The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 18, 1963 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __o f -hIn- BirtiisInM m n n a saiT nk J Coming Events 1 Articles f or Sale _ Pets Work Wanted IRealEsaefr aeRaEstate frSl ABBOTT - M u r r a y a rn d BAILEY-In ioving memaryl The Bowmanvilie Legion Monster Bingo, Thursday 1 CFILD'S car seat. Telephone PUPPIES, free to goodi home. RELIABLE girl availabie forTNWh0ýýo bigcn Barbara are happy ta an- lof our son and brother irdyGc lbwud like ta ex- night at 8 o'clock, sponsaredl1623-3102. 51-1 Phone 987-4372 after 5. 51-1 baby-sitting Cali 623-3119.J Van s nounce the arrivai of a daugh-1 who passed away Dec. là, press their thanks and ap- by the Junior Chamber o!,WATER for sale ancui __ iered.J TWO pon-riies, -i deal _ Chr istmas 5- REAL ESTATE RKR " t gi ak ter, Cheryl Anne, on Satur- 1962. preciation ta ail the ladies who Commerce Red Barn, North!Çall Ciiff Pethick 263-2131. gifts. Phone 263-2674. 51-I1- *B O G 1 iaS.E omnil aas.gvrmn day, Dec. 7th. 1963, at, Me- -Ever remembered by Mmtokprti teMesahCn-Ohaa 4-f1EMA hehrd PU LCBNG&HETJ.Pon 23330bnu la.Apl D ees rnoriai Hospital, Bowmianviile. Dad and Rick. 51-1 icert. Thank you. 51-1 'on n ac ateOitWTRfrsl n ei- ;ýma pure hrd 1. n -DraPmpunpStenr" 5Romslid rcktrc 2 akwyCrsenPhn AitefoCahTdadIstanding Twin Mark Valley ed. Caii Roland Bail 725-5916. Bonsma, Newcastle R .R. 2, Duromps andrtî bld ." 15 Roorn s51 Ron. 51-i* BECKETT-In loving memory We would like ta sincereiy Boys at Triple C, Saturdayl 50-3* Curv Inn. 5l-1î r ne D-;,3 .priiient uiincn ad_____ GLER-hilandCarlnof a dear wife and mother, thank ail aur Tyrone friends nhght, 11, miles north-eat of - LVEYpPhn:GranDvoneSt. 23-5a615ll:Hot v. aler hecated.T is GLE-hladCrlniEdith May. who passed away and neighbars for the lovely Hampton next ta Cedar ePark. CHRISTMAS Trees, Scotch ALVL rsn;Gra estate. .A\sking SI1.0.Trs VOtae are happy ta announce theiDecember 18, 1956. crifts we received at aur pre- -t Pine. Pruned. 39 Horsey St. Shepherd pups, purebred. ,_ 8t Garage and servc tto OTAEmnyaaii birth of their daughter, nKi Wonderful memnories wov2n ~ctta e ersEeDne-QAT51-1* ready naw, $15 and $20. After vv f ~ ith w1rccking yr iec.P ce ri Liv nenqurters. $16000 ithstcreFDddeen,--e-it.r. Cal Diana, on Sunday, Deceber' in gold. Barbara and Jerry Taylor. 1atyatLinsCntedacïII-TY f irst-c laàsb-e 7:30 Phone 263-2433. 51-1ILviH aterms 6322. 8t 15, 19 ,a t Ml. ser otl si s the picture we ,51-1 10 - 2, food, noisem ?,kers, nov- alfalfa, 15 h.p. W isconsin eng-J THREE - German---sh pherd P lu m b in g & 6 Roon brick 'FIRST dbS dcM Bl a n ile. A.sit -r1o I e in dery hold 'ierelties. Tickets available fro m mie.- Cali 986-4478.. 51-1 * pups, 9 weeks ad, $10 eac . bPHONEw an eco3-7rta2e _ _ _ _ _ _ _1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C anC .eMs e enn aa tun dd a y o n iy aU SP HOWE 6 2 3 - 7 1 27s ,e-laiomake d.! aA ilcm o d e m c o n-rpa y h a s cda in dea rr a n g e d . D u r- metsT oemondry ish nd I oppruldit ta tshake MhisoC. McoadadG 11~ h. p. motors. Paddy's',Mrs. Milligan's Farm , 1_,mile elsn S. Bmaîvile e Gc. 1.00wtrtro 'vnRel imtd Bx18 ____,D v d . Âi- ïe ne er forget. custom ers and friends a very ýD uraM -- C u nt- Lib- ra M arket, H am pton, 263-2241 . , east of N ew tonville on No. 2 46 t g a pl e G n ar e - i r o bu - P t H p .4 -t D e a t h s T lave a d cheri h and o portuni y ta wi h ail m __ _ -11.52 1 H igh w ay. -5 1-1 *A C K E R M A N g l w o n cul t re e t v E D a o t ag o n BROOME David-Sadly missed and lovingly Merry Christmas and a Happy Association Annual MeetingG- ODIG elecs nLdn iepae n 2dmrggAare Haven Hospital, Hamilton, oniremembered by lier husband and Prosperous New Year. wiil be held in Odd Fellows' KEYS cut autamnatically, while' \Vated A GAV LOAnDFILL Oner esishcs asîli-xisfrsaeadmatae Wednesday, December 18th,j Olive r and family. 51-1* Sidney L. NichaIs, Salesman, Hall, Orono, Thursday, Jan. you wait, at MeMullen Hard- atdSNGAEanFILO er\ils 1963, David T. Broome of 86 --. Nichais Motor Sales,,, l6th, 8 p.m. Everyone wel- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- SCRAP- batteries,- highest prie- Four-whecl drive Tow Truck media1cly. $9,6100 irlac o ae.Yu Oxford St., Hamilton, in his'GLASS, Cecil-In loving me- Bowmanville. 51 -I orne.1- ville. 3-tf es paid, leave at George's, 4:1 %%ith Heavy Winch. $5.000 cash.moîge lobms gal 90th year, beloved husband of mary of my darling husband ___-Courtice -Y-.P.U.- Christmas C. O. F. CHRISTMAS Trees, King St. E., Bowmanville.' REASONABLE RATES Salesnian - Et-i rde icsc. ofen at the late Susan Broome; dear who passed away Dec. l5th, 1 would like ta thank MY Dance, December 21, 1963, at $1.25 each. Available at*Phone 623-:3211. 48-tf' Phone 2-76Poe63350in*Calantme 23311o father of Mrs. W. C. Redman 1961. rmmee relatives, friends and neigh- Solina Community Hall. Dress 9 Fiett St. and 31 Waverley Phone 25623-.547- (Violet), with whom hle resid- Aiways rnebrdar bours for their cards, gifts and semni-formial. Admission $7 Road.5-2Csth BOWMANVILLE 2ý6-tf 1*ýw ed; Ross of Toronto. John Of neyer forgotteni. visits, also telephone calis, Casho. rheCori& MXDhrdod crsr-onfl Spot lews o Bowmanville, Howard of Con- -By bis ioving wife Lila and during my stay in bospita]. Orchestra. 51 awd-$501oadeierd for Dead or Crippled Farm, SEPTIC TANK 3Mcrry Clirsta A cto Sle cord, Norman of Oshawa andi family. 5-lSpeciai thanks ta Drs. Hub-.St Pidn ndaEKL Lloyd of Hampton. Also sur-, bard and Anfossi and nurses, oxma.ileB di to J A Crsaden 3 r9,C. ClctU263-271 PY.IN vived by 27 grandch ildren 1GOODMAN- ln îovingme- of Ithe Surgical Floor. Your'New Year's Eve Dance. Reid'sOrono. -----39-tf. 'lelephne colleeS263-L721Happy Nc earLV SOCA E an l ra-grand Jubilee Orchestra. Dancing B1JYING or selling furnitr JgilFrFr WIEVSIGSALS.ess InNsI-Ene rde Retig tth Nrhctt&mary of aur dea ri oth.ndness was vcry much ap:- an $NTestT~a )uhm('utySls rn aftn tth otcterMr' rc Go&n h rei9d.Tak .-2. $12 per couple. Limited or appliances, call Elmer, DBERT L MP51-1 Smith Funeraanl Homeite. han y 1TYRONF SihFnrlHm tc*passcd away Dcc. 19, 1956. Robert Gimblett. 51-1 1Teservations. Tickets fromHampton: business 263-2294 Phoneno Ncn Ihurs., :30721 7 oclok Tursay venng.rseu tifu nic mo ri s r and__Freda e EdoCle..oodofa-d, sienc 26-265. -tf LicnceNo.63-2695Ph.e ewonvlie47Licence HostsNoatie245-C-Ca63s Funeal ervce 21 oourFn-Jandasucdnv.rWe wuld - - - ltf 41-f W. Frank ±Rea~.1îî t.Frtukpc hn day. Intserient2 Hapton j O bappy as e we were ursinerelike ta expressousadu.47t COB carn, 50 tonis, $35 a ton; iTTC TT4TJrDIDOno5r1byipmdao. Ceme ter 5 1 dy wvnw wr u sneethanks ta aur Woodview Comfnunity Centre potatoes. Edwin Staub, on-- ORsaleN.1.A. Rid &SonSai. Ceeey 11o atogether. ýmanv relatives, friends and -.Monsten B i ni g ci. Twenty mile east of Mill St., New- Deadstock P.O. Box 122, Orono 1177 Clhurch St., omnli luaes 2t -Lovingly remembered by1 neichbours for the many games-twenty dollars; fivecastle, on Base Linie. 5)1-tf Sheet Metai Work 623-3393 HANNIGAN, Gardon -- At Louise. Win and Allen. 5 1 - beaûtiful floral tributes, cards games-thirty dollars; $150 -'-- Burrett Fur Farm 1 Furnaces and Repairs Lstale Sale - 188 cefnn Bowmanville on T u esd a y and kind messages of symn- jackpot, and two jackpots ai CHRISTMAS trees, Scotchi Ventilatinz Fans and Hoods 2,60)0 foot frontageopa'SIJI AE0 AI niarning, December 17, 1963, GRIFFIN-In lovingnemoy pathy received on the lmss of $250. Dorprze. e tne, ut your wsOc. oth1Paym0ntonrthe pot, pteavdruhn n lsig naj crBwavlc FaWi fF aise i Gardon Hannigan, 54 King of aur dear son adbohr oigluhn and father. aMonghubn ndfte. day, 8 p.m., Red Barn o yoe ie eto 2 o da rcipr PHONE 1941%1 (Colîect> acre apple Orchel Biko u Cut or ftj St. E., in his 641h year. Rest- ReginalrR. Grifinawhopass-)Se-ial tanksata r. Mc- shawa. 46-tf MospR. G. Kayacs. 5i2*1 eows anehorses accoring D1. E.e-aOkhaGarden, ropcorîoune.Ytec. b(Jack)soasccoal Cuatv of Ontarstaed tarn, ing at the Northcutt & Smith ed away suddenly on Decem- Kenzie and the nurscs 0, on ýksôe-O. N. O. Club ALUMINUM Doors and Wia-1 ta size and condition . 46-tf frarne house. xeletii Funeral Home. Notice of fun- ber 25th, 1958. Medical ai Meniorial Hospital. 1 annual New Year's Eve Dance, dows. Contact McMullen Hard-ý Small animais remaved IDOUTLAS-1IMPSO &lSOcrein ARTaRURi eral arrangements later. 51-1 No longer liere Mrs. Eva Burley anîd family. Reeceation Centre, 9:30 1). ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman-ý free. DOiA TMSN O ers.fta ti'$~(10- Our lives ta slîane, 51-4*ta2an oyCdfysOrh il. Phone 623-5408, 34-tf Don't accept promise- Phone Orono 209 risbuinss-nc--i-fma aaî to2ar.RyGdrysOc-vle-Yoîar animais are iworth Paianngi-Inteler &oftART'S CARir KATZER, Adelaide-At Osha- But in aur hecarts --estra. Refreslimcnts. Navcl- BEATTY Washers,--new, as nionev anig- neir& xeir 1-20 Acre ar amna wa General Hospital on Sun- You ar 5 atl1CI. On behaif of the famniiy Ji ties. Tickets available froni low as $99-00. Full line of Phone long distance Paperhanging ' rooklin. Good brc1 iue ERYTOPO day morning, Decemnber 1,Sth -Sadly missed by Mom, Dad wisii ta extend aur heartfelt members. $4 couple, lîigih Beatty appliances. P a d dys Zenith 66550. Building Cupboards and 'barnnlias autamtcsabefnatIhv sie a 1963,dlad KtzrAde.laidefmiy. Kaizer, ad ppeiaio frscooR.Rou](. 1-i*MakeHadtn 6f241amichrgly. 51 emdllngcif r Trot - . thanks ads appreiatfshool $2-couple. .i- M1et1amtn 6 -52c. od.3 Hampton, in lier 751h year, kîdmsae o yptiDon't forget aur Christmas.I 11-52 (ofchare ta yi.)N. untuReodellnd inshcîicae orntonikco-laeî neeuio hIi beioved mother of John of JOLL -In laving nîemory ol the beautiful floral tribuhes Dance, SaIurday, Dec. 21,1INSULATlON, blowing meth< Dep 22o-C-ri.LcN. aunitreRairnddnish00tract.lPont.8leda o-.n~î le neetadeut R.R. l, Hampton. Rested at a dear wife. mother and receivedi from r ela t iv es, Tymane Community Hall. Clara od, with rock wool. Work- i adjbssei ail aluc i 5,-a49dmt-no4hesi the Northeutt & Smith Fun- grandmother, Ethel Joli, who friends and ncighbors and also Nesbitîs Musicmakers. Alsoi manship guaranteed. Frree esti-K4_"0)0 xeln1trs ERYTOPON eed eral home, Bowmanville. Fun- passed away Dec. 201h, 1961. any help received, in the lossî limited îîunber of tickets mates. Harry L. Wade. Tele-ý HlDVv'ntd AYNE'S 100> Acre stockfrnlia AL adsiganteo- eralMas M aases a 1000 e otenthik a1by:00eaI den wfe nd otier.fvarabe efn Nw Yars ve hon Clrke242. 3CtlaAITEeNCESERICE Tymoc. 0 romMoAINTtENANCElaas adEpcnICes o'clck n Tesda monin, dys Aspeialthaas t Dr Ugay prîyfron Mr. Wde îeî I SACEheaer alaterspt lit' ,aîf <HIvalvtesaîîLrAaDYo dispatnvcihers. ang baa. stuaeallagand ein intlî in Stwo valves, Sprîng. I e we wrriallto raad, fndon.hage.l ofoshawasphop 7of634anversursisuittlî f manv-ille. Interment Hamp- The faniily chain is brok nd Gordon Vea and family'. etc. Admîission $3.00 prr ahmo, cottale, l, orkns ax,6220.5-1 hesterild and Chru $ ton Cemetery. 51-1 Bunt 51-1* couple. Lunîch avaîlable. 50-2;'sbop, back kitchien, washrooni: MAN for modern dairv farin, hmoc 25ArfHnorpaiualydsibda _____Btmemaries will live eti tv.Jms' 5yas.TlpiteSapod 92 cefr MELANSON-At 'Memorial Ta orever.Inat gane awaIorelatives, B I N G 0 eeric sto' 26e-2JamesHNE 255 RONO fa] lon rvs: I-wu, lketaREULhaA'S cry, Enniskillen. s~!6-57 12~POE25OOO tn ee ombue aa ISL osNme Hospital, Bowmanville 011 Non hias she travelled fan,'nîhonsfrtei ides1 PCILGMS TYPEWRITERS, addens, cashi-,FULL or part, time waitrcsses4-t$2,0)-Tms hwty-igî,tey-an, Saturday, Dec. 14, 1963, be- j Just entered God's etemnal drn yhsan' lns -$5.AKOS iens, duplicators, chequewrit-!wanted. Apply Mr. Campbell,'droml Airtcreisy-oe, tdhlînty - "jloved infant daughter rit home ibrick ranch'silnes 4 bungaloOTwcscomtoetrs ase hnlaidosa odowOsaw. on aPHO STRplanilirachlf Ralpb and Muriel (Gibsan) Adiî h aeaa. and death. Thîe floral tribuhes $100 JACKPOT if they do flot r, comptametes, three hud1GnobaHaeSaveaw. 7-f DPolsT ae uRING t- ,uMIes with tbeas eî Melanson. 17 Durham Strept, 1 Lonlyemttengaemeda by frmOag Lodge, Nesiletanl go in the numbers se!1 ensrvc.HaitnGIRL ta do housework. li'.'f ertieîd and chairs re-upholst- Terms. Bowmanville. Rested at h Ilhem husbaad and family. ,hrhNsteo ONOAIN:RZS Office Equipmenh, 137 Brock la. ail cooveniences, 'veekciîds ered. Free estiniates, samples Morris Fueral Chael, Bow-Wornen's Institute and el . tSouthi Whitby.MO 8-5849. i Iree. Gaod saiary. Telephoneltaken ta the- home. 1.5 Acres wcr biMchelBene Manile. ntermCaet Onojia 51-l* atives and friends were deep- Every ±hurs. Night .1-f623-23,14. 50-tfJ BugetTerm Arange . cr Bl aitaî LSaddleitrd Cmetile. ny. rm 51-1 - oly appreciated. Special thanks 8 p.m. BDdge TernSi1HOsTArneRYsraidni omnil SCNL ohiigb _______SMITH-In loving memory of ho McDermott-Panabaker Fun- TV O oTedMny oOh 'W Ph6WERay5450-5,0 d desmmnt ieyegî adear sister and brother-la- eral Home and ta Rev. Fred ST. JOSEPH'S HoliayEBS on' , 102 KigW hn2-25 MUR lzbt arwr a o i onotn,$50 hP make il selling Rawleigh Cas- ~Haîmpton -Tlireero cîgcmpsdo hat MRElzaet Hmae- w, Mildred and Bert Smithî, Swann sfor bis chommfo,80tin0 Entered into rest in thÉ s~ h passed away December words. AUDITORIUMv meties n ale seasonable w a G ene al H ospital on Sun- 23rd, 1962. _ _ __B pro its. S W re a v i îî'a PLI'M N G & H E AI GBMe o w e îo m t e T ir e n b C n e sf n ____ 39-t19f16, lz-1Ee rmmerd Vnet11 --_ -TV SUPPLY LTD.Bgprfts' geàal--l's, PSAVING AND EXCE-TINGfon T beth Harrower Gow, belovediand Margaret Archer. 5- On bebaîf of the family we B2I-8G 361Gibon t. Dial 28-880 M 400a5.R ichei SALES& SERVICE buglw%.7o wife of John Muin and mother - Jw1ht Ban hiteIetN , 20R G AR3GAESGDayornight. Bil 7ea 18 P op.RALtrateSlemn a wiht hn l h ea ive,--- -__ - R-nw _il - For be-ace-ae oe-ar u1 of Mrs. W. W. Bagnell (Joan) SMITH-In loving memory if friends and aeighbours for Dy rNi40-tfl O il BurEL sat alsanwnt 4-OR onilvil of Bowmanville; Mns. W. aur daughter and soo-in-law, their many acis af kiadnes-, 2 SPECIAL GANIES' i Et ed ta represei H. Keithi Ltd,, Oi uner Service, roarn brick home.,ey 'i- ccie sflas (Pal) Patterson (Nora), MsMided and Bert Smith, who andexprssins f smta cxp3 - S25JACKPOTSH i Rttoh h Bwrvl",I SPI TNSAD fa 1. Only$,0 do. COM CNGaapin Jack uke Doren), rs, ied eceriber23rd 1962 in e wold aso lke Hamppeos' $10aJdCKCTaHsatonand resaca aTILE TI BEDSD Stan Hodgson (Irene>, Ian and a mohor accident when comn- aur siacere appreciatian to If they do not go in the numbers 'ORPHONE LotsO NuMEnîbens five and si,1. inRc-;PHON Alan, ahl of Oshawa, in lier ing home for Cbristmas. lDr. D. M. Spnoull, nurses anîd CONSOLATION PRIZES FON.HA. JOM H ]OMS EpetoMnce gnotnecsH. e- MHýMTN'6328 ooiriîl uigal-Iir e-tesadTitenh cd 69th year. Rested nt the JAlways a smile, instead of a, Staff on Sungery at Oslîawa Every Friday Night Limited, 181 Eglinton Ave.nun APO 6-28 mm irnhbiglw.Grg.'iî ihte 1)can n O sawa, with Funeral Heir wn JGeneal Hospital, Noricut 8:00 O'CLOCK - S e -East, Toronto 12, Ontario. TYRONE 263-2650 l rcd o . Ony $1.0 -$1 0 i v-ilt i ks ( o h r' Oshwa wthfunra srvce A hrlping liand wlien ance'& Smith Funenal Chapel and, Me -i D. BEERS, Bui.l on.riî dieear orai o in the Chapel, Tuesday, De- ws one.. . .eprs Or rti marial fPark TINoaPmsrosFaFO LAS -LaestrNuhrfi: cme17a3:5pmIne-A was truc, togtu n uepecaltyexpîess ouigti-ofBOWMANVILLE J o rseosFriHas Your House THONC WESTELY-i1 mer 17nt a 3:5 pmen-Awyttuiouhlad uet teRvWih f Club House !"Building is aur business.ý jthat lbas enougli possibilitie.; on main street inBom-unpaaelihteNri- men Mun LwnCeeiry kind, Canton for bis siacere aad Nt sdeIne" pravide a real futur-e. If ouayaIhesilt Oshawa. S- Wonderful memaries ta comforting words in aur ne-ý BOWMIANVILLE nasIen" Cl Spots? vle - ____ --leave bebind.cnbavei. 42-tf 43-tf yau sare not emploYed or if vou1 623-3393 fvsx(>can n br~ OSEORNE- At Memonial -Mother and Dadl Archer. 1 Pearl Winn and family. - wforta etter yasureîf i- Ask Us About Afttrq p.iii.;fu 31las Hospital. Bowmanvilie, on SI-i11.*'Tenders Wanted DRI VE\VAYS miin fr dtals as er.'0111- i A.Iina ac'k Ricard --6335 HNENRHRYh T O W N S H IP O F Cm isson, at alo g e. 1 0 e i Fa tml'- Thursday, Dec. 12, 1963, S sie TENDERSai ionFOlie îai'alcl wiiî ih Eater wife Aof thenlaier Henryyear, E te Sstotar OWi"VPENL(SF01mier Montrecal, Que. - - LetîHetn JoBankl-(ak 22Irt(3uiiisads'- Lyl Ali i he 8ndRIARwe wish ta express aur bearl- GADR IRS AL 52,00ISNO TO muîîtcn 17hiks Osborne, dean mother of Helen M MGAS feRAak t u aîySae eDER, I- ElStriALtd F._0_0~ <Mrs. Les Eagleson'i, Oshawa, M M RIL fe ns aa aegbors for cae enerplainly rmaik- FOR THE MANITE IVANTHagnJhue inTNC EATLYn and Alan H., Bowmanvilie. DgiidadDsicive kindness and cdas a cntetswiI beme-Cowan Equipment Recause we pu\ aur 1top men: ejamle vthUcsi Service was held in the Mor- Monument% - Fiat Markers ymaî 1 ho ceàivec by the Township C1erk in ' h r cities *fî'om$8,00d0 ai t REUALTOR otin oudm i 6 risFuenl hael Bwmn-in designs for any need us iii the loss of a beloved uintil 5 p.m., Monday. Dcc. 30, C0 $5.0,ii 1ca. îs16eîg' U.emperanceSt Bon manville - 14 FakS.cilsadtit-or(4 ville, on Saturday, December l 152 Simcoe St. S.. Oshawv ub n ath eret193 orieforwng ntile Bawmaiiville, area sý Dial 623-395liktahesdrodao- S T Hutton. Special thanks to! 6' onl\ 2-69, 1400x24, l2-ply6258 worth just as much ta the IrPhonle 623-3305 14 at 2 o'clock. Intermet73-02 - 7862 r King, nurses and staff of Grader Tires îihb man. 4itf41) Acres wîvtb odhash OTEL Bowmanville Cemetery. 5-1 fice 1UUL isOUIIEOhw enDi. Ht ,Tnerst nldecs r5-14-fa an od Office Eveings ~ ~ ~ ~ Tendeis a include as> af J -If vou are oveîr 40 C an ___ adbrî on.O -7aogsi aa loac ________ 26-tf.Rev. McKnight of Belleville, ýchanging«, mountiag and dcliv-, Ttr'~makýe short auto trips ' ear oad. Asking $11,000 lris hre(<<bisad(7 PEDNUD-t OsawaGen - -______the Gernow Fuacral Homne, icry to Townshîip Garage. Low-' cao cal] on small taw,,n rural __________ 50 Acres witb odloh ik ath lc fbgnhg eral Hospital on Saturday, Reetin Jemphoyees of Oshawa PubliclIest or aîîy tenîder liai neces-iYOI-NG. FRESHLY KILLED and industrial propemty own- JGUARANTEED t-elevisi-on and and barn. Pond. ilmdm Otiepmiessadt Dec. 14, 1963, Ethel Ireiand, __Utihithes, King St. West Pen- Isamilv accepted. AODESE Iers.. I hope ta heur fromi'radia service, ta all Maks neinces. Asking$200 e'eid i omdhue aged 66 years, beloved wife- On the occasion of_-aur 41h tecostal Chunch and Caurtice H. E. MILLSON AN RS LRKEYS ourgiwa.IxullieTIeisnSrvcCakePh on enie ncc ih lmnmsd ot LuisPednud,6 Prspet Wddin Aniveranywe wlI .A.i Township Clerk 8 - 30 lbs. ta bave you start withi us soan! 62ý3-31883. 52-tf 50 Acres with smar bue n.Asoabr prxm St.. Bowmaavilie; dean mohh- bc at home, 76 Secgog St., for 1 Mrs. Janet Huiton and CHARLF.S STAPLETON adsa o oglie i îdbrisrai rc 350raev3'x6' er I J hn Mil eo sw a and aurela is o S r , n ed îî am îRoad Superinterdent ORDER FROM îreplies conicential. T. Il- RADIO and Television Repairs. with $ 1 0100 d wn. Al o hib si -g t Bruce Mime omaîne.. reltiveson Saurday Dec,21, -OBORE Service was hcîd in the Mar-ris tram 2 - 5 and 7 - 9. N.R.'2, mino-Ont 51- C. O E Swallow, Pres., Soutbwvesterii Prompt service. Pick-up and Ilo Acre fauiitîgotilnhrsaîdeuy t nitîe PtoîumCmp.551o.Mand1icr.George-'s, 14 Centre uliis piîgpn i eepia tiesi EC Corsages ~-'U1t1 Haven ursing riome' mediately. Murray B yens. suppiied b.% the Depantmeuîî. >- W.E R ND .(lrk \etsr4<./oTeCndave.eîs. Oly 1,)»dw. 'h'miue aI te lt and al Acm oato o nvate 986-4796, Bîackstock. 51-I A Deposit af $50.00 CASH,' ampton, Ontario 1SlatcsniaIl. P.O. Box 190, oneihoei saa Cu loesa nd semi-pnivahe patients, _ meetig ard thhcommnuin Cnt Flweiel louage T uîyîdOR CERTIFIED CHEQUE; 'Vafleu 10 B-"- y 5>-2. Bowmanviîle. 49-tf AIl modemn conveiae.1a eecdb u.Am Phone ~new building, modemrma. pyabe l th Tresii',e LAGE ous, 8 - 10 raoms, 1Askung $8,910jwith1.9> '.inteasceote Oresf ontweVisiResoae rtons 1-ioaIOntario, y-ilbe requircd Jpreferabîy Scugog St. area. M LEdow.n., î. ibn gaehm rpr Nrecarstleeom.Resoaberaes'DEHO R N E D Ipset o! tender clocunient,I Phone 62.3-59218. MALEwani<. < moe eand OrenFree ambulance service. Phone H w1ic31ihl e retuned t!1 Newcastle 987-441h1-f(UAIThSPERIS il om. arl. unînshd.Nev uituifikndsht-n--m Cahl441 4ollet **-NO0 BLEEDING Idacunients are euruîcd u iVE'utr, ad feather NT Ob.1 oirn ace . Aiiskig $,>» ' 623-711 - -"THE Lodge"' NursingHoe PO TSEVC gond condition within tbirty ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Betb- ilun e. Akn After Houri 623-2184 o Highway 2. Lieensed. AcOs adavs o! above closiuîg date. any'. Phone 7 r 13 coileet. 8 r nerikhoeFtn -P W. send flowers by wlre cm oainavial. Kn Wran Jothîerwuse fofeited. 28-If "e lcard oui pavcd'vsreic a i anywhere cane. Nurse 24 hns. Visitons' 7860 The lowest on any tender ANY-quantity aI -turnips-si,, Hg colGaut rfre Hoe1ROPTSEVIE7ui-8-h7ch601rd:tePrfere typ0ol. Only 1OeId Iat sa7 -____________Phone____________nat necessarily accepted. able for waxing. Write or Pers nalWestover, Newcastle 987-4252. 50-2 J. D. Mihiar, 'Phane colleet, Fred J. Stevens, 7d homedta O r.icehîn îtr lie Rcad n 44_________________ Deputy Minister. Myrt'e Station, Tehephone 1r RYGENIC supplies - (u e INTNUSTMnNuns- W- mt- - Refnt Department af Public Works, I 655-3080 Broklin. 50-2* Apply PronlDept. Taefr Gubson. '-.-- - - 1Ontario. 50-2 ---____-T--m etngeronisccrd goodi) ailed postpaid in pan n Home bslcne accam- BY widow, small unfurnishcd--ii-C- seatd envelope with price list modation for bcd or un- bungalow or ground floor CasorSl For -Rent IGOYA TRE& UBRC. Ald oustal-:~ -6l ~hcainsrd a Six25c. lesum5ca24 Patienes. Registcned nurse in aparîment. Write Aferîsare GO-O-YURRISHERapa&îmet. îhiCe.GuDoal aont 2-71 1lîoy-ud Hmhe $1.00. Order Dept. T-28 J atteridance at aIl times. Reas- 4.12. ca Canadiai Statesman '195,1 METEOR. 4-door'. 8 cyl- oonîs and bath. beateti, cen- Guyîds Ver% s- rn 14 < aia A dhii NoovRbbe C.,boxGl.roablortesBoxn OrnaP.O1Bon1aBowan ratends... Pho23-2e6 Ira. vaîabe Jnury Boxnvie1un0î &a. srve b Si. os Bol '1inâ _____ a- A. aoa, - _ i-263-2336. one 623-3591, eveanuan s . O u46n nt - - 10,t-se -b l -b-lhn 2-39.eeig. 1B w a vlebi- oss Davidson Bethay 0r Aexndr n er rop DEADLINE , FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.m.