPS CHOCI< FULL 0F FRUIT& AND NUTS JANE PARKER l'h-lb Pic* .3 3-lb Ring 2.69 5-lb Ring 4.29 14-ai pkg 69c 40-Z tn 29 c HOSTESS Great witl' Pouttry 1 - Ocean Spray, Whole or Jollisd CRANBERRY SAUCE 15-M Vukcon Club GINGER ALE Carton of 6 12-fl-ox btis 41e 2 30-f-oai- s3 3c FRESII FRUITS AND VEGE TAIES - ARRIVING DA ILY CALIFORNIA NAVEL, SWEET, JUICY, BEST FOR EATING, FANCY GRADE 5-LB CELLO BAG Florida, White, Marsh Seedless, Size 196, Full of Juice, No. 1 Grade GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 59e Cape Cod, Late Howe Variety, No. 1 Grade CRANBERRIES 1-l cello bag 33C Florida, Firm, Ripe, No. 1 Grade, Full View Plastie Tubs TOM ATOES 14-ai plastic tube 29C VISIT OUR CHRISTMAS FLOWER DISPLAY, FEATURING POINSETTIAS, CYCLAMEN, AZALEAS, ETC. ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER i 4th, 1963 s'Il 113 001 Californie, Fresh, Crisp, No. 1 Grade ICEBERG LEITUCE b.a l: Californie, Frash, Firm, Green, No. 1 Grade BRUSSELS SPROUTS 1b9< W.ll Root.d, Hoalthy, Frash From The Tropies, Cordatum-3" Pet PHILODENDRON 3 orl.OO I (Plus Botti. Deposit) -ii v. Il' If you are planning to start, expand or niodernize a business and you require a terni ban to cary out your plans, we invite you to discuss youx needs with us. 11INDUSTRIAL DE VELOPMEN T BANK 23 SRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA ic FOOD STORES A P ME,ýNS :ýEPEND Ab ILI T Y 1 1 1 il