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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1964, p. 15

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* C[ASSIFIFD * TI ENNISKILLEN Il K'à . - r -W -'%I- - r. anti Mrs Win.stn r Tenders Wanted LICENSED SandfamvToa1!ronto, reandu TÏENDERS will be receix'ed NuHo' ome Mr. . v Mr. andI hy the Orono Athlelic Assoia -SIJNSET Lodge Nursing Homne Msca rs John Slemon xvere Dr tunfr omngad . bas Iwo vacancies. Warm. *and Mrs. R. B. Green suid .anuary 7th, 1963 tionforforingandpouring conifortable roonis. Trairied al KnsoM. nd G rgRbetCf.Mi- concrele steps and block work nurse iii attendance daîlv-.lfMilv . Kîsown, M and Pt Orono Arena. For more Reasonable rates. Telepbonc enfild Wr.K.Coerlev,, Eb- brook. xvai; charged witb fail- information contact, R. Hazel- 623-581.3. -4 iezr r adMs J 'rng Io remain aI the scene of ~en.Phoe 1l74Oron. aterOUT Havn Nrsig 1tomeNe~ an Daid. ns.H. III an accident, Janiîarv 6tb. He -tie. Pone107 Oroo. fteISOTH HvenNuringfloneNst nd avid Mr. H M. was fîned $50 sud coisîs or -d Spm. 2-1I1 Accommodationi for private son. Pcggy snd Janet. dv. 1lslcus a cs TENERSwil h~recivr a sFî-p ixste pateul, Mr. aîd Mrs. A. Leadbeater, pended for six nmoutbs. TEDR wouçreevd ,iige TV. Full ' v lucensed - Rs5z. Tom aud George a~- ,ec iintil January 241h for sup- new building. moder.nX'uitors Aedd amsecoern ~ , nd charge, failiuîg ta plying oil for the heating of weicome. Reasonable rates.ý, the homne of bis sister, Mr. anri produice evideuice of insurauce, S.S. Ne 5.Clarke Scbool (,p- Free ambulance service. Phuîîe Mrs. R. ocraeooMl s or anoath 5 ion e 7pdus. proxiu 'Iy 1.730 gallons used -owrastle 987-4441. 41-If' o Cst a ~D on Miîstsroubtanot 5 ione pluds. l -s youiet rChrisHE-îmaesNusDnay.meConstable J. Schultz, OPP. lasIy~(~),o wsl o an TH Loge" ursug ome Mr-. Arthur Wright, 07.l- tbld the court he %vas called tender uot necessaril ' accept- on HigbwEsy ý. Licensed. Ac- awta, is speîidiuig a fexv da%.s lu jivestigate au accident on e.Mrs. June Wilson, Secre- commodatiouî axailable.. Kund ' -hsbrteNr.adMsIig\a 1 a otpo tr-raue.Newcas.tle. care. Nurse 24 lins. Visitonsr us roli-M. adHesligwa 15 aidPtepool tar-Trasuer.2-2 x"elcome. Phonîe Mrs. .l. W u . about 7 pm -esi b rx - Weslover. Newcastle 98742,52 Miss Giela Oke. Boxymtaui- er of oîîe xelîîcle inx'olved, "FRQ AIY44-tf ville, accompaîîied M". asud Robent Hill. R.R. 1, Lakefield,1 "FORQUAITYMrs. E. Wright. Bet','anîd tld lîlusi the oîbeu car badi SELECT LJSED CARS" LINTONHURST Mauîur Nîîrs- Doris, and Mn.aand Mu-s. N. E. -- uuîg 1Home bas licensed accoun- Wrighit who visited Mr. How.- day tea guests of Mr. anîd Mis~. -SEE -niodatiouî foir bcd orU tp- aîd Pie xvto is a patienît at Ross Page, lianiploi. patients. Registeîed nur'se ini Wbitbx Ilospital. Hloward 15 Mn. and Mrs. Clarnuce Stain- attendauîce al. aIl times. Reas- doiuî iiicel\, . ton, and Beverlev xvere Sun- M cQUEEN onable rates. Phione Orono Mr. aîîd Mns. Alvin Scott day evenifig visitors ah L. M T R S L S N tetoCreditors tosti Wlitb. Mrs.GeocA. Mrsea. al. MO OR SA ES Noic t SotIMr IanAlîjus. Oshs areau ai'le. Tilbturv, NOTICE TO CREDITORS axx-a. iere Newx Years guests Ont.,xvei e Tliursdav exeuîiîg, -LIMITED - ANI) OTHERS uf Mr. sud i'vrs. Gco. Jr',', . guests with Mn. aud Mrs. A. part McUeýpres. IN TH1E ESTATE 0F Goron: Mr. and Mu-s. Earl 'rrewin, Leadbeater aud boyvs. McueWarren Hannîgbaui. late ut Doreeuî sud Doriald, xxere re- Mî-s. Cy'nvil Avery aîd rani- 219 KING ST. E. the town of Bowmanvilie. iii cenit dinuicu guesîs %with the ilv, Misses Berta andleidi, BOWMANVILLE the County of Durhaum, Bil AIlbert Wrught.-, and F. lTr1e- Higgon, Bowmauville, w2re, liard Hall Employee, deceased,1 wiuîs, Blackstock, sud Suudavý last Scîndax' diîîner giiests at Authorized Dealer for xvbo died at Bowmauiville, Ou dinner guests xitb Mn. and C. Ave-v's. Ramber ars or about the 17tb day of De -Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mrs. Ru', Aveî-x, Donnîa- Ramber C rs ember, 1963. THE TRUST1EE: New Year and Suuîdav visi- Manie arnd Carlyle, TilburY,ý Pbore 623-M)56 ACT, R.S.O. 1960>, Ch. 408, tous aI Mr. and Mrs. R. MC- speuil e fex, days with C.1 .s*Sec .52. Gill's xere Mr. aud Mrs. Ji nis Averv's. Recent %aleq of new Ranib- Creditors and others l aviug Kinsmnau and Iisa, Mr. anîd Mi'. JA. WrMNIs. R. lers have brought in these dlaims agaînst the aboxe'Wr Keith 1MeGili sud bo',,s. Virtue anîd Judy, Mi-. sud Mu-s.; outstanding local trade-imis: Estate aie reqciired tu send'and Mir. and Mns. Clarence.1eMGl.Sauaudby partccuars sud fuil poofStaintous sud Bex ele\ , Mr. Dean. Cooksxille, have beeuî 196 C ev. thereof thbe udersigned ou and Mrs. Milton Staiutonî, M is S recenilv %wiîliMr. and Mrs. H.' nr before tise 3rd day of Feb- Lavenne Oncîsard. J cit Biscayne 4-Dr. uarY-, 1964, after wbicb date Mr. anîd Mrs. Arthuir Bruiii, J cil 6 c'î, aîtmalecut hie assets ofthIe Estate xil Mn. aund MrsF. 7 Ti' M. and Mrs. Rox' Weiry, radio. Aureai shar stmi-be distribcîted baving regar' eInd Mrs.uF. Wt gîies v taud girls have retuined lhom .e mobile! Iuoftic clais lb-at hiave Ibeu Mrs. R. D. Prestonî and Stîmant. to Sanî't Ste Marie. heeîî neceîved. Maple Giove. M rs.IlletuîWhîite, M;ss 196 P ntac DATED at Bnianville. On- Mr. and Mrs. AllaisW'rav Nancy Jouîns. IHamptuon, w 1962 P ntiac taîio. Ibis 23rd day of Deceîuî- aud fanuilY, Bo\&unaixille, M'. receuit lea giiesîs ut Mis. F.ý Laurentian 4-Dr. ber, 191. CM u s C and Mrs. RalphLamb, MI!x Toms. sdMs .Tcdetr 6 cyl. standard transmis- Barriçzter and Solicitor. famnily xxere New Ycar giests Ross and Tonsixvere Fnidavi misio, iîto rdi. o-Box 29 '30) Kinîg SI. Wesl, outMr. aud Mrs. L~. Lamib. cx'euiîg giiests or Mr. aud Mi-S., cal, one owner car in A-1I oiaiilOtro r n r...A ui-M .B-%,n omni condition. Bî'ïavle naiM.sdMs 1 .Tiu .C rw.Bxmnile. Sol icitlîmr fbn the Admiusisl nstoi. bull. Burkeîoui. wcie Stîidav M r. C. Averv wxas a Fnidavi -3tes guicsts ut Mn.. sud Mm-,I.I. visîtor of Mr. auid Mn-S. C.1 1962 Chev.- Ashton. Aveux Sn., Pteasauuî Pointl. 4-Dr. UA ypth seîîded 10 Mn. anîd Mrs. Geo. trxvin 6 cyl.I automnatir, custorn ra- SMiaVOilf r. and Misý A. L~. Wearn i OS ere Saturdax' tea stso dio (,ood dlean car. thbe psssiuîg of lier bîoîlser-iiî- Miss Donis MVillsoii, Oshawxa. 1 1,",beh, 1teCliff Wsgg, Ux- MisJd GueKîgo. bridge.MisJdGreKnso! 1961 Pontiac Institute x. Va q a holidav giiest aI' the M\iss Boitx Jsîe Wery.'n )home uf Miss* Lois Ashîton. Laurentian 4-Dr. 1'lic Chiiistmassnmetng utor ii"pauiy x tii . n.ud MS. New X'ean xvisitons ut Mrs. V-8, amtomnatie, customn ra- S-jolinsa W.l. xxas held omii De- A. L. Wearn sud Suisauî, spemu F. 1,0iss wene Mn. sud Mrs.: dio. Local, one owner car cemben 12, at 8:1.5 ini the Su- Sîundiv xihh Mi. sud MsA. Lloyd Slcusîoîîanîd Siisaii, Mr S.: in top condition. lina CommuitY Hall, M. Weann, Claremorît. lus tt- E. Tlrexxiri sud Douecus, Mn- 'Ibe business %vascudcld eveu iig t he v cal led un M and Mrs. Wilbiir 'loniîs.Mn. 1960 Rambler hv Presiderît Mns. Ralpb Usa- aiid Mus. F. Pettifen. Doi',',.i- Fmd Mr,. CouiitneY Grahsam, vu.Mns. \Wm. Ashtonî read liexi e - iv.eHil 4-Dr. nîiiihies sud tommuniicationms, Mn. sud Mms. A. Sharp, 'Mr. . apde -tit. vWe 6 tyl.. xtandard transmis- and also gaxe the finîsuciat uc- sud Mrs. Ross Sharp anud M.a.dMu.Ru 1e- doncîîsom adio Clan pnt.fauiilv, Mus. I. Guegg and Debbie aind '1'uîdv. Saîmît Sîsý inside and out. mu-S. Rae Pascîme, tcumveiuui, Michael. Glen BurnuiM-Maie, Mn.aurMs\F-' ut group oune il the chair lanud, Mn. Donî Gregg, Stale Werrv, Mu. James A.W'err. 1958Poniac for the progranui. The motis Parlk,Peîs'Ivna w , 1. ,xere Fnidax eveuîiug diuîne": 1958 Lotsa put Christ back ito Newx' Xear guests ut Mn. sud gîîes"; or Mn. sud Mus. E. A. 4-Dr. Christmas" was cous'unietd n Mus. T. Slhusup. Werry. V-9, aulnirmaîle. eiçtm ra- by Mrs. E. Spires. Tlie tobogganinug partv was Mn..easd Mns. C. A',ev db.Loaltrae-n.Misses Kairen aud Buinda hled bx' Euniskilleus Yuin- Linda auîd Johnî wei-e Satur-- ýdio. Locel(rade-sn favoured wilh x\o- People on Dec. 28th. A gondday dinner giiesîs of Robent' i 95'~onia -Dr.c-el duetsç accompauîied bx Miss lime wss hâd b', aIl. We Wloîs Oshawa. 1954 o tiac -Dr.Gladys ,Yellowlees ath.pi- wOur)ild lk t h t>iMn . ai Miss, Betty.Snmith,. Bike- aHrtonou. Ms. R. Fraser sead a ]et- Mrs. F. Drapeur for oPeuiîig ton, speîut a« few days wil'î 6 .î. tard trasi erfoiBll us in u their home Io mis for lunch Miss Liruda Aven',. Miss Di-' 6 byn' !ý'utandrdraio. s- Englauîd. aud î-ards afterwards. suie Ax'eiv a few da',s witlî iond itorn rdo - A resdiug \vas gix eus hy Mrs. Johnî (Jiffin visilcd Oi Miss Wendy Cox, Ornoi. Miss condition. Mrs. Rae Pascoe -Its Christ- Sunda *v with her sister, Musý.! Gloria Jean Ax'er.v. Saleni, was Ver god Nlecionof id-rna,."Charlex' Smith, a patient at an ox'eriight guiest of Missý er makes and models. More Mrs. RobI. Eakiuis gaxve tus Docton's Hospital, 'Toronto. : Dianse Ax'env. than 60 Qîîallty l'sed Cars -The History of Itie Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill Mn. sud Mrs. Ueo. Ixviii to choose fromn! mas Tree." land boys wvene SuAndax' visitons were Suidav callers at Eniest * * Mrs. Albert Ralsor'Ns vxel-aI Mr. sud Mrs. Vanimee;'s, lrwuu's sud Thos. Smith's, SERIC SATON comed bai-k ai or uîeetins Proxidence. Bobcaygeori.i AERIE STATO suad was pnesented xx th a giîî Mr". aud Mus. M. Staintm'n, Mr. Adans Slîsnus visited his SNOW TIJ{ES fronn the WlI. M.Howard Stevens xvene .se r.F eivi o- SO TIE"E iMonda','diuinen guests of Mr. Sie u-.F Du luTn BATTERY The roi] callxvas ai'lx- RCaksdMs îaO onto Gencu-al H-ospital on Fri- adw remm d i-ageof Christmas Gifts.' ihrBwmnilday. and %v reeonmend Also e guft fou- the Childuen'sci 'NDE RSPRAY id 1Mr. snd Mns. A. Bnîîuîl weu'e Mn. anîd Mns. F. Draper, Wr. Aid. m7am. Lnh vssr-ei n eSunday xisitors aI Mu. aud aud Mis. L. Weauus, Wr. Neill Opn froIZm 7 n. icibxassnvdisleMns. Orr Jeffeny's, Port Penny.1 oen, Miss Donna-Marie Av- midl 2nsdîrt lowei- bail. Th'le tables were jMn. sud Mrs. Dawson Beck- ecrv, Tilbury, were.i New Xears heamtiftull>' detorated f0r sixTmm', Brian. Ilsnny ar:,E\x e guests or Mr. sud Mns. S pe*cial! Christmas wilb candues andýIav. Maple Groe wei-e A. Leadbeateu. MateIefChristmsas table centres. ScUnday dinnen giiests of Mr.' Sondia','exeuuini Mr. anîd Mal STITh('KSemes,\erýn Mrs. F. Beckett, Wsî ic Wr5i. Situ Turner, Oshawa, HunOrKY STCSnor saied at thse bead table in a sud Manie. xisihcni Miss; Elsie Oke auîd 69ioeSnir group. Ltîncls t-onsisted of a M.adMs .[rrbae rte let 69e 8,9 e ~salacl plate. nolî1s, delicioUs a ; S.,Mrsud.MrsA. l.csdcsî'Mur-tMiesALbonLit.o,0hw wtth anyv$1.00 purehase sorted cookies sud tes. Sm-M.1.Ldbte, ur MisLiLcgtu, .iw, ai our Service Station The January mueeting .xl ax, Eric sud Dale, "onorîtn,l speuit s few dai\- witbh hr- Mr' à'AMY, Swiri\ SI non nn u- Mr.Craxxfonds itle fn LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. sud Lousp, Pont Pc'ux iee befi- message was -Wilat "Youî Gtî Gaîainep cf Qttalit, -' moccct i-it ions 'iMr. snd Dot h iri Lord Rcqtin cfr Mns F_ Trcwiui Tbece." lu was s special mes- Litîlo Bmcuton ('lI eiie n -i.sage 10 parnssnluwhich be Ilsuipton, xxas si re,-cumu oer- ssid iu possess simd prugress,: AS LOW s $13,9O O parents, E, Wrighit~u teachiusg amd searclsiug after g. ' st x uth, h s\andc'- ixx' hc is eodent in our ~~ArIiaise. Nes'lcetuus, xx eue recels: miildrnuanud ourtselvesP.. TIi NrL alIens au Mn.,aand Mms. 1. made 'he apl oprsnta: O L $1 2 0 00D wShuanps'. the Bible is like a ful eiegth! Mu- aid Mis. ILluod A iîio, .nsin'om wbieb Showxs things BALANCE EASY N.H.A. TERMS Rouîald sud Rav, Mi-. aud Mus. ixe ar(, teavuug bebiuîd andý Ross Ashton aud fanbiîý, a- tlimugs befome olbers befo e tus. Rcfoî1ï 'sou bus' a îïew home... lie sure lu don, were Nexx' Year Day A xery appropriate anthem bv visit Suîxset Terrace Sîb-dvision anîd see the guest.s at R. J. Oristoti's. lie Jr. Chou-rxxas 'Tlîe Lord' ultra-modern homes, wvith ait conveniences, Mn-. aund Nrs. lloskiui Sriî!hu. 'My Shepherd' bx' Cuemond, 'Hampionusxxere Saturday din- vithua desesuit smîng bv Misses' and built by t ralt'nîen %vith years of building mer, gue-its of R. J. Orniiston'ç Shinlex Avenx-, Maureen Mc- expcricnce! The Km-i '.cx aîsil es ga us - Nain sud Lois Ashtîon. In ii s vncd :ogether for Nevx Y- !ii st sermuofuthie ew vear, s iM'sd mi-. Il.Asisuom'-. Rev Crawxfoi d elucidated the Mi.. and Mr. . LSlsîî'nu is.pired word of the propbct xxenc Suiudav tea guests atiM Micah, "'o do jîmstlx' and to R EAL ESTATE Mt. were ueceui tonsau Miuss wbat *God reqmnres Of LuS i Phon 62-333 lamsptou xxs 'Tel! Mc the Siorv or 177 CHURCK ST1.Ov.xNILF ma ch \I' 1I-tF'cî1, -1.,ej- .ui-. n 'iMj;z;Maureen ____________________________________________________ \ axucnd Nai.c:c ie Suis- lcNaur'pi-esiditip, ai hebbconan. would ordinarily h;kve beeni The C'anadlstn StAtecm~ays n'.twfl Jan. 8, 1984 15 heard by Magistrale Bolsby i ____________________________ -ohnont. atia sRoedr ed.helrnnging In 1;feverly Jaynes He said ho was nt the rallw4y s tra te s C o Lu rmt ws haged in Febray .ih R.3.Newcastle. :track off the J ,spoet possession of stolen goods, the Mr. Tavnes told th, court!and his friend. Gino Giustë, Ip roperty of J. O. Sabourin. To that on Octoher l4th lie gawwas w.aiking loward hlim. Iii -Ield in Bowmanville Jail liese charges Johnson flVe 11101 on his properly, addrd, fihe othrr three m&în 1pleaded guilt 'v and \vas fonrd ail NWith rifles. "As I watch- ýwere friends of Glno*s aid appoaced romfil oposicetll)iv bttls -- wne ndguiltv. Magistrale R. B. Bax- ed. they started shoing aI WerP (on the other side o fithe appoahedfrm te ppoit cntv botle - iie ter iemanded him in custody pigeons on the roof of file barn so hp uild not see ,who direction, cut across the centre beer. u intil Januar.v 28th for pre- ba'Iî,' bie saîd. "This is a shot ai the roof. line and hit hini. Constable R. Parker con- sentence repmrt. lie\\'roof put 01n at a cOIof Mr1%agistrale P. B. Baxter -wil f Mr. Hiii turucd is station tinued the storY, "We could, Constable G. Evr , PP $51() a Y eRr ago. Sunce Iliat Iear thre rest oftIlle eviderîce ewagon arounc. and chased hfiu bear the hollering and yelling fold h cutfiha e ni(- e have hadi a roofiniii n Iis case *anuiarv 28th ata ig at o we went up the stairs. In caîleci to Mitcbeîî's C rnr conîractor estimate file dam-'wlbrn int lervreter Nwlll be -tinucd the officer. 'but los;Itheb apartnient Stella refusedi 0oFbur 2 93 i g t 28 oeit hlm in Ponîvpool. 1l v'leetdrssd W fnalvt ok' erir ,16,toaea 28 rsrt gai't e t er bodilx ialvlokinvfretigate a break-n. Ile *'Aq tîbe,.\starlted b ave Paul Melcatto, 81fl Meyerg mie a gond de-scr--ptlunotiO efie o n her- dressing said that entry had beeni made 1 veiled to mvi son William, , Oshawa,we charged or> veblicie, a 1959 Ford, v. hil1e, gown, protesting alfilthe \aî a lthough lie d id iiot gt't Ilv. loe IJa r, u.hecris rough a reai- window and a %Vho muws the farni, and wr Novc'nibrt 28111 with drivinc licens numbe. and own th steps int heý radio, recoird pla ' er and large \vent do\,,-n io the back of ivithoîit a lîrrensep and failîrîg license in rme. andipai, 1 . - nnte tp oo commercial-type floor polisher the propert . Tiiere Nerre 10 report anl accidient, He of a parking iight. at the scene .* stolen.1 five imen acros- therila s remanidccd n custody un- of the accident. Later iniihe l aude Oliver' expîaîned 'Later inifile da\," con- tracks liesr a c ar bcionging to Iii l ancary' 14flh. cveîîîg w ii orneda a IatClarenîce was utuable to tiudteotcr Iw ct-L'oren/lo Vagliardo. We asked Jiames Archer, 17, R B. 3. aiîswing 1 wsritiore aar \',ork and that lhe lad asked ted teo aperov"Ie gcall-oî them for- identification to pay Bowmauiviile, wa s charer parked at Curv,ý-Plin lu rooIiobis nepliewvand his wife iiwhere enîrv had been made for file damage. Thev started with assaniltou Peter Misan- Il had damiage 10 the left sîde. coe ucmeadke in the saine wav and kev-s Ocoe o(on n ep veilîig aud screamiing at us'chuk. December Sth. Archer Wlhen 1 interviewecd hlmi witir bouse for hlm. This, he said, stoleni Accompariied by tv'o in Italian.' laid a coutetr charge of ContaieH.R.Coriel i~ was becacîse Stella was unable YrnodtctvsadCr Vagliardo gave file cnourt assauit against Misanrhiik. Thi3 Codmiale ornlaî. H lu carrygroceriesandreero admited ie t blaie. in crry mil es ther!poral K. Freethy, 1 went 10th ie îanies of tile other four nialler \vas adjourircd until rathat bis iristiralîce la ubuea t tr 0Ibhe Oshawa Motel (then the WIbO "Il appear Jantiai-Y 28. Jaîîuarv i 4tli. ruil out December 8th and lie te los tCarrving Place, lrmddu n eace b bad flot had il rMowc. îesi he adhmn et rrims oc-cupied by Johnîson Crown Altorniev G. F. ]Boî- and vcre q 1iarreîsomne, adding, and Stberland. We foiund fl îîycastle deplored .tire attitude _'1 Irv fl rîîiiîa decen t place 1 e andio ad m1ohrK T A of accused saying lie seeîned ,h oîsal si tage-sîoienit ems. Th e record YS RS t0 th*ink this a cascial tYpe of cd bil' I caiît walk steady any !player and floor polishier weîe offense. Corfe was convîcted lun. recovered iin a pawn-i shop in ýof careless driviiîg ini Port "' Ii e«' last iltrîe Ilîcard thtIoroiîto. Th'e record player. VARIETY Hope Iwo months ago. cxccil>. coinineiled Magis-ivalued aI $69, had been soid Patrick Coffev, 19, Toron-i- liSte R. B. Baxter, "\& as 201 for s15. and Ille polishier, PIlON EVIL to, charged Mav 261b w\ith car Years ago. A mari in the vallie'd at $3111, for $25. ~~fKFE lýheft in Hlampton, was placcd Na\vv said lhe always walked 'FlOutaîd ocel 6334 v U S )LVR ýoni suspended sentence iii witli a roll.- . Os apult i a il. Hce i 1Jujne. Crown Attornîey G. F. Edward Johnson, Adelaide xvas to appear Macch 121h --'ý ,BonrîYcastle told His Worslbip Street W., Oshawa, \Vas cllarg-!but* lie did îîot. We bound We Extra Lean _that Coffey, who lvas îîîîder- cd vlth jumping bail. lie bad left Ibis counîtry, weiit 10 r 5 9N going treatment as au, out- e&ected trial bv magistrale and California. Later be was pick-:D A KIL, 1 lb ,patient of Princess Margaret pleaded guîîlty. ed up in Florida when he was L D RO S H1-ospital, had been picked "P 'l'lie bai] had been selet atinvolved in a motor accident. --- n Toronto on car thefi, triectd 2lîî on Mar-ch 5tb of fast "Onftle charge concerning LEFAN - TENDE.R there and convicted. \cear wlben Jolînsoru appeared, the jewellerv, laçt Februarv HOT I "les o civuî î .î i chaiged joinîiv wiib Dwight lie accompani.ied bis, aîînt to a MOTOI reforrnatorx,'"t'ontiiiîîd t"lec Suthliand with bî-eakdiig, Mrs. Sabouirin's funcral Ilinl iCrlowu1. "A juidge's order lvilî eiîtiv and theft from, tbree Qtucbec. Later ini the samne c be obtained to briiîg bîin h ere . lsiile11 area. nonlb Mr. Sabouîrin reported foaud senten eranar> 61î." 'i-lTIlese charges were read a. wrist .watth and diamond 6 laborer,2:~'remeraîe ,aitainaîd evideîîce beard. An- ring missîng. Johnson had _______________________ lbournler, 3 w'pas cireci St. cchrg ws ea icl sold these under file name of Bowanvlle wa chrge'otlerchage as eadRobert Reid for $25 in a pswn T BONF OR Jaîîîar 'v 611î w 111perni ttiuig' ý,o lu Toroîîto..Thering wIN ,dirunkenticss on his preinises. (irWI- NA x Gid I$3>)sd0u convicted and fined $15 aud Chief B. R. Kiîîîev staîed K Q :$ o st i e w a ii e . .,IaD)tn e n that on Febuary 23rd lastiS E Kb wouild go t10 ala. kvsuaeabreak-in aIKnox er., 33, cia rged n ider ilic a le tbld the court the prîin- tpee -lisui nepex, l Act as ie rsav Crs l1Reomd6coo.3 Liqidior Conîrl Atid uas a cîpal's office had been buokeiiLD L N1~~ fouî-nws emîdc i l 'lie New' Year s Eve Dance into ud a Sea Breeze record eanut Butter L Jar January 2811..lie explaiiied field bv ftle Bowmianville Coi- plaver, vaiued at $165, stoleiî. Ibal lie was ou $51) a nionil liiig ClIub at the Clubhouse'bis. he said, liad been recov- Save 4c 3 3 lwelfare anîd \vas lu be admîit- %xxas a docided success, and 85 ered on paymenî of $8 frot-ila ted 10 bospi tsliliTm'ib cou pies eiîjoyed a memorable paw i sîop ii Suidbury. that aflertioon. î'veli iîg. The muîsic four da nc-,crown Atitriiey G., F. -Bonî-, Av' K LEEN EX KA O Claience Oliver's xxife, Stî'l- ilig \vas provided by hIe Ca- rvaiera f ogls f la. xvas charged as a loiiîd-li valier rh str, sawa. fnycstesread offa lnglt o f-- 7 and remnanded ioutii ,aîîuarv Dîdlev Dccl.v \as <-bairinan croffe e aigacknu 190andT'S3UEP4 9 , 28th. 1lis Worship w'ai îîed Ilîc* r flitc conîmittee iii charge of carIbfî beain, uty îî tliat if Ibere weîe ai,îy vimore arrangemenîts foi- the event. Lf.oreo aîd ardcheq7es complaiîîts froruhfile policn 'l'lie ollien membens orf lis oruo]a.ird, 67 she xvoîld be senltrio Minîno îuîuiniuttec e ri le presidenî Markhaîn St., Toronto, plead- K E 1 LG0C.G'S for drviîig oui. Glci i .aider, [),. \-an, Wool: ed not guiltylu eacharge of ra i ~ D 12 0A c Constable 'j. Das', sld se', Mis. Gleiî Laîîder, anîd mli-----r-geba-ar fl ~UlF~ pkl%. 5 Magistrale R. B. Baxter lie Mrs 1E. N. Moi-ris. CO N L KE 25 xvas called fîrýst b3Y Claude Ttic dance- fluor was effec- Fr- THAT.HOLIDAY Oliver anîd tîien b 'y Kiîîg Cab. tiv clx« ceîîtred b *\ a revoiving 'RT A HO I Y ""le police have gone Io thall funmed oif mirrors \vbicb FFNINTESN a g r ne' 9 complaints befor'c," coritiiîcitd lîglîts. Streamers in blendingS1. En e i s0 Ille officer. "This tiniîe Cou-;shades of' rose, pink and gold 1E stable Parker and 1 weîit xitlî 'added Io file gala decoraons.dT 2 D 9 a searcb warr-anîtand fouiîd Snîartl ' festive bats, and a J URY & LOVELL _____________________________ Claude Oliver întoxicated sud wide seleclion of îioisemakers: TRAVEI, AGENCTOEYH R.& FIA IH Stella iin the saisie conditioui.;were provided. A delicious O E H R.& FIA I Clarence badi been drinkiig. lunîchb vas servedi. The Ennis- Bw avle 63331'IL9PM bil was fot sodrîiiîik. Wefoiînd ,kil ci i 'îted Church Women onavle 61-31'IL9PM full bottles. part bull les and cat"-rcd.___________________ I l Il TAKE AUVANTAGE 0F OUR 'o Winler Works wM m - lMr~~mi"*mm.î ~: . - B £ *6 s We Employ the Best CRAFTSMEN and use the -BEST MATERIAL AVAl LABLE O0. W. P.'lS SPECIAL PLAN Finance Your Home Re- 0 No Down Payment- - V ~ - Up ta5 Yeurs taPuy! ONo Charge For Plans, Ideas, Estimates, etc. FIRST PAYMENT NOT DUE 'tii JUNE let, 1964 OSHïAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. Heod Office ond Showroom COU RTICE -728-1611 Oshowo Shopping Centre 728-1617 ~uI1 A-11-1-ILIM ILI a k7LI-1- 9 1 rÀR .. 1 . ., '. . -jý,

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