1_ The Canadian Stategrman, Bewmanville, Dec. 18, 1963 i' be held Dec. 26th at 10 arn.'Charlie Plenwarden adMs etn ihhm o 2 -12- ~~~~'Choose Prize Winning Display in the school. B lfed Millon. M~is. aeyeS PhdWthd ville; Mr, Harry Baker, Ann assistancc. On behai f i h eedcin ete e Baker and Garrv Baker en- the members I wouldiktamtrg urafaymein The Orono News Orono Junior Gardeners 'o.ved a trip ta Casa Loma, SaY, thank voi.ito orot ilb eda h oea T e O o o Nw r nJu i r G r e e sToronto, on Suidv going President. r.Dv r.Gro aewt Mr. 'Mr. and 1Mrs. Wi]lie John- f or such good work o h akradMs w aeka son, Lindsay: Mr. and Mrs. pas-t two %ears. We coedt I on e rs Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Wm. Johnson and Linda. A th ettoissues of Memorial Hospital, Bowma- 'A nice Christmasq git for H I h i t ri sP a tyOshiwa. and -Miss Jean John-'~ ~n ug e t theStaesmn wlibe rined ile. rieds arawa frm hme The Orono Junior Garden- tition (5 counties). The win- p ra y er. Mrs. Fairbrother'day guests off Mr. and Mrs. Y the Statsean ibe printdyville. Moe o fsesrends ar wa. fong ome. aters' Club held their Christ- ners off this are eligible ta en-'thanked ail who have render- Bert Johnsoi. Dec. 23rd and Dec. .30th, i eundhm after visitinged at the Baptism of Michael mas show and party Thursda%' ter the Provincial Competition ed support and assistance dur- plan to atten~d otîr schooînRCASt royr T willbe ncessrit receve eduhte r.C S. Me- Wayne Adams son off Mr. and evening, Dec. l2th in file ta he held next Spring. ing the past year. Chita9Ocrti yoe~ your news items early on Laren and failvi Mrs. Milton Adams, Earl Tho-'auditorium off the Orono Unit- h Oo1SeirCitizensIHal hrdyenigDc.- 11 -audas- Thank You. Mr1n u.Benr vc mas Atkins, son off Mr. and e Church.- were guests for the evening. 1t.1 Stra M.adMsBenr vc r.Gordon Atkins and Cha~r- Buffet supper was served by Those presenit %ere given a il# TH EONIE Mrs. Wm. Riddell and Mrs. off Toronto visitcd his grand-,Mrso ne tt 1c ag.Ms . hlieasse ydcoae a fhmmdBETHANY Mr. and Mus. W. Vancyk -Ad beuMto yu lotte aewthptensprnt r adMs Hryere Sunday supper guests' off R. adel rebot ptietspaent M. ad rs.Haryter off Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mrs. L. Aslett. sweets. Also on display were' Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Finncy M,. and Mus. George Vandsam. in the Memonial Hospital, Rowe on Sundav. Hancock, at the Sunday morn- Mr. Ross Jackman, assisted1 Christmas miniature arrange-: are home for the winter!T ahadeeyoeahm trawt Bowmanville. due to fails. Mr. and Mrs. Ouville Chat- ing service at Orono United by Mr. Ron Brooks Off Bow- ments to be given ta the months and staying witaher MndAM/F SteronRadio Congratulations ta Mrs. Win. terton, Carol and David were Chiurch. manville Kiwanis Club, haBd Senior Citizen patients off Me- mother, Mrs. Percy Strong. *er Christmas and the spaesgeprft Seymnourwh is eehangwknd uetof Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, the difficuit task off judging marial Hospital, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prussak BîhetNe !'a*taecnri her goth Birthday on Dec. Mrs. Jack Cook, Scarborough,LunadSnlaofOhwover 75 colourful entries with 'on Christmas morning. spn1h ekn nPm lb5 19th. %w.here on Sunday the Chap.:\,isited Mr. and Mrs. Archie!results as follows: Ms .Fibohr ie- rk.Cu 0hl t eehrSC9 Mr. and Mus. Goudon Lea- man Family held their An-;un Class 1-A Christmas Din-! Ms .FibohrDrc rk.Cu 5 edisDcme men. off Scarborough, visited nual Christmas Dinner. Ln. ing Table Centrepiece: 'l,'sstn ntutro h red ilrge oko'etnea h oeo r.t his fathr Mrs. Wn. Leame Mr. andMrs. Ernst Boweclubnintrodowcedn Kairiw alnb insothatciMr.anWalter Mr.wWlner sufand C.uP-n. aedeaden tht117 mem- bisfaherMr. m. eaen The Orono United Chuuch MradMs.EntBo Bnie aro,2dLue President Ron Brooks who fered a faîl down stairs at his beus puesent. Our President, ~~'~~(LDVN dandohreaioso S u Coir for ewatleiUnedPort on Sunday on hec return! lsmid -rdChristmsJougenen.presented the Bowmanville home here and was taken ta Mus. Don Daveyopened thleIY day. Tono Wilson and Cuc hi frter from three weeks' visit at Cas2-Cnita o Kiwanis Achievement Trophy Civic Hospital, Peterborough.' meet inig with hymn No. 51, "0 Mer ss s. orntn n e r-nual.Carol Service on Sunday Nonhville, near Detroit. Deconation: Bill Caldwell, ta the outstanding member off Mrs. Rowland has evlso been Littsle.e Iowi'i off Bethlehem i. YÏ,Black and whit TV srog vstdM.adMs MradMsGereMr A lsChimas ,the'Ca son. LuriS chas mid. lthe year, Bill Caldwell (111iii at home for some time. 'and The Loud's Praver.Mrs.' beatitifui Wood cabnt istr ZMissJosPhnerbrmgeenon, N*Mcastle. A BlSsedfCrms odete Cas hismsMatyears o!d)t. Bill earned most Their son Raiph Rowland off Davey conducted the 'nece'-n: Ofl Tusday. arrisand Mrdaute Miss Readers. Arneet leShioff his points wonking an theiCalgary, Aita., arrived on Sat-:sary'buiniess on hand. The", rnsomr ' onTesa. ariananuherMss Dale Challice, Donna Challice tasomrpw Mr. ohn uxto and Jovc Haris, u. ad Mr.-Clss -Chrit1asTabIpublicefflo e e ananed, urday ta visit with them, also highlighit off this meeting \was pvre M . J h u t n a d M ar l y n . w r m n g t e I L EJ r e s n , D r t a A n t e J e nb e n a in d a r - M . a d M s e t F e m n I 1 6 . M s ai h n c l e Ephai Whtearepaiens Po HarMrio, or oand rs "Faour": DenistmCo bbledickby the Club. :their daughter and son-in-law,: ta eiect our new officers fourP 5" speakers% for prfc guetsof M. ad rs Rben' halie.gare, Mitchell pucsented Mr. Toronto. on Mrs. Ednia Wood to Act as tonle. VShefffield off Oshawva whaý (Intended for last week) Ciass 5-Special for child- Brooks with a giant greeting t.'o JakoLnon cuîenfou our election. I SLJ.Sk ifec.A.held Open Hueon Sundav hUCW.,meig fad an .er oî,avcard for his club, signed bywahoe itbsPrns:heewofcuaeaso- rTne8ChrMu.mandmMrs.nincoftiJacksonandlow:yPresidelt, Mus. $319.00 Dftr Campbrel atiesand ed ene-arrangement: Tommy MeDon-'al the members. ifor. ahe weeknen. j Minlîwso: PVice-PueMsidn. Mus IF Chartered Accountant friends to meet her brother day e. 4 n he church al, ýo Terry, L a u ri e Mis. E. Brown at the piano'oth ekn.ilsn:Vc-ridtM.V Dr apelMri ntdýbasement ith Pres. Mrs.iSchrrii ,Susan Aslett. !ed the group in a rousing WyeG LSrie JheVnysScetnMsGadsWo n h hi TeGre crpokCnwsninfolwdb om tpca WieGf er i udo:Assat eu-rLsswt rd \Vhitbym. Marin o he rUcnYi i~ts ugdb r.F ab cletesdesad o iesovice was held in1 the United tary, Mus, A. J. McLaggan: l'mveyum h ni'trsesa litt n t,n adgeMrs. J . . mb bn: le thelleci sentSan Clans rd hrho una onnTcsucMs uc mth oi nadsc u eeto i .O.Bx28 States and have taken up resi-, es oing the opening exercîs-1 1i ' ' ll01 dence in Oshawa. Dr. Martin'Scmd.Sua Alet Cni n owavile y rs . it hemebisoftheSu-Sick Cormmîttee, North Lin, te cicl Leader, presented the pro-ISh- Ssa slu, hrVaneowanile .vk: .ilt heSoutho teSu liei of ha e-jO sh w en rl Ho- ga , o stn f the Devo- -ta f Asett, Don M uray Berry. M itchell and M . Les Asleltt. daY School and H-i-C group. M s. W alte a ,\k So t Phn ftIhe Osaa so of n and,_gtion inawhifhthe waThvCeteniai Tuce Pl .aque A bushel off apples Set iii participating. Lino, Mus. Alfrcd Milison: l RCA COLU(EL VSO Orono 138 \itrAl. H A. auin off r Assistedby o hmebersIfContest, judged by Mu. and'bv the Wallace Gibson Orch-, Ronald Jackson led the won-lManse CommitîceMus. Robi. rcd Y 69.0u ta be.A.Maaintastyiship service, with Miss PylsBrEs ultu.Ms .J Credit thMaje nta vlslo by Ml, e tis, Kenneth Pheonix, Buenda snack before the prograin Younigman and Miss Dianne McLaggan and Mus. R. Butg ODSLCIO FOHRMDL Whitby 668-8197 :Please tle one Oon1 olnRbr eltealýne.Pe.reassigi edn s;Gf omte.Ms re your new ou îene ai b- Have Heard on High," and a; ,Rbn elteal ne.Pec sitn n ed iges GitCm te MsI ______________scriplions to viu Statfmnilm shown by Rev. R. C.i from Clarke Union School.' Biil Caldwell uead the seipture lessons an offering Stan Goble. Mus. Chaulie Pen- M atsa.White whicb explained the: The winners off both classes Junior Gandeners Crced andipaveus warden and Mus. Jim Sawdon: puoosd nw urrcuum.ar lu b enerd in the Honti- Ant'Juene e h The Sunday school pupils Pianist, Mus. John Vanev k and IF Ro1 ca1,a nexhng f cultural District No. 4 Compe- guOUP iin ueading the club with their teachers placedMs uc rih uî o-I Rol al a a e__ag their White gifts on the altar, mitîc: Miss Guace Smith, yF DURHAM ~ COUNTY ~gifts to music, aften wchB TA ' Kenneth Porteaus and DavijIMus. Jim Woodlev, Mus A J :îSvr tPhn62-42 Bw a ile DU H M F R E S O N Y 9came, the business period. Ex- ___Raynsford received the offer-IMcLaggan, Mus. Robent Burg - 3_________________St.___ 1 pressions off thanks, some l ig e. m ire aeress M us. Don Da vey, M us.________ written, several oral, were th A R 1E4Sig evermon.rcygve-' CO O gmade to the Sunshine Comn- PERCY BliRlýEY Hospîtai on December 6, 1963. Announcement was made )fI Au u mittee. The latter will look The late Mus. Yeo was baril the Bethaoy Community Canal' ORONO Phone 137 ONT, 'uster ual a Senior Citîzens as Following a lengthy iilness'in Tynone, daughten off h evc ab edi h nt Chnsma. To mm- hedeath off Pency Buriey.,'late Mn. and Mus. H-anuy CON'1ed Churcb on Sunday, Decemn- fbers, Mrs. MarSV Jones and'aged 73, occurned at Memnonial'lacutt. She was educated il1 ber 22nd, at 8 p.m., wben the ToAi urMebrs'Mrs, Mary Wade, xvere ap- I Hospital, Bowmanville, on Tyrone and Bethesda Publici comrbined choirs off the Angli-, pnoisoer Ahnned, or puchasulwrsFndyNoebe 2,196.chools and Bowmanville High cao and United Churches wil' And ustmer whn neded fo th chrch Bornof in Clarke Township,: School. On March 31, 1938,î lead the canais and memnbensi SA motion to buy 300 gallons1 nouth o Newtonville, the de-1 she marricd Mr. Gordon Yeo off the Betbany Young Peoples; o unace oul was passed. also ceased was the son off the late and for a short lime they liv-!will conduct the service. AIVRY ERR adonato f $25 taward the' Sarah and Robent Burley. He cd in Bowmanviile. Latei' __________ M. & M. Fund for the chuncb. attended schooi at Port Gran- thev moved to Enniskillený Mus. Wood reported having bv. On Novemben 22. 1924, about 23 yeans ago.TfM ueceiv cd a gift off a linen b e mannied tbe former Mar- The deceased had an out-. K Mr suaradb cioto f roto garet Eva Vannatto, who sur-'standing personality. She was Mn. and Mrs. Hérb Powell,1j AND A HAPPY AND vivesdte ereayofeedb M.ha a ioving, devoted wiffc and Bowmanviîlie were Sunday!'S E R N O TW N A snd noe o apreiaton orlMr.Bulevhadresdedinmothen, as well as a wander.: supper guests off the Kaycs theSPERiUS, the Kendal area for 41 cears,i fui worken in ber chunch and Don't forget ta attend the -~sae.'Where be faumed until his re- communitv. Heu kindness cm- annual ratepaR'ers' meeting to Allocation reports wcne giv-_______________________ Àlâ en by the vanious unît lead-' tinement four cears ago. He bnaced the childuen and grand- 7</ ç, ~ ea :n wlI : or:rdd he ydcnest o a:crei cidr off ber nd Mrs. If memb ea X er.Acuspweofc ore sd by alif leet cilue.the late Mus. C. Woodiey who If you're a financili zard, you don't have to reathsd Conveno e f omnal-e. England during Worid War 1,, Yeo became a second mother WE ILLBE LOSD O Covenr o th Noina- 1and he was a member off the~ to ber sisten's family. WEWL ECOE N~ing Committee, Mus. Margaret 1Uie hrh Mrs. Yeo was a member off àElliott, presented the slate offite brb DEC. 25TH AND 26TH AND JAN. 1ST X!officers for the New Year, Sunviving, besides bis wifc. Enniskillcn United Churcbl. &iduly installed by Rev. While:i are a son, Earl off Kendai, and She bad been presîdent off the _________________________Pues., Mrs. Gladys Wood, Vicea daugbter, Joyce (Mr.s. Johni former Womnen's Association ~g I~ u __ Pres., Mus. Marjorie Caswell; Bird) o f Bowmanville. A bro- l for several tenms and an au- 1f 2 il C Secetry Ms.Jesi Bst, aydlay.mBills. u.xpenses. uFuniiMc Secreary, rs. Jssie ther, Cccil Burley off Newton-'tive member off tbe new Unit- Assistant Secretany, Mrs. Mar-vllaso survives. cd Chunch Wome norgani- -g:ret Elliott; Treasurer, Mrs., The funeral service waS zation wheue she beaded the Iniez Boughen; Pianisl, Mrs. V held from the Chapel off the; dinner cammitîce so efficient- K N P P S ime; st. Ms Bst Pes Nrhett&Smith Funerai'îiv for several years. Mrs. Yeo Hovv to keep track? Ea y Se',Mrs. Amelia Lancasten;lHome, Bowmanviile,onSr chairman off the Durham Unit Leaders, Miss B. Milli- day, December Ist, and was' Liberal Association for thi-, j ~W HITE ROSE gan, Mrs. Gertie Rowe. Mrs. i conducted by Rev. R. . White areda. She spent much lime G t a P c e b n Marg. Eliiott, Mrs. aFa-off Newtonville. Interm enE effort assistingth Osh- G ta P c e b n Staionrow. Mrs. Mary Vinkie, Mns.1was in Lakeview Cemeteryý, awa Retarded Children's As- Service St io Helen ElliotI, Mus. WandaiNewtonville., sociation and the CrbP Kimbal. Mus. Bea Jones, Mrs.1 Palîbearers, ail nepbews, Paisy Association, as these ou- Gladys Brown.j wene Messrs. ROY Burley,! ganizations claimed ber love BASELINESunshine Committee, Con, j shawa. Ronald Buriey, Port and intenest. Mary Skeiding; Shrub Com .i Hope, Keith Buricy, Cobourg. The many lovely floral tok- You ran expilert a sharp drop Con. Inez Boughen; Parsonagel Sid B u r I e y,. Scarborough. enis and donations, alço the 1 JIN In the temperature any day Com., Con. Mary Jones. HarrY Bunley, Port Hope, and hundneds of people who cal]- now! Better brinir Ynur car In Rev. White ciosed with V'Nilibent Langstaff, Toronto. cd to pay their iast respects, fo icnlte checup an prayer, ffolowing which al 'were a living evidence off the wintrlzlg! sat down to tables decorated MS.GRDN1 ýOdecp affection and respect in true Christmas style and! R.GRO E Mus. Yeo had won. Ta ' Q uality WVhite Rose enioycd sandwiches. relishes,1 A great gloom was cast over Suuviving, besides ber huý;- 0 bot mince pie and ice cneaiv, the small village off Enniskii- band Gordon, are two sons 4 Gas, l ntfretn a 1O1fotffngttnga up Of tea ta, ien and sunnouniding commun-. and two daughters. Edward ROETubiafnshof ih ities as man -v heauts weue sad-: (Ted) off Whitbyh id Ms ROSI.~ur1cn~s he allComitte bed dnedbv the veuv sudden Samlurl Adamis), Bowmanvilie. Automatic Car Xash anothpir card party on Fridayl'passing off Eva Georgina Coi-1 Mary, and Neil Pt home; as mî ok u FAS GT AS TOAY cure sudeA fAM aaeltBsmaviAe isain oo.g Bt ou-ta.,- m-o--- -nd-darne csiushawai, occurrert aI Osh-, ,<,'1~ ,.. ,, aaua Greal Hospital, Sunday h5 '- "-" ' D-.19A !~3 folowing a short Ti saPcobf Satiinday evening. ____ li Mu.andMus.iaînîeSta~e-illne.ss. She was in ber figth' II IITOI~i _ 'M ONE Mr and'rs." 't -4.apýe illi ton of Toronto spr t the weck- jea r.,,~ , 1111TheF former Elizabeth Har-! end at Mu. Geo. Stapleton's. rwrGw h a ag- t' ' - M. ad Ms. ih aneandter off the late Mn. and Mrs. girls, Port Hope, were Suniday ,John Gow and was bonn in visitons at Mu. C. FI. Lane s. Grangemouth, Seotlaod. Mrs. With Mn. and Mus Don Muir was maruied bo John One off the exclusive features that miakes Pocketbank such a go Stpito nd fail eu Mina Ganemuh n 91.idca --The Moncy Manager". It acittally hclps vou io organî; yu Mn ad us Lthn avy ff She came ta Canada 39 moneN LctI, you ligure oui the righîaoîifreeync -atmae cars ag and bas ived in enable, \oti Io anticipate expense hefore il happenI; aod set ailth Mu nd us Be. endn-Oshawa for 36 yeans. Mrs. necesça~ fiinds, Thi- ne%%, dca takcs cane off evcny dollar an( oe son and familY, Bowm-anville, Muin was a Jchovah's Wilness. awýay swîth doubt on paydays. at Mn. Fred Hendenson 's. She is survivrd hv ber bus- Mr. and Mns. Milton Kim- band- four daughtens, Mns. W. bail, Mr. Jack Kimbali andW.B nel(JaBom - daughters and Mu. and Misr iMs. W. anl,(Poal), Pwattn It's amazing that nobody ever thougbt off Pockeîbank beffone. It s~syau lime. Does o h niiua htacutn W Frank Gilmen ,vere Sunday (Noua), Oshawa, Mus. Jack Recause when you really think about it, îî's the only logical records do ffor hLisiness ocr.HepYO10epcnro dinnen guests with Mr. and Luk, t Doreen i. Oshawa and off your mone) al] the lim.lwdoyugtoeJuîwk SMus. AIf Grahami and ffamilY, Mus ,. Stan i-odgson, (Iene).. «'ay to handie money wisely. Pocketbank is a Personal int any bnanchi off rhe ik n s.Th redypul . . .. . .Newcastle. Oshawa and tw(i sons, lan and Mu. and Mis. George Stapfle- Alan off Osha\wýa. Chequing Accotint, a Sasings Accotuit and a simiplfledniOficy there sso ild lo\e to shoil uyucn tol ot 4 4 ton wvere Sundav supper guests Also sur-i\,ing are n A ih n-ad Ms. Authun ton.Ous. Jon McNa management sem ail combincd in a bundsoine wallcî. plus le sales tdx. Peter and Len Redknap in Oshawa. nd at rish was an oven-night guest cen and tbree greal-grand-' *with ber sister, Mrs. M. children. awwauaTO-.,OB, INION i Walkey, and tbey were sup- The memoriai service was Whr epemk h fper guests. Sunday. with Mn. held ait the Armstrong Funerali W ____peple<a11 t efrence KOWAL REAL ESTATE andr ~Mrs. Arnold Wade and Home shawaTesdlaY, Dec.! LBR, aae 1 Grant. 17. Fred VanHornJehovah's' .L U K aae BOWMN V~~IL I -Sflf .Yo citdadinter-' navleBranch Xtiirnrd home from M1vemurýial mml w uas in Mount Lawn --------------------------------------- I-& Hospital on Saturday, 'Cernetery.