.ÎPers 0na/ ine 623-3303 Mrs. T. E. Prout spent the~ U.C.W. Units recently. was weekend visiting Mr. and Mr-,. inadvertently omitted from the Neil Britton in Belleville. accounit in 'lest week's issue.ý Miss Ida Peebles off Col-IThose in charge of this booth! borne, Ont.. ks visý;ting le'r werL Mrs. George Bagneil and sister, Mrs. C. J. Smale, town. Mrs. M. Wiseman off Unit 4 Mr. Bob Hannah of Toronto and Mrs. H. C. Palmer off Unit WaS with his parrnts, Mr. and 5 Mrs. Don Hannah. Centre St., To neatly wrap a rectang- over the weekend. ular box. cut desired paper ',o Mr. and Mrs. O. F. (Dicki allow. at least a haif inch over- Metcalf, Toronto, visited Mrs. lap on the back and sides. Metca1f's mothc'r, Mrs. Mary Centre the design of the paper D. Kigh, WllintonStret.on the front, bring the ends D. nigt, elingon trei.around and secure with tape., Winner off the Florence paste or a seal. Fold the pap- Nightingale Club 50-50 draw.rsaplatte nd an Ormounting to $43.25, was Mi:S bring the side flaps tovardý Donne F]ett, Centre Strect. the centre. Fold the remain-' town.ing flap Up. Mrs. Duncan Smith, Lovers- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Joint,! Lane, towo, visited last Friday Lindsay, mrere in to wn on with hier son and daughter-in* Tuesclay off this week v,,isitinig law, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper i\l Joints sister, Miss Edith Smit, Okvile.Joint, King Street East. Mis.' Mr. Russell Smith. Toronto, Joinî broîîght to our attention and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. a project ai the School for Re-! Smith of Oshawa wcre Sun- tardeci Children in Orillia. ini day guests off Mr. and Mr-. E. w ihich the art of sheli wvork V. Hoar. King St. East. is a major factor. She sug- S. Mi." Sharon Lucas, nurse- gestpd that those going to ' in-traiog at Toronto Weý- Florida from this area might K terni Hospital spent the week-' like to bring back sheis, F( tnd with her parents. Mr. and \Nh1ieh could be left with M:7s S Mrs. Len Lucas, Jackman Rd. Edith Joint, c Mr. Roy Shrubb and son! To wrap a cylindrical gitt. Erie of Toronto spent Sunday*v trace the ends of the cylinder with his father, Mr. Alfie'on gift wrap paper and cut out Shrubb, and his sister, Mrs. two cîrcles. Take paper tvoý Lorne Allun, Mr. Allun and inches longer than the parcel Julia. and wrap around the evlindf-r h Mr. Byron Vanistonie attend- and secure. Pleat the end'sD ed the Ontario Retail Feed . and paste or tape in place..F Dealers Annual ConvenftionPaste circles on the ends. Wit-nan held ai the King Edward Ho- lightly longer paper, you cao tel. Torooto, on Wednesday of make a cvlindrical gift look' 1 ' .week. like a party cracker bY tying' 4r. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey, both ends and ffringing with! scissors, or for a flared cylin- King St. East, were weekend à ' rng nyon n n guderts off Mr.nFairne end and and brnther-in-law, Mr. a ndgueacreonheth. Mrs. Lorne Nivens off St. To fashion a tailored bow, Catharines. roake a fish taicut on on2 His manly friends w&ill he end of a piece off ribbon. sorry to learo that Mr. ErnestMoisten the other end and at- A. Jones is a patient in Me-_ tach to rev'erse side forrning a rnorial Hospital, He is great- 1oP Wrap a piece of match- ly missed by the children at- îng ribbon around the base off lending Vincent Massev School the bow and moisten to secure where hie i a crossing guard. at the back. (Note. be sure Recet weken gusts t I use ribbon that when moist- thehoetofw Mr.end gues.atened has an adhesive surface). Robert Gili, King St. West, citr uuuleo i h were Misses Ute Petzold, Nanci crcbbo bow. Take a length off Iqowich an ther daghtr, r onand form a small circle! Dixoriehand hethedaghtrsof ribbon around the thumb.' attenrniTersthree ngrlsSecure at back. Add other ttedYokUivritT r-ircles, each slightly larger, to. each secured in the samie place, Mention of the aproîl boothuntil the bom, k the desired i at thr bazaar held hY Trinity le ngth. S.JOHN'S CHURCH Anglican Rev. K. J. Frampton M.A., B. Th., I5th December - 3rd Sundav in Advent 8.00 a.m. liIoly Communion 9.45 - 10.30 a.m. Famil.v and Sundav Scbool Service Chuîceh Bo.\,,' League, Making of Esquires 11.00 a.m. THE RITE 0F CONFIRMATION by the Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, M%.A., D.D., Bishop of Toronto 7.00 p.m. CAROL SERVICE with Choir Music and Advent Rcadings ST. PAUL'S United Church Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. M. Beaton, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. Il a.in. - W'HITE GIVT SERVICE A joint service of the Connregation and Stinday Sehool. Puipils will meet in the Assemibly Room nt 10.40. s7 pn CANDLE LIGHTING SERVICE by the C.C..T. and Explorers. Corne and Worship TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mlinister - Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist -- Mr. Arthur Collison. Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY. DECEMBER l3th It a.ni. - 1Norniig lVoship "Stranqe Act of God" J 7 pm. - Ev'ening Wnrship "Christmas Customs and Legjends"' Y.P.U. and Hi-C Wednesday, Dec. lSth Sunday School Christmas Prograrn, 7:30 p.rn. SUNDAY SCHOOL Junior, Interniediate and Senior - 9:45 ar. Priniary and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.rn. J BReginners - 1 1:0)0 ar. A CORDIAL WELCOME l'O ALI, SREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowmanville Rev. John C. Vvrrugge. B.A., B.D., Minister Telephone 623-5023 WORSHIP SERVICES 71:00 .r. - English 7:30 p .rn. - EDutch > 1 Proc'Ianing the lihole Cotinsel of Go "Bac k To Go d Hour" Broadcast L CKLB Oshawa, - Sunday. Dec. Ith at 9:15 P.M. I nsta il Beehive Rebekah Lodge Officers Th@ Citntdian Statesman, gowrnanville, Dee. il, 19637 Phc IStreet in the Town off Bow- - . .. ~i*manville. W "Our~ client advises us that Installation of the following officers of Beehive Rebekah Lodee Daisy Pdeden, Recording Secretary; Sis. Helen Lamont, Conductor; School. N'o. 125, Bowmanville, was held recently at the I.O.O.F. Hall; front Sis; Mabel Wade, J. P. Noble Grand; Sis. Leona Farrow, Outside 'l'le last quilt for this vear row, lefi to right, Sis. Mary Vi nkle, Left Supporter to Noble Grand; Cuaidian Sis. Martha Goudy, Chaplain. Back îow, left to right, Sis. %vas quilte.d and completeid bv 3is. Grace Murdoch, Rîght Supporter to Noble Grand; Sis. Edna Hîflda Hlumphrev, acting Wa'rden; Sis Teresa Chiddick, Color Bear nîlmble fingers at Mrs. Ilarold Kerr, Noble Grand; Sis. Grace Love, D.D. Pi-esident, District :3, er; Sis. Ruby liutchinson, Financial Secretary; Sis. Elva Bekt-kboreduins ahe pasti- Port Peri'v; Sis. Joan Gibson, Vice Grand; Sis. Elsie Richards, Right Treasurer; Sis. Ina Brown, Inside Cuardian. Absent, because of 111 ised foi, an earlY start in the ýuppurter te Vice Grand; Sis. Riuth Mitchell, Left Supporter to Vice ness, wben photo was taken, Sis. Olive Richards, Warden. Iw ,ycar. ~rad. ecod iowleft t rihtSis Anie ood Muicin; is.Miss Anne lHarnetss Mrs.: ýran. Scondrow let torigt, Ss. nni Woo, Msicin; is.Photo by Rehder. Barbara Irwin, Mrs. Be(-îkett and Mrs. Wm. MVcHolm atten- The sacred selection given bvýUnderstanding off the Bible as Sunday School was hield atlSLindav School was re-model- ded the Saturday' night pr- UflflISfl the choir accompanied by the a Whole.' Il a.n. Thirty-one were pres-îled the old coat and hat pegs formance off "The Importance nrganist. Mrs. Helen McHolm, A pamphlet %with a sugges- ent, Mrs. D. mairies, ,;up(-riii- \er-e removed and neyer re- off Beîng EarnestC prescnted Unite'd Church Service mas,\&,as appreciated. ted list off Bible readings, pre- tendent, conducted the ses.sion. placed, now there stands ahy the Dramatic Society off ield ai 10 a.m. on Suinda-, The Rex'. M. Freeman c-on- fferably the Revised Standard Kathleen Fair received birth- large brass "hall tree" com- P. H.H. S. )ecemiber 8th. The Rev. M.lîinued the second off a series version, was -gi-en, one to a da ' honours. A rnuch necdcd plete with maniv coat hangers.: Miss Elaine Anderson or! r'teemian in charge. There wasiof sub ' ects for The Advent F'rnily, at the close off the ser-xvant has been filled bvThis will be g'reatly appreci- Western University was homeý in average number present. Scason. "Hlow to get a Better'vice. 'thoughtful teachers. When theated by aIl using the Sundayi for the weekend. ~1 2~ 4 (j an amnount for' damanc., whirn %vill be d cr b d h \ n r client assoon as hi' has hlad the oppo r-tlllitx' e 3 Int1 value off the lo,;s î.ta m d See these and many more at the I.D.A. Drug Store necirest you. Corne in early and enjoy Ieisurely, convenient shopping for exciting gif ts . .. for everyone on your list. "1Classics la Fragrance" Laurel Elecfric Blanket D s rt F o er G t S tKodak Fiesta Ouffit 71e Lhc6 iceo Itbm *oog , o w Slep i .r e-erotture-conditio-ned con,- ToptFlw r S tcanmr -e lo pi, rrç. wrnn + dmeerash fin.frogronct. fort. . . coflsta<1t wormnth. [Double lied Alw"y a hit wth ladies regordtess Tokes f irst-rr>te pictures oend eosy to Three 2 &orce 'iois of cloe s 51e in attractive colors. Single controi of oqe. lrrclud>es Hond and Body Lo- ope-ote. Includes slip-on floshholder, Tweed, Miracle and Shongh4oi * _ with mine hect adiustmn-*nt. tion and Spray Colo>gre. bulbs, betteries, f'dmn. troctively pockoged lm gi*bcec. specicil $16.75 SpeciaI $3.29 special $9.95 $1.75 w au Glet la' -. asesThre after "hve ktion so populor wr4rI LdySnb Gillethriemas wavssgo meases I i.EIoctrec Shaver G-Eýn lqt wrd-nthot theIreAm osne-6s ih ipctrov L ec:i ho $1.19 Fo -eek, r* e-4wedn4wf ~~-n Fui.on if - joIuh fails. w l - elore thIis set . . . Slio, Ad-Sp ca An Pedge for WM . . . 7lg t$ . 9 1 -i h $3 5 h v r fe lct shover. S$1 .39l!$14 95 --------------------- Th hiw sitn ti ipç od ranNew Philishave Speed-FIex 6-E wilI get rffli srmokWîg pleosure fr'ofl StM Koçpus f o~fce ff"inýg and cfr>se Paiier..Mate Ld Capri Flashbulbs+ Ovn DR. PLUMI s butpeedmewbondfit n rAO» <4>sh tton cleIom rsê4,q m re J lg ointy y1is~ haýb ll r )r A G fx s ip r ie e e o fr 1 2 b u b s $2or j an m oWýn .... $2,492 SMEDICO Standard .50 Specicul $29.95 j"4oidoy" Pen . Speciol $1.7 PH/5 sixe......$2.04 Alex. McGregor Drugs & Tothe Corporation has under- IA. Dam ant o taken ipoennst h Ahe L>amtnth or f as .File Claim igtelvlo h teti A~gainst Towvn west of the ie *vrizt- A letter ffrom the solcitors lands on the west. of Arnold Damant informing -These improvemrts iri- the Council that a dlaimi for clude raising thie level off tht- damages will be ffiled with street to a minimum 6 or 9 the municipalit.y was read at feet above the prescnt level rf the Council meetingc last weelk. the surrounding lands w¶th Arnold Damant rlaims that the result that the rear w- the raising off the level off thirds off our client's lands are Duke Street in order te pro- completel.v inaccessible. vide a vehici:lar access over "Mr. Damant rreîs flhnt in the railwa 'v right-of-%Na ' has, view off the loss t0 him off the resulted in two-thirds off his poe ueof these lands lip land being inaccessible. , is o e ntitus e ah ta t~ The text off the letter fol- com.pensation froni the munii- 1owvs: cipalit.v in the %vax' of damae. 'We are solicitors for Mr. 'Please be advisvéd ther-- Arnold Damant who is thi' fore that we are instrîucted 'o owner ,off and occupant ni dlaim from th 11w iiialt 'q