SThe Canadian Statesinan, Bowmanxile, Jan. 29, 1964 SPORTopic sý By Frank Mohun 623-7234Ï -iEASTERN OBA. MEETING The second meeting was held at Cîtizens' Centre, Cobourg, Ontario, Januany 20, 1964 for the purpose of forming a n'ew Basebail Association. The above nientioned associastion ,vxas named, "Eastern flatarlo Baseball Association." The officers were elected as, follows: President: Jack Carson, Belleville, Ontario. lst Vice President: Arnold Wade, Newtonville, Ontario. 2nd Vice President: Bill Rawlinson. Peterborough, Ontario. 3rd Vice President: Jim Gilmen, Port Hope, Ontario, Secretary-Treasurer: Spero An- nis, Peterborough, Ontario. tExecutive memben'. (nom the vaiaus sections of the As- sociation will be elc'cti2d et a later date. rThe newly elected officers svtll cail a meeting %vithln the next month ta make furthen plans for the Association. MIDGET PLAYOFFS START SATURDAY Bowmanville's fine mtdiget hockey team will embark en the playoff trait this Satuuday night In the first game of a best of three senies i.sith Ajax. Game time is 7:30. We have been advised that booster tickets, sold earlier ln the, season witl be honorer] for the gamne and future home play- i off tilts. Regular admission is hlai a buck for adults and a' quarter for' stude'nts rnrl rFMt!ren. Ajax, playing their home gaines in Bowmanville, vili host the second ptayciff rîctian th'e fulowtng Saturday, andý If a third is needed, it goes a wook laten, Feb. l5th, which of particular interest ta you boo.ster- holders is a local home gamne. NEW LIBERTY %VINNERS Lau Himes made il two for two when she racked up an 839 total tO qualify as a finalist for the week of January l2th b I18th. The mnixr'd touurney boschI-off fan this series will be on Jotircary 2rmd ai 7:3o Othenwvinerr were: Bernice Buday - 829, Sol Himes- 904, and AI Perry - ?3 ?IAPLE LEAF INDOOR GAIMES This reporter eaw hs fist inidour track and field corn- petition Fî'ria:, nighf at Mapte Leaf Gardens and It wonyt be oui- !ast. Along with 14,1122 nther fan's 'c rheencd ioudly as a little guy frarri Austra lia ran aur as frorn .thei-est o! the field ta et a new ivnnld's record orf 14:26.3 for ¶finee miles. ft was littie Aiby "îrr' first timre at an indoor track, too, and he steal'- the srJ W)v-iis, about that! Later on lit was disvovered that Alhy tmercl i:'ted the mark, but the crowd dtdn't kruw iwhat tOce uie was to be as he roared *round thefn- th?-;,i- u. TIt didn't matter because every-, one knevw itxvas a grr-at effort. Alby collaps(i.d fuoî'.'.sbuuî oxhaustian and badiy blistered leet, but flot for long. A [c.c karîganua Oiops and a bare- foot trot arounîd tie ti'acl< b uone of the greatest ovations we've heard at the Gairietns ixound Up the splendid per- forman ce. Bruce 'Kidd %vas a disszýpointing third, but only somne thi-ce seconds off hrr Calladjarn mai-b, was better than most i Junior Town Hockey Teams Showing Loads of Action people realized. Thuinas '., aze so good he made the rest al look bad. And hovw about Braiiipton'r ancy McCredie. This dedi- cated yourig athiete heaved the shot a world record 52 fret Il and thrc-e quarter inches - a whopping three feet, , i five and three quarier !iches further than Earlene Brown ..<.. of Los Angeles, who was a distant runner-up. Nancy, a southpaw, strengthened her arm between tosses by doing push-ups. Oh yeah, she did the regular two hand Two of the top teams in the Junior Town League Bert Perfect; missing, a er om Dtwi stuff, but threw in a dozen or s.o, using on1l' one ai-m - the hce loop are shown here, They play every Sunday1 Capt. Grant Flintoff. Lower jphoushows thie Ula left, of course, hocktecp when there are Generals' home gaines, 189 sponsorcd squad, front ohbv Hellmaîî, Gene, Then there o waýýAbb)y !ofnauvho wen out and knock- innightatJonWh- ed a second off her owrx world record, running the 880 and so far this year have been producing some excit- Balson, Capt. Bila rdlv i MrhJonWa lnI ing action. Top photo shows 'the teamn sponsored by ilen, Ass.Cat fl l ipson atid rnascot, S1.even. two minutes, 11.9 seconds, And to think she wanted to be 1 *Cp.'ilvTo a okypae.O McQueen Motor Sales, f rom lef t to right, front row, 1 Parker; back row, Coach Grant Ma1ilte-, Pete l3oth-, Oàeho e lr. t4aîgfas ashtcfixen Ted Brown, AI Cole, Bob Nemis, Larry Nemis, Paul well, Tom Wilson, Asst. Capt. Jim Coyle, Steve Bar- OeaofCth hiprnotsatn theid stee a cigirt brng Mutton, Larry Perris and Bill Crossey; back row, day, Jon HIancock, Bruce O0-dinarnd Manager James yearold l Ctl he l)id tenag gil t brtigStan Cobbledick, Nelson Yeo, Ron Baker, John Con- olSr Canada a world record. Cathby sut a new mark of 6:7 seconds nos, Bob McManus, Terry Baker, Larry Samis, Coach C~I r in the 50 yard hurdlos, nosing out defcnding champion Tam -____ rny Grimes at the %;ire, %Mis- Grimies was also clocked at 6:7 Barry Jerome making his fi-st start since a serlous InjuryLcl19H ce A IS A O ân the 1962 Oly mpjic.ý put hirm our. of action was fourth in the mens' 5o ydard finaîl. If received a tremendous cheer for his comoebacl If lie had won, the roof probably would r l T have been blotvyi off the GarIII . Hr e s Do h r lT ýfuji , !c iadlc ' Hayes Jones didn't disappoixît the lanis either. Ife lU U M e U 13 k . i,.-d Pr:tfîo]d2-1 50 yard hurdies. But bie Jid it in thec fastest time yet- 5.9,1' ,\laîurRo ll"d as Lylei to eclipse the fornr wûrîd nmark ot six seconds even, heldid1 Biceei2-1, by Hayes Jones, o Oufcukiru*.lfr. s%<jve iner.,1 Then we aw JohnThorrir hialî lmp six eet, 10The officiai score -keeper, jing down the Bruin 38-3, arnd tait,-spibî. Io'd Lu",e';î. îbrstîc trih offciaIyandthn cearth seenfoo bane aiernchslexhausted from his fire-filght-Ileague-leadling Hornets drop-i margin, %wh'l,.Raid'2rî 'î e dn E Etcher -1,ý oficalyan he tesee) oû arie ftrcon- ing duties, wvas uniable to belped their third straiglht. AI onl.v two rout if sdrc :0r u onded lkr,ý petition had erîded. Fb':î.': or'îe cani aump that high seemns at Sundiiy rorning's double-1 5-4 win in the second garre T<-an -'4ta<iding% ..T xon ox,.r Dutn almost imposible Io l header, so no statistics wprel enabled the Cornets il reg1ain ý n Et' ichr Fber'ed E, Ten-; Some of the' worId'zý b1-'oi eî entered in the 1000 yard kpscodao.flori,t..... ...........71 --- ------ru' gallop and once avaîn the curîwd .i;ave Bill Crothers a stand- But the scores counted, as; With only *wc' ci es ru- Coru ýts ...... ifu nrf n a Ing ov ation a-, ho led ail the i a:,, but had ta break his'the celiar-dwefllrig Raiders rnaIni in the regular sch - rîr..............i ' 7 Ll i"idup mox-ed dloser to third mwdu, Hornets, despite thoir Raiders ...b 17, fi pie d!) to rneet recoird xs iIh 2f13toi beat inLiIigle of Missouri, r-ur. iit dîvi,iolîs. Who ended in 9:08.7 ___ aoAt ' Ji .<m!u1> vitli 734, TVhis ot- o eli îju'ý cd the polo uatilt though. We' 7 IL lt'and.110 were sure that n-oduly voas .oîgto nmake any of the Iofty G en rIts T o p e te s O fri 8 -4ituutda 9 leaps. The vauitrers sec-eti- u Ibu four or five feet below the ,,ne u uýrd O, y 0ce cross-bar, but the aici fJýir l:plebnsOhy ws rshawa Generals turned It First Period gaIn:e Lit ~Miouri20rnDtBok, cund and ho!'. nuekkerel, lOcuev r,,ver. 01. in the third period. firing Oshawa Genierals wtenti ri H I hiFticlire' îF* ~ Iê,I Sa1hl (an d î r iî it I 1 1 . i t i u r c f eg to u r stra ig h t g oals, to d efeat if r-o n t early >o5 M ike D u b ea u t a u;pi r i', b l 2reî , i ii'..* . <ad ii n '.îie ;. < ~ -- l 1",.the ilt:imway on a baclIk 1beat goal-k i pIi"huc " eI... -_u -- - -----iC. 6( brusedhel t, e(r iI xluÀ<l 1 's tr~crod' heoI Peterborough Pûtes i;-4 in a <-tat 2:08. aftiur l)annv ison' irove ird ,r <ti.-I lc' . . but Jeif Ch<î'.e ' un i 'h .. ('i r'.'..Jr. "A" contest, ilglit Sî fcfceof1rgai"Lon i r,'5 at Bowmaiivillc Menorial Peterorîrugh territory.' i-n ri 1iecirefe, ojîlu 1 u i5 We tua1i or ' t tvo tNlemi,11 'ijunr trip to lte big citY - iArena. The Potes camne b;tuk at JIiml ondS Ier. Ilt ' the h;,t- ---e--- trark ýnd f' lLfir a r )e. citat)ru sport and Toronto's ' After pi:king up only one rPatteis0o1i cu:rd au, a )j,.,y trick forP.t rr.1' subw:, i n> rj.t r, "' -.VMpoint in five prev ious rmoot- wit ii Bon Nt>ud uîîd Duio GV :s . t f.[....I . .î ings betwcecn the twa dtl(S,!J o)lpneai fu the i ark. Pat ' 1i(g' 2-I 't 0ir> . I iOshawa finally earned thieir terso-n tit zagain littIr oe irerm rm p -v-r---î------- --------- 3 lirsr. win over the Petes, by thi ' 1'ee rnîinuteý lta(rer iai great . tops, ----k----------3 I ' nt t<rkiion.' whether ncearîy as rn.y goals as lteiNaud again assi.:tîn9. Third I'eriodf10 - --- 3 - , n~ilfe insurance program is total diffei'ence in earieci Oshj\va carne ta ie, Pbrbr'gî eoorr,'in rîeý - ot B îroks i cl~iat orth jbitmut o games. strangely, erirrgh scnring %when aaii bF ".~odt (l~r; , 0 ria FEt- A huge standing rouin only Bill Little wiiS the realutosiait uf the perirîti n 'r.$4. )' i, Pî:rî0 for you -...- siask'. codsaw hnig end tolrbox for boardiing. O'Shiea"S J ei'ii iillyiu .Prc nIt(,'nli, r f3Lrienc Bur-i j.end tilt with Genenals carry- i fore-checking resulted in Du- the equa1îera> .32?8, u îtb 1)Ri t . 0 LucýWrîgiit 612,1 There's no charge or obligotion. îng most of the play, par-I1 beau's second goal as Mike terson deflecting Joplîngl' s pab'. '! iLý ticularly fnom the mid-way nmade ri-o mistake on a close in into the cage. -210 a Ad rvel Gantes - Doris, 4 ~ M .35 mark til the end. 'shot. Time was 17:4 1.o' ia'Iîu it.mb t27p 1-2, o',(3 roks P264, BANNER 1PISSANT Bath goal-keepers m a de' Bis' Little. reali ngo! Osava uno L~~ o'! 72.W, i ot-Broks 6, several greatstops, but God- late. sent the Generals on top lquicklywe i ',r td p ola '132Ka2Bau Il RehderAve., Bowîandardehad a inuch busier tirnje. Ogain a minute and 18 seconds fr2onrt1 Rî,trî ~ltî , '~2 -> ,I)oirîi iPrertýon 246, 1. eie v. Bwinil l Dubeau, %with only prev- j laten. with Bobby Orr and Ron fDr îcarnr's _1d- le ti . . t 43 ( u,246, $NLIFIE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA season, was a top performner, back and forth befone setting Oshawa %veut tri fiont t04 42012. O,' tcher _'41, Ollie ___________ windng u wih tw tailesLittle up at the goal-mouth. at 12:31, uith WiIne CihnnrP'i 123\biLws29 -- ' ~~and a pair of assists. Billy i Oshawa held a 16-9 margin htighm ueusr-'RAth W '"2.14, HeP-ne Bur-' r Little again was really flying in 5hots on goal. bound. Or înteî'ci ted a '1 f1S "Bick l 230, and clicked for a hat-trick. I Second Perlod terboarouhplar g ttr.'n pt ' B,k'r ,- NM'mulviWig- Ron Buchanan continued his' \ih de fen c e man Bob' r:ntte îay n- 213. '-shýe&nan 220. FOUR SEASONS TRA VEL great play but Goddard stopp- Jamiesoni draped aIl over hlm Sed i x',' Dot Brooks 233.ý odhi n three or four Bihl Smith fired a high drive 'puck right irn front o! the Juneîýi-'.e Fr"2,Kav Beau-ý (OSHAWA)TA) excellent chances. Captain ta 'the top corner at 10:33 ta visitons' net ti net the insur- pu',c,27, Dur Il 224'S, n DnyO'Shea, fully recoveredI make il 4-2, It was a case of nc tait, with four mîutceI Br 22. n .1tce frn his bout with the flu wastremendous drive and deterni- renaîining. Lîttie cliucedfîrn :2 xiW:tt 216, Maltrg Y u ul eo nzdback in forral and the wioleýination payIng off, a ga.Ji-t-otuth siîrn,Iî ti*e Pr:t-23.B'r' Ld 212, Prfsso alTavlCosltns team was in step. Petes' Captain, Jamieoan ý third of ilie oubli at 19:25, Bu-1'F Dur',) 2Q7, 0Ol.lie Pat- AGENTS for ail Airlines, Steaniship Unes, itans' big gun, scoring ahl four dnawing a miscoduct from eeaseno:nn'1x d ic; P '200>, Mrln Hoes ors a etas t.golwieGeorge Godson,i refence Nadoni, afitern getting 1mri nt )a, fe h Hotels Tours Car entals Etc.Jotin Vandenburg and Ron a tripping mi1nou. After think- ,opening minutes. otit-sthrrt Pr't-F n:d T(-rn -a :97, Bernice Fre nfrmtin ndSevie!>iNau d niaved well. Captainling it aven nuuged Robert (Oc ei'hoogh 17-oý. Fa,! tot a1 T'-r"- 19(;, D(r,'fl Pi-oon 195, IBob Jamieson ssas prorninent'should have gone golfinigî wus ý43-.,6. Final .rcoil el'8.4 . %,j I ' a i 193, l-tene Bur- pHONE 728-6i201 57 KING ST. F., OSHAWA until he i-an into a game mis-1 let Nadon have anothen blast Thnee star> 'ueLittiei gess 19(). Kaueri White 1900, -ff conduct in the second period, r and promptly went for the Dubeau and Pattersorn. Joyce Tt:nnanrt 190. Buy "Goodwill" Used Cars Now At January Clearance Prices! 1963 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. V-8, automatic, custon radio, white waI1 tires, wheel discs, wind- shield washers, I4ovally owned since new. ,ttr.ictivel% priced! 1962 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Beautiful Nassau Blue itli Black roof, '4327" V-8 engine tvith Hurst converted standard transmission, power hrakes and steering, custom r-adio. Exceptionally good condition. 1962 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl., automatit', ustomi radio. other extras. Local. one owner, a 1,eautifiîl green. Here is a real buy! 1961 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP Autoinatic, custom radio, white tuJ ires, weldises, . oca11y owned since new. Pî-iced righit! 1961 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN 6 cyl.. standard transmisîsionî. beautiful brown. A real buy for Jan- uiary Clearance: 1960 METEOR 4-DR. 9-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Thundet-hird V-8 engine. dutal range autonf j, power brakes and steering, custom radio. Exceptionally go<d condition. This car nust be seen to be appreciated. 1'revious t)%%,îer's naine fit request! 1960 PONTIAC LAIJRENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN 6 c3'I., autoniatie, customn radio, One »wner <car, < oet l ti i l- îîîside and out! 1959 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. STATION WAGON (.ustoin radio, white w~a1 I tires. Iinishced in Azure A qua mi m m i'mîîî White.,Rl) sharp. tioeally owned since new! --J Excellent ('hoice of Colistr andTin in 1964 VAUXHALLS This is the first time we have beeîi able to effer you a choire of threc now in stock! Contact one of our sales staff and test drive one of these "Goodwill" Used Cars: "Ulap" Philp 166 KING ST. E. Don Arilnstrong. Sales Manager ";tew IPreston I .aB VW-MANIIM .Ray l'athigue PHONE 623-3396 VI GOODYEAR BOWLING - Look ouît! Here cornes the!r iolawed by Don Bagnell 755, Office. The first divisio0n 1i l Causai', 73"9, Fred Sinith chialiprz camle up wîth their 693. Jack Dunn 6ô9. Bill Joli first ,vinofuthte ycar Thunsdax' -(661 uind M,\ilke Murphy 652. night, \xallopîigFan Be! -ts 7-l> Oîbeî-top singles wenc reg- But erctedn Leaid Prcss irsterci '.' Carson ê03, John i rounced Labonar.ory Î-0, and Stainoeil286, Sinith 278, Bag- Conmbines also guti.lTto lifie nui1-274. l-ienniiîg 272, 250,, Ahute 3 ut. tuI pi up Coml- ili'. W".ile 271, Don Oke 270. es 7-0Lu ostl xxithin a pîoint J ri, \lîirpi' 268, Joe Piper oftOe lecd 263. *'.1like" Brown 263, Ross Braid'.n uço-et MN a c il iil t,,Nesbrtz 251 and Murphy 250. Shop 5-2, vhite Tigers Oan'ded iLead Pîess . . ..22 lo ose a 5-2 setback an'd Ban- 1 i'.b i ~- 21 J urs' udged BvIts 4-3. îBanbir. . 1 Mýurr:i yGran't w-as liot - M;ua'1i.icSl'op - -'____________...~putting tagr'ther a big 354 Dcli.------- gaîe'c lonL w rth 2-1 andr'-211 iBraFlcrs ---1 farts foi- a trernendous Office o 12 M ixed League 1triplc. John Carter gave l'irn Laboratorv . .. 11 I na batte, though o. i-ohm 341 Tij' us 10 No shut-outs %ventno t lic non i21;t ta wýir'd 1uP a" fo3l. i0i H-e ----- 9 record books Friday righlt as tOe niMht, Fpn r olis ------- . 9 2-1 scoi-es vei'e populan in "131d" Henoir< bowed 76. Cen'ets 9 Mixed Bowlin'g ILcague action.' Bennett nd I>ahi'.i- stayedr dcadlocked for the league. MR A lead by defeating Grant and M MR A Perfect respective, %. E. Bnock won ovor Brornelt. but H. Brock baw)ý%ed tb Har-: rison, while Lobb downedý Prout and Etcher bested ARENA "Hap" Palmer was pretty ~BWINILI happy with his pace-setting 855 triple and 3.16 single -- a Tlpoe6352 i-cal top effort! Norma Hoop- Tlpoe6352 er lied the ladies' single dt- vision with 316. ana Onie Etcher trrtmithi'i689. Harrisk on-8Nop rma oop FRDiY AN. ls Fr.n ote i e!or PUBLIC SKATING folwdb, aodIontbig "é77 (Sunsel, Strip'.>trtîplc. ýJ ~ 7 4 1 , L e w W " tsli - (- 8,1 1a1t1 . er - 672, Murray Gr'ant - 6364, ADMISSION Morley Etcher - 657. Frank, Adîits 5 0c Children - 35e Wright - 657. Dick Perfect _____________________________ 656, Bob Loamian - 651 and A; Lobb - 628. Other high singles wcîît ta' S t r a , F b s Morley Etcher - 290, Frank Wright - 277, Frank Houpe-r - 276, 272: Harold Bennett - 2 ô1.' H O C K EY 257; Grace Wright - 264, Du- aine Palmer - 261, Ken Nich-' O.M.H.A. MIDGET PLAYOFFS ols - 259, Cc /1utton - 258, 73 .i Lew Welsh - 255, 250: Dick 70pî Perfect - 254, Malt Harrison - a s 253 and Bob Leaman - 25L1jx v.,o m n il Team Standings ' ADMISSION Bennett---- ------2--- r -Aditits 50e -Children 25c Palmern------ ---------------- _ 21' E. Bnock...,7 L ohb -- -- _ 16 I Y Grnt----- ------ -------KITCHENER RANGERS Etcher -------12 v Broutn1li OSHAWA GENERALS Wrgto---A--e-age----- Tuesdczy, Fr b 4t Vinre Prout .- -. 23 5 Onie Etcher -«-229 8.00P.111 Hap Palmier __- -------- 22 7 Frank Wrielit . - . 222' ADMISSION Dick Pert-L . 21) :q.sS[511 Ends $1.25 Mar.t Harr-ison .- 2 2011Standing -$~1.25 Lew.. :'iI Students and Children, seats or standing 75e Harol Beinett215 EltonldBî.ck ----- -- 2l08