I - An improperly installed or deterio- ratedT aerîal is a source of danger to life and property ... particularly ini high winds and stormy weather. If an aerial fails on a hydro lime or on service wires entering the home, fire can resuit. Power interruptions, with their inconvenience to customners over a wide area, have a"s been caused in the saine way. We solicit your co-operation in help- ing to make TV aerials safe everv- where by having yours inspected from time to time by a qualified television servicm . [hank oo. Among the loveiy_ floral King St. W. - Bowmanville accouaI off what transpiccd ati tributes, evidence off the os- Phonos: Office 623-5688 l the Provincial Beef Improve-1 teemn in wbicb the deceased Residence 623-5553 ment meetings in Toronto. Iin was hold, were Ibose fcom " HDG &MRRS the absence off Sec'y.-Tre. .Campany, Midland Reg.; La- HBarNtrSoîcORorS .0. A. Dairympie, John Ingrat-ý cal No. 2375; L.O.L. No. 2384; Notaries Public ta gave the fina.ncial report off and Dept. 8002 General Mo-14FakSt omn i the organizatian. toe uers.eric 11s4E.RIF rDn S. LOwmEKiN I Bey. Gray introduced the Thefunra sevic wsliE. IBARDLB KI guest spea ker, Mr. Bruc.e held ffrom the Marris Funerali ..,L.. Mobleribacher, President off Chapel, Bowmariviile. an Fri-'. Barnister, Solicitor the Ontario Beef Producers day, January 241h.. and was!King St. E. Newcastleî conuced by Re K Pon 246Assoc.. whno aerates a 600 conAliHours: 9-5:K30,1 -hed.,Sat,691 are facm and feedlot. wth iui crait ofurSh. Jnterme ng i-IHo______-5:30_-_____________9-1ta 1000 feeders near Cayuga. cnCuc.Itretwas in M Mr. Mebleribacher illustratedf Bowmnvile Ceeter. M r g a g e S wîth slides their up-to-date Palîbeacers were Messrs.________________ feedlots and ffarm aperations. Thomas Hayes, Richard Pal- SADIE HAMILTON - ORONo Ho proved ta ho a vers' inter- terson. Wm, Smith, Frank Pi- Phono 1 r 16 estirig guest speaker w'îth a or, Leslie Piper and Chas. First Mortgage Funds ffund off information pcesented Kpor. Residences - Farms mn an informaI and bumocous - - -BusinessProperties mariner. jMort gage money available The ciectiori of dîrectars C UURI'.LLL 1 for ahi purposes. was held anid John Riekardý 1Let us arrange youc farm .was re-elected as President' Couples Club bcld a skating boan comirig due or a new boan,! for a second term. The Beth-' party' at North Oshawa Arena We cao bandle mortgages off ans' W. I. provided a sumptu-ý on SaturdaY ex'ening. Cards every description. aus lunch off cake anid cofffee.' ansi Croquinole wece enjayed HAROLD C. PEDWELL AIl townships mn the Couru.v later et the Courtice Churcb. xWere weil represented wi'.h Retîring Presidents Joy and Broker uhe exception off Cartwrtght John Binnîng, handied the - Newcastle 987-4336 whîch had no members pre-' final business off 1963 and' sent. handed the meeting avec ta O p f o M e f r y On Tbursdav noan. Jan. 30o. 110w Presidents Berniece and____ _____ - --_ a numbe' off hog pî'aducers Brooks Pearce. Reports off the KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. witb their wives attended the New Years Eve darice were Optometrist dinner ffollowed by the an- giveri and a firianciai state- 141 King St. E.- Bowmanville nus' meeting ini Ocamn. Fur- ment. Secretary Millie Vetzal: Office Hours: By appointmentither details are missing at the rend the new siate off officers Telephone 623-3252 r time. as weUl as thase named ta Mort. - Tfues. - Thurs. - Fr1. Sarry ta report that Mrs. I:groups A, B and C. Each 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Jimm 'v Sheckleton bans been group met bnieflfhts discuss Thursday evenings taken ta hospital. All wisb Iplans for th2e meetings ci 1964.1 Wed. and Sat,.- 9 - 12 ;ber a speedy recovery. MAPLE GROVE MARK ET CORNISH'S MARKET 0 0 a PORTER'S RED & WHITE [habetelIa arder), Tom Chard, Sani. Domenie Gaiiellai, 1Bort Reid, Anna tLeslie Stepheh- eStorks, Kathryn -lans Van Dorp, de. - Highest Stand- Hamm; lst Clasi ruce AMin, Ma-. n% Linda Wright. I- Highest Stand- Graham: lst Class ha r on Tamblyn, The Canadien Statemenn, BowmanvIlle, Jan. 29, 1964 i ul programn will be posted c e io back $4,700 from goverrnment 1 ET~7TorsU l later a h huce. R cr c i n P anning__graînts and $2,200 from specl 1 , SLLI IL lAIl &. as served by the grants, a total of $6,900, so the!daFern Cornes Out of Retirement couples in charge. Exla d ~actual cost to, the toxvn was Although it lon euiu Bt oel Sunday morning service atlEx a ned at K flsI'efl ony S7,700. Programi receipts and îs good for thlan.rrareSot Courtice United Church wasl %v e r le S7 ,100, do n a t i o ni s:ai people %vere gladtee'a sn adc R u a r n m t e it so eiainon behaif of the'g Leadership including swim- wnd ere blown0 tog fml hnaGolden C The increase in leisure time manville: Bart Smith, Vin Mr.mlng insrion Hestt$7.500 ly Tihose oncre. n raeX TU. ~~was pae in the church oe the past years demands Matthewson, Don Shay, Al r g ad.H ttd thanghburs entoohee vr fg oga er A lw ays W elcon'uememoy o the late Mr. and more comprehensive planning Vale. and myseif. The amounitS6 ,000 was spent on operationtaku hntegasfr oor.B *e l a s W e c m hu ghts Mrs Albert Wilkins. for recreation programs, Doug off the first recreation budgetan maintenance, and $9,500inear the home of .E.iu Plei and Mr. Bruce Tuck, Hamil- tion Director, told the Bow- total $2278 was paid by the1 He also told the Rinsmen wn a .put otfretebîd g er My Pr b e s F c g U storMr. nM GryOr- an Bow inmnlbl Recr::Thehr e s en.900 and o that the, adnvincial. govern-gerousîvclose. O n M any P roblem s Facingiston, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. week. Mr. Rigg was the guest budget is $23,229. The town ýment pays one third of aF ies r S Ralph Ormiston and family, speaker at the Ils Vice- provides $7,700, and the rest recreation director's salary ti Fris.C. n ee or oha Bowm anville, attended the President's Night dinner meel comes from grants. programta180,ndoehrdofa isC.aneofPtHo, Newnville2, Ot19 trs6e4adwmn h r m aeten nToot. iservice and had dinner with ing held at the Flying Dutch- proceeds and miscellaneous!leader's salary up to the samne xa nhsîal hrad Janar 22 164 honest enough ta do this be- was a member of one off the Mr. Mrs. O. Robertson and man Motor Hotel. receipts. amutiTeOtaj ovr-hope folr a speedv eocv Dear Eitor:cause when we pretend ta nev- finest old Methodist Church- Carol. lst Vice-President Byron' h pae etoe oa etas rvds2 e ent Mi. Rov Lazier. Som moth ag afrinder make mistakes we only kid les. It was set in the midst of, r.J wrzi ain Brunt presided at the dinner recrecational facilitiesinu-ofaprtnan mitencben i hpta akdm h"RrlGrand- orevs Aprnihntksteslm n eve or- Bowmanvjlle Hospital. Mrs. meeting, and a new rmember ing the artificial ice paid for cistsIl to $2,600. he said. his omandvis mother" Il not write any1 littie Johnny and points out ing house people and students. RGE O f h lbA nwe a vteKnmnd adding that Bowvmanville nra stvt moe eter. y nserwa .grwig p ndshwsthe lae e imel gt os' wetyfor er vluters. Gay and Mr. E. rmiston o h lb l- wewsbyteKnmnCub, ennis fr gan1of F,00 Tece wc' 53 aSd moeîmes M nwrws h lc efisl o or etherfo re lnr smestili confinied to the hospital weîlcomed officiaîîy. T h Ieand badminton courts, soft- eligible fchroa SundaymortSng7u0, i poin inidebefre coldnh erilht pad os thav!eisson.Inr ongorLadie'î r rgesigfvua-guest speaker was introduced ball diamonds and so on. Th, vl'ich [t receives.'Carricl Sicha.\ i n 'that I hadh l nttave beisatn. boiliYong butes by Bill Kilpatrick. f i r s t recreationai activity' "No other ty pe off municipal Tu -od in chargeo p g summon enough courage to .mchtoulcet Jb n ts)Guiid m eeting oneupero (10 ladies af the Uitd Recreation is difficult ta started by the departmerî'bod esi yelofYass1t-ad cliasî.exercie wrie lttr orth pblc1Another îhing 1 lie wh cens abwek n hrh oe ahr dtenting eas t ifeents pfeople b ast n hockey nare lrom the provincial gox-"abecofte pc d hrtead trforche pbie g e s ta irritate an impatient' belonged and was the pe 0 hre Unitgahe ed aeftting ese it ens diper-ecasetblas enhoknyareernment. In Bawmianville the Scriptm.re \,vas rezdbP O aner". înh te g er e te Hus . Noe rouha t wa snd Negrongilptelcucdinnr aqio n ds- ggsa but lhe added among the activities carried amatmnt spent per persan s John Groeneveld, A ' in bfreth oue.N e ta aseod egogilthat in bis opinion it is the en- on through the years, Mr. Rigg 1 $2-79 and the actual cost tO o olcass\' edm HoeeteeaeaÏwgroup, na matter how learn- came to us. She was beauti- dy hreqlswr om n fastsatr n ad tetw s$.2prprotebsmn o tig htsol esaid led and clever it may be, can fui, weii educated, taientedpetdfrmsin or. oyetofastsctran sadthtwns$l0pr ra. tebsmetorahngad tbings tbathoud e reandewloyalte tar tsseoK' rk constructive use off leisure' The speaker stated that thi' "Recreation mav be a ,vhole-mnae vr il and as no one else seems ta 1sit down and draft a peretjn lyltotesame King B sns Directory time. tawn's first recrecation com- some leistire experience en- Rx.M reassro be tem iwîîitry bill in this changing world. 1 ast U1R "Children are thrilled by mittee had 41 members. Tri aged in slowlyý for the satis- atReM.oringcucl evc vs. b e s a y in g t e il r . O n e s a tis f a c to r y f o r t e d a y h a s r R u t h, th e P r e s id e n t. a n d 1 , AC U t n y v g lm s u a c i ' y 1 5 h e r a i n d r c o ýf c i n i i i n i i u l a e r h t r First, I want ta thank the ta be scrapped tamorraw. Saltokier under aur wing fr And vîg a sul oar avtn 92tedceto ietrfcini iesteidvda.bsdo h tr f ia~~ wealn Pinlovvernt na- Otch ang e nd ye tiange unt er waShattending erbroth- appily skills. Recreation lbas a but within a few ,,cars thelcamping. hiking, s Imig.The choirSang the mc o waan PovncalGoer- hagean yt hageuniler wa atedig Toronto RAY J. D1ILING variety off forms for people off Iwo positions were agaîn study and discussion groups. hymnn fromn the oi c oth ment at Queen' Park for the vou find the best ta fi il theýUniversity. He bad toid bier Chartered Accountant ail ages. There are audience divided, he explaîned. larts and ('rafts, and ans' other psaltcr -Lift Up 'ouea good work tbey are doîng for need. Tbis mneans "Consulta-,ta came ta us because she, 93 Church Street entertainments, intellectual ac- ,, us. The fact that one is Lib- tian, consultation and consulta- wudfe aea oewt 2-86 tvtesuyaddsuso Since World Wac IIl ti-c'activity off personal chaice. .ta the tune, St. Gorcs d Oupaag <'ri. he thr Cnsevatvetio" wth heProincs u s hanlnymhre i a r onwto 16233861graupis, appeciaiaanddiscussontaiagernineit has pro- "Rcfication [s the responsi-!inburgh. del nat meal anything in my take a lessan fram the ffriendly iIt was aniy later I reaiized the ilLEONARD JAMES BROOB.~KymnSf bal n theatts idccl assistance îhrouugh îeg-bhuitv 'off the entire comimunit. Mr. and MVrs. H(co mrr ~CSpO baaks. During an election scboal teacher who used to be compliment be had paid u .. Chartered Accountant nature and travel, the excite: I isla'î'on for- municipal Pro- Pr1asms mc h ed seti cnucsd1ail m o-~m.ic o campagn an on eectia day'on an off ur pael shws Onv twagirlsgave er ~ Trustee in Bankruptcy iment off caileing, istening!gramrs. This s cdone throull Off ail the peo)ple, rather th'ai (On) and Mc-. adMs lc e n i we can flaunt aur paiticai wbo told bis pupils that he 'understand sbe was not want- Suite 205W 725-9953lta radia and tellevision. rntadalo by services tiuttoeof(e'anidvd.adBrocog a udx colours as uch as we pease OasawiStorecreatetre iragrams."onaisalorhspe! iassgroucreaBasiprodînnel awstor \Ieialagdo\pssBasuC dhiniivithlAur coor s uba w laewanted a democratirciassroom ed. The rest were indifferent 1Oshawa__ShoppingH Centre "Recreatian is ail thodsoI ý orli Robnso but when tbe polis close and a'but hie was boss. Sure, the and did not know wbat was, WM. J. H. COGGINS tbings a persan, or graup off c igsad easosaerceaton fa pcîied bsel'ca- Clrke Robinn nd c.ILOrath party chasen for leadership local prabiems should b e sl-gaing an. She made two tries Chartered Aceountant peaiple, cholose ta do ta make f h rvnil gvci c hoi epoic ylclCak cKy nhnmrofpu îltm we shouid close the rank and ed by tbe Provincial Goverri-lIand nexer came again and we Second Floor their leisure time worthwhiilto mcies opubicatin ad îoao gilof 'net.he develop-carie heAlaitgos bitdx nNoe stand pat behind a Govern- ment but if a Province gets ailost a girl with more culture New Library Building .and enjoyabie," Mc. Rigg stat- srvce ooutaatr atriî,m no te porintarc nsied ag i ts im i pîmi po ment. The Opposition wiIî nat bit gred and forgets shes in hier than the most off tbe Cor. King & Temperance Sts. cd. He discussed the canner-1 and music. ou b sunonas govie cmelfinishdareas thehoe ofM We but apagroofpanauchr as service tienubeweH. muacipal Istl Deek'.inpihetcertfic.tio let tbem go far astray. W'btapr f aaao fshe rst offus could boast. I weni Phone 623-3612 tin btwen uniipl cunhDicusinsth retiicaio expeet aur Represeritatives ta begins ta spoil the image oftatheretarytaget ber -cl n erain rdsadofrceto ietr, M hrchale, rseos n rm serve us aîî alike wbether we Canada tai the world the' Fil nami' and address because I YALE, FRIEDLANDER ýthat an increasing number off Rigg tald off bow thieir work -Tmeialentrprses. sur- '..Ire~ voi for them or nat. We eral Govecoment shauld haveirwanted ta do as Mr. Dent bias & COMPANY cnils -ntra arethsCvlearkeIe er .csfl ecato rgrmaeH.S.INw should extend the samne cour- the ast say. 1 knaw the idone. apologize for tbe group. Chartereci Accountantp recreation as a municipal re- 'and cvcloped in many ý ive. t . Sufficient funds ta Grade 9 - Hmghcsl adn tesy ta tbem. A's Canada, ta world is hoping Amnerica wil Hec name and address bad nat Licensed Trustees sponsibiliiy. Tela the scope off ceciceatia ictals and aperate the pro- Tiiia Kozrmh. Isi lasHoi me, is greater than Ontario, 1 be greale than Alabama. i been enteced in the book so ia Bankruptcy He bld the club thai sn~wc necessitates that ilsgrmadsvie.2 o-us(nalhb1 milit cpouti e. anada as Being bandicapped, as well Il neyer fouridlber and sbe bassf64 King St. E. 728-7371 193,5muipa thriein1decosb qalfe pcptn rfsinllaesiJdvAeGr igh fortu notie Cnad as an old age pensianer I arnbeen an my conscience ever ___Osbawa, Ontarioa this pr'ovinicelbas shawn in- ffessionally. lhe expiairied, aanpd tpofesini:edesipnuydacn arathste assaiysathnaMdiaeniccef eba aknte OTET ofNTIH rasnviiees n h wlnli teKmsentattd', nr heasitnc ffvlu-HghAlmNeiAlm. e. N ',C matter where hey sittinete.f.3. Af worthnhiheDepro-inetfheyiceitt, cMarîciceesBmicnms c Hous. Ai ae loalans.t I plaa. arnnatgoig tadise matdisa-te Pstorbe oul RIthe&co.faceoffcîtzens "Dccesîng' tey eceCeO.rtiicats smofram ufftuurral nan thitîr end Co. Raph c ,ong. Kig S. E Tvlake. Alaeyl theirConyad cuss the merits off Ontarioanard have' settled il ini the girl's Oshawa Shopping Centre wainghouî's bas made the ilar ta the ones reccivced by: cites 4.Sfcen ii-Mrl Hm.T MaeterConr n n Federal plans for I do riat pre- favour and quickly, for lie xas Chartered Accountants use off leisure time mare im- 'eacl ders a ndvities. 4. Suffîien 1se-,MarlncHa , oe or gn Wtere mari er lw ak"Of tend ta, krow eriough about that kind off a mari. There 728-7527 partant ini rammunity living. "Bowniarmville's basic grant;facilîties. .5. The support and 1 ickard. ch ourte mak e misks0buthtbc Iam, bowever. marc were enougb moderates taiPartners: The trenid ta smaller bouses, ta the cecreatian departmentluriderstanding off rîtizen. c rd 1 ihs tad 1.-6 hav thcurae t amitilintercsteiri Federah plan be- have straightened il out if we Hon. J. W. Monteitb, F.C.A. adcn edlvgcoitns S 14.600.) but it receivied 'Rigg said in rlosing. ing. Karen Lec: ist CasHn hvthcorg oamti cause Ontario would Il i~o er had bad mare time. We could A. B. Morteith, B. Cl. C.A. brings a whalc array off social - benefits much mare if exterid- have faced Ibis miriarity G. W. Riebl, C.A., R.I.A. prableis. Activities. wbicb ed to other Canadians in other 2moup wîth the fart ours was (Licensed Trustee) inrhil fri imes were fastered provinces. My iriterest Ile an open membersbîp anid if G. E. Trethewey, C.A. in the home andihalkyrl not stem from a feel that they dIl rit choose ta accept IR. F. Lightfoat, C.A. have mive out irito the com- the world owe me a living girls wlio came tai us tbey ___B. R. Waters, -C.A._____ munity. Ibis change bias pro- anid I neyer lift my motlvraulci witbdraw. Oh. thon'- WILSON & BUÉROWS duced a need for suitable anidU cheque withoiit a sulent were lots off tbings wp couhd Chree Acunat adequate rerreationai facili-, "thank you" tai thoso who bave dari< but.,ridn't. The 114 Kinîg St. East, Oshawa, Ont. lies ini the cammunity. have conriruuted toward it l goosi thing that came ouit Partners:' "The part municipal gov-ý Th oIly regret ils that the o~Il war th<' bitter esson Ronald F. 1) Wilson, C.A. erirets pav i municipali rrretiaofriadere onsI-_ lib early enougb for mie ta, have to understand veoiple. Phone 728-7554 monts are questions Ibat- cari cantributed Ioward if myseif, 1 was reading the other daylIly be ariswered tbraugh tion will fooT more independ- îng tIlcadeoff the wor d in Ch ropr a c t c cnîeair f the neepls off'prtclr o ent. Affrica. Wauîdn' the joke be G.- WN MN, .. (onopeofairtclrl No, my înterest stems from an us if this was proved, Jesus C.ED I t MNNIDC~~ rnîle~ppî comparirig my lot te oayt a .ewish boy andi Adi an office' everywhcre, however. The tbose oly a few short years African. We Gentile whites 15 Elgin St., cor. off Harsey St. primary aim off any recreatiori aowbo worked bard ahi their wouldr't have mayrey legs Phone 623-5509 committee is tai assure ade- RRS EYE FROZEN FOODS Reg. 43cve ETBY SAEI lives ta raise a family and ta stand on. Religious groups OfficeHur:BApon et quate oppartunities for thevau build Up welI equipped farms off the East are fighting avec -,wmn n cide n BRS Y 0n.pg onyta lie on lieds off sickness a hair and 1 bave seen Wes- e. the community ta enjoy the PEAS in Butter Sauce 39c H eimnz F& o s JNO built up dwindie ta natbing splît hairs. satisfation of consructiv but Iels I alsoamar remem- How about cuttirig out this DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. recreational activities appro- COR in i' Butterg BSTRU' ASauce- nmtao3V9cb beiga l onydoctor 75 King St. E. Bawmanville priate ta their ages and per - CRNi BttrSace3c r bein a ad outy ~ 1l dsc~iintinfor the office Hours: sonial Interests. BIRDS EYE 9-oz. ~ U M ~ ai aur village, the laIe Dr. Certennial? Il would be a 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mr. Rigg gave a brief oulRE EN nBte ac 9c BS U!Sv 5!De rwe McKenzie. He bad îat hard worthwhilo praject. Closed Saturday and Sunday line off the bistory off rerrea- G ENBA Si utrSue 3C BS U !Sv 5 and busy practice nigbt and Vours truly. Office Phone - 623-5790 tional activities ini Bowman- - Ilda with horse and buggy or cutter but there were limes Rural Grandmother. House Phono - Newcastle 3551 ville. He said that the first L BY F I kow o wrrid aec isAgnes Burley. D.E .SSO recreation by-law xvas passed __drug bill. What a boon Medi- L.D.S., D.D.S. ini December 1946, and the SAVE lic ON ALLEN'S 48-oz. tins BEST BUY! SAVE 31e Ilr would have been to him. Office in his home first recreatian director was m - O0, Primel Minister bas told OBITUARY 100 Liberty St. N., BowmanvSfe hired in 1947. FRrUITRI KS 3 for $ l e e us that it la but a noisy min- Phone 623-5604 "Five recreation directors D I K 1 K e n x li s e i~ia l 'rit whch oui upet ar MS. HARES . BRNSOffice Hours: have been emplayed by Bow- SAVE 6c ON SUNSPUN 24-oz. JarsTBY!S E17!-vaotd G i ncountry as well as the world 9 a.m. tai,6 .m. daily SAL AD RnESSING 2 and he lu counting on the mod- The death oi Beatrice Marg- Closed Wednes iay - Suniday Memorial Hospital ' fJl'4~ê ~or$' Ca mno erates coming forward and aret King occurred aI Meil DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.ropta SAVE 48e ON SUPREME 4-oz. cans a f a lef M I 'belp keep Canada on an everi anal Hospital, Bowmanvil, Office ETBY SAE2 R a e Ikeel. Ho bas also asked the an Wednesday. January 22, 75 Km îSt. E. Bowmanville \Veekly Report 1 L C E P R4fr$ ETBY AE2e i os ae ýCanadian people ta cul aut ail 1964, after an illness off Ihree Office ours- L C E P R4fr$ liciiaihon and igtr. wek. hewasin lier :7th 9 a.m. ti 6 p.m.day Fr e Jn. 20-26 incusive SVE1cON RED & WHITE 1 o 1 P ILLSB U R 3 D a r ;in Clarke Township doing Dagte eepoe Office 623-5459 Bîrtbs-6mae3 ml 9 JE L POD R 10 o $ BEST BUY! SAVE 9c!W OEKRE. but wo are sure off n ai and Emma King, the deceased DR. R. A. HES-§TON-COOK Dihaes.......6 PHON 6235444 Mr. Dent off Orono. I read was barn aI Woolwicb, KeriB..t LDS Major aperatians - 101iN BE S CR PH O R62-4b is letter off apology ta the England. As a young girl she Office: Orono Medicai Centre Minr aeraion -. 23 FRguests who had suffeced at the came ta Canada with bier par- Telephone 189 Emecgoncy troalments . 24 ________________ HOMErE. VR hands off the few in Clarke. lents, and attended sehool inlatnz hus ..FIDM,Àr FRESH BAKEDI OLE -policv for home- ides (l) fise in- \our borne and )pmt\, (2) personal rance (3) tbeft pro- oîrne or away... orc! Yîou gel sav- - ost off individuàl \idîng zthe "aine alus for details. B. JAMES REAL ESTATE Bowmanville Residence 623-5493 IR CHIOICE! O0for$'i I -Z.tins B fori 20-oz. tins* 5 for $1 kgs. of 200's pkgs $1 Tait Tins yf or $1 Style pkgs$ 14-oz. tins 'r 53c, 0.Maple Grove aOrono, 0 .Newtonville :WITII (AGED rECTION OHIIS 11glat