also 5gundav guests of Mr. andi L F AE 1Ui of U.C.W. took a trip toi presentation for Mr. and Mrs. *1he Canin tegaHwavlDe.1 96 - Mrs C.Ruteran atened ~Station CFTO on SundaY Ro-s Farrow a? Newtonville, (L~OLa~tTue Ame~or id! derakngwasdoored.thisbrige, ereSundy vsitos 'oupl wee prsened wth ci I & ' er>eso a thcontrrntionfîh forbridge, *u www r rCarkeMooe, Oha-SatudavvenicMuCharp ____________________________a Phone 623-3303 tradition in~ England. Banld- cen'ior bos* baskelball tea.-ns .p, the tcachers wiîî plav',~*fdMs.SaiyCv mirror. Ross and Cao x SA LEUN T D CR H of arl îner fomONil ehiiton gan-eam e Grade XIII a 4:15 p . ond Karen, Mr. and Mrs. pressed their appreciation, in- __ ~~~~~~~~~house to housean were in- 'e. Oshawa. Aithough our~ FridaY, Deccmnber 20, in the d Cvry bnzr iigterrinst i~ Miss Helen Vanstone was a Club 401, Oshawa, as guests ofvited in to partake of a spicy seniors were defeated by a' bovs' gym. Evervone is nvt were Sunday visitors at Ws;them in Bowmanvile. Mr.WE NS ADc25h1:0am weekend guest of Miss Sandra thne Oshawa Lions Club on punch and Christmas cake.. verv s'iight margin, Our jun- ed* to corne and 'support their;CMr nd s. DonardProut and pode msiforhestren Clark, Toronto. Mondav e'ven 'ng. Mrs. Ron Recentiy a band of voung peo- iors came out on top. favsons BowmMr. an viiieonvPsitda'n g.rvddmsi o h vn favorite team, orohipnConducteibyiSalem Y.P.U Miss Mildrcd Wlilmott and Hawthorne accompanied the' pie. Misses Mary Lawson. The names of our juniori The grade thirteen Christ-! Rav Cmrns Mr. and Mrs. L. A. %IacDougal group as guide. Barbara Keves, Carol Robin- and senior gir:s' basketbali mas Party precedes this vol-,M . r.RbntKle, Ms watRbno a visited Miss Theo Wil!ia.mns. As next week's issue mus' son. Lois Eiliot, Linda Moor- teamns should be pos'ýed thîs.leYbail game. It's alwaYs fun Mran s.RbtKil, r.EwtRononvs Hilisdale Manor. Oshawa. on be printed Mondav evenin, jcroft, Gloria Rattle and es- week. adluh n srrss s Trntwa e res. ulrd Frank,, s i etigf io h U.Crista pae:Rv hi uBABD ............... .......corts, visited the home of Basketball cheerleaders have, let's see evervone there. That's TrntweSnaycler omen o loh Uee.C.w. at Su nday. WC wouldi appi-eciate receivingt at Wes Cameron*s, e.oeis ek iha Mn. and Mrs. A. C. Ander-,advance information o f youriMu rdoch and Mae Beaton, nlot been chosen as y est but Dec. 20th. the hrismasce of sixteen. Mrs.Frnd aeCrdll IvidtoJn 5 son and daughter Joanne. activities, and itos during Centr t. nd joined with it should be very soon. Folwn he CrsmsiHrl oc read the scrip-ý Kingston, W e re weekend this weekend. Please phone Ros ndthï guest, vn.ý Our newiv formed school. parts', is. of course, the Christ-~IJL uelssn îh h eo guests of Mrs. Morlev Van- us earlv - it wou]d be ms h5Mtaf nNe es..corhs tre rcie. mn Dne h rs 5tional bv Mrs. Carl Todd as-' stn n abr.heipful to hear from you onTh group enj oyed hot choco- This week the Students es- up n h tmpie. Mrs. Ella Forrester, West- sisted b Rev. White. Christ-' _______ M r . a n d M r s . V e r n o n S a u n - F r i d a v o f t h i s w e e k , i f ~ ~ l a t e a n d C h r i s t m a s c a k e , a n d C o u n c i l r e c e i v e d h r s m a ' a n d s o o n w i l i b e a n n o u nic e d p o t h s c o e t o p n dh e m s c r sw r eu gw i h M.and at 'hVrnonatest-' ý%went on their wav a-cacolling. Greetings from our adlopter] later. There has been a great wne otswt r.A r.L alwl ins. h ders and sons. Alan and Ro- sitcid Ruth Ciements. in Kal- deal of preparation for ti.Dbo eot o h erwr ber, er S nd v istos onas monig.Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. irpong, West Benaal, India. day. so let's al core out and:' Mr. Alvin Souch is a Pa- gratifving. Officers were eIp-' with the formers parents, Mr. Miss Jeanette Lobb has re- Matin and 'daughter Doris at-' We are very pleased to be,support it.i teient in Memorial Hospital. ted for the ensuing ,vear as .~ II IIT D C U C and Ms. A.Saundrs, Wver- ended the christening of theiri supporting Ruth for the com- Weil. that is about ail the, Miss Norma HalIowell, Tor-' follows: President, Mrs. John Y ly Road. lightful vacation. Miss Lobh,! grandson and nephew, Gre- ing year. ýnews for now. Everynne IS onto, spent the weekend at'Stark; Vice President, Mrs - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barett an omr nursing class-ý gorv, son of Mr. and Mrq) At Fridays orin as- eatserly awaiting our 17 day home. Orme Falls; Treasurer. M's. leave this Sîîndav te spend f'omn Detroit, Mich., for d-1 Alec Martin, in Newcas'l e sembly the Grade XIII chai- Chrs1a hlda. Ish Miss Betty Savery and Mrs. Kwart Robinson; Secretarv. Christmas with thrir daugh*er iverv inSnFrnico IrmUnited Church on Sunda. lenge to the teachers toIk' everynne a Merrv Christmas Clif ford Fonk were involved Mrs. Jimn Stark: Cor. Sec., and son-in-iaw, Mr. and in San Francisco. flero' December 8th, and were din-' place. Our Grade XIII châi- and everythin.g they desire to in an accident due to the slip- Mrýs. Carl Wood; Flowcc Com- C. Carlini, Jimmnv and Steè-Haw ai scer they spent toner guests with the familv.ý lengers marched down the make the"coming year the best pery road while ceturningi mittee, Mrs. Brenton Farro, Il, phnofBfal.NY vrs nivbe k. TI Nvme te tedr centre aisie singing nwdxet' from work with Mr. Allaný Mrs. L. Hallowell, Mrs. JimL flJ jhf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gi junvhmla vapaeIhfhiseigo hi gadGae Titen~(o te Mercer, Elizabethviile, last' Stark and Mrs. Sid Haliowell: Jasmn, ask. ar agan jurnY hoe ws vi plne-daughier and niece, Deanne, tune(?) of Onward Christianý ek asng omteMrr Jasin, Sak., ar agîn Another suggestionfo a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.; Soldiers). Next sorne of the' Mr. and Mrs. And GrHebRi.MsOmeFls wpin thewon inter rnonths prettY decorative snowball Frank Bingham, at Westwiv Grade XIII students rear]' LU igtn pn h eknd Mrs. Ewart Robinson and Mrs. TECRST A TR withther sn ad dugher-boN, o Christrnas gifts. CutUnited Church, Isîington. andshort one-verse porn as a, (lotender] for las? week a? Mrs. Sid HallowelI's, Mrs. Jim Stark. Gifts were dis-.;W RS N UI lnla, Ms.Roi.Mrr, yrdaonsee o tnsl oiedth fmiy ordine frmofulimtu Tenth M.oha. ithel ornt Gorrenanig ro wllli Cil] and familx', King Streetiv*pe r-bn Crite n ie the also ii d i. nriifform erslimtm h h'Mr hs Mthl, Trot, Gey. anigfor a few tributed fomthe wl- ttree West. ibn ulteetr hvas iie Mran it oms waited for a re- visiter] at Russell Perkin's. days. with lunch servedi bv the ienIgth bY drawing the ribbon Mrs*. Alan A. Martin, Port: sponse. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Horton Manv attended the White, comrnittee, Mrs. Harold. Souch nbie ChrsfSlmadlu e Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Ashton.ý along the edge of a duli blade. Credit. Last Sundav, Deccm- Mr. Scott, 'railroaded' into and familv, Blackstock, visit-,Gift service at Shiloh Sundav and Mrs. Carl Todd .Mrs. Jim' Guelph, were weekend gues;ts. Buinch the cunis to forn a bal ber 15, Mc. and Mrs. Gordon' representing the staff, took un ed at Ray ,Corneronis. atron-r. i awlSak expressed the apprecia- ntdCirhs r.H. J. Bab- and tic. For a multi-coloredi C. Martin attended a reunion Uic challenge and presentedý Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skin-lassisted with her solo which tion of the ladies to Mrs. Carl cock, Ontario St. Mr. and Mrs.' snowball take lengths of sev- of the Martin famiiv at the. the Grade XIII with a letter, nc. OshawawrSaudv asgatyareitdNetTdfo hrtoyas s Harod Elord Oshwawerfe eral colors of ribbon, curl and home of Mr. and Mrs. Roberî of acceptance and stressed evening visitors at Jim Stain- Sundav a Christmas pageant. president and to Mrs. Robin-EvrneWloeh oi WthU Sunday callers at the home of tie together. ýSheffield (nee Alice Martin):that since their challenge wâl~tonis. wI egvna :0pm snfrteejvbeeeig Mc. and Mrs. Babcock. r.DugRi1ilsaa.'aeOf rdab3hthi ebeso teAm Re a vfrendatt:nded the a? heor he. _______________________________________ Mrs. Isabel Re vnolds visiter] and daughtecs Carolyn and Mari.\, fr_____________________________ ___the__ ___________home.___ Mt the home of ber son and Nancy~ leave Wednesday (to- dlaughter-in-law, Mc. and Mrs. ,day-) for San Antonio, Texas, Arthur Reynolds and familv, to spend Christmas and New' H{ampton. on Suodav and en- Y(,ac's wtth Mr. Rigg's sister joyed the Candlelightine Sec- and hrother-in-Iaw, Squadron Vice in the Hampton United;Leader and Mrs Reg. Litt and Church On Suinday evenîng. familv. Mc. Rigg's mother,' Rerent visitors xith Mr .Mrs. 'Olive Rigg of Stcatfordl ------------ '>d Mrs. Perc ' Hayward ,vereý has arrived in San Antonon Mc. and Mrs. Raye West, Or- for the Festive Season. ono, Master Barry VWest, Mi.ç r. nd cs. be--ofB-r 1. Bacton, Miss, G. Forsvth.Mran s.AeloBr- Oshawa, and Mrs. G. Cox, rie were weekend guests of. Orono. Miss Darlene Wes their daughter and son-m-j -- grient the weekend with hec landM.adMs.C u r grandparcnits, Mr. and Mrs. ing famiiy* . On Sunday morn- liaYwad. ingthe *v attended the Confir- }a ad.mation Service in St. John's---- ----- -------. .... . Mrs O. Norrish, Mr. W. .1. Anglican Chucch when their----- 13erry, Miss Diane Dawson. granddaughters%, Misses Linda y01ý Mr. Phillip Dawson, al ofand Carol Ruiter, were con----- Bowman\-illp., attender] the' firmrd. Mrs. A. Ruiter and; .Annual Chîristmis partv a' daughter June, Town, were *1just afew of ST. PAUL'S United Church ' .%any r'j Minister- Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. 'sgg ton.. Organist- Mr. M. Bcaton, sgetos L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., L.T.C.L. cone in DESERT FLOWER te seea 9.50 a.rn. - Sunday School-- SPRAY COLOGNEhatf 11e0 gula- hrst$2,50ric OLD SPICE MEN'S SET 11.1.10 a.rn. - Christrnas Servic The tongy scent of Old Spice . .G ft C r o 3 4.00 p.n. - '4Christinas Carnis Across the Anfero-Shaeort on ai ruem VRAFAUEBAE World" B.v Jr. and Sr. Choirs CUTEX MANICURE SET And eSoe orntionk.oirIGHTERSAR With Narrators. Reg. $250 $2,29 Special Re2.29.00Speciol $3.69 ~.0' v Corne and WorshipI Other Cutex Set# Other Old Spice sets Io $11,50 $9.95 ta149NeGi.,Sanl, $1.00 to $7 530 .. li ., 6 .. 89 _________A ST. JOHN'S CHURCH_ Anglican Rev. K. J1. Frampton, M.IA., B.Th. December 22nd - Fourth Sunday in Advent. 8:00 a.m. - Htn1y Communion 9:45 a.m. - Family Service l Spc fo Me 11:00 a.m. HoIy Communion and ç4tnday ;ehooIfe hv.LoinadLte 7:00 p.m. CAROL SERVICE SneCpmRg 22 Seven Lessons and Familiar Carols SEIL$ 9 ODNBAD"XOD CHRISTMAS EVE BLFL o E 11:30 p.m. - HoIy Communion lrthgier qh n fl oerty -ePHLHAESEDFE FANCY SOAPS The eeptricnlaver a populrtylt. C HRISTMAS DAY Iwvhh t l.fey;nedenetktset J u n i o r , I n t e r n i e d i a t e a n d S e n i o r - 9 : 4 5 a . - m ./ 2 P u n i P o u n d %C. 5 Primnary and Kindergarten - 11:20 4D Beuinner's - 1100 arn. AUir1 (CORDIAI, \\HCOMF TO ALL4 r _i SREHOBOTH CHRISTIAN asyBrKodakI, "ELITE" HAIR DRYER REFORMED CHURCH i A dryer anv girl would Se proud FIESTA CAMERA GUTFITPcteswt Scugo Stret Bornanîlleta owri. Cari Se worn over thie Scou.derStreetng consîderobl. Evèrthinq equird for toking grod sfla s h b u l b s. ,,NinF L A S H B U L BSb l Rev. Jh .Vrrge .. .. Minister mov-ement about the rcoom. ln pctUre MnChistmas day - cornra, Degtf arNcEsfRvoyomod 25 f 2 Tlpoe2352 oeytose case. im otreýohub. "CLASSICS I FRAGRANCE" QUINTET Sevso 12 bb Veîtuge.BA. BD.,loely ciai $19.95 Special $9.95 3V2 ounce viols of different cologne, . tie5 Aa1«M2 $21 ~ ,.2 9:00SHIP- SuERVICES 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU 11:0) - English 7:30> pan. - EnglishA fl u p Proclairning the Whole Counsel of God "Back To God Hour"' Broadcasî 5 Kînêiig St. W b Phone 623 5 9 ~CKLB Oshawa- Sunday, Dec. 22nd at 6:30 P.M.