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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1963, p. 4

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4 T1% Canadian gtatesrmn, Mnànvl1e, Der. 19. 1P3 EDITORIÂL COMMENT The Holiday "Cup That Cheers' Ag the '63 year-end Holiday Season approaches, the varinus Provincial Li- quor Dispensaries hire extra staff to take care of the upsurge in the pur- chases of alcoholie beverpges, which wi]l rostly be consumed in the next month. Years ago, this seasonal collective "binge" was of small moment, but as the years pass and the automobile be- cornes more and more a factor of daily living, this co-partnership of gasoline and alcehol has developed an enormous potential for sudden dcaîh and injury when employed simultaneously by the holidaying motorist. Dominion Automobile Association hais a keen interest in the problem and B. W. Trollope, President of the Asso- ciation, in a Christmas messagre to members. urged Canadians to adopt a common-sense approach to their Holi- day driving, (and dîinking). Canadian ioads duing tbis season, ao. a rule. riqLlime additional alertness. %tid co-ordination. t\wýo chai'acteristics which aie slowed perc?.ptib].% bY alco- holie consuimption. flot otherwise 1no- ticeable in the drinker. -Mr. Trolcîpe. qooting trom recor-ds -naintained ovflr the years, points out that even one bot- île of beer can under certain circum- stances, duil the senses of the user to a degree which makes for the difference between having an accident and avoid- ing one. The Hurnan, driving a motor ve- bidle, bas at his finger-tips. a lethal machine which cao inflict death and destruction on his fellow man (and himself) in a mattem of seconds. Anagency vhich allers that molorîsts's reaction time in split-second driving decisions should be treated with the caution il deseýrves. Ever v motorist knows thal it's onlvbhe other fel]ow xx'ho can't hold his liqoor. Il generally neyer occuis to ibim that be's the other fellows "Other fel- low." Despite manv new slogans coined for the occasion, there is stillli olne let- ter foi the '63 Christmnas' Scason than the oldesi of tbem ail - "If v'ou drive, ilont drink: if vou drink. dont driveP!" Poýltica;l i'<piesentation foi bu' iroi-kitîgmian \vho looks after himsclf is tlle, novel proposai of?'M. Ge:'oiîge Hogan, secretar>' of tbe Ontario Pro- t-ýsive Conser-vàtive Association. Sone mjot' political party%. tbinksMrHo gan, sbould concermi itisoîf \itb li! needs of tbe man xvho makes provi- sion for bis own old age. xvho docsî't nced subsidized bousing. i'lo pa.ys his on medical and insuramice piemiums "and, abnîve ail, xvbo paYs taxes." Mr. Hogan feels thal tbe cost of governimcnt bas gone Up 100 fast and that compared wvith f ive years a go the majorîty of x'oters now are xorried over bigb g<vrnment spending, mouint- ing deficits and rising taxes. And in truth thp total of' government expendi- tume ini Canada clirnbed sbampl *y in five years - from $86 billion in 1957 to 'Fie rhaii'mao clcared bis Itoat -eryit- udîl. "INuw gent lemen," bie soid patient- ly, "IpI us discuss new business." Tbe some silence uvich bod gi-cet- edi lus pîcx'ious attompîs continucd un- abated. Il sneoked m tbch back cointies and came <ut a'gain on pussyfoot. The cliait-man Nviigîlc;Id bis îeck more permancnlly tbrougb bis collar anîd glaied tii-st mbt one cornerc of the lo(un thon the other. AIl ccrners re- mained shi'ouded iii silecec. "Gui lceî."said tbe chahi-mon. a litile moue%--hesitantly tbis time, almost as if lie dotibted tbe vei-acitv of ihat %v orld. Theire \vas n respiînse. If tbcî'e w'eî' an ' pcirsons in the î-onm at thot time \vh'lîîcruu d be so classified& lbcy obviously pteferied 10 emain undet- gi-ou Ilnd. 'Ile chairman tuied ogain. Aller ail, lie had beeo elecîed to tbe post by an o\'rwbelming majority. "I lbave been tbinking," lie said. He become the targel <f every <ove. "I have beeuî tlinkingl." be peusis- ted, "that \vp sbould do sometbing about this matter of bacu< dues.* The battcry of eyes re-o djusie-d their sigbfs. Some ofif thir owneî-s ex- amined the ccilitig, nîbers the crack xi tIli(, lro. A Ifexxi coîîceî Iratcd tipi n thei' fingrmuails and the li111e man in the far' cornuer studied a gi-case :;pot on the front. nI bis suit vitb ictcon- cet-ul. A tim fçllow n the back rows peeprr uîu'cr bbe slîoulcr iof the man iri front, c'auglit thle cbainîan'sc-e *ttnl I: mkeprl bock intlo a (i<itching po- \ crýIl," sîd the clirmmaui, is \uîice tex . xhar ae ve gc-ing ho do about T111 i-uus'd themr. Thice crossodi t hoit legs the other %va\,, foui blew th-i nui-~uosematbeu loudl '.-,and one x'ers' hîîld unc tiok the îîppomrtuîil' ti icant bis glasse'<. Svi-al folded thbii arm.s ' ~ thoii !i'55amdouici'd iack île- t i a nil \. lite chaîiîti. ihxitsvt-vimi o re- inilier sî inl lii ti'orisomce, ' "Iat w-e niîONe a rumîsaoîut it," Thle l'eu'a'îook P. iar fruitn a Iiieldebn itîner,)I(-kflet aud deliberabply JOHN M. JAMES EDITOIt-PIULISU S129 billion in 1962. or frum $518 tri $695 por capita. Gov-ernme-nls. <if course, bave nco monc 'v of lbeir oxx'î, sc Iboit hkbcer speiidiuig lias meant a pro- poitiona- e jiemrease in the working- mari's tax buideni.. kIso. ,ýovernmenit spending influences puice le\'els, and bas contribuited tb tbe1(0 peu- cent îise iin tbe cost. of livinc, bat linýs 'ccu':ed sIice 1957. 'l'lie pacadox is Iliat the ar' ina- cîit'-l v b 'v fat' are in tbe group w'ilîcook afler their own needs. As taxpa vers, these people bave flot been averse 'o helping othets, but Ibere is littie diobht tbe 'v would n0w welcorne tbe opportu- nitv btovote foi a bol idax iii iuh' welfare spending and a chance bu re- tain f'or tbemselves more (if their own eariiings. lit it. Wibb groat came and cocirrlduahle aplomb, be broke tbe cxtinuisibed match into several sectionv: and dî'op- ped them. one at, a time. into ffbc asb tiav. The colite assemblagîe \atched himý, fascinatcd. "el,'saicî thle citairniami, 'could xve have a little disctussioun, gentle- men?" HAd the cicuîc'\vi built tbe i-nom been puesent lie w'oulcl have been extr-ernelv tncomlortable. Eveu v por- tion of ils coiîstîuctionî \'is at, ihis timie beinig subjecied to a minute. caieful itnspect ion. Notlîing escapeci the pruîb- mng eyes of tbe gaîbering. Tbe crack in the cciling tvas followecd ats km;l frcm ils probable source neai tbe \'en- ilator to tbe it front. window, tben traced carefully bock again. A windo\v, îibviously- supposed to be sbuh, stili remained openi R small fraction of an inch. Gi-cal mincisstmdied the cause oif Ibis phemomenon. Yoît could sec the furroxvîng of their bi-ows as tbey con- ceîttated. "Someomie suge2ested tus ic last week tbat îbev be fotced to pav Up or. liot b? iiîvitcd' back ho oui- tex t social meeting.," said the cboirman. No one dcnied it. uI take il d'en. Ibat lbISis i ur decision, gentlemen?" :Noonue denied il. l'le cebqmîmati glotî'er'ed at the secetay.wbo beqa n \ritiflg fev'eiish- "WlI'saisI thle ebai iman, if thqie's non more business . .. lie paused b xx'îpe lis hrcîwv. "I gucss tbis meeting.. lie \ipe(l bis bmow again. .uJs adjouî'îîed." 'rhe impact of bis last. xvcil was terrific. Th'e immediate iesult was tur- moil. Thec tafleis quiveî'ed aI tbe dis- chaîges. There was a babble of \oices as eoch mneinber expounded in a lotud vo<ice 'am'iOuIS lSpec!tS of buisin!ess peu- îaîiiimgIci ( othe omcaiizatiîii. ijuitilx', p iîitlii, CluIots. tî'auing luait', «%hen the .lanitoi; caine ho louk tmp. Il is undertood timot a iîexu chair- mian uili be elocel mext uieek. The lîteseît one, il is said. fails t0 lake a proper iicet - Jim O'Neill's COILumII in tbe Smitbs IFalls Record Ne\\vs. q o '-=,/0', GEO. P. MORRIS BUSINESS MGIs. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE PROCLAMATION 1Vhereas at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the To'wn of Bowmanville, it was resolved that Thurs., December 26, 1963 BOXING DAY be and the saine is hereby affixed as a CIVIC HOLIDAY fl'he-e are, thercfore, to iinake knlown that iii cotupliatice %vith the afvresa id remduution 1 do hepreby pruclaini 'lhursday, December 26th, 1963, Boxing Day, ab a Civic Holiday. IVAN M. IIOBBS, 11ayor ,rnovn of Bownianville (0D SAVE TUF, QUEF.N Religion for Today by Rev. A. W. Harding p ~.qj Pre-Christmaq parties have Our- annmal siiiidi is suc- and I mnust have enjoyed it been the vogue for many years cessful because the appointed because we didn't stagger and as long as they are as'comroittee makes excellent ar- home until 3:30 Xr. mond as the one on December rangements; the 'oulk of the To mnost of the 2uests, thp.ý l3th in the Bl ue Room o! the staff show their appreciatiofi date. December I3th W a ' Benson House. Lindsay,.l'i by îtteniding. and althougii probably just another date on be happy to be a participant. the -head 'oeetier-s' corne there the calendar. but my wife and Boy: \Vas that some wing- is no distinction of rank; inl.1wîil remnember it becaute ding. when the Staff of Lind- fa ct, if's possible to see the our newest granddaughier say District, Dept. of Lands Top Béwnana acting as a stooge w~as born in Bowmanville and Forests, held their annual b a humble subordinate in a-Hospital, just nine hours ne- Christmas Clambake. :'skit. Such fraternalisni pre-, fore we left for the party. Ncrmally. throughout the cludes any hint of snobbery., This date fias unusual sitz- year, personnel of one branch and cani only engender Mutual'nificance for your scribe l*- will corne into contact wiîh respect, cause it wvas on December kl. personnel of another branch Il \wok'd be unfair tii naine, 1918, that lhe. with bis untt, mainly through duty require-,lte \arious persoîts who pre-'the famous lPth Canadian Lh- mients, but rarely in a sociàl 'senitec us with examiples of tantry Battalion, crossed the atmosphere. thus there is little ihieir %-c-.\ considerable his-I Rhine River. over the beauji- chance of being able Io assess trionic talents, but take it fui Hohenzollcrn bridge et cach other-s HU-MAN quali- lrom your old Uncle Eddie. Bonn, Germany. and lugged ties. So. it is evident that, a tbev vere damn good. No-,rations and ammunition to the. party, weIl patronized by re- body wvas safe fromn satire, as "bo.\s" on their new "front presentatives f r o ni e a c h eachi branch îonk good natur- u fne" as Army of Occupatiôn 'branch, and each area, cati cd ,inos at each other. The troops near Neunkirchen. On not help but be a mor-ale chap w~ho wvon first prize used that day. we were among t1ie bcooster, and that is what Ï1.1,no1 props or cute cards, but tirst foreign troops tb have needed if an org-anization is simpiy strolled up tb the port- crossed the Rhine for matty to function at peak efficiencY able miiike' and gave a six- vears. Altbough few o! ous Now, Pro not going 10 su-- minute mionologue. of his own had any sense of grea.t ela- g est that Lindsay District L. iînvention, thfiat was better tion. wve did feel that the long &F. is the best in Ontario, but than 90 per cent o! the cruds pull from 1914., ith its man.,, it will do me until a better on TV. who oughit to be fined frustrations and vicissitudes one is named. The samne wel, instead o! paid. had been worth while. 1 ouled machinery that is on! Nothing is donce by avs littlcý dreamt on théit evening, view Io the public, is just as the dance iloor iq good; the 45 y ears aýo, that on the same godbehiod the scenes. and ocetageri(ýous. with their date. in 1963. M\ wire and 1 ýwben a Christmas part 'v s ofi'rini;s: !fie dinnor OK:; would he guestîs at a hoe-dnwi heing planned and og id l' v yofI iquîid i' rehmc 1 in Lindsay' . ith a buodréd ih e saine intensive effort goes e na cdecoratecl ChrîsîmIias othersail of whom, 1 i Ad yet into maRking it the best ever. c d a Santa Clau.Butch to inerl Report from O ttawa By Russell C. Honey, M. P. Parliament bas been work-\veeiýil t\vas amrrrd thnai - ni- for iî nerease ofthese ngoptimo finish the bus- liamient will sit on Salurday,. allowa-;nces andI pensions 1,0 imes.s brfore h n order 10 pro- Dcc--tmbc-r I401h n ordrr lu *?,. pr.mnonîh waS 'aeeed ogu" on Decembrr 20tbh o provîcle a fç'\\, extra hoîîrs bc- tupoil.Anie odments to these -onelude the session whichl ore ilie target udate of De- Acts provide that they sha It sýtaried on May l6th, this Year. cemberJl - be effective on December st Hours o! sittiog on Tlîursda.,;s On Fridav of at weck the 1963. This provision make.q and Fridays were extended prime Minîster set out tii, il possible, provided the Prov- about six weeks ago, and tbis \îvork \vhbiclî mjuat e 1fnis i ecs are agreablbp i f Memnbers \visli o leave on the inci-pased pensions and ai- Decemnber 20th for Christmas lowances foi' the month of holidays. In effect. Mr. Perr- December, 1963. son saisI, Xou ma >v lca\e foi, At the conclusion of the I~IlI!IIâI a holiday' on December 2(ltn Prime Minister's staternent but if you go vou will have to Opposition Leader Diefen- leave a clean d(,sk." baker expîressed mome doubt3 Nov' ~ ~ ., novn plee ~ l1 114 Cottingham S. ugn uiesi 0cmlt islation could ;;Il be completerd \\a iiîîg. ilîîîsbed (and st ut, Geci. Orl ie wbne thoughts I- 1,- Ohliidren;bas done iîfl lU Toronto 7, Ont. urgnbsiea stio opIbeet i bfr hiîms wc Erlr lingel voiccs lhera Id xarsHî vrl r huh tow irds flic,.emancipation ofI Itli osdrtnofhes,-boeCrsma we e Tlieir tîdings o! gooci wîll. <"' uîcis wani anothcvii. For omieni, The coming of Dec. 1l, 1963 'mates". In addition, the Prime s"aid. "I thank the Prime Min- oto lu ivrl nt vih thor Christ bas brouglit new lire Dear John, Minister stated Parliamnt ister for setting out the menu. No\v are our. hearts ail ral la1lvav en50ruh to mankind ib general, ini -du- Hold itf eDontoudetroy Iir would havtse tto hdeli wAithAl I caosay oni this, the A litie hildshal shw th tha Ir ri AVE ienjustice. In a word Christrmas renewing our subscription. Assistiance Act, the Disabili t.y fint his contemplation thRt so A utl hd hî b\ 1 la l iih AE îi. charted the road 10 a better IThe Statesmran is we feed Allovance Act and the BlindI ny other matters can b. Th mi<îrlcl f ool \i i rin sinî. Tire Christiant thus lite, ýa Christmas zift, enjoyed b\ Persons Act. Secondlv, hile dealt witb in a few davs, white Thec men î Ig>( vl~ esGod as the eiîemy of sinexrsieoa peudsr, WqIabis ftle,-in iii Chistinias,-inid the frieîîd of mari. He And then loci, the Christian ibotb our fily and friends, saisI. there \vere amencdmeots epesv !a oeu eie that ha.o so captivalcd 1h' cc-sesGoclîsIsOievliîîîdesires lias a deep, abiding joy in'Keeping in touch witb bru 10 ' ýheF, mergene Gold MI,,-,in the light o! the experienrili heart of' ChrisieiîsIonï.' Wlia, p9ccllC hueause lit great cost Christmas because in its events - sorrv wc were uîn- ing Assistance Act, the S mail during the years I have beenis il that causes people to hobI He sent tire Prince <if Peace. kindiness and goodwill be scecs able to be in touch for the Businiesses Loans Art.thIi' ii the bouse would be difficubispeci>al services lnd Io rift uII) t each nien goouirvI bl t10orlea .glorioîis priomieof better Sanita Claus parade. We en- Currency liint and Exiehanige of attainimeot before Christ- their voices anci sing? Wh lt i aîotlwr. things to corne. joYed vour pictures of il. Fuuîd Avui. thc National Cci- M as" is itfiliat, made the angels 'lileeCrsan Looking olut upon the fright,- Keep up the good work on tennial Art. the Aeronautics Mr. Pearson sbowed be is soîî'~. BehosI I brîîg cIn g o hn bctnldIe Editorials. Act and certain othier miscel. a liard task-mastcr vhen ho tidîngs calgrot. t ofhritheas isa ilizat grof tr serrme of things today tni t i aI' îtIwudlnos legisiation. Finall, iepiied Io Mr. Diefenbaker gooi on o te ralzaiono!theChisian ma ,d_-like t10 wish vou and the staff, said Mr. Peorson, there must sayiog."Thé. right onourable@ sîîh a rc flet ii vey gi. iutless blessitiîu trial bave couraged, andI begin to to a MerrY Christmas anîd a' be passcd a Bill 1o set up the gentleman said il was himi Cha 5 i lristmaassjy., conie to tlic \orlsI îlroîi i oncr whether tiiere is aloviHappy NeW Ycar. 1 remain, office of Represeîîtatîoo Com- view, in the light of past ex- Cliritifia-.'t' Christ liorui al cbeiui hope o! a \vorld of men and, Yours sincerelY, missioiîer so that the Coni- perielices. that the items j Foi orle tlîing, it s a *iuîvChrirstmas lias alteî cd t¶1W omeii enjoying real happi- EvelYn Gingeil missioner <'an get slarted at have mentioned could flot ha thtsbn-n !tleasr vrssl\ii.L ishog cs oî'ld wvhere theî-e --z --oîîcon his dulies respectîuîg ipassed witbin a few dIis once Ihat fie Gnd %xvbIo s th'ý a clee1î coiîcrn for the si cIrio waiît, no xvar, no hatred; redistribution o! electoral dis-IThat mighl well be the (WCI, creator aîîd keeper o! the anîd afflirted rneye eoeawndiiwib iereu81,A Ï hirIs wbich the governmeii-net ithresn raonw jusiceandgenroity and OBIUAR ýs anxoos Io ave compl eted . . . andsilb wotld be the J _____________________________________Jutieaud geeists adlhefore bbcenritelcbion. bention o! thp governimprnt t~ Ove, hope andI courage aiid MRS . ACOR KOENF. T I sigethIis course . . . if they' Ipeace a world in which Godsi she lgsain aedr In t eD i law is the rule o! ail helrt The death o! Mrs. Maia the 0ld Ape Assistance Adt, rcannot be passed witbin a feNw andI where sinî is dethroned'Ti-ina Koene, wi!e o!f.j,,,b bhc Disabiliby Ailowance Ad days we sboubdnont corne Iroin men's lives. A dreamn Koene, occurred at the farnily and the BlindI Persons Art fol- iback iafter Christmas and sec you say. And yet the P055ýi- resqideoce. R.R. 2, Bowmarî- lowS on the legislation passed that tbey do pass, and flot biiitv is real. lb is made real ville, Monday, December 9, tomnb g hc nra-alwaydsr o oia by i e corning o! God in bu-' 1963. She was In0lber 7lst cd olsI age penisions 10 $75110 interfere witb our duy" nman flesh 10 dwell amOnI"year. Per rnonth. OlsI age pensions' To the light of Ibis excbange D istantPast nienî. Jesus had no douot Born in Zwarbewal, Hol is a direct payment by the there are ont mariy members iesthat His kingdomlor wouid comne. landI. she camne 10 Canada and ,cderai governoient. Oid Agt malking detinite plans for ail Froni the Statesmlan !AndI Christions Ioday mOst the Bowinaniville are 13 vears Assiýstance. Disabiiity Aliow- extensive Christmas holiday. iicvc1(1-rlose failh intheperni- rs Kee iicsaîdBlîî ensioîîsaré lb seemis likely, however, that 25 NEARS Ali 49 VEARS AG aiicicy andI ultiniate victoîy 'ber of the Christian Rcforri n- sad e iallv wt nthesrov- Ie me wiii bandopleti of Christ's kingdom. ed Choiebh, Bowmnanville. iicsadteiraeints bDcmbrftanPri- (Ie.2,13>(I)ec. '!4, 1914) 1 Let us thaiik Goci Iliat the: Besides lier busband. sîîe iý aliowances had 10 await the ment wiii prorogue thba~ date* (De. 2, 93) Christmas star stiti shini's. survived by bwo sons,.Jacob receiit Fedieîal- Provincial to commence a oew sUsiori Mss Thora Davidsoîî, Alna M r. Peer Xurdocb k oui- IWibii xhat spiritual enthusiasrn Junior, andI Isaac, bothio o ricr IwîuitneIi bu eraylt 94 Colge. t ioa. oe-ds mrhn.cev mon and %woman shouldi Bownmanvi1le, a nl d t h r c le ......... f'or hobiidays w\itli lier parents, T'u e William Lang boum. 5() grept, Clîistmali day! How the daîightérs, Mr.G a eu .- Rev. S. and iMis. Davison. acres. oncenmile \vest o! the hîcoît shiould throb aI the sing- wen ( Mariy, Bowmanvitle;, NIiss Jean Morris anîd Mis;s toývu i hue. DarlinjgjOnj ., ng once more o! bbc Christ-! Mrs. F. Feikema (Betty,, U iHveen Maisoui returned hiome îcccntbY boîîght by a Torontoi mas caroils! bt is ail a part o! Newmarket, anîd Mrs. J. Vis- bioni Acadia Uiivcrsity, Nova, maui, a decaler iuî ferttilizer, an auicsr that kecps the ser Ja) Bowmanvillc. Sent a, on Fridar uighl. Thcv î-vhn lias also bnugit 16 acre'I'obd .vorld vooug It is gomei- she also Ilei sR daîîghtei- -s~sa d wull speuid Ch .ristmnas with 11roui Mr. George A. Stcpheîîs. bu îng that stirs emoiî in-la\w. Mrs. Grace Koeîîe. o! n ilîcir parents, MIr. ansI Mrs. F. Mr. Leslie C. Cox. Johnis v.iiich wasb away ail thoughts Oshawa,. wbose iusbaidc, Pet- F. Morins andI11r. anîd NMrs. Hopkins Unîversijty. Bai- o! ,'vil fouad others and er, mas killesi inacraci 1 C. H. Maison iespectively. nmore, Md., is,îîcîuîî. sattes; prejudiceservicc four dentiMay 18. Coîuicil lias $:,tîo s ,Iirpjls , Mr.' W. H. Slîa\, Vaiiîiîîî'.- wiuîîls F neral evie a il. P C al end of vears opcralicoi. e. B.C.. is vsitîuîg bis motheri It is aul expericilce that mc- the G ero Fc. 2,a Chp. Fe~ coiîm¶tcshave deficit l. sWnî. Shîaw.' stores FAITH without whirh Thursda\,Dc 2 t2pm ~B 1 m e Majr asI Irs. W H. HIl- Ms ajreKig lailf is hardis vorth bhc liv- Rpv. J. C. Vfcrbrugge, miuister' lier, liige soîl bav beeu Mos-> ScionlToiono, ing. Failli in the possibililies o! h hita eomc lirnsfer<ll ho ve local S al-sue forhold Torons. , awaîting orle in the days a.'Churcb, Bowmanvillc, (()li- Vie iieuiobues o! teUic !riitic Ipîîrple pigs, while the de- vaio rîi ~a m.Mr. Jessie lint ils visitiîîg Ycî umborn. Failli in the lov- ducteýd bbc srvice bntereuitofi Mnladycîîtuî Mss Ve Aia owrai* M.luvsserostdsandithon.oestlîat constitule the in Oshawa Union Ceinetcrý,. geîîums of soîrts. We cao take h Clai VrPoe Ali vr andel a 'eî fîjsisedsaiiiWicndsan t. fmiony. s atbin those who - almost auîyîlimi that is simple. have ranaged to bang ontit rrvst ai sho\u vc abvf ~ Miss Tlîîîîî'scî(if 'he Coud- ilve on the other side o! the'i beau auîd bcaîitiful, andI make temnrbueob ytk tlîen.' t ienics Siitirdav lvieil- > Car off ice is spenuiiug Cii isýt- Iece. Faîth in the gioceî, OBITIU.ARY ;lcnpeslid n a-igtuit-hog tasil ri liiîuic... . . ...~ Pi-. bthr ~bkr~aluslu moistrositv. ing a shot, wil inn the au ihuîiicr. ey. ivili wboii ,~edo busines. MS .H GENV Almiost aii-tiuîg, but n01 onIy room o! the big bouse Jiii Cil1:' ivu lîrlutk, Nîr. aii AIrs.,hfolioA.Iluil- laitil that Iuoks oUI Of the qiuite. We haveiit qîîîte nom theycao afford tb beat, on a \viiiuir oft livî- lutitiiladio lgu.Fo.xîuuuo. \îl opciud t. oxrii if of ue's horne to be- Fullowiiîg ai iliiess c!.of i b~tiis't But \ve' si bto!bikt as rs givelu i 1.S. Jî phs \ îin ii ùx . ..p , h in olii uliers. thl Ii i of <ftui e ek.the sIdi rifSa ra Eiii- a la uke'i a (1:1%. thalui a s, els .rîts Cuii cill a oh<d ii nSutur- h Mi u N CIel Iui's lpre(tlNcut- a nie (Ioh. , vlîoiî e ca;U Ouir il v Janui. Griîxviood ci vIIo1ti ie-tu. pe Iowever, that'sflot what 1 U0 u u r1...unuýî (,orner 'IOiu 0na ndHea\ cou> F ather. al Osýhawa Gcîîcral Hospit loI bseni ,iuiee of the hi rtli0of.tarted out 10 say. Well, de- Last VuCtluic. h a tîcru uîîui Gan'uge Sus. tu-a %va>serveluthie puiblic n'. Clous C. Washiiigtuuii schsss u oing Ithe'allernosîuuuat B.A_ victoriua uiixci-sitv a farcx e!I prt> t iIss V. Torouitus, is liîilida>1i sg aht Poixer naid -Niîss \ îiV n-r.line xvhistare leaxiîg the talo NI:: Piiio 1b;,,-i hotulu a ti Mus. B. N Viaro ira puieai (iiit Ladurs'Col le. Wiiit- tea. Prinîcipal 2A. NI1.IIîomîp- liv, s xîsu t iîg !,,Pr-lathr, Ms son presenhed l Nlss Poweri T E. Higginbotiaýnî. witlî a flouir amp frnîthie' Ni sses Niabe a nid Rehn teahe)(rsTokeuis xisîi uichou B ns>. 'Toronto, arec-holidavuuîgi i-osage xx t'c' ao stpi eseii' ud i < 'îiit hii r uncle, Mr. F. A. Miss Burinutsr ichso u siiF~ur îx'ohPlace", anîd Jau aux lti, six ruiî lsîuii tuip lisi* ruclot ies i e. to Puierto WR riniithe- Mt Ir. R. W. Rei-tiiaius un buducs toî v t i eu si>t'i :.î i juin lidaî:han irhs e- MNie lîîanti Nikir n. Nît uuvig luiuvtoug tult toîia Cmii s'rt'sîtTlot '<ut:> )ftIir:uiuuiian -iîtls ui pass- liolidai ig îîutlîîus narntt- li 1 i. iii lighi lîol(Iu iu~ls fili s lir anîd Nrs. J. FM.Niu-kureniii niîSt Ctîlbege uof Planunac>. Cent:re St, Mi s.V,'.. Laing, Clar:ke.,buis Fi ltyplax ..i . In> Ot f onre¶îii'iroi uuuan teid Mlo Bueslins Red Ruter vi <4xx.1<relat iv in iiCabgary. junuiiîior t<'ooi ProhabI.' 'Altoa, anîdiMrýi. NI. Cen s. luie-uuj: Ciiuuî. Jack Caxfoa.D-tnd. uh. ouh M Bbaukstuick:andctPoi l Huoper-i houiu..Clarkue, unPsre u def'.u~c ~" Puieli, %ui.iii lhir m tt-mrXl>-Ak 1t Ormeuc: useBULock auuiutiiu litu Y recovinug frni theli Roge-r Bird, Dotig Ni'îi-,etitsof!a i uis fu Il Tom Baker . Haniîîton~: Elriin .'l randclNIns. .1. E. Horwooîl Midclletouî. Ou onî, anîd Chai le auit lougbîc: I-aze. Tron w, Som-rscalc-: foi x trds: Bob pe'uî bbcth e keuid .xuilth*he rý .Biu'c. Loîmus Wuseuuiani Jik c nue- îuî Mu '< .Viiuî cooihe. MrCuiîboujgli, En Nt i tl 'uînttli --- as u'uterr-s Jack lire andclS id Ruiîml -.1 îuuuor and Intcuîu'cdae teams W'hciîToim Depew's slioulcVi' in Ontario Horke',: Aý;-oiau- hias uu.mplel v hîcatent b> xv I tiii. pnoliabîy take Wit hîcnis ' Ennii ki i c di* s liistamaii Qpla oui righît îvung anid Mr. Ruissellb!Smith ceruin- Wiîhrridige WI be ;aying Pd about 40) young friends deferise. recently. Snb f iîîii uthrsuiu'-uon Saturda%*. December 7tlî. Ciuîhaudt ucîil inuoitO pite ail th wiingaP fahll ion uî gots orth tiî1963.She'was mn ber 59th gf-canhîgiansI cuaiigl- ' throuing<of hands in the air aamiie andI a handshake. AndsI ean. uIg, uîI 'snu, ti -a heegnsm adcm "GOODWbILL' gocs xitiîsui Duh !telI n lîipug.e-rIiek. mei-(iaIis n o!Chrisîrnais to îa it h. And i vhirrp goodivill qndIMrF. \William \iîson. ¶hîe In lui hueond nid day%. Ihue da.v, 1 (Pet that wP have-,fail- gocsý it s. uîot lonîg hefore peau(- leccis"ch was boî-uîin HOPI' 2gond nid familie% rose caris oni cd snmehow. We haven'f abirlcç: there. IL ithIis good-,Towlisip anri attepndoed 7i,'i Christrna% day and ivent ho <liite ntanaged to ruin Christ- uill born o! Christmas fai'i S5chooî. On Noxember ~ rhuurch, wherc ihe parson zave inas. that ivill biing to pass the, 192-2, s h Pmarrii - Jr'ýePu them a tw,ýo-hnur appetîzer. , ancient prophetsq drearn o!faHenr'> Grenwood who pi-e- Teuî thev ivenît home ail î warrant ur cbîîdren x\liole woilsI ah peare. decased ber. ook a nip' o! sometbiuig to know iuuam murb. and rnay- Mrfis. Greenîxood had reuid- lk f h hl.Wiet(,b Yes, the Christmas star stil! ecl i il Newcastle for abouit sei ffthec i Wine the bemore, o! bbc story -if sne.Thet woild needs i.- hre -ars ansI nefore t}îat ' ,r\untirrsýCriia, n Il oigo A liurex'ifhthrde-k'11( u. ;rep;ruig the i-ast -tî hitC d a hi igbt andI ail- its attrnidan< Kpnrlal. Ahue, ,t -diîîocr ho couic, the ger- ther"ýtCijd .; h be-au 1k and p rumise l! still ucasd-c vas alsuu emplo> cd ,iu ooî- abite <if lîuiiî .Thc isue ierpat f n!1001years ago su i s.and bera use t sh iiid e ubor'ColsI Storage. h51Pt iu Sie~ t 'if! tI I '<t nIbiuý .. nIII e xr reî' ;ne ,veiiriest heart rejoires on x-.-s a member o! bbe Un s-,, P trInitllu- ci î'îîîî' l as smug anid Chrimas d a.. For 't Ii' Churîli. gnteenpt h: coa-il Ur imuc-h-toiute-d materiahisni, aug-s oig, BeliolsI 1 br.n', A daughter Pearl (Mrs. to the lime and v-cut after thtol uritoj great-grand- yoit good tidings o! gucat joyR'Pobert Winnî o! Kendal aiîdl ch:lI aai.atbrIrs were. s nng for aIl, who t h ro-uIiI tregrneirnsurivxe. ' ga îîecs nsIgooxvil, re eek eAlo srviî'iog re asitu, That's your auiuestors l'un -Wjiness service clubs scum-- iogz anGosI.l aesekýAs Hebu(is. illirea Bntr - alking about . Minîe iveiF'.' ing about town with Christ- xvi-t I '. a(M-S.iidae mBaIih'. 0i~thie prOtili tic ladIias 5b8slcehs for tI11 osePle -3 Mieli-ille Wilsonî, Kendal: Gu.* xvcre taýking the fomod tri. 1 fortuniti- gril fif Memorial. Ho Wilsonm. Kirbvs ansI Victor Wul- ip it see lhbm. kic-king tich sinhr -riunica A M m ra.H spital sn Crooked Creek. pugs under the bcd wbcii en hîu hme-s fuir utîs people. WitIes.q Wveekly Report hefu fite a p xe tth iei fruücsscrapiîIugîiîth igh.mas crnlfokUIdsCEF.ling Nonibutt & Smith Funvîril feet, and so.vuuug,"'ank,,ver littli' starng c b i 1hcd r e n For bbc week o!foe.BwuNilon Tocs,- 'Mli. f'anik ver, Mum , asý abroad. lic. 9 - 15 inclusive daY-. December lIith. andi x"as s1ie 1iîillcd frcîm lier basket So giîsI up your loini, Adiiisiois , onicld i3e-.Wrgb. ofi<!the gi-Car'that had dieci plonge lt orsopn Birtit_--1 maie, 4 femnale R Intermnent is n Bowýnia:- <Ilf rIiý-:-aýi. anud one o! laýst anîd debI, give for thp joy AP Di'ruares -bxi!"Cemrterrv. icn hîtl o! blackb(r:-gvn be bappy in the fa ~i3I<î opratins 9 PalIbearers x'eer".Mc su . id- ixaj had gone \xune- il>' reuniouî. go 10 rhu- Emnercenc.%*iatmpntv, 21 Victor Wilsonî. La w se îu r e Thu' Chli i '<h u (i-, o! ::-, .frorn the liard stuf!, and!nnl Visutiiiîg boums 3 -4 p.m. G-reenwnods, Richard Wilson m>v anrstons' derscenidants will be a liog with tite turkey, à n and î to 8.30 p. iand Lloyd Gardiner. eal, turkeyv uttil tbey resemrble vou won't go too far wrong.l 'I t, Th e Qverlooked Majority Nexi Item of Busi ness Duihorr Counys Greait Famiy Iourncxi Established 109 yeass ago in 1854 Also Incorporcting The Bowmanville News The Newcastle Independent %W 141zc;r The Orono News L& "Authoized as Second CI... Ma1i by uhe Posl Otur. Depi ,Ottawa, and ter: paymenf om posage un cash" Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PO. Box 190 62-66 King St. W., Bowmanvile, Ontario GEO. W. GRIAHAM ADVTC. MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION RATES $4.00 a Year, strictly in advance SS-50 a Year ln the Unted States Althouqis .ve'y Prlecau tien wuii b. toaisn le avaid rror The Concducin Siciesman riccepis r.dviis. I1q laif&ilcolum.s o. ihe undtretindinq ihet il wilnot b, ahi, litforan errer, î ramy nvrisement r.ub1iîahd herruu'der anie ri eh ar'vertisemen. la Pqu*Ated in writinq by the .rlveriuzs enti raturned fa The Cvoodinin bulsines nliro rduly siqned 5v th.eudvrfser enca w.ih such orrai or corectini tînly lnned in wrtin i toran md in t<l iaiur,.i cmv ocrt, tonnotpil;a neuf cerrticed by The Canaydinn Sialsarn if% lic lîabliy shmIl texcaoil urhel O irion mi ths. entire rit el sueb edvartta.u'miit nehe.aecoc .cepied hy the nruf.d errer battra te the wholi. epace eeup.d by auea *dpoytiaov»sm [bijt el anabian %tatt#inan 9 -1-z ýý, ý leMU ý éýd Yo-tit-igiiiaiî',ç ColuiTin

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