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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1964, p. 9

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C of C Year End Message Optîmistîc Indications For Better Year in 1964 P "Busines indications point strongly to a furiher rîse un SCanadian economie activitv," President Howard T. ýMitchell off The Canadran Chamber of Commerce stated in a Y'ear- end message. 'Should this bep sustained through 1964. it wop l'ý represent one off the rmK,tptolonged un interrupted peri<ts of consistent advancfe in Canadian business histor ""'. Canaaia's position parallels a similarly ericouragi ng pro)spect for the United States and Britain, he said. rAn expansion ini expor'ts is seen as one off the key factors in the promising Canadian outlook for 1964. Much of thk- will stem from the large saie cess. which could he called the operation off the law off stîmu- lated initiative and încreased returos. must equally appty to us in Canada as a major aid 10 employment and general pro.-ress" he said. Another important, a r e a where Canada faces a chal- lenge is in the field of social secunitv and 'we must do everxfhýing in our power to work for sound social secunît y measures which are consistent with our ability bo pay nov and later". Mn. Mitchell concluded by * oinee1 therm for Chriqtma'r tea. saying that if businessmen take advantage off their oppor-. tunities and aren't hampened by too much government in- terference, Canada eventualiy will be able to challenge the United States for the titie off the country with the highest standard off living in the worid. "It seems to me", he said, 'that this approach to the future - one based on con- fidence, strength and unity - is thre proper one. On such an approach. that off meeting the challenges with respons- :ble action. we can build soundly for the future" WESLEY VILLE wi mi wi du fa ad ier mî lai of jun Co HE Vi Po Pe ita M Fa bu fid gi an *ari De Ou fie an ti pu ai tie wi Pi ie on Ca wi be cr a' tw aid in ti( th ne tit re pr sti bi at a e C th Tî ne i Ca t1h~ '10Nu ;u)UM RANG.E JET - Follitig the miost exhiausisîve isirv's Iristuins', 'l'naiis-Uanada Air Iines bas anurocunced it inten-s lutoi iuedinuni rnnge jet airrufu.'l'ie twin-enngined jets, wiîuî matons ,60 ecouuomy ciass and 12 first class passeogers al. speeds off 56<) r ip Ici 30,000Jt feet. Threy are expecteci 10 go int service wiîh 'ICA lue airline's fleet of IDC-8 jets and turbo-prop Vanguards and YRONE ith Russa and other corn Afler weeks off preparation Thene was a full house ai t unist counitnies. Thei' wonid and anticipation, the annual Port Bitain too, and Rober't ide demand for foi-est pro- Christmas concerts were heid Scuithorpe was chairman for i .îcts, metais, petroleum ard at Wesleyville and Port Britain another excellent programme. g aturai gas. fishenies and live- on Thursday evening, Decem- Pupils in this school are few- Lo jeroducts ail appean ber i9th. Wesieyvville concert er in number but they present TCA ORDERS NEW\\ SIIOR'l'-' u îlMi ntally strong a-ws held in the Sunday sehool gond entertaioiment uihee cx aluation prgiari iIlltie clni diYsexpot trade in raw ma- and Rex'. M. Freeman, was child having much to do. "O ýriIs nd nerasiglyinchairman. Robent Dinners ne- Canada" was sung bx' the as- to orden six D)ouglas D)(-9 siiort-i iais anrd incres is ngly incitation off Welcome opened serrbled people, and Mnr. mouinted al. the near, xiii('arn',i vourable basis overail. the pnogram and others at in- Scuithorpe in his remarks miles an Irour and ai altitudes of tervais were gix'en by: Neil urged the people off the sec- early in 1966, supplementing tl The domestie economy also ,Groene%'eid, Donald N4iehols, tion to attend their annuai Viscounts. ould be stimulated b y somte CarolYn White, Rae Tuf fordi,: meeting. fthe majior projects gtting Stephen Dinner, Nick Groene- The sehool welcomied the vi- ndrwax' or in prospect, the veld, Marsha White. There sitors %vith the singing off the :olumbia, Peace River, and were choruses by the whole ch'orus, "Voure welcome." ents, the twinning off the 'Nothing for Christmas" by Susan Scuithorpe, Laine Ni- Tr Velland Canal, mining de- tire juniors, Marsha and Caro- chois, Billie Harrison, Blair Trn nt' hi'hsa elopments such a s Pine lyn White, Nicky and Neil Austin, Alain Wilson and Don- Trn ntdCuc \a, 'oint,, the W\ýabush imon ore Groenex'eid, Robent and Ste- na Parniell, sang, "Santa, wle'Il flled. on Christmas Soinda'.' elietizing plant, and the cap- phen Dinner'. Rae Tufford, and be good." Alain and Stanlex' mornirig. ont usual lanrge cuir)- il ýai projeets in Qucbeceas- Donald Nichols, play'ed the dialogue, "Grand- gregation hein,, augmented h' ciated with the 1967 World's Seniors sang "An.geis We mothen's gifts." and the senî- man"v guests. Thi'ebhrrjixx ai r. Have Heard on High", "Star ions. Jim Seuithorpe. Andrea heauitiflly \-dcconaied xw i tIlnf, Mn. Mitchell said tbat white of the East', aud "Because He Wigmor'e. Jim Parnell and Chrismas greens, poinsettis., .ignificant improvement in Came." The latter nuimber was Zane Austin, sucre tea nthhe lu-t, ueal usiness and in business c'on- sung as a surprise for the crs in "Jimmx",s Unluckx' lowns ere alscr jlact'd in ýdence s apparent, there n1- teachers mother'. Mns. Eleanor Morning." - the sarrtuars* hi nrîîrîherrsofît abs concero tuai Canadars Russell who had come from In tire esntata, "'lo Dreamn- the Broome fains Y, and othlcuJ rosth rate c'ouîid be hug-her hie deep snow coiunir *vnear land," Donna Parnell aud Blair frends off Turnoe. 'FlicCuri- id unemploy ment less. Thene London for the evening. and Austin, whiie ooking at a muiniori 'Table doni;ialed îihe -e uncertainiies sunrorrnding uho had .vritten the lyries and nursery rhyme book, wonder- scenec, simplu iraped xx 'r iC ominion-Provinîciai relations, composed the music off tlîis ed what the charactens xvene rcld, x ilanarrsnîgeciientf I ur balance off paymenis de- carol. Piano solos: "Sulent neally like, suhen Andrea Wig- 0110 liglîied candle. uhe openv ýcit, the iex'el off empîny ý,ment'Nighi". by Donaldi Nichois; more as qureen off dneam-land, Bible. a huiuiqrt ît r ne u' 'id some question marks uni RhiUmba, by Rob ni Clarke: complete with wand, croxun sud holyuin a tltlie rie general ar-cas off trade. Christmas Mediev bvI Ruth and tinsel pots them to sleep. chalut-e.N ubic finance and taxatioun, Nichols. and -Waltz" by Chersil The foliowing nurnsery chanar- 'The ClîrWirss mIi r. lI( id social security, Clarke. A xoc'al solo, "Silven ters appeaî'ed: Jack and Jil, loxc(ix choir an'inni, '\-0 arThe GATT trade riegoiru- Belis' by Joan Nichols. Valen-ie Billie Harrison, Laurie Nichouis had saP alssnd th(- niinii- 005s. si'iedrlcd 10 geluider- Austin gave an excellent ued l King Cole.,.iim Parnel:l;te rs ninssa2e, K e (, ilj ay next May in Genevs sud unîg off the Chnisînnasý classue, Jac'k - be - Nimble realu set- CIlristuIaz.- seuilLtus ailaxa opularly known as the "Kerr- "The Night Before Chiuistmas". cd his osme as lie jrmped uerx' mIclian are o r edep edy round", wil inrxolve nuit 'Vxo pîsys and a pantominie over the candie stic'k, plax'ed er n uesiiîg nithue ses uýn. rly the futur'e patter'n oi provided the needed htirinoirn. 1w' Jmm Scllhou'pe: Litle Bn- I h vnn, rag ýanadas trading relatrnnship In "Pisymates from Fairry Peep, Sînsan Sculihorpe: Littleer)luiatire es'uumiarrufoi- ith the United States, lbut Lanid", Joan Nchols played Boy Bu-ne. Stanles' vParniell-.mutra 1usd in heIruadepe, u'\- iso with the Europeaui Eco- the mother off a quartette off Humpty DLImpty-, Zane Atustin: al frt' omnic Commtirity, the Coin- lazv, rude, slfish. auîd bad- Little Jaek Honner. Alanin Wii- ('aoai urgejuiuufr îonweallh and xvarions othen tempered chidren: Chenyl son: Earle Ashiby, Sauta Clauis. -Carols hiCub'!vl" r u DdsQ it-ae.Tl'irecoiiîr' ri tf mportant trading Iarrners. Clar'ke played the fairny vgod- .-nothcn pîsu, "a'sQ iet ate imn l'xroi n. 'We in the Canadran Chram-i rothe., suitsblY dnessed anid Christmas," suas acted by Blair ChurICîIeS xx ere iiin iiuiu pr are empliasiziurg t hie carrnviu'g a magie xand. She and Zanre Auistin, Earl *Ashby, ho pneseirl ihe CiIriIas tr.t>s anadian govcrrnmenît t h e 'Vu foncd. thie childnenî, John Jini Parnell, Andrea and Doii n xord-s anid nu i1'. 'his eed, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ufod patclnyd-nn bsRuth N ichols, Gilen ia.lefirtu isruiaesu' rodai peiod pnydio 10 ihe Green, and Valenie Aiustin 10 'Tle second long nUmnben' ý ad heenu stueurrpted whaî'd 'it( ctubai bargaininîg sessions, off theun counlter parts froin fain-y a pageant, 'the Sp ir'it nofcthitsiasni off borlu t'uuu'e'ý-ý ffeeie omuictin beland. Leslie For'd, Dsulcne Chistmas." Thnee littie gir'ls, tiouinnd chour n efti't ne u fecien iloemeuniction Car- Gne'ui, Lanni' Dinner sud Ro- SuIsaîr, Laiuie and Donnla vwere bii weenian snesd1trs'O a- . hyi Clanke. This soon effected' qtrnuelliurg oser a doli tes aS in iii the essaud tire deu'j0 Mr. M1itcheIllsaid. ai-u'ead oir o fies par'ty, but the spirit offChr'is-inpein te rie ui o'miig ngotatious ook nc"The casi wss in- muas, Andrea, setties thie dis-ruade. The firont if tire 'u T'ý 'I tr'oduced teaurdienice by pute and siioxus ail the folk ttusu saslglte 'î'rosh" iay requlr, ;omne adîutrsnrerîts Cheryl Clarke in a tnuly pro- \,.ho u-nak-e Christnmas merx': candies and ullie i i , i1 e - i i Cna a htsîres rpea-fesional manner. Beils, Jim Scuithorpe nd Zane x'ets uî te Idl!uî' ans. [1xefn-ud buxxexer, The other play coicrrend s Holv and evergneens. Fanle,, protessuonuliirrtuIi i iiuri ha Crliin iiiesmi - oLi-ng man who xxas confined and Jim Parnell; canies. Bu3i- 55as a anx'sd iost irxui Icustôurne b moder'nîcompe: ece ar to hs~ 0 is home on the eve off an lie and Blair Austin. iice_ sigbt. itin ad peatnginimportant social affair. Dr. Stianley and Alain; Afen scec- lTiresee of tire uiihinerd rreai for 'oe l ndcn Leslie Ford, ordened rest for ing the brightness off Christ- tiroirs bteinded togerber beau'- repredforonenl' ad cn-Lanry Di nner, and his niother rmas the uitIle girls puit their tifuli ix in uhe CIirîsrsiniasi-ca roi tructive change." Cheryl Clarke met the ax'a- dolis tri sleep bv' singing aud atîlîeuîîs e; specialix cu c Mr. Mitchell said one of the lanche off sisitons, Ruth Ni- "Awv in a Manîger." 10 fil i ni xi lbthesruti- rggest roadblocks to economi- chois with bier clrerful gossip A r'ousing chorus, "Hes', for neadingti-oi, the cocdhjan-F cgrowtb is nii the ares off tax- off a ffiend takinîg lus girl a Merry Christmas,.'Sanîta ter off Luikes Gospel. Tire coui'-1 tion. Canadas hurdeuisonie friend, Bobyn Clarke as teachi- Claus," and 'God Saxe the guegationi îoiricd niaiso: ax rates impair husiness er sith lier load off Latin Queen" bnought 1963's concert thýe carois. irui tue tirlul lans, discounage investment, homnesxork, Joaiu Nichols as to s close, off the ex'enuuug x' ire clîni. 's nd take awas' ncenlive need- dleful Dan with prophecies Miss Peurett, teacher, is lier tînacconîpanieci ýencI-inur Out ,d t0 expand and umprove off xsorse 10 tome. Cheerful 0-ni pianisi and onoix those 'Angets We I[ave IleardonuE ýperations. Dan, played by Lexsis Thorn- ciosely bi toiuch resu-se the. High.", The choins;sucre nîroI Tax î'efonm IF eis an dy-ke, tho, music teachen suhose planninîg and trainîing needed ablv ac'cnninaiie(d aîd ucon-t u'got eedand"se ae lok-siomnmusic' was rnaddeniiig. 10 present tlîis program huit duîdb n.GnsrR î îg for sonne gond nesurts frnm played by Valenie Austin, and ail ceîtainly appreciate the en- onganrisi al 'vxrriîe. sari tIianlrk ire Royal Commission on worst off ail the trator boy tertanoiment. The chrîdren puis alSo dtue hto Mn: SsuRuî'B1ý 'axation, and earlirothie friend, Michael White. Recox- forth their best and in spite off ter\-n for lier ,svork xsilliî'i-f ew year, the Cnadian ens ' ry named the play- occasional difficulties, ("the Salem ion.i ustrar hambr wll e pese0îrg S . show must go on,")j lîke the mouis' agreeni hi bol r chrr arefllydocmentedbnif i ihe irantornîme shossed a one ençounteî'ed by thie toc off tirat theecxiwencut rurii-1 ireuis impotantd". Cf o p restaurant xith tnickx sign, a lutIle icicie. enoi-gh ho slîat- buuraliicu iîd becur a liapiuu his mporanthody. Coplei-hanged from minc'e pie t10 t est -crans' ordiiiar.Nl icicle huit vith tax refonm thene rnunsihoe, dscox'ered after the pie Ibis uitile fellow canied iglît nMie ani a gýre' iu ci'u i I ecognilion off the ueed foi' ws atn Apic, onha o.befou' tire evo-,ing sua. uruc xprtintr of. ann uni c o 0 i'peu'fommed rmmediaielv Attendance seals for the vean plans for- s urroe an-Iiuîuic xp-dte, Gdists creont on one off the diners, w'aitress, wcee presented oui Sundax' irrgani <if Kastenîtr-lu xeu'e ectian ~~~Darlene Green; ci-stomens, moî'ning ta ail those ssho had bigmd x h r r ,ecommendations slîould be Ruth Nichois, Lessis 'horn- athended Suuîday Scirool 40 or the sovue ire ulun:rn ieuirh'-- 'nplemnenled as npPidly adke.asd Glen Grecir. nuore off the 52' Suîca.vs froni sud Ihinnsuc' uclrlîu assibie. 'lie audience participated iii Dccember, 1962, bo December, an-id ie u' ii i . Mn. Mitchell \xonthinurru l ,a lsiiîging durnug the pnog- 196,1. lVurnsy PaYue, supern- n telnr- a ný hal anad mi-st take uile off nani ss'iich conc'lunded xsiih the tenîdent, congî'aiuiated tire39 (iibu v r'1s1cir)un'e he United States plan,, torie- Chrnistmras tableau, the wlîole i-'lildneîî and 'youuîg people off Douubes Chtii. uce Lncome taxes sea- i eoo "îgn A Merny xs'lom John Gnoenes'eld, Julie, 'Vule scri ue hiic'n<' ('<k ricrease ins'estrrh uad (iru Christmuas ffuom ni- hotîse ta Nancx', Man-go, Patti, aud ýani-riras Das in iilStuini t1i'i riyment. '"Visrunex ense pro n-îor bouse." and final xsord dra Payne did flot miss one Cliturcirsua xe ia't1iu'l'ti. off gond sishes froni Donald Sunday. and most off tire resi folioxsinrg wsui MirXi.VIrua Niclîis. Nickx' Gonereld and sucre absent ouly onre, isso on, tie Rex'. Clirs Dugair iefî ffrî Darlenie acted Josephr and tiruce Suurdays. 'Visruneqines Toronrto suirn e-s %vx,'ru, M-ary, wshilic otirer mi-'ubei's qi-ite arr effort aud ail off tire _ucicah s off Ni r N. J1. i<' r dur f thIe sîlînni salri sur t able tvai'irsaresuersîns'nrriurs crf Tire Di'. ancure n"N(".% al'cls aud xs're dnrss",d to ir uuresi a-iiiundui rppen'- Vrrs.tru,'u xruNr rprelsentr te icp epi-rcs, xxise tuciiix'. Chnitrirtas tri'cussuwer't recul, QLIurb(le. 'en sriIand rgels. gis\eii the ' hildien aud a bol- Beisheti trugraol,îii Mu'. Frniauî expu'essed tire dav pari\' planned wvith a teui- Mn. sud Mr.nIai<iSi 1r opinioîn off ail pnesent ss'hen tative date off Decenrîber'.30. , sho t'elehrated 1 heir 40uIlri sseie MrscCor'liich ls enn g ertce suai 'eisaten-WromnodviîAr dvu irir. 'Vi c nupinienChrMiss'tmdas. 'e lo el Ch is mas e"- s'dd1i-vurrIxInurus I hi li o practired thie umusical ed and the service off song was Boss Sharp sud Mr-. ShAr" h nLibCr's, And thie c-tildnen led bysa fu choir. Rex'. M. aud crlirrir. t eniseives, on ai sunootir. cx- Fr'eenrsn's, message for- Christ- Mn. Mnie': 11ori. rirul'ng ce c citnt performance. There nmas ssas lied in \xsitb tho- cir- lu .S;isk.,suuivh ra-br-r. viu-r surei no declsa sin fâctiiirmni- rerît series off sermons off thein-hý M.vl ler u nsed aloioîrgsoquickiy' vsiuds'off the Bible.'VTii' amaz- uo. rus purrru'.;ilMu ami M - tirai one lttIe box' rexvelling in iog sînry off God's loxe thrnnîghofMnsu MnAibn r- hii. fuir icnrit, gai e bis the hirib off His Son us even efIonFIdau- fu--.-i-1 i., W il1 f -rd auri-h Toan -w'iîtir Al u'. a n iinsl \ Thiessen, Bosvmsniixlie, ChinisinasDay. Cli nsl-nias xseek vss onsnf iMr. ard Mis.FH.'V'an Do'îp \verýe Mn. imd M C. A. For- nalaiue, Pausicu. Mn. sund Mrs. ceo Gnsaff and dtgre.Kit- 'ereMn. Da s'unI Folmnararu.) Ottawua.suri Mn-.sud Mn-s Patui Gartceati and daugbterýs, )t ta 'a. Mrn. ud 'in.CinRairu' and ti i Ien xxere BoxiuiJ Dar s- isinîrs i-f Mn. and Mu'- WV. Rainr. Newu Yealn SI ilau guneWSis i f Ni. aui) riM rs. G. EFlioli sud 'il di-oi ssr-e n id Mr-s T. R. Elliuît:, OshmawuaMn-. anrd 1i s Gorn urSîuclaji r Jr. sur ritgre.Monîcreal, N. T. W. n: i inut. "eo ir tiir. Mrin aJVnsd . .'n'hlu rSm - rimeurs. Ouikx'i le. 'VIns.Gentrtt -Sr 'urlenur- Wit Iosxdalc. 'Vin. i-ni Mn. fuau'old Pre .Bosu- îîsuîx'itlu. 'Vis. Ted suulioxx' rii brus's, PoritHeni'. Mn aund Min. Doii Real s nid buiss. ,nur'uir'i 'i'. aud 'Vins. Gu) - dnir 'viiill>oii antI box-a. Enuin- iu-ie. 'V ndMni Ms. Ailsvii Tavs- loin aud tauix'i. Bi-rxniaurxillc. -ii ted'Vi'.'. RouI. R g andu- MVin. anud 'VWu . X'.i. Tas li. Cliiii as SmindaY. ENNJSKJLLEN Ro.-.s Shrarp. ýa Christmras sturdas' at sfanr- il ilu, gstrri ired aitirhe iion-.t if' Mn. C. kW.'oodlex' v enn' Mn. anrd Mrs. R. Paterson and 1 uni ilsý, xapîe Gu'ovc, MVr. aud , Uns. RrRosse snd fa ui! r' Bowissuirvitle, Mn'. G or don' 'n'e, Mu-ms aurni Nei, M r. Vull- iiMar,, atid Mn, aud Mus. J suies XXouid le' and t'iîidreur. Mu-s O1. A. Mlva(C'reg-oi, along ( sutit rM. arnd Mn',. Don Mac- Crege anid ctiildu cii, vsinenid rien- nînîtier , M ns Il. Brooks, \'siuCiirsliras Sunînas. 1 Reu. anrd 'Vrs. XW. Craxufurd.'cre giiests 'ifc Cirrisîuiras liants' xas ueîd al ile h~iounori'n. sand i-S.t il. Bru'ui i xu'l Mrin.dur-hMrs.r Rurs',Poole\u .srira sxa.Mns. t. D. Su-keý,, ' Mn. on- dx i Buoil, Chur'lire aud Dan-t %ie Mi'..'V ndr-iM us. D. Rn~u arund aIrdu n sd Mu'. orure Phare xs're prnet. 'VI n. uui fxiR. Perfu ctisudi Ri cliiid. us ralxu . Mnr. aîrid Mli. - lilras G i ili x e "si--s off Mn. airindiMs. J. "A. Iliwtascuaurd lu'u'u îu'î' ('ii-Ilnas xx-iii Mr. au J'VI r-. Duruglas ;Suiep- Mri. auni, ..A. V i :ui anid Jli w x ii 'Vr. aund i-iS. Il. XX'niricoiiiaurd Rirs.s'i'rr-b anu d Mri'Vs. 'A. u-?asur' s of 'us u Mn. asud 'Vins. E. A. Mnr. anu ri n. RurlpiiiGissýpr ul aud Gsxcn r-peut Chri5zini-, xiii Mn. asud Mu's. Georgep Mn..imd 'Vira. 't'. C. Giaspeil. 'Vis. KJ'. B Glu poli. Mn. ard 'Vis. G. 11aF'pe,!i sud AMar!uu, Mîn Alvx 'i"Vas;ter, .Joalr turnd Rnoss, Zirrur 'Vi. and M"s Rau- Scurut. Lvuida and Driug- !aus., ero Mn..simd Mrs. G. ihulsNi sAllenr Gaspeli aud Pal n eus. Osimxa. ai enîded s Cii îisî iis a Ps ni sit Mourdav ai tlire homue off Mn. and Mrs. Mn. au-i'Vis. W. Rîrs'ah- u'iîda Ciirisî iras pa ris' su tirE utrusue off'Vin.dur-iMnrs. W. Il. Brouuu, NMajîle Gnuixe.Mn s. Rus xuura pieseuited xxili ra ii-presel off Commn g uan' MVr. anrd Nins. Rex Msuuiaid uxere breakrafi -l uests(Christ- ruas rît 'i. n du-i- S. Le.lit' Ilhuîrut. Humuiphurur: drummler ti- 'ut Mi-r. uiicin5r. toisWood. O iraisa: aliucxciii urlg gtuea1I off 'indri'Vn- Dnrtmgias Waik- G lad le0ireporti 'VI. Rob Ruu usiiiipr-os'i iZ-es'ni cclx' romi iireterc ueli o(rsiin. 'VIl- n sd MsWX. Rus sii- <nif c'iiliras (cxili ug arlIll' ofr i'ur ie'rsi icu' nI. asud MVis. ilerbhum v ru e.Sagnras-t. 'Vr" A. iigr,0.-ý iaa , Misrrs M. Elliil, Gardenu I.1:, Mn. aimd Mua hîu sStarurîcul. Drî g-' i-munic i m urr s p cil h t"ili' "i iri- xxlu'ViMr n'. dr Vs Du'uild sti-uruitruu. 'Viu. uandl 'Vr-. E'n n B ri.m O) r u'.i1î. xiii'Vn.aunVndsM. I. i 'u ' i u i \Ilr. a ni Mur-. " . Mhr' i n mi io\( A iir a anrd Nim"ý,iIh'î rMi. (J. Rtcu- kc'i mand 'Mis.s Ans-lts, Bosu- 'Vi-n. id 'Vins D.Alidreurd. 'Vin. simd'in..1. Xnesr sieý tUmul", 13sn &a i'iie. c, rsI M11ars ý Aliiruned Mn.BnsI 'V 'liuneud. Tninuînvn ramri xxpr eue Ulmnisiuiss ax giies!.soff Mr uni-Iini-. G. AlldireAd 'Vi nsd Mu, 'itex Pengen r-niI tamiri . anrilo ri, xxiJr lien inuts, Mn. sud Mu's. ,V. 'VI n. d 'vffi s. BiielSeckiii- in unr.Tornto l, ind Mn. anid Mns. Ri-riOheur ,sprtit Chirn lis Eue s lxi Rn-s Mus E lii ViuurirMs, 'iail 'Vin '\V. Mturpmu sind failli)\, alr th hi- a Ieionieoff Mn. auri- 'Vins Rnis'M-'Laugbll iii Cirrir-ni urs Dur': s'aiIrs off 'Vi. and Mrs;. Roa-s 'MeRobentsý xxene 'Vis. .'V MRohenrs. O:- <uiO. 'V'r.sud 'Vis. K.Chani- hu'nri.. Mu'ruxr NIpirs'a. 'Vi. -.s eur ieMVinBern RIe 'r Mr. and Mr,. Roy Trewin.1 Carol and Gail. Mimnico: Mi- and Mrs. Fred Trevvin, LloYd and Earle. Blackstock: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn. Oshaw-i were Christmas dav guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin. Miss Donna Yellowlees. Oshawa, spent the day after Christmas with Miss Laura G n ffin. Mr. Melville Griffin. Black-i stock, w~as a recent caller ai Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Griffin's. -Mnrand Mrs. Bill WerrvN Orono: Mr. and Mrs. Rc.v W'err 'v and girls. Saiiit Sto. Marie. uere Christmas guesis, ài MNI. and Mlrs, F. W. Werr\ s MIr. and IVrs. Roy Werr. and girls rernained for a visit. Nr. and Mrs. F. Beckett, Wa vie and Manie. 'Mrs. W. H. Moore. Strathaven Nursinig Home: Mr. ai-id Mrs. Reg. W'eaving and Riekey. v Aiicas' ter, spent Christmas Sunda ',with Mr. and NIrs. GarrvN Beckett, Hampton. A famrily gaihering \vas hield at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb's on Christmas da,\. Mir. anîd Mr-. Ro\ McGili wveir Christmas da ' v ests at Mr. anrd Mrs. Charlie Lang- mraid's, Soi ina. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Doug and .Jim. Toronto, were i-allers ai R. McGili's. AI . and Mî's. Clarence Stainion and Beverle ' were Chîristmas daY diinner guests at M. Stainlon's and tea guesL: ai David Bothwell's, Maple G rove. Mr. and Mi's. Pei'c Wesilake anid boy' s, Sol ina; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson. Enniskillen; Mr.. and Mrs. Ken Herrington and Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. David Fer guson and Karen, Osha- wa: Mr. and Mis. Grant Glas- peli, Bowrnanville: Miss Shar- on Benham, Grand Valle.v Mr. Bruce Fergusori, Branti- ford; Miss Diane Tink, Solina. were Christmas day'\ guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ferguson. Mi'. and Mrs. A. M. \Vearii. Cia rcioni : Mr. anrd Mrs. Don Wearn, Steplieri and Donna, Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. E Pet- tîfer and Ross. Do\viisvie,, were Christmas Sunidayv guests at A. L. Wearn's. MVrs. Herbert Staintoii spent Christmias day with Mr. and Mrs. Cia rence English, Bow- ruarii lie. A lamil 'N gatherng of 36 mnembers and friends, of th,- Slainton's met on Saturda v. Dec. 2s for a Christmas cele- b ratiion. Vi. Mrs. Ilow,\aid Bi'ad- le * and Bian, Mapie Grox e: Mr. and Mrs Frank McGili and Don, Miss Clara Page. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Coornhs andi girls, Toronto, wvere Christruas day giiesis of Mrs. E. Page. A ' Christmas farnil *v part * was heid at Dr. and Mr. Clark Werrv's. Wi llowdalv. Mr. anrd Mrs. Cameron Oke. Oshawa; Mn. anrd Mrs. Frarnk Dorland, Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. 1Albert Oke, were Christmnas dav grlests of Mr. and Mrs. C. ery. Miss E. Knapp spent Christ- nias with Mr'. and Mrs. Non- mai Aver v of Sali-ni. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormis- ton spent Christ mas with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton, HaYdon. Mr-S. F. 'Foors spent Christ- nias witl Mir. and Mrq. W'ilhur Toms. LIPurplJHill. Mr. and Mis. A. M. Wearvr. Clil- iont, iru erîmpaiu wîth Thf Can;tditan gtateesmAn, oni, Jan. 1, IP64 MIr. and Mrs. A. L.. Wearn and Sîusin, were Christrmas day guiests off Mr. and Mrs. Don W'îearn.Scarboro. Miss Birthe Nielsen iin coin- pari" mwith '%r. anîd Mi's. L. Staiiitoii and famnily spent Christmas diay with Mr. and Mis. Keilh Ci'xdenuai. Mliss Linda :t1cLaiiglilin. Blackstock. is spondirîg a fem- ciays miihMns. F. Tomus. ,Mi,'and M\ls. Arthur Jack- sonrF ard Stanley, Nlarkharu, ,wr.~e Suinday guests of R.' O ror s ror s. Mr. aîîd Mi's. Garrx Brakett llanipion;i:Mrs. W. H. Moore. Striaihaveii Hornie, Bo%\-niair-' ville. m-ere Chrusinias day guiesis ai F. Beeketi's. Mn. and Mrs. F. Beckeit. \"ax vue and Marie. v' e r e Clînisias day tes guesis of Mn. O. Beekett and Arvelili Boxx'ianà' ui. tr, Hom.and Sievens anîd Gordoni spent Chirisnas w:tli Mr-. and Mi's. E. Boyd. Pick- eri ng. Mr. anrd Mus.Eruresi Wslker' and gi i's. Tilsoibung : Mn.,aand Mrs. John Belle. Oshau a, were Cillnustruas guesis of tr. anîd Nirs. Russýel IG ritfu i. Mr. anîd MI1's. Clarenice Staiiîioii ad Be\evlex \\*t'fl sal urdax' evvn inig ca Ilers ai Mn-. and Mrs. M. Puîllardi's. I Ia rupt oi Suir-au visiors at Nth. aud M\rs. C'. FengusonsY were Mr. anrd Mis. Jiiru Major, Miss M\ale(ire Major. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Smihîanîd .irunîx, Osha- mva; mr. aîd rmi-S. Don Car" and lamnily. Bom'iansîville. Mr and Mrs. Wallace Grif- fin. ileather aird Dale iwere Chrisiuas ciaygîrests at Mns. N. Col lacul 15, Bowiularville. miss Faye Gilles, Betiiaiiv. is x'isit ing wiih. ilî cousins,' Heaihien and Date. Mr. aud Mrs. KeIth McGîll and boy-s w'ere Chrusi uas day gliests ai Mr. Lyal Brock's. Boxi no ile. Suinda 'v guests at Mns. F. Toms m'ere Mr. andi Mrs. Llovd Siemon and Susan, Hay- don; Mi's. Eart Trewin, Doreen and Donald. Christnmas day visitors at Ross Sharp's wer'e Mn. and Mns. Lorne MvcCoy. Brooklin; Mrs. L. Goodman, Mrs. N. W 'ordl1eyv, Bo\xx'manx'ille: Mr. anrd Mu-s. Il. Skinner, Mr. and Murs. L. Skinner and family. 't' s oir e. Nins. Hl. W. Gregpg and NI ucaI. G leir Burnie, Md,, and MIr. Donald Gi'egg, Uni- sni"Park, Ps.. were spendr- Iiie tu iolidsysv-iih Mrs. G;regg's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A Sharp and brothers Ross, ivan aand famîlies. Rt-'cvri supper gu-ests off Mr. and NIrs. I-an Sharp were Mr. anîd Mns. T. Werr'v. Patti and Donnra and MNr. and Mrs. Roy Werry. Dcbbie and Trudy off saili'Sic. Marre. MNI. anrd Mrs. Vernon Rat7. and Ray* , Huntsv'ille'. were Thurs'day callers at MVr. A. Suai ps. Mr. anrd Mrs. Ix an Sharp arrîd girls \wceChristmas dia' \ isilrr½.(if Nr. and Mrs. L. Ashon lia\doli t2 'j OKHA, JUNIOR ""A"# HOCKEY NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS VS. OSHAWA GENERALS BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA SUN., iAN. 5th 7:30) Sid es - $1.,50 Ends - $1.25 I Standing - $1-25 S t udents and Children, scats or standing - 75c 0ni Sunudas' lnummiuîg a laruge 'ounguegacuon eumjoyed sretirer mue.ssage crf turc Ad- nt fnonu Otîr iiisien. Rn's. Cnaxsfcrd spoke oi'lime( gui ding star sxhirch umnugl'u nuis' a fexx'o tohe pliace off ubuuctn-i hinruBethle- hmn suiere tire Messiair vas. lIn courast uritb indas tire bu nh rocf hesus uss-vens' x c knrosr. 'l'ie WiXse MVen sucre iurspurcd by the stan, onabiug bherrile find Jscus to ssorship simd tming li ii gi fIs. Therr lirs xx rit ronie hi' a difffereri round sud xxe Iodas' tee go à nuliffereuit xxas if sue hase hecur wx'tiî .ie:us. Sesurs greet- îngs suene extendecioui bebsif off lime Chirîch Board bx' Reu. Crnnsufornid.'Vire, tunrior Chroir ssrib ibcir leader 'Vis. Wih aud 'Vinas Betîs Jarre Wcnu'v as organist gave a jlessina- anuîbeir "Blessed Songs off Cirisumias'. Chiirstuias Durs Sensvin'e for unli tire pouri.sBuî'keton, En - filuri asd En rk i lien suas xx li aI teuded suri-itheconre- gatin uj -lsiuugrrg urraumi Chni:turras nanois. Bey. Cnýa\w- forris Christmas mnessage tiserl Ilre idea off "No Room" at Jesus. -buntur bîstuse off Irle cn'oxde- coudiltnon at BethIr- lieui.-esu niil anis'mcrn lies ledans'ai-une 'i-tulledi 'ithesens'- nln r(s'en Is xxi'iravxe "No timne" for- Jnsmus A s-co<mud mesg xx aus (lci l il1tCIii ni t m a s unîi-dinu-tion eut ut ed "Ppeei-n EauIC wi xrut ter i n verse terni us y Ni\ r-. Craxx' fond u'n lire Clirin rBulletin im'îcb si-as inrr-iruiuig tr Io nuse vsxbo ecdi ni 'l'ie gis' secnumroff Irle Junior Ci'r gaise a sîsvury pîroprisue 'xîiusz Lois -\solu aus tnuiin anist 'in Fias Ashton rî in- Suci-i at tirerîrgani foi' tir" si-rvsi-r' . Vnur-i'Vns. Nuetsc'u rot cuur Mlosigr'eruutses tire- sideni s beainfu i poinsettla for, Ilme alîrîr . > npuntirh x' hxer-e uy r. Caxf inu the Rosý'i-mn famulues un tir ln'.s o-f lueur nuctirer. ths- pi- Mns. Rosnrran Sur'Vinr.J. A. Vnr-rrx xpeseith Jeerp rne gret on incu'uug the sad uiisx' off 'ire dr-st r ironugh su'eudp'uu off the oldest son off Rev. andi Mus. H. Lackex' siho v-as s formuer murister on otur pasiu ai ibarge. On Christomas Ex e the 'Jr. Ciirn and YX'ntiuPgvPnpl1('. unin iii umner s s~îdthu" village' sid surnuiind g n'uni iutuiîts' to sererrade the homres svutb sirginrg of Chriustmasr carnîls sund- r'turrcd U) the- ebturuir fuir iight refreshnrenîs. Thiie'geirerots crollettion siîch tires necenved suas prese-ntr'd Iho, NhI. & M. Funi. Turc farniy cf Mns. E. C. Asitou gstlered aM lie Rere- ai ion Ce'nre neffthe T'Vn'îsh ip Hll ai hianiru'cii fuir th- 'Vi. aurd 'Vn- Xa1îer Rainiu 'l'unue: Mn. simd 'Vis. Alii' Perger aurd faily, IHamilton. suere Christmas day guesis ou 'Vi. and Mrs. J. E. Grîfflur. Mn. iamcs A. Verni, Mr. auîd Vis. H. J. Mc'Grli ur Chnisîmrnias ,ýduunen uet s' Mr. and 'Vin' R. Vul-me sudi 'Mrn sd 'Vin..John Bon rowdale and Brian, Oshawa, ADIM ISSI ON THERE'S AN OLD SAYING IIITHE PROOF OF THE PUDDING Is IN THE EATING AND THE PROOF 0F THE RESULTS 0F THE STATESMAN'S CLASSIFIED ADS ý is in the many "Success Stories" we are able to H publish reqarding these ads. The Cost Us SmaII The Resuits - Outstanding PHONE 623-3303 r-, ý f';- ý .-, - - ri

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