Classified THOMPSON- In treasured' znemory of aur dear mother, LileMaud, who passed away Lidlle Dec. 151h. 1947- Magistrate's Court HeId in Bowmanville A nno unce Marriage lar oneç such asqfthe Polish .Thm Caànadlatn carol 0'er Bethlehemo's Pas- hture and the French Snow w-as an the Mountain. heauti- Martin, jfully sumîg bx' the Iwenty boys Teachers. Ly'nn- Read, rand girls iia the choir.bmycas -Thnouighoutthie programnIe:ý 5 Ro' iMn. Evans gave short historieclas ao of the various canaIs, w caslCaa adde-gre-lv1 -the .inteM iin. r Ir our ]i( was love and Iabn)r, i J)eeember lUth, 1963 Ac'cused vailued hiýs carleaCh v and $15 for meals andd enjovenîof othe bun. ra' y hich police have. aI $900 withi and eth tr-uc:oefryorfml Fred Harpe, 200) King Street b80siloigoni.Hryrerthc, I pealing performanice. Mr. and Mi- 1ýugave your best for ai]lsaapeddguîy1 ni orfMre ile sa Aler thanking Mr.i'. Ea"' Toronto. were .a cnarge of theft December Larrv Fow]er, 101 Central: wa, charged in November wt and the choir for- a beaUuiful at Mr. and Mi What more could a motheri 7th. le wax remanded out of Park Bv. sav.wscn rvn hl i iec a rgamMs .Psrop \r eiA docustodv until Januarv 28th . Avicted on a charge off impair- Linder sti.pension, was cn-progradent oMrClb 1.PasnnnTor ontoý, ere do.y~ r m mb r d ~ pre-senite'ce report« will 'be'ed driving and fined $50 and victed and fined $25 and $9 prd t Bof ou d 15o. ail 'le To t owr.Ad M an reaed osis or 7 davs. He losI i costs or 5 days in jail. AMranMi CansabldL.R. JmesOPP license. icharge off theft of licence Th 1i'k pr7e inrsfrns tetfid " asnornd ht Accused pleaded not guiltv plates %vas adjourned until - n WILKINS-.In loving nmor'v îwo persons eiîîered Morrisons, through his counisel, T. Kell, Dcnbrlt.cel i.S .Wlim.MS terboi'ough, To TrnoK. Shaw, Mr. F. Cook. M.'s. Cf a dear brother,SmulB.Srie taono No. 2ý Oshawa. men Troto m ei h. W Carlton, Mr H. Gatld. MiS ndLyne George Wilkins, who passed Hfig!hwýa\- al the Oshawa T1own Constable P. C. hlarte-Max- pleaded flot guilty to illegal C.Rni.M'.J Mrand Mi'.Mîoî &Way December 17, 1954. Line and borrowed a wrencn; well OPP. investigated the ac- possession of beer on Novem- 1 r1S cadeMs ~dM.adMs We often sit and think off him to tix their car'. After tîhev cjident al midniglhî. Nov. 3rd. beiè l6th. The charges against dsJs Mrs. Eaýe,'. (aPk. Mr. ,,dnînvill When we are ail alone. lcft a tranîsistor 'radio wa s1le described how Fowler had id ufdedJhnPepr .JonCres, Mi. . Blac . M r. ý andM For memory is the onlv friend found 10 becinissiîog romn be- been procecding west on No. I were dismissed. A. . Cassa, M. LW. Bci(r, Mhry. Gan, Mr That grief (pani cal! ils own. hind a couniter. On informla- 2 llighwav just east off Court-: Constable P. C. Harte-Max- ' r.M el r. .M-InadMs jLike ivy on the withered oak lion receivecd fext lav I foi-. ire and had run off the south well OPP, testified hie hadj M-ahnWil i Bng an. ad onMis, Whn tertinsdca ,%loed a car containing the side and struck a culvert. He stopped the car on Highwa. in p'ogresS evervonle as Mrs. J. Aikei Our love for him w\iIl stili be salie îwo men, north on thle I a1d that. even though hle wasi 35 and remov'ed a pint botle _4Atl iPrIsc e af\tiigo ~na green 'Oshawa Tiown Unîe. 1 apprCe-in uniformi, accused had asked with "beer suds" in it from visit fr'om joliodt Nc. r. da'c And neyer fade awav. hiended accused \vho \,as a him vvho he ,vas and had aI under Ruff's (the driver's) who jus.hapend lSibe in a prs.Eafîct -Ever remembered bY Nina. passenger in the car." !first tried to convince the leet in the front seat and an- juthpee ob n!R Pteti 1 consablelie as te vitim f The mai i age îs anntouiiux d of' E'angeline May flie neighiborhood. and dî'oo- pitl. George, Russell, Roy, Anne Maxwell Tomlinison. a 41- cntbeh vste~itm0 other fromn under John Pep-a'tml e.Nd he fBiairadM'. A- ped in ta wish iAli those pre- and Family. 50)Ilý\-ear-old chef, no tixed ad- a hit-and-run accident. Then, per's in the back seat. scnt a MeRg.î.,'rv Chrfstmadiesad.MsAr -- dî-css, pleaded guilîy 10 a when the officer showed hlm "A part case of beer was thur Carîrneili k, B.C., to Gor'don -Iarold sn etYCrsms JAKSN n ovngmenoy hageof tei Arî Th,192.the marks on the car cor'- wilhin easy reach," continued Anti-arn. B.A., sonu of IvIr. and Mis. H. S. Antramn, 348 silîging off WC Wish VYoita N W B JACSON---Inlovng emry hare o teftAptilth,196.!responding Io those on the, the officer. "Nobody admitledA offau dpr ad ndgrad- Constable L. R. James OPP, 'culvert, accused stated lhe had owneî'ship - Rîîff, Pepper nor] Anor Ae.,uorl1Ba5. Mrvthri m Sebv or Cbl;- fahe ratArhr h saedTrtiino la wredfllnasep.ýArthur Barry, Tor'onto, a pass- The wedding took place Dec'.7 at 2:3W P.M. at the alrwhc vîvn passed away suddenly on De- for a week at Sid's Restaurant 1"1le staggered and wxa thick enger in the front seat." Szvto irn iac.xen, homertkiwil h evtlcS cebr 1 16. nHihay15 n be gvof speech and insisted on go-, Pepper explained that theywnhoelkg iitei If I had al the world to gix'c en a key'.1-e said aco'uscd lhad ing to the hospital for a check- had been on a hunting trip, The couple wvilI residle ai' Sudbury', wi-re Mi' a small gift as a rreminder of I'd gîve if yes and more. gnne to Oshawa Saturday vc .i.eCn be rf w*atettîe adAk tf hd~ant enjoYable evening, To hear his voir-e, sec hiý, night with instructions 10 re-, Hai'te-Maxwell. "A blood'Arthur Barr'y was the owner &ol smile fLurn Sunday morning and open, sample sent ta the Attorney of the beer. * NO P] And greet him at the door. up thle resaurant. Geereal's Crime Lab tested 1.7 "'rhei-e wîll be a charge HÀYDON But 811 I cari do. dean dad "i camie back by taxi, parts per thorîsand. laid agaitis-t your friend HOMES B Iq go and tend youn grave openied the door, took $22.17t Joseph Ivan Mitchell. 317:Barî'x'," warned His Woî'ship. o II fS f ~Siliidalv scî-iaol Anddo'li ch. And leave behind tokens of tram the tli and took off,"' Windsor Avenue, Oshawa,, -If lie convinces me v'oit are seî ice wîlI be a combin1 LOUPA lvcoîîtinuied Constable James. A tî'ied in Brighton on October i-ving vnu wilI be charged wîthI sevc ai 3 pm i onSrindav' 4 Ta thic best Dad Gad ever' week ago lie vas aî'nested in 31s1 on a charge off impaiî-ed I' -eri -,mav". A nn '~ èual Xu P r y spca porm ,ilhets - ad.Toronto an another charge driving, had judgmnent reseî'v-, A carcless driviiîg charge, Whîte Gift Serv'ice. -Evcr remembcred and nev.?r and has been in crîstody sinice ed until loday. xvas dismissed against Keilh A U forgotten by his daughler j hen. Alcohiol is his .pî'ob- Defenlse c ounisel was T.!Alleni Reid, Toronto. 'This h9d r Boxvmaniville Senior Citizcns elecicci:- Mi'. and iV[is. MN. U..W Decemibern meeting À S L( Wynona, san-in-law Kcnneth iîem."' Kelly, Oshawa. !allegedîv taken place on Wav- hid their atnnual Chrlistmas, Crook. Mni. and Mrs. R. C;jl wiIl be held in Illec chuircli ami and grandsoni Douglas, Grant, I'omt-liiisoi said lie liad spent, Magistrale Baxter disniissed'ei'ley Road and 401. dinne pai'tv o TLilesdav e,_ bertMr's.J. Morgan, Mi' m:id rhursday aftiniioon ai 2:30) RoyandBîian 5~l*a vax ii Brxvsl sice lis te hare. aymigtht ci- Reginald Schracden, 459 C-,ýing. Dccenibeî' 3, at flie Lionis M's. R. Rohbins, Mr. aind Mns. Odock alierowfia istmclas -- offelise. dence liad shown that accused lege Street, Oshawa, w-as also:Ceiitrc. xith more tiltan 112 N . Mîîttoiî. Mr. and Mrs A p~. RlleFIa. xha PI-~~~~~~~~~~gfs as li lviigihaveiy R BcBxtî'reexisnfrtheyig n heî'ad PJ R 11 vli nlo M-îistrate R .Bî ,ýr-\a on yn nter a cqiitted on a charge of cai'e-,meibei's attcnding. Saunide's, 1)r. M7. Benthani. gfs- swehvedn i i IL oVda ahr ey hv manded l oiistociv ta al)- being attended by a passeî'by. ies rvn oe' '11 1 i-gaieofCî'ism past. WC wilI scîd Ilîemt l icli esf ca ahn.Pîry hr'i vigNvme 2ho er\ a A rgam rCrsmsladies iiifii'mary at Whit hy. [t who passed away Dec'embcn, pean iii Cobouîrg, Decemiber le said that Mitchell had been ' igwa 5aiPîiyoî The tlieme this \ci'vo 17, 1958. 20tll for senitence, addîng that taken la hospilal and a blood Defens'e counisel xvas M. r traditiona onuex\ill h te toh. l îscw-s'l i î'-nted bx' lias been ;tiggested iliat wc PJ -If 1 had ail thc world b ogiv e accriscd's record \would be ne- sample takcîî which later lestcd Crunningham, Lindsav, îdlsgal oate n Yr1tu i. J Pous AgiaChoir.uî'crh cnd owderMis. Alfcd saapri- Gv i 'd give il, yes, aîîd mor'e ceivcd fî'om Buir\vash yte.16parts pen lhorîsaîd. l is Constable H. Cook OPP, iegre:and vhiete wiîîi ,a1 Ile. ieioplc's Chgai. înd r asrladgth i î' char-o Iro hear his voice, -,ce lits'Donna Mooîî. 19, R.R. No. 1, Wons'nip explained thaI theinvestigating officer. ad nis1te aor, u hedietîiî f raitadrr n rrpl hmg f ae smile. Bownîaiivil'e. charged as a blood sample alone waxs nol - - - briihitlv burning o'aucs, anichioii-ase' Mr. C.-J.G. Evaiîs pnagram. Th'is ea prpracvw. The ainnial Sundirax'School BAL And grert him al the doon ýminai' obtaining alcohol, was suifficient ta warrant a con-! with a giant eeiling high 'his eation e l vwu But ail 1 rRmi do, den faîher, rcmanded rîntil June 201h,i'viction. State spendiîîg an social se- Christoîas tnce aiIltle foi' endl a sevcpll idied OI ai Ad- meetinîg w'as lîcld ami Toesday Rew ha g an ted yun iave 194, nt ff 'ustdy n t~ Athu Robrt aslp. 8. unit an wefaîe nw avr- ff he all(Aliitoîî tîrke xciihevmn tu Sauni elo r vemithexvhn te fîloimi lm go And rrid your 964, Out fdc-.tadY rl18v atifollondvedf1»' nawde-rofficersbal]m A eliachtis wcrc cI-- And 1paye behlind tokens off raîîdition that she, abstaimi L[ondon, was changed. wvilh ag-es abouit $900 per year per'supper was prcpared bY inîemin-, . nU Nsfioedlvad-ýfjrsan ccrs ce- lave fî'om alcohol or go ta jail on anothen, an the 201h off July family in Canada. 0f thelbers off the Senior Citi-iens ihfolscetOtoff a-a cd for 1964. Stipeinintcnidctl To tlie hrst father Govfd evpr this ch ange. xih hneakîng. entry and Iheft ' total, about two-thîirds is spent iand senved bv Club 15 mc-ol'cdiig i1fvu\1srUIiM. W. -Blackbunn, assistant. V YW made. WVilliam iArthîur Por-ter, a r 'om the local pool roam. Heby the federal gavernimeîîl, the bers, Aiy assisted bv,,-their alas r ih, haeUu n .Gaai ntrK I lie t thnk wcn ifek Geienl Mtonseniloxcewas as oun ugrîîtyaadrdmaîd-remindn bytheproincil len-gcdtaueitps.oviinciial lear Tu Fi'sî rahm: ssisant Mr. H 1Nmi. and rnanv othcrs k lCî'ossmaii; treasuIý(rr Mrs. J. RE, Wherever lhcAvcmîmav hc ber witlî dangenous driving. 1-e was Ihen remanded out of:combined. Aditnen cona use ion of officrsc ojoi vthe au iee oii'r Btassitst anit 's Ra Ghnc Rnd E'll bc standing AIth edýor H-e w-as remandcd inii custodvý custody ta gel a job and make By source, last yean's pay- fr ine 19a-) eaon oxvas hcliiers ci'sed nwih theseroir. ttasis al, Ms. K. Cowling: 7CU Up Ihere ta welcome me. 1 Deî'embcî' 171h amîd bail set îestiîrition. He wax tld b. ments by Canadians ihi'ough'wiîîifi16 e asoioiîgn-a imiîcr lîcrseatýsdilt issfa-77aerr'nCiHURMs.W --Sadly misscd hy daughten aI -$5110) contact the pr'obation of ficen: the special three per' ccit taxes - --- Marion And son-in-law Ronald. in bis aiea for belp, but lie credited to the old age secur- - 5-"RESULTS COUNT! did not da ibis. No restitution r ty pension were: sales tax, , was made. ;$302.2 million; personal in-. Hasîip explainfint habelcame, $273.6 million; corpora-1 h obîained employment in alo noe 153mlin IRIMAR r .iLondon garage and had Iicd tinicm,$13mlin MEMORIALS ti Jrînsuccessfully la hitch-hike ta "FOR QUALITY I T D'I H 0 I)lgllld an flstictl~ *vronanville an the day lhe monuments -Fa MresMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ws aapea'/4s ohe SLCTUSD CAS iii desina for ay need.ur'ger]1-is Wonship ta allow- SEE -_________ _______ in dsign foranY eed. constlit a Miember of the ber son ta returîî la Londomn ta 152 SimcOe St, S., Oshawa attend n igbl, school and bettet'.PO E 723-1002 - 728-6627 Oshawa& District, lus Grade 6 education. Office FVenilngs Real Estate Board ' inrqetwsgatda cNW the condition that lie contact turnita Bowmanvi île court. MO OR SA E JanuMOT SALES Paul Robert Jackson, 28, a - LIMITED - Kendl auo wrc1Ar wa FOR CHRISTMAS SAVINCI D K T A Sregstered firearm n lais place' 219 KING ST. E. -4 9 AT- chabusiesd wthing hamntun VARIETY FOODS o July. He pleaded flot BOWMAN ILLE hile hyLs and tbe malter w'as adjourned Authorized Dealer for OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCI 77 KING W. u rntil Januany Five yaritbs appeare.d in Rambler Cars ý PHONE 623-3541 For Free Delivery rourt as thé, result off a Hla- Phone 623-3356 -_ _________________________________ lowe'cn prank gone saur. Ail **0 NEW HOBBY IDEA FOR THE five pleadedi guilty ta a charge Recent sales Or nfcW Ramlh- LAN TENDER C off m-alicialus damage follow- lers have brought, in these MODEL TRAIN ENTHUSIAST E X T R A PC A iog fie whch estryed outstandîng local trade-Ins: Martin Fannrow's haro near H N S T CHUCK - STEAK ony 5 9 1i Criokd Crek and six boi 1963 Ramnblers rHO STEFrYuRceaonRm .lilisen. They were F rîg- .1 b ehonse from, I'B CI<arAR gins, 18, Newtonville: Victor:,stili on newv car warranty. T A O R LEAN SHOULDERC Wilson. 19, R.R. No. 2, New- 'Owner's nanies on request. tonville; James Hatherly, 1-', Ful -STEAKROAST only7131b Newioiiville; Douglas Y 1oung,' 1962 Pontiac 4'x8'4 96P N GPN Harniess. 18, Monnish. Satin aon Sheet DEE C T SECALConstable L. R. Jamrs OPP, 6 cyl., amtomnatic, custom Ec DEEPCUT SPEIALlestified thal bis investigationr radio. Real sharp fanullyr C CK NAC showed th,,five, nul wiih Hal-iwagon!T L 0 ,rnterç'd the barn and breen 1961 Chev. ASRE LESsmoking. He saidIhdr OR BEAS y~I f b tnbaco 1en f nadx'ernt'ySato agnPICTUREFuI y ~~cauglit firnd it Iad spread. 6cyi., standard traunsmis- 1p . otetatahesaed n aan Gond dean wagon i] I AE FRUITntCOCKTAIL 2 l5oz.53 hout.Regulation8 ________________________________ t w p'unti frcemiibe r 1 en 195 - -A R-L-BUFORCHRPTMAS p cd oam -i e .-o f -R oss'---com-rn- ~O forn 7 a.m. panionîs betwen tbbc iwaras. unti 12 midnlght WRH HE PU CH"lOFî-cre is a vounig -10U u FE!Box of WIHTEP'CVh l ed is licence for bis lveli- Special! Gf CAMP TV BGETETAW haod." said Magisînate Baxten. TVsapcileof I.eafl Vny Rimese C There arc enotigh accideîît: pitO e LeSafKCertifilcats chocolate %Ritmeester Cigars happeningonthehigas Junior Senior Oend SMe PWRTOL OR CHIIC 10's OR PARM ANT 10 S themri p. Thîcre was a bottle 69e 8e Lay.AwayPOWER TOUSuantut in the co'armad lie w-as unden w-ith any S3.00 purchase L yA a iie uniywt hi NoetisSAVE 39c age. lie could bave beemu at our Service Station Plan IEM 195tj ___________________________ hanged with assault and bis 24-HOUR GAATElmtdqett x îct !ni could haxe beeîî perni- T WIN SE VC Aancnitlv injured. If lie loses T W N E VC EATFL h nl IHTE lis job be w'îlI becomne a Phone 623-3401 BEATIFL Fr oly ITHTHE greaten problemîî ta societS'. After Hours 62:1-2083 SILER LATD URCASE0F Adjourned until Fcbruany 411 MmcrofN".-"DEAL FOR LESS BUT GET THE BEST"- c $5.00 Worth of scll' aur oan on turnithe Teaspon ilicenei plates amîd owmeship CONTACT: eapo 10Gift Items ovnrta he Cliief off Police ini Earl McQueen OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. EVERY NIGHT CLînd-a Cook pitd out ld o rwnOH AA W OD PRD lat witness fees were going J BudD FICoggWOM SHWAS SATN E.1t otaLnnhigh becaLi;,.e nc - Jim Cromble CHEDOFFIC SO8 OM SHWAS EXCEPT SATURDAY rirss. since retuî med homîîe tn Jack Miller COURTICE 728-1611 72, Nova Scola. hâd train fare Sales bere for the hearing af $34 _.__.__._.__.__.__.____9. - .- - - - - - - - ~t&tesi on o-manv11e, Dec. Il. 1883 - 17 ,Nr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon begmaners o'lass, and Suisau wcre Sunday vi- Mrs. J. Iones,!sitons of Mrs. F. Toms, Ennis- Rena Gratham,jkillen. Graham: Juniorl Beth Ashton s pent Suruday Blackburîn, Jean,with her grandfalher, Mr. H. Crossman. L, Ashtonu. class. W. Black- 'Symp&tuyN is extended 1Io îa ni. Mr. Gordon Yen and family rs. Fredt Ashton, ici the sudden passing of a ýSumiday rallers loving wlfe and mother, the nrs. A. Read's. late Mî-s. Ye. mhton and Eddie, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Lov- eSunday callersleridge and family vlslted Mr. rs. Arthur Trew-i'ind Mns. Silas Trewin, Bow- mamuville an Sundiav. Steveu Read, Pc--- ___ __ spent Satunday d Mîs. A. Read SEE US NOW Sleniou visilcd Russell Gilbert, For that warn onMonday.ho da th 's. Ross Ashonu, h l yi h Baî'bara, and AI- south. .Lloyd Ashton, ss E. Werr' andJU Y & L V L mîilîead. Toronlo,ý U Y & L V L înd also %'isitedý TRAVEL AGENCY -Laughhiui, who P;s' urv Oshawa Hos- Bowmanville 623-3361 EIN(; BUILT IN BOWMANVILLE inset Terrace i" Sub - Division [BERTY STREET, NORTH 'IONEERING - ALL SERVICES IN BY -... IN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 'Your (,îuarantee of Quality' )W AS $13,900 $1,200.00c)DOWN 'NOW AND SAVE $800 der works program incrense April, 1964 dy for Christmias Occupancy ~FRANK AL ESTATE Ltd, Phone 623-3393 ICH ST. BOWMANVILLE 14"Pre-Finished S.Ie'cted V-GROOVED LaoaiMahogany 4' x 7' 4.30sho 4'0 480 sheet Soy "Merry Christmas" with DISTON HAND SAW FREE AMML m- *10' Rule $300 y.yvs 36 ~ 4' x 8"'8 S TEP LADDERS DOORS 1 2 6 t'6- 4' Stcîp 3.72 21-' w6'o". 210o" w61o" 5'Step 4.70 29,e95 WHILE TMEY LASi ICTS LTD.; iOPPING CENTRE 28-1617 t .1' "