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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1963, p. 8

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*The Canadian Stateeman, Eowmanvlfle, D.e. 18, 1963 SPORTropicS2 fly Frank Mohun 623-7234 N'EFEREES ARE HUMAN 'Several weeks ago an item appeared in the Cobourg Sen-! tinel-Star, by our old buddy sports editor, Layton I3odge. It' was one of the best-written articles we have ever read and particularly Interesting to this reporter. Y ears ago we ran up something over 90 games in oe ason as a whistle-tooter, so we know whereof Layton fflks. It was a lot of fun as we journeyed all over the country with Murray McKnight and Charlie Vanstone's Pee Wee Ail-Stars - even had a shot at bandling a couple of! Midgets Swamp StouffviIIle contesta at Maple Leaf Gardens. Bowmanville came up withifinal 20 minutes. Dana Da- Burns was righl in step with I ---- ______ __ .Then we'll neyer forget the season we spent with Don another impressive effort 10mant and Ron Heard each one goal and two assists, the Masters' juvenile champs, particularly a Port Hope gaine, swamp Stouffville 7-0 in a 8 Mige hckyatratinatplayed haîf the game in goal remainder going to Pete That was it for a few years until we took Up the chore night. Don McMurter fired three The only two league lossesý lest year in the Local 189 loop. But on with Mr. Dodge's In their only scheduled goals and collected a single1suffered by the Bowmanvillei Standing End of l3th Week atce- and we'd like to draw special attention toth game of the week, the locals assist, while Wayne Down crw have been to Uxbridge,i jumped mbt a 4-0 first period scored once and set up three and yt Souffville, lhough no FrtShdl lest couple of sentences. Truer words certainly were n.eye bulge, added a pair in the others, to pace the winners match for the locals, bas held: Team W L Pts. spoken. second and anothen in the with four points apiece. Steve- Uxbridge to a tie. L ibenty Bowl 29 10 29 I Nels Osborne This reporter would like te thank Arnold Etcher, capa- H ckyInç bie timer and score-keeper for Oshawa Generals, for draw- 'Local 1 89 H ckyKe log our attention to the Cobourg column. Me "The next time you feel inclîned to rip apart the workD the ffiials pint ! vew.Firl o!ail cosidr hw hokeyRa der HoI Ho net to Toe of a referee, check the impulse beforehand and consider e differs froin all other sports froin the point of officiating. u With basebail the caîl is eilher bail or strike, sale or out01 Granted the umpires must know many involved rules, but Va his decisions are limited and he can anicipae exactly whereV 'theplaywillbe ade equiing is all.TakefootallasiLa anothier example. There you have three, quile possibly fori Tail-end Raiders and league- : effort and assisting on two the runner-up losers. Ha or1leading Hornets battled to ai others. Charlie Trim scored "Archie" Crossey continurdiPel main officiaIs looking for penalties, not just one as is current- 7-7 lie and Cornets stopped' twice while Don Bagneil and to spark the winners, this 'Hc ly in vogue in Lakeshore intermediate hockey. Each one Bruins 7-3 in Local 189 hockey~ John Lunn each notched a lime rapping in four goals, Jeý just watches a certain part of the field and nine times out action, Sunday monning. goal and two assists. singles goi ng te Genry Mar-, Sel to ten when he calîs a penalty only a handful o! spectators Ini the opener, H-ornets led Howard Quinney and Larry jernîson, Dan Girandi and He sswth ofene bin comite unes ilwa a laingfoi.4-1 eanly in the second period, Piper fired a pair of markers Bruce Cole. t ~~but Raiders losed the gap ta apiece for the Honnets with Lloyd Hamilton scored twi*ce:,*Naý j' t t j- t a single goal and went nfotDnPot oncigfrte and Bob Fairey once for the Jac "'NOW LOOK at hockey. Unlike basebaîl or football, the 6-5 aI 4:05 of the third. The eventual eciualizer. Raye West losers. A leaders had te come-from-be- and Ray were the other goal- TeASadigIn referee is on skates and he must know how te use hîs bind twice, the last one with gtens. emStnigEr blades te gel in position te sec as much of the play as pos- two minutes left te avent ani Three -lhînd period tallies W L T. Pts. l Ruý sible. He can't stand by first base, waiting for the tbrow upset defeat. lin less than four minutes; Hornets ......e 2 I1311Ha. from shortstop for example, he bas te almost guess the next Gary McCullough was a! broke up a close 3-2 game as Bruns....4 ~1 9 ERu standout for the Raiders, com- Cornets deteated Bruins to Cornets........ 4 5 P E move of the puck and gelto the most advantageous part Of ing through with _a-hat-triek movle within a single point of: Raiders 2 5 2 6 BuI the ice te see and yet nlot gel in the way. Unlike football, Lai ont referee calîs ail thepeats in a hockey garne. Natural- lai penltesRegain DasketDaiI Leau d Iy, froin bis position at ice level, he can't ste everything 1_________________Jirr that goes on. Some obvions miscarriage of justice can and Dr. éloes occur behind bis back. Although he doesn't see itC ro atolD w nJcQ ee partisan fans do, and tbey don'l hesitate te let hum now.n ti n D w n c ue a Rldlng tht referee is part and parcel of hockey, of curse j Ho, because when a fan pays his money, he buys the rightt bbe M as critical as h. wisbes. After a game, the citicisrn 1.9 tnuch H oTUps t S ep h n Fu l( greater, more oflen wben the tearn loses, and forgollen wbenB o e s pt S e h n Fu lDa It wins. In other words, many fans are ready te blame! Bil shortcomnings o! their hockey heroes on the officials, despîte' The Men's Basket bail league kîe and Frank Sobil each bag- -_____ the fadt that, as one observer once said, "I haven'l seen h lead changed hands for the ging seven. IGeneralsLIc 'GBu ref put the puck In tbe net yet!" third lime in lhnee weeks, In the second gaine. the1 8 Ge t f t t t puck officiai t a the High teains wer tied 4-4 at quatenTo Niagara 8-5 ,Shol ynaiuas Corona- turne, 1010 1aI tht half andIlAI "THE DAS of any argument supporling a l f io in Cale downed McQueen's , stili deadlocked at 16 points1 Oshawa Genenals trailing Bni when compaing him to a basebaîl umpire and a football Matons 51-33 te move one, apiece aler thnee quarters.1 4-1 after two minutes of the Ha officiai lu this: I3aseball is an easy gaine te officiat. Foot- point ahead of the Motors.f Il was ail Hooper's in the last 'middle session, nannowed the Ke bail ig mort difficuit than basebail te officiate, but witb the ICellar-d'welling Hoope's Jew-1 quarter, as the lail-endensgap te 5-4 befone the buzzen, iMu. ellers pulled off a- 26-17 upset! held Stepben's te a single fouli but Niagara Falls Flyers - fans being no far from the field and with the many mnen on win in the low-scoring night-lIshot, while bitting for fivel napped in thnee more in the the field te watcbh, they can't second guess the officials thelcap. baskets.1 third te eann an 8-5 Jr. "A"Z wa hyca n oke.Adhcky nmyoiinii yfn Defending champion Coro-i John Fowler accounbed for victony, Friday night aI the tht most difficualt sport t» refente in the world, and tbe easi-nto tail nnae hei all the Fuel's total %it.. 1 oey on iyAma margîn 1e 35-16 heading into points and Ted Fainey click.d1 Captain Ron Schock, out o! est for fans #~o second guess. If you rend the hockey rule the final quarter when botb I for a pain o! baskets. Don action for five weeks due teu a book, yoqu'd tbsnk il almost impossible te avold a penalty be- clubs reaily unleashed quite a Welsb was the loser's big gun j serious car accident, paced the' cause the ruies are written in a way thât almost anything scoring barrage in the last tený with eleven, while Ted Dad-li Flyers with a two-goal, two- the ed in 23 points and Dan Setol son added four. 1 assist performance. Bnian shi, coud b caleda pnaly o sane ert Ths n oficai as inues.Nor Buald por-Bradley and Bill Goldsworthy La( to draw a line somewhere, using bis judgmentas1whnbtfr2 as the af's ne W. L. T. Pts alocîetdapi.o'olT to cali an infingement or let il go. If a game gets too rough, two punch rolled mbt higiiiCoronation singles going to Gilles Marotte Pal he must crack down before l gels ouI of band. The task o! gear. Jin Reid was McQueen'.3 Cafe ..... 5 2 0 10 a nd Guy Le Vesque. pot the releree la to set some standard in players' msnds o! best with h_points,_Jot Mar-IMcQueen's Ron Buchanan, Bobby Orn, pul whathe'l tlerte nd wat' gong e lnd tem in hel e Motors ..... 4 2 1 9Bi Smith, Bob Kilger and vici pehaty hbh oe ecn ht' on l ad hi n ew ile-St ill !Stephen Fuels 2 4 1 5 Bian Fletcher, up frorn Whit- Ha: pealy ox ~Hooper's by Dunlops, were the Gen- kee t t t t t Pansies....... -...... 29 33749 Jewellers 2 5 0 4 erals' marksmen. JoIl IT TAKES a good officiai te keep the contact In the Forgets-me-nots .. 24 33220 theiNbb gamne and thus maintain tht intereat witbout Ieting any- snters -.........15 309581RIG THSenc ont take excessive liberties. So the best referees are Sufoers 200.Games 15 30578'hy1 .jTHIfino those who have that slxth sense whicb automaticaily dic- Sark 264, 207; Doris Tbornp- SPECIAL 1/2 PRICE PASSE tales their officiating policies. Anoîber asset a good refenee son 250, 237; Millie Porte r 2-1, must postes@ is the ability te bandle playens. A refeneel 243; Jean Hall 237;Mro to the of can be mechanlcaliy perfect and yet be a failure If he Hante-Maxwell 223, 210, Gwn iho HalIoweli 223; Marg. MacDon-f* EhopE (b& . e ccn't gel aiong witb the players. Ht must maintain their aiF1;oc tcy29 lv;'si. RI~., DECPeut respect and accept the fact that these men are excited In Henderson 200. Su erC sht the heat o! battit and must be handled poperiy, and aisoe Hig b Single - Dorothy 1 CAi hav with respect when a difference arises. Thus the referee Stark 264. 1I * sme Su er liIashtII could skate like tbe wind, know wbere te be aI the right Hi g b Triple - Dorothy ihor trne, and know the rules backwards, but If be acked the trip4 I* ~ Higb Averages -Donothy B 1N G 0-x psychoiogy te maintain the players' respect o! hum and bis Stark 175. »«Ee iinqltionn hie wnld never nrh1eve toi) rati.IngT1his .shoui fI a1te_-E, give you an idea o! how difficult tht job o! à hockey refenee . is and how impossible il is to be perfect. The gaine ilself than he dots. Tht hockey rules are compiex and bard Io interpret. They can't bt called to the letter or tht gain ade " Bo ln would be spoihed. Ht must bave acceptability froun the20Gae players. Evenybody should bave bis eyes opened as a young1 M. Cowan 278, 216, W.:, Cobourg teenager did recentiy wben be donned a black Coombes 258, 204, E. Etcher, and white striped shirt for tht first time. "Every playen 220, 208, J. Lobb 242, M. Gib-i (and be might have added every fan) should bave to refere son 239, T. Eby 230, E. Rich-, a gaine binsel!," he exclairned. "then he i-iight appreciate ard- 21tfM. l 21(3 , . l tht official's point of view." Truer words were neyer spok- IVîi.Donald '206.1 en.Averages t t t t t 0. Patfield __ .- - -_ GINERALS BATTLE FOR PLAYOFF BERTH M. Etchen - ------- --- J. Lobb --- -------- ----- Oshawa Generals carne up with a couple o! good efforts'M. Cowan--------- ast week, but stili went down te defeat. Then Sunday tbey L. Martyn--------- realiy came tbrough, tying the mighty Manîboros 3-3 righb B. Sellers ------- -- in tht Gardens.I W. Coombes ----------- ýM. Colville --------- Ail season long the Generals have been coming close,; M. X'eo -------- onhy te lose by ont or two goals. This corner has been try E. Richards - ----- - ---- ixîg te figure out bow bbe teain is able ta corne up withbig IM Gibson ------------- gae.against the top turne, but appear te let down against KM Fodser- -------- Kitchener and Hamilton - thetbwo clubs they bave ta beat T. Eby ---------------- out for a playoff bcrtb. iB. Richards . ------- Oshawa, in sixbb spot for neariy tht entire scbeduie I S. Brooks ------- ----- 'I1D. Paeden---------- - came up witb a big ont, beating Kitchener a week ago,1 M. Dawson ----- - - .--- - and iast week's gaine bere agaînst the Petes, was tht beet A. Hodgson -------------- attraction te date. R. Hutchînson --------- But Sunday the Genenals came tbrougb, and the Mar-' B. McDonahd ------ --- lits had only hast two and tied two up til then. N. McFeters ---- ----- W . Brown -------- - -- Ron Buchanan and Danny O'Sbca, wibh 16 and 14 goasD. Perfect...........-- -- respcctivchy, bave been carrying the hoad up front. TerylE. Mitchell------------ Lane, given the chance bas improved tremcndoushy ai cen-j] o gens ---------- tre on tht third ine, and ahong with Bob Kilger and JinM. Cobes __ ------ Blair gave Oshawa mont balance. Jin is out ncuw with a M Tippins --------- broken ankie. R. Cowan - ----- Production bas ta improve froin Mike Dubeau, GeorgeïL. Grahamn Vail, Bill Little and Ron Zaine. Those four, aIl good players, M. White---- I. Green------------. hold the key ta tht Generais' plaoa!f hopes. E. Moore ------ Sensational young Bobby Orr, even aI 15 ycars o! âge, 1 M. Quinney _ _---_ ls the teama sparkpiug. With 13 goals thus far, Bobby is1 Tearn Standingr challenigng the Jr. "A" record of 25 la a season, set by Games1 Jacques Lapperriere. '!Lobb------21 2 Last night's gaine agaînst St. Cathenines was the ast Patfield . 18 18 Tuesday home lame until January 7th. Sunday night Ham.- McDonald 1_d 2 ilton visils tht Mermoriai Arena, New Years cfternoon Man- Etcher -9 2 IMartyn--------- luts are la Mzd Uic iollowiang Sund» i' Niagara IrlU, McFeeters - 4 1 2 Pins 21649 21843 20124 19726 :I PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE iý OVER $8,0O0 IN PRIZES including BIG GAME $2500.00 CASH $1,000 Hi-Lo Game $1,800 Big Snowbali (55 nos.) $1400. Smali Snowbaii <52 nos.) Plus $600 regular games. $450 special games. " o't 1._rget t B uy t e E oa my P c o au and Sve Mo ey! jl FR DOOR PRIZES - KINSMEN' $150 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Here is a plan to provide for your famiiy if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive ... You make regular payments to the Sun Life of Canada, then, at age K-), you start receivmng $150 a month for life or, if yolu prefer, $22,075 in cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving yotur dividends on deposit. Shotild votiflot stirvive to age 65, a minimuim of $17),000 wiII be paid iminediately to your famnily. By coînpleting the enquiry form below, you can oh. tain details siitable t o tr personal situation. Plans can be arranged to provide varions amounts of cash or cash or pension at age 60 or 65, SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA BAN~ 14 Rehder Ave. ÎNER PASSANT Phone 623-3258 1 Bowmanville Naeme Addres.. . ..................... ........ ......... -............ O ccup.ition ....... .. ............................ E xact date (if birth ... .......... ....... ......... Amorn,,qveoci cOqabrt for mon. A smIe, pil owe ebve f*O r Oe. Eni nan sha Joll Ly. Ha3 Bal E.' Brc Per Pre 10. Dui Bic Pat er Doi 215 fiel Sh: nar Joy sha Ma ris E Bnc 661 Kai ton Joy f iel Lyl C Ter han Hel Etc Le% l Sirr 244 Ani 'Dor 236 Hel ton 221 Wh 220, isurance ----- 27t/i 111/ 27,,i en's en's Wear --- 24 1j 14'1, 241, 'kstra's :od -------- 22 17 22 aver mber 20 19 20 iry & Lovell 19 20 19 limpia estaurant ---- 18 tii 201/2 18 ½ý rank's ariety-------- 18 21 18 ander ardware .... 18 21 18 psi-Cola --- 17 22 17 ioper's ýweIlery -15 1î 231/il5½ lby Grant eating 5 34 5 Averages ame Games Ave. ik Bond --- ---- 36 242 1Osborne .--- 36 238 nie Perfect 39 237 uss Halîman ---- 39 235 arold Bennetti--- 39 235 uss Oke ----- 39 232 on Brock ------ 39 228 ud Henning ---- 39 226 àrry Piper-,---- 39 226 art Engley - ---- 39 225 1. Leslie ------- 39 221 m Callan- - ---- 36 221 H.1-. Rundle --- 39 220 ik Lander ----- 39 217 b Williams 39 216 arl Piper - -- 39 216 oward Bromeli - 39 215 el Burgess - 36 215 d Bagneill * 39 214 b Richards 3(0 214 ave McKnight -- 39 213 i Westlake ----- 39 213 eorge Piper ----- 39 211 ad Barter ------ 39 211 eorge Bebee ----- 39 211 on Bagneli ----- 39 209 rny Akey- 39 208 If Samelîs ----- 39 202 ian Trimble - 39 207 .nold Michelson - 30 207 en Luxton - 39 206 .rray Larmer 39 206 ADIES' MAJOR BOWLING Joîl virtuaily wrapped up ýfirst schedule champion- ip, last Monday night in idies' Major League action. e leaders whipped tail-end tfieid 3-0 to move tbnee is in front after Dunn ilied off a huge 2-1 upset etory over runner-up Lyhe. ynes edged Preston 2-1 10 sp their hopes alive, but Il must lose all three, wbile erunners-up win their three 7-O jor League, Jack Gay - ..... 37 Bob Granville 39 Harry Snowden 39 Cecil Mutton --- ---39 Mike Murphy 39 Clarence Oke--- -39 Frank Blunt ------- -36 Hap Palmer - 39 Laurence Leamani 36 John Oke -- - ---- 39 Norm Henning ---39 Ron Maynard .----- 39 Bill Shotter ----- 39 Hank Janzen .-- .39 Features This Week - This Scl High Single- Jack Bond 338 Bud Henning High Triple- Mike Murphy 790 Ernie forfect 206i 2051 204,ý 2041 2041 2041i 2041 203 2031 202 202 202 201, 201 -hed. Low Single- Frank Mohun 106 Glen Hodgson 73 Low Triple- Ron McLean 420 Bruce Adamns 262 Bowling News Mike Murphy won high' triple for the night, coming up with a 790. Jack Bond had high single, 338. Frank Mohun had a low single o! 106 and Ron McLean low triple, 420. Jack Bond still leads in the averages, bowling 242 for 36 games, while Liberty Bowl tops ail teams witb 29 points. Generals Tie Marlies 3-3 Oshawa Generals stepped on to Maple Leaf Gardens ice Sunday aflernoon and accom- plished something that only happened once so fair since the Jr "A" schedule got un-I derway. The Generals, bat-ý tljng ahl the way, earned a 3-3 standoff with the league- leaders, who ran their uýn- beaten skein to 14 gamis But Marlies, who usually win, didn't. Oshawa, trailing 2-0, tied iti up on second perîod goals byl Bill Smith and Ron Buchanan, but new-comer Gerry Oulette sent Toronto in front again &t 16:48. Bobby Orr, Oshawa's sen- sational 15 year old defense- man, tallied the only goal of the third period to give the visitors the tie. It was Orr's l3th of the year, tops in the league, among defense play- ers. Paul Launent and Wayne Carleton scored the other Marîboro markens. DONROY RADIATOR SERVICE COBOURG PHONE 372-3097 -OVERNIGHT SERVICE- PHONE AL. BROOKING For Pickup and Delivery 623-3821 OPEN BOWLING RECREATION IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE ... Get a party together during the festive season and enjoy an hour of bowling. 12 Alleys - . Automatic Pinsetters Snack Bar Phone Managemnent 623-5663 for times and reservations. ENJOY SUNDAY BOWLING Open Afternoon and Evening LIBERTY BOWL Ltd. BASE LUNE BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA ýllý BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 Aduits - 50c FPUBLIC SKATING k FRIDAY, DEC. 20th 8 pm ADMISSION - Children - 35e SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 P.m. HOCKEY HAMILTON RED WINGS VS. OSHAWA GENERALS SUNDAY, DEC. ZInd 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION Sides - $1.50 Ends - $1.25 I Standing - $1.25 jStudents and Cbildren, seats or standing- 75e I ARENA CLOSED ALL DAY CHRISTMAS DAY AND TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th. maining games, . and by a talil lg li u !!. Y !i 1 ,ugh pins to overtake the * i . t placers. '<' T iG t! E. Etcher defeated Baker Sana ugg st Ths ramily it 1knocking the losers out contention and in another set Biekell ended Brooks' Ies on the strength of a 2-1 1 6 oxa l 4d ,. 'ision. 0. Etcher won over make sure the losers didn't Victor S p r D lx vie a chance either.Su e e.x Helen Dunn' swept aIl the CAN BE YOURS FOR CARRIES FOR ONLY nours, rolling up a big 750 ple and a 300 single. Ena. cher had a 733 total, while fl 00DwMoty id Tennant hit for 712 5 m$64.ion o ntl d June Baker 685. HREYUCNHV EON YPLS..U TO4MISPR )ther high singles went to HEEYUCNHV CNM LS..U O4 IE E id Tennant 291, Joyce Ten' GALLON - 2-YEAR, 24,000 MILE WARRANTY!j nt 285 and Barbara Button- aw 282. Team Standings PonsGOODWILL USED CARS iynes.............----------2 1963 Pontiac Laurentian 4-Dr. Safari Station Wagon i Etcher ..--.--------------- 21 V-8, automnatic, custom radio, power brakes and steering, power tail -oks--------------- -------21 gate, oversize nylon white wall tires, wheel dises, windshield wash-j rris-- 19 ers. See this low mileage, one owner station wagon. Etcher ------ ---- 18 1963 Pontiac Laurentian 4-Dr. amei -16 Milemaster 6 cyl. engine, automatie, custom radio, shadelite nd i itied- -------12 shield, electriec dock, wheel dises, washers, white wall tires. Ex.i Averages taxi to be sold and guaranteed as new! -Helen Dunn 218, June Bak-Covrilj 216, Peggy Haynes 215, 1963 Parisienne Pontiac Covril ris Joli 215, Dot BrooksFnihdiAbrRe,28"V8ninaoatc itpwe 5,Ena Etcher 214, Ollie Pat- iihdi meRe,28"V8ngc at ai whpo r ld 209, Onie Etcher 207, brakes and steering, custom radio, padded dash, wheel dises, wind- irley Bickell 20.9, Enid Ten- shield washers. Locally owned since new! it 204, Joyce Tennant 200, I'ce Lyle 198, Barb Button- 1962 Laurentian Sedansj aw 195, Donna Preston 195, aron Slaght 193, Marg Per- Three to choose from. Ail are in excellent condition, locally ownedj 191, Kay Beauprie 190. since new.j 600 Triples "' Covrilj 3arb Buttonshaw 673, Doti 1961Chev.ImpalaCovril ooks 665, Helene Burgess 6 cyl., automatic, custom radio, white wall tires, wheel discs, wirid- ,Larraine Martyn 660, ren Hayes 622, Donna Pres- shield washers. Owned by a doctor since new. Exceptionally low 1 n 622, Onie Etcher 617,, mileage!j yce Tennant 613, Ollie Pal-I ld 611, Mary Ann Richards - 1960 Chev. StationWa o 0, Bernice Terry 602, Joyce Wao. le 601, Hilda Simnick 601. 6 cyl., automatic, custom radio, excellent tires. Local, one owner, 20 or Over Singie Games turquoise and white. Onie Etcher 279, 224, Enid rinant 278, Shirley Green- Ti 271, Marilyn Cole 258, ýlen Dunn 256, Dell Vinson 6,Ollie Pattield 256, Ena cher 255, 250, 225, Mabel enis 251, Karen Hayes 251, ýlene Burgess 248, 228, Hildaà nnick 244. Donna Preston 4, Dot Brooks 243, 224, Mary n Richards 243, Hazel ~ naghue 238, June Baker 6231, Larraine Mart'n 225 1lon Nicholson,223, Barb But PHO6NEN a n-h,,v., 223, Marion Slaght ST . 2-39 oigje Fairey 2220, Irene STE.6339 hitney 220, Bernice Terry ~~---- .--~. -. 0, Joyce Lyle 220. t' 41\1 U . . ... ......... . . . ...... . ..... . .. . . .............. . ... ............. --

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