6 Th, Canadian Stateçman, 1onanville, Jan. 15, 1984 jMeMaster and family attend- N U which the brancheqq afor eda birthday party for Mrs.an li Pe pl 17. B. Glaspeli at Ralph Glas- L flds c r orests mnîndcol ltf nct'nO rillicifl pell', Ivonethis is the Accounts Branch. ,oM.Nr. and Mis.Jim Stainton l R p r The work off the coit O.P.P. Paying More Attentionsteia avdS ws e cyR p rt13ach piciz sthftcourse asEnte rtaieee b Oshtdat Davîd Shazedas h ofth Mr. anid Mis. Douglas Ski i i retrospect the year 196:3ofa 100a ite o1n Balsaro other branches, nor do Ac ne- ndTrr Ois avkt evealed as hav îng been d -,kea a park site. couts personnel corene on l'o Training and Selection edat Jî Staçntois b d o e d g P veîom'thofPublic to the sanie degree. Durig t ek agop theton ýM.and iNs. Ch fodSwal- h h' 'ale W ha udertaken im-therefore, the importance aund 4th and 91h teAgia fe pnigtengti Mîletons ar no beig. ow ben ivento il sper lised pon ine devlopd L\ý . Maple Giove, isitied at ed mn the Lindsay Distric.t. Aln midiatcl.\-and imany apeopelFextent of this branch's uontr>-Young Peopte«sAsoitnofhmso terhtte Milestnes ar now bing:no been iven t all sipRt--lisliPeupkininebranchesppoieiîRe cxtremeln*s abancheoveac xtanmageacofookiavanfaciof il' ebubut ton tetovIbe l overalin fJonc'tion- recorded in carrying out the visorv and command ranks -, modemn police studies, are pro- 'vit. and Mrs. R. C. Stainiton tv stedmns01ou e uîgti omtive as r the Deprîentnds St. Jhos uvrenwee boîs Oilliis ets atendd th niew policies of -the Ontario 1wbicb inc:udes evervone from vidîng the For-ce with an ex- atterided the dance lat the air- natraI resources continue tt I leriori. of e vere 10 ds'tli .PA t ta-AYP.wosr-dabfe ProvicialPolie. Geate at-Co roralto Cnim issioner. cel lent type off young rnalpor t on New Years Eve. increase mmiing inst ruction \wbich Thîis despite the fact the\- asins-' Chiirch.Orli AtorIîiaioo boethi tentîon to training, selectioii' When the District Inspec- wbose education, aptitudes and Ms P. J. Roberts and Mrs. Timer raeh roed su popuilar at Serpeni are responsible for the aeLcun - off toc Goodvearpatia u~s okterlae have maked the t196:1,pro- otiîr for tiielr semti- varions posîs open to bm n, Robert's sister. Mrs. Zack at eicrali v real ized, the.loggiog t iiu durmng '63 and asmîa po1icv' and the accurate Prl-M.Bn aiqitJbfsaems gaeu gram off the Force and signý annual three dav meetinIiiells Force which now offers St. Catharinîes on Sattîrdav . i ndustry remains prominelît. n Prtogi«aiii was lnaugurated qt uessîng off ail expenditures aîîd dance plaitndaîdpt of the progress made are now %vitli senior Ibeadquariteirs staff,>oppor-tunîîîtes liii administra- M-Nr. anîd ùs. \ an Cochrarie, tîîs di'strict, 13.000,000f) oatcIrd Eily- Park. andreei4off monev part'd byv St. JbsYugi epu aet n o h apparent. 1lb stavedi an additional two lion and executive posts. Mr. anid Mis. William PrestolI't feet off sawlog inaterial b Av- t\îî ,tî"îî k atteiîdance, "l'li LndavDtit Ac inPehll oe i Ieee-fiepîî f adwr f h The first series off courIseýs wt-eks for their turnliat the 'l'ie promotional process bas Col"i tnt-: Mrs. Delbert Flinit-. ing been cut on Crowvi land. -as oown ,pînbablv dute to thle counits B r a il t'cbIt unicîioncd il lc Igu ig a ever held for uersonniel of itlie tioure xclicb t;as designed for take-jion an objective char- offf, Kedronî eeSîna ppoia l)i0o0 fect tul-ivelv colO \vtather diir- tI tetyiitedsbru Forc n uperisov ai'i he Frcebv officiais cil'ý,tI-r %itb ils declared aim ,s osat \Wes Caneron's. tii be processed i \eieer i"mefiî uu~ ecnîbîithe dschre.nist rel'iiînies. The ;us;vr ('.tle epcal tan Command tecbhniques liave Non hwe ste-niî. Un t ensil at i e-ogoýizi ing menit iii scectiIlg I .anîd Mrs. Wes Canicron an)6. aact îrswn î îiîi l hep k nra-16 thus contributîng l'il eno mdiiasecîbtl OlilloadM'.ad i. Evaiiston. Insi ruclors ineluide the best men foi' the Jobs thiat spelit New Xears Eve with loto luiber. i *smnail measume to tbe suttess presideiît Miss uevIas O...personnel and lecilîrers are open. Examîîuaîions, ap- Mr. end Mrs. Robert Kille;i. In addition '2.00)) cord., off:giî tl * aMofi tiîîtss *Kar.enî Nchos ndMr. u- front Noi tbvvester'n. peamaîîce before a promiotioiî- 'Oslla\ta. bai'dwood ptilpwýood and 1,00(lp0etîve prgam teful tur- an totl diicfiistîîon. orthe (iIia giop pk oknoîoftela f en FolIo;; îng that, the Coin- ,aI board, performance ratings Mr. and MrsIîenry eelr;'ds offsoftwood ptîîpvtod Pe.qîie rvical Peak At E.talrolîDsIinoîiîr ppetation of t1 bsptll mîissioner. Deputv Commis- anid due regard to seîîioriyW'est HilIl, visited at Henry were cut, the latter being tbîîî proveci popular. - lovî h e.K 1 rnp gu lrtebnut ý-oii-r. Assistant Commission- on ithe For-ce ail play a paiît Dat't*S. nings from agreement foî'ests Uce.1 ieto ofatncnlue vîhclgaul- S..thîsAYPA xci ers, Cliief Inspectons and othe: iii the important promiotional -A Happy andu Prospeous Tventv five bundi'ed acricqtîalicied natetdrction of ta -titon aid f; ncdts ios wftos:Peie senior personnel took the process. New Vear 10 the Editor, Staff Off bardwood and pine foresti ul idnteuaiseuiotonr blions.1 T ciasu ftle eetni uîcvla s.Vc-re. course marking the seventh 1 anîd aIl the readers off The i bent fitted fromi stanîd tpov'iurc., asth islm ud,)-BR W S1Tepasr( presentafion off the two week Canadian Statesinan. ment \work which pioviueu d ui tre, ng ednatur'e ti d.(ltese frlatwek asrrI the aitu f iu-"în;rr Du ihos e lecture series wbicb is design- wne mlyetfr10~îî edto eîbaîc effceîc> 't iîenldo at;e urcoyv. uic at-tnded and Lutilîzed F-,\-Browiins atiîntal Chrîstmag bers off otheî' yoigPpl' i___________ 'leineiae rsîtofiîaiî ,thoîsaîîds off apprcei ocr ;a eda h uolR)r tnc throughoLît the Force. Sub 1-h____________ofcocet_____d t hescoo Ject.s include Principles of -Mm. and Mrs. Swerdifigum :A. c c o u n 1 a n c y such projects is the boost to 'l A*t' t ilor.nu u'Park.Ileon ,hwednep.dareuning, DecRbn 0*ae 8."iaCod:PatPeiln, Manaemet;_____ts fy-Ith Atocranl n Prk he m8uti ;' b atahe co0 of Kozu h: bust a ai on se ( Mangemnt; Eleent , ffand girls, Kendal, were Sunl- __________;____ Ilocaeon omy' tw'il e the large Surface off ice on Lake parenls and childmen present. <ilnt.Leigh Wlson Spprvision: Staff Relation- 'day evening callers at Mr.ý RAY J~. DILLING logtr eutwl etoS- Ontario adJacent to the ParkSna lu sbips: Development off Poli-,an'd Mrs. D. f'amroi.Cbartered Accotintant 'ands off feet off bigh quality, ;hcîii is nliaintained foi skai - The thiamrman foi the even i . SýandCatis ivc cis vlaino esne;mateî'ial for sawils and viert-ý:- igprisb; akpisiiiîng x;as Mr'. Robent Simlpsoiin il idcni u ~;Evlutin ffPesone; Mm. and Mms. Harold Me- 93 Cbtîrch Street ee- milîs ini the future. Tparprges m titsisteersutud10 I buiIcr __HomnRltosi ue- aglnadfn lc-6336 nc-prto attracîed as inaity a s 1,200 t'ail -~ ~ , vision;' Effective Communica-1 soc;Mi.EdaM lgliiî--.- UE'Ô'sona unavseuirR0m o11iîdb Eoî Sho tions; Reporting anîd Direct- NeteoweeSna ine R TMSBO ibantd Wiîdîife Braîîch a afniiritoon.scnutdh 3ý\"' C10 ! etltn eeSna nrss Cbartered AccoLintant deen babitat improvement pro- a fîeretbagei avM.AlCinon.îîi eci lillgtii h ers ci: U WT U L inîîg. guesîs off Mn. and IMrs.RosO nee Ia ra a.Mr.A olsnmuit.cl hgih nt-e At thîs tinte, 30)0 niembens 'stnan aiv Trustee in Bankruptcy grami was carîed out in Hin pol wsttesat f Ean-'. Recitatioîîs, solos, duels, lics imd Ibis Na' îitr off he orc bae Acsheton'.and fMils. FueelSuite 205W 72.5-9953 don Township. piano solose playsor and -a was o xt'eîtioiî.ichc'd INW I H EW of the Force ave recrivecl Mr. and Mr. Fareweiîîîg off a 3-mile valting Irail, 'Ilosopay an Wsr! Ibi isîrîcion Pomoios Batkbî'î, alenu wee at-~Os2hawa Shopping Centre Onie million, two iiitdred 1îl ig iecismutioffasîtion show wtyc weII done il s Otie the îîîlIerP/M kI 10th ank off Corpor'al notes- ra vnn iios;ih WtNI. i. H. COGGINS lhotisaiid lies, predominantl; fîînîg ;' aa'] î'e ndetovn y eacuters, Mn. R.CF sitaeaferthu clasesrMeau-sMsen.MnsMW.nlackMI..Cha.crendcs.ntatharttepmucdandueOaititaprtidewhite spIli Indarandraiia ouadpdoas aand ns.1 nu a ue Fnit n aîd TA T. SUf! T time somte 5001 reuruifs bav-e:anid Irs. K. Cowlîng. Second Floor white pine were plaîîted o' -rissttoites reetr b Is ca .1. also been receivîîîg their IIO Mr. R. D. Thompson, Mi' New Library Building Coi ad n geoct vns erttyhiîrsuîdb r-i.,iîi eWîICoeilmisit ucir.M.A w;eeks orientation courses at Potp Bradley, H a ni p t Il nCor. Kin," & Temperance Sts forests, iorli o TovLkinBî' O10heoloiisdt.Cownshi.-n i iaiilte n j )i lg no;vrhfnr ip.Tîî ouîJan Web, Pa tsMise la Ibe r hp ato 0 vcy two es eNw ER Hcair __ Poe62-62 g~hias3ndIlrîd,îîkîgAviulinat e ff oiiiYoung, CiaCuct l rîotseit lte lo dtst1u weeks, axîî th fciitesat Mrs.ý. W. Tbompson's. YALE, FRIEDLANDER Hgivyn~~"~ -of these carvuutg lis definitelv Bmnt;'ni and Leigh Wilson. Miss ilig lueur couý-io atia of t the e' TaiinoCi-'ceiryThmpTnraoininCgPNYdo TCnol-ws omdond bTowsnsishiptl;n ubnî Vrd Mntn ls rceve tci ocl. n Rss leg oi SerotmneStee 10b asTborsday stipper Chartered Accountant, adsBanhrif thoutghî dafing ilicm ne- onie, bot tvas uinablf Io bc Motitest Thev turec RO~ltheliml. fle frnt it1guet t i mnmtei licensed Trustees (Ornaîds Rranch hegaii set; t'500(1cars and 3,500 present.doitaO aklv ri. FRMnîue montbsin the field wbicb 'rs W. Thompson. nakrtc Mms. t e om a t orelin B n ru ty1963 w tb 791 ctotage lots for year- agoi (bu;' till lno dotîbî M rs. W ilda Simpson, Prsi- xci'il i l ilti c,; e piitr foll ws t e co pact orie ta- M . and M rs. Russ-e l A i- 64 K ing St. E. 728-7371 s ile. 1t tis nu m ber w ere pr oive ano tîteri attraction 10 dent of the B row iîs H . S fo' h t gi . cors, h~e din i dnt, Bîllie ancd Barbara, Oshawva, Ontario addced 30 uîew tois; 58 lots Ite Lincdsayv District and ivii Club, presentr I te Boo ,k Mis.Llîi eîî' ib at lege ntaîmriforPoacet r t Hnoff , Mn. aud sArt cur ONTITH- MNTETH. sId leavung 51 romain-lbe accessible rarlv in 1964 via Awardis donated hy lt Il. & the ani-iiat Bus-v Be hil G i nIiea ylt o helRIo r n rs rh[IMN EUL & NTETH îng as the ycar closed. Ilie luail u'irrenfly uuîdrdo,- S. Club f0 the foîlowing sttî- noas Partv ly huIo mths Cotirse in basic train-Tnwian Wllam.aw O. ing.' M1 FOTosawan kSheopp.ing Ceune I niiainoftt e îpet.denits: Gradie 1, Tommy Mar- Dec',oibcî 7th îl e Diînuulg Ibis- periuîd wheuîn-ws un Cstpprgustof 7re 2 IveopniCmwntkeho'ewee 'itt ltcl w relfa- fin: JudephCaeroonn e 5 uurs du1 s du CI fr î R a e ('l'O'I~~t ttraining and training off Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slrmon.7872 vlpi Conlkehr ee rhWic v realn-ord tehno; rd ,iuhce:l sd the supervisory ranks are nc-, Mn. and Mr-. Wm. Dawson, on 1. Mnerilb, .C. xamined anîd Ibein poteolial utiliarl. Theje is onte other Ricky Stephenson: Gradie 6. anitont off effortsIepf College, advancd and special-f"" î'enstiMbdiA.sBonMsitesthiBot-obianCc'astuture subdtv'sinfsii hnwtierDai t Iltoghis1 GradeHugheKeiGade titisievethu v gecact c yca College, speciand . . Rch, CA. Ri.A cd. D airy uîzed courses ini such subjects as Dannv, Oshawa, were Neu, (iewciTutr A Iîghlight off the year n e invesigaton an trafic wrk 1Year' vistors f Mr and rs. . E.aretoîuryCdecassmon d1isi dit s con-n PHONE 623-5444 <o ilawait a period wben the Ronald Rabni and family. .F ihfoCA i ei FORfailt s ff heColee r M. Richard Dawson and B. R. Waters, C.A. mils for hunt camps, the saIt FOR less taîned.'fiend, Oshawa, were Sunday, ,rtonpit--ti hetri In the malter off selection off visitors off Mm. and Mns. j WILSON &BURROWS uro pint, wultbionsth term HOME DELIVERY personnelte screening andRahm. and faiîy Chartered Accountants been rcached. select on processes off the. Mn. Milton Slemoît vtsited 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Accondingly, no applications on, Lonidon, in the Christmas: Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. on Cmown land in the Lindsa ; f BWMNVLL ;;b_ omsBacstck t av ng holidiay.1 G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. District bave been acceptedar ____-Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Slemnon Phone 728-7554 since October 28, 1963. e -and Susan witb Mr. and Ms hr a o akdi- h 623-5589 ChnîsbrTms, ay. uc, n irop iccrease in applicationsbtoc - Mn. MCh itosiemn ass-tr ChDiNMop aNNiDi c cupy watemlots and hîuîld Mr. ilto Sieon ws SU- i . EDIN NANND.C.dams for the storage offwte per gtiest off Mrs. W. White iG Chiropractor in farni ponds. This Thurs. to Sait. - Jan. 16-18 and Miss Nanîcy Johnus' Hamp- ' office: It is anticipated titis actuv- ton. on Boxing Day. 15 Elgin St., cor. 0oÉ Horsey St. ityv will continue apace: rand Mms. Lloyd Slemon l Phone 623-5509 ,tbrougb 1964. "Jason and the Argonauts ýandSusan were New Year'siOffice H-ours: By Appointmnt ihadWidieBac c rn Day guests off Mms. F. Toms,lz- - ____an______e ranh in tcchnholor andEnnis-killenu. -The activity off lotal trap-! CASH SAVER! ColouredSpcalSeetdVueC? d flMn. and Mrs. R. Rabnî an pD Iaiiems and Iliei' sîuccess pan famnily, spent Christmas Day - - - - ticularly withbheaver, resulted1 "Just for Fun 1ionoftehgs ura Ro- wif b Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Daw- '7DRKing M. RUDELL, D W...i n o h ibstfrhr V 'th Fredd 7.5 King St. E. Bowmanville:ests on record. R s a g rn 1s 9 with rdy Cannon and "The Cricket%" son. Orono. Office Hours:Fu'pce eiidgit ____________________________________ M. Niad Mrs. . lacun 9 ar..to 6 p.m. daily emally strong and the skilfully' 4 i al e e Si ay d Mrs. K. Co- Closed Saturday and Sunday prepared peîts off1Lindisa-,, CAS11 SAVER! - Save 3ie il-oz. Rottles -Sun.4 îng wereJan.nd9y2supp7r30uesîs Office Phone - 623-5790 distr-icitappeî's provided mïo st off Mm. Lawrence Tabb, Osha' House Phone - Newcastle 3551 ' thfoe RO N w a. rao___reunsfr Mrs. W. Thompson visited, DR. E. W. SISSON their efforts. l tIN E C U 1eSR O N 7 Sud" ~~~~Mn, B. McDonald, Bowman-, L.D.S., D.D.S. Anglers ton were generallyl EN EC U '$ PalNwaPtiivelille, on Friday, and also caîl-: Office in his home moe successful last year in. l B N PaulNewmn, Ptriia Nal c on m. nd Ms.1E100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville tbis district, some off theirsu als0 Thompson. Phone 623-5604 ýcess being neflected in Ib.eir' AHSVR aefe ae raiSyle IS-oz. tins Office Hours: fine co-operation in retu rning IlFSpeeal ectd-Bnl'~Rle " GilN m d T m k Closed Wednesday - Suiidayi To assist in the study of fisît F "AGil amd amkoMZON 1R . m diyîg mm ihcultGreen iant CO3RKu p 3 Laurence Harvey, France Nuyen (Color> cD.é. . CAÀTTRAN,-D.D.S. popultomvmnec. f Intended for last week) Office tagging was carried otut onai Both faue di etranetMr. and Mrs. Fred Ward ' 75 King St. E. Bowmanivifleifairly large scale, 1,636 pick-: CASH SAVER.! - Save 17c! 20-0z., tins and family, Maple Grave,!Office Hours: etrel in Camemon, Stuî'geon, Mild esnd Pr rn were at Wes Caîîîerouî's foi C,9 ar.. b 6 p.m. daily Pigeon and Canal lakes, 1,09" 'F 1 p Starts Next Thurs., Jan. 23 for 1 week Chr'istmas. Csied Saturday and Sunday bass in Slîadow Lake anîd 468 Canadian True-life story tnMprt. oaCn i s îaselSaind 'DR. R. .ho e TOffc O3-559 nog Lake being netted and so Y rk Beans W ith Pork 6 $ROR A S GE l 3 n. anto Mmsrisel tmsain ehn .A E: Offic 23559ma iongd ferinKhaairega-'Te ,New Year's day with Russell B.D.S., L.D.S. îdnîîd fe'ter engb edr-FlvrilLa Perkins and Margaret. Office: Orono Medical Centre weight, etc., were 'rded CASH SAVER! - Save 6ec.1 Mashed 12-oZ. ' DL "The Incredible Journey" Mr. and Mrs. Jini Stainton ___ Telephone 189 et canno, unfontunalely uee9.teaketes lbi 11__ ed y Walt isney inOnta1- oand sons were at Leonard --roepoteIesas ob en d, oit0aaMaidoje MIL Ultmaîîîu, Toronto; Miss Bey- B.A.,'LL4B. prompting an extension of the w - wII vvur Àan emty Locke, Toroîtto: Mm. and Britr oiio fine season to Novembn Sun I'Iavoired Amîloîlli A?4!-iuu.pg. l. MrKing St. E. NwateDiigIi eid4 ies Pl. S. p uOMrs.Alfred MoIIg , lo;'r hoe2 ecsle otr. pahi Strawberties'se39c An Vipraeril isallore dner n Mrs. Afred 1.Bttn ioîr:Poe226ouîrred, boîunîg 99.84 aunes. Pergetrt An im rperMr.iandlledor dete o- MiIonMn.iaîd Mrs.Hans 9--:30 -Wed., Sat,,-9-4 "*Ii, ià atribute 10 the ritanv Ant ary rat.edTadperty - . a -Souricuagr yGeissberger Jr. and sous, Mr. or± age thotisaids off people using lte P e s 9Sae2'!--o.pg. SidBra to lifean rpry..priurl and Mns ArtIhum DartsandO M orttv J oods duriigtg Iis perîod Ihal Smooth, %vaxed and washed in high winds and stormy weather. falitiil;. ------. mort and cosîlier fires did nol NFo.n1 Fr ie 5 If n aria fal n ahydo ue o onMn-. anud Mirs. l-eniy Dant SADIE HAMILTON - ORONO occuri, 'te are nitoreoveî' iii- l Ifaserveires enteî-ong hoe ofne andt Kent. M autO Mr's. Bob Phone 1 r 16 debîed 10 our detectioui andî U service wiresD etntnd int the s-oileChrist- First Mortgage Fonds SuI)lîpeS.Siuîtpeople for Itin U N PSl.7 van resuit. Power interruptions, with lias 'unt Mr. anttiMrs- An îî- Rsienes ara promnptitude and effit'iency v inade their inconvenience to customers uî'[Inla.dfuîîl îu-N '-__ Bsies -r-e-ti liresetînlt e spî'ead off te mie Rlpened No. 1 large Irs ae!ape-rIi ulsz over a wide area, have also been Yean's wtiuMr. anîdMs Mortgage moites' availab fmsIadd ctr Yiv D r adfail« W o-ftor ail puîîposes. Tu iîîcrease ouîî'fuinest pr'o- caused in the saine way. ville aîd fat.yWod- Let us arranuge o ' fai tectioru coteage suppess-iont Tom at e i . 9 W"e solicit yotîr co-operation ini help. Mrn. ud Nîs. N. Poîter. Itaycinigdue o' -Inli an equipmnits beîîîg iucreasedat sb29 Toroto, ibyedhavingl yo lan cmiindueorcat.wldaf aSupremegremetieses2Cr-s C.rly o. t-g o make TV aerials safe every- TiooviîdatI eht'3 c(an luamdle îîoî'tgages ofhat tuîareer nnt ourost rg - 10 oz.urly Nu iwee aing orinpce Dats for a w;eek. evenv dt'sciiptioîî. îîaqtrîmaîd 1 i lIbaIWeonSne rg436t p. from ime o tie bya Mliand Mi - d r. llar Poltuz panks. aI aut wis.Mu. uîdMr. R C HAROLD! C. PEDIN'EI.L Cournses off Irstruution f0 television servicemnan. Tak o.Slaîitoiuaniddauglhters spen!i NCB.rok fainîtseetalislete esn n ;ihelS IIALIl of~~l~Dns Bn 9 Mrs. 'led Col! .îs. OshawAa. ---- propei' operalioî off this equip- Nt-urStotu sîanutol ui l ~ome r moduent ee p'ot'ided during îî O~ha;ta Go0itr'tI0 Mpîtlt____y 1963 and tuilI conttiine in tho t- o 0nealIte netMoa;. O-it MAPLE GROVE MARK ET a.M pl rv 011 Chriistitia',Day and ictunlKEITH A. BILLE'IT, -0.D, 'Lirit yai 'lt..dySusaut Staiitton .ventt 141 King OStE- om Parka rngsglgdi the CAAAISH MOrKET te lite bospîtal anid came boie Office Hlours: B% a ppointment past vear as far' as our Parks Ce O NTA RIO1 Y 8IlR 0 on 'focs-day' vofftitis week, TIiuý Telephone 623252 :Brand'i i i3conce:ned, one vvas'R I H S m u % o labi:£! thaî's gniîî e al-uîtIIIî Mon. - '1Tes. - Thurs. - Fr1..!the faut that ito fatal acci- tuas the culirt. 9 a.m.10 5 p.m. dents off ai;' kind rd in PO T RRE& W HE M'. and Mrs-. Geru Ga Thumsday evenings Lizidsav District PartT R' ED & W H TE.andew o vil iPE1,,l ar.n amnily, Mms. Alexi Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 the other was the acquisition