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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1964, p. 11

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cri- Laoiberi. -onan,%dle'0 a le tratCoUrt ere charged w1th . nirac- tions of the Highwav, Traffc'WMS Auxiliaries Attend AtThe matter was adjour n- M ages e sed tr Februarv 4th. Their- Ma israes Co rt buný;eî aE. Wildmai, A nulP HeI inBowanill Osa. A nuPresbyterial ý held January 2lst, 1964 <~en*,encr- repart. At that tirne' ei\,ed IL. Bain, Second Street, Bowman- %i'le, Meetîng in Peterborough Parik ofev 1. 85JaesitWas statedi that Coffev hart Clarence Roland Thompson. l y' cagd10nl Avenue, Toronto. was charged undergone bone surgery on charged u-ith careless drivin'gtelt f ue16 jointly with another v*uth on his hip and was still receiving in the sanie accident. was fin' *thefi of a moor 'ehici. May 26th with car theft from treatmert froni Princess Mar- ed $15 and costs or .5 daYs. valued at $895. the property TePtroogWrsv fteanvrav poe¶ If voil let us down. itf o Harold Barron. Hampton. Bath garet I-[osPital. Evidence shoxwed Ka'.anagh air takrk erial annual meeting was %va s elected delegate from selves voti are letting' do\n. elected trial by magistra'e. On Januarv 71h the matter was driving north and swn Defense counsel was B. V. held in St. Pauls. Churcit. presbvterial in centenarv ;n Wc arc' onlY vaur reprcsenta- Evidence was heard and Col- camne ulî, again and if was stat- axer to the centre intendi Nackc%-, Oshawa. Some ei eebruh aur 5h otel a -0 hr ie was remanded for pr02- ed that he had been picked Up ta make a lcft turn mbt hi- dence was heard and the mat-'wt 0nemespoet.r-1iibeaseilmetn u- Mrs. G. Stephens, Camp-, e' ~~for car theft in Toronto and brather's. In doing so heb trcdore utlFbrav rseîn 6 ...Aui-ig atrsason in Cobourg bellford. thanked the speakerï was serving time in reforma-!struck frani behind bv the car 41h iaries. Mrs. Randali. acting Church. and also ail taking part dur- KEDRON tory . A judge's order wa. drixen bv Thompson. pre.sident for the x'ear 196.3. Mrs. F. C. Knox, oiîr au'st ing the, sessions. Mrcz.D. T sought to bring hlm back here Hector Boucher, 40. 627 Ai- OT~Rprcsided ovePr ali e~os speaker, missionarv on fur- Difflick was pianist. At a rercent spec ial meel- for sentence on the charge' bert Street. 0shawa, plead-'d S L iMarning Devotions wce -tak-' uhfo h hlFedin Rv 'Ie rsdc o Irig attendied by nianY nf the laid her-, last \av. guiltv 10 being dirunk in a en hv Centrevile Auxiliarv. India, was horn and hrouchltelection of officrrs and instai -a mothers. eight girls were en- This week Magistrate R. B. public place Januirv lPth. HL, tir and Mrs. Carl Potter Arnnual repors. <(a)t Organi- lun in Ireiand Rpv. and Mr5. led sanie as follnws: Pre,;.. rolled in the 201h Brownia Baxter sentenced him ta six rwas fined $15 and costs or 5 Islingto)n; Mr. and Mrs. HaroId zation and (b) Deparîniental, Knox saiiedi for India imme-i(dent. Mrs. W E. Sayers. Coi-! Pack, meeting al Maxwvell months ibn~ jail to ruri cansecu-' days. Potter and farnily. Hampton ishowed a slight decrease in diatelv afler their roarriage ib borne: 12t Vice, Mrs. W. H. T1 Heights School. The new tive ta thie term he is alread,.' Consiable J. Bird told Hi-, visitcrl Mr. and Mrs. Alec niembership. Mrs. G. Grahani. 1938, have heen there ever Fulton. Port Hope; 2nd Vice ý Brownies were Carol Barnett, serving. ýHis sister pleaded foriWorship that he had received Potier Mr. and Mrs. Alec ýMilbrook. closed the morning since. Thev intended tu stax Mrs. H. E. Reynolds, Poit:t Joanne Cox. Glenda Danzey, lenti'ncy .a rail froni the Arena about:Pottcr visited Mrs. W. Cuilinc, ý0 1în vith praver. in Canada this lime, but as Hope: .3rd Vice. Mrs. T. 0.' Linda Lau Innes Barbara Ths ruth bas lied tri hiz 2 ri.m. where public skating Oshaxx ;. BeforP the executîîe meet- there is no one btr ake their Williams. Norwoodi: Corrc- Lamnbert, Karen MacLeese,. own ssir'conimented Hislwas in progresz. HP statedi Thc annl jlSunda.' Si-hool ing. St. Paulsz Senior Auxil- place thev are coinig back. nondinz Sec,. Mrs. R. Hili.I Laurie Marshall, Elizabeth Worshjo. "In trvîng to help 1 that he found Boucher outside meetin alhl ecnî iarv sert-ed a light breakfast, Mrs:. Knox sholwed on a mapn B r i z h t o n. Recordin-, Sec ý Fitzpatrick. him she is aiding and abet- in the parking lot xith an- with John Knox presiding andiSnhn ru fteLdc h eta ra o ol.Ms .FfHsic. The badges that have heen tîng bm. He is sick bath in' ote a.PaiLaha ertr.T~Aidi served Iilcen. w h e, ce the PreshyeinTraue.Mr.W .Hind.1 earned since the stimnmer were bockv and (mind. He bas no in- " We look hîrni ack ho the onffîcers for 1964 are. Superîn- Mrs. Randaîl gave the cPlI Cburch in Canadla supportz a Peterborough. also presented. These xvere tpn!îon of doing righl. He us police station and c.,harged tr-ndeint, Stanl Milîson; Arsist- 'o worshirp for the afternoon sroI, a babies' home and in Secretarv for Attfirini woni by. Golden Bars--Dianne trad in- on hi disabilitv and'hlm," hcý concluded. "Laler hr ant. Pearl Leach; Secretary session and devotions were Ro bed hospital, "Wp havei Aîîxiliaries. Miss Clara Tiiauni B r #*àks. Jayne Patte. Elîza- tradîng hrievilv on il." was released on $100 bail." Haroldi Yellowlees; Assistans' civen bv Mr;.H. G. MacKen- heen pieadinc for a diortor and! Harold; Evening Auxliarrý-S. beth Lambert, Diane Barnetl. John 11. Lunn. Parkway Arthur Barry. a Torontoi Murray' Flett, Ken Knox;Izie of "Fraser Auixiliarv" have one on loan froni tb.' Mrs. D W. Fair. Cobour-:'1 Dorothy Walter. Gloria Moiint- Crescent, Fiownianville. plead-'ilongshorem-an. was fined $0 reorrr i oe Tink: Com-"Wonrd; ýof lwe-lcnie xer- UoTnid Uciitcie rnrratiir rgnization. Mr--. -G' joy, Pat Coulter, Hpeathpr Mar- cd gîîiltv ln ia charge of car?-'and $3 costs or 7 davý. nltFfo pIlPorn i i£iîe h., Mrs. ('aIder; Rov ii l na'airf tiii- docre, t,armpr. Milbrook: Childrpn-1 shail. Athlpte's -Susan Ar- les; rvi Januarv l7th. Hý> This followed the ana- r.T. Baker, Mrs. G. Brown ýAlex- Caldie-broiicht greet- xwP tiean u'rliinc slervicp Crouip7Mr3. R. J. Randql, senault, Patti Hart. Wendy was fined $50 and rosts or 5 ance in court of David RtuffjComittee for Missionary Eiogs from Presbvtprv: a lei- club- in Canada askunc fac CohoIurz. Associate or HoMeý Yourth, Susan Annand., Ruth davs ThF-kre was no suspen- and John Pepper Decernier1 Progrpni, Ms.J oo M.Ster of greeting5 from Svnodi. lbn-p foir a TBR ward. This nociv,- HoIpers Grourn, Mrs. A. H." Bishap, P a ni e 1 a Dowling, suon of lcrrnce. 101h. Thev had tesbified that'Glad,;Yioie:Cnnite a was read .Mrs . . Spence- i,-,hocominz a realitv Tb. Clark. Lakefield. Welcne or; Cathy Souch, Margaret Fitz-1 The in'vestigating officeriwhen their car was stoDpedi for Temp e c ProgranIs ev' s solo "How Great Thou Missiono s ectuipped with txvo Welfare. Mrs. J. R. Thonioson. patrick, Lynda Geisberger. was Consta.!ue J. Bird and de- hv Constable P. C. Harle-i Mrs-. W. Yeilowlees, Mrs. F.IArtE was a highlîgh'r of the mobile clinirs toi cri to thr Millhrook: Lïterature. Mrs. B.ý Gardener's -- Susan Annand,:1 fense eourliel T. Kelly, Osh- 1 Maxwell on Highwav No. 35' Watson. Teachers. Infants afenoadwsrfre ,k ooiiîcvlaebltiLindsav. Cohourg: Glad TirI RuthBishp, PmelaDowing. wa:the beer found in it belonged Class. Mes. R. Crydiernan 1 oea t! .u ht pa-a peettee nvnnings. Mrs. Alex. MacKenz. Bookiovers Cathy Souch. The offiic-,e bld the courtnot to theni but to their frî- Mrs. D Floîl: Beginners Cîass îers addre,ý,sni-tator, I'i worried aboiit Cami>belîford: Supplv. Mrs. Swirnmer's .Siusan Annand, his investigation showed ac-!end, Arthur Barry. who wasMs'. Jhson.r ' The Semi - Annual nmeelîng, tht futiire. there is worl< to hc C. A. Fbx, Port Hop:Lîfe! Cathy Solich, Pamiela Doxvl- cused had tbeen southbound on a assenger in the front seat. Snawden: Primary Girls. Mrs*; wIii bo held in Canipheilford doncr and I dlon't know hoxx." Mpmber-hip, Mrs. C. E. Mei~ ing. Pabti Hart, Elizabeth Lam- .Simpson Avr'nue when he rail Charges against themn were F. Westlake Jr., Mrs. R on May- 61h."The Bhils are aboriginal kejohn. Warkworth: Press and bert, Karen Macteese. Col-;ý into a parketd car belanging toi dropped but tbev were warn- Pascae; Priniary Boys, Mrs, ç'i Treasurer's report showprd people, bt know then is to10Historian. Mrs. R. N. Roberts.i lector's-Patti Hart. Cindy tee !Richard R'os s Hubchinson,i ed their friend would beiLangmaid, Mrs. B. T'ink: r receipts totaling $7,642.35. lovethn" One bas become Port Hope. Parfîtt. Artist's-Ruth Bîshop. MilI Lane. ýcharged. ' Junior Boys, Don Taylor: 1plus $3,58 for supply. Annk- a dorhor and anoîher is at Members without, Portfoli V At the regular morning! "Accordîng to this informa-, Larry Varîhamberg and hîs Francis .ohnston: Juinior Girl, er " roinct.$191.50, Ronk nmerlical s'hool. The% bave Mrs. J .W Cumminpg. Port, service at Kedron United lion before nie," commented;brother Adrianis Vanhamberg,' Mes. H. Milison, Miss Barbar, tufincd $296.3,5rm rces ure.c~ oe Ms .V aisn Church, the sacrament Of 17ap7- Magistrale Ti. B. Baxter. "ar-, Ajax, were charged wibb coi- Fions-,: Inbermirediate irs Tc here utor lie anlai and are acreptahir ai brb etrooib Ms .Se tisni was adminîstered 10o four cusprd was born last Septem- i ravening a Darlinglon Town-' Mrs.* Wes, Yellowlees, Mrs. rmeet ing uva; 'Lookuing For- Thcv know whaî education pbens. Campbellford., children. These ineltîded Bar- ber." isbip by-law. Tt was alleged' Wes. Werrv. Int-erniediate ward tho Two Anniversarues, mreans now, and wan tbo go on. Fra.ser and Evening Auxil-e bara Janice Le.iaughter of Ta shoeid hi 1938,' cor- tbev had stored used lumber. Bovs, Bruce Taylor. John! 1864-1914. 1864-1964.' Mrs. R.ý The\, are un great nord of1 iaî-v membhers were afternaon Mr. and Mers. Brian Lee: Johnrected tunn.. plumbing fixtures and otb"r Kn'ox: Young Peoples Class.,. Randali, Cobouirg. convennr1 evangelists, teachers, dortnrs. tea bostesses. Laurier Martin, Joy Ann Paul Haerirngton, a Generali building supplies on Lob 2_9,ý Wcs HuIh. Mrs. B. Hooey. Mactin and Judith Mae Mar- Motors employee. Oshawa, i Concession 4, belonging 10 Mr. and Mrs. FrankWl tin, childeen of Mr. and Mrs. was cbarged witb faiing ta! Nykolo r iie r n e AtRay 3ond earion srvce Ivxieid the riglbt of wav wheni Evidence was given by Ris- F. R. Cook, Bowianx'ilie, R o ta ry M em b e rs L e a rn Aflretr3y reasrservice1 as 1ontering Tatinton Road ati ton Varcoe. Building Inspector, Mrs.N ie anovst secetay -trasuer f he Mitcheli's Road. He was fined; for tbe Township of Darlin:z- cd -. . Fiak eeTaboSvr.t OffiiaIBoad o tht Coîum s$1 and $146D rosIs or 5 davs.1ton. Questioningz was donecb bus-Kedron char-go. Ross LerC n Cnstable P. Rallantyne, Township Solicitnr. A A-. Me. and Mrs. Howard West- ti .ac Op wa iuuetaingofiSric lake, Bownianviîle; Mr. and' gave up tbbcpoitin Mec 1; wsivesia ofi ti Meo i -Sa i g e a l Francis at the, cecent annuai rer and T. Kmlly, Oshawa, de-, Accused stated tbev xve,!!re . MI Parker and ebildren, t m eeting. fense counsel.. buying the land and in tending la I oke';i e h e t r fi h r n a t o g y i e a u e o l n nd t e r f c h t P 0 Miîrolsieah etkPoi brngwssrnlp'ieaueonpasadtei atta rofitsharing !s flot Other appountments were The Crown ealled Mrs. Mur- ta build two bouses and a aioae ySednLsbnft av en md iy e c Grant Webber, as Chairnian of, loi Stainton xvho lives îstgraejibte aera ibe'Miss Phyllis Westlake and axoao ySelo ub eeis ae be aecarit, 0nr oes lirplce MisinayEdcain:Sbxar wsto Ie fenr.Se o g adragetored teae bey deiMrod' romp tteodied the Tron o bis address ai the ax'ailablebe said. Profit sbar- good management, but it does Muerîon.ary M. & M. :Sert e- t outh irneraSheHogarbh - Bnthweli wedding eif'dluncheon meeting of the Boxv- îng is done by ail types of prove to be a strong incentive u rwashîng ti had been offeeed frecpino audynBw manvilie Robary Club held aI companies with and withouti for impcovedi work by the enm- lar fr olmbu: rin eerlî;bes xhen .;1ie beard borns' sale. .mnil tte Mmra i Flyi,,ng Dutcbman Mobor iunions in this; couotry as welli rployees. He urged that en- for Kech-on and Haeold tuki' Invidismisfithethe chargefHi; for RaglInn.ibmossingtecag i Park Clubhouse. Hobel on Feiday. The presi- as in the U.S.. the speakeri lighîened management of- for Raglan. -~I looked ovt," she contin-ý Worship warned accuscd thatl et r .EwnMnpe ttd n de h its. "anduai meetings prinpetpe aforni oligddto b' iof annpoet in isuppe r t cecding east on. Taunton Road., up wilh a used lumber yard'was a weekend guest f sided al the meeting. shaeing is also carnie out y profit sbaring plans, and con- omea otf Me. an M tes.RosTbev turned stcîith onlo Mit- next ta their property. He ýEvelvo Hockaday. In introduicing the guest firms in the United Kingdomý, i sider their benefits. Leme officrs wed rs Roscbe el's Road aui--c hen swung advised bhem if they wished: Me. and Mrs. R. Vice, Me. speaker Jack Reid saidi that France, Denmark and other! Dr. H. B. Rundle moved a Lee. Oficers ere eIctedýlfî ontoHarriZgt.on' SerEieVicebuMe.a bndeMes. goHarrd Mc.ictusM. ind the Hpresîdent LuofiE theopesanecouoftries.a cvote ofs.totenos h tak Me. Mr ushshfor for te newvear.The lefi mb Harrlt. ghn swSvice 1 buildinbou emt ohand.Kn x atbended the wedding o the Canadian Cookware Manu- "The Canadian Profit Shar- b is informative address. Presi- dent wîll be Ross Lee- the lion wagon ccrning xxest rûn accoeding to the by-law. EMe. and Mes. Peter Naef at facturers Association, a di1rec- ng Couincil is now in opera- ýdent Mann also expressed bis -Secretary-Treasuerer. Clarence, Taunlon Road. The fiest Af D w i g b t Sutherland, 45 Scarboco on Saturday. tor of the Scarborough Golf lion in Toronto, and il distrib- personal appeeciation, and pre. -Werry. and bhe Ist Vîce-Presi- the three cars 1-.n the service 'Brock Street, Osbawa, first'j The Explarers met on Sat- and Country Club, and a'ultes information, and also sented Mr. Lusb with a gift Theann ar etng of edsatin lot pui ed aut o nta'appeared iii Boxvman vil11le urday afternoon in the churcb director of the Scarboeougb gix'es assistance in arranging as a souvenir of his visit ta ch oxvrdFardal. tata rbaemet.Election of officers Y.M.C.A., a member of the, tailor - miade plans. With the club. The aChub meeting be bed Tautinon Road witbout stop-! court Marcb 121h lasb yeari eutda olw:CifE-SlsRsac lb n f.poi hrn nacmay DnMritesceay To hur ilb il npîng. He colliâ'ed with Ibelcharged jaintly with bis c eu tda olw:CifE-SlsRsac lb n fpoi brn nacmay DnMritesceay Thrstyevening. u rar- placer, Jackie Brown; Assist-,the Scarborougb Rotary Club, ils employees have the sameand George Vice were the opcd that ation wagon." sun, xxitb lhree indictable cilan, Rsalie Parc; Keepec of!iMe. iL,îsh is alsoth reient1basic interest in uttate uysy h ros hp edweîî epeesen- ConstheepPrBallanbttytheefenes --ceakinranofetehe hanckeR s illbe ellrepese tateCohnstati P all agro nfn w ses Maple Ga Schoo l dthe Log, Sally Langmaid; 'of Supreme Alîîminum uIndus- 1sharebolders have, and the draw. Guests prescrit at the êitohear the reports of( s driven by Doriald Russell! breaking, enteeing and theft! Assistant, M a r I e Nesbitt; tries, timited, and of Anondiz- emnployces also know thatllunchean meeting were Reg. iind botihecourse dta Wilson, Broaklin, who was re- fram Mitcheli's C o r n e r si Treasurer, Anne Hilîs; Assis- îng Limîted, Me. Reid saîd. sbould their company flot Aker, Oshawa; John Brawn,l Iucnng ronsaabununt rthecbocoadrKax hritiatant, Jennifer Eakins; PressI Mn. tush tld the meeting make a profit same jobs are!Scacborough; Bob Hegadam' iollow In the New Year. !Reporter, Karen Yellowlces. lthat Supreme Alurninum In- bound ta go by the way. and AI Evans, bath of Osha- Miss Flassie Armstrong of He estimated damnage ta theiReforrned Sebool. Mes. Bruce Tink led tbel dustries Limited bad ils start: Me. tusb emphasized the wa. Oshawa, was enlertained ati station wagon a t $700. On March 26th be was plac- wosi sriewîth Anne in 1920 in eented premîses on dînner i,,, ~~ rîington e>ylained tbab' ed on prabation. He wasHiî sevc____ tlnnr o dy y h wsdrivlng ,hIs brolber's charged with breach af pro-'Hilsredig hescipur !hethid loorof a building,E N N IS K IL L E N groo andbricesmid. e1 hd ben gven ix on inswered with "A New Year's business had anly seven cm- grom ad bicesmid.Hehadbee giensixmons Resoution". ployees. In the following 19 At the Sunday morning! which included two rowu of. Thad- graup met an years it moved repeatedly, service Rev. Crawford chose 5SS pupils across the front of B i% C K il C il E àe» from the church ta the reep- 1 gat out Septem ber 4th. e Ja u r 15 with Ed a e r ch t m to si tl l rg s atte f r h s s r on " e'he hu h. A t e ls s he ndbchad oswung rin at admibbed that he had not re-.;in the chair. dg Wrs ry e"qahtier, teadsihldageesatlefodu emn'Tetecu. A h iIi bis fabher's garag e so the em .! parbed ta the probation oaL î.Jab nstan , o- d i r c n u t "Inl s m e f th o t ta i g **ii@t me. es igbt see the wddîng9ce9 sînc that lime.5Eplained that dependence on verylogw saimetn not me! ployesmtee -th e-ig ersn'chttie d the election of officiers employees, and dueing the war'God gives us strengtb and ,ol oe fteousadn For relief from party . cH. D. Bugelaw, Probatioj, icb resulted as follaws. cancentrated an the making; cnabling us tado great. records at this time. Miss' - backache or Ihat Basil Kavanaghi, Kendal, Officer. spoke up for accused'!President, Edgar Werry;Se-omuion, te sparIigssMssdd. ec-MreBcktadMcWye tired-out feeling was fined $10 am.i costs for He told the court that Suther-, relary, Phyllis Westlake: Vice-'si.H ttdta feZbcpae h atta odho- ekt ibtelnet con-e I ecd~ driving witbaub a licence.' ian d was gainfully em ployed; Peesi dent, Ron Baker; Treas- xant He bsintesshag anturnte orsatie fatb han d bahnuaus ere t te ndae This followed an ~accident onand tbat bis employer was ue ai lt.t oe oswrsadistesrsadadnwi i 12 yeaes: Miss Sheryl Ashton,I Manvers Road, September 29) 1quite satisfied xitb bis work' This meeting took bbc form ,rwhsnete a eî storebiouse for us. The choir I Ilyears: Miss Lais Ashbon, I Accued xpline tht b an ha ben i cort a seakof a discussion of ideas for' geatifying. Witbin a few years loft was filîed ta capacitvMes. Ront SIemon had been in the AMr Farce in for him. tbe betterment of the graup. aneolig!ulad nan Vith muir Junior Choir and Charles Ashton and Douglas New Brunswick fÉir 8 yearsI Magistrale R. B. Baxter iAli yaung people 15 years of no,,iz ling plat er ad. n their leader Mes. E.Weight Ashton, 10 years, and from the anddishagedin196. e~ lacd irnana 9p.. cr-age and avec are invited ta .o xasenresnal ,t ho peovided a lovelv, favour- Beginners Class five littie tatS tld the court thât he had, few, and warned him uhe mus11atn s etinsf od î"efantiieni Jîst a Closce bave compietcd one year's per- ~t ovdlaOtai i ugs rprtl tepobation affi- fellowsbip and necreation. On eadarenlyerlton, Waik wiflb Tbec". Miss Bettx- lec. attendance: Miss tinda bat ebard nîvn befrc efr- ro nKshw immrh y ar nd.e- rus eanucd n xlie u bednea h .sBinMGl n atrGr meceting xiii be heîd on fribution witb înterest would ___ jDRISTAN TABLETS 24-s s$123 1.07 illThrsa iht January 23. arount fn $14.860, a total of_____ M 1h> AVOIS OUTH ASH5 ~wiiic is of great importance "An emploxve wth untcrezt . - 'R S OU HW SH9 z.70 i 't- t -hwol--con"iiunîxit ;; compounding could easily ce- Mm; T. 'ilwe ; nri CP!X F b-tween 340,000 and 112 au a (ioxv icr; ee 350,000 un 25 \vear-z If he A S R11 EJ N O 12vau1.2 Thuirday dinner gIst o r lae rti orpany at aniv-DR ABSOR INE UNI<R - 1 n;kdiri le bad placed inthe plan pAlus~Y INFA&INTOL 2099 TeUC,' ie ite.0nt eto h opn' ho eo rW sYlo leFcnrbto. Hs pass bo "h J B N I astic srI 4c aueý nMondax' nugbî. Januarv 27 sboxx's xvbat ho bas previously AURC J. & . BA DipI 42c at 8,15 o'clark. receiîve(d incash, an ax'erage I Mr. and MeIs. Tom- Ander- of $400 a xear. DelS y B thro m Tssue - 2Ply 33 cac C on and famuilv, Zcplîy-r. worr Employecs in the plan re- 3 fr 8 Stîndav vîuor vitl IMr and noix r a hookiet on ts rules M LL WINTER >enxF îaTise- - - 20s2 r l IiKnox visited Rev and Mes. F. that profit sharing is not new. M RftIHANDItI ~h ylv ni Flshb lb 1. 9 " Repd ai Sunderland ad Thre weee many profit shar-' .t ] Mr. and Mrs E Cr"dcecmnartu tonpdi that among well knownWIDB EAîR IWATCH FOR THIS AD :EACH WEEK aîttendetee bo rriFt-ninzçerx- ciimpainiez intýiie U.S. today vNBEKR iFe of tbeirzuî rdirltr that bave' profit sharing pro- SHIRTS - UNDERNVEAR Iii * *I auua Bîttiet. in St Ceegzor'.'- gramz are- Jobn;onn'F Wax, O K C TH S - IT S r "at i' r1Chue i ' n oPractor and Gamble. Sear.s- W R L T E IT BOWNMANVILLE NEWCASTLE ,Sijnà;îsv an riciupr t f RochueX-, and tho Bank ot RB S BOS-EC ~~nunIw'e STORE g ~M, anrl Mr.Co'- Bitiuir, Amrnnca In Canada Siumo- RES-BOS-EC COWLING'S RUU TOE JGH1JSONCS DRUG STORE ý11 Mr. and Me;. Kelub Roxvr sa sns. Electra Home. h w pALEX McGREGOR, DRUGS ORONO qli'veIe aida 'v BiisofMrandulle !;. woibb w nbi M. -SHOP AND SAV L \irs George Knox and faniuiv. redfs of others, have profit' JURY & LVELL PHRMACY iM,- and NMm; E. Larmor. sbaring plans. he assprlcd ' 4 IGS.E JURY OVELLSTUTTS PHAMACYi e!k-ý'ork. i i rrieeeenrtiv A profit sharing ouîîcil w-as 4 IGS.E À& j. wt), Me arri Mr; Harvey formed in the United States -~ - - - ~ 'iewies and f amilv, i in 1930, and through it muc Fcb. 6tb. We r rys. 1A lovelv re'enunc n FrudaY Me. Pierre Lefebure. Mont- ILîred about 40 people lIo a ceai, i-pont bbc wcekcnd at Mr. party in bbe Conimuinity Hall and Mers Allan Werey's. sponsored bv the Hall commit- Mn'%I. and Mers. Ross Sharp tee. The attiiosphere wvas cosy ndfuul ha Sundav lea aund frieuidiy vsad the pastîmie %xx 'b'Mn. auîd Mn-. H. Aslîton. vas eîucbrc xvith priies xwon NMr. and Mes. R. J. Orti- b 'v Mes- J. Grffi., Messs .S tm wftr atil-vdne L.aîb.Chain;~ui Duig~ ,'iî~t~otMr. and des. R. Cil- Ashtoin. Mu suai Nrs. .1. Lake u ýBxvîînile iif nue lorai snack bac Puro- i e Boand esiîy îr. t vidc a dvlîciouslunch. Mr- and M:-x'. cria' cecant ', Miss Lois Aslton waz iai Mi and Meu C_ Pnliiiký7 xveel5end guesu ilichehome of Ms Heaîliee Fraser. Couirt- a classmaite. Miss Anne Cilles- ire, vîisîted witb Miss Rutbh pie. Caledlonia, Oni. Peihirk M r.anîd Mcr;, Ciaroncre Miss ,Iihî Wray* , Bowman- Aver *v Lînda and .ialîo ice vilie, spent a xx'ek %iîh licer SundAy callers ai Mr. aturi Mirs ceAnilpaeeubs. the 1t Lani'ti's. C . Avei-v's. Sr., PIeasauîb Point Nies. N. Colactilb. Bow.Nian- ande vert' Siluuîax'-cv uincu vu ie. spent S.î tii-rla;'v iwitb Mr. gîues r-f Me-,auucl NIes. Louis nid Mes. WVGriffini Johns~toii, Lîndsax' Mi John Ceiffin. us a patient Mr. and Mes R. J. Ornistrui au the Torounbo GCecraI Hos- ,w-ee Thtîr-;day tea get of pilai. Prix-aIe Patients Pa- Mr. auîd Me11'7 W .\ iiioui. viliouî Caesaca. Mrsuand Mes. lrx'n Cook. me- and NM-I ,oiuc tt N i-; ElfipaLuite sdGarY, ton ard Gaii . ev.uiîu. Swbru,~ ere Sunday cali- and Mcs. R. liope. Pi-ince AI- cr- ,t Me. auîd Me;. CAe-xs bcd. . T Taylor, Mn. and Mes. Mr. and Me; Fiiyd vlprI- Alli-, Taylor aund David, Enl- îick anu] Bnbuuî, Toicuî o, xvii hi cItIit -wr-t' rtcet'ui isitors ait Mr. alud MI-.-,. S, R .Pet luiii. Mes F Tui Miss, Carol \'ellnxIees.rof NI- atrclNie; Nadfir Vani Tor'onto, speuil the Ceaiî p(ii ,;x'i, xvfre Sitifflay xvitli lier parnit-. Mu and MNI e'- b'.î un'ýt-ai F WWecry's. R. floxvauiNie iund '%Ies CPetbirk Mesreý 'xz Wre1%i . Ai xx1\11 i r i - '-ai 1fi o-nes tif e-astI*r.sWil nt xuuutbwilii tl.s cb:iiar-clAllail Dirkcy's. M-r. aîîd Mr,, F. Beckebtt ce ulaFiibOi ti d iMi- and Nies. P. cenîlN IlIly udxinieric i oblir FiiO-v at 5u cabbaveuî Nnr.rîuci o.. i iiuliT.u' )ai Mr. and Mes. Cea tliili and D onaId, Bo\\,niiuixilIe, and Radney- wrce SiiuîelayI,\ra x eSuiiday supper guests at guuests of MisssFiouuîsc ani %Mr,ý. F. Toms. Macjorie Mcýiln'-ii. WVlitiv. Mi-S. ,IuuîîNtitllplc, Oslîawil: Me and NMcs .1Jlru.tiiî.'Miss- Dr-ris Weîglît, Wliitby, Me. and Mes.torne i auiin were Simdax' duien guesbs of xvri- Sinda'vyinuîofîe rgieî n' anu id NIes, E Wcigbi !Me. anid Mus, Stimet Lamib's .Mrauîd Me;, Kcn I-ierrnug- 1Musz. P. A. Tresîse, Nl.esIîaund Kelly, Mr. and Mes. Annîn. and Effa Wricplib. Osli,-'Dax-ucl Feeguson anîd Karen, wa. xveer reeit xisib ors ail N. lt wva cre visiîocs at C. E. Wrîiglit 's. F p n' Me. âaic Mes Il. 'Mr.t! Nu iiir NIs. F. W. Wee'r Me. andu'Mes. R. Vi et neand xx'crtFeiclav- r-x'eiiiig inner ,Jdyl\, vwerr Sunrilay chliirpIrsi'. of Me. aud Mes. Aifeed .guesîs Fat, Me. and 'N Mes. F. W. AI i i's. IRL BC BY LACK OF Many growing Canadian businesse re- quiring more land, buildings, machinery or equipment finance their expansion pro- grammes through IDB. It may be usefuil for you to discuss the financial needs of your business with us. MINDUS TRIAL DEVELOPMIENT BANK 23 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA TORONTO) - 250 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Telephonle 368-1145 E'- E ' BOYS' WEAR NG- "LEARANCE ?/o 05O01Yo OFF iE AT GEORGE'S - BD WMAN VILLE

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