16 The Canadian Statesman, Bownianvlle, De. 18, 1903 mas treats along w th a danty O h w, re nl.A -flo e y te sr ru h !t o T Y OE a udigbypllnpiz rm h mc hrs-cock were Saturday guests atiWord of God". TeHnpo ..T .. Y OEclue ibomd hsaMr. and Mrs. Bill Harrison,' The Hampton CGL.mtIcnutavse evo colounre rin, mev hi a At tbis time your carres- The inclement weather and Rahm and famihy, Port PerryIPort Perry. Monday evening. he huc nxtS da ThmnulCrsmsCn ih.TeCrsmss o st Fintyeeng vingngreondnttouvdsik 0towi sh snaw kept somne of the aider were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stella Balson spent The HamptonUC..hl7:0pm Aiar ecn .j heofarn ulrismsCh on- lin Th ristmsc.The' F y eenn eltvsthe Editor and staff ndý *Hml-Ms rrVnig he ay ihM S eilhaptukspe nTedyatn hsseilCrsm Dec. 20 ilTyrone Ha l. s~Jnor Choair ofpr ne wIl b muliygerdatheTroeal who read this column, a votian was most abiy cOf o nEiabt.Bi-n Ssnly. wil! be eld on Fiday nior. aîs& at8 .M.Ib altahnu rn at eypesnt Christmas and ducted by Mrs. Chas. Smith, Miss Ethel Thompson, Mr. and1 Master Steve Reynolds en- beginning at 7:30 with the ioigfryu t8P~ Arlene Glaspell andi Geralti a Happy, Peaceful and Pros- the lesson and prayer on the Mrs. Donald Thompson, Mr.!tertaineti a few boys to sup- audience joining the pupils in On Christmas Day at 10:30 andi Barbara Taylor whà werie perous New Year. Aisa many Christmas theme, with par- andi Mrs. Lorne Thompson! per and bowling on the oc- a carol sing. We hope the arn. there will be a service of recently marrieti. Mr. Ever- thanks toalal who have given ticular emphasis on Luke 2: 19. were Sunday dinne ussa casion of his birthday recen- peophe ~~~~~vill giv~~~~e the ppl osi n Sae ntt o ntera nadest subscriptions or re- Reports of ail committees were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- y their support. There will be Church. The minister, Rev. Grant and Ariene andi they mel othepr ecie n apo a small admission fee. Chris. Dugan, will be assisted were presented with a swivî e l s oteppr eevdadapoeti, and son and famiiy, Oshlawa. Mr. and Mrs. Art Reynoli Sunday, Dec. 22 there will by members of Salem Young rocker and stool to match, a Services in both churches plans completed for remem- Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Duns- andi family were Sunday sup- Sundy mrnig crrie th beingtheshut-in members rn*oor, Brian anti Beth, toured RoergtsWiofiMr. and fMri benregular e hrchsTe IT Vespfwoshp eServiio. ed . spea a d he. d-rs Sunday moring u oCarri - t Christane crt-Cs oa dyatheRn o beoWlhasan ailY, O Sundayevenig, De.)22 was helti, at Tyrane United are.is for Uerali andi Barruarèi mas on Christ's birth. In the~ ing Of the church for Christ-i anti were supper guests of Mr. oMr iMs. Rnl ue:0 O M N I Sudyeeig e. Church, Sunday, Dec. 8th. Ttiey were presenteci witii a United Church the chair sang mas service. The Christmas, nt Mrs. ea.DndyTornt. Robert an Terry andaemUbined chair Tyoe CG.T. group and Explorers K,,roehier rociKer" anci a table an anthem, "Mary Hati alstockings distributeti hast Jan- Robertand_____- ere Sun- wil prset cros b cntie-group marht into the lamp. Christine Brent, Ann Baby". Rev. Rameril spoke 0-,, uary ta members of the apcaesatMr-n Ms wilpeetcrl ycn church. Janice Taylor wha andi Margaret Hamilton antii The Example of th ieihwr eevdad the, FIE DMBstrihesrad' onrtula rM un cipa -~wsou ede pne h ouise i-oar sang severai Mn.W ise nialsumreied a th E Maures Bread'sconrtuleary __________eader______the_______ sumng relizet!i wations aeetneit r n service with the "Caîl To numbers accampanieci by Mrs. Nexf Sunday, as well as the arse ratîyingdThe eetiMr.Vland Worship". The E x pi1 o r e r s u . Brent. J . .. iavey, Christmas service 'at 10 a.m aIlo ofirmeti the decisioni (Intendeti for last week) Mrs.. Jack Macnab an the group were the chair and led 1 Mrs. H. Murphy, Messrs: there will be a Car:ol service taken by the president i Mrs. R. Griffin, *Mr. andi occasion of their 25th Wed- the congregation în the hymns ±ieary -.Lain-toii aati ordua at 7:30 p.m. presented by the, bookîng the appearance of'Mrs. Fred Griffin anti Mr. ding Anniversary which they G i b as weli as singing a speciail aktr* playeti for dancing. variaus organizatians of the Miss Carol Lane, in Black- anti Mrs. Fred Samîs visitecî celebrateti on December 8th selection theraselves. Lynn1 Lunch and a social time was church, to which ail the dir-I stock next April l5th. The the Ross Funeral Home, Port O h e a ursday tthe ml hr i an leing At th e os of Heti dephe r. veettreave rsetendet thecn 'r the two seriptures. The choir: % nmie Gif t Sunday was wellU In St. John's Church, Sun_ per meeting at the Rectory, their respects ta thei cosi hall where many trientis anti!A then sang another sang. Ar-: attentied at Tyrone Unitedi day marning, Canon AshmoreJa.1t Athclsof-herouirltvsexnd hi o- lien Hall, Maxine Aldread, Church with the cal ta wor- spoke n "The Coming of the buiness the president, Mrs. Beech ani Mtr mta h gratulations. ord wHettv Reyenga anti Heather ii a ntiprayer taîKen by tiie Light ta the Worlti.' Ne- t ofoeMr.Mr.antiod Mrs. W as McLaggan took up the affer- Superintendent, Mr. Rowland Sunday there will be service Carols were sung anti an ex- with relatives. Sunday atternoon tea guesti ing. Miss Pat K.nox anti Ken Coombe. l iesponsive reati- at the regular hourofia. change of gitts from the at- Dcil ewowMr.andihle. W.Cals1 - ~Knox sang "0 Haly Night". ing by Gerry Carnish, Scrip- anti alsa a chiltiren's Caro tractively decorateti tree was Mrs. Marion Davey anti. Mr. anti Mrs. L. Cryderma Thurs, De e b r 2 t Lee Skinner, Anne Skinnei bure reading by Janice Tayior service at .7 p.m. Then on tollaweti by refreshments inichiltiren are spentiing a few have returneti tram a weeksn!.a.... an& Irene Reyenga participab- anti Morning 2rayer by John Wetinestiay, Dec. 25th, at 10 the spirit of the Yuietiie seadyswt Mrani r.C.tpaDeotic.V ULeS y m 'cm er a- ed id' the Candle Lighting H amâiton, Ciiristine Brent, Ann a.m. the Christmas Sarmn on were serveti by the h as- Sargent r antimy daM . utiay Det at M . Wanti Co fu edab ut vcoc.-tit ailton anti Louise Hoar of Haly Communion will be tess, Mrs. McArthun, anti Mrs. Mn. Lloyd Cochrane was a SMns.Sit enses wer Mr C n s dCb1Hamilton. The rport o the, age wil be pMked u sevc ihthe Benediction.1 sang "airest Lord Jesus". atiministeneti. Th..pot f. Wetinesday evening guest at r.LnPae nisn a our ins rance? Therncas an outstandin- The ChldeisStry"h IStjOflW meeting of naminating cammîttee was with Mr. anti Mrs. Les Coch- tBwavleat r at ue . e e b r L t W.Jh'*.A was helti presentetib Mrs. McAnthun, rane. Mrs. Harolti Ashton anti fam- Christmas meeting helti at the Lloyd Skinner. The Suntiay Thunsday, Dec. l2th, at the wîth the follawing officiers for Mn. anti Mrs. Don Lee at- n T e . home of Mrs, A. Knowlton. School Classes anti members hame ot Mrs. J. A McArthur. 1964: Hanarary Presîdent, Mrs. tentiec a party at Hampton ily of Enniskillen. Ia Too much protection cal' be Mrs. W. Park, Mrs. Percy of cangregation placeti their J.Moner Pestint Mrs. H al audy eeig onjyvstt ihMeran E. sore; V Pres , Mrs. H. allrsdayy eeDecemnber 26thistedwitGMrr-n 'wasteful-too little protection Werry anti Mrs. G. Alîdreati gitts tiuring the singing ot attendet a* Christmas part y' . A thur ; i e reta ry, honor of Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Ms oetWih fJnt can be disastraus. That's wby were convenons for this meet- ',Away ini a Manger". Anthen, Saturday night at the home of J M cAtur . reay Macnab's 25th Wedding An- villoe rntîy ih.f ae- T usa 'hg nd ave he hrismasCame Thou Great Messiah.Mran sMs T Gahm Tesur -vilrcnty we urge you ta take acivantage 4gn gv the rtmas Rev. Chnis Dugan - gv ~ n niMs F. C. Glaspeli, Mrs. T.FrahSamTan;Sunr, niversary. Mis1adieCatrTro- worship period, tthehegave Zi on. MnsssFrancis StCnitantiTorun- Mrs. R. Gniffin, Mn. anti ta, spent hast week with fher!b g ilb ikdu of aur experience anti know- ThTreWseMn.Psimessage "Na Room For Him". Mr. anti Mrs. W. Park, e shine Sec'y., Mrs. Chas. Smith; Mrs. Fred fi1niM.at ratpnns n niMs baow. Let us help yau to, have dent -Mrs. R. C'oombes repart- The tlawers were in Ioving cile anti Douglas, Miss Jean Little Helpers, Mrs. J. Rahni; Mrs. FredSmspytherTdCat the ight policies andi correct eti tram the executive meet- meLory O 5. . p ggott anti Mn. Ralph Bow- tanSLivi s . on Mn. Jack ed C a rteraniiMn. amaunts ta fit your individual ing that they had planneti for tram hen famîly. ens attendeti a Christmas party to; iing Message anti Bul- don Yeo, Sunday afternoon. Ro ChnbtofTotALON GA AEPIK P N ineeds. Caîl us today for afree 12 rnonthly meetings fan the The beautif ul Chistmas at the home of Mn. anti Mrs letins, Mrs. H. McLaughlin; speCnt , the weekend with r. I comîng year, which will be wreatnis wene donateti by'Mn. James Park, Peterborough.' Grou.r Leaders, Mrs. Ina Ar- apntthMns. Ted han. check of yeux insurance! on the 2nd Wetinestiay of the J. Dugan anti Rev. Dugan in Mrs. Etina Phiip, Miss Jean gue, Mns. Howard Bailey, Mrs.an Mrs. TChant.owan month. Leadership day an loving memony of iVis. J. Philp visiteti Mn. anti Mrs, W. VanCamp, villeN isitCeti with Manti i W e pnognamming helt iat -North- Dugan, flot torgetting the Geralti Philp, Monganston, and Biackstock L.O.L. No. 133 Mrles. Ted hantro.Tuedy mntrUie hrhwsbeautift decorateti t r e e Mrs. W. A. Goodfeilow, Cati- hati an enthusiastic meeting (Intentiet for hast week) Mn. I vveunesdtyonJanuary lst, Garbag brietly reporteti by Mrs. Lorne ttei uht the ringtan. on Dec. 10th. The election of Mn. anti Mns. Haroldi Gully, Ohwe anti rs.Chetm willb ike mnis.Ter nit meting wsewhice. Mn. 'and Mns. Clinton Eng- officiers Was as follows: W.M., Toronto, were recent visitons sawaMer. a tunti.Ay estsarP STUAIT fl ~wiflbe helti 2id Wednesday MrClarence Wîltiman, AI- ish anti Paul,, Weston, visiteti Davidi McLean; D.M., J. R. at Mn. anti Mns. Lornzo ricknat ns lxCr-T usJa u r n S U R H.at the home of Mrs. Lamne berta, visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. J. on Sunday With Mns. W. Mill- Hamilton; Chap., Herb SWain; Tnull's anti Mn. anti Mns. H. Thurudy onn sr-e r Annis when ail reports are ta Wilson anti Allan. er anti Mr. anti Mns. D. Miller, Rec. Sec'y., Richard VanCamp; A. Barnon. .ice wsuna the ngan rtvm AMES reseneti.Mr. anti Mns. James Wood- Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd McCoy Fin. Sec'y. anti Trensuren, Mn. anti Mrs. Tom Wray with Rev. P. Page reading!iT TW R beA.MPrk epotet fo nd chiltiren spent the anti family, Scarboro, visiteti Wm. Fergu*son; Marshall, Eti. anti Misses Minnie anti Norali scripture lesson Il. Peter 1 ut 1 Ms. . Prk epotedforweeendwith Mn. anti Mrs9. his mother, Mns. Percy Mc- Harris; Ledt., Ernest Swain; Rori were dinnen guests at verses 10-21. The childnen's: INUAC LE te finance cammittee; Mns. R.D. Hotigkinsan, Aurora. Coy. Dep. Lect., A. Roy Fenguson: Mn. anti Mrs. Sam Keane's, tallk was "What's in your INSUANC REA ESATEH. Brent, pianist for the canai Miss Joy Chamberlain anti Mn. anti Mns. Fred Evans, Corn., Leslie Beacock, Laverne King St. E. Bowmanvllle singing. Mns. Percy Werry fienti Oshawa, visîteti Mr. Mn. and Mns. Etwarti Evans, Devîtt, Wallace Marlow, Cari gave short histories of each anti Mrs. Ross McRaberts. Mn. anti Mrs Don Dickson, Wright antiEan1 Dorneli; Imeti. Office Resîdence caral sung.- . John Hynes is spentiing Toronto;Mn. anti Mrs. Aubney, P.M., S. VanCamp; Sick Com., 623-5681 623-5493 Twa contests, Pinning the the winter months ait Sunset Rae anti Pat, Newmanket, Henb Swain, Ear] Donreli. Af- M Stan on the Christmas Tnee, Lotige, Bowmanvilie. wene Suntiay guests of Mn. ter the installation service b77 M ____________________lanti a Turkey Contest. Christ- Mn. anti Mrs. R. Glaspeli anti Mrs. H. Windsor. Dist. Master E. Donnell, short speeches were given by the claring their iayalty tb aur country anti the Protestant faith. Lunch anti social houn bnought the meeting toaa close. District meeting In - Blackstock on Tuestiay, Jan. 7, s ~,m 1964, 8 p.. On Wednestiay evening, Dec. Ilth, the Donlantis Dairy miik s.- .- .:shippens tram this area were teguest.s of The Wallace Mariow Co. About 70 people - 4sat tiawn toa a telightfui naast _ beef dinnen serveti by the O.N.O. Club. One of the heati table guests was Mn. Dunlop, ..' Fieldi Representative of the Dept. of Agriculture , Daîry Dept. Donlantis Dainy was ne- nnesenteti by Mn. Bee anti Mn. Ferrie who conducted a short a question anti answer peeiod. MODEL KR-310 A very entertaining film was shown calleti "The New Story . Progress offthe Milk Industnr_ _ _ _ __ _ _ 0 EL I A O LE T I A G R KY anti showeti the modtern, __ * FULLY AUTOMATIC methotis of miik production, * OVEN WINDOW @O IXR rdA rdese ed o h vnMn. anti Mrs. Gilbert Mar-I * STOA E DRA ER D 1 low niovedti bthein new home' *HSTA S SPREIA A IN Young Toms C Young Hens JnBokiFiiy hsvl REVU BONUS lage anti community will cen-________ TAES 20 lb. & up lb10 - 16 lb. avg lb - ainîv miss themn in numerous!,. DE K-0 Reev ueta$.0bnstp ih3 5ways. but "aur loss will be ________K_500 Rcveaexr 60bous ta P w SwfsFanu lthrbl"Grd A"PeresBrooklin's gain." We wish SRED ROSE TEA BAGS Oapskgo wfsFaos"utebl"Grd8A0Perse them ail happiness anti sue-1 FA DEEGE Tq20 f YugT ongHn ces'q in their new home. FABDEEREN :. oug Tm ncYongHes»flc >( Mrs. Franks, Peterboroueh.;Ii c.ft RE R GAT R p- SOAKY FUN BATH ach 0l.&l b 1.6lb v.l has etunedt t spenti the.I WITH 52-LB. FREEZER 20REYNO&D WRAP0R-16oM.HeavyDuty Mn. nterwtir sianThMp-I e p. ith glsis, Mn.'4nti M s3 MOELEK-I741) - supper guests aif ivrs. Cecl~ B3. C. APPLES S e a r SWEET MiXED 24 oz. jar 5ALAD DRESSING 16 02. jar The Council, Clerk,"a Etaani'Ajusz. 4 Supenintentient a n datheir!e A t m tc W s e r BC.PA S 59'4C Rose Pickles ......45c Miracle Whip .....39c Autom ati Washer Wrnger Washe sIeýaqe nCbugFia GA MANZANILLA 12 oz. Jar TOMATO 20 es. hile. evn1.,5YA AT URNE * il-LB. TUB CaionaN.1gaeStuffed Olives ....49c Heinz Ketchup ... 37c ý Gladti t repart Mns. Etina: : 12-YEAR WARRNT Calon1 oIgaei MeLaughlin was able ta re- MagcMne CRISP CELERY ..... 2 Staks 39c H OSPITALITY each DEMPSTER'S pkg. turn home frm Oshawa Hos-, Automatir Control* WITH PUMP U.. o.1 rae [Micmet ie.... 4C ixdRols........ 3cMrs. Edith Murphy, Tynone, Easy to read fabric guide$24 0 CHRISTMAS BROCCOLI c---------------------------------was Sunday supper guest of LOW WATER CONSUMPTION WT RD Food price s effective Dec. 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24. We reserve the rlght to limit quantîuies. the.Ran .Ry McLaugh Mn. ntiMrs.RoyMcLagh- Kelvinator Automatic Washers use only 28 gai. lin calleti on the Walter Mur-ý Bosttlwtrwt s tea aln fUDG TT[M phys, Tyrane, Suntiay eve. Iosttlwtrwtasiteas5glnsf Mn. anti Mrs. Ray Larmer, bhot water per load. This makes large waterMA BE R A G D Pickering, Mn. anti Mrs. Geo.MA Rutherford anti Allan, Osh- heater unnecessary! - awa, were Sunday supner- guests of Mns. Aima Fawler.ý Mns. Fowlen went home withý the Rutherfordti bihatter Newi Year's.i Mn. anti Mns. Neil Malcoimý anti family wene Suntiay sup-, Howardi Malcolmn anti family,' B o m nv*l G o d ii rMns. A. Hudson anti Mns. G. MOP N - 10 W AN VILE - anvile, Mr. and Mrs. AllanI