n0Te Canadian Statesmnatr Iowmani-ilILp., March 4., 1s4 '-Chilidren 's Aid Socle! y Has Shown Great Pro gress Since Beginning in 1895 Records in the possession ni, 1'hp xvnrknIlI te Soi jtl'.' aý the Society show that organ- administered fron thc hnteic ized Children's Aid work ;n cf the trtous Itij)peuîor. cn Northumberland and Durham Superintendents intil HN began wiîh a graup of citizens xvhen office ýpaue- ai 12 .John who organized a Children's Sireclt'.a.oblaîncd.A tii Aid Society in Cobourg iin scope and volume cf Cliild 1895. ren*s Aid work grec. ltes This Cobourg Commjttee latter premnises hecatite ton was organîzed on the fourth smai] aîîd necesÀîtaîer a move dlay of March, 1895. and on te to larger qujarterF. A\tht) 5 ninth af April. Judge NKet- lime caireuhors ftcli ita rhum grantcd a Cetifieate of olt'solution Io te prohien Incorporation whîcb \vas dtiilv was the uonîstruction r inatof. filed wîtb the Clerk et the fice for the ki- cf lte Sut Peace and on the 131h dat' of eî' staff. Aprîl, His Honour the Lîcuten 'fThe fi rsl iinspcutor fp:- 111 ent-Govennor approved an or- Childrýen's Aid Socicty cf N'cr. der-in-council recognizing thr thumbenland and Durhamit.a Committee asý a Societv. dut'.MMn G. E. Mýinus. ,.-ho \,,-as ;Ip- organized unden thbe Children':; poirtcd i:i lunc, 191.5. Tr( Protection Act of 189.1. Prosiclent at that iimr, cxix Mr. A Commiltee was estalblîsit- J. W. Bickle ofCrhic ed in Port Hope and carrît'd The deatit crMi-Mr ito ou M- on te work of ch;ldren's Weil- curred onDrmbr"I.t . farei titis area until i191.5. On Jatîtiarv '2l,19lt6[. 1iti lie,, These two Committîces erg, erent T. D. îMuCullouat. iý ,It Uinited in 1915 to formn the that lime mîîî:tr cf the Pres- Chilrlren's Aid Society of Nor- hytenian Chiiruli. Port -loîte. thumberland and Djurham, Me. was appointed as litspeutor for J. W. Biekie became te firs' the Childî'ei's Atr Sorjeîx. President and Mnr. Rober>, Mr. T. O culuhre- Gray, Recording Se cretarv. Mer. signrd on F'ehruarx 7. 1919. G, E. Minns was the first fuil-; Rex'erend James T. Dale\-', D. time Inspeetor. D. lOl office as Inspeutor of the ('lildrecii's Aid Societ" of teUnited Courities cf Northt- C et Your Price i't'ithrtann and Dtirham frotît Mac 19. 1.919 iitittih(' tintje For Your Livestock cf lits death in 1934. During that perior iirtan chrougb chanîges ivre effr'cterlI. The S TA TES MA N sco 'ne cf te xork vas iii-1 C L A s S 1 F 1 E D S cneased witen tlite Goýcert-ittetîtl Phone 623-3303 assîgned 10 the Ilitapectors ific administration cf lte(,Adop- DOES SHUR* GAIN FERTILIZER STAY BALANCED TIIROUGHOUT HANDLING AND SPREADING? Put t in a jie shaker-shike à aNi y tri t d ou ean Jr o \e Io v ourself that ex cry granule c1f iUIZ-n;.\tx Scleteci-(irnulaîenl I ortilizer stays nutnîtionalîx' halanecd ail ilie ite Pre-iiuixed Lbeocegranulation, e2nunR-G.xî erc c-G tta r consi'.ts cf granules caci cf xvliirhicrînt ut n (717t te 1uxtrantveerlplant. focd cetents. Thte size anrd xîeighî cf t1it' graîtulos ix ;lop', xx uthtit certain limtls biî- areftil screening. Separation nf fertilizer ingreriienI s ctttnoi t uim,'p;c' tx tt h 51lt-GN-îtî.,1-rti itzer -dnuring transpturtat tii-rhuînrltiig and sproaul-. ing. W'itiî ordinarx, li lenderl or zgianula filsr sistailir ancd itzxjrpartieýzxwil set [le10t i thihtItînt. ki t he lit lrgor andi lighîr r part ices molite Io the srfPi. Slîk-g ~ttR-t x>,in a jiîni -ttt l, : v;v *u *of îpro' 11t:z li,; quality but a lterx is Iutttir (îe' 1 pi h1 î t Secleeîtl-FerruiaeîlFc' ,1( "oiir r iîs tils;.- iriog c.tîr gharanîce t liaieccrv sqIîtire inh utrtureduI t' .1lt;îN ce:xact ivlte anail\sis. YuU w nt. fertilizer Visitors at Neptune's Garden s tvo itand [hp Uniîarried AaT.t .ct. t he' ils d;rect loi'. the fi- 1 incai1 alaffairs of theieou.ai So- n c;ctý voeeplaced on isound-: crn ha-is and a more regitlar, fuiid made available bx' ob-' Z 'ta iii;ng grants front t 1w Unitrd ' CoLnnUes' Couinci i înstead of ehavînq t<î depend on solicitod donations to suppleinetit the G xcnmetG ta 1ni1a Shad hecit the case wihen hi- tcok chari;ge of the vork. ItI was driring h s ter-ni of O t ii t h.ithe aditjoii ta the z-utir .a,; tuitu su ppiying 1î1 te seepn~ accommoda- tin. ire-atitonal rooni and -uiuru] îînproveniîettThese a nOcif f Intothe coifort anîd 't.fSof th(,xards vhosîe wel-ý Lt matca ot wll as . 've.11~ t) tituatit k'.as iwax s upper- .. in hi- inîiîd. K . J. Ilduct iaap- , n lufS~UPCertneideiiî hv the '-.4 C'h iIt rcn' Aid Societv i n .\pril. 1934. ' At thit lime, Mr. Hodgert. ' h;id part - tinte secretariali helli. Ilis OniN'ý field help wasi givon bv Mrs. Hodgert who' wias cnigaged on a part-timel httsis as Social Worker. Dur-ý ing Mr. Hodgerf's ternm of of- fii'e. the vork increased rap A cliv. a nd lte(-burdeit of it un. flci'nijned lus heaith. Iin the; Spring of 19413 he xvas gtven leae o rf absence for severa1l x'ks buIt later sîtbmitted hi. resîgnationti 1 take effect in[ Jl\ of that vear. DUrîîîg bis iliness, Mrs 1od- eert was appointed Acting SuJý... -~ This painting of King Neptune and a gorgeous mermaid graccd the walls ofthe auditorium at BowvmanvilIe High School Feb. 22nd, during the annual "At Home", But, il was only One of many similar beautiful pieces oif ai'twxork and other decorative items thlat transform"ed the school inf Neptune's Gardon. an underwater paradisc. Susanne Bal, lefi. and Jean Cole, wcî'e admiî-ing the decorations when this photo was taken, peintendent and contintied 1 thîs capacity until Novemb er, s o . n r a e 1943. when M. A. B. Finnie was appointed Superinte-dent - Mns. Hodgert remained 0on the f , Staff Lintil the Spring o fr 145r n O f l T l l :.4* enill healtl'icompellecd lier!R e ear h D na ion resîgnation. Cohouil'g -At a lecent Mati ' reseatceh 1 itoveand i i- * Mn. A. B. Finnie itecilnue agemnent Meeting of lte North- i'oa'ie piesent diagniostei c ral- Superîntendent foi' fle SocîetY umbtsrland-Dur-iam Tîîhcrcýtît. mntilantd flcctpsri' un Novemben, 194:3. He is a osis &' Healhil Association, Mn. cati aîî advanu'emenî bu' rmade. graduiate of lte Sclioal cf So- C. A. Holmes, Presîdent cf tIh.ý Dr. G. J. Wboc.reîft bld a cial Work, University cf 'TOr- Association antd Mî's. A. J. geitei'al se'ssiont cf lit 62ii0 onto. Caltnnocf Gî'a flon, gaxe te-,anti t;al rtîeetli îg cf te As-z * The Soctty's office at No. ports prrseîîted hto the Excit- socialtjoli hel In Ourîg îast 12 John Street, Port Hope,itve of flite Ontario Tubenntîl- vear on Edmonton tutu, ai- was used from D-cei-nher i, s Association lield iii Toron- tlitolîgl fi(lite eui tin oututries- 1941 to November 29th, 19501. ta carliet iii the month. xlihhave a toasonable hiopp * The staff iocreascd fu'cmi Both streçscd the urget. fcoiihrolling ttîbcrcîiîosis is three to eiglit inti iese rit1 ne necd for support.of flite Cati great. it s oetri 2geatet in ftle yeaî's. At the bcginning there adiaîî Tuberculasus Associationi Ocelapiiig couihries. was the Superintendeol, one i'esenî'ch programme andl as a iirgiig the ibecessitv (if t- sfieawr B 19and lite sffc ie rtl f the reports autO dis- searcl i drecterltoxvarnl disutux- s e c et a y . y 9 ,5 ) f l e I a f ýc s si n lite N or t h ui m b eo r la n d - e r in g a rîd ih io n a i O t'îig s D r . had grawn to include te Su' DurhianilTB attd Healîb As- Wheci'elt said 'thiat ,tuhile tttjh- !peniîendnt, iti c fied xvrk- otîi added $200 to tbc erculosîs pro.granimcs xve ers, Probatian Officer, bock- orîgîîtaî $400 allocated ta bc linst unc;eriaketi on a <ii keeper, office secretary and set aside for titis pînîpose. oiuiity hasis hcuetxa ýstenographer. bringig [boitdonation titis reali-ý,(aIizdhthorîct fni Due toi lack cf spa(.(,foi' tear toivards Researchi, 10 lies,.lftl(,ciîolu' ietghboii'-iod canfidential inter'views, liteof-,'$600. stoilhotaiesf.ter- ieews iid» n iele'lite reporss[ress'O uepalsiant of transportation atici 1941 pnoviding two private c-o ili-ipraîoo ecrb:inentoa xhîgs rf ifices. and again in 1948, il -,vas ' motneo ecrl: nentoa s u b - j v i e d n d a n e v o f ic e fo r s ta is tic s s h o w th a t h a f m o d e r n lire fo rc e s th builtat te frnt.cf lte worid's populationît. fa knOoxledgo [bIla tirtueighboîr- built at he front.billion and a lir people) bar-'hocd lias nîoboîd Xiti thIe Sociptî'v's xx ork itouî'bacilli xchich May attack il îs fan toc ofli itrcu even incî'easing, in 19,50, a at an'tit.Tteaitlnelai uecloî aru- 'eamiîee f bte oar cfDi-Milljin deatits eveî'y y'eai', andl tagiotîs disease. il xvas report- I nectars was appointed la sludy! il is quite erroneous to titink cd, and ]ni additionit [hre i, the problem of secui'ing lang- tliat itis is a disease cf lte fle groaltîprohlom cf liir e quartens for tlice staff anîd POan. It also attacks the rich. Ibreat cfrosistautre 10uxot after mantits cf dehailed plan it being empitasized finat [lie iuig... attd figures ziillnti\v niig and preparation. titeir cf- peopîle of lte rimit ocunitnies of thbc utnber oîf ircxitaîî(se forts nesulled in a ccxv modem r opn ottAnncai irrmso li tîcîu building 'icuild cealite Ibat thit oîncn- ablv so iniietireacttet ti caus- Oit Julv 23rd, 191t5, an ci fer font do,,cestt protect thent es. but luec s i. c ex doîtuee Was rýeccivccd nom Captaîn from danger. Inilte deveiop- cf ait ilicrease inîflitec t laines R. Ex'ans, cf a [musc îng uOLnnîies cf Afî'ica. Asia cases diagîtosecl. 1 is couldi on Bruton Street ta be usedi and Latinî Amerira tube'euilos-, beconte a scu. i cb]o'l)(m Lit- as a sheller. Titis place tvas il; s fast itecomnîg Public lý, ie\,\- î u' . iigareicoiee rented, and on Julv fifhh, 1917Î, Enem.' No. 1. [o rojîlacec cîre*seîîî ones. Captaîn Ev'anîs affeeoi tbsei The Researcht programme Evideuîce aise show- tiai te- the propcnty toi lice Cliildren'S nmeî'it, fullIeîcouî'-agocmentt forrsîstance 15 more ajdpt ic Oc- Aid Society. Titis option xxasf cclv h otmab',yadvlo r(,irnlli o taken up anîd the propert*y___'cotntlsld, n eopxhr ratnntstc -xas purcitased in Decembor,' 1917. At that period il wvas tli practise [o nuaintauin lite yards cf bliteSociet'. in flitete until sncb tiune as fic e' wel- PC A for tbem, At limes as maux as t wen 1v-fixýe cltildren \vould bie in nesideitte. LahhenlY, te policx' of ituairi taiîtiîg wards ini the Shelten was cltatged, and il bas bee1 'Io place tlîem in foster homes as soouî as possible. thr laie Dr. H. W. Benîson gave freclY cf hîs professional ser vices to the wards of te So-F O I Y U The Matons in charge rit l-illcrest Lodge wene. Mrs. H-arris, Mrs. L. Fulfard. Miss Rose Burke, Miss Eieanoi' in- gZlis, Miss S. H. Dann, Miss M.ý Fergiison, Miss Margaret Maxx-1 att, Mns. George Genno, Mrs.I Eveyno Hall and, aI lite pres- Cnt lime. Mns. E. Bridges. Winle te Childrnî's Aid Societies wene first establisit- 'dltu cane for neglccted antd dependant hiildren, te sccpe 'of te vork bhas broadned antd today lte Society deals xith SUCit problemrs as marital dis-ý card, non-support, jIueniJe.q. adoptions, complaints regard-1 ing neg]ected citildren, unmar-j rîed inotiters, faster home <aie I foi children and investigations on behaîf cf Familv Allaix',ance anul tht OfficiaI Guarduan, un- 0cr' lte Matrimonial Clauses The CildIensý Aid Socuimt' is an inconparated campanc witit Mn. D. H. Bullock as the President and a Board cf Di- redtors compased cf citizens of botit counîbies. Thene is a staff of bxvelve fuil limie wankers and two part-tinie wonkers. AGENT i -.4<' properl'v carried out and that 1~ the drugs shouid be given 1 rotie 'vfo a'vertoeih i . Fa rmers tee moths Iftaken inter mittentlv. resstance is moreT M r 10 I develop and hencc thereTo M r is the need for constant super -A Vi -sion of treatm ent both in t h. , n n v r s A banquet w-ill be heid at O BTUA Y benezer United Church, Courtîce. on SaturdaY ve'ning, IRA F. PE NRCE March l4îh, at 7 p.m b * vthei Durham Counîv Junior Farmi- The death of ira Franklîners, Association to mark the1 Pearce ocurred at Memorial:50th anniversarx' of the or- *Hospit ai. Bowmanville, nu ganîzation of the first Durham *Wednesdav, February 12. 1964. CouIntv Junior Farniers' As- Io failîng health for about scain fivu Years. Mr. Pearce had sOcain Fbuîv21h 94 jbeeiî in hospitai for about one-lt .S ucn.g ri anda aî mnts.He celle- ýtural Rcpresentativc for Dur- ibrated bis 10lst bîrthday ~ht onv raie h j Ocobe, 1 63.Junior Famers' A ssociation. Bor a EetezrDalîng- At approximatelv thlle saine ton Township. he was the 80on l ime, the first Junior Fariner of the late Henrv and .Orgaiîizations xvere also being Fanny Pearce (nee 'Tyler>.Iorganized in the countjes ()f and attended school at S.S 'Middlesex, Peel, and York No. 4. Darlin'gton. Hlis wife, cauinties. At the' organization the former Emma Barker. pre- lof the Durham Counitv groîip, I deeeased hin 2.3 years ago. Mr. Milton Fallis, Mîllbrook, A farmer, the deeeased had xvas elected president and Mr. resided at .96 Concession St. Wîl]ard Lord, Campbellcroft, East for 50 ve aî'moving \vas elected secretar 'v. there from thie'Ebenlezer dis- Special invitations are beiiig rinn. Durîng bis man ' ears ,of farming, lie also operated condîicted b\ Rev. \Vin. 1, a dair ' \bus~iness for 15 vears. Housiander of Trînîtv Unitedl Jle relired front farming Il Church. Intermient 'was in~ yeais a go. Mr. Pearce \,vas a Bownîanville Ceinuietrîneînber of Triity United Amon,, thE many beauih1î ATLAS FARM off at any titinq F LT EGULAR $10,95 FILER yours now for only )th iSur-vix'ing a re lwo sons, ýHenrv Fletucher Pearue cf Bow' manx ille, antd Edward Gordon: U Pearce cf Toronto. Aiso sur- vîvîîîg are a grandsoît, Gordon J-adagranddaugbtei', Joan (rD. Morris), bath of lle f [teral Service \v a s hedfom lthe Mor'ris Funeral :k chapl, omanvillo, on Sat- 11tiday. Fcbruarv 15th ami was 10'i tiiutes i rom fricitds. itelai j ves aitd organizatiotis,1 evidence of te esteem in which the deeeased was hld. were tîtose from thte Adams5 Furititure Co. and Crs 'sta! Da i v,. Palîbearci s weio [xxn(n- phews, Hfowardl Pearce anîd Erniest Pearce. and foui' great- nlepbc-ws, Jack and Brooks Pearue, Garîtet aitd Breittoît Rictrard. * :' sent to former offirers of the fJunior Farmers over the M( years and a special ribbon Mi'. R. G. Bennlett. Aceist. anit Deptît c MnEiister, Toreno, wîi bc, the gliesî speaker. INr. LBeitîncît %vas at one. Urne,$sec- retar-îre-astrer of ItleJkiiior Farmiers' Association of On- tario and is-(,Iel kniow~t Io "na"' o01 111Cformer i-junio-s. icket s for' thiis event lia v bc puirchased frýom memixerS Oif 11ite Cliltt\ Oe't.tive iii froni lthe On arjo Depar-tllet Of .\ruI tcinîBow <an-. ville LECTRCLTD7~ 16 Teniperaneel Liuram LuntyC:o-peraiv MEDICAL SERVICES Offers A Complete Medical (are Plan Doctor's Services - by the Doctor of Your Own ChoiCe SL'RGICAL BENEFITS *An',' doctors' services needed in * Horne and o)ffi-e<'l. EXTENDEI) 3MEDICAIBEEFT ostPit diagnosti ecRioNs. *Cyýstoscopie and Bronchoscopic * Eye Examinatio,îs. examinations. * Plus Surgical Betnefits. MeBersaf Pa onf Y oour Own Insurcdtan are 20', Bcfund on Premiums paid in the >'ear 1962-196:3.-j I The Surgical and Major Mcdical Package is $60.00 for a I",ixandS~. for a Single Meniber. l'le Extendcd Medical Plan and Major MNedical k sIM15,00 for a I"anily and $57.50 for a Single Meniber up to age 65S. Over 6.1 ycars of age: rSEýNDTHIS COUPON TO: DLJRHAM COLJNTY CO-OPER AT V E MIEDICAL SERVICES Oroiio, Ontario iddres, MtA.JOR IMEDICAL BENEFITS INCLUDE ... *Ambulance Charges. *Sjie<ial Drugs. *Laboratory Service%. *Appliances andi Therapy. 'F'hiS iS lte (MN'nCLv <u\'--baso.d organization scrx'îng i ie Ulit td( nuuti of D urham and Nor thumhrlan d.' It ' GERALI)-SHACKLETON - HamPton 263-2-,44 M IS. D)ALTON DORREL ., Blaekstock 786-4995(s9 NERS. ROBERT ('HATER - Orono 36-r-I IDAVID %'1,ILSON - Biarksjnck 986-43,95 keeps your farm fuels clean Tbe Atlas Fatit lttts Futrrfit l I îl e of gravtty, ft itiirnel ou iinritýrgrî-tri farm fuel tanîk.,, Rt-'iivr", ust, dfrt r<as and condensation vwlijcb uiaut- fuel Ourinq storaqe'. " elitîiiaîî',f'iiiiîtroublie rcvd tr/ fuel couitaiiniriaitt " clear plastic cott:,l <i(tlieni; fi ter ele- tment always it iitv * tli net crack tinrnormtal lus(, " a perntanpt i iii iI,.. oriiy filt(e 'eittent Pbone 623-3316 A. H. STURROCK & SONS ~ebder Ave. - Bowmanville more now... more in the future....from Imperial Oi', m s 50 * Health Examinations. Phone Dth MW* y ÀOO% A. H. STURROCK & SONS