18The Canatdfan Statesmn,n. owmanville, Dec. 11, 1963 SiiGoing Strong at 85 t-,- 4~. / Tomorrow, Thursday, Dec. l2tli, Alfred A. Shrubb, Prince St., Bowmanville, wjlAl celebrate bis 85thi biî'thdav. lie will celebrate the eVeîît qUietl ' with his daughter and son-in-law Mi'. and Mrs. borne Allin, with wbiom lie 'esides. The event will bring to maîwxindis the fact tlîat Mr. Shrubb was une ot thp greatest distance runneî's ini the world duming Iiis fantastic athletie caî'eer between 1900 and 1925. lie competed in1 maîîv parts of the world, bath as an 8rmatcur and a professional, establisluing muore tliaî a dozen world records, Some of which stood iinehal]enged until receiflv. Alfie, as he is known anon- bis nianv friends lieîe, is in excellent liealth, but. anno\'ed and disgusted witlî himself fur i' Iing su easiIl' wMien lie walkS up to\vn for the mail. 'le legs cer'tainîv ar'eà't wliat liey îîsed to be," lie toid The Stalesman. Stili inteî'ested irn aIl tYpes of sport, lie is an avid adimire>' ut NuLI hockey and follows thte pî'umising careers uf todlay's top rtîniers lu Canada, Kidd and Cî'otheî's. Hle believes thè 'v will inake a re al nianetor Canada if the.\ don't burn themselx'es ont with too manî\' races. Alfie's menoî'y is keen aînd bis e ves siine as lie uccalis sorte ofthei famous rac's in which hle paî'ticipat.ed agyainst the best the wori lad ta offet' and fin- ishied ahead eof them at the tape. C1rugratUlations, Alfie, and many mixe yeaî's Report from Queen's Park by Alex Carruthers, M. P. P. 1%i>'n muai abridged finalu- part of ail letrîs utf Goviu1- C'[SI î'i'port o! the Province uofnment if turtbier llîcrvî'u(s iný Motair. ssued hy the Pr.)- aaton aie tu be av oide(t. vrcai Treasurer,theHlin.M unipa lities are deinandi Jimix, A an, ibis wcek, mdi- greater as sis t ant ue, s crIho o 1 raer C st rong fi naiîc'is boards are deiiîaîd irîg ligbcr Ft S n utthbe Ontsrio etnonît .provini]l giali s, Iol I lii>' <port shom-s that th' culs duae riiitiiitallt ring.î: Provinvial treastit' receivec anid there is ever inur'cL,->nî t in revenue sanie SI 511.OîtiiUti detia titi> fur 5socilIWtt'cIte mrne thu i in 'hie previois e9isl:aiOtt. One -tt ouis ltii yrear, and tudicates tuai the long vie cati t '>i tiu liveit, groLvth in the'tnt prov~itlciý] itet înLIi nwtt tiîs. dcht lbas becuti'neduccd un- We tuntnt tnep ui t'. sirirrahit'. Tht' riebi mrs ioitt. cnoîtrattc'îl lit.i 'Was $75,040),000) eonpai'ed wttlbsent tîtîsuciai cotîditti o f it $1 16,4(tOOi Uce prOe ic.sxejt pruî'îtne, l'ilpltîent is at a Th'le favoutable aspect ut lie Iih l iel Wî tiiant unetil p\'- report tt'mni pered, h o\w cxc. tueintilpt 'cetita ge in< Septeniib- r bv be flnt that altouigh te oA :3A i tmparison wilt 5A) i nnreaspd revenue uns saut' PCi ct-t inthlie rest ti' Cit~di $1 50,000,000i>t, the di-op in liii tutoie s di a "ent hîi b net dehI xvas noie 40MOUJh).OOu. rcsttl t an sd ollii' mi- Thc ýziutioioît o ne iequiming sti oction is iticrcusu1îi, -nd <'amkr'i caîsidraîon on the' etsîaln --asprincme c FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Your Fully Recognized Prof essional Travel Consultants AGENTS for a Il A irin es, Steilitisip lmi les. Hotels. Tou rs, Car Renîtais. Etc. Free lîInormiationi a mîd serv ice! PIIONE 728-6;201 17 KING ST. E., <)SHIUV NOTICE As the holiday season approaches, ad- verse weather conditions sometimes place a maximum burden on our staff to main- tain aur high level of service to our cus- tomers. To avoid seriaus congestion during this peak sales period, we respectfully sug- gest that our customers purchase their re- quirements as early as possible. BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED Operating Brecwers' Retail Stores îtipdshl "ît'ini AugosItol a retordilevel. Thîcre is no dotibt tha t the rtetcord whest sales bave liad t'ousidei'abbe beaî'ing on tbe îp itgmii the econloilt, blit thImie aie a Iso ut ber i'poi'itj hmirs lot the least of wh ic*i î s tIme effect of' Caiiada's do]- 1 iri devasbîiaioiî. Thîis is clea.-ý bI\ lho\vn inii the iitprîîted trd 'm ie lon for the iîat '"Ili thîs t'eat. Il s estinlistec itati ttltabl roitîries lfor' I90,3 o! b t- tV e e i i c,OOtt.,tîu sud $i'4ii?,0iti,ihi as agarmîst a t' pius o!f$1,55 muillion astt'est'. Thoi deu'abiiatiîîîiof Ile dolîsi' iltliti tirci bY' lie Ijiefemibakeýr Govi"'iiiiit sud rontiiîîied as iJob' irmtidet lthe piesent "ov-1 eî'ltîîciiilit11as mesu I ted int a sii r?1.1) il tease in expoi'ts ai ut l'ebig off of inipoits. 1111 time fiiist nine rnonihs o! 196:3: cxPoits ini'eased bx' 8.2 p'-r. ('Lil t ()\'er*the coroie.pond;nigý pet id ilasIt Ye ar. xt hi 1be imni-! puis veie up onle 1.5) pel-' ce'nt tasnd fromît the Un tedl State-S UP ou 0.5 pe'r eit,.i fl St'pteiimter expauts, ,;,woi-1 beti b\t'hie h n ge xvleat sales. wie22',' higler than iin lie vav ,l itr Aitipli li tu fî'tiîît sati i- tute aci cll ittîe itti: dIî.Slt'pn o!s ou drti.,~l ivte r ffoi if',1t CHRISTMAS TREE BALLI BOXED - :1 SIZES u qVMiniature Medium Large Box of 12 _ Box of 12 _ Box of 12 15c 2c 45 «SHOP AT - Il ti ilmau1-v't' hie OnttarlIo CioîOi t tbsii Oat ii 1!1 rucntveuar on ail optiifii.',t il' nale, a!lnd the Ictels o! ciii- plt mimî.itiilke asud nî>îî- .~t irirîtactti>'are comntinut- YELVERTON A social even i g sponsoi'edi b\' Ile U.CW wmas held ilut hb' chî cihall Oin Satu rday et-ti cuitît' tith NIr. alnd Miýs. Mu r.-' at' ýNîslit lMsbowing colored, sldes lii kem oi thteim' cro;ý-i Cuîuîili"trmip Io California anid kirk ast uinimner. Somut'lev %tvie ti table bu attemnd due 1(l 'iti ;iltbîm.\ mt ii'law.s. Mi. aiîti .\tî's Aldo Nasato snd I.o Lî s ti portcri-d t t vei'c <ccl ruît1 ~n>sat î'Vaictuîiliahi'.<tk iend, eut ltsiastic a ppî'ovai o!ft1>-1 U K C RIT A mita brut' u, f tire ratepaveso case B L H IT A di' scr:ibe ttil stîtuitbe i e from 4 3 c pound uipoît d - iunicipailv speak-- I $1 2 .9 8 iiîg. iliat K .All o! wbicb . irCECKOUR DISPLAYS 0F BOXED CI sbiiold ?)r0tide us with more ' GF WR P NG -DC AT NSf tinte ta devote ta the enjoy- GF R PIG -DC RTO Sf menrt o! spoilin'g our wee lu-asrtet5sil m monmîidget or the frustrai sotet-ssilcm ing pirsuit o! sparring wilb aur "Board of Management."* Not ta mention the frcedorn n future ta refu.se ta be "lac()-bac," for et'erv 't'ncei'ý able appeal under the âun. - I S IWO thnillA lilra foq Or""Me. A-, 'dlmftý a m v. snouic i xeto LU pre.s Dr__ draving ate to tefactiln î ur. 'eJnur tng wMlb. Mcil o bin eecduReveW tete nbii f1A tentative booklng was, held on tanuary 7hI. 4i ofil Mane nd to hanthsee 'O t ro Fe l r tpeople, a large portion of the made with the BadmintonW 4ywih orthitby wof Mnsu andrted u. urng t- - Ch labour force may reside in one Club in Bowmanville to hold! hosting the meeting. tenure of office we hav ropos s C h nges f uncpîîyadotanen a dance in their hall in April. A cilicinuis lunch wà serv- ýstrived te support only those0, plovrnent in an entirely differ-' proceeds of the dance tegrdb th oes Ms. . AA . Cj aItisinustralit comecial ft itrc or projects that we believed M uoicipal A ffairs 1tcs nt usicipal ànd.coBecia l f1 ititCucl g1db h ots .M be in the best interest.s of th e U . taxes ima,' bear little relation- township. We have no inten- ship to the services required, tien of forsaking this prinici- As a reSUIt of briefs sub-lices tc property such as: roads. In other words, while em- _pIe for the salie of politii. iued by Durhami and otherladministration of property, plovees work ta produce * expedience. (~~~ounties. the Ontario Federa-ititles. and property protectionwatinoemncplt tion of Ag-riculture has pro-i should be raised .4through ante reunl emn ev We find it preferable to be posed sw'eeping changes in the assessmnent of taxes levicddicssbas eduatin jstier'ê40 adefeated candidate with p administration and financing against the land, the cosi off 'n ciaeef" ro n350 clear conscience rather than of municipal affairs. services to people such as. entirely different municipal- an elected one with the kno-w-, In a bcief submiitted for education, welfare and justice fy ledge that lie had soldbi consirieration b\ the Ontarj hudb asdb evn township np the river for a Commiiit tee on 'Taxation. the taxes on people. l'le O.F.A. suggested that mess o! votes' O.F.A. proposed that propertv Amiong other things, the' the present svstern of assess-ý A!rýeadv luis 'elar. due tu be requii'td te pay' onîx' foi, brief called for a check o:in fieit aiid taxation is antiquat-ý the Un'.Marranted interferencte services to propertîy and that public spending. the standard- ed, inequitable and in dire of certain individuals, twentypeople be required ta pay for ization of school buildings andJ îîeedl of revision. tbotîsand dollars has been los? services to people. In otherstandardization of school text. Donald Welsh. to the Manvers townshipý wordis, the OFA. lias suggest- [books. The brief contends the Th I-a cotînty road system. Tihis ed thal whillc the cost of serv- present systcm of Provincia; amount was allocated bv Road' grants for educational purpos- I Commission te be âpentin e ends encouragement ta ex- Kingswsay uîst.. h it a ift ýManveis in 1963 but WaSsn ASE LUNE tiavangant spending and points 1FI DAR It's a ftiii.', world, isn't il? ' out this extravagance mRIGIDnAIREmm Synipathe of Ibis comimuni- YIrs. K. C. Hlopkiits was thee final analysis, be borne ty is exteîîded ta the îespcc- hoStess at a 'Hiobo Tes' forby thle taxpayer. i tive fainilies of the late John soitie of the Base Line Good While the O.F.A. is oppnsed, M eets ilere D R~ Y E K Wr'ight and LanIglon Capslirk,'Neigbibotir Club mnembers one tu the priniciple of assessing boh.foriuierlv î)f tIbis cor,-, afternoo' last week. taxes against property as a ' The regular mnonthlv mieet-' ALSO .... WASHERS mnIIty M. and Mrs. Cliffoi'd Wîl- mneans of raising nioney for, ing of! Kingswa.ýi District ERGRTR A 1Ilnbei' £î'om thi.s coin- son attended a daace, in bonor, social services. the proposai 'Cocîncîl vas beld at the bornejRFIERTR mcinity atteîîded the danc~o! Ladies' Nigbt, sponsored by was mnade tbat, if Ibis praclice of Mr. M. Stephens, Bowman-, FREEZERS and preseîîtatioîî of îi'ophies:11ie Electriral Maintenance'continues. tbe cosîs sbould be ville, witb Mr. Stephens host-ý RANGES ta the winning bail îeams at group and lheld at the Oshawa apportoned on a per capita1 ing for Court Bowmanville.! Betbanv on Fridav eveiing. Aîî'poî't on Saturda.v eveing. basîs, and, that a minimuino The minutes of the last meet-l Veiverton lads plav ims0on Mrs. I. C. zwaren is a pa- and a maximum properîs' tax in.u were î'ead anîd adopteci as these teanms incluided 'Brian tient in Toronto Geîîeial H )5s- hould be established. read.M cU LE Wilson, Teri'v Malcoliii, John- pitl. We ail %wiSh ber a qUick Furtlier r lelc ommendations, Bru. Keitb Clark wss askedi ny Glasbergen, Chai-les Me- return tu better liealth. contained in the brief includ-' to mneet wilh the Executive o!f HARDWARE LTD. Cullouglh, GarrY Bristow, Ke-Mi'Mr and Mrs. Arthui' Barnes, ced changes in the Assessment District Council and draw Lip ny Wilson, Dale Stinson a"nd Gi'aue and Ti-d speitt the Art which WOuIld requim'e an a route foir aur Travellin- 6KngS.E (little 6' 4" nmore oî less) Ca-,weekenid isiting bier parents. assersai' ta show cause foi' bis Gavels, which lie will purchaseè 'sey Glasberg-en. Mi'. Clarence Mr. and Mis. J. F. Banct-of'i.f asscssment. Under the presenmt' for Lis inî Brantford next week. Page acted this year as une Ncwington, Ont. Act Ibis is nlot a requirement.ý Thse social night of bowliî of the coaches. Mr. and Mis. Clifford Wil-: 'lie Ontario Federation o!! for Kingsway District will bel Speedv convalescence to Mr.' son attcnded the forerai ofý Agricultur'e took cognizance o!: beld in Bowmanville at Lib- and Mis. Geo. Page, bath in Mr'. L. A. W. Reid lu Oshawa, the many changes which haveecrty Bowl alîcys approxini- Peterborough iHospital. On- TuLesdav--afteirîio)t. takýen -place in recent Ycars bt ate'l\, the se-cond Sundayniglît 'j' i