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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Dec 1963, p. 4

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ttesma. Igonmtnville, Der. 11,.19M Were we after' political scalps. we could certainly have a 'vonderful lime this week due *to council's activities dur- ing recent weeks. However. we have no particular- axe to grind nor can wve sec any point in blastiîîg ail or anv mcrnbers of council vho have left themselves open to criticîsm. The eiec- tion is over and a new councul bas been chosen by the people of the communitv. But, we do feel ibat some facts should be brought to the attention of citizens, in order bo pievent. simîlar oc- currences in future. * First, council. init is vsdom, set dates foi- the nomination meeting and election day onlv onîe weck apar-t. Nom- inations wcre bcld onriMonda .N'No v. 25th and the day for' voting was Der. 2nd. There bas been coîîsidcîable dis- cussion whcthcr ibis was or vas flot legal, but in oui' opinion tie actiiS SUf- ficiently vague on the point of allow- iùlg seven days between the twNo tb ai- low for ai Ieast two interýpretations. However, wc feel that since the ilîcuIm- bent members of council noi-malv have a distinct advantage over- nexv candi- dates, they should allow ai least two weeks betwecn nomination day and an election so the electors cati be infoî'med of the personalitics and progi-ams of the newcomers and. indeed. theie ecor-ds of. incumbent councillor-s This. we be- lieve, is espcciallv truc wben we oîîlv have an election hrere everv 1wn v eai's. We shouid make it as iiei'esting 1as possible to keep a good civic spir'it alive. Secondiy. xve weî'e sur-ptihsed as were many otheî- people, when on TueIS- rday, the day aftei' tbe electioii. a Iettei' was included on the agenda of a coun- ri] meeting, advising thaitheb N. E. Sweet Company WOLIld not be building a plant here in tbe newi *v sei-viced sec- tion of town. CertainlY. some couni- cillons if flot ail, must lhave knwn about tbis befoite the ciectiori. Accor-d- ing to the letter from Nt. Lycett. the Industrial Commission bad beeiî noti- ficd in September Ibat the dea] bad fallen througb. Yet. the-e xvas nîo hit of il, cither in openî cotiilh meetings or at the nomination meeting. Sucli a tari% of frankness COUIîd cerIainlv hbe COnstl-ued as jL[Si toc) coincîclental la be A Canadiati gets scaî'ed ta leatb îf wve vote a billion dollars for educatiait but he's unconcerned when he, finds oui wre aie spending tbree billinidallais -P yeaî' for cigarettes. H-e yells for the gaxcti rimnrt to ha- lance the budget. Iben takes tie last dime be has to make tlhe dowxn pavmneiti on a cal'. Hie wlîîps i Fe eienî. ilerri gixes fem the shirt off his back. He yclls for specd lawxs Ibat wiili stop fast. driving, iben xvoo'l buv a car if it can't make 100 miles an houî'. IIe'I spend haif a day lookirîg for -fîtarin pilîs tb make bîmn live Iongeu, then drive 90 miles an hOLIr on stick pavement ta make up for losi lime. He lies up his dog but lets bis six- teen year old son itin wild. When a Canadian is un bis office lic talks about hockey,,foot bali1, or f ish- 0F MANY THINGS By Ambrose HiIkx When Mother tI a large famil *y, mother seldom gets so sick she sta 'ys in bcd. It lbas to be a Iough vit-us indeed to lav lier loW, because there is so much ho do tliat slip cannoi afford 10 be idie. Lsualilv she takes a few aspirins. grils lier teetti, and carrnes on. Once ini a long while, however, the viîrus s 50 overwbelmiig that she must have a da v or two iii bcd. Catastrophe is the name for it. That's when the tamilv finds out the thousand and one jobs thai slie iakes in her stride. Browxnie uiifoîms to press; leotards to \'vaSh:i llies 10 pack; shirts to lautîder; food to cook, shopping to do. floors 1IoIfop. dislhes I wash -- yoLi name il. she docs il. During beri ncapacît.v, the busliaîdl. oldest daughtcr. aod ajii available relatives êare pressed inoservicehI keep the establishmentî bat-eiv yr Liining. Only the pressing da '\-to-day\ needs cao bc cared foi. and Ilionî îot. ton xvell. As ihe hours go b\,. the famiv hegins Io realize a littie bit howx mucb tîe v have Ieaned on mother. Tf the iliness goes on for any leîîgtb of lime. liiîed belp- rnust be bîought iin. Nobod.v buit a mpother would do all the tbirîgs lhat need doing paid a handsone Ife. e an accident or au oversigbt. At the time e tfie Sw,%eet compan v signified its inten- * tion of coming here. some membeis of p council deservediv. vvcrc given great cu'edit for obtaining if foi' Bowmanville. In fi act, if oui- memorv serves us right, t the event. 'as used to some extent 10 -discredit ilie efforts of the former Io- 1dustrial Commissioner anid tO jLuStifv% bis abject overnigbt fiî'îng. because he badn't beeîî able to secure an influx of new industi-v. The nexvs that the Sweet dealings bas backfhred could possibly bave lbad an effect upon the re-election of some menîbers of council, but. Of course, flot if it xveie kept undeicover Lintul after the election was over. Pos- sibl «v, couuîiîlors weî'c as pure as the driveui siow in failing to mention tbe matîcu'. but tbev certainly left tbem- selves open Io widespî'ead criticism. Wbile dîSCUSSing COuInCil affaiî's. il. înigbt be \vise at tbis stage ta note that in Aiirora the *v tbuew out tbe two-yean, terni for council back iin 1959, the fiist. municipalitv tbdco so in Ontario. This year. a maioiîv.\ of tbat council voted 10 ata ho place il onl the ballot. Editor Jamnes J(ibuston of thic Auiora Banner is againstif i and we agree. His arguments êaie ibat ilie otie year f erm may be too shîort foi' a good member of COUncil. but il is altogether ioo lang loi- a pool- aone. In a gi'owing -omi-unitîv. it. eîables îîew citizetîs b hiave an ea'l yv xoice ho toxvî affairs. Aiîuual eiect ions kecp the politicians an tlîeir tues aîîd close tathie people. lie also sL[ggests ilihat the one veat' leî'm maîîîtaiuîs a bigb level of iutei'est in pLublic alfairs. wlîich is good loi' anlY AIl of x hici we tnte ini }assing. xvlîlexvslîiî Bowmnîxille's ncw coLin-a Cil xeul"V SrîCCOS iin thernaîîV Uuidei'-n hakiuîgs îlîai xvii come under Ibeire scrutiiix'duîi, the îext two yeai's. We Miglît SUggeSI putting tbe tWO 'Veal- term on the ballot at that lime to give E thîe electouate au opp)otunitv (i- f ucgis- hering tbciî' feeliungs. Ini tbe intei'im. we tr'ust Iliat ail men-ubeis Of COuIncil anîdC citizeuis geîîeiali v xii do their utmoslt t t0 Conîtinue tbe eXpaflSîi & fOuri*in- P dListriial developoîcot and tuai coincil xiii be as fi ark as possible wiilîilihose xvbn clected fhem b ooffice,. ubif w- huE i lieP s i S ItA fh.bc a Me or oui fhe lake. lie balks abouti businessE. He us tîe nmil v fellow initic w'orld vhîo will pa 'y 50c ta park lîis car' xvile calhîîg a 25c sandwich. lie's lexer î'cad': ,-foir xvaubut, iîas liexcu losI aile. We'ue Ille couufitrv tliat lias niotre fOnd tii Pat Ilian an'V allier' ('oLIut'y in t'lie xvnnilanîd nore dicîs ta kecp Lis fî'n catirig if. we"e Suîpposed thi ple li cisv- viîzed nation on rai-th, bul stili cani't reievr'pairi s itboi an au'mîîîcd C'ai'. But,x eestilli îîîetfyV uîhce loiks. ('alling a peusoîî"A Real (anadian" is tbe besi compliment VOLt Caîî pa.v buni. Miost of the xvoru'is"iîcbing foi- ,whla xve bave, but thfie vll neyer bavue il uîîtiu thev siaut sciatcbîn- lor' it the way we did. - Uxbridgc Times--Joîîrnal. Gets Sick Wivr's contribLite more tri the farn- il\ ' fortunes thil t ibe bLîsbands do. Irviost meni \xork short bours nowadlays and have it relative].\ eas.y on the job- Aýutomnation and frînge benefits have made work a picniic. WiVeS COntinue to wvrk long bonis 1'or-lOW -- 110no- 1)a.v. Yri. wlîeîithle husbaiîd dies, t lie, [amilv fortune11, if ih aMOLItItS Io ail V- tbîng ai ail. is set upon by* vIhe tax col- lectoîs. Thev forgel that the wife was responible for mi-ost of the savings. If flic liusbanc! lias been able to provide a pension. the collîccors capitalize it and mal.eeflic icow pa 'v a liefl v tax. In- deed. slîe îiavý even PaY on moiîeY slie'il ne\'er receive. It seenis 1<) ni(, that ecdi ?\inîstcî Orf Finance SuîoUld bc forcedi to speîîd ai leas onue xx ek as a substitute motlier in the homie of' a large famil *v. Nle wxouil t lici i al ize itie extent of the niari age îîartnership. and Ilhe contiî- bution macle to if bv tlîe mother. I tlîiîk lie xvnild go back i) bis office determioed Lo ieloim the Estates rax A-ct li ixexvdws-or vidoweî's - tieatmeîît liai is sonewbat more Chiristiani t lani tlie.v aie îecriviig oda\'. DiouhainCountys Gtecu Famuly Jouunci Established 109 yeais aqo ini 18'Au41 Also lncorpoiatinq h e BwmatllnepNends The N wa le neewsn The Orono News **L Cimat PlIailbv mlhe Pest OitiucsDepu Ollown nnc,,,,, r",ravment et pnitBIein tmcash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY ,imi'rED PO. Box 190 6..'.b6 Kng St.W, Bowmanvulle, OJntario GEO W. GRAHAM GLO. P. MORRIS ADV"C;. MANAGM USINSS MG1t. SUBSCRIPTION RATES r - - BOWMANvILLE STORE HOURS (CLIP THIS CALENDAR FOR HANDY REFERENCE) n Te Canadiar, Sta EDITORIÂL COMMENT After the Election Is Over I g j 29 30 31 1 Closed fi Parn. 6i p.m. Closed 27 2 3 T'hese store houars are flot compulsory, but are "ecommended to rncr-chaîîts in the interests of uniformity and çustomier convenier RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMITTEE BOWMANVILLE CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE ei lt .1l ý1 .r U.t a o Il Pin Engandon December1 er- 1818. oldesu n'hîtd ai Edwan e. Fitze samd Elizabeth O.sbou. ni o St. Ausheil, Cornuwall.1 is Mav t879 thie famiiy emigra cd Io Canada staying wxith buother Jbohnî Fîtze un Dariiî Id 101. Laier tlîcy ied ,n il a. tst Concessiorn off Casu'fwnugl fthe" for' some 'yeau'soami Il Dave Wilson faimn. There ii g u'eceuved bus education aI s., n No. 6, AMahaods Public Schoo i- ]un 19011 he bogbî thîe iorn- ei' John Greeu' farm, Lot 2) ur Concesshin VIII, Cartwriht. - Thîe lalhîcu xxas kiiled bx i- n'esb uîg nmachineie n Septcui ber 1904 teavumîg s fanihto is toui- boys anîd two girlis: Lewvu sJosePb, Wilijanî, I\'aggic (Mu', -_ Gardon Stiîîsonî, Wilmet' ami p.Fauiuiv (M's. Frank Harr'is a]] now deccased. Lewis uemnuîd oui tht S honsta aller the l'est 0 IIlle !aiîil vnîauuied. is motiî Il ei' kept house for hiun unir Flier desî inii Febrnuai'y t9:: gla F'eb. t9,35 he xvas unutec - in mlaî't'agc w'thîEtteui Janc Ney ai Midland. Tbey iaîmc - nuhl 1951 xx'eiî Iiey ruetiu'eî ,i to tileir home un Blackstock. F lie xvas a miember off Devx J itts L0-- -2 and Devitti zR.B.P. 3198 and an adhercnt of i the Ncstietouî Pucsbyrtiaii Churchi. Hc us sorvuved bv bis wîdow aud several nuecc: and iiepbews. The ffunenal wiis lîrld or, Novcmbeu 28, 1963, fîom Mu- Derniott - Panabaker Fones.l Home. Port Pcrry, where Rev. Fred Swauun off Ile Presbx- b eriauî Churcli spoke îomforît- ing words. The beautifol flor-. al Iributes werc silent testu' irnany ai the sympatlîv and iestecm off orange Orders. e'borcb. enmmuioh ty and friends. Palîbearers were fwo roian, e neighboors, Messrs. David and George Johns, a c'ousini Wilme Fice off Bawmanviic and thue nepbcws, Lewis Stinson ai Cadmnus and Aîîni- u' Cox and Ewart Maves off Barrie, Intermeuit was uni Nestîctomi Cemeîeu x Fî'iend% wcn e .erc ui>i, aîîd a warm drink by the Iadie.s off the Presbyterîaîî Churcb before lcaving fou' theur homes ho Ottawa, Mano-! tuck. Mudland. Barie. Boxx.', niam,~ille. Buerliognton. Osl-îsva; Peterborough and suerounid. ung area, ,Fire Chie f Gives Adviceev 1How to Pre vent F ires During Holiday Season ~aî. ¶ ' Fire C h ef Toniî L \e offei- - ed seasonat advhce t10 house- 14 , holders: today on the care a1îd '~handling of' Chrhstînas treezý and other holiday decoaaioiîs. - This s the tme of ear 21 whe~n the nUmbeî of fir'es"atd cansequent toss of tiffe aîîd 6P.. . property reaches hls peak.- lie said. -With heathng systeini 29 working at full capacihv and Selectrical crcuits loaded. xx ei P. .n. must uîot add ta the danger by bringhng unsafe decorations1 inta the hanse. "Select a tice that us gre, P. pn and fresh. Leave il outsidei ho, the cool ai', not iin a xvarm- *basemnett until vt are readx - asel il un position. Theil,1 ail ýmake a fresh cut aI an angIle-, * uear the base off the îriîtk and ~ <C'sel il in xatei', awa v from Report from O ftawa Witîhîn sus mon lus i he otic. o iuexiew lînîfi vUsu uuda Ibillion dollais uîoxvbeiîg ire b rade pot x* vwîf h rerr'l're I i ce ived by Prairie farmers foi, lîese sales.' sale off xheat la expoî't u. 'llie <iine s puuu lîasi iîg toîîîer,ý viii be in Easteî'ui Caiidian ic ial iîls \ eari.i, Canadia. having been uised Ik. etude Aibania Biiî tg alr ia. a prurchase bile auitomnobile.ý. China, Cuba. Celolvk, ýwashing maclhines, televiîsiotu ELast Germiaîiv. -1 i iing a 1n sets and etothing which xve North Koea, *Narth i Vetnîami eMauîlaCîuli'c heî'e ho the EaSt Mon-olia. Rouinanhpanard the~ fi SUPPIN, aur' Ieliow Canad U.S.S.R. 'i'Iîse nuntries nov- u a ns in thle West. en nîîe'fî liioff Hie taid a ira (Ir ' he Catiadiani nation as a Itle xoibd and about oiie-thurdi whote us feelhngthie acceleiat offIble woi'id's population .il ed ecolîoinic tempo touchen uis ain aiea which lias beenii n off b vIltie sale off the largesi deiýgoilig 1napid iiidiStîrialiZa. e wlîest ci-op eveî i- own inii b liîonu and a f undainental neor- West . Ilt night be uhteîest iîug alizatioui nf agr'icrUlînu r Foi. 9there foie 10 coîîshder vhliehe political re'asouis. econlorir or- ot. we can cxpect siha.l'Ufimi('ul(\ hý sb(,e!l t I h egrinîî s ales ta o ulrun p enera I aini of i lie-croiîne counut ries hn fuiturie vears. aundThe Ihuuge xvheat pondhaiss bIrom Canuada tbis %veéii md' D (.~ate îlrarlv Ille diiffîc 1liY ()if WESLEY VILLE rnaintaini ng ibis palm'.ý ai ail limes. The annual White (.idî Serx BVCaiu.ýelie a111pf n, ice %vas tîeld iii the Sunday pouls froin ItliesenOUli ii'es mi Selinol on fllie fist day iii De. the Sin-Snxur hOnc enar cember. The i'oom lbad beîî low Caniad 1us fnxw ruiling ii dlecoraicd \whib a Christnîaý ineuchandise trade sunpui~ lice anîd omanger scene ta make wutb the aiea appioxrmatelY a sciiing foi' the preselîtation tle Vaiue Ofoff -rgîaiun off cash gifts by the childreti. shpmerits. PaymeîîS in go'd Ttiese amounbed ta about $20. or conîvertible cuuieîicies 1;ai, and Nvhll be sent ta the Fred cruhng froni ihe .ui-pius nu -tj Victor Mission for tbeur reritly affoid a rnatari elenieni. Christnmas woi'k. Thse Super-;off supportî ta Caîîada's bal- iîtendieni, Murruay Payne, wasailce off pa 'vmlenîs positiron, 1n cilarge of the scliooi and a 1ioverel. Canada us stilli rii ialk aon the work offIfhe mis-, ning a substant îat ceficut Oui sioîi was given by Pearl and goods and' services wilîil tic MVar'ie Austin wha had beeiu worid ai large. The leccîpîs an a loiu' offthee new mission foi- the sale off wbeaî do niia buildings. Whth nuaterial toaui anuly relieve the sîiainil r cd tram Toronito tbcy were Caniada'- position, lIiey aiso able lailustrate Ibrir exptaîî- add la intennafionial iiquidity a ation off the vot'k donc fbeu'e. generalJx.p The regular affeî'hng xvas re- The lan-ge grainu sles iii s " (civeri by Nînki GroeneveJd yveai ai-ea direct lesuil off poolili and Rae Ttifford. 'i'op-, and aie îlot attributable si Clîuurchîi service was hîeld in 10a inter nationl politicai or lhe lnot'nhtg and thiecongre- otbci conisderatioîîs. Aiso. Ille atlian wer'e haPpy ta welcoinc difficuities that al] cooinr nieghbouî's fîom Port. Britain, . sf ouuntrics< have experien'eri mr. anîd Mr$. 'T. Wilson as il, 1ollecli îxziuig itdivijdua 1 memnbers. Tbey wcre icceiv- peasattfarîîî lanrînîain ajid rd on behaif off fhe congrega iideed lhave încreased il) ;e- E lion by Rev. M. Freeman anid cenit \ean-s. Il is dhfffîcult *'o membeis off session, Mrs, A di'aw rcallx' fiî'm couîciushonîs. Austin and Clarence Nichais. Iliom these observations bu*,r OMe WaUtd appeai' îuslîfîed t ai fe.ast. iii suggesting that i o BITUARY J ichnge inai-iculetr a rain lice tlle Soviet Uion is flot go- c LEWIS J. FITZE hng Ia be a seulous competiton -e Mn. ei Johin Fie ,, ,,,orld wheaf marýkefs for iz cd awa', alter somne wceks'sanie ime ho come. iliiies- an November 26tb, While we pr-ohablv caiiîiof 1963, in bis 85th y'eair. ex\pert toacsefieve suli Jauge bd YjoUrigtîlatis Co/wi Y'oLungnulari 90e.';ta the dogs 'band. 011PlîîlaIiaus nuîîîbc 'l'lie cverîhng off Novemrber xvas the tinîbo, when 1fiît, 3Oth was c'old but the bospitaj' supple and not 50 supple uî'ied itY Of the Central Ontario Haie thehi'ILuck with same amusuig Associationî Was .hUSt the OP- î'esuLIts. Durhngthe tjl posie. at their first annual aonc canîil mat'ou gave us banîquet and danîce heid iii the ail] a lesson in back fiheld nn- Legîouî Hall.,uîî Paît Hope., lion, as she tî'ied f0 xveai lieu wvlen 150 nîcuî aîd womeuî let clothes aut bv inside fî'iclioiu Ihehi liair dlown anîd enjoycd The cî'axxd was omut for a gondi a xx'lîa'khing goad furkey diii- lime and tlîey suieliîad il. Iii nîet-, fallowed by a ffexv speech- aile "set" off squaî'e-dauîceî's, i e's limited la frive minutes eac2- spotted foui' persouis wtîo b 'v bbc Eni Cee. Bob Younîg- whe mîuch VOUiîgei', ptanted rîlalii Tlien. Mis. JacI, Chair - l'ecs ouithue Gaiaraska Wate.: îîan off Field Triîal Couîîcil nf shed, fou' this oid slave drixver. Beagles for Canada, and al> h kate hdtl)llt iîenîbeî off the Board off D' i ooiîc a îogi rentais off Canadiauî Kenîîel ffully abtained a banquet peu- C'lub (flic govcrning body off mit xvlîciî the 'roxvd did nu.o Canadian dogdomî, pu'eseuîted per'mif la whthcî' ai the vinîe. tie beautifui îu'opîîies to the but ciid îlot abuse, cihen. Be- uI'OIoud axneus offthie whun hing g teetotaller, 1 stnuck io eales. Jhuîi Curtis, Ponti,- tnt water ou the rocký. pool; George MuNeii, Nestie- whicli is suppnscd la oniv loi (xviuner off txxo tiophics ýcuri n e 'n ofsfei ,on Doyle. Tioronto; Mrs. H. tos. Rilar'k. B o 1It n r.:R a 1 p h Besidee Mrs. .lacl. oiiîer bhug loirnmes, Ottawa; jank M,_'. bea.ling wheels puescrîi weie Eacberi'î, Pickering; Ron Me- 'Buft' Curihs. ann ofc the0d- :oniîll Otawa.est beagiets ho this countîx. ri aine off eanb wiunnirig and u.sually î'cferred to, souith, log was uneuîtîoned, atso it:.afthe border, as Mu'. Beagle, ice anud dauîî. 1 don*t temein- :Off Canada: George Goodal, bert'hbb actual names but fheý,;Presidenf of Central Ontarioi muoild go sometlîing like Littl'e: Association; Ray Yearwood plinIen. outoff Big Chips and Fhelcf Triai Representative foi' noggy Sawdusî. beagles by pack, for Ontar'io. Wbeuî this piece ni pleasan! and Bob Blylli. member oaIlf'e îuishness xvas fhrîislîed, the i'ug Board off Directous off Canad- as îolted back anîd the ffolks: iao Kennel Cluub, wbn hs t'ec9 iammered dowo the old phne ognized as ao emiocol dog loo' ta a generous assortmnt 'trainer, pau'tiy'ullaiv icrtrie,- )f splendid dane hunes pua- cis. In the Dim andi Distant 1'ast hul'm the Statesman F~iles si bE sr Sc fij la 25 YEAR,% AGO (D)er. 15, 1939) nr. sud Mus. W. .1. Chai] e-nlertained tuie staff off th Challi Matai' Sales ta torkey dhnnet' ai thei' beaur fuirit iden'e on Libertîy Si Monday uigbf. Miss Eiaiuîc Reauîîauu, l'aloi Io. was a wcekeiid guest c, tlîe MVisses Marjouhe an Dortaty Biadî. Miss Eîtccuî 'ionîpsor daughîlci'off Mn- and Mu Geo. Thianpsan, iiotscy St lias .ioincd thePost Office stafi Mu is. E. Anivus, dauglîteî Olive arîd Jeanî, sud son Free uîîanî Ham-iltonî, xisited Muý Beri Auîdrus. Mur. anîd Mus.A. E. mcrag gau'î sud Don,î. Mnsd Mî't C. Densaui, Mr. sud Mes. G cla'ke, Toionoîa. xveu'e gues'. off Mu. and Mus. G A. Mc Taggart. MVi-S. Charlîotte loigtsGi snd sout Willî'cd. HamiIt, speuît Sutiday' xith hlîcisstei and bi'olher. Miss Eva J. suc Mn. Her'bert Wakeliiî Mrs. Wni 'W'atsoni. Hailton i'e Daisxv Cmll v. reîuiicd t>, loxxii <oniSatniidsv 10 assisi i lie Post Office s taff duriuî1 tbe Christmas r'ush. Mr. VaI. sort also vsited bei' pau'eiîts Mur. snd Mis. Wm. Colly aveu the xeekend. Mus. Watsorn was cernploxc vd ai flic Pasi Office beffore lieu marriage thîs tai!, Previaus tri hr dparfuue for tuia. Miss Kate S Mç Laui'unoff Bowmauivul te, was griest aiftîonoî' at a ieceptian oui Sal urdav a fbernoou i gveu by Mis. E. F'rsnk Wright, Oid Fore'st 1Hl Raad, TIor'onto. Mi. snd Mrs. W. H. Hill. Don-een sud Helen. lefft Mon- day for Guelph xxheîc Mr. Hill xvîlt be emplayed au the On- tario Reffoumato'y. An estimaîed 3,000 yourngs,- leis sud adults cî'awded Kinîg Street. Saturday aftei'noon, Io wetcomc Santa Clatis and re- ceive ffom him a bsg off(can- dies. In hie parade were Snoxv Wbite's Seven Dwanfs. who weie ucalis' seven Scouts. Tlîey were It'win Br'ownî, James Southey. Jac'k Cild>. Alan Ferguson and Ronnie Cote,. T 'vione. Little Miss Doi'aîhý. Skinîner %vas gnesî ai banorai a a brthday part 'v heud ai llîej homne off ber sont. Mes. L.J, Goodmanî, Tuesday afteî'noon whcn she celcbraued ber 5în Mapte Cio e Mi .olu;i oud:,-x onili ad ;,x eev sorceszs tl sale, Frîda,. 49 YEAR% AGO (Der. 17, 1914) Mn- vI. W. T' Allen, Big 20,. x; îe iin Tor'onuo Thursday buyiu a stock. t Mi'.. eo.Purdv i eîcuî ii vhisited heu sistei' Mes.W. W'ig-hî, DrIdonald. MVlus. Thos. Pa\,iie, oni if us visiiing ber saon, Mr. Jol ,c Payice. Mu'. C. %V. E. Meath bas n. ituu'ned ffî'am a trip fa Nei Mu'r. Haurrv Muliîgeasud, Roy. f.Bank, S udb ry, us home fi' holidays. Mu'. and Mis. 'T'os. V. Smuti- Shaunavon, Sask., have beci visiting lîci'bî'othcu. Me.J. 1H Smith. Kinîg St. Mi. sud Mis. lien. Gubi Land sýon Wittie. Ebenicer. lei tast t%,eek fou' St. Johnî, N.B xvbere tlîev saited oui lui il 'Hespei'iaii" ta x'îsit reltive un the Oud Lanîds. We cougratulate Mn. Ray Fi d Riekard off Bowmanittle, ï, beiuîg elecced Leader off tiif 1.Deniocuassor Illue Uni:on Luit )earv Society offthIe Vhcfoi" tColiege, Torontou. 9 Miss Lhzzie Barrie, Newtonu - ville, us visitiîîg ber bî'otbei Mir. W. H. Barrîie. Mes.D. Livingstone, Rolanîd iSan Dhego, Cal.. are spencing tlle xvntei willi ber rmatbei Mrs. Jas. Kiight. Lake Shane, Faiml, Por't Bawmanvilte. Missý Annihe Nesbitt. Newx toîîvhlle. s ho the Bell Tele. iphone office aI Millbrook. Local bird fanciers faîec. pretty weli af Guelph Wintr Fair basf wcek, whnning Ibese prhzes: Fi'ed Pattinson. ffirs, and second on Rose Comb Leghor'n, 2nd Black Cochin: Thos. Bottreli & Son, 2 firsîs, .3 seconds, 1 third on bantamn, aund pigeonsý Chas, Rice, 3 seconds. 1 îhird. Black Spati- ýîsh: Walter' Oke. tlherd, Black SJava; A. A. Batte, eigbthi 'White Leghorn; T. J1. Cle. Maple Grave also won severai tirst and second prizes. Mr. Basil Fitzger'ald, MiE- bu'ook, bas been appohoteci Manager off the Sfandardî Bank, O'ona. Clarence Ailin. Guano,s home from Saskatchewan afîcu' 7 vears absence. Jas. Diekinson, . O. AGarnsý by, W. E. Davey and Jo Henry. Orono, %erin o C- bour'g on the jury lasf wcek. In the lasi t15 vesis Csnad- rails bave xibrittcd ta Otîs. xva àome 5.800 ,;iiggc,,ted de- signs for a new flag. xxa V( tIl al a Imla n u7 kn 0wia a begleî-. andr a lady asi 1bcagleî'eî c. Il xas lioticeabit tu1losi off tiose *doggn" People r'alied flie male daululli s dog. sud Ite feinse a btcuî Wbhiî u'einds meaifîuhe tirn I wxas a boy aîîd gof a Ilcll(J a "x'iîaliuig" fori, .,iiîlg Hla fîve citter xx'oud 1<> descuibe, saiiutuiîionnu.,pillajn off otu local society. Hoxx' limes have clîanged, Mvicnbei's off iblis hcajguurý asotiatuoti ai'eîlot ta be (,on- fused wih Iteuî'uesponsh ble hjeu'k,ý xx'ba lijjIiii t oveu.- gi iî. l iuuig 'v Il ou rîd s ioos e ai .1 o'clock Jo the mo'ihuîig. t0 auil iov0Y fauniers f onî', uie arouid. These faikS aie goori mfiixe's ,amd represent aî ex- cellenit Sîral um of socheun witlî a couîî uîonî hoteuesî beagieF. aile Off tuhe uicesf doggies in thie canline xvoi'Id. 'l'iîlis griesi. %xx'iios uîoi a beagier, sa * vs"tuiatiks fan a swcli evu'uîiîg. anîd xvslird the. Asciahioii ile besi orf suic. cess" Andl'un1*1,sîîî'e otiîe, îno'-brage's piesent, . xxmi cba luiosesnueis to Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For l' ie wýeek af D e >(Ieiîbe'- 2-8 inl-usive: Admissins Biu'tils. 3 ImaIe. 4 femate Disclîs nges 72 MajIon operatioiîs i0 liiuînn uperatimus 3 f.murgeinc *1î'teatmeuîs 2: Vhsiuiig lIinursg3 - 4 p.mni NSud f 8.1)p. 1 <Ileîîded fo.' a.ît weeh.i 'l'lie ijavisoui auud Gisi cGe eî'al -Stor'e uias been said Mn. anid Mis. James Laxyren who xvii] be taking axer eau -ini December. Mr. and MI Gist will be mnovhng ho the home in Peterbaoough ai ;Mr*. and Mis. Davison ta the, a 'ecentiv buhît bame at tuhe cu »'eud of Nestîton vilage. 15Mrs. Caru Petlîcrtck suffe cd a ilasux'bUnise la ber fi xhîaîud xvilen itil-as ta ughîl B. the wxvnigei'Orfthbc xvasii iîîac'liuîe. Neiguibors fnok hb 1. ta hospital a ud ca'ed for. bI rul baby, son. Her motlier, Mi, Edwau'ds off Peter'bor'ough, estayilîg with Ihein. x Mn'. and Mrs. Neiu Ver Car'ol and Laî'i'x'and Mu,. ai Ms. Neuf Baiez w-ercSuida xisit0î's xvîtl M r. anîd Mi', SGrantf Thonpýsonj. F'riend>. %vil] be w isiiu h, iýtciener Burton xx'Oiîo i On Sunî'r~ook <Hospîlal. Toron -1 o.;i q u ck ueco%,erx. 'l'ie fhst erunhie palm r ih l i % v in t i f e x a s fi e l d i n ' F o u il esters' Hall. Nestefon oui Fi'j Uday evenîuîg. le Mu- and Ms. amies farii .~aîd Miss Dor'otliv l-ariu Lhudsa'- sd Mn. John Me .,Gari"v and daugbîeu' Lourraine STorounto, visited af the Nes Sbhtt uhome. Fuuiidns aid nuihboui' a athere d Satnuax v elu îuig il Nest lan Puesbvî eu'auîCiuiuucu i 110ou001-f0 Mn. snd Mis Chaies Gst wo ae leaviip 10 take up resideuice in Peter- jborougli. Revei'eîd F'ued Swaiuu, i.n« isîcu Of uuîc Puesozîcria'i Cbîu u-ui. voiu'ed thie sentimnents of the gahering. le spolie au flic belp ho the î'burch, Ladies Aid auîd comrnunilx' that bot Mr. snd Mis. Gîsi have ,,o jwillinglv gvn. and of hoxx muîch tbcv whllt bemissr'd. Readings wct'e9gî.Veil bMs. K. Gilank, Ms. H. Lec snd Mes. C, Wilson. Mis, George Wolfe showed tabou- cd stides of the Seaway, Kes- wick Conieecucansd vews off lu'elauîd wliere se and er husband iad visited eccrtly. Miss Ruth Poutf ead ain adduess and Murs. G. Tbom pson prcsented a porse off moncv fram ricrds and neighboure'. Bath Mur. and Mus. Gist nmade graciaus replies aund invitcd auiyotîc ta 'ist wrh them whe'î un Peterboroughi. "Buest Be the Tic 'Ihat Binds" was sng before those tri attendance gathered ho the 'Sonday School room ffor a social houe ltwas ffttuig îuîai the iiexv owneî's off fhe, genesl store. Mn.-aad Mrs 'ames Lawrence, daughtr Martha Anne andi son Tomnmy wcre preseîîl Ia gel acquaint- d wifh sane off the local folk. AIi loîinii wisbng NtiIandi Uret ciit manv happy seans of retirement. I wai'm spots. 'lue waier xxdt keep il fresh aud prevent il froni dr ' iig fao quieki '. If ýoaur tree beconies so drx hue niecales begin tn di-op off. il is lime fo renoxe il frani the house. "Strings of lig its slould ni be used on nietai trees. Thu rnetalius a good cauîductoî- off etectricity anîd uould pioduve ail electric shock or ex'eu fire. Mallufac'furcrs off certain metal. trees recomnîd a spot tiglîf. directed at thie le, as ttîc safesi and niosu attriact ive mcethod off bghtiîg "Reiîemberi'that fil i s a (iuîduct ior f tlectiivt ' flecbois for li ghts siiould ")e iuîsulated betxx'ccn the buti)i anud tlicsocket. Sa[(ft eficu'- ,fît against thp sockets, .1hbP Fuie Chiief Lyte offcî'ed a rernindet' about the usual fie hazai'ds. *Have a carton handv foi' giffl wrappings and dispose off the excoss paper imi- rncdiatetyv. Do iiot allow child- reni Io play xvith Christnîàs liglit s aud. aboxe al. make sure fliere aie no open sockets on \ aur irce or that vour wir- îng is overtoaded by aile stinug of lights added loa an- oflier'. Kcep voLur tree away froni rouirnexils. -Cane iss smoking habits vahis" 35> pcr .ent off ail fires- mi Ontlaio. Lot Lus iot add Io thaif pei'ceîtage this x'car by snmokinîg and iusiing matces.. SUGAR and cIusuiuIg yeair as undpr pue- rot thaîerîiîs eure tis1 exd tc luai steady niai-keig Io hanard othe' cornnjodu - tics xvutb fie Sina-Soviet bloc ca', Lie dev eloped auîd rnauî- tai uitci 'l'lie sbortfall in agri- i iiiulPradcutioi this 'vea-u' Puscd a pr'oblem for the coin- nîII";si u'011ities as 10 wethcr 111EV sliaijci bîîy masiVeiv broui Ilie Wesl.- idea1i ýcal divr ffiiî'sw i nver -d dJicter tllie Pottcv wich xvac cŽtabtuslicd ihis yea'. Cauîada's% Iodîîsst deal in a fair ani îsiagbltfforwaî'd nmanner \vi Ii the goverîirieîts af the Coirmuist coutinries whon "'iîcd on r focdstuffs could uc- sui In bile dex'eloptnent of a gt51t(' edir uîuît nalt iiderstanding auu cd u ouîof internationalI len,urjri. Our trade polhcy us baseci an bhe pbilosophy that iiieiiîaiouiIa commerce roîî- tains the nossibility of pu-- iOIiîg grea tee understanding. Oun l r eîeît gi-ain sales have lielPIed ia neef fhe ffood neede Of the bLl ioig n'ohntries and, orf couise, have beeu af great couoriic benee.jfta ail Canada. 928 Kingston nRd.. APL. 117, Toronto 13 Deal Fdiior. ieruja 'v ,adilig yaur paper 1 sec, tîcie are ma ny penple 1 still know there, aoid -ei'19g fhiciatcrlesting actîv- iles us vei,'v iuiferesting. Tt eemis îke a lelter firon hom. Muls. (ea. Stephen.lim foarnîeilv Mr.%. Auex Colvîble2. 'lîe neibrsof the Me- 'oions Par'k Association wish iO couive'v their thanks for au 01«kiîîd n'OoaPeration in uîîung ar-ticles ha the States- min lau Lus. We cet'ainlv appîcc(,iatp your ýageriîess ta bclp aur organ- zahian. Yotu make onu' wou'k Jo îiitIimor'e 'eiWatding. Agaiti, man.v lbaîks. 8v Bill Smdley u.i whuild lime aid mani ta go lo blazes, anud inake il, stick. Tile oideu brothet' is u'cady tc, sefîle donî, iaise a familv auIdcuio' wilaî lusst'engt-î isud lîau'd xx'uk have nueated Canîada us the yauuigcr bî'oîleu, a httle mare nautiaus, Insjlu s sueugth, but just am dceluniiuîed heu be uich and suri- cessînt, iust as boonîd he's gou- iliîg la take uuoth ho' offa iun- hod V lie. loci.bas cultltii. fanix lies,asud ius.,goilîg u. ajlic un- u lie ]s reiivuouîsoffIl."; buthier's 17)19spu'ead tato leý Souuth. sud lic usiS ,Sellruof u Iuis bhî'mfbr'spaternalatih- ueaorl hPie s adamant that, pejercignmzr hum as a per- sonI, nol uua skid brother.. Wlueru someuod.v else, pleks à tirbi- the ,brotherx finit the,- sel',ves On the rame %ide. ulug- Ring ut oui with ail they'vo got. Whcn lt's peaceful. the,, N~quahhIe with Pach other as' brothers have sunes the bep- ginning of lime. Andrifile iuder biaiher u4 ustouiushed ah the. youlIgcul buottier'soruuuc, And the lb s la te 1 ()l[e ioiimuicit j 1 g on uhe 'aSSaýShuîistoii uof Pues,- rdeiii Kennuedy-. Moist of tlue xxo'ds associateci x'b iftie aet off violenîce taged.x'. slîn'k, 110o-1,0oe baxe aiax eu used. But as suax v-uage Caruadîsîr. t ranliot iuefr-ain ffîouîi 1uc uiiîk hiig h at tie peop le ruf Illiusi-)uuu' seeuied rusu a~ deepln a fiec'îcd by' îlîs rîîîu meut ini b:stoi-.v as tbei: iî'ieuîds acî'oss tlie bou-der-. We tcaî'îed off the slioofiiig witb bou'n-ifued dusbeluef, Ouui r cactian vas t baft a mîsulri xvlîn les unsI lialIltlie oeugiboui wîblî%vwlri, Iîlic'lias augucd aiven înuuîomi huuîgs, Wxili h oin Hec bas v'isiter]. wi h xvhom lie lias faugigbb aga iîsflii tlu sud tyrsuimîa,;is ecn kittcd by a sneat< Oliier. People aiep a 1pueftîy alfomi lot. and Csaiauus ý;are no bettein ttan the iexi lhum li r'espec-t. but iheuc geuilieM synlpatb\' , neal giefiinfb us bereaveme.iit auiid de a t Ilu. Across the iîstiuu. x nc wept and mcii loruked sad and tve Saîd ibis tle> t(11 t fle 1nsîîv Ameruicai e anrid u-cmiuîd bbe hast off Carîaduauî readers off this coluumný that 1we are neigbuus, and we are frie.rîds. We have more thiuiga lin COMmon, Probably, (han any two neighboring nation% in the world. We have a comnion heritagq. of Ianguaiae, Iaw andi lterature. We hâve the saine basic' moral values. I*r arc bath vouni and bramuh. %qve are bath inu'ined in be touchy. Tbînk offus as brather-s.ý The United 'States us the bigf brothrr. ginwn mrp. xveaitlîx.' pot>. erfllL il, n.- I irc li i mia 1;- fr oue ai bs 'vriiiui . buil tul contaînîng the lui-king violencec WIlalex'ei we ai-e -fui nleughbonx, heathes-wc la4 a reilatiuouisi;î thal is unequali.. cd in the world, We exchange' ViSîls, guifs atud citizens. We even exehangp ephîhets. But, %%" neyer excbangp biaws anid enuJtitbes and treachery Pcilihaps thaf us why Can- aduianîs wcre staggcred by th@ 'death oi a man who u'epresenî- cld the strerrgth, decencY anIq udeaflsrn off ll'p United States~ Perbpz h j, uswhy lhey we ', djeply movpd hy the lonely coufage of ha. wîte. t- DECEIMBER DECEMBER DECEMBER DEC./.IAN. s;un. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thursq. R 9 0 Il 12 Closedfi p.m. 6p.M. fiP.111. 9 P.11. 15 16 17 18 19 21) Closed 9 p.m. p.m. 9 9 P.111. 9 Pa.rn 1, What Is A Canadian? Utbea tan jàn ttt#rnan "Autizvnî,,dasce uonl JOHN M. IAMES EvIT'oIt-PUBLxs 'dtouqb .very preocuILan wiii be tiÇi*.e10 uVOýd PAf'P i h,"n S ou-mn ~epis ridvei(îs toin its columa on Ibo. ndtrstandinci that it will nat be lhaible ta: anv error il nnv rdvertirernent pbIs-1à bo eunder toisas a proof ai sr.Lch acveigsemnrr ý equested ii wrinq b1w the advertis end totuned In The Conodian Siciebrnn business affices cuiv jllned hv the and with sucS arroi mn correction piainiy noiec i n vWî ina i hpeon crnd inat«-i j an, Prol ï oe i c *orscted by The Conadior Stnteemanrt tx irnbii-, tIGI! -f', t ".eed'v h n"r rrtiin M-i the efll'. fam et suCh odvertissmsnt as th. sra'aneccuriei hvthe . 'e< *rmt hea. tý lb.whaî. spa' acrà by aub od,,taameni 22 23 24 25 26 Closed 9 P.m. f6 P.m. Closed Closed 13 P. fil. .1 $4.00 a Yeut, atrictly in advance $5.50 ci ý eni in the United States

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