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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Feb 1964, p. 3

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47 King St. E. entering the field on the! grouind floor.1 C. E. Crease, Ontario Hy- dro's Central Region Consum-' er Service and Sales Engineer,1 told the graduates that it is fortunate to have so many in- terested and technically trained beating consultants. He stress-' cd the importance of keeping, the public informed, also giv- ing the best possible service an - eAes vaue 1%/r 1,650 qualified electric heat- ing consultants. The ranks were expanded to that number when 94 electrical contractors, utility and industrial electrical tEých- nicians completcd the comp- cated Electnie Heating Asoi- tion course presented by On-: Adam S. Smith, Hydno"S Central Region Manager, con- gnatulatod the students on completingr the course and on equipping tiienselves to be of service to tiîeir customens and the people of the province. Mn. Smith suggested that they wene taking advantage of one of the most cxciting and revo- lutionany improvemonts in comfont living which bas oc- curned in the history of oun civilization. He pointed out that wbile the pioneering days of this new ena of all electnic living are now nearly over, the graduates of this Electnie Heating Association course siîould be congcatulated for ,(ry Cleaners CAucdle A doctor asked a woman patient lier age. 111 neyer tell anyone My age," she answered coyiy, "but, as a matter of fact, I've Just reached twenty-one." «'lndeed," said the doctor, uwhat detained you?" CLOTHES CARE HINT: Remember . . . ciothing iast longer regularly. Ed Leslie if they are cieaned his mother in Toronto. While in Toronto recently this witec was able 10 pay a visit to Mn. Robent Halboran who is spending the winten months with bis nephew, Mn. Clifford Olver. Mn. and Mrs. Olver anrangcd a birthday panty foc Robent who was 93 rccently. Other local people wbo celebrated binthdays re- ccntly were Messrs. Cliff Curtis, Delbert Bowins, Em- manuel Bruno and John Payne. We also enjoyed visits atI the home of Mn. Murray (Scotty) McCullough and Mn. John J. Webb. We did net get saying "hello" to Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton as we were busy taking X-rays and other tests at the Raxlan Clinie. Wc were veny glad 10 gel a favounable report. Glad to report that Mr. Joc' McCulhough is home again aften an operation in hospital. Joe is in bis 801h year and looks fine. We are sorcy to hear of the QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 FREE HOME DELIVERY This space available for FREE Coming Events for church groups or otherj organizations - Phone 623-5081 A REAL TREAT! ONLY TURKEY4 c LEGS & THIGHS ----------4 9 cl For Those Quickiy Preparcd Deilelous Meais BUR NS A Breakfast Treat! Lean, Tasty Dinty Moore Stew B17reakfst O I'1 b. tin $1 B a c o n l Reg. 59e ea. JL 10 r07C i1ac 49l Lean, Fresh only Christic's Brookside BLADE or - SHORT RIB BREADU Roasi l---49b 5 Loaves $1.00 STOCK YOUR FREEZER SPECIALS SWIFT'S TENDERED BEEF FRONTS 391b SIDES 4c 471lb HINDS S51b BWOEF CHUCKS A BEEF LOINS 65%15 lb. avg. - lb.41'c 40-50 lb. avg.- ---b.69~c BEEF HIPS PORK LOINS - 55-65 lb. avg. -- lb,.W c 121hb. avg. - Ib.5 9c SIDES 0F PORK 60 - 70 lb. average -39 clb Ail Freezer Orders Cut and Wrapped Free Budget Terms May Be Arranged With 3 to 6 Months te Pay. We Aise Specialize in CUSTOM CUTTING and WRAPPING te Suit Your Requirements Celebrate Golden Wedding I 'j, I staff and associated local utili;- Crease stated that the future: tics staff, aI Toronto. for electric heating must con-' This was the largest class of tnei eeomn n e elecnic heaing conultntsquires thorough knowledge of, elecricheaing conultntsthe subject and active promo- ever to graduate and obtain tion. certificates. The graduates Roy P. Smith, Residential were from Ajax, Bowman- Sales Supervisor of Ontario ville, Brampton, Georgetown, Hydro's Central Region staff, Keswick, King, Kleinburg, chief instructor of the course, Markham, Oak Ridges, Oak- expressed his personal con- ville, Oshawa, Pickering, PortI gratulations to the graduates Pcrcy Richmond Hill Sutton,lon their successful completion Uxbridgc, Woodbridge and of the course. other centres. __________ Among, the electcic heating course members were Graham PO T P L Parnell, Manager, Georgetown Hydro Electrio Commission; This community was sad- and E. W. "Bud" Binkley, dened to hear of the passing Chairman of Georgetown of Mr. Alfred Higgs of Osha- Hydro Electie Commission; as wva. Foir several years deceas- well as T. J. "Jini" Curtis, P. , d taught in the public sebool Eng., Manager, New Toronto in the village. He was very, Public Utilities Commission, active in cbunch and commun-! 8,000 Ail Electrie Homes ity life and was a star player R. N. Leadbcatec, Secretacy- on the local hall team and was Treasurer of the Electnic Heat- veny active in the local Bad- ing Associaiion, told the gcad- minton Club at that lime. To uates that there are now near- those who mourn we extend Iv 8,000 electricnlly heated our sympathy. homos in Ontario of which Sorry 10 learn that Mr. Sam oven 1,200 arc locatod in 'Brown has not been too wcll Central Rogion. Future growth ' of late. His many friends lorecasts, hie stated, indicate here will be hoping for a that there will be some 35,000 spcedy necovcny. eloctrically hoatod homes in Mr. and Mns. Robent Brown the province by the end Of were necent visitons with Mn. 1967, Canada's c e n t ennial and Mrs. Bihl Hackwood of year, and that 12,000 of these Oshawa. dwellings would be electnically Mn. and Mns. Alvin Olan hcated by conversion. i spent Sunday with Mr. and G. K. P. Peppon, Hydno's Mrs. Elmer Worn of Norwood. Central Region Sales Super- The progressive cuchre held intendont, congnatulated the at the public sehool xvas weli 1963-64 electnie heating course attended. First pnize \vinnens graduates and pointod out that wcrc Mns. Ray Strong and Mn. they wcre associating theni- Howard Brown. Consolation selves with a napidly growing awands went to Mns. Deibent business because electrie beat- Bowens and Mn. Percy Boggs. ing really lias *"caught on" in, Mn. and Mrs. St. Clair Dan- the province. roch xvere recent visitons with Award Certif icates to 94 More Graduates ln Electric Heating Ontnr~~i ,.,.now haq m r t ntrioHvrosn trlRes passing of iMr. vviluugtmuY i IUMUDU11 6- 1U WUqMWM Sayles, formerly of Millbrook. ,E AIgfir M ** * E ter, Mrs. MacDonald and fa- LIBERTY ST. N. - BOWMANVILLE U'U Wl I ~~~" ~~ N FliTh Hall Commitîelîeld*LI NGRO*DNNGR M S OLINA The U.CA.W.held their first1key, attendcd the presontation anothon ar party on Friday * LITCNR O * BD NROOM Mcs. Wes Yellowlees was Wcdmesday evening, in the!S. R. VanDusen, in the LogionItables in play, andl xinrmcrs* IC E*BDRO hostess for thec U.C.W. meet-1 Sunday School Hall, with 241 Hall, Cobourg, on Pniday evon- 1 vcne as foibows: Hi'gh Lady - D AE N A PT ing on Mnangt The ladies and one gentleman in'ing.Ms enBun.IihGn president, Mrs. J. Knox open-1 attcîîdancc. Pros. Mrs. Ghadys. Mr. VanDusen is retiring af-!Gîco Farrow. Lucky Dnaw- cd the meeting witb a prayer Wood opencd wxithi wonds of ter 51 yoars of service with 1Marie Trni. Wm. Cox. Door and a hynin. Plans werc madc xvccomo a iîymn and prayen, the Bell Tehoplione Co. iPrize - Petorn mdonson. Bas- r service lo be held in Eldad'the t;vo combined units, Mcs Grant, with Miss Anita Wattsý Saturclay visitons ;vitli Mrs. F . A . K R A MP L td . iChucch on Piday, February Gîady-, Browvn and Mrs. Wan-îof Pont Hope, attended the ITee H. Tnim I ncluded Mrs. Coul-' LOS0 FN UNTR 14, at 2:30 o'clock. I-amptonýda Kimbail, conductcd the Pohlies in Toronto, Friday son cf Oshawa, Mn. anîd 3FOMrsFFNE.RNTR an Zo ldesar nvtd ~wonship service, assisted by 1cvening. ýGond Trini, Bruce and Mar i- 3 j t E hn 637071 attnd hilas serie. niFn tthoir mmnîhrs. Ioconclusion, Mcs. Armstrong of Toronto:lyn.37Kn StE.Poe6301 day evening, Pebnuany 14, thelan intcncsting skit, depicting spent Piday with hec daugh-1 Miss Diane Bunley of Bow -____________________________________________ induction service foc our newIthe ;vork of a student minis-i minister, Revcrend Chreýe in an out-hying community Catto, B.A., B.D., will be beld1 was put on by these ladies,ý at Hmptn Ch u c . ~ and the question and answer at Hmpto Chrch.An-period ;vhich followed, show-ý nounicement of the U.c.W d the intenost ;vhich it creat- Pnesbytcnial to be hcld in St. cd. Last momth's minutes werc Mank's Church, Whitby, oný reaci by thie new secnetary, Pebnuamw 13, ;vas also mnade. Mrs. Jessie Best, and approval, Mns. Lloyd Broome led in the passed. worship service. M e m b e r s answered the roll cali with a,ý Expressions of gratitude Yclowles ntrducd *wene read for the xvork of ,city f Indi. Mrs.Sunshine Committee t th.Christmas rmorSnr study book on India, tcllina: iies arni ohu .reio many inteesting facts aboutCtinsadSutnsAne thi vstl ppulte conty.qucst ;vas relayed fnom Mcs. lsvsl ouatdcuty \I a ry Skelding, wlio hcads thisi NSLunch was served by bbe hos- commiteco, for iîclp froni each, //~'/ / / / i/ tess and Miss Gladys Yellûvi1- membor, ho this work. Phease, lees. phono honthie name of any-1 The Explonens met on Sat- eewoil ii, and il will hchp' led in bbc worship service ib . 'fy reasuron M\rs. Inezý with Beverley Pascoe anc:i îve by rqus hsben LIBERTY ST. N. - BOWMANVILLE Shirley Westhake reading thWerccciveci for ami incroaso ini seiptune passages. Amine Hillsioum. allocation of approximate-ý took tmp the offering. The:'Iy tlree percent and Ibis xvas; ý.ud o hene suy oo apovd.1Homes Bulit by Loupan Developments Ltd. was begun. This yean bndia 1s A committee bo plan for an' the country we learn more eamlv Fcbruary edn a about Theroîlcaîl;vas ans-nmi as follo;vs: - Mrs. Mary, wered witb a produet of ho- Wadl, 1Miss Bernico Milligan,i dia. On Pebruarv 151h a Val-,Mrs. Irna Wood, Mrs. Bernnice* wben the girls will exohange Valentines. Spekes ere suggested for' The Women'sz Institute wil the Gooci Friday service March Frihns,.Apine 27, and tlie spring anniversary mccl on Thunsday, Pebruarv 2s.t foc May 24.g 13, at 8:15 o'clock, in bbc Coni Rset for it a greed b con- munity Hall. e.Wieacedtco- tact tose nmeCourtesys *Lois and Ken Ashton, Bnad-:tc loennei Courtesy lev's. were Sundayv tea guesîs lThe anial supper wihh be of. Mr. and Mrs. C. Langmaid Wecl., M\ay ' and family. Mý,entiomi ;;as made of bbc 1We wish a speedy reovr ho Ma ýeetmmg of the UCWI F. A. Kramp m te Mnr. Bill Ashton who is a,~a cdh Wib nPb patient in Oshawa Hospital. of il dîy sssiee.aosr Furniture ~- Equipment Mc. and Mrs. P. R. Conk, fo r o.n delegasteanc Bowmanville, in 0 panmasqu s.:i frvrdd s aryLtd. %vith crmeand as p FranklC. ~vmth c. an Mrs. rank 'I. Gertie Stapleton askcdCo Westlakc Jr. visited on Weci-,frhh mth ceig an ncsday with Mn. and Mrs. ssiiF.bïtuaryl for thoHat Hannv Jordon, Lindsav, and fýoutndatiomi. ond a donation of ;ith Mr. Clarence Averv at:$5wasvotcd Ibis Fund. Pleasant Point. A conînittec wvas appointed " " , Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink to have flic top cf the Cern- wtmne Sundav guests of Mrh. munion table ne-finished, and and Mrs. Alec Blair, Brooklo. glass - covered. Mns. H. E. Tink visited Mn. Roll eau fer the next mccl-I and Mrs. Perc v Dcwell and ing is te he a cecipe or two, COMMENCING - S TRA, F BUR t 2 TO 5 P.M. famlv, Hampton. for the U.C.W. cook book. iT RA, F BUR t Miss Marilyn Tink, Ebene-1 The Benediction closed theý zen, is spending several dav's mee-tin, aften which lunch THIS MODERN BUNGALOW WILL REMAIN OPEN WEEKENDS - FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 623-3393 with Mr. and Mns. Harnylwas serv-eciby the two units,' Knox and sons. land a social tume cnjoycd. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pasco,,i1\1. and Mns. Ken Newton and familv wene Sundav tealiand Gar;' of Ihlamiton, were Cussogruainds. ho Phî. ipfMcn N. Siorst. W FRN KREAaESA T Cgue rf.andt ns. J. Dveý,rN. rc Scviiorsth. Mn.AK andE S T Broome. son of Nic. and Mrs.: MnU. and M\rs. Thomas Stev- Lloyd Broome, on beinEg chit, fns of Tor-onto called at bbc 177 CHURCH ST. PHONE 623-3393 BOWMANVILLE ,son onc of the Atoni AIl Star -Manse last week. i hockey beamn members, iii :Mn and Mns. C. M. Joncs j 1Bowvmanville. iwith Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wal- lr Iqrlw iv qw qvlr IV 91r r manville, was a recent caller The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Feb. 5, 1964 Ion Mrs. Cecil Burley. Mr. Murray Porter was in London this weekend, attend- ing the Western Tire Convn-Ontario Weeklies tion.1 Miss Joan Walkey visited in' Toronto over Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bou. ghen, Mr. and Mrs. Trueman Roy 1Y r hsW e Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Ji IYok hi W e Henderon, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Imlach, Mr. Maurice O'Neill,!ii Many Ontario veekly news- Mrs. W. H. Jones, Mrs. C. M1. Russell Elliott and family, of papor publishers and their Joncs, Mr. Barry Lane, were' Oshawa visited Mr. Harry wives will be taking time among those attending the Durber of Hamilton, on Sun- awvay from busy offices this card party at Providence last, a.we-t tedteAna Matr.ay nnd r. Lui tpe Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Trim Convention of the Ontario to n d Tornosp aete wee ith Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rowc, Weckly Newspapers Associa- tnd ofiThor nto Mrs. Gt e ekttended the Ibe Follies' Mat- tion in' Toronto's Royal York end wth Mr and rs, ece in Toronto, on Sunday. ýHotel. Pcb. 7th and 8th. Pete Staploton.bak Miss Allie Nesbitt 15bak The Lakeshore Group held Hvidsten of the Uxbridgie from hec holiday trip to, another of their 'Saturdav Tines-Journal is the conven- Groveland, Florida, and visited mniht Dances, in Community tion chairman. her sister Anne, here, this 'Hall, last wveek. Officiai Welcome weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond! Delegates will be welcomed *Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bur- Bruce are spending a four days on Thursdav evcningr by Mr. ley and Mr. Cecii Burley at- with Mr. and Mns. H. Gibson and Mrs. 'Lynn Lashbrook. tended the Boat Show at the and family, Bowmanville. !Mr. Lashbrook is the publish- *Coliseum, Satunday evening.1 The 97th Annual Congrega-ler of the Rodney Mercuny and hMr. and Mrs. Harold Wood tional meeting of Ncwtonville 'president of the association. ,ave sold their home to Mr.lUnited Church was hcld in AtaGtAcantdPr Wilred adenr. SdBo the church hall, on Thursday,' ty", Larry Holmes, publie ne- Mc. nd Ms. id BownJan. 23rd. Members of the of- lations cepresentative of the werc in London, Sunday, visit- ficial board, representatives of Ontario Brewcrs' Institute, ing her mother, Mrs. Victor the different organizations, and wilî be host at an old fashion. Wagg, who is ill in hospital congregation, were present. cd'nisIn"aty Sunday dinner guests with Themetinay e ned e. . .Whvite, jChacles Nolan, president of Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood, and ,a w r by esie v Rth C. ,,adian Weekly Newspapers' family werc Mr. and Mns. Mcliwho pceside vth e usi-1 gAssociation, wil address the Maybee and daughter cf Co-1iness poriod ihMs ag dele,,ates. There will be bour, M. an Mi. Ra Chlîaret Elliott acting in the ca- lis and famnily, and Mr. Non- ýpacity of secretary. The mcm- speakers on aIlape ctblshio ton Batty Il ofIda 'bers of the Session and Board elyn sapr ubihn ,to Bettyallof da.Mr. ofStewards remain thec same diurin g the business sessions. and Mrs. Lambert Boat- 1aslstyer i The Lieutenant-Governor of 'ty and family, Cobourg, Mr. lsIyen!Ontario, the Hon. Earl Rowe, and Mrs. Richard Beatty and& Organist - Mrs. Frank Gil- wiîî bc guest of honor at the daughter, and Mr. and Mrs.imer; Assistant - Mrs. Ro y nii dinner. Itfeiville Beatty, ail of Port!Best; Sunday School Superin-1 R J. oeMPPvi- Hope. Miss Berta Wiliams tendent - Mr. C. M. Joe;RJ.Byr PPvi. Mesrs arod ad Wllad Pesientof .C.. -O~C;1chairman of Ontario Hydro, --ý\Iesss HroldandWillrý1resientof UC.W - Ms*vill address fellow delegates Beatty, of Gardon Hill, Mr.lWilfred Wood; Church Treas- dcalingr with hydro develop- Bort Cooper of Brantford.1 urer - Mr. C. M. Joncs. , monts at the noon luncheon lvlr. and Mrs. Jim KendalllPull reports of ail ocgan-, on Priday. Mr. Boyer is we]1 of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jim'zations' activities for the ica known as the publisher of Bougheni and family, Port were received, showing n-iBracebridge Herald-Gazette. Hop'c, woce visitors with Ms.ýcneased intorest, and ah finan-1, On Saturday mornîng the A. Boughen on Sunday. ýcial obligations were met in!dlgtswl ii h e Mn. and Mrs. Charlie Wa- fuil: Minister's salany, Mission-1 eermPat ters of Toronto, with Mr. andlary and Maintenance, U. C.W.______________ Mrs. Raymond Bruce. ýallocation, etc. A fine spirit Miss Leatha Montroy and prevailed thnoughout the meet- Ge ah oa iMns. Baskorville, Toronto, atjing, and ail things pointed to eiCs Toa Mr. Murray Ponten's. Ireowed activities for 1964. Mr. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes,iMns. Wood voiced the senti- For Old Applianw'n Lakoshone, at Mr. C. Brown's.ýments of aIl, when sh c ex- Mn. and Mns. Sheldon Davis pressed thanks to ahl who had of Pombroke, at Mr. M. Joncs'. laboured faithfully for the through \Ir. andl Mrs. C. H. Lane wenc xelfarc of the church, during STATE clinnen guests with Mr. and the past ycar.STATESMAN Mrs. Charles Gray, Bowman- The ladies sccvcd a much C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 8 ville. appneciated lunch, at the c.lose Poe6330 Mns. Bruce Elliott, Mns.liof the meeting, and ail enjoy-, hn 6330 Thos. Joncs, Mc. and Mrs. cd a social time. SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL... HOME FURNISHINGS -AT- Lt.-Col. J. C. Gamey, M.M., E.D., and Mrs. Ganey On January 3lst, 1914, J. C. Gam2y and Ethelwyne Tomlinson wvere mnar- ricd in the City of Toronto. Last Thur,-:day evening thcy celebrated their 501hl xveddinc anniversary quietly at their h me in Orono where they reccived many friends and gifts and congratulatory me.ýsagcs. Among them were messages fromn Rt. Hon. Lester B. Pearson and Rt. lIon. John G. Diefenbaker, Hon. John Ro- barts, Russell C. Honey, M.P., and Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Both Lt.-Col. and Mrs. Gamey have had interesting careers. He was in the First World War and the second. In earlier years in Toronto hie as city representative for Shaw Business Soho ils and taught two evenings a xveek as wcll. She is a graduate nurse frorn th2, General Hospital in London, England,1 and xvas one of the 10 original nurses who went to Brussels, Belgîum,' with famed Editb Cayell, to set up their first nursing school. Later, she was on the staff of the Wornen's College Hospital in Toronto. Following the First World War, in whicb. Lt. Col. Gamey was decorated xith the Military Medal, tbey moved onto a farm in 1920 on the sixth line of Clarke as Soldier Settiers. In 1932, the.y moved to Orono where hie was em- ployed by Orono Creamery until hie-Look over as Postmaster of the village in 1935. 1lIe retained the post until bis reti',ement in 1959, bis wife acting, in his steaci during the World War II years. Lt.-Col. Gamey during bis years in Orono retained bis interest in military affairs as an officer witb the Midland Regiment (Militia.) In Dec., 19,39, lie was called to England wbere lie was a company commander of the first Infantry Holding Unit. In Nov. 1940, he returned to Canada to take command of the newly mobilized Midland Regiment, then stationed in separate- companies at Bowmanville, Port Hope, Lindsay, Camphellford and Cobourg. He retained this command, until June 1944 wben lie was discharged as medically unfit for fur- ther duty and returned to Orono. It is also a point of interest that he and bis family have been most active in community affairs. For 28 years, Lt.- Col. Gamey was Sccretary of Durham Central Agricultural Society. The Gameys bave one daughter, Mrs. Harry Lycett, (Glenn), of Port Hope,i xvho is also a nurse. She and bier busband were present for the festive occas- ion attended by their friends and military associates from the village and the surrounding communities. Oui, you have heard what 1 sai(l: COQUETET> ABRICOT. Q't-e(jIlec'est COQUETEL? Ahi, mon ami, that is the $60 quest ion. It is orie or trois COQUIETJC'LS which are, en effet apris le diner «wine cocktails." But the taqste? Le t aste c'est superb, c'est ime only way ont-, can deicribe it! And tbis COQUET EL cornes in ai beautifîi dccantcr for la table. Le price? The acnc of fli(>(lsty for suclia wime! C'vt foiialolie Essaycz-le, this xnans tiy it-soon. 332, Bowmanville High School Hoot Nite Friday, Feb. l4th - 8 p.. IFIRTH BROS.1, ÇIINÇÇT TFRRACF ÇIIR - IIIVIÇIC)M

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