Big Win for Locals Mid gels Hand Cobourg 8-3 Def eut Cobourg!'F un fu ýý*ed d-sur. after 4hree minutes rf'other in the second half. second and fired four in the gels ,, ý .- .va- plpv and Werner W ,ro2 MeMurter bagged his fourth third to defeat Ajax 6-3. ville Midets 8-3 in the fir.,t made 4t 2-0 he1 iu e ýaogwt nerirassWlsiewstebggn gZamie of ai'.exhib'*,ion douu!e- mark. before meuýIs got the aog~.ha ale sit lthr a h i u MeP sBasketball Coronation Edges McQueen's Fuelers Stop Jewellers 26-m22 !ne eanadian Statesrnan, BowrnanvfUe,. ft22,1984 Salem Hockey NewsI by Brian Blackburn David Nlanard went off at TrieS~.eii MkI~ D'1cu 1: of tlhe ast period. David dLcatcd Ororing an dur 1Iaier was off serving a exh ibition gdm lat ,-,,Y beneh penalty for too many Crossey ouneedthe scoring! Liain to sroe h-- Wvith the oî,iv goal of t1,L Lfist marlen t 15:20 s ore the ird period and Ale-, Wiseman1ýension. an G:0oft irdii a mnade It 2-0 af the 5:20) narkýsAesonx ander r ihig ia of the second. Frot~ that point:Aeadrdewfgtn a the Raiders tonk 4<'ver, as Alex jrs as the buzzer sounded t.- Alexander staiî cd the bal' end the garne. Alexaioer niso rolling at 9.25. rfetting a tiiseo)induct. Bruins eaie from t,,, twice before taking a 4-3 lend atrtwo periods of play and : iS I counted two more in the third to uset he lader Inthe second game. 42>, Ray Crombie and Bob Mar- jerrison clicked iwithin a inir- ute and 35 seconds to serîd the Hornepts on top, but Bolb Fairey got one back in the 1 final minute of the first pIeriod. Ted Fairey made il 3-1 early In the second. Thrase goals In less than three min- BE A utes changed the outeome, a BODDONOR Bill Crossey tallied twice and FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) Your Fully Recognized Prof essional Travel Consultants AG(ENT S lor ail Airlinies, Steanishiip I.ine, Ilotels. Totsrý,. Car Itentais, lte. Free Iniformuationi and Service' PHONE 728-6201 57 KING ST. E., OSIiAVA OHAe JUNIOR ""A"' HOCKEY SUNDAY, JAN., 26 7:30 P.M. PETERBOROUGH PETES V. U%1SHAWA GENERALS TUESDAY, JAN.,, 28 8:00 1 31. NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS VS. OSHAWA GENERALS BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA ADMISSION Side% S.5 Ends - $1.2.1 Standing -9$.25 Students and Cbildren. seats or stpnding - 75e --waJl to hold Hornets score-ji~t-awh 6 i'h'e t heito bcway. 1. Brown ________167 AM. Wade _______167 M rm -____164 M. Porter _______159 T)eexnage League M. FTr __ 15 B. Boisvert _____-153 BR iIng M. IMcDonald 152 ~vwuII ~ D. Boisvert --_____ 143 N. Oudshoorn 133 Bantam Girls B. Savcry - - -____ 133 eýEvans 5, MeMurber 2; lien- M. Skelding --- -__ 131 nin 3 Lle2; eler 3M. McCullough - 127 re 2 ye2;Sler 1M. Staplebon 11.1 A r 2T eara Standing N a eI _ 0 LHenniîîg ...................... 81 ,Evans ........................... M xe ea u e A Lre ....................... ...x.e..League. tiLyre ......................... 5 'Mý1MMurter ....... ............ 41 Benett edged Wright and Seler Palmer also took two games Hligh Single - S. Fi-bh 223, from H. Brock to leave both -D. Snowdea 192. tearns deadlocked for the s High Double - S. Firth 346, Mixed League lead, ln Fr1- 1J Sellers 331. day's action at Liberty Bowl. Junior Girls tE. iock moved into con- tentin ontheaigbb's only l3rornell 5, Mitchell 0: Ed- shutout, whipping Harrison mondson 5, Mutton 0; Good- 7-0, wbile Perfect took a pairý xin 5, Sellers 0 over Brornell bo stay fouri Team Standing j points off the pace. Goodwin........ _... .......xo Lobb earned a 2-1 victorY Brome!' ..... ...... ....... - 7 over Grant and Etcher de- 1futton.............. d Prout 2-1. 5-dmondson .. ........... Onie Etcher came up with Se&llers ................ .... 3, a fine effort, rolling 326 and Mitchell . ............. î7ta cop all honours, wibh GodwnElton Brock a close second at1 High Single - N. 'odi,94, also a 276 and 789. 3.15, J. Lyle 217, D. Sel1ers 221,! Fera Bradley was next, oni V. Kintil 2121, Ci Muton1 bbc strcngbh of a 323 garne -j-, W,' 23. ýBrornel followe(l by Frank Wrightl, ?19. r. 31::".' 211. K. Bujrges3C07, Vitice Prout 285, Gordý ,211. C Ehc-er 210-205. M-; Wiicox 284, Miriamn Winacott Bradley 229. 276, Harold Bennett 275, Jlrn High Double - N, Goodwin Bedford 258, Norma Hooper 497, C, Etcher 415, W. Lewis 256, Betty Nichols 252, Bob 4o2. K, Bucgess 401. Glanville 250, Dick Perfect Junior Boys 243, Marlon Wisernan 243 and Býiýer5,Pipr 0 Bock3,Emma Bromeli 242. B.".ter5, ipe 6;Brok ~ Other bigh triples were re- Marshall (); Aider 5, Parry 0. corded by Vince Prout 739, Teamn Standing - Fern Bradley 692, Harold Broc................10 Bennett 684, Frank Wright Aider ......................... 8 677, Bob Glanville 674, Matt Bake:.. ..................'17: Harrison 668, Dick Perfect Pa"...... ................ 9!649, Emnma Bromell 646, 'Hap' ........... 2 Palmer 645, Arnold Sleep 644 Piper ....... ........ ...... .... û and three tied at 605-Mbiriamn HihSingle - D. Luxton Winacobb, Betty Nichol.s and 200. W Aider198i Frank Osmnond. lF-ei Doube" - W. Ader 344,- TeamStdig 1".to135 Bennett .............. . 16 Luxion 3M ~~ Palmer . ...................... 16 Senior Mixed League E. Brock ..................12j Covle4. S. Oke 3: Callan Perfect ......................... 12, 7,Perfect 0; Etcher 5, L'Obb .......... ...........ll C-juon'be.s 2; K. Oke 4, Mc:' Harrison....................... 10! Ko'ight 1. Grant........................ ---10 Prout .........-....-......9 Tearn Standing 1H. Brock .................- 9 .......... Brornel......................... 7 .... .....~........ .......... 10 Wnright .................... 7j K ......................... 9 Etcher -....... ...... 7: Perfeect .......................... 7. Top Average@ Etcher-------------.......... .... 5, Vince Prout .............235 R. Gise........................ - 51 Onie Etcher ........... ....229 ý' 1 v: e.......... .... _ 4: Frank Wright ............. 223 C e---------4' Dick Perfect............... 221 H~-.Single - J. Blunt 232,1Elo rc......2 .Eter207, D. King 205,1 Mati Harrison ........... **'217 J. Bennett 209, R. Beauprie Lew Welsh ................. 2161 2r23.P. Jeffer*v 201, B. Bob Glanville ............. 214, t.:.-23C. N. Gould 216-201,1Emma Bromeli ........... 213 A. Ki*tson 227-213-222. 'ýHap" Palmer . ........208' H:t,,h Trpl-)e - A. Kitson 662,.i Arnold S!eep ............ 205 R.Beaupnie 610. Harold Bennett ............ 2041 F. Jones ------------ --- Ladies' Hligh Averages B. Carter A. Colwcl______ P. COUtS G. Bain ------_ T, Wisernan - - Men's High Singles T. Ernbley J. Carter -______ B. Colwcll ______ V. Cooper R. Martin-.. Mien's HIgh Triples V. Cooper J. Carter ____ T. Embley J. Bain____ D. Carter --- Men's 111gb Average@ D. Carter - - W. Bagnel - J. Paterson ___ J. Carter H. Handson 531 193, 187 1841 184 173' 3171 282 276 273 24311 74,9 744 735! 661 633 209 208 200 199 'LONG SAULT Mr- aad Mrs. James Porter and Joan, Lindsay; Miss Bar- bara Barnes, Brookla; Misses Cathy Perris anal Sharon Orme, l3own-anvilie, w e r e- Suaday suppqer gues!s of 'Nr. Robert Sim. Sorry to report Mr-. Alex Linkie and Mrs. David Craig: ,are patients la Meniorial Hos- pital. Mr- andc Mis. Calvin Crago,: Paul anîd Kevi, ProvidenceI, were Saturday evening guests' of Mr, and Mr&. Sidney Corn- ish. Mr. and Mns. Earl Pen- warden aad farnily were Sun- day supper guesbs of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mrs. W. Penwardcn is staying with Mrs. Kelly, Orono, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Camneron accompanied Mr. Doug. Oke, Oshawa, to Toronto on Sun- day ta visit Mrs. D. Oke at the Toronto Western Hospital. Mrs. R. Cameron and Ruth- Anne visited with Mrs. N. Davis, Pontypool, on Frlday afternoon. Mrs. Pat Wright, Bethany, with Mrs. Norman Davis, Jea- nifer and Terri,. Poatypool, Iwere Friday evening visitors ýwibh their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Mr. and Ms-s. J. R. Parkin- son, Courtice, were Monday evenIne visitors of the Rye Gibson s. ýjThe expert driver keeps at' l,east anc car Tengtb between' hîm and the car ahead for each, 10 miles per hour. He allowsI even more space at hlgh' speeds, on slîppery pavement' and after dark. More than 16,000 people are remployed at the Oshawa and 1Windsor plants of GeneralI 'Motors of Canada and la the 1company's zone offices and ýparts warehouses. The corn. ipany's wage bill amounts ta! 1 $89,000,000 a year. JANUARY CLEARANCE * LAST 3 DAYS ALL OUR WINTER MERCHANDISE Regý CLI BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS SIZES 14-18 VEARS Reg ular $3.00 CLEARANCE . .. . .. $2.25 BOYS' V-NECI< BULKY PULLOVERS CARDIGANS . to $6.95 $.9 EARANCE.-. BOYS' SPORT (OATS AI I-Wool Regular $15.00 CLEARANCE . .$11.88 TIP TOP TAI LORS LTD. ONCE - A - YEAR UISALRE ~ .90 MEN'S AIL WOOL LAMINATED SUBURBAN COATS Reg. to $35.00 $14-A88 CLERACEand Up ALL SALES FINAL MEN'S WEAR TEMPERANCE ST. N. BOWMANVI L!L ZZING OUT MEN'S AII-WooI TOPCOATS CUSTOM RANGE Reg. $55.00 - SALE DELUXE RANGE Reg. $35.00 - $39.95- SALE -$24-9 QUALITY RANGE $99 Reg. $24.95 - $29.95 - SALE --.- Eieaâder a*' MÎýio: 7'l -Arena,', ozer' irs eèond"l Îtè wh il e Ra vensd ale scored for1 for the a ir-b as e crew, with Coronation Cafe bounced Team Standings *Frank Sob-. -ý-- -' nnonti"c"a ~: mn Saturdâ-'. li locals' Don McMurter notched Rn'Coburg in the final 20 m1n- five goals. thg other going to back frorn last week's defeat '%. L. T. Pts. - à 53 lÙ.6i Ai 4.30 of f tac :irs-, m atrRekr n er were too on for hre visi- car*.v atmî. af'er four secondsuec Glover. Horton, Boyd and. to edge McQueen's Motcrs in! oronation Cafe 7 3 0 141 Lloyd Coverly. Don Fern scored froîn Gog Vhf edofOoospw tors, hli. a 2-i f.rst oe3 f the second and a, tahPi- Bui-ns collected four assists, Lockett clicked for Ajax. a thrilling 42-41 battle forýC15 .ievr ntescn argad et.crigC-47 second mark.Massev eut and Wayne Down three. Ti audyngtTe-frtpae n tpe ul -IQe' Mtr odnoifrS bor 5- 1ir te iLdhe i-margin :o 4-2. bu' M---: Inthe second contest it was: ton plays Bowmanvifle at downed tail-end Hooper's Stephen Fuels 5 4 1 enKIli8.Cordnassiored fc and t otiîresn oeak -ut i' out -i reach.ý'vlr and Weryhi agai;n 11ed of the first, Tt'!6-30 with Cobourg and Ajax Jewellers 26-22 in a big men' Ho per's S.i8 1 8. 30 îascised ran WtrSamhsmdehiyar Peter Werry- opened the and Steve Burns added an-' îaillied the lone goal of thel getting underway a 8:30 pm aktl due-i as;Jwlr 28( 4,*oWlh at ite iue mark.Cr Wednesdav nîght. (S.F.) 8 56 7.0 den's goal ason an ron h ae tltcocr To nLegeHokyStarry Danny Seto led the Saleni ernhPeaadsnne.bpenheldy. To nLau okyLadies' 5owling Coronation creiv te a three' (a ofvg *T15h) 1(H arson 33 6.6: penycame back 1~~'hldaretî - --- point grip onto rung witlh G.P. Pts.Agý Erie Rose, '5 coals in this extra-logprIc.Tescol uiswl M.Cwa)23,22(EM 7 on otQ.t hi NrrBwld.19 53 5.9 lad. Wiltor Rickard crd ' eintcktfrarney Coombes 207, 203; 0. Patfield scoring leader Norrn Buwalda (C.C.) . 10 145 14.5,1JeMrl the 40 second mark.asitdr.i4 ioc Tepiexiî 23,M. Colville 225, B. Rich- ards collected six., (C.C.)> 10 141 14.1 (Mc.): 9 b T r ountt err W:05u c vee.icaien h ards 224, M. Foster 221, M. Lloyd Coverly came up with Benny King., *--asd on record.,:up to sisted bx' Walter Rickar m Malley 216, M. Coyle 207 M. his biggest night of the sea- S..... 5 53 10.6 and ineludinc Jan. 8th._____George Leaver. At 8:,>ýi Drigu, lee3Lau Gîbson 207, W. Coombes 203. son, dripping in 19 points for fre'.n h came 0f the D a ry T ke O y &->mp *a 7 - veagsMcuen.ErcRoe lck WTallton to produce ' vn- :' ar toHokyLa Dairy TakesOlympia 74 M. Cowan-_____ 231 ed for five. ip(,urigtvnTning goal aer R go.. M.verages M98 QTo nusliEgriveRosehe ickurance golt -dad -JM l I, n pr'-g1 Ron Steai.r' u Fairey, Lloyd Hamilton andIM. 5l ____ 1984 Sephens held the Jewellersi sý,td i iue frcluding setirpon ed i a hat-trick effort at J £ýý,'1 '\ý er errupted for 20M194 sinigle baskets in the final 1- ' -eodsine R.kar cedtie.: ' h eng4gos effortsh Tî- wnD o:n West scored twice alogK od _ cor ig ponts te lead the O. Patfield 13two quarters to corne from sec* liicu u is forîr'. gol frdi aî « .~ui one k-mer rn the night-cap KDod behind an 18-15 first haif de- M nt.ardGuni L... k .'. k' cl dc . c.., , f hrsî,iv. ' w:nthree as'* .Fa'.re\' fied three goals Eichrds188 ficit. The Fuels second- h -~ ol~-e-Ie. hi'h ( ep vLd rigrit al Menioral Arera. alz Don Prout fired .1 ree goits asinste on the other fouo and j oser1851tr a secndboosted hm in- 1 o no " Robson \letors decfeited NMc- for McNut's beforp drawiiug while Harnilton had tog y 8 t eodpaedeadocjJGu ur un forpitl: .- t ir hk' capo- Mw gaseB.Richards 1771 with McQueens.l wsHopon*2' cc - S'c. Nulî','s Sports lo-8 and Cr -- a minor idmd Bbur-v i-and four. st ndMstrE. Coombes ____177 er's eiet odif.a2 idod ouf ta! Dam nuartd ' o.. tiethird period. BobMailey -adfour._ 176 iut en, Restaurài t1-m -, ebark. n.otced a pair ard seIt up t.'0 ,,ih West blinked the red G. Brooks ______ 173 Benny King paced the win- Mie Ontario Silve- Tankard1 round hi Dïvision 4. Tliese Bihý Cru e1- was Ltite uigmore, wità the remainîin.g lielit once and assisted on D Rogers ____1721 ners with aine points, Ken' is a trophy that was presented i garnes ivill be plau ed Januarv gui fo- Reoas, accounting! marker going to MurraiyBrian Forsey's pair and aE Etcher _ _ _-17, Kelly garneced eight and by the Canadian Braneh of, 2Sth ail Bowrnanville Golf ~U*UW~,U Umu for hall their gotil total and1 Brown. single by "Mort" Richards, for M. Colville _____ 168 John Allia potted five. John the Royal Caledonian Curling Yand Curling Club, Mîiddle 1 adies' amju uwuu adding a pa ir of assists in the! Crystal's big inue off TAd Olympia. W. Coombes______ 153 Fowler and Ray Wallace eacti Club in 1875, and is competed Rond. Thie clubs who have, J. Lobb-______ 153 talîed eight points in the for each year by the Curling entered are Pickering, Union-1 ' li M.unior________Hockey 1 osing cause. Clubs In the Ontario Curling ville, Whi'rby and the Oshawa! 1MoYday nighs' a-<.t 20adoo ans-Cc Junior League Hockey T.Eby~~ - 14 - Association. Curling Club. The first 'J Te n ianr t enash>oonPr 21 arnSagt24 - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T b Foi- this competition south- wiil be at 9 and the sec-! enn nbe ve'o Ll îih 7,28 ae D. Paeden 6 M 1 ~ern Ontario is divided into inoe ltoaitineo th Laies.Lews 28, 31.BacmButo. R. Hutchinson 144 Afternoon 16 Divisions with fî-om 12 toendgmeatpssbl Ipm. M a i t bcd wîthBrook,.- hw26 K. eure23 M. Dawson ._____ 14320cubinehDvso. The officiai unipires are E'whaners oc E. Etcher.Oi 12 3,Lct ua21 18 ' r p ea b e sM. Moffatt_____ 140 CurIingptto ihec cornpeting Tîiese tennisrepresent the oYua, Patfield defeatedO t W.B.rcon l ___ 13342u eTi a oerink cnd- W, Curwfrd nd B. rk. clrubsnd21 iiefedtarcatioc vl 5,22,M E ftI.L~~~~~~~~I. ~M. MeDoaald _____ 132 Tuesday, Jniuary 14th, sawl bbe added score of both tennis the garnts will be vers . nipo.JotrbaddMc' ign 4.Jn uu ~~N. McFeeters 127 the third garne of the second is the club score. feresting toe;vatcri. The pub-' iiufli last %week's sîjtotd- aer28,MrrlHory R. Cowan--_____ 125 F. Krarnp, Mrs. V. Woodlock, 4. Bowmanville was selected the rink and see ttiese clubs' ()tle-r action s,-w Petne ht 3.23 hre Apair off apsets er dsh- Tollie Thomp.son also bagged Scott Essery and Dave'E. Mitchell _____ 118 I'.rs A. Osborne and Mrs. m. by tbe Ontario Curling A,-i actionwîrinrg n9over Dumo nar~ i-Bcel24 ndTnat20 cdu una ihta h three goals and set up two Werry each fired a pair for LGram-_ ___109 Bel]' winnn hi ae;scainfrtepeiiayL .GdadýeIegn .Tn Junior Leagu,,e standings others. Peter Bothwel got the Nichols. Irv GIl and Joe Bal- E. Moore _______106 Mnning aksthegam;oiato frte alrnnryL . ndrdgl oes . Tnat oh o ros28 om a tightenred when Local 189; rernaining pair. Bob Nernis son got the others. . Rihated _____- 2 the "Bye". DûfV A fl IM et B1 rip ead 3 Rchrs2 whipped front-running Mc- was McQueen's rnarksrnan. 'MtadinWhite Turda94Jnuth 6ta J766M triple.folo e yJyeLle acgs-JaeBkr2 Queen Ranhiers to move', Andy Matbhews led BiII'si TeamStnig M. Quinney -__ 84 .. tG O Y AB W LN wibhin a point of the lead- fe their big upset over Nichols; W. L. T. Pts. winning teaiî'.s %ere skipped .,.762, Kav Beauprie 79adDtBos28 a eu and tail-end BiIl's Billiards!mwith four goals and an assist. MQue by Mrs. E. Camnpbell, Mrs. M. After trying for two weeks,1Bon..7.28, Jie-n Muorphy71, aWright d34. iPi 2,JyeLl 2,Ll il uee Bell, Mrs. F. Kraip, with the Goodyear bowlers are Stu Car-son 694. George Dad-' hre. ai one . rgt23 ee un22 downed Nichols' Motors 8-6. IGrant Down scored once and'ý Ramblers 4 2 10 Mrs. B, Falk still on the sick' ial ralg lb the soni 691, Bi31 ol 10 90, Jýohna single, while JoycLyeSily Bke 29 Dri Brian Bradlev eacned theý helped on fhîre andBrianý Local 189 ..3.2 NewtoIviII- sprt pge 164has ee 4 M 68, r Slht 2ýt 7 Ken' INe-n's Wear Star of the Down racked up four asPsNihl ist ad c tea b r vskîouspo te 164atsiabutendooe f89, Fank W t6774. ~27adDrsJl 23 oi~ co g 1 Week award, scoring three'Singies wert te Andy Mur- Motors 3 4 4 1 pdto\'cor8y r, .Os r"hànth taitîiabuan ot Sant: >7. ndLi 11 argerî times and pickîng up'an as-1 phy, Harold Yellowlees and Bill's Sa kvleb yrewe fo teaay.tokor the LeaguPescd ge B ivi21sio, ter topa le ry ign 0, 2 I the Fs oMheIy to ve h lau la c'Vgl aren ile opef sist for the l89'ers, whîlel Johný Hughes. Billiards- 2 4 3 7 Pansies ------ 37 448701- Thursdav night. The L.P. forts goiag te) Goode 280, Dad- 4b1ý .................. lit 0,SilyDvs23 Forget-Me-Nots- 31 43759 ýcrew defeated Combines 5-2 son 277, Stainton 29Y, Wright' Brooks Loa 8 okyAsters- 22 41121 ete pushe the lasers off the top '165, Ron White 264, PipePatfield .............. niEthr2,EidTn __________________________Sunflowers -- 18 40281, labo a four-way, tie for sc263. 251, Mu-rphy 26.22'Baennt0,MuilHrod0, 237, ophns2, MGwen ý ond.I Rr. - e2212, ami thrice Bek,:................. 3 arteMaxwIl 27, 27. Ger Machine Shop whipped Tig- tied i'.'.250 14hiflC, Russ 0Etter.._..............~c,16 ee ie 9,Nr Hallowel225, Edna Elliobb' ers 7-0, Bay 192, Ceeue Park 192,o 2220,IaBon2921,Braiders 5-2 and Beits edged Ern-ie hansen. E. Teniîant -. ........nik11 n thr10 Lea ers D ro 2 n a R ob'Martn MCuloTea21, Jan eanStidiggsrsJ.chdTeachmann ffie____J_________ .... Hl21,Maon alde 04_________7 43,Offic l]theelnth e,!r St t Oftc....... ..... .........Sliîdenbye tGR TaiI-Endenald2s4Wintt 2iin a es 6 rtnpr-upspot Ther cent P of theiher: Savery 201. Upstarts 57having now dropped three LeiuP 11t' ) ui. . . ea otr o aada T a l E d r i n a R w High Single- Night Hawks 53 straight are at the oppositel Cor-a5îie> -4 - 1-i 10 ~ vrT-pe a The formula has been A high-stickin-g major per.- -LloydHmltnra 1 Doris Tompkin - 291 Rebels - . -------5 end of the standing..- flaîi.,c-- : e]Lws 0,Shre BcÎ, aiesi heG avfu ydtlltnrPelHigh Triple- Sad Sacs ------------------35 Laboraborv moved !inte thirdil ae hir.e- Shc-u V. - 4702, Shirley Davis '700Ma- tkpucsepoam Th changed la the Local 189 Hoc-.1 alty te Alexander at 12: 10, home bhe eventual wlaner at Doris Tompkins- 621 Ladies' High Single$ spot on a 5-2 win over Fanj Bct..............14 iort Slight 6f73, Karen ht opn onrbbs$ o Irey League, at least for bhe' ba&k-fired on thc Cornets,; 1:10 of the final sbaaza, be- High Average- B. Carter -,--------- 268 Belts, wbile Cornets edged Labuc0toy........ ........ iii, 5ci Cecile Par-k 650,Henac $2avd ytee- past bwo weeks. The cellar- with the Raiders nettiag the, fore Clint Ferguson beat Dorothy Stark --177 p. Cotts ___ 29Hs-3, Bralder ...... . 1 ua 4,DrsJi 3,poe.Hi fteslre dwelliîg Raiders made lbtwtyig nd.iniggolswhl oaleJh olro aAea .Jns2169 Aold ob w4 he Big an es _... ....... ....... Marg Crag619 , Enas tche poes aig sivse wis'a row, stoppingz the! short-haaded. Garv NMcCul- bceakaway at 3:50. Fowler D. Stark ------------177 T. Wiseman____ 206 -dealer, swveepic.g al honours' Corne,'s----------t 64 fui~e Baker 613, Ena nCnd aig od n Cor,,i one -, -iets eaguhe-iouh terb 5 scm i tpei " e~ ' n treE Etot ___ 7 .Enî -- ---- ---------- 200 with a 315 sinigle and 772tri- 1 . , <. 0,laib uto-e w [ir i M cm on s ck U.ain Hrntsdrppd er1after Alexander went off ai-d' other wide open chances teHall - _______- 177 Lde'1gbTils pie. Karl Piper was right jna Tiger-s ')i 606, Marg Peris 603,O: e h onan otiuinl âtti)n dstaigtas Bru*n1Chri Ti irdte wiin- save the garne. Bob Fairey D. Tompkins _____ 175 B. Carter ------------ -- C9 there at 745, followed by Jack! Office..... Iafei60,BbBr earned a 6-4 decision to re- ner two minutes later. lcornpleted bis hat-trick four J. Sbacey -- --- ___ 173 p. Cotts ____- 600 __ gain the runner-up position. mnteiaer n teBrisG alwel17 .CIwi In the opener "Archi",Bob Sheridan dipsýy-dJoodilctdmntsltr ndteBun alwel13A owl.549-- -- - -- - - he h h pir through up a tough cheeking à.Mac~Donalîd----- 172 'pT. i-,,,., __i -J