S igns Ice Foulies Contract VOLUME __-m a BR Durham Cotînty's Great Family Journal VOUE110 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5th, 1964 10e Per Copy NME Approve School1 Addition DefeatedConcilCnddt Asks for Add'iiol Protection Yvonne Anonichuk', talented skating daughter of Tvr. and Mrs. Alex Anoni- chuk of 16 Horsey St., Bowmanville, looks happy as Ice Follies company man- ager, Ray Hleim, signs the contraet that makes her an Ice Folliette. Yvonne au- ditioned at Maple Leaf Gardens and will join the show shortly. She has been a member of Bowmanville Figure Skating Club for several years. Ice Follies of 1964 will plax' in Montreai through February Ilth. Lack of Good Leadership Scoutîng's Big Problem Speaker Te lls Kiwanians Aga.nst Ou' Three Byý,-Laws were passed residents of the area for a at the meeting of Bowman-J sanitarv sewer on Meadow- ville Town Council held *nI view Boulevard from Libertyý the Council Chamber on Mon-1 Street to the end of Meadow-i day evening. Ail members cf view was presented to coun-, the council were present. cil. Down Cornes Dance Hall On a motion by Deputy Third reading was given to Reeve Ross Stevens, seconded, the By-Law for authorizingý by Councillor G 1 e n h o 1 m e' the pulling down of the East Hughes, it was decided to Beach Dance Hall, and it was ave W. T. Dempsey make an passed and numbered 1883.,Iengineer's survey regarding First and second readings ,of the proposed Meadowview this By-Law were given at aý sanitary sewer, and report to, previous meeting of council. i council. Sewer to General Rate HeIp For Local Business A By-Law te ameod Bv-Lawv Murray McKni.eht, a de- 1766 to provide for pavment feated council candidate in of total unpaid debentures ouît the December election, ap- of the general rate was give'peared before council on be- tbree redns pscalld half of Robert Eastwood, pro-ý numbercd 1899. By-Law No. prietor of a fish and chip shopi 1891.,given tbree reading S anc on Division Street. H1e said' passed, authorizes that the that Mr. Eastwood came hcre' Liberîx Street stocm sewer from Hamilton and bought. be moved from local inp-ove-- thi.s store a short time ago.1 ment 10 the gencral rate, He further pointed out thatý A local improvemient petu- M r. Eastwood pays a $50 busi-1 ion for a sanitarv sewer from TRN To PAGE WO> Police Chief Praises Citizens for Support tsisde -Competition Bowlers Back in Style for Walton Retiremeni T1he importance of enthusi- becît Superintendent of the The following annual police should be arrested. This is asti( and qualified leadership Training Sebool licrle sinice thal report was submîtted 10 the everyone's business. These in- n Scouting wals emphasizcd lime, meeting of Bowmanville Town juries also accourit for the bv John Bain in hi-, address The programni o Scouting Counecil on Mondav evening l1arge increase in cosi of auto- on Mondas' evening at thcexvas discussed b *v Mr. Bain, and by Police Ch ici Bernarcd R..l mobile insurance. Please Drive dinner meeting of the Bow- he remarked on its benefits Kitnev. Carefully. manville Kiwanis Club, held in character developirîg. Scouts: Statilal Report "A girl was reported miss-i in the Flying Dutcbman Mo- become responsible. reliable. "'We completed 1963 withont irîg on the 151h day of Sep-1 (or Hotel. co-operative, aond courteous, a fatality on our strects. We tember. To date she has flotý TI, guslspeke wa in h pontd oI.investigatcd 46 fcwe,(r motorl been located. For the past troduee.d by Past President The greatest prnbleni n vehicle accidents. These 46 four months, this bas strained Ron Brooks, xvbo was a mem- Scouting is the lack nf gond fewer accidents i'esultcd in: the resources of the Depart- ber .of Bowmanville and Dis- leaders the speaker said. He! nine persons more bei ng injur-, men_ The O.P.P.. the writer ltricrCouncil of the Canadian!explained thal il is difiicultt-d ti motur' velîjele accidents'aoc! the Crown Attorney hcld Boy Scouts Association wheni10 find men who are capable ini 1963. Soi-e seriously. Twicea meeting in the Crown At- ýMr. Bain was the presiîlent. ýof seeing the worlcl through as manY people were injurcd torncy's Office in Cobourg on John Bain served in the the boys' eves, and able 10 on1our' streets in 1963 as in January 22nd. He will decide RCAF during World War II plan a program based on their 1961. Nearlv 2 l imes as now whether to caîl in thb" Abe Mr. Brook said. He told the interesis, wbicbi will awaken mnanY as in 19601. This trpnd assistance nf the C.I.B. nf the o & Ki%,wanians that Mr. Bain join- dormant abilities and a desire O.P.P. of A&Pi ed the Ontario Department or for further kno'vledge. 'I would like 10 take this t ;n Reform Institutions afler the The results nf exceptiionallv tou r Ca rs opportunity to thank the :on Satu war. and scerved in Gaît aoc! gond leadership was demion-' Memrbers of thue O.P.P. detach- ýRobert Cobourg before being appoint-, strated io the rnarked success men eefrterhl n ced Superintendent of the On-iBob Davies had with his lst D-.. en eefrthi nýcompan:tainTaiig eoo CorBys Bowmnanville Scout Troop, Mr. Ransacked assistance. They supplied 14, ma ge in inn Gue .o B I ai ee mien for our suecesful Santa jinabee iGulph. Mr. Bain came 10Bi stated. This kee group tu L Claus Parade.onbh *Bowmanville in 1961) and bas TURN TO PAGE TWO liinfC N 0fi.T IMTlPC ')~halc out 60 storeaagr and department heads store us hr'Ougb'out a lar'ge district from Orillia moque met for- dinner at The Flying Dutchman urday to honor a bighlv esteemcd colleague, Walton of Newcastle. Ife retired from. the vFebruarv Isi, after :34 ),ears' service. Store ,r Len Ilufimani of Orillia made a presentation Ilffnitlîe group. nf' a rmatched golf club ;oet, vers, and a supply of golf bal]s with a different store manager' s name on each bail. As a special trib- ute to the honored guest who has a passion for derby bats, those present showed up in paper bowlcrs and wore them throughout the cvening. Photo shows offi.. ciais of the Bowmanville store, including, from leit to right, Gerald Merkley, head of the Meat Dept., Manager Arthur Asher, Mr. Walton and Bill Cornish, Meat Cutter. Sgt. Gordon M. Keast higbhlv reg"ardcd heac! cf the Bowmanville Detacliment nf the Ontarlo Provincial Polies. has been prnmolcd tb Staff Sergeant. il .vas announced recel tl.c- SergoantKas jiedt' OPP Ili 1944 anid was promût- ed 10 the rank ni corporal i0 December no' 19.53, aoc! t serg-ean t in1960. lie bas spt"11t tue ii (if'- taclimeiiiial iiitbs .Osbacu a. Ajax aoc! Toronto. Witli bis promot ion, Si - geant Keast ill it 'invinq to the OPP detlachinent ini Barrie. wlîei eleoî:n ' came frcm over :;0 "cars ago9. Sergeant Neasi k nîarri-'d aoc! bas ont' ch îd. I'NQ UIN Thieves ransacked four cars in Bowmanvîlle last Thursday * night that had been left park- 6 500Cowsin Duhamcd by Iheir nwners next to their bornes in different parts Bred Artificially in 1963 Lý gJ0'~ rlf~s two pairs ni black cottonIý Selective service tu 10> dif- visor. 6,500) nf these cowslslack.s, two pairs ni beige feront breeds nf catlle, ail tele- were il) Durham Cnunîy. !slacks, one pair of gray dress phone caîls foi' service paid; Mr. C. A. Campbell, Presi-i slacks and one pair ni ar for customers. and onotinunus dent ni Eastern Breeders toc. greecn suede sbocs. 'rbcse! fservice 363 days of the ycar, is fî'om Aroprior, Ontario; Dr. .atce eevle t$4 the type nf artificial insemin- M. MeLean. General Managerý D. F. Jackman, 52 Carlisle! fation'service wantcd by farm- and Dr R. G. Smiley. Assistant Avne1a w -eImg c rs servieed bv Eastern Breed- Manager, along with Branch netic flashlighits takeon from1 crs Incnrpoi'ated. Supervisor Milford Creigbton b1is car. Art Sheeban. '28 Members ni Durham Countv addî'essed the meeting. Lanbs Lanc, also bac! one 2-: learned at thei' local meeting To continue the pî'oviîîg ofi Col lasbligi tstoln lo i in Orono on January 22 that,.bulls and tbeii' use for forth-icar. Reg. illt,6'Popc 124,279 cnws wcre bred byler improvement ofni ebers'! Strcet, sustained a loss nfi, Eastern Breeders Ine. during'herds, an increase of 75c will 'items wnrtb $37-75 Pins biS, 1963. 13.621 wei'e bred from lbe nmade inthlie ser\,ice fee, Warrant\ Book for a 1963 1w local Brancli Of fice aI effective March 1sf. Iltvas Pontiac. Stolen froîn Mr. Wil- Port Ilope whieb bias Milford poinîcci nul Ihat the 7.5c in- latt,', car was a pair oi Creighono as ilus Branch Super-' erease can be paid for oni 29 'cths a baby's cac seat, cow_; hv t1e extra milk pro- two rubber rings for- car \lr nd Mrs. A. Bovd arc! ducrd iby one daLlghlcr from spcinjgs, andi a pair ni hand- inembers ni their staff: A.ý Lass je Leadei'. one ni 10) top miac!" deerskin glnv,,s. as -0el1 TaYlor. M. Porter andi G. Boyd proven Holstein sires present-, as the car's warrant ' book. attended the animal conven- !Yin iiserv'ice.Cotae Don Anclerson of uint ni W'estern l'irce Associate In the election 01ni offî(Cers the Bov:manvîlle Police De,- 1dealùers hieid a, London, On- foi' 1964. Russell Osborne ni, partnmert is nveslîgating thc Sa rîrt, ast ekn.ciLJRN TO PAG E IWO ) 1tlhe fus These thvec Bownianviile area contractors and technicians receîved the Electric Heating Association's certificate for successfiillx' comrpleting the complîcat- ed, tcchnical electrie beatingf course. The certificate w~as prescnted by Roy F. Snmith (second lef t) of On- tarie Hydro*s Central Region staff, the chief instruc- ter for the course. The certificates indîcate that the recipients are now fully qualified electric beating con- sultants. In the picture are W. B. Syer, righî. F. Mer- rison, leit, and James Cclliss. (Ontario Hydro Photo), ýM*tsand GRASS FIRE -- Althougb it is sui quite carlYin f the season, firemen were calied to a Igrass l'ire at the Township Line between Osawa anci Darling- ton, Wednesday morning. No etniedaima,,e \vas reported. OPEN HOUSE -T.Vvesley Cwkr' nd pasilnie. Liberty St. North, is gradually taking on a nicw~ appearance as Loupan Developments progiress with the new Sunset Terrace Suh-Divisionbouis- es. Walter Frank's Real Estate firm liandlîng he sales of these homes bas alreadY' sold 10 bouses and lias prospects for quite a few more. To slbo%citizens the interiors, Mr. Frank is holdingf an Open House there from 2 to 5 p.mn. on Saturda. Cowan Equipment and Kramp's Ftur'iituîe aie cii- cperating with the furnishings. MORE FLOUR Vanstone's l (nii pie d their second carload cf flour reeentl v Io bu :.ip- pcd to the Soviet Union under thle l wie cbat contract. We also learn that due t0 a shoriage 'd' suitable engines, the railways aie using diesel locomotives on boan from Union Paeific and nîhers to take the long trains from lte lakeliead to MoitI- real. This wbeat contract bas been a ruaýI1boon to many Canadians. AiLI, (.LEfAR -O'uri-pîcclictionosiii .an î',itoî'ial wi',itten Monday and appearing in tbis papur wue nol toc far wrong. Yesterda 'v ai ternoon. Pingres- sive - Conservative leader Rt. Ilon. John G. Dicl'- enbaker was given a rousing ovation andi a v'ote cf confidence after be had made one of the strong- est fighting speeches cf bis career at the PC con- vention in Ottawa. By Thursda', lte several wlio attended from this area should bebc i n lown wben we shall learn more cf the excitimng details. t-~ t ISOLATED -- This weel<. Ilirec families witliin Bowmanville were virtuallv cul, of f f rom casy' ac- cess to the rest cf the town. This seems bard In believe but il is truc and there is n simple s<).. lution to their long-standing problem. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess, their son, bis wife and fam- ily and the Jack Leddys, on Chapel Street, bave no way cf getting into town without. climbing fences and trespassing on someone else's property. The CPR erected fences to block the crossing. Town Council, lawyers and the C.P.R. have been working to find a solution fou' years, but appear ne dloser bo one new than they bave been. Won- der what would happen if one of the bouses caught fire. t' IN HOSPITAL - Dog Controiller Arcliue lloskin was taken te hospital yesterday witb a severe heart attack. Apparently, he foît it ccming on while on bis rounds in the country and managed bo driv'e te town te the doctor's office. On Wecl- nesday, the pain had subsided somewlîat, but ho was still in serieus condition. His many friends will wish hirn a speedy recovery and an ear]y re- turn to his thankless job. He is a World War Il veteran, having fought in the African. Sicilian and ltalian campaigns. Generais Rally in Thîrd To Edge Kitchener 7 to 6 Oswa Getîcrals rappcd in cf tbe nigbt at 1.36 ni the fi- relurned fcomi being stitched tbcrec goals in a minute and!rnal period to make it 5-4. up at Bowmanville Memerial 'I1 seconds ni the third periodý Brennan sent the visitorsý Hospital, Bobby Orr bagged to pull off a 7-6 win over Kit-: îwo up. but Bill LitIle nar- bis 241h cf the season at 10:42 cbener Rangers at the Mem-' rowcd the margin again at 10 ticilb up. Sixteen seconds nrial Arena hece last night. [tbc 9:37 mark. The gamne was haler. Little fircd bbc winner, Kitchener led 4-1 at the end held up for ocarly balf anlgiving hlm two goals and two ni fllic fîrsi and addcd anoîherihour when goal - keeper Den- assîsts for flhc game's first eai'lv inithe second 10 assume!0is Gibson's car was eut. ap- star. a coniandîng lead. Tbe Gen-1parently by Danny'vOShea's Bill Smith aoc! O'Shca ac- ci-als got txvo back and Roniskate in a pile up ai 11w net. counted for tbc Generals' oth- [BIclianan (otinted bis secondl Almost as soon as Gibson TIJRN TO PAGE TWO) Maie Mothers HeIp With Canvass '/ I Gord Wilcox, lef t, and Osborne Williams took quite a bit cf good-natured kidding Monday night when they appeared as Marching Mothers in the Church Street area, part cf the Kinette-sponsored campaign for the March cf Dirnes. However, they refused te be discouraged and collected quite a large amount in donations. Total returns for the night, according to Campaign Chairman, Mrs. Osborne Williams, were close te $1,500 with more to corne. Incidentally, those who were not contactcd or did net contribute for any reason, may leave donations at Hooper's Jewellery & Gift Shop. Bob Fairey was anether £LMother" fer the evcning, helping eut the girls who found them selves short cf the 160 female imother canvassers required to cover the community. Opep. Off icer Promoted to Staff Sergeant Recelve Electric Hleating Certificate i - 4 UKN (A-, eces !Mn R1,11 i