'tii Niti prcsented h ro xx th t hf-' the mus iciaris M r s Rci-k shicld. ais cc-cl as a pcn anrd and group fîve. foi, tne dcli- penc-il set r ions lunch. Mr. and 'Ni rs. Mr. (icrî- Buit. Dîrector of Russell Honey. Port Hope, Exteri.ioni, Ontario Coîlege of er made Hionorai% cNleii- Art. >poke i-n the subîect, 'Wh ' % bers of the Club. Lice in air Antique flouse'. Mr. Miss Aked cc-.sau îttliiiî,r'î Bull resîdes in a bouse in to represenl oui- club)a: iflti' Toronto during the x'eek and ceremon ' wbvIl(, ) 'ti1r. Roc, on a farrn along Lake Ontario, Thomson took his itat iiiti hie or-, %eek-ends and summer House of Lords. The - erre- holidays. Both bouses are ap- tarv read a letter firoiLotrd proacbîng one hundred vears Tbomlison iof Fk'c't,Epi>nc o! age and have been restored bis a ' preciation for titi' îliîbi'- to a c'erv liveable condition bY best vishes in bis r'egar'd. Mtrý Mr. and 'trs. Butt. It was evi - O J. Henderson c'xpresseci titi i-ent that Mr. Bull bas donc appr('ciation of lte tlhii i'onsiderable r-esearch concero- Mr L. Mi-Nil for a toil) xc'î' ng tlic period ini whicb these donc' during bis ternit fof> cf-- bouses cvere built and hait as President. cvhercx'er possible. retained tbe [inlfile S1îrelai-c-'> t iti original structure. His most coc'ering the- recetît c"sc'(tccc r nýterersti rip alk \vas supple- meetintg. 1,liteevx ecci c c'foir rncnted xc'tb beautifu-l coiored 1964-6.5 season ,,as aruintriicid. I li(s The new presidenl t ii hi NI!r Thin-' itlectiîtg xcas favoured Rosit Stonehous-, v-iît ti-epî'esenc'e of l-onorar 'v l'le ntmbers ai-ertîîcc-liiik- Mentherts, 10r. and Mrs. Alex ing forward t.,) lte antiml hus Carrititers. Garden Hill. Mri. tour i utDrhaii(Cîttît 'roit C'arn ter tanîked Mr. Bullt. SalnîrdaY, Juie i'2> Kinsmen Entertain Ladies At Annual Dinner -Dance 'rite l,atiies Nigbt dittirr a;nd dance ireid by tlc ,Bi%-i- manville Kînsmeri Cluîb at the' Lions Communilv Centre utn Saturdax' evening ci-as sIre- cialiy suc'cessfuii aitdi tire ntcmbcrs o! flte c11ub, Iltcr' wi ,aîtd gLi-ests eîo da delight!ui evenitrz Dr. Jobhn Wr' ci-naýi> " chairmatu o! tliîci-omnittee in <'barge of arranigementts Ici. the e'erl. 'Flue othcr itiir- hers o! titis tntttit i-r Donald Sitnîtt aird Osboitei ,Willia ms,- txconasiri'ctile' o! the <cii. CGordonî'Ii pr stnd RripCrm lnlat Tite hall tai beer -icii ri' Iby Teen Towi-vt iani appt - p)riate >sprrîtg t iterte foin tit- occasion. "ti' xall: ccîrî' cli- ohrate'dwici' ibrantc'he's lîîaî îi. Jovei' pr r-rfi oci-rs iitrac'- tel >lalc chnctn c--re suern- i mposeri cut 'rCmc' v lw palinet &longItle cc-als. Tîtse floranl brancecs also extendeti a(cro4. the back o!tlle haill YciIoi-' st reartcr-S UCI 'F c griaceftl c' , i-ra oc'd 1li(tcc- Ecri! the i-ail pauels. and-i Mrrin"- like strcaniri-is i ti te sanet surmox' shnidc. ' îi-ornecl',titi-- tables. FTe hcad Itblecias tentrcd wivît a beacitufi-il bour- quel o! ' 'cliocv c'a natiotîs aîtci Mauve ctr' nheti't.antc il i-as igitrd bc' tail mauive and 'vclîoi-v irpc-rs rt crcstal candlestic-ks. Al lte uter tables ve.'e t'itre.d cititdat- fodilsitiiutatt ratie hi-iciv'ates. Presideitit Bcrt S 1ut o 'Aci (e ut 'presidcd Cuter'. ait telicv ll3 tablecc-tM' trs. Sittrcc'cic'ii James (lai-f sîrre. 1) c p il t e C.ovcritor if K iisntDisîritý S., Mi->Ca rtsltîurc. [l!n.Joiin 'Werrvc' ita irma i i-i tire La - <'tes Nir'hl Ccmmutr e.,Mi->. 'werrcv'.Dr. C",Eci-i'iuMiurtt Prscî' f flic'Bu'riiîui' cRotary 'Cliii. 'tir> Mwn 'i Prrc sidcnt Ted Sbc'ehaut o! r tci 378 o! Ilire Rouai Canai-liai Legion. Mt'sý. Sl'icehati. Riic'st'h Oke, Presîdentî o! tlie Boci- mnanville Lions Clcub, 'tI r. Oke, James Colliss. Presideri', of te Boccmanvilie Kca: Club, and Mrs. clii-.. S The Enniskiîliî CUi' i C Clturcb -Wornrt ceed for tie del'icirils cinirier. mrs. A! Ihinlir Bîrîîît i-cait the caterît c-on \cini-r. GCra ce ccait said bc' Dio Stcutt. a pasl presideitt o! th ciutý The Toast to Ber Ma jestc. lte Qutiei, %vsi-,gîvi lic Presideîrt Bei-t Snowdei A torciai welcome tb ti 'niests i-as guceribuPresiden Siiocvcer in a brie! address. Te Toast litirte Ladies i-un prii)pos.ed iruArnoldi Sleep. Il rotrîeditle Past presid e ut cc'r rh eloqcîînc'e anti i-it, Mn Ber" Stnocci-eii orn beitaîfo a1tite laies îîresc'ni citari r 11r-1 c r espoiii-ei-l :'A love! litcti-uiet of reti rose.,; am ci-hte ca rnations, tire ,ift o uc cdni h. ci-ri' presented tr M s. Sttctwdetit bu Osborri Wr!liraîrîr. a past presiderut. Dcîrctc \-Govc tntor .1 a tri e (la 't. rot c' hi niedtihtii-'Bociv mri i le K ittmeii Clin tthi acidress - le 'Žpoke iighly 0 ils tirmrri-inIx projects. auc o-f th iencrîhcîsiasnî o! ilsrîreni bers. Il is arn activcli'ub, air onue i-f ccric'h ils ttembens cia ru'tche ;rrocid, lie stateti. Dcn StLi-ttcias itîc'hargeo the lî'c draw. The pnîz' rcei'eti bc'tire ILi-ky wiitnet cvec a table Iamp, a larg( Belg.,anr case iandipainted ln bIu nnid goiti, a set or glasses ain alUi-iniuim pie (rau, t w puvrt ne coohi-rs. an elecîri i-ock. aun eetrie iroît, and2 50 gallon ohl voucher. Th( prizes cnedînated bv Snocc Ckir Eletlrie. Bocvnranville Na. ce Electnir, anti RtLIti. Eicti-.botir of Ojzltawa, Muý Mihct Hardware, McGe,-'eg Hardwcare. H-ooper's Jecceler' Snmithr Bi-'erages, anti A. il Stttrriotk aird Sons. The Kinsmein o! thf' eai Awad cuunii- cich is decided nu a tutîtut' ssternt. cas preseni- ccl Fb Dr- Joint Werry to Im- iediate Past President Art' ohlI Scecp. The special award for tire Most- Utathletic Kins- mnto!fte Vear cvas present- ed to Bill Kilpatriurk hv la.Ž vean's %ci-itner, Duke Bruntl. Presitient Snowden on bc- htutf o!fte cluîb presented Douîglas Rigg with an inscril- ed- silver cigarette lightet LIBERTY GARDENS ULTRA-MODERN HOMES Buit ta Your Own Specifications MANY PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Move to this Prestige District Without Delay BUILT and DEVELOPED BY WALTER S(HLEISS EXCLUSIVE AGENT Keith Peters Realtor 728-7328 APRI4 MONUMENT4l SALE 4 '2SVyo OFF S YOUR CHOICE 0F OVER 100 MONUMENTS ON DISPLAY 4 Giiaianteed in W~riting PERSONAL SERVICE TELEPHONE 885-5216 ~,RUIlER GRANITE (o. 75 ONARIO LI MITED 75OTROST. PORT HOPE4 te it d 0x f Mtr. Rîgg is ait licîurrau x inîî'î- ber- o! theBoîtarcteKrt- .lien Club. leie cves !tir i-eek 10 ltake ti a inîr'pc u' - tiou in Oakc'iile. Bocvmanc'iIIe KirertiuccIlPrc sidc'ut lad vs Stru ut hrescri-i a brie! crase btu te Bocinu- vrulle Kiutsineîr Club fu'ornitir" girls' orgaurizatior. 'FTr i cs froinIrle Kiultiieî' n ixmc uiseti bx'thre trea>îînrri-rili lu l o--nul K itlsirret. P t'e t' i dc i i un Stnutt ttradc lthe t3rc'seitit loin Presidetrt Sîocudeur 'FTe(nr 1c% 'tasters ist Ihe trc'11 t'î' r'Zr - Irer ne h,-ýi<ýli d-u-ecithlire \\,-'K insmruî cn Iî hati loiiet Itii' -I i b irri.n - i the past uca r. Rn." C o r (Ic'ý!. Rnuperît C-raai..ir'nlîît. Bill MartinîandtiR.1iîii X'hutî le alto mnrutîourcd Icut it ':' tîcci- trentbens tiisc i .%lX Kîrowc'es anti Bd Lec n. x n ci--e nctableIr bc tre, t'uni Pu'esidtîl mrciclm 'ir 'r Itu-tietittie i--ir-oct r tor1):- XVerrc . Irle Kitisrrer ni-i' Ni ichi Cormi tee fCh ir! i-rir. Dr. Werrx' thanketi thire mrrr-- bers o! this t'onintici','r 2 no, Pad~ c n uta rnîviliier April 1, IA Durham County Club Holds Final Meeting of Season Darlington Schi Steady Improvi iwanis Music Fe " R L: ,i 'r i N -R> 1 - E vâi, '~Bocc'nanvilic ot-'. srni of Cd ii-iceEan n,", f Whit .Flee o t rt id u't; 1d-rrt ani a . -tU iE:c:nori Mýrs. RufsCak p Bra'ttford. rilso survie. IU -isprect-ased b *%-îbroher, U sho E<i-irerioîr Bovce. acd adear rarir' J(,rr%' Pen u d. niIlie erîtii-,eh o K i-if stc'evr'Id aftcction itn t. iti ceea-i- wcas held. By Ross '171F i l n erai r vi '0c 'va "Vhýs is the t h t-'id rom Con r i-1e In ted Dar-lingtoil has Chiltri-hno'ilGond F 1ticia ,,to t he Kiwanis Marc1 t27!: h alid cc'as conduui- at Peterborough cri b'% Rfcý'l. J-RizrItetil asshr- provement iri (,i b': RiIl.- NIcllcc' of Osh- placing eachc eý Lacc i l tMenrti-'ri tca> r Moî1Thi5z ,,-ear wce tnt MecraI Ce'îieter - '.'testants .ini twel, Os!îawa cc Tir rl11oiîgcirt he sc-er- uces cri-' 'c~a ritisit' '.cas piavecd e uuesft i.- ci:~,i t ' r(ihîe Cal-no e.obann ma-., four firsts. Li aind five th irdis.i Pnîlh'rî i~ k t 1'c'X iCpi~petitive clases i c - a-k pc'rfoctic, Jerry Bv MNrs. Ross Stonnhoîise A large î'rocc'd atlc'nded( the fi nal meeting for the seasi-n tof the Durharn Countx' Cluib n)f Toronto it<-ld at te(,ILOUDE. li-eadquartc'rs, Li-iccîer and Spadina. in Toronrto oitn a'c-h 26th, 1964. Mr. L î%c Niil. the pie dent iralled the mceeting 10 order at 81I5 p.mr. wilb the sîngîîîg of God Save lte Qucen. t xcas1 wilh regret that Mir MeNeil announced the passing of Mr. Donald S. Linden. a valued1 rnember and past pi-esident of tLe clubý Kathy Barcza aind Elaitin Pong. stcidents of Ceciar Praci .Secondar v Scbool. enterlaii-i 1' the audience ccitb 'solos attd piano scîeccins. Jim WVlker of Gardiet n i.l wvinner of the Durham Counrîxi Club of Toronto Sliî'ld. spoke( o)n "Whcv I Like tii Reai"" It was ohx'ii-itît at Jjm aIso liked Io niake isc of lte kýnowîcd,,e gieaiti-d crad- ing, in h-is pîirc 'peakrig. 'iNr. rS catcring g rou p, 'Ici-rtoI'ic'r. I i eS <ACi 01,Fi Lawrenrce iC. Miso ei ,e thp îseîaritie tt>.r iIartc i-r f tire pu.ox'iIlutc mediale Past - Preieti Nr ut ak h .-l('i tnn- -lr.serce cc'rhot r inera; ion. - ,Newcastle, MrsVW.A.B Ed- 11 er . o! outstaîrding si-ni-c'eI'-.I h nui>o iei-' tIle large gel-, Mrs. Jesse 0.VanNet it TIre entertaitrers. TIi<' Bte.c nta ff ccirich it itl <'s tiori' than Mrs. Fred Gri!! nMr.Aub- a men Qi-artet. 'oniosi'i,-i f 0,01)Iiicuiîrîcîîree'i'ix' th. 'r' Wllias, C . dam Gr-G olf, D art tie Keutît Jacksonut. Dr. Ker i-tS'tii-S(- M. Dc' eii-ec'rnc- 'cî fius st) Toronto, M rs. Pentu mcoi, Ken i îocki n ani-IDoi-4its 'rtrSnrntrateîînî G(reen !icld, Mr-. R. R. Cal lait, C, Racrklanr, wero itr ot c-eci b%-of*11. I h-liiguihtîsîî'scs.li'lte vorrespnnîg secretar.\', lr' Dr. Wer'r..The Bocc'îrtc'u tcillr r trgi-tltliaI lii'iiîtýlI' nur'from nt d Mnit. Saîm Brooîks. A t L egion j c- bn-r tireur Iraîf litrurî' t-o:-r oc-nl riiî'- andt- utt iaI l i S' o! i-ocrai select ions iand i ruirtill uic-nu i .î'lcl-ietreti, ail tuf8cc'honuî B f i cdc' imade a groat rit.t',i m ati' ci- î'll ktrx-i iit i hrn t fatiadiat u glct ii- i i t L oi. iet c'Ic'd tcch applausi.5c.itîc'ttt I'. I tn in tandtio k eyatîtiGol! Lî-ai.rurc'Briti1i,,i.cr Dui-tng the balaînu-î'ofi 'i le.tr i lîtrîîc'c i tiîîeîaîîl M o ielci i ii-'he Li'icil 11i 11Intl tî -evening. tdant-inîg ccaS îr i îtid silsti ntianti se'rvice-'in e s Satlund Theei ir'Fic' I- )II to tire riîc'i nti n uist îfthir uir. M oI eagcîe pri-iii. VIdi niSinrîr- populan Motterec* -s Ut!c~a li'mtn "tur u-ct -FROM PAGEOE NE, tr rsd-i iri~it~ i'- -Tiree ciere -ec'iral i 5.' cins ci s(Inssti rc NýIr. ODee- lite l'inrmc'Tc'ke Torrnainîrct as M-C'. r- Dance prizes. and f il(,- uc'u-". lile aisti -buit i-c tir lte 1îIScarborougb Mai'ch 281t. Olirts i t Ifi( ei tt r ýd presented tutltei the î s uc 'c'ît i-rn oiftirdencd mer-;If a second game is plac'ed were Mt-st na]u i ri- 'ir'. r- Art Hooper. chiîdn>c, atii n îrîtbical aird the playets cvau iii xill again 'uOurtr. î(-e1-h"t1t'Ii(ti 1iif t- îlg ipresuiestMsnrcmerto Ibe paid for bcv the Hockey Leag-uc. 'ti; i ritI. Vi nie in. Thn i gi- irsti seer ao"IMothers. -Perfecl. Dartl-,rtSiîr.i- his listeers1about The 'winîrcî's of Irle lIockcy ciait. Mn>. PrCeu(',\'Trc xc OBT A YicIephoir- solîcîtatioîî bv er-tiMoîbers draw i-veld Mitror îroc- iii, Golf LI-'atncrc' Si- itit-'tn iqr~ <'arete ~ ouî soins ttkr Ioi'i Ilitent.-ira ýkei- nîghl ai-e îsîprîze a <'or- T tc".- it, C'. G c i tu 3-N1 ,ç.CaeneNi ltfi ic urintoiticihe'n iuîg roncy !ee percolator woi-voi 'Geotrge Da ri eoî. I*i-rFri-ciii I i 'Tie deatltocf'tnr h -t fi.i-trilafiti iroîrnî'purîroes. lit Difliîrg, Boi-v'airvifllc: 2îîd t'esii ,ý tie i nc'î tn a n isi"-r Miniilt nirîcals ai-e prIZe a $25.00 uoLi-cc r foi. scat Vîte-e Pu'.ii i rît ' iltni i M. Pe , foi-i titi niiorl ai-hi-' l riotfers .vitciare <c-es w i " Ror rda 178, . S.r VFc' iu ir- r o . i. -tîr Tuesda\,'.Mar-clr 24t1t. 196-1,et î'r.'u',iu nrli-ii)rîcent s o!nR. . bwtmauicTl.arude3tau i< nft .cti-.itI'I Memorial H .pia, BoRi-ici- nt i clt giu--rtn icrt .. restatedcl . R.4 o i iiia d 3d PLi 'o u'l( x'i le Bni er tu - Dn ttcc'c-i cot oprise, a baltervr opi-ratet i\ ix-i ig. vil.B r rnEaste rinu ' . 'toncMrris mvedil vt ftooltbrîîslî onbc' I'Tom VeitIcli (naut ca- nis id 1),, n' 1901. the dec-eased ci-as ii in': iu jantks tu'Ir l)I'enteie for Courtuuc. c-ot',-t8 Pnuiîc-. Jlri l.r ' lt- i 63rd vear. Site Irai-i hei-en IIIfitls înactiual and nt iteresittngî Ao' r ecîeatiunt placer ci-ho 'l'oanu>to l etic- Qrlui- ýIn xc t t- foi' 18 morîlts'. ni-drt'ss. Pi-i-sidet G(. Edintudilot receii-e a i-est Iplea s Prstib'rui)it;.' - 'î'i' Daligiter <if tire 1lli' tI .-h urr r.-o frt 'eusec i,,ispeî'- cortac-t Mis. Joat int îîmsir-î.87 dul10u-S îîîî "Iî iic W,' S. P, Bu'r -t' ari m sîmîal;rI iO'rtuo lte ,u-est t rario Si., BowÀntaîti- lIt' - ninllc li-iiis .t.' lor t Bovcr, thie forin'r if, IO'OIr!t' sinl>-.At Ibis meîeting aurl c-t c ti ti- Rova ai ît ii I , . i .t : n Elma Boc*re i-cait boin a' ["tn-t h\IIw-s o crtt'ctf ttiei-f'offîcers v-as lhelt antd i-nla tet'c for titi iit'i.iotntIi.irm- ton. Ontario. She cca> a gnini' iri-ieec' i-i -r c cciE Clarîrel cvore by ballot lte utci-officet's qu-el vccihutIaini !i îtr' i'randdaughcr -o!f --' vr n.- Ruiicid, Dontrristuni> Ipr hit -are Rita J unkitu. presidenl', fruî ii kii Steer. a pioncer trreacer'I'li-i 111. Attia tNilu'ox. vce presudient, l'lire pI-utc' mii t(i.of tît the Kitrgslon -Bcllevit'drMa- cbbl ai-î'r, Bet"Leluui'a ci-ir-i- al1!t1it(ri tî~~ict. The deceasecl reî-enc rea"ui etvasnsflîc .Xiitt br ici h caa e Iiirhi - M _ "ci-'agreet Iobremainas s as fjoý,A he du aiM t ieSuc. ', or airotitenr-car lte sprc-alI ii'rc' t1t1trtt c' M)1 anti Napaurc - lli! Schrotîl . On a motionu bv Ec' Ai-ut' B natiîriIi-e,,îiut-n '.n n andc the Colle,-E o Itttt-itrantdtisecorîdeti b' r iig'Fa bb, 10 tle DaritLut Int' (lir:i ir Toronto.R l~ ire meetinrg cc'as ;acournî'cî (leut 't'unIllu' î n îrr IliiNoicm ibr!, i 922 MWU y A lunch anti tea cier v~c- Fair'. T"c"r-. '1fnitiir mnari-id Cliîcrtî-i-- eiun ihci-IalIhiis meetirpSi-itrex Mii'ci-l'rn.r i ';n-r i-hio sui'ViVC'et. aur-I ui-incIt -RM (A i CBiairih 178l ýI i ct,'t' ln t at Courlice toi-4 it) -cr:. S:rc itTtr Ilrî'rr t tr ordîfcenit K itIn cI 'r.tr nnuî also Ii-eti at 'o' m \i . u'-,.t.rn c t tui:n.c. o--i trf VSpriierluii t ionti->iux 'l Strtitbfieltiad iai-i i utrnnr rA- 'iai lnîtîliî.ki' tiis. Piuîti"W G fis 1 t3111.'Id u tici--. 1"aik!ord ni l i c I'uîtri. tun StI uI ti.\lutl'ire afa u i . iii rt ti 'trs. Peinfirnu n- ni i 're - (nuism. 'iItuîîît l'IThuîcn iut o ern or (,siîacc--tîî.t-t ber o! Countice UnitiediCiimi cii-cituclini.xii ti> ï- FOMPG OE' Brts1ealwr ii tit- u. Wtt ancd as long as ieîr haiui:itiper - Io".aoii 'Ir. (; (.ý lîltdi a u-eriteiPAG 'ONE Bn Eu t S ax -îrB iti i J 1 muteti i-as actice inIlltie cari- aeIlînm)lrîretinErcStiwr ous phtase.,;of tltci'îi c'îuork. T'l'ir e r-Iî' .iniiduI-liie'frointt Kiwaîtis-Iuuleritationi i tict-itig Kiitirfl-. Pi-tir la t'u.tri Sh ws reîdtî ! it--\Vcîr-i c ci'M -s -Mui ardlte comîng moults. R. Wright. Lieulenant-GoverertiofReetiW.-tuoe Pi-er fut t.utonris tnd ýMS.. a leader c>! lti'Mm ie rc Il.- 1). Vc'nlcrs. Iiili tetea Lmetn Itanwcti-tii-c'lie snetît letou ili . u t nit tint Banti. anti aso a c ï,,in u ounri'trs. 't1clbiiue Vghl etoe hiawrhhl etto fI-ý-CiI f( the Missionî Cii-cie at Et'iasrnd-M is. Ala o B, SxIcester ('001< ibulion to tuuernat.ionai wiîît'" Of!1W l','ijt.tit -Uttiteti Chunî'iî At C' ir -ti-usier'î- uuderstanding coin d be made'hall urire iuni tut-r -.1. Vii Ins United Citi-rclit rtc. cc i . î 'lirosi'rî ia iagi' tf Iti' Reg- by the exebangi-'o! letters cvtb Eri'St ainE- u ' 'r ýt i I it' vanonuc'tine> Iei-l-rcf l' >tmutcii Bui. c-c--r'tùtj.îjî.olter Kiwanis Clubs ini differ--accarid (o ftic ct i-i t r tii>, .Missioni Bai-d. Surtld "S(ýi tit) Bîri u WN r A"t CoUrunt t re t nl parts o f litewicold.anti in li- -ig sO-îe iiiun ine i -ni Teacher, CCI LT. leaclîr. i'n i' ,( Sot-n ri-I Mrs, îrarlicillan bu ';-onrespondînig Max n X'ocntlit Preititient o! tic eucr cGlet t teInteifirgite>Att flie Do- wulh Kucva. us CIli-bs uiIrle C . Auilutu'G.ti Socatin Se ica aIi- aini-rs lablc M1.B.C oi-y-iiew î'ouutrtes .air ai-ca cd Ii'FX"r TcI - ChaterMctrhe irf Ir I rr' c. tc Ireaiuer.nu i-I'trs. K. Charter Presîtiiun 'î'ti[fi-l iremost i-ouir, ieii 'l'e(-ii c &Sehool Association .1 ergi-soit ciereuin cîrarge. ti oei *oeo irnst enait,!ai c-n-c1i r lrr bc wner fn!ti f n Îtri r'. M R.B Tîllc'trîk i-'as ùinRLieu tenan t-Goveu'nor Reeti for, dent Eric Stanuu-îfour ieii(,'i cvonk >be i-i-as C.C.TT. Suu -hauuîrp of thti- Specuial Dracc', is inspuning address. Presi obe ti ctsiîtn "ln intecrient in rthreWo-neii'- M. anduti s IE. J. - Ruuidle îrî'e(sîd- dent James Collîsu also ex- Brooks. ei-i aI SoIte tcuxnîalrIli(-Cook presscd bus persoirl pp-ecia- Par l.crntp'ti'tii- suoar Snieu ne.nci' r..Boîok Ortiet Table, lion btirte guest speaker. ai--andti>1 Max 1 andt a membe: tf ire Irni The ' i i--lîuung îîîkes n;un thte President Collits anîîouncci-iaid t-f 1' tir Pcnfc t1iif tjan Educatuoti Comililee if Sîrecual Draw cc-ere drawit by Ihal Ithe Kiwanis Rummage Oshawxa Presbuterc Site also tire Presudiet Mrs. RudeL.Sale cvll be held oit Frida.v wý%orked for cears o IeO'î LONG SAULT ai-a antid rstrhc 0 1GI 'I he ccîrrrîr o! a beautiful flo.î afleî'noons and evenîngs later ,titraI arrangenueîrt lt an alabaster' on ibis monli', and un Ma'r'. 'tIr, ant i tir ,- Iwt BoartiasChirar O trmn vase ivas Mns. Leo Huhta He said tbat <ontribuluons tanti Lunda %c-'c nur-clt. Bor.anti Chair:rraîî tf nSe anditr ag ak ct nfo people of tire town and,ý per guet u trnd'i ' CamplaBoard.kenocvnr ac' "Pc't'n- ouiNIa.nti nu"p Boad hi-ndretis o! g .ntsirtI andt eilocu, c.'iicb had' district of ail kintis o! articles r Pei)rwandceii. \NI:.WXV hui,,,'. n\ t unrd o l -ecimatie anti donaled by' for tbis sale ,vill be mucb demI ouc' i ttîîte.i't - the district, she sîrenitt ittut ivrs. Alait \V. Steel, w-as Hoapeiae. fe menlioned iir -îi 'I:1' --O t summers at Camp Prc'oria in lth' 'Ira. Pauline Slorks, Necv-!that donations of clothing, for secvera",-oi-- various positions týif dter- u-a*sîîle household articles, furnilure, i Mr. andl 'i!- - Ni %i.ý- sbip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h 'Iii -ai-- foti-lthe doon priz-, costume jei-celleryr, culery, Bowcirranvilli'. ,c-ru' 'i . - i rs. Penfoumi-Ii-s-'re'. es ciere nrade by lire Hospital dishes, ornamenbs, pictures. Iec-etnung cnuo î i M i,- i I ac'tive un Irel teat!t'.t"Aclniitrator. Berntard Hold- toys ai-d garden tools wiil ail 'tr>. Robent ('nur'rut the Unitedi Cburclr W'.'rcilnu' Itr.lie Boardi Chaîrmaît, James be most welcome. 'tIr. anrd'tis . cIr r Courtin i - e(ognil;oti of Stutti.vlrs. XX. T. Caci-ken. tbe Plans for a daîtt-10bewene Satunda'. <civ',c-, ,whuch, aloîîg %i-tir!tl-irna nn,. mn:eiatc Pasu Chaîrman of held by bbc Bowmanville Ki-, tors o! theur daligctrIr:r.Mr. nîiîti - 'ears o! service. she iý-as pn>- Iltir otuieits IHoipubal Auxil-, wanis Club ini May al the Mns. N. Da\i--i..Pîîmnp". irît n. senteti with a lire menrbersht!p raie> Association o! RegionIFlying Dutchman Molor Holel are c-env happc 'iatntmm.' it 1963. Truix -"She math dote No. 8. andi the president. Mrs. were also discussed. Follow- t daughber bah';-'Frnri-l.cttnr- ci-at she coulti". RudelI. The ccinîrers cvere Mrs. ing the dinner meeting of the, caine home froîtu Sick C:'rrhd- Surc'nving besiers tIn u.n- Geor'ge Vanu Bridger. Mi-s. Wil- club a directors meeting ccas, ren's H'ospital oit Cooti Frncl.tc 1band Clarei.ce, are a dauir-,liai rPrucer, Mrs. R. L, Mut-. hcld. andti s cery muchtir:ocd 001S Shorthorn Sale Draws Huge Crowd at Brandon e le l Sho: ihorncie areeally otoehlvtPrh ct (i-acs. ai t rtîn.n to Ihe iAmerica with oustanding re- twîî hi- Shoîrthcorn events toi sults. Mr. Philp was appoint- sti al he hiclci-i i Durhairn this ntontb. cd to the Shorthorn Sales lri PbsOn lSnitcrrinîc Apr il 4th. miany corporated Board three y'eaîS t ne Short ho rtr willI hi- oniago to try and establishA C "'h:i Isa 1( li' rît v l l'\"l i tiFari,!FPerth of America Sale. Need- xc ak r-' ît '1 a c'1, si o k Ncxt \Wcdniesday* ,less to say, the success of the 'i'-î.rrn P!-:.' Soi, 'rrrîîoc'r> April 8th. Itl' anial banquetý Manitoba venture was most K~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o '"'iî~e. Srtc' ih~ !lite ascî'at coii viii be, heldgratifying 10 hlm, and indeed,, nu la(kýto(k orirouit Hal.to other Shorthorn breeders in 84rînt'k. I- tnt Po~->. Saw' n Bai'>tît-k 'oniuirthis district. W½!o. -trr ligh S1ln- A tIlilic .tiihu ladîiies were Theargepi o$1 dur. Ciîr -- '.Stii t ade a fv\ecc \'rnago a eaeaepiv f$,7 îrrk Braircitîii \.lanîtîîi', w.he'te a wa s the higbcst modern figure Gi ý_s i ý a1 oi-a. -tr tina or a Shorthorn consignment t-tti ~ ~ !ar - i- .r.ti i' iih"' orthiî -a1 c vas lield. It sale. Ten buils brought $2,000 t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'r. r tiin tri rid i ttatcl 'îi.'~ o oe with 34 bulis selling '1,ýsu hreevih lt(- ric orin the four figure bracket. - "'ii':- .. r1> tlîci ~cîtî it' \"rig' ri'e ofBulls eecnindfo i t-.~~ tr ttirr .k-ahac'k $,37,2 b'iiipaid for- 55 bulîs. rviser cningnfrom sNov ýo ):1<cIoolchor h To btll ý is sld orSeotia 10 Alberta and from i inir t -,, Accord tiir Rcîc Ph îlp of four states. Buyers came M rhi'.rit~itî'rirx' îrî l riadale l'a rrn-. Port lupe, from a wtde area, with eight rt' -ir ui! rir:ri i'rr f snt he P frii-ot W t as a major states taking home 13 of the oti' 'iii Mttî'r'c ;'<Ci- hi . se oatu i 1r ' ovithat offering, with the remaining' S'iitio'n-' cvii i tpîac'<> anin)inlisale smilar 41 staying in Canada. O r t (iih i rîîci p iak i-f ci Kit.'nk, Ilîiitrot S!r- l- D rIr 1 C un i - -r Inîrt' Rih rîoîr.Shacc-. A ii îicrrii i« Darlinîg- At-soîiales lbe appointed Coj~ B: -r h I C' îr'"-t. Fc'r'toi 'iic r-.irî (oint-il held in siulting Engineers forih c hi ". \1ît ~ ~J)'j'al ii 'cc'tcrîilai.ll anmpton, shiîp on I)exelopmoent FRid Z r '~tî 'ir c r.Cii t' o r-c j (oitinlt irscw it .rftt'r riocin. Marcb project No. 706. This motion Il t i. S:rr'c ii tl' Wir, hOtu. Be1c' _. .Ranchard. was passed. îî'.î'ir î',î' îî'rr al li'it 1"l-t( ' il. C7. Miir, Cominî'iloî' Budai, secoîîded' i-Rt~~ ~~ t - 11 .:' c' I. i',e Cocîr-îl 11 Bîtial (Oull- by Deputy Reeve Muir, moved St-rtc' iNi,-1.-rlît, ('aril )oiîcî. and Coun- that a recsolution <of ~Pe Grants Costs ut 1 As in'63 t 1 ini tjtîn ,î 'tf i ti t1ccl c'nru1t S. a Im ln t ;a " îtitI u Cturti-( i ii lIc.AM nirls' n itilicutptil lii- t' -ittri.' toi-fracles h r i n n r - 'r- t-rut r i-up ta!i u i t c i i llmtu-'î"t, r t t -r-' t. v', tu-et iwlus juuru- icI t! tuof il i i ti-i c-lr ols Ini lui r' i if tri i i i i i in i c ir -d ccýin diI . - t- - t i hn ui t , n r, irii it Ii e i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t It'. ' trec ildx Be - c i fîr r c-ta l' iuuir I e r nli warded Trophies Banquet <illor Richrdrci(l bs %ver( ap- Coutvl Council dealing witb pinirtci- îîc'tîlu'î tf titi' couritte,costs o! annexation pro- ,of Rc'x istîîtr -19614. ceedings be endorsed by DarI- 0ui a uiîierîlix' Coriuîc'rtlor iîrgton Township Counicil. Gibits. Set'iiti-i'uiby C' ('i-ccl lorlTtswscrid Bcîdaî . tE1ti'Mfotr-gî'avelThsw crid xc r rit iti'tn'ii Oit a motion by Councîlloe -wi (î-trut x ii " h eedBudai, seconded by Councillor oll cich 1i'niiirsri-' S.coeîd owrî, the Township Clerk, WC i Sluc nrt, Ilarnden Watr Rundle, was requesled and m(i ruc Nelon o inform the Ontario Traffir anrd K î" tr "î-i cis Conference Ibat lte Township uîirci lo hý Su cote Couri-il docit not feel that it us bYC ttîtr ii C;r!ii, rsii uied, advisable for il to parlicipale lix' ~ ~ C CiiutiiliiB-aiao-td ncially intherifre thirnt i- uni-rf'ui Ilarndenitattecneec tit-Iidti-' t etî-tIîcjcttc-lprogrant. Th'is was carried. io ii, ijlt ro 1i t ii of-t ie Dipart - Cb'r' lo Down. seconded met , tva îbytCouniiior Budai, moved* c airuci It ' , i-if 'Fowcnsip Clerk Walter' j(,'- 'iiof aiRundie be appoinled Deputv jItni i(l i ýj( iîr tiik cre pî'ed Wclfare Administralor for cuil rl rtîtitr ix h\('oi îcilîor for Darlingtoît Towvnship, an-d« Bi-iirr -eîîî.i'1,i'rCocuî'cillor Iis v. as carried unanimousîs'. Docc' i hw iNixiîri-iirs î'ei-eiv- -Counicil agreed (o have the cd wuir' I'rtî rcaii a Eqctip- Building Inspector for lte îtutci. C I'c\'tlIinir Iotors, ' township informed that for the S'cniMiois' -Sîid Latc'asler. rpurpose o! issuing a building hi-u tt' 'ce l!!1d t ýirîttley p)ermit. Lot 33, Concession 2, Nititrir îow oxvned by J. Fialka, has a Ciinirl'ut: PBtu t un trucd t bat fronlage o! 66 feet in width. iti- tic't' (ýt I iriii1. irai Et!Roc'Titis w-as moved by Deputy \V. N ttiI. -' au-eptt't lh- Reec'e Mu', seconded by .îeciI thf r tt' ppi îcaI tif' lite De- Coîincîllor BLudai. irartttîrîof Iii,I î xavS. 'Fi i Oit a motion by tbe Depulv xc'îs - 'îi-rniui- 'ixv Depi-ts' Reeve and Councillor Budai Ri'c" tuu ntl tarrieci. the audilors' report for 1963 l)'pîtc -Ci-'i \îîr.setonrd- presenled by Montei'th, Riehl cd hic' Coi-înrellcîr DI)ox'i-move-l-and Water's. was received and cd flai Gi'irie 'l'ottîît and !iled. littgtott shi-lci be mnueh more contented this year, cîte Iii put in-tcatne in the mili rate ini towcn and ac'ii-all' a îedîictionithe township. CH-ANGES-- A visit bo McGrcgor's Hardware on \\'edttesclau - orîing discloses many changes in the la -oui antd facifities of the store. Considerable %vrik lias betr carried on over sexueral weeýs tb tii'av.ititiiYou are cordially invited R~I !Il(' l'oe tht Stancer1.local il h , r .1 c i 1h, .~ \~.~ ~ ~(ilibrary during Di! ii- e n -SC rfG. thi-' c-i-r,' î Groit- N TIONAI [IBIRARY d,-tit C ,tAi il i oitu am i K . tý , i c' rh l r :m tI m c i C .-i i i t it Ltr, I lIlo "EA IN . T E E pli r' tr. ii i th. Ah Y:~îi dh(Y iii-i TO MANY THINGS" r r sut-r i,~rrrBowmanville Library Hours: 't it' : ,v kt I li Iol-)on a.î-rt i d .N- - T ursday - Friday i l, r 'r !'i !'l i )- to <,5:31 pI ii. - 7:30 to 9:00 parn. i * r i t ir,.' ti10:11'îo 12:100 n. - 2:01) Io 5:30 P.111. S THURS.- FR.- SAT. APRIL 2-3-4 SAVE Up TO 75SV/o ~JRY & LOVELL WEDE LIVE R 2KING ST. E. PHONE 623.36 31etcalf ýiird cvear Sou' staken puils Misii' FeStnca] i ccith ai 'l..m standard- antd ar. ve classes antd it itine Clasz- ciev-n dnplo- s. tcco secornds, int higblv comn- wxith the e\- reti. t' tei -îapres. Doit c'bill.aind 'tr-. Col'itiBirt- marks.iic rpc i-' r r i' Ci W ta s a r'.d cisî le. tis class. I<riicr¶oit(~a k<TFli lace î-cered scrc'itîg Tiird Pri /z V. ti MN table w-as ceettied with ait ex- pie Groce Scitool ('ni-ir. -15 * m m qcîiSile arrangement o! hcc'iemarks, ini thesainte i(Ii t carnîations. macuve antd ihile the H ampton Chir.r Orirt) C p 'fodils, gypsoltilia, ilt a base 87 marks, tiien i laniiptirti i:t i C h ild ie!of large and shilling dai'l green MVaple Gi'ove fol(occed cx h 1,1S C h ml r n leaves. This beautiful ceittre- and 85 .'.ceM!t-cx I lu' F R tCr, Ar. E >CINE piec'c'was donaled b «'\-Mi's. L. choîrs wc i-rtc of n friri rt:î' r't,"x"uirrlc-rtîtria a- T. McLaugblin iiintemorv of muisic'al]c' anIlr (I '.'i-i- r e't tot t~ nu itia- art cie rit tie laie Mrs. E. V. Storc'y. .vhto s, lstg !ZWai'nr'ý Cîth iinii, e. Iaci ivertlte flot'ai cenotre foi'Mr lci' 'urcr S îîî Tý' w; ' it'c' :"- îoîthe Birthday Parl'r'for several pliidtchîrIl Cor;l1 a uS, i k n yeas. heservîîîg tablecas83 nmarks inta ,Sch-lr r ir ~., " cveî'airc'aft, ighted by tlu cellow and pale IS.S.A. or S.A.B. Ui'taii -c i-l]dý a l itent- green tapentiisivrcadl tiaiit. lrkc Williaiî Douglas, -I cr a e 47 ll[t" 'kî'ir Co-iurt,.Noîrth Yor'k. Mrs. L. 'F.IIa ]l)l, ] Ns n re i ý1 1 P.W. Cawker, Mr.E. V. Hoa piloe ri ion rttgpIcrl i.1 and n'Vrs. J. O'Neilprsde a ttii ii cii rt rraI fo Ite over Ilite teacu Ps. Th who anr ili clb iicrft orti'teplenished were MrsO().N. OUÎÎ;i)1. ILhinmbrgcole:H oId H . S. ect jtî. Cci nenberu one1Plummer, Mrs. Ia 'vSatn frorti a firat'ac as Toronitoid crs, Mrs. W. Prin, ad Mr Pot er c' uir Fticvanvhe-Wilberl Teeple. I tir t lic flii glîts. Sciti f i oe of tbe e olic ilt tkigpatin-Saine fLheevetbls ,r [.ý.R .,covered wit pale y'ellnw liii- Blake Mitnor. Si--a rhboroliiit.A.! el' cloîbes, airdIlite olîrers baci Tiet94 Bt-rt i " K Wi V' iîr I, 12 Raridal i Crcs- mauve ones. Bath was cerilred Dinrîtam Cîrt\ i>t c t)rr 't Il i -nt- S-a riorrrcglir rtltc rrwitbi a c'barring Baster chtic- Scîtooî Boar'd tis liii r.rt-t il Sprle. lt i-ix-tv'tli'xOne.ken made o! cinia, c'liic'h was . 1 i1 3 e t i ' St-anitrec i-ti. oiîltl 'ra lrbeIweeii tîe sba!ts Of a littlc $164,707 l i thii'l9i:I itîi Ber' i'îr . tt nui Takc'rf yellow Easler carl !illed cvith Actîual speilig- i!rrl 0 ' i Pitni Pîrrc W v.Gîie:deep purple vio-lets and Ilile$14723 O.~ ~~ Ir c i ii l"c-Er. sit- ,cartit werc topped Ix',\eill'er a A tenta t i cE't ti-ýi>.î(t! pi r Cx ' l-au. tnitrînt Vowlkcr. OsIa.yelîtcvparasorl cc'ith î'ci vicicinuî gtaint: fil uitt ni t)c ntrti-i I I iltrx'ic . o shrawc- a,'puî'ple edgings or pîîîk para- ()()(), up fri-ît 2itr3iini r 1lt1 Inrrc lcl.eit.(Jltncca ( aleîrsoIs witit the purple rucbing. will lîuld thrco.-Iril iiirtuît ie' Bru 1sia ccnî Robert Jac'k, FE. E, Pattersoit inrc'rtihari-e muiricipal ti 'S ii r -Go-îtro'n cx'i'el h)of lte Cea table's. T'1'be cxx tn rîm r it.i r n ('ttc'li~~~~ raii' -tc Titb'r Fose cvlo assistet ilu)t er-'- (ccuith debt'nt ii c' lu it'- w l)'-\rr' Bu <1 ilitiiiiiuthaitt itg cuere Mis. W.V. "itderbu'î, ltrocngir th iiti 'îîî' ii i t ii uitt Cr- în. lti MIilis, Ileliflit Mr R. C. Simprîson, Nec«- bi'au'kc'lstarc' Sîtîtti '.c ,rri. Kitiki'- 2.7 tarcc -ad BîI i-ast le. MrS. IcO il irta, 'tIs.s1,2 541i-C n tl Si-niiir 1til.lt'.lPS itccrv, Bru(e R. ecsg. Mîs. Reg- 886 $439 1, t- 't14l-Irtýrtt ci. lsling- iîtald Lanid, Mrs. Robert E. $123141)8 i(S45.5 i 11 if ()p t' Bale, Mrs. Jacob UJit vIlugl. Mrs. R (7 iS li < u i titî STomtas Rebder. Mi's. Aubrey cil I14154 -h.tlti Bru S'mit, Mrs. A. L. Ilooe'r'. Mrsý. îIloj'$18113118i s1. 4t tt J. J. Cuddahe'. lte rec'ordiîtg biook St11,451 iSl-- tc R otary secî'etarY,' and Miss MarY Jei-u- castle S18,773 (cî1t .G3 .j Those xcioaunit-ted in ar- fo rclIl Club i aîîgng te plates cvere M rits riisc'unir.n i ý dm ceplioît of oleret Those cc-hoc" --r-: imtic'lu ded r FirsI Pr r/.c' i'., .' rs 't classes) - Wac'rte Ct.Niap.c Grove. cc'th 8ti !mark-.('id Lou A vre. Sliacc ' -ci. . < marks; Caroic Wi'.Pr ox deitte Sîltool. xv ilt ili81, k Christopher Nc'cci', ' witl: 86 nîark:; Sec'oîtd Pr 'c 'r' ' ru Hlampton Scitttîo rî o.tf nmarks, c'orn pet m-,utcir i',