VOLUMEM1be1 - Santa Cia us Receieqeac SDurham County's G.reat Family Journal - VâU E109 16 Pages B-7 -OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1963 10c Per Copy NUMBER 51.1 Vins Color Television Sét Lte oteEio kk Coun. Ken Hooper Replies To Las! Week',s Editorial Bowmanvile, Ontario, 2 or 3 weeks between nomin- Der December 16, 1963 ation and the election, theC rs ,DerJohn: on]y gain as I see would b e C rsmas more advertising for you and In t ply yur editorial oa also write more editorialso_ stweek1 ol like ta state cod possibly get mr .e tn su a few facts, ai ourdesrabls Isofice First of al by the sound ofofyTh e sionly commntsfabout your editorial anyone would The eetonythamtsI ave oear think that you had lost some aie lae cone tatwopaeopi'r Next M onday Yau*sa soe fctsshuld af whom were former mem- be brought ta the attention aibrffcuclad te Te Ana Christmas citizens. o Mayors office. Perhaps they Greeting Edition of The Ca- For your information Mr. neyer got al af their marbies nadian Statesman wiIl appear James, the letter from Mr.and would like ta corne back on the newstands an Monday Lyctt ws rogh t cuniland get the balance, They evening of next week, and in and the citizens, at the first seem ta have lots ai time ta h al n usa on meeting ai council after At had tour the town ta get candi- ing, instead ai the customary ecevedoffcialy nddates but no guts ta run themn- time. been reevdofcal an selves. They must feel very This change in publication no way ta my knowledge was embarrassed now after telîingk dates bas been made due ta i iheld for the reasons as cranpol htHoe Christmas falUing on a Wed- lyou have inferred. eti epl htHoe You then state or try ta in- was running for Deputy nesday, the regular publica- frtaConiseeeconReeve tion day. ;fertha Coucilset lecionAdvertisers who wish ta day early for a purpose. This Ltu tya h ujc have their Christmas Greeting M.I do not agree with. of facts for a moment, and advertisements in this issue, Yau say that the people travel. ta Ottawa when yOu should contact the Statesman should. be informed af the were in office as a member on Thursday, Friday and Sat- present Council. This I agree 1u1oe1t9erersetn urday of this week, ta reserve and that is why a nomination this district. Were the people space.Phn 82-3. meeting is hield. The press ~infre ialth at bu The same early publication allowed in and generally they t h e i r representative (John situationwwill applySforeNew i print the speeches oi ail candi- James)? Y'rswe h ttsa daes I y emr srvs If they were fortunate will again be published on' ime carrectly you stated that enough ta get a copy af Hai- Monday evening. The Sates-, y ou did not have space ta sard they would see how YouJ man office will be closed an". print these. I think we can voted on the many issues. 'Christmnas Day and Box1ng. place the blame for this item, I have read those issues Day, New Year's Day and the on yau. 0f course you land stili have them. Maybei day after New Year's. wouldn't get any money o;ut yau should tell the peopie; af this. If the time had been I TURN TO PAGE TWO) ctieci iNew Mrs. Fred (Marilyn) Coty of Frederick Ave., Bowmanvilie, right, was the 11 Iucky winner of -' new Electrohome color television set on Saturday. It was the 1 i e R c p if iC m ite main prize in tli.- Santa Claus Parade draw. Lana Morrisori "Miss Teen Town" F r ( r n o a mond Fiee were elected Trus-t HonorWarde EariWalketees ai Local 189 af the Unit-] ed Rttbber Workers at the t On Tuesday evening, Dec-land littie Miss Debbie toth- matically becomes chairman ic A t T a*d i i"o n i B a q u e ember 10, a reception was held well, a representative of the, of the Bargaining Committee in the Lions Centre by Dur- Cerebral Palsy Association.I and the other members elect- O n Corrp letic'n of I-is Terrmr Leola Trshr Past one with her sign. Dlnan jl eit UIt hardly seemi like elevený Adah af the Grand Chapter afi the Warthy Grand mnh g htI was elected Ontario, Order ai the Easterný Mrs. Agnes Young, the Wor- iston; By-Laws, M. Pot CCr.lueGanfltrn r John Room, J. C. Coyle, assisted b chad-ra Couenotiues," saîd Aiter the close o0te eu Muir, bath from Toronto,' P. Pattrick and C. Devitt; Wardn H.EarlWalky atthe ar meeting Mrs. Thrsewa other Grand Officers tramn Safety and Compensation, C. annual Warden's Banquet held escorted ta the East truh taa trig ,Dvt;PltclAtoT in Cbour PavllonlastFridy Ro a urd o honurao Past Pla ece, Toronto, Hamilton,[ Masterson; S.U.B. and Un- evening. Over 350 guests at- Matrons of Durham Chapter, Brantford and Niagara Falis,J employment Insurance, W. $.ddteafi.There was a two car collis-! each holding a pink carnation. also friends fromt neighboring Blakely; Rebate Fund, P. Dol-St ~T me bas gone very iast,"I on on Monday aiternoon at: These were presented ta Mrs. Chapters and other parts cf an, W. Colville. de ~Jesi, Itsbena igjb.I4:34 a'clock on Scugog Street.' Thrasher by Mrs. Edna An- Ontario. Present as well'were The Chief Stewards are: M 9.'ms say that I nieyer expected The drivers of the twa cars derson, Past Grand Matron aof Mrs. Thrasher's family, Mr. Basement and First Floor, P: ni to reach this position. I was' involved were Mrs. Albertithe Grand Chapter of Ontario.' and Mrs. Alex Carruthers, Pattrick, D. Dolan, C. Devitt; cet Just playing my part on Coun- Bothwell, 105 Scugog Street,' During the eveninfg Mrs. M.P.P., and Dr and Mrs. H. B. [Second Floar, K. Hooper; gai cil. But when, an January 15; and Robert Marshall Brown,'Thrasher was the recipient af Rundle. IThirdf Floor, M. Prout. 1 becamne Warden ai the Uni-i 43 Third Street. There wasý many gifts including those On___________________________ ted Counties I was very praudi. minor damage ta bath vehic-! fram ber fellow Grand Oufi- pet and the challenge it offered is',les. Constable Tracy Davis in-; cers, Durham Chapter, Past .lp something you don't realize. vestigated. Matron's Club of Durham'h u.ntil yau have it. . On Saturday morning at, Chapter and the Sterling Mai- i 2-0 people thraughout the Counties anne Mitchell, East Beach, re-i rcosy extendedh!NEDHL -OnSuda morning t1o' fiel weI eaeWre.1d-Earl Walkey cevdmnrijre hnthanks for these gifts and the; pended an their help and I got' she stepped irom a movingJ many courtesies given her. J dock, a big dismantling bee is planned of the tal t. Support came tram every-1write a speech and found la- 1car. The driver was Wilfred, Mr. Stuart Davison, Worthy Santa Claus parade floats stored at the Canning pet one. I shahl neyer forget this ter that the speakers who were Patter, 13 Clinton Street. Sheý Patron of Corinthian Chapter, Factory. Those in charge would appreciate volun- in ymrI have enjoyed it ta the'up befoive me said 90 percent ý received treatment in teOtTrnoaore tegae- terel. hee ilbepetfrevrnet in aif what I had intended ta say.Patient Department af Me- ing with some beautiful solos. hr il epetyfreeyoet l "My wiie and I ran up ag-IBut I hope I have leit some marial Hospital. Constable Don do. Please brin- hammers and 'plers. Also, hard- shc ainst many tough problcms jimpress ion as Warden.'" Anderson investigated the ac- NEWCASTLE ARENA OPEN' working George Stephen whose fuel business is One af my bigest was makingý Mr. Walkey spoke ai some cident. gngflbasathitieoyerhatknsck Ge speeches. The first time 1 was of the numerous events aiý Mrs. Annie C. Wright, En-' Weather permitting, New- gwith ulbronchi thi luate er , h ouraensi as asked ta appear I sat down ta which he was a part duigýisiln had a fortunate es- castie Arena wilî be open each okiglogor ý- ihsyear as Warden. cape tram înjury and ber carýafternoon ai the Christmasf the Santa Christmas tree lot. Volunteer helpers Vai St P u 'shi1 enacted a number. ai only sùstained minar damageihaidays tramn 2-4, with theý are needed there too ta assist in h.kanding out the fou St.Pau'sschool apenings and had theiwhen it was struck by a CPR!exceptian ai Christmas and: trees. honor af presenting a bursary shunter north of the main line ýNew Year's Day. Seo S from the Northumberland - on the siding at 10 a.m. oný This is for Newcastle and ,t 'his CG T Fod(TURN*TO PAGE TWO I(TURN TO PAGE TWO) surrounding district children. HEAVY SNOW - For the record, Wednesday - VeprSrieWins Top Gardener Award nected ta return tonieht. Where are hsear The thanks of the nearly 100 dancing and twirling students who took part in the annual Christmas Revue at the Town Hall on Tuesday niglit, is being ex- pressed here ta Santa Claus by Penny McMulIen of Oshawa. Santa, ini full re- galia, made his appearance at the conclusion of*the concert and distributed gifts to ail of the participants. The students taking part are students of Miss Irenie Hlarvey and Mrs. John Fowler. Santa (Ed Leslie of Bowmanville Cleaners) was telling The Statesman that he has been going strong for the past several weeks, with sometimes two and three parties ta attend each night. But, he seems Lo enjoy the job. __________ _______ _____ Generals Bomb St. Kitt!s Buchanan Nets Six Goals 4ssis on Three Others Oshawa Generals waqoped gaing ta Danny O'Shea and t. Catharines Hawks 12-1 ta Bill Smith. JJ eligbt a homnebrew crowd "at The garne was delayed with Parade rfu [emorial Arena, here, last seven minutes remaining in ight. Ron Buchanan, lanky the opening session when Bob ýetr sar payd isbet nedo sstindan ear, Net ove r $800 amo.i .r""hce, nuyadwsreplaced be-ýFo V D a ;caring six goals and assisting tween the pipes by Bob) Groh. m three others for a iantastic He was probably glad ta get ~om r' )rformance. out ai thère. The Generals roared into a The visitors were assessed The Santa Claus Parade -0 lead aiter two and a half four majors, two misconducts draw took place on Saturday niutes ai play and led 6-0 and a game miscanduct by evening at Harry Locke's TV )fore Captain Fred Stan- referee Bob Naden, while the store, King St., when ail serv- ield notched the visitors' lone Generais received t h r e e ice clubs were represented. ally at 19:59 ai the first major penalties. (The States- Parade Treasurer Jack Adaffl îriod. Oshawa added four man reporter had ta leave was 111 charge ai the draw, aore in the second and a pair early and was unable ta get assisted by LIa ýEllis who rthe third, as they com- the namnes of the major and bad arranged detais .etely dominated play, Out- misconduct recipients.) Miss Lana Morr 'son, acting hooting St. Catharines 47-16. Buchanan's masterful stick- in hier officiai apacity as; Line-mates Bill Little andJ handling exhibition was really "Miss Teeti Town, drcw the ;eorge Vail were right in step something ta see, but it was first ticket for the grand prize, sLittle amassed seven pointsJ also a great effort by the en- an Electrohome color tele- i a goal and six assists and! tire club, vision set. winner was ail scored once and set up I One oi the biggest games ai Mrs. Fre arilyn) Coty, ur others. 'the. season pits Hamilton Frederick St., Bowmanville. Bobby Orr. the ieague's to'p against *the Generals at Mb- Other prizes were chosen as aring defenceman collected mailAea1Sna ih is 4th and 13thgoal?,_singles at 7:30 a'clock. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Ready for Senilor Citizens In canjunction with the Ca- nadian Girls in TrainingNa tional Christmas Vesper Ser-, vice, St. Paui's United Church C.G.I.T. held their candie-ý Iighting service last Sunday! evening. The service music! was under the direction af! Mr. Murdoch Beaton. Pollowing a preludie ar Ca- * rois and.* the Pracessional Hymn, the cali ta worship %vas given by Miss Dorothy Somer- I ville. Aiter the invocation andiM the hymn "Joy ta the World," the scripture, Luke 2:8-20 wasý read by Nancy McRoberts. The Jr. Choir's rendition ai * Uhat~ Child is This?" delight- ed the congregation. Scripture reading, Matthew 2:1-12 by Kay Bain was followed by rayer and another seasanai' ymn. The offering was tak-1 1 en by Margaret Werry, Susan- J .ne Graham, Valerie Tennantý and Laurel Abernethv. "0 Holy Night", ever a fa- vorite Christmas hymn, was the Sr. Choir's contribution to the service. Mrs. George Gra- ham then vividly told the, story ai the "Little Black' Lamb," holding the rapt atten' tion ai ber isteners. The hymn "0 Little Town of Bethlehem"' preceded the Candlelighting service by the C.G.I.T. menîbers, who wereý jeined by the &'cplorers fori this impressive and beauti fuli £âmal. The first candlelighterý ~WGwen Gralhanm. Ruth W'er- ry the second, and Ann Fer-' mon was the third candle-j Ihter. Prayer a nd a hymna "Hark! the Herald Anigels' Sing" closed the service. The beniediction %vas given by Rev.' SHarold Turner. Miss DorothY Somierville is Twc-lý-e-veu.r-oldl Bill Caldwell ;vas choscîî tlis vear as the recipient of the leader ai the St. Pau's C.G. . T. 1ýi%anis Achievement award, presented by Eovvmanville Kiwanis President, gnted by M Rs. BRayfr oi>R Brooks, during te Orono Jr. Garcleners Club annual Christmnas Show in .qMrs. Geor[ge Grýahar.m. Orono last week. He is shown l-tre with his trophy, with Mrs. Thos. Fairbro- jnnth Werry is leader ol Ex lorers and ber assist ther, dîrector af the club, leit, and his father John Caldwell, right. The winner aMiaAna Ferguson. ' had top standing throughout the year's work. types who were pleadirîg for a White Christmas? They certainly haven't been around to shovel any snow at aur place. RUSH IS ON - Business men in town4report that Christmas business has been good so far, with the peak caming this weekend. Howexver, stores here are well stocked with quality merchandise of al types and should have no difficulty supplying al- most anything that is needed for those fine gifts. t t t i- Î SENIOR CITIZENS TOUR - Kinsmen repart that ta date they have received enquiries fram aver 40 senior citizens of Bowmanville interested in the tour af the town on Sunday evening, Dec. 22nd, ta see the Christmas decorations. If you have not already called, the phone number is 3-2644. Cail as soon as possible so the necessary arrange- ments can be completed. Incidentaily, the decora- tians are even more beautiful than usual this year, with some of themn reaily outstanding. t .. ..i HOLIDAYS - School children af ail ages will be starting their Christmas holidays this Friday afternoon, returning ta their classrooms on Janu- ary 6th. Motorists are asked ta keep an extra alert lookout during this period ta make certain acci- dents are kept ta a minimum. LOCAL MENTION - Bowmanville received hon- orable mention in the* new book by Peter C. New- man on "The Diefenbaker Years". Mr. Diefenbak- er was a great admirer of Sir John A. Macdonald and surrounded himself with many items with which Canada's f irst Prime Minister had been connected. One such article was a medallion, pre- sented ta the late Frank Pethick of Bowmanville who had shaved the Prime Minister in Toronto. Frank was an apprentice barber at the time. Be- ing a staunch Conservative, Frank wiliingly gave up the medailion when he heard that Mr. Diefen- baker was interested in suchi items. Incîdentally, the book, whiie not too complimentary to Mr.. Diefenbaker, is a fascinating review of those his- torie years. Before Christmas, members of the O rono and District J-r. Gardeners Club will visit ail Senior Citizens in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and those at home in Orono ta deliver attractive Christmas decorations or decorated botties of preserves that they have made themselves. Some af the items are photo- graphed here, being held by club rnbers, front row, lef t ta right, Caroline Johnson, Susan Aslett, Carat Anne Caldwell; back row, Tove Jorgensen and Carol Gibson.