1%@ Cnadian Statesman, 1%owmanv1lle, Feb. 8, I198 EPIC INTRODUCED BY9 General Motors' new Envoy Epic has been desig to winter driving. A 2-door, 4-passenger car, àt is standard, and the Deluxe shown here. The Epic has other cars of its size and better power for its WE seats, floor mounted shift, almost double the trunk size, full size heater capable of providing room 1cmn special new innovations in passenger car suspension peting throughout and padded instrument panel. Oshawa-General Motors ofigiven to winter handling and Canada introduced a new cari comfort. Test runs at 40 de- -the Envoy Epic-today, and1 grecs below zero show that extensive GM testing indicates the Epic heater can deliver the new car is superior in normal room temperature even handling, acceleration, ail- in the coldest weather. weather performance, comfort1 Th Epic's lightweight 50 h.p. and spaciousness to other cars fouir-cylinder engine provides cf its ize. more power for the car*o Special attention ha-een-weieht than an\ of the cars of Tastes Good1 ' Milk's a taste treat for theq entire famiy to enjoy Arrange delivery cf aur topquality milk and other dairy products. Glen Rue Daîery Phone 623-5444 p PiVTL"TI'fA Y EIAI At last; PowerÀ irFs H'I/JT/VM Epic is e totally new budget car. built and backed by General Motors. I's the smali car that gives you the roominess, com- fort. power, good looks, and value that youve always wanted. Epic gîveayou a lively engine, combined with 4-speed ail-, Synchro-Mesh transmission. -* Nodetail cf driver or passenger comfort was overlooked in Epic's design. The heater is exachly the same type as in big cars, and gives excellent warmth. Also, there's a real trunk . .. to hold the luggage of the whole family. Epic is available in two models- Deluxe or Standard 2-doorsedan. We suggest that you drive Epic soon at your Chevrolet dealer's ...and find outwhat you've been mnissing in other small cars. 4 @f fluel, Ignition, aIl. heat andrj ji long last, seexcywht --speed. 1 s~T <' J tatedi would come to ps instmen pael s pssile ier ci neeventually. The recognition H r GM ~An unobstructed view of the~L e' u instmentpanl ispossbleof China. at the United Na- .... Ihog h deep-dish, two- 500 Dunsmuir Street,i Vancouver is a verv inter-'tions. A self-cancelling directionai January 28th,* 1964 Ireasons, of course. Thiferent -tention of making fun of H gh ay s W i te Wr signai lever is mounted on the Dear Sir: Greetîngs frorn lation is very mixed, similar denomination when 1 make, Contracts totalling $311 i,OOQcd bv the department, formi ______________steering columo. It also con-,Vncuvrto London, England. Largeit bis remark, Mr. James, I r-fr cern ihso-a.telretgopepoe trols the headlight flasher and 'numbers of people from India fer to the denomination who awvarded in recent weeks b,, for- the annuial hattle. I onps.I have learned a strange are everywhere, the men witn state that disease is not real the Department of Highwý,av.ý -As an example." Mr. Mac- The deluxe model bas a tbing, since coming bere for a turbans, and of many different and can be treated that way. Ontario, are part of an oe-Nat- etortadHop e dprt- padded instrument panel, and viifuinar ine yes n yp fw I I believe just as sincerely, ail policy to provide the 2ra-00isPr Hp itrc d the rear built-in arm rests are months. Being close 10 the bave flot seen many so fr70t0hte ridt tteetpsibeaon f Wintcr iiilstration. more than20 padded and rear side windows great Harbour, I love watch- are very taîl men, vergîng to- that I could ignore over70 employment on a local basis, men hlave been taken on for can be opened to provide no- rng the ocean vessels, from wards seven feet. The women million Chinese people by flot according 10 a statement just winier maintenance work, and draft ventilation. about aIl over the world. I wear extremely long dresses, recognizing them, at the table isued by Higbways Minister thcrt, arc 18 districts wti A lor-outd tik hitnoticed a Japanese freighter traiîing to the ground in mnMo ottatvodntmkeCres.McNubn. Tc the department."__ i controls the four-speed syn loading logs, whicb were cul! cases. Tbe material look., tbhO vanisb! contracts total 50 miles of ne\\,* -emîcbromesb transmission. Total in British Columbia forests. very rich *and expensive. I: DeGaulle, right or wrong, rigbt-of-way. More contracts shifting area is within a four- Men working bere informed notice their bair seems jet fperhaps believes as I do, that will be awarded in the con'- inch square area. The selector me, Mr. James, to my amaze- black, very glossy, and worn 1tbey must be recognized ing weeks for an estimated ýiforks f or forward speeds aremetththelgartkn extremeîy long. Lots of eitber sooner or later. total of 119 miles. short and rigIid and have long aIostnaamnfcuedSeib pol n o- j conclusion I wiîî state In addition to the work donc boses oreaser bitin. oto varou prdutsandweian, apaese Cineethis as an honest, personal on departmental contracts Gear-eogaging dogs are taper- tben reshipped back to Cana- Polish, Italian, French and opinion, that by and large, awarded for clearing n - ' roud t comat jum-out". dndsd10Cnincu-aoteery race arund the!pi'm convinced long ago, that highwvay construction, the De- L onThe gtransmitiso unnel Wh s! Ii hv t eghent o ih v Te ea sbftismonted tbes atmn imles the so-called com- partment bas bad under a jotn hr the nmssoa n elop, Srl esol efrbl Vancouver is spreading out, mon man possess no more its own program of meiigbil and t wproese atbrih, e cnmiaitad bsin every direction. S cenery is I iahility to make any more work. Io the extensive pro- gncd with special attenti on but compîeteîy positiv,. e entire manufacturing ail here? beautiful, with mountains outiandish boners, than our so- rm aiu ye fwr avalabe tw moel: imot cotro w ihme Espcal-bnrgtbr everywbere and snow on themn called leaders, wbo are paid are performed by men hircd morlae in t o ro than ge arcbngling a d seliBiiblumbh it here aerto the top, somcthing Nwbich todav vastly increased salaries localily on a day labour bas;s. mor___________________________ nidub afets hewethris bicme..This program, representing iih.Sadrdaebee especialiy since il is combined lots of unemployed todiay. no dob afct h wahe spulc e wit a luch hic rquiesa lot. Weather bas been mild, Thank you, sir, and ail kind! an estimated 900,000 mail-- of o. thedrdcars of ktis nvix p unds jicreuire UIeS laeIv so far. First snow last week, wishes to you and your staff, 1: hours of work, will cost ap- space ofohrcr fti ol i onsbesr. B sns ireciory feli ligbtly ail day, but meit- "Longboat", 1 proximately $1,875,000. , perature al 40' below and ' the Envoy Epic bas been cd and ranl down the sewerk i. The Deluxe features car- designcd for four fuil-grown A c c 0 u n i ca n c v about as fast as it came. Grasý Pen name of Ralpb R. Tooley.! -Clearing of brusb and people and for their baggage. is lovely and resembies a vel- trees fo iing thigts The interior of the Epic is RYJ VLIG vet carpet. o-a feitn igs Wen uýaccioentgcd iess orbtl ELIZ7ABETU1TTTTP Highways, as well as clearing srosacdn tietot its size-a particular advant- spaclous wbth good shouider Chartered Accountant The barbour is a busy scene fo e iegpoie te masta rmntu i -age in passing on long grades. and bipa room. Door openings 93CucStet dyadngtOcafrih'orew iegprveste enshtatemnâufi ar 9ice ieand doors 9 hrhSre a adfgt ca rih greatest number of man-bours nancial burden falls on a fami- t Th(- two-door four-passenger.ae3 nhswd 623-3861 tcrs from ail over, are !oadi- Cburcb and Sunday School! of day labour," the Minister u.I orpeetHat En'. L' Epic is built bv Vaux- open to a wide angle. Botb - ffvoi peen eat ing or discharging c;irgo. were heid as usual. Church Istabed. He estimated that the hall of England and is avail- left and right front bueket!LEONARD JAMES BROOK:Sj Russian frei ghters are oad evce cea Cno, toa1unero nn mlv suiranice prgraniiso t geared able in two models the Epic eat itfradfo he CatrdAcutn ng Our wheat and flour, and Mr~. Vernon Peacock is bet- c o('dylaor)aisfr 10 gs e ou adequtate protec- and the Epic Deluxe.afronstmoute iear stp-he ustee05W Ba 25-9953!Japanese a iso doing the same, ter after bis falfrom which, the type of Winter '.ork dc- 11011 eau us; no\%. Wcl give Alow 21-inch centre of acess nton t febrear seat. dThe siea0w759 ShpigCnr witb Greek vesseis taking lots be received cutis and bruises,:scribed would range from a sou 1h11 ldetails (on Major combnatinvofbig ooinnddsbaw ShopingCentelIof grain. wbicb wiIi certain]ly one eut requiring stitches. lwo 70iteerymnhs NdcaFpnsisrae _rvtcmied wt uitilt seat allows a big 21 i lwof70 nth arymoOGGINSa Eprieintrac orpecial suspsiongbicrsunCbohesbeteensea ancdor VIYInt H. arme- 1 believe, as well as bas been iii in the bospîtal,ý Other work which the De- thtci r de important iloth dxii assenge arpilla'-. In the rear trunk there CatrdAcutn ep te Cnda ha r.Ei asTrno oa pg f160 yFbu r tcti con opro'. nt%,a îhouh t as bco ued ii i adeuateroomfor he aer-Second Floor jail other producers. 1 noticelbuIt s now. staying with ber partment reserves foi,-thie poeîorsplmnsb racbng cars, riake the Epic a ag1 ugg fforpoia- New Library Building ithat there are many vesseIs parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Mer-:Wne onh ste rpr-c'er coNcrage N'ou now bave. surprisingly stable car on:ms obetato oîcr Cor. King & Temperance Sts. from South America here, cer. Mr. and Mrs. Fajt, Pon-' lion of new or eniarging estaî3- snosv-covered or sscI roads. oftii Phone 623-3612 ýsome from Liberia, France, typooI, bave been at Mercer's,!iished picnic sites. Expendi- of tis sze. United States, both freighters'too. Little Vickie and Stephenitures in this grouping approx- The Epies rear springs ai-e" Inail the important in-, YALE, FRIEDLANDER an1 asnes10 pn h weedtee iae$100 moitd1 pca ees oni terior proportions of head & COMPANY 1 read lately that one buge: Mi. and Mrs. Vernon Pea-ý Over and above the men ihce axie casing whicli work, roorn, seat and leg room, the Charterecl Accountante freigbter took nearlv two'cock entertained Mrs. Knox îecruited locally for thee n combînalion %vith a trquc Epic bas an inch adivantage Licensed Trustees million bushels of wheat on and Mr. 'rom Wood and Mr.1 partment's "Make - Wne 1t[be encasing the driveshaft. 1Iovei- rnost competitive cars in1 in Bankruptey board. Some of these vesselsand Mrs. V. Peacock and Work" projects,the regLiar~ U R T'his provides full soft spring its class. The special feature :64 King St. E. 728-7371i are tremendotisly big, both Clare, Oshawa, on SunaSTWntrMantnacTpoganB. JAMESI wýNhen the car is stable, but ýof curved side pillars and, Oshawa,_Ontario____i egbadba.Lubr M.MlodWieanded of nte DeMarntentncof H ghInSi RAC RALET E tighbs against roiling action1 glass are instrumental in giv-!n ba. ube r.Mlfr-Wieteneo heDpten f ih through the levers which ce- ing the Epic ts great shoulder' MONTEITH - MONTEITH is going ail over the world. the convention in Toronto ways, Ontario, provides josINVACERA ETT (111(0 the action of the spiiigs.'room. RIEHL & CO. I Parliament is now in ses- concerning the 5oil and Farmý for some 2,000 on a seasonal King St. E. Bowmanville Thiris n iporantde- TheEpi isoffred - ~ Osbawa Shopping Centre sion, and bbings are beginning 'improvement Association. this basis. Operators and heipers parture from the Lsui pract- colors - nex and attractive Chartered Accounlants Ito boil there, according to week. [for snowpiows, along- with Office Residence ce f atacing11waxi di shdesof Ine grenbeie,1728-7527 nesvspapers. 1 have liad a Marv Ann Hanaka enter-! drivers and operators for the 6358 259 icc ofiat1ahiings. greyd- s adofble.The e xe i - tergreat laugh these iast few, taincd with a party at the' hundreds of privateivý-owned62-5616359 he f otesineenen S g-ofers an adi Thona tee I Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. 1days over btelad that, atiPoiish Hall Saturday night. 'trucks and otber vehicles bir- pension is normal except thatircolors, including white, black A. B. Moneitb, B.AC., R.A. coil springs are replaced by a ýand a lighter bine. G. . iebi, TrtC.RIA transverse tbree-leaf spri.ng. ,T'le Epic is finisbed in ac- G.Ense Tr usîwe),CA h lise Oni bSsort Of sprblg r\!iic lacquer of the latest G. E.LTretewe, C.A. makes the front end highlY kind which demands no poî- BR..Lagtfers, C.A. t ftM le h roll resstant wvitbout loss of, sbgt odfrya amr B.R aes CA e h springing. ror-like lustre. New rust- WILSON & BURROWS Tho steening is ligbt and proofing processes includie Chartered Accountants sensitive and the car makes a eep-dip ping, a bituminons 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. comploe circie in only 29 feet. componoid underseal, and two Partners. Interior appointment srs'coals nio red-oxbde primer-' Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. comfort and utility. Two surfacer. G. Edmond Bnrrows, C.A. simple levers control beating Phone 728-7554 and ventiiating. and ail con- trois are at eas ' vfingertîp Tbuinderstorms occur Most, Chir opnr a c f îc reacli. The instruiment cluster' freqnently in Canada on ther includes simple rocker pusb- sonthern prairies and in G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. hutton swîtches for wind-!sonthero Ontario, an averagelCiorco shielci wipers. headligbts and nio 20 to .10 days witb thunder- i Office- parking ligbls, and two large storms each May-September 115 Elgin St., Cor. of Horsey St. dials give easy-to-sep readings period.- Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment IjLN~LIKi-L IVI'J 1 VJft INTRODUCES MM* e rand comfort in the amall car f ield! 1HERES WIIAT IT HAS!l 1. 50-UP HIGIf PER- FORMANCE ENGINE. 2. SMOOTH-RIDING INDE. PENDENT FRONT SUS- PENSION. 3. EASY STEERING, FAST HAN. DLING 4.FINGERTIP. LIGHT 4-SPEED STICK. 5. SURE STOPPING POWER. 6. INTEGRAL BODY.CI{ASSIS. 7. FULL. SIZED ]EATER. 8. REAL LEGRO03L 9. ROOM FOR FOUR ADULTS. 10. FAM. ILY-SIZE TRUNK. 11. SUPERB ROAD-HOLDING. 12. GOOD VISIBILITY AUI ROUIND. IIIIS TIR! 1ITI!USl $1 ,788,00 *'uggstd maxmum retal de- livered p r1ce of a standard 2-door seda n wilh heater and defroster at Bowmanville Price quoted indludes delivery and handling charges, Federaf Sales and Excise taxes. Provincial and local taxes and licence are flot included. D ental DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville' Office Hours: 9 am. to 8 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON J L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his hom 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanviie, I Phone 623-5604 !Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daîly Closed Wednésday - Suriday! DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.ý Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 arn. to 6 p.nl. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. R. A. HESTON -COOK B.D,S., L.D.S. Office: Orono Medical Centre Telephone 189 Land Surveying_ MERRILL D. BROWN- P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queri St. Box 16i5W Bus. and lRes Telephone 623-7251 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Publie W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. Edward C. Wildman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowrnanville Telephone 623-5791 LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A.; Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W.- Bowmanville Phones: Office 623-5688 Residence 623-5553 HODGINS & MORRIS Barristers, Solicitors Nolaries Public 14 Frank St. Bowmanvîille E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor King St. E. Newcastle Phone 2246 Hours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat., 9.1 M o r g age s SADrE HAMILTON - ORONO First Mortgage Funds Residerîces - Farms Business Properties Mortgage money avaîlable for ail purposes. Let us arrange yonr farni boan coming due or a new boan, We can handie mortgages of 7777=77 very description. __ HAN OLDC. PEDWELL 9NI.OL5ON _R__ i Broker Newcastle 987-4,336 MANUMACTuRIlo FOR GENERAL MOTORS IPROOJCTS 0F CANeA LIMITED 8v VAUXHALL MOTORS LIMIYED, LUTON. ENGLAND. PARTS AND SERVICE çFROM COAST' TO COAST. S#e. cur Chevwo/et/Oldsrnobi/efEnvoV Oaa/et P- O pif 0m e ir y KEITH A. BILLETT, O0D 0tornetrist 141 ing t. E - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointîment N Tele bone 623-3252 R O Y V 4b1 H qummowmon.-Tues, - Thurs. - Fr1 COURTICE - Phione 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE - Phone 623-3671 Thursday evenings DISCOUNT PRICES $1.09 Value' - Erre tooth brush wlth Dental Cream Giant Size Colgates 63 C tube Brylcreem 59c Regular 79e! E no Fruit Salis 59C 1 Regular Sîze Silvîkrin 59c Reg. 39c! for chapped Ilps LYPSYL 29C BONUS BUY! Save 4c! AUNT JEMIMA FANCAKE SPECIALLY SELECTED - VALUE CHECK'D Lean Blade Roasts 47lb "You save twlce wlth trlm and prîce" Specially Selected Short or Rofled c Shoulder Roasts53 Swift's Premiumn weIl-atrook.d rindiess BACON lb 65C FLOUR - Save Uwif t's Premlum sweet pickled CrYovac halvas Cottage Rolis lb 49c OImsteaid'a brueadd prs-cooksd Haddock Portions lb 59c 2-1b. Decanter 2e - pkt. 21c Crown Golden Syrup 35c BONUS BUY! Save 8c! 16-oz. Jar KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 55C BONUS BUY! Save 11c! - White or Coloured Twin Pack BALLET TISSUE 8roIIs89C BONUS BUY! Save 12c! - Marked 39c 'Special'.! OMO DETERGENT 35C BONUS BUY! Save 12c! 12-ozTi Prem Luncheon Meat 37' BONUS BUY! Save 8c! - 4c Off Pack . 1-lb. Package JEWEL SHORTENING 27'C $;ove 14c' 3-lb, packige Carnation Instant 85c Save 4c! Culverhouse Cholce tgtylp 20-os. ins Cream Corn 3 for 55C Sav-e ge! 15-Or. site Ltquld Cleane-r LESTOIL .49r 29-or. cizpe 79c Birds Eye 6-oz, tin% Orange Juice 2 for 61c MAPLE GROVE MARKET CORNISH'S MARKET PORTER'S RED & WHITE By thp plers lM. Brown'n Serve Sausage45c Swlft's Premium 8-oz. pkz. pkg. Swift'ç PremiumBologna29c PRODUCE Refreshing Thin Skinned Florida GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 69C Wasbed - lVaxed Purple To TURNIPS New Garden Fresh - Nn. 1 CABBAGE -b7c lb b9c RIch CreanyVitv Mushroomrs 1b49C Save 4c! taetv- appetitlng bUi. A-i 4SAUCE - -29c Save 5c! l-b. pkgs. Gem Margarine 4 for 87c Save 10e Siîft's Prernium 4, minat halls 24 os. SPAGHTTI -- tin39c Save 22c!- Swlft's Premntlm 11/2-1b. tin (ANNED HAMS $1*43 Baked Fregh - tl*pgton or Sunbeam reg. 49c Chocolate Guest Cake ea 45c Supreme Fresh Donuts doz 29c 00Maple Grove 0. . Orono 9 .Newtonville Sunspun 12-al ICE CREAM 93c Gnlden Hour ass't lb. box, Chocolates 95c Gnldfn Hnur eello bat Popping Corn 19c Aunt Mari 2 4-oz. loaf Sliced BREAD 22c