éCuides Receive Ail Round Cords amlbtntfr VOLUME 109 18 Pages Durhami County'sq Great Family Journal BOWMANýVILLEÈ, ONT-RIO, WEËDNESDAY, DECEMBER Ilth, 1963 10c Per Copy NUMBER5O Two members of the lst Newcastle Guide Company were honorcd on Tues- dg.y evening when they were presented with their Ail Round Cords, one of the hi .st honors in Guiding. The recipients were Mary Dean, left, daughter of Mr. Fe- 'rs Kenneth Dean, and Susan Carey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ca- Kinsmen Plan Decoration Tourý for Sr. Citizens At an executive meeting of phone 623-2644 as soon as pos. Bowmanville Kinsmen Club sible, so necessary arrange- last night, they decided ta ments may be completed. The undertake a new project this guests will bc picked un) at Christmas in addition to their their homes and returned af- regular efforts of rebuildîîg, fer the tour is completed. and restoring tovs. 1 nîinai.alae on Thy reprmoin aca~beautiful lights and other cavalcade for Sundav Pvening, Christmas decorations made December 22nd, with theM hi perne oe h ýguests being the senior citi-thrapaane or th zens of the tnwn. The cava1- weekend, so bv Dec. 22nid cade will start on tour arouncithesoudbpeny e. the town shortly af ber 8 in~ Until the big decoration the evening to gîve thec older tour, members of the Kinsmen folks an opportunity of seeing Club will be working hard the magnificent Christmas almost every evening in the decorations in and around basement of the Librarv Bc>wmanvi]le homes. Building, putting their used jSenior citizens interested in toys in shape for distribution being members of such a con- in the Salvation Army's bas- ducted tour are asked to tele- kets. 'Brave Womnan Rescues 4-Year-OId Girl Who Fails Into Icy Waters Hockey Sticks for Christmas Baskets -.apt. Mvrs. Ht-oward 'Quinney presented the cords to Livisional Commission- A fu-e r-I girl clung nonui. er I\Mrs. Wm. Rude]] wbo placed them on the girls' shoulders. in asheet'ofice iii 15 fect ofi She said -l railboibhil hor, Thsyatruhhec-erio ofheO- frezin ivterfor ten minuttcs.with my heart in my mtt. hsyatruhtec-prto fteOh here on Wednesday last week! 1 found that Linda hart fallen awa Gencrals Junior A hockey team, miany young- Sing Handel's "Messiah" before being rcscued. I through a hole in the ice sters arc really going to be thrilled. Along with the Mos-o ruMs Lor whlepayngwth! ien Mothr o for. Ma. or-whie plyio wih ! ied. baskets of food andi toys that will be distributed to a ~ Ir ~ 5 N raine Trick, a noni-swîmnmer, "-She spread hec little handHf at MU5 . nchcd out onto the thin ice out over thc ice and was justunortunateadweyfmle truhu h ra nearth o anil harhor1keeping hrha p a hockeystc autographed by every member of the S t. P a u s P cke Io D o o s and snatched faic-haired Lin- 'Thcre were no tears but Oshawa Generals xviii be inciuded. Captain Ritson is d. Kennedy to safetv. 1 she kept saying, 'Oh, I'm soi For ,4nnual Performacnce , hccr.,.I t sghelplGame 0fr perfect heroine. She ,,,,was an old stick l'y ng on the drowiugaudherwîîle j-l beach but it wouldn'ib reach dronin an hr wol"My ' h sbngiavecam 0f 50VoiceOratrio C oir s numb wth c:ld, vet s "he eIhrPetes Top Oshc BobKenedv a ous in, "henilhappened. Water St. Pquls United Chu Ms;ah. This îs the second aaSa much work hart been sulator and -fathetr of t)hegane was acedta h oroler the have performedan iputt loto its operatinithat ilcescucd child, of Wesba oulpn herace.c, orsnerhvTUNT 'G TOTa s a ,Monday evenîng for the the. large, enthusiastic aua- 'seemed a shame ti at they Bowmanville, said: -How cao annual appeacance of the 50 i e. came axra'. ced aod lwould pcesent it onlIonce.1 ever thank this \vom:n UNTPAEWO )gDîce 'Oratorio" hoir, iînder!thrîlled. Discussing the perforinanceenough? Sue muîsthav ere Lneal fans were treated tn .ii ý of uroh .Mr. Beaton introduced the afterwards wvîth Mr. Beatoni vecy brave to risk herlir." 1 temedos, aI chnirmaster. The vocalists i.0- mark' of Handeî's lire. in Bowmanvilîe Public Schools!neighbo c rushed to tell hec 6k1. bChto o h oys Peter edO cluded men aod women wbo 1During the eveoing. solo The Statesmao îeacned some-illhat a cbiîrt hart faîlen tîIno-îh ~ Q L t C . eeas2 nJ.""ato voutrl ondte group n br cegvnb Ros,, thing of the background aniidthe ice in the harbor near hec ni Ibm Memocial Areia as la3tswre ienb . for this special pcesvntatjiu la teoril Ross Cotton, the Ihoped-foc future of tî os a] eusdvalr TIE PN Shoppers \wuuld c wP1ve1 ivs- uih cfPatsI ndIlf ladesbacitone. Mcs. A. A. Merk]ey, j choir. Mr. Beabnl believes eti to check the ativertisement on page four of thiSl Thece mwasinb a whistleun sorno rs a Bak,~tatscbapefranewil*edition, listing the store boucs in Bowi-anville til four minutes of play hart Publication cofiaSkatingWlsn ri troghotamepsnsofrom now until Christmas, whichi, incidentallv, p la psCd adthat emdtj contralto aod Miss Rose Rob- ta nulygrntps Ii in r,*- fIS ol but sopn0dy wy rus Wrnbtfrom end to end throughi- i D ~s A trd insonsoprano. peae vlying aceas may hecome inuit theosr'tit I lercsted in singi ug and pIn1ýo iqH reF r u h hrligcnet rofembers of the chi. 'o ing the best there isinbe on ing eeFothidy ocntif ;Chuick" Goddard was th'f, y plac~~ 10 t heo ral's o-k musical field. Ile visualizesA rl C ria LOCAL MAIL-. Posfmasfer Ge icrVu advise's star of the show, stopping 361 eo r Holiday day Scbool Room, followilng these groups coin ogetb err that some confusion bas ais ovcr the use of sottoerbitidshou y the performance. in Bowmanville once or more AfSnel a eeetr LOCAL MAIL stiekers they providp free of . of the campaign. The Gener-j For Hie. heurfit of corre- One main comment thâ.at gootimsi~afc. afsia president of the Bowmailville charge. These should be includeti tnt. jîîsb on Bow- al ssin atî spodens. tiertser ani c'ad fom an ofthoe wo oodmuse.Skating Club at the annual manville mail, but on rural routes as wel], plus when Drake Jopling went off readers, we announce that :atended was that the choir' Alrcadv, lielbas dione what meeting held at the Areoa on Hampton, Tyrone and Enniskýillcn. for holding thepck They durngChrstas ndNew shul begiîngseeca pi-man> people feel are miracles Thucsday afternoon. Other of-ck Year's weeks the Statesman's for01mances throughout the -TURN TO PAGE TWO) ficers elected for the coming ,. T idevrthngbu1pting ___1 - . - .P : the ouck i0 the net. With fiveý regular llcanesaay pub- lication date wilI he altereti. During those two weeks, The Statesman wi'ii appear in the stores,, Monday evenîngs, anti bc mailetiTuesday niornings. always provideti we are able to put it togeth- e»jbpmmeet those deadines. The Statesman office will hcelciseti Christmas Day, Dem. 25th, Roxing Day, Der. 26th, New Year's Day, Jan. Ist and to make tip for the extra tinte wc shail he Puttingi on this crash pro- graim, the staff WiI alýso have an extra day after New V 1ear's, Thuirs.. Jan. 2nd, to remt tp, frontfthe fes- Ken Hoope Head of L ln Re-run 1 The c-run electionuof offu- cer for the conmbng year was held by Local 189 of the Unit-' ed Rubber Workecs Union ai Wednesia v andi Keo Houcper xvas elccted pre1sident. MamlliCiCePcoub hcame vice- presidutby nue I a m ab i no il.' ycar arec ivrs. Jiack Lcdld, igg secebtar 'v, and Mrs. E. L. Ew- ýr E t cted 'liedirectors elected are Mca. William Cowle, Mrs. Clarcnce Oke. Mrs. T. .1. Me- ,cal 189Guirk, Mes. W. M. Rudrîl, Mca. Dca l 18 9Wallace Dilliog, and Mca. A.' La russo. Plans wecce discuussed for, :Ie tîo unpic l ucl.arndl obexvas au Flectib on Apclbs cnro altobasbald notuncerl 1.1bat Dcbi Wilkes and William BacG\15 lcrlCuv BaveIl, tbbc bolders of secretary and James C. Co-le bobb bbc Canadian and North treasurer. An;eriean Pairs Figure Skab - T h e xcutv unbesing Champlooships, will bake elcbed foc the comiug xveau pari. Thev arc memibers of bhe are Phil Pattrick. Carl Dcvitb. Uniunville Skating Club. An- Padd "v Dolail. William Col- other n mmber of bbal club. ville, R. Ormiston. Tom Mlas- Victor irving, wuil] also skate bterson anud -Josephb tciudaheeP. ln bbe carnival here. Audiences Enjoy Drama Workshop's Play The Bowmanville Drama Vorkshups produiction of John Patrick*s plaY, "The Curlous Savage", was an otstanding suecess. The amusing- cometiy, ablv di- ~ed by Louise Orme, was presenteti at the Town i auditorium on Thutia. Fritiay anti Satuctiav Audiences each evuniîig were entertained bY the humorous situations, well pacet i nes, anti ingeîîîous plot. There was an excellent cast anti ailtiti exeep- tionally welI in flîcir o Thu *top acting honnis \Vent to Wyn Wonnacott as Ethel Savage. Others ini the cast w'eie Elizabeth Prower. as Flo- ',Yncc; John Amesburv. Hannibal: Barbara Bethune, ~airy Nas\: Ken Denni.. efferv; Docerti Kitne.v. M\rs. ~J'ady;Bacy Cwlig. Titus: Doug Oke. Samuel; Mary McGibbon, Lily Belle; Helen Nelles, Miss WiI- lielmina; and ,James McMillan, Dr. Emmett. IHilarv Kitney also was on stage for a few minutes at the conclusion of the play. The stage manager was _Marjorie Couch, thce as- sistanît stage manager, Olga Buctien, set diesign, Jean Dacch. set eonstruetion, Gene Bethune, set painting Jean Sheridan. stage properties. Betty Depew, hanti propecties, Elsie Raikes, make-up anti costumes. Gail Cowiing. lighting. Jaek Darch. publiciîy. Bill Orme, anti pîograms. Margot Samuel. Photo shows left to right. John Ameshury, Ken Dennis, Elizabeth Prower, Helen Nelles, Hilary Kit- ney, Doceen Kitney, Wvn Wonnacott. Barbara Beth- une. JiniM Millan, Barrv Cuwlin g,.Marv Mcihhon anti Dotîg Oke. Photo by Rebtier 1 JiLLI' .ÎLOUEL-- NewIVy cuecuen .î.iîu George Stephen isnft even iti office Ycb, andtiho is calling for help. George is in charge of hie Santa Claus Christmas fiee pcoject tliat raiscd futits for the parade expenses. On Tliursday.,, lumorcow, the trees are arriving at the big parking lot, near the fire hall anti volunteers are soughf ho take caîe of them anti the tickets. Phoneo.3-5410, if you arc wiiliiîg to lenti a hanti. Also, lu contîi oti with bhe parade. Llo * d Ellis, wbuis in ciarcge of Illie draw oil an Eleetrobome Culot' Television, anti other prizes, sf111 has somne tickets left lu sell. The draw bakes place this Safurday, Dec. l4tlî, when luckv ticket holders xviii win xvoriidu.rful Christ- mras presents abcati of fime. Make certain y'ou bave sex'eral tickets hefore the, draxx' takes place. NEW SERVICE - Citizerîs brie xvill b( ititeî'esrd in learil of a new service foi disableti persons es- bablisheti recently by' the Marci of Dies organi- zation. They have a psychologist. a placement of- ficer andt an occupational tlierapisf xvho will bu available for regular visifs bu communities fhroughout Ontario to pco\'ide assistanîce to those m7ho neeti Il. These services ma 'v hc obtaineti by wt'itin 'g or contacting the organizatiun af 253 Spa- dîna R~d., Toronlto 4. EVERY BIT HELPS - Wheat Pi-oducers in On- tario, inclutiing 266 Durham gruwers, _got some of their own cash back Ibis week. The Marketing Board bati dedueteti a levy of 9e per' bushel dur- ing the 1962 et-op year anti now is returning 6e per bushel to the growei's. In this county, the am- ount involveti is $4,742.58. The remaining 3e was eaten up in costs of purchasing, handling anti ex- porting 1,600,000 bushels that, couic nuit he absorh- vd domestically. Total amotint li.stî'îlitibed iii On- tario was $561,688.80. If couldn'ut corne at a buctter time! -i i i i CON11NG ALONG -,The rnauv r-baugrs heiug, matie at Bowmanvillcs Publie Utilibies Commis- sion office ai-e gcatiually tak ing shape xvîth con- sitiecable pcogcess being matie this wcek. The new counters, partitions anti shelves are in place so thaf within the not too distant futture, the staff will be back to normal, without their desks pileti high anti covereti with sawtiust. No tioubt most bouseholtiers xvould not bave been ton unhappy hati the PUC cluseti Up the office during the trans- ition, forgetting, of course, bo senti bills foc water, power and use of thc sewers. The new office shoulti be mos t attractive wh en completecl. INDUSTRIAL PITCH - At a meetinig of the Osh- awa Builtiers' Ass'n. recently, Oshawa's Mayor Ly- man Gifforti congratulateti the group that owns two buildings in the city's industrial park anti en- courageti others fo assist iin helping Oshawa to grow. President of the OBA is Lew Pantaleo, heati of Loupan Developments. thaf is building the new Sunset Terrace subdivision here on Liberty St. N. Wr' wontier if Mc. Pantaleo might be interesteti in building a faetocy on "spec" in Bowmanville's Industrial Park. minutes left, Bobby 0cr car-'; ried the length of Ilhe ice and Mike Dubeau appearedi to score. At least, most of theý: fans in bb. southwest corner and al] at the timer's benehi thought it. hart gone in, but bbe Generals didn't protest. With bbe.crcc of "Go Gener- aIs Go"' resounding througrh the Acena. coach Jim Cherry, pullcd goal-keeper De n nis Gîbson with 53 seconds re- maining, but Goddard, and raptain Bob Jamieson heldý bbc rti. John Vandenburg's- cunk long shot rolîed loto thei nen caze at 19:56 In settleý ilc issue. l3oh Kilzer, flanny O'Shea! and Chris Robects dido't alloW Peterborough a shot on goalý when Oshawa wece two men! short for a minute and 39' seconds as 0cr got the ga4e! for coss-cbccking al, 18:32__of,ý 1 shown here holding sticks being autographed by Bob- by 0cr and George Vail. Cash donations for the Ar- my's Christmas progràm are also being sought from cifizens to make certain everyone will have a good Christmas. Incidentally, the hockey sticks were do- nated by the Genecals, CKLB's sports director, Jini Bishop, and other generous sportsfans. Jersey Cattie awa Club Elects New Off icers M ig h t The annual meeting of the Ontario - Durham Counties Jersey Catble Club was held n1 Pisecond and F3111uI n:' \ at the Flying Dutchman Motor banished for bripping- 21 sec-1 -ntel, Bowmanville, on Nov. onds lIter. 26tîh. Twenty-eight niembers DiJnnv ,C;cnuîti pul Ibi(- oulv! and wivrs enjoyed a noon din- puck past Gibson ait13:1,1 oïlruer qt the commencement of the ficsb. as Mice fled& bbc eeting. Acdekelirbbc nt-munder, hbut Mc. -John Batty, Brooklin, isncncbow bhe, puek didni'b gn ebairnian of the Channel il0i and Grant tapped il lu ihe ]Island- Breeds Association, TIRN TO rAGE TWO) ITLRN TO PAGE TWOI Young Public Speakers t a v5 f Mil Hampton anti Shaws Publie Sehools shaceti the public speaking honors last week, with Salem's representative being ehosen as a spare during the Darling- ton eliminabion contests. The bhree winners are shown here, at top, Kathleen Lovekin, tiaughter of Mr. anti Mrs. E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, lower photo left, Mary Bradley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cari Bradley, anti right, Donna Terrill, daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Clifford Terilîl of Hampton. Murray Twist, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ernest Twist, Salem, was the space in case one of the three winners coulti fot compete in the further contests. Hampton will be able to add these laurels bo its already gooti record of placing f irst at bbe Peterborough festival wibh ifs choir and winning haif the publie spcaking trophies in the finals last year. This ycar, they were also awarded the trophy for having the. best keplt anti most attractive school yard. I1 NUMBER 50