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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1964, p. 16

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16 TIfé Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvllle, Jan. 22, 1964 -Manvers Townshlp brarieh Mv iety was held on Mondav1 Bus Hokey Moters nightin the Township Hall a Busy H ckey M thers 3ethan 'v.1 i r.Hugh DeGeer was ce-I Pla M ny ctvites lected for her second em Plan ony ctivi ies as president. Other officersi for 1964 are Mrs. Allan Coch- On Nov. 26 the Hock-ey ence Oke, Secy of the Arena cane, first vice-president: Mrs. Mothers held their third meet- Boar~d, to have the booth at I Harry Richardson, second vice- Ing of the season at the Lions the Arena open on Saturdays. president; Mrs. Douglas Smelt. Centre with 10 members The equipment bought bv ' secretarv; Mcs. Noel Wood. present. the Hockey -Mothers for the treasurer; Mcs. Walter Neals, Pres. Joan Simopson wcl- Little N.H.L. .vill be present- in charge of Loan Cupboard, comed the mothers and atter ed to them on Young Canada wt rhrWih n a- roll call the minutes were Night, bv motion of Maryi ter Neais assistants: M S S1 read and approved and the Cawker. seconded by RaeILaura Morton in charge of treasurer's report given. show- Shackelton. 'Blood Donors services: Mrs.,. ing a bank withdrawal of On a motion by Mary Caxvk- Ernest Lamb, Henrv Jakeman,: $15.00, ieaving a bank balanlce ,r. sccondeci by Reta Jiiokin.1 George Smith, Wefe o- of $534.51 and $6,91 ini pettvý, the executive board %viil pay! mittee. cash. the bill for the prizes. Arthur Wright w ill ile A motion by Dori Simpson The meeting \\as adjourned chairma3n or the Camipaign seconded bv Rar Shackcl]ton. onj a motion by Marg Tabb. committec and will arrange' that Mary Cawker he respon- secondied by Mary Cawker. for is assistants, Mrs. Doug- sibie for the Little N.H.L. box The next Hockey Mothers'Ilas Sincît and Robent Ry levy that is passed around at the meeting will be Jan. 28 at the !are in charge of the First Aidý Ail-Star games Lions Centre. commîittee. The tbree convenors arp The entire executive wi!l' Dori Simpson for Pe Wee. acttcon tbe Senior Citizens, Nellie Oyler for Bantam and BETHANY committee. Betty Forsey for Atoro. Miss Laura Morton reported When the collections arcta n16, 9boddnr taken the box containing tlic %Trs. Ermestine Hendeison,tbt 16 29bod oor moneyis trnedover o %boi ba.z;been a patient :n froro this area had given 41ý mone istunnd oen t Ma- rblood donations in Peterbor-! Cawker and bcoughit Io the Civic Hospital. Peterboroughoginî.s etondti. meetin- and turned over to is no\v convalescing at the og n lomnindts the treasurer. home of ber daugbten and this was an increase of 8 ncx\, On motion bv Nellie Ovier soNI-aw r. and Mrs. d o nors above last vear. Feconded by Mary Cawken, RalPb Malcolm in Scarbor- Mrs. Noei Wood gave flic the bill for the Midget Al- ougb. financial r e por t includimg Star mask was appcoved and Reprc(,entatii\ es of St. Paul'smninoftentreut ; paid.AnlcnCub oated last cear's campaign being The amorint of moncv madie d a dinncr meeting ronceco b381.0. he sent oflS5a.50 at the Hockey Motbcrs rui ing the mi.sionary education wor wibenclded od jlv- mage sale at the Anena xvas prognaro of the Anglican wo -aphich ls dîed o aI $2270. Cburcb of Canada, held at the icaslsdtrbe oa, Amotion bv Kav Wordcn. Emprpss Htlii eebor-te public scbool puipils :!j seconded bv Nellie Qyle.- ougb on Tuesdav nigbht, were Manvers township, S15.0() feý' Any skates left over from tbe tie v. Reginald Rose, 'Mn. caropaign supplies, $157.011 fnl rummage sale will be turned'and Mns. Charles Smith, Mrs..IIomei28160 sent 1,,upDiiczo over to Mrs. Woodley and she Ina Palmer, Mr S. William ad$8.0sn oDvso wil sed tem o te Idiaýphljis. r. nd rs.Emery b , eadquarte rs. Tbe budget pr- whil send them othe ndaSmPilip. r. sented by 1Mî-s Wood for 1964 Oniadmen iop north. i Smimp- inicluided'heahth work estimnal- Ona otonbyDo Sro- Tbe Ladies' Gond Luck Or- cd at $86.00 aînd tbe necessarvý son, seconded by Rae Shackel- ange Lodgc bheld a successful emergeney fund on hand to bc ton, the Hockey Mothers wvi1llprognessivc crichre partv in1,sîoo.0o. purchase 4 pr. of shoulder the Orange Hall on Fridav M;Uil eer hi protectors, 2 pr. goalie pads nbtNth tbeso1pa- ai fSenioru izens rcir- and 2 pr. goalie gloves for ,crs. -Prizes foi, bigh scor-es' Maerioenor t uchasitor- reeeaio hcky.weiîî Io Mrs. Harrv Preston cd the sic-k iii hospitals, also; On a motion by Nellie Oy- and John Pavne. Consolation sn hitosgfsb tv ler, seconded by Kay Wordeni. awards Io Mrs. Ernes,,t Lane senioCrcitesi Rs tomes. Hockey Mothers will purchase'and Walter Neals. Tbe prizes seiort a s ee tp rns. one shoulder protector, one \were donated by Mrs. Charles Ifewas bre eeh puchar fo pair goalie pads and a goalit? Revnolds. The ladies plan a bbwchrn po rd.T hi fan mask for the Little N.H.L. and-'th oncpar Tilan If the Little N.H.L. wantssimilar ex-cnt in Jaiiuany cuphoard is well stockcd \ wti1 more shoulder protectors Ihes , Pte. John Jackson, Camp al sick rooro supplies, ho.spi-, are to contact the Hlockey Borden, was home for the tai beds, bedsidetalset. Mothers. - wcekend with bis parents,, Mr. aind alilreav ablesfrec.,f Kay Wordeîî and Nlis ýand Mrs. Vincent Jackoîî. charge, to aîîyone within the Oyler volunteered to finish: Robert Morton, who has :tow-nshipo bouiîdarv limits 1 the badges lcft fnom iast year. be ain nCvc op- Mr.. W. R. L. Blackwehl of' In regards to the J-Ioclcev tai, Peterborough. for somne.Peterborough gv nitr Mothers draw it was agrecd tinie, xvas transfcrred 10 bbecesting talk on ber \work ii, to spend $7500 for prizes ancl Ba]iîoral Convalescent Home:chairman of toc Senior-Cïii- Ev Alden, Kay Worden and llast wer'k. 7ens conirittee, telling hors- Nellie Qyler will bu.% thc Miss Dianne ML.Iliigaîu, lToc- Uic elderlv people cao bc prizes. onto. was home for the week- helped and encouraged Io a Meeting was adjotîcned on a end with her parents, Mr. and happier retirement. Misg jean motion by Don Simpson, sec- Mrs. Verne Mulligaui. Buîck and Mrs. J. Whitcside, onded by Mary Cawker. Mcs. William Pieccy, Robent also of Peterborouîgh, showed There was no Hockey Motiî- Pierc-v and Mrs. Howard a film strip oiitiiiing what: ers meeting in Decernber so Rowan were reccix'ed as mem-1 rocld be done to help senior, aspecial meeting was held bers or the Bethany United: citizeîîsl on Jan. 7 with eight members Church, on tranŽ,fec from their! This was folloied bv a present. Pres. Joan Simpson1 former cesîdences. ai Uic genecal dicussion as to %whit welcomed the members. Aiter-' Communion service hield or mighît be donc along this linc roll cali, the minîutes were Sundav morning. in bbe local commîinitv. read and approvedi. Treasun-: St. PauI's Auxiliary Lunch xvas secved. er's report showed a bank Tî ebc fS.Pu' balance of $53451. h ebr fS.Pu' On amoton y Mrg abbWornan's Auxiliacv wece e-n.BTU R On amotin byMargTabbtertairîed at tbe home of Mcs O IU R seconded by Anna Wilcox.. Ina Palmer for tiîeir fr~ the Hockey Mothers wîi buy nîmeeting of tue new veai-. MSji' ~ two shoulder protectors for The neJOvNcle.ted presi ther Litt amoeinNbHv.L. dent, Mrs. Noei Wood, opened F uilowing a bnief illness, herketws a tonedby ae bthe meeting with praYens. T:,(, the death of Diane Gougeur,' Shaceltn, ecodedby argscripture lesson was ccad bv R.R. 3, Buxvmativiiie, OCCcîrrcd Tabb, that al bis be paid. MsDulsSet iMmiilHsiaBw Ib was agreed by the mcm- - - oga met tMmralHsiaBw bers to write a letter ta Clan ercav r. nesRv-mnvleon, Wednesdav. Jain. ______________ Snolds read the minutes of pre- 15, 1964. She was in her 6th Ivinus meeting, aiso *tliank year. IkY A5~ yu" notes fcom aIl the sicki Daugbhtcî- of flic labe Mr. and and shit-ins who werc ce- Mrs. Michael Gougeon, the £ memnbered at Christmoas with deceased xvas boro in Mont- cookies and fruit, iceai, Que., wherc she received Mrs. Emerv Smith gave the; hcî education. In 1927 shie Wi;eE PLUIAf8ERS 1 financial report with' a sub-' mariicd John E. Eaton who stantial balance. predeceased ber in 1945. 0fflRE REN0WN~, Eleven members paid ticein Mrs. Eaton had rcsided ai E ALK0,TOuhqFI/N E 1fes iem fth eeigR.R. 3, Bowmanville, for four Thr thrneof he ectncyears, mnoving there froro 1W0àRKISA11 RR was Fraver and Its Meanin-g" Niagara Falls, Ont. She a TGV/N1 .some passages froro Praven Catholie Chunc-b. Pantnecs,- also an întercsb ingý Survivi ng anc t\,,o brotiî- letter froro Rev. Pbilîp Ross eu-s. Jules Gougeonl of Anc-hon- ~ of East Nigeria, outlining bis ville, Mich., and Frank Goci- c work.geon of Montreal. MuS. [oglsSie!t, Mi-S. lTlefrimîerai service was held Emerv Smith and Mcs. Char-, from St;ochs Rmî Fresh Pork 4Ir SHOULDER Mcity PORK m Easy to Carve DUTI SWIFT'S SMOKED RIND ON SLAB 1b4 c January Sale Specials Heinz Brand Cooked Spaghetti or Vegetarian Beanîs2 HABITANT BRAND Pea or Vegetable soup 4 0 Mix 'em or Match LYNN VALLEY BRAND IN lioh' Green Bean Peas and (arrot:7 LynnVally Brand5 7ec 9c QOASI LEAN MEATY BUTI lb d4c SThursday Night Special< 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. ~PORK LIVER~ b 19, em 15 oz$ .00 tins 1 20 oz.$ .0 tins 1 eMix 'em or Match 'em a CrernSTOKLEY'S BRANDBen4 WaxBeans - Lima Beans Honey Pod Peas 10 oz.$ 0 0 ÀÀ à&d&&ÀJ FREE PARKING I MPORTED WHOLE OR HALF LAMB LEGS lb d49C FRESH Produce Specials U.S.A. GROWN FRESH WASHED SPINACH2 Florida Grown Crisp -CELERY Ontario Grown Fancy McINTOS APPLES 10 oz. c Pkgs. L9 c 15 ea 5 IL Po Iy Bag 59C 4e HOUSEHOLD NEED.S e 4100% Nylon - Size 20" x 30" - 3 Colors $ .00 ~RUGS ec ONLY AT DOMINION RICHMELLO 20c Off INSTANT COFFEE COUNTRY CLUB U.P. Ail Purpose COFFEE Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is un- conditionally guaranteed t0 give 100% satisfaction. I___ - = 16 oz. tin 10aOz. 1.09 *DEEP CUT SPECIALe DAINTY BAKE a ÀM - mh c Ilbsc 79L234 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Values Effective in Bowmanvillc Until Closing Time, Saturday, January 25, 1964. o 'o At the January 20th session of Bowmanville Town Council advice was received that a RABID skunk had been shot within the limits of the Town, consequently a resolution was adopted, tI-at on and after MONDAY., JANUARY 27 1964 DOGS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO RUN AT LARGE Dogs running at large after the above date wiII be picked up. JACK L. REID, Clerk. ýlqmmý m ROAST Il

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