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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1963, p. 2

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2 Tfhe Canadian Statesian, Eownianvlfle, Dec.1 Lions Receive P $4,402.45 froi At Annual Chri! At the annual Christmas Ray Dilling. theC dinner meeting oi the Bow-,treasurer, turned over manville Lions Club held oni45. the profits of the Monday evening in the Lions Carnival last summer. Community Centre Carol sing-!Isident Russell Oke. I ing was enjoyed led by Ken:retary, Bob Williams,1 Kelly with Ross Metealf asied the current account pianist. Thompson, seconded b A jovial Santa Claus, out- ter Rundie moved that standingly portrayed by Ed ýbe paid. Leslie, presided over thei A letter was receive members' exchange of smallUthe Port Perry Lions C gifts. White gifts were alsoýnouncing that a Curlin received from each Lion forispiel will be held in tI the Salvation Army. The Ca-, future for ail Lions tholic Women's League cater- Area. Following the ed for the delicious turke meeting a meeting dinner. Mrs. Stewart Chisolm -board of directors of was the catering convener. ca club was held. KEITH PETURS, Realtor 103 King St. E. Phone 728-7328 Earle Allen Rolande Tierney Joe Craviferd t'ai Ronald Hetherin Bill Ratchiffe Bob Johnson UDW~-D~r5t~ le, 193' - A d L;.,~n one of the last ones to speak.1 "T said last January that - Drcie W thn is .Serious Businless wH onol "It reminds me of the time 1 Warden Walkey in his quiet, VYOI~IiiI~the old farmer hired a new effective, workable way he'd UAl M n 1 nt the barn, teld him to mîilk ýaid Gerald Philp. "He lias )ro f ifs the co ad. "he eftokimtheke te afiejb onEa (FROMPAiE NE) he returncd a while later hie vou'l be walking among thle Durham Counties te a stud- found te his surprise, the iîew lias beens and we welcome rn C a n iv a l who was geing on in the1mafl peuring the milk down vou'" r a n v ieducatienal field but was be- the cew's throat. Cobourg Sentinel Star ihampered by lack of mon- Why are you doing tijat?' ey. I had the honor te pre-lasked the fariner sent an award te a grade 13, Rcplîcd tic manl,*Weil the t$ ~tm as P a rt y et marks in nine subjets. Iýî thought î'd bettez' zun ~ made the unveiling of a ce- througîî agaîni."' Carnival UitdCuteadwsin "We have ail levels of gov i $4,402.- ntph antwespl aqus in-h le Lions vHtdoopericialy pena rur» eetzgt o the Pe to turn down this invitation! wardens, reeves, deputy reeves, hresect e im.- Z. because of former commit-i and council mrnbers. This isý pre~~ent ments. your night, Earl.I'ehad> its A.M Mayfn omnsaot by Waî- "I saw Our Crown - Attorney mn iecmet bu ail bis' FROM PAGE ONE) leave and had the pleasure o! ýyou and know that the leader-! VI. i x~~o vte n n nceaeseeing him placed as judge of lsi5 o heC i Cuel 'P howyouvoed n a icresePeterboro Ceunty. 1Ia thelhas been in good bands." luban ~oumae yurslfabsnt orprivilege of welcoming ouri Refraining from the Lise o! ngu Bon- thu at x ote' ben o new Crown - Attorney, Mr. the microphone, M.P.P. Alexý he nearý Yes John let us give the Gofe oncate hs aruhr ad Those things1 inte epetefacts. Print ail of things and se many others -, bother mie." He recalled the renutht' poleoteiOta . that I could stand here al time he was speaking inoalva of theý As for the N.E. Sweet Co. night and talk about them. microphone but realizedi itl the le- I feel that you are taking a Ihveustre to rigwasf't working properly. At YI crack at me. Weil Mr. James you some of the highlights the time, he said, he called it is truc that the Sweet Ce. during my termi as Warden. out, "Cao you hear me back P.<i<uqisldid appreach me first regard- These are some of the things there. I can't hear myscîf ~I ng uilingandwel doyouthat struck me rnost forcibly. over the microphone." Came i kno.wuth at certain people did "The County Council has terpy "Go ahead, buster, * a lot cf work te try te, dis- given me wonderful help you're net missing anythiog." ig credît this fact. Wc are sorry without which I would neyer, "We in Durham County areI ý1 that the Sweet Ce. has decided have managed. It has been vey rod of the work War- net te build here at this time quite a chair te fui. ManY den Walkey has donc," said ** l~as wc felt that ait least we good fellows hadt gene before Mr. Carruthers. 'The office, ilwould have a building that me and I woodered how Il cf Wardcn carnies with it al jilcould be rented te industry. would de the job. The Coun- great deal of prestige. As the' ~But after ail John if you were ciOa lay are ut history cf the world i e b Aigeîng te locate here and cet'- their cemmitments te my sat-'cordcd through certain per-J jtandedicated citizens were isfactien and I can assure ev- ieds cf the reigning kings andi~ ëi l oing their best te discourage eryone that they are well rep- queens, se the histery of the!ý# 2 0 yeu, what would you de? resented on County Council." ceunties is recerded threugh:iî- You sec John I kow what AtWrmoteisI UEiEWSE el was donc in regards te the table guests on either side cf "There has been much pro-' ASwect Ce. and I feel that you 'Mr. Walkey. Said hie, "Only gress in th,' counties under TOEE OE j~d te tetwice before have I had the our Warden and we express tg Ai A forthe wo ear erniof honor ef introducing the head~ our appreciation. Wc have gi office, I was in faveur cf a table guests. I arn pieased te had nothing but the sinceresti4l Aone year termi when I went do it and pleased te be herec-oeain" GR EAN twaAinto office but as I have been tonight." He then asked the A comment from Mr. ngton in office for two yers now I1 ladies at the table te stand A~ Roweji SERVICE STATION 9 feel that this is best. 0f Jand as they did cemmented, gave Mr. arrutiiers the op-I course with a one year terni 'Where have you ever seen portunity toeneîd nus talk in a1 WILL BE Syou would get more and more 1sc hr. anrwiheeyn er- money eut of advertisiog, etc. Watching the photographer's "birdie" seemns 10 be a serious rnatter for ' The twelve guests were Ai- iyapadd ~COE I msor I can't help you little Terry David DeLuca who was 14 months old when the above photo was ex Carruthers, MPP and jMIus. "Russell and I have a littleïCRIT A ~iOnce aain f meo taken. Terry David is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. DeLuca, Third St., Town, and CarrthesaPulie dalc oe up,"tellsad"A1 CHI MA ii neaan fm eoyett, H. Earl Walkey and Mrs. lon sh os' elayles and 9serves me right, bath the his grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mazurkevich, Porcupine Plains, Sask., Walkey, chairman Robert Car- about the Consenvatives 1I _Vý IStatesman and the Chamber and Mrs. Thresa DeLuca cf Meskanaw, Sask. Photo by Aster Studio law and Mrs. Cariaw, Russell wof't tell the tnuth aboutth>#NW EA' A cf Commerce cnorsed the Honey, MF and Mrs. Heney, Liberals." two year termi when the they knew nothing cf the ~ Russell Rowe, MPP and Mrs.ý people voted on it some years change until they saw that N ES IL E IT I1 Rowe and John Stone. OP1EN' age. agenda. From Nov. l3th to Henry Jakeman presented a IVOXNGDA 0f course 1 ncw wonder if Dec. 2nd is quite a long time' The December meeting of ,al] for the pleasant after- ,bouquet cf flowers to the first kOIG A they wcre only in faveur cf a te keep such an important Nestleton U.C.W. was held at, neon. lady cf the United Counties, Y 8 a.m. to 9 twe year terni only if their piece cf news secret, net iust the home cf Mrs. Victor Mal- The Januany meeting is to mrs', W ase said Mr. ak e-- -* * Srepresentatives wcne elected. from the electors but fromn colm on Dec. l2th at 2 p.m., be hcld at the home cf Mrs. ani ha623nsidtht33-03 JU A~ You seemcd te be io faveur fellow councillors as well. Or Th-rsdn cee h acomEesn ind cvery great man stands o f a two ycar terni until do you agree, Mr. Hooper? In___meeting__ a ood emaaan I msur fo SCouncil did certain things that Our o'pinion it ils doubtfulif 'Chsmeeing igth adiyng Warden Waikcy agrees withl AL E you and certain dcdicated yeu can justify your position 62 was sung. Mrs. Lawrence FINDS OLD PROGRAM ;me 110W. W N'I"P L E persano i e1ge it ntî atrb cnuigu acl cnutdteWrICaled upen by chairman Wei refsd te pend thon tdid nt do concering U alomasSevce n tted the r We are indcbted to Mirs. 1Rebert Carlaw, John Stone SERVIE MOTOR SALES such as: seme dneam cf what wc did ship peried, it being a Christ- F. W. Bowen of Orono for presented a watch te Mr. Wal- 1.W rfse o pndo idnt ococrnn amsSevceetild Te showing us a eopy of an kcy on behaîf cf the North- CHRYSLER- PLYMOUTH - 55,000 dollars te buy a park- vote on old age pensions in Three Wise Men" with Mns. old Sunday School Asso- umberland - Durham Ceun- VALIANT - DODGE Sing lot that we were teld if Ottawa many years age. You Norman Mains aod Mrs. Vie- ciation Convention prog- tis 20 King Street East Iwe didn't make or decision might aise remember in that to aci edn at nd rm frNwatead ter hacei peh '~that night it was te be sold regard that the electors when r.BwstaigheSipAtrthfrwl pecby Phone 623-5487 Athe fellowiog mrnng. To they had ail the facts before Mrs.Bwr aigtu ci- Cak.I a h 4h M. Walkcy chairman Carlaw i my kewldgc t hs neer hem ete te ermnateourturc reading, Matthew 2:1-12. Annual Convention on askdaccftethrgss my kowldge t bs neer hem ote to ermnateourA few of the qualities of the Saturday, June 25th, 1898. akdec fteohrget Sbrnsold yet, Ottawa position. But, they Wise Men were theingie. . ofî va te hener te say a few words. Ai 2. Certain changes wene did have ail th e facts when "Visioni" by Mrs. îMaurice president and R. Mo- Jhado't expected te say Smade industnial wisc. 0f thcy voted, something that Ncsbitt, 'Faith" by Mrs. Gc. met the Secretary. The anything this evening," saîd Scourse you wculdn't know ahl didn't happen hene. Johns, "Joy" by Mrs. Athur ý mii'l- preserved program Dr. Pauline Jcwett. "I thought cf the' changes here becauise Dealing directly with the Hyland and the fîrst verse cf was found among the pa- ahIoudavteowol v ou ne longer are on the in- Sweet Company's decision, anc hymo 50, "As With Gladness"I pers of Mrs. Ethel Stock- be Ie sit hene and enjoy my- sd.yeu suggesting that they are was Sung. "Worship" waï dalle, 'Mrs. Bowcn's sister. self. But pcrhaps it's best that Joi1e conclusion John I would net geiog te build here be- then given by Mrs. Wilfid!----J have been asked. Wc inl pc- Se ia o like ta Say this, that if You cause they werc discounaged Vine and the second verse' litics are cxpected te do thus are as interested in this town by some uonamed "dedicated Sug Gfs yMs e. sr ftig hn oit why in heck don't yuwork tha ths a actverse ad'Dreams"4Aanwocifedhutefnt1U why youisevidence and"by Mrs. c ie twere net asked te say somei &inh the interests cf the tewn and believe that if you have Sadîcn thiog. It is part cfOr job. 1and not sit on the fence with such information it should be Aro1W1im he .~. l. 1 didn't dneam there wouid the mmnity. made public se these local MsRedig "epig loJuIlJJj e emaypopehee iSL ch electien is over 110W sc scoundrels cao be deait with gave a raig "epnl'es aypol ee let us wonk for the better cf in proper fashion. Up te the Christmas" aften which hymo know that many on CouncîlL E týphe Town, we as clected ne- present. ycur statements ac- 58 '"It Came Upen the Mid-' (FROM PAGE ONEý are here and I recognize fa- presentatives will run Council, cusiog these people are absc- night Clear" was sung. This Saturday at the Scugog Street byces.lewhohvbe en suc FRID adyou John, pnint yotir iutcly unfeunded. Instead cf was follewed by prayer and naîlway cressing. Constabl.e bceuo ple iticshav e rhapnsuc ijlpaper, as for the others they defending ycur position by i h odsPae nuio.ADnAdro isteivsi some of it wili rub off on me.AY Ai shold go about their business, nuendo, why oct let us have reading entitled "Christmas" gating officier.i I hope te meet many cf yeu 91, hether t be piumbiog, insun- detaîls, if there are any. was given by Mns. Vioc and On Friday at 3:45 p.m. Mrs. before the night is eut, es- t nce rstorekeeper onrvihat- Now, îet's iump ta one cf hymo 47 "0 Cm.Al] Ye Kathleen Fotwas diigpcal hoefo uhm" M OND Y E M B R 2 ilever their job may be. the hast paragraphs of your Faithful" closed this part ofFnolercrstru dnivhe glpecîaîîys thing," said Russell D Y E E B R 2 4lIf you have preblems that letten in which yeu state that the meeting, rails at the Liberty Street Honey, "J would like te thaok Council cao heip you with or "He ils the sole judge cf what A short business period then tom-coff frem 401 Highway you for the privilege o ein -suggestions te make te Court- yeu are fonced te rcad when foilowcd. The minutes viene and it sustained miner dam- here." 1ra1pef beingM . cil, please feel free te corne, you buy his papier". Nobcdy rcad and approecd, the Treas- age. Constable John Bird in- Cemmeoting on Mr. Wart-ý to the meetings. is forced te read The States- urer's repent given and the vestigatcd. tan' introduction Mn. Honcyl &write aother editonial te tn3' fonced te watch a television aod hospital cahls. car bcbg dniven east by Wi- tme he atteoded a meeting TUES DrYraanrEMBE tociiiz ylttrwihprogram. We try te report as Mns. Wiliams coducted al i:mnEdward Corbet, IN :a nd te i ntoucrgeotocar-,DATUEL RU 24 î %i,, mxi th nnpr .n in a -ih n th n asli possnciblu.,1Bible contest which was ; -,went through the guard r ails-nicd aay with;bs ,job1th4 Cunci'iYrP H op' ete tising at the last minute more Jesus ent to Sleep,' and the (FROM PA5E ONE) 4above is certainly in the latter than wiped out any financial senior room student.s recîted follows: Dack Shees, doniated ~ 5 atgoyadvantage cf carrymng it. "The Night Befone Christ- by Lloyd Ellis Shoes-John Hoeeta stick 10 facts HMAn a Menry Chnistmas and mas" several parts bcing tak- Penioka, 312 King St. East;OFi* & X E S corc9n1revi ap NwYa9t c o, en by individual popils. Thnee Mantel Radio, donated by agrbe ithhim that the letter M. Heoper. The- election is puppet shows were put on by Harny Locke TV-Les Reyn- fnom Mn. Lycett ta cauncil re- over, as you say, but the juniors John Rudt'ih and Ed- olds, 67 Scett St,, Oshawa_ . Ai fcnred te a meeting be had memaory lingers on. 1 i Wood, Carol Lovekin and, Toaster, dcnated by McGregor Taxpayers wishing to prepay f îrst and second ntl ~with. the Industrial Com- Sincenely, ýLinda Brock, and Walýer'Hardware-James L. Hooper, & mission on Nov. 113th, NOTi The Editor. 'Friedrich and Stan Lane. 36 Parkway Cnes.; Coffeeý ments of their 1964 taxes will receive the f ollowing A September 13th as mentioned - -___ These wene written and pro- Percolator, donated by Wes- A un the editorial. This was noct duccd bv the children them- tern Tîre-Clare Burgess, 25, discounts: Our errer, but an error in the!V AU' selves who also made thpir O'Connor Dr., Toronto; 17- typed agenda for the Dec. 3rd S A ' puppets and costumes. The 3eweI Watch, donated by ~ mecting, our only source cfboys and girls are te be cern- Marn's Jcwellery-Ms.Tan ry:;--7h Sinformation on the peint. The Decemben meeting cf plimented on thein originaiity.ý Johnson, R.R. 3; Two Gallons, 'nu ry tto îanuarv :.....1.inclusive~0 di Foliowing that m e et ing Shaw's Home and Scbool Club Paint, donated by W. H. ----- / Swbich, apparently, included was heid at the school on Fni- Senior students demnonstrat-' Brown-Chas. Keys, 102 Sim- Jn Oh F bur dthe' startling nevis that the day, Dec. l3tb. The' president ed their singing skili in sev- ccc N., Osbawa; Steam Iran, an ary 2 ta o ebua l 4th nclusive ------ 12 9 N. E. Sweet Ce. had aband- Kennetb Bragg conducted the eral twa part cheroses, amongigonated by Simpsons-Seans, i oned its plans te construct a business part cf the meig which wene "Round the Camp-I swaOveM uin,17 r rayitzta vacx l3h nlsve% Ai plant bere, there was a councilwhen minutes were read andifine". 4"A Pledge", "Swiss Hik-' ByrsOn St. N., Whitby; Lamp, 1 Ameigo No.1tan reot ie vtesrrngSong" in which the dos- donated by Bassett's, Oshawa M rhlt aA~i 7h--1 * A nmno meeting on N th and re orspoiv ng sbv aycant was suog bv Kathy LeO'c-Mns. Maidie Ruseil, R.R. 'tinclusive ---- 12 of 1% nomntion llmemeg n ov.e a d cnspodîto srea.kmn, Cindy Lou Ayre, James Campbelhford; Breakfast Set, A Industrial Commission, inciud- treat cf Christmas candv forions adWyeT A, ing Caun. Hooper, were aware the students and this will be A two plart canal, -Hark, Heanî -Mns. E. Hawke, R. R. 2,ý PAYMENTS TO BE BASED ON 1963 TAXES L Aof this disappointing deveiop- distnibuted at thein own party the Song," closed this vcny. Orono; Chocolates, donated by 2ment, but it was not made before school closes for the enjoyabie program. KennethI Dykstra Vaniety Foods - V. A even semi-public until Dec. vacation peiod. Bragg extended thanks te Mn. Sehafer, 4 Churchill Ave., A 2nd vihen the' letter from Mn. The program for the even- Metcaîf, the teachens and stu-1!Wbitby. The final prize was a T . SLycoît appcancd on the' agenda! îng was provided by the ipupilsý dents wha took part. surprise package won byjCl . eu *~j er concilmeeingthe fo-e both senior and junior Luinch wAas served hv Mrn. Lorne Hayncs. Cab 500, Bow- 1361 A lo\vinz night. one day atter roams under the supervisi.lîl T. E. Taylor, Mrs. S. Prico mnanville. Town Clerk. di the clect:on. Three members iof the' teachers, Miss Milligan, and Mns. L. Ayne The next Net pnoccds £rom the drawý »kI»I of council told the Statesmaru I and Mrs. Gilbank. iSenior boys meeting wil be Wed. Jan. 8. were aven $800. i .

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