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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1964, p. 11

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Brownies Work on Wednesdav. Thev %wrv LM.Ld Perrvo90thzaar n ine"Lions ebr celebratinz t Ot h n er- <1/w Ve«~o~1e #ule e4udsary of the nev church w hichIT <I/M /Vew d& Y cieTo Ern Bdgeswas buit in 1914 bv the late ijy our o Newcastle:- The lst New- Mrs Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 castlc Brownic Pack held Mr. John Dekoker and Nli&s their regular meeting on Mon- B. Thickson, Oshawa. '. sited T raining School day evening. The meeting wilh Mr. and¶ Mrs Thickson' opened with their Six Song ýfl Sunda.v. New~castle: The Newcastlej and Browne Prayer. Miss Gloria Quantrili, Pet- Lions Club met on Wede sy u n c iiio r C o m p lciin s The Brawniestriedtto Cflb- erborouLgh. home for UIc ýevening, April 8th aItheBy coulr Cm p a n e eveien rage th e sa n d veat ieeen'Training Sehool in Borman_ çp Certif icates ting the rain and sun fa]] onneamMrad thcm sota the flowers nedahit Mr. aîî M 1! of Supt. John Baini Newcastle: Once again, the opened their petals and the Wte«s lhome. and the boy s of the school.1 Expenditures Are M ade United Church Surîday Schoolýbs e oleldtorfiv cales ta children completingi part of lier evening to cone W ith ut H s K owie geIheir memory work. RuthWand test some of the Brownicsi if h o u t H is K n o w led g e Paterson and Janice Wood-, work.Godn lad bge Newcastle:- At caun:l meet- A motion wa s made b'i quickl,% pounced on the mo- and. ah Mrs. Kimbv' casl Fihv eBroes en c eWilsoend ing Mondav evening, a letter Councîllor Bob Walton, thattion, giving his views thati n r. Emlys caste àeWed isn was rcad f.rom Percv Tamblvn out of courtesv ta ather coun - passing such a motion would proudly recelved their certi-, Heather HoarSusan Walton, regarding his resignation as cillors. no counrillor should mk anilr elutui iaeMary Urace Patterson and Ar-ý dog catcher. Due ta the numi- be allowed to spend over $10 ed. It was his hope that noi It is erîcouraging Io othe lie Mav %uniro. Fouir girls re-ý ber of dogs running at large exccpt in case of emergency.' -ccived their swimmcr's badge;r throughouî the a~~~~~~~~n would second the motion, osa h udyte eeCrlHbs ri thogottevillage. caun-, without first bringing it ',0 No one did, and ilwslotliie irsi cil will advertisc right away council. His reason for the the shuffle cf further businessî School, and ta the teacher.s Max'ýMtiio. Susan Wallon, for another man. motion was explained in two and bis. l___andsuperintendent as welî. and Mar, Grace Palterson., ,Mr. Fox'. of the Allwood wavs: (1) Monev alreadY Three girls who were enrolled' Construction Co., was grantcd spent, then brought int count- e a AN ek gorcic a biiiding permit for the cil for the cauncil ta si-n higlno.iedBon(,, A T h'ouynow beîng but around gives no chance ta x.oice ',n O Pen g Cererr onies Pnthelag war ited'v a the cIrcle on the Westviewý opinion whcther the councl-ý rod, anDePpad ui Heights Development. lors agi-ee fully ta the amounti Patterson. Mr. Moore had applied ta spent or not. Mr. Wallon feltýO c o l A d t o The Brownics are warkingý A&P SEU.S ONff RED RMN BEEF! PMW TI YOSELU vounceil ta have the village Ihat il isn't always necessarx' r n dlgnlý,t aý is fixed up. At present, where in council, unknown ta tho Newcastle:- Ever one in the Mr. D.J. Cunningham, the The ledr1ie ascIi there slre bump. regular meeting meets again. the 22nd of Aprîl. That îs the D R Dwnx RvFC sntfalnbtbcoîgHCE A motion was made and Whcn this happens, and isome- evcnîng of the Officiai Open- mare interesting everx day. passed, that a by -law be, anc stops x'ou on the sîreet ing of the ncw part of the! Waodland and Mr.W. C. The Brawnies all enjoe a TdI' drawn up and put inta imme- and asks what is going on. and'public school. 1Harlwig. short perîad af progressive diate effect for houses beîng what will the cost be, the The openîng program willF Thc Glce Club. pupils of thei skipping. This funo is enjayed __ built in the new devclopment. answer can onîx' be -l don't get under wav at 7:30 p.m. s .ool, will sing a fcw selcc-'by mast lîttie girls, but i s R S I Council bas agreed ta a n alljwovte i o counci ofCar ublic A M.P.P.and Mr be served, ada close of the! g iven ancancu KILLEDn lhe auditor's salary (rom $450 is nol goad enough. !W. C. Vanderburgh. guesl sehool is offered. Thc teach-1 The Brownies formcd a'F E IL la $650 per annum. Reeve Doug. Counninghani spcaker, will aIl be on hand cers, the principal and the: Pow-Wow and had a sing, CHICKEN for the presenlation, alongi pupils look forward la a large sang. The meeting closed wilh with the Reeve of Newcastle, audience. praver and Taps. Next Session April_27th- W I G b9 liewca st/le _1 _ ___ -__ ____CK Sm ai Crowd Present for Morra 'v Wallon and E. R.'visitors of Mr. and Mrs. ClîffA Lovekin werc elccted as Direce- Flintoff, and supper guests of: tors of The Great Pine Ridge,!Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell. Me i g o c r j c on Wednesday, April 8th, ati Dr. and Mrs. Errol Hancoc k Cobourg. Morley Hancock, B.A., Belle- Ncxvcte-A pte sublicomeet-preveunthe byi îd ilcrcadawueh pas n Mrs. Reg. Lovekiin and Missyville, are visiting their sister, ing, frrn the d i scusin ro ing the ice bring theni ia the nexi, Aleen Akcd have returned! Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Allun. of tevlaeisaln ri A motion was mnade by meeting. It is hopcd Ihat atý fro tei tip o tilad. hoe n heficial ice in ils arena, was held Frank Hoar and seconded by I hat stmoeaep ndwl fram thei s rtptaEngd. hostal h Bowmanville: in the-.Lions Room on Mon- Lloyd Stephenson, that Alex show a grenermterent an Gue îs af cs F ed au h H sp ta th s cck ar : rs1 d y vening. The com m ittee, H endry be add d t a the com - corne out la give heir support. .Sr. during the wcckcnd werc Gwen Barchard, RR. 2, Mas- hopeful of a packed room mittee made up now of Chair-, The nexi meeting is schieduled Mr .and Mrs. Fred Woodhanî ter James Bean, R.R. 3, Mc.iwith interested citizens were man Howard Quinney, Bobifor Mondav, Aprîl 271th, at: and Mr. Howard Grills, Oak-* Donald Bernard, Mrs. Ann a disappointcd with the very Stephenson, Alf Gray, Ken 8:30 p.m. ini the Lions Roon.ý wd , Mht r s. Bo d a ds an ' e Br inM s-rohy D poor turnout. Gray, Don M Grgor and This will be open Io the pub-' dauhtr JnieOrono, Mr.iJong, Mrs. Mildred Fishe r, anfd Mrls. Merlin Walter, Osh-J Edward St., Mr. Arîtur Har:l Receiving suggestions fromn Jamie Wright, and have these lic. The meeting theit adjourn- awa, and Mr. Roy Allin and! ris, R. R. 1. Mrs. Anita Jessup,l the floor, it was suggested by men go 10 the suggested'ed, friends, Toronto. Mr. George Kozub, R.R. 2, Mr.1 Brenlon Rickard, that the S O Mrs. B. Calxvell, Toconlo,ý David McCrela, R.R 2, baby* committee draw up' a plan that spent a week visiting WihJd-n Whitehouse, B ,ae can be shown ta the people of s B t l D rv Mrs. George Smibh. ito d n Mr. Gordon Tanner . Newcastle, as ta what profitsts B t e D rv Major and Mrs. Harvey Ecb,! R.R. 2.' can be made, bhe boucs setO n Mri u Rington viibe Mr. Eb~s Believe it or not, ori Wcd- l'or rentai,. and mast of ahl, uw ...u irouKîn, Mis. Reg. Lovekîn and nesdax' April 8, when Mr. bow the minar hockey leagues i.Bey Jaynes, Lakeshoce, was of aur town will be guacanteed Newcastle:- The Newcastle, thank the village anîdthie sur- St nda visîtors of Mrs. P.[ walking ta the mailbox he Bbbccutsthrec boucs a week givena fr Ilisha .v LeGresley were Mr. and Mrs. sexy a bird fly away from a ta thcm iwhen nattîral ice was tBoyilae Sc out plbte sar cinrondiin.' sfo hshpp Clayton Woollcx' of Weston. ditch. Upon invsiainh good, and how, with actificialIevilg foppbalsancdto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Powell discovered a bird's nest con- ire threc hours a weck, every Stardga mnîng, Arîl l8th, In rex'iew~iîîg lie records, il Aind Mr. and Mrs. Stan Powell taining four eggs. H ldMsweek wouhd still be theirs. saiin t in-hity a n peapOLe a moeavn hi visibed Mrs. Pepper, Whitby,,IJaynes about thîs surprise lAîso, the same lime would be Citles sh ing plceth donate e-bvsta more aepeaesv n dher on Sundav aftecnoon. and she, beingc tu oo. iven 10, the figure skaters as balessoîdpac1h ttbottles foi, the Scout.s. The; Mrs. Mary Alldread, Mcs.. cd for the nest the nexl day hy aeha nlrv aussiebbandoaior oSpcout l Lloyd Alldread, and Mr. and when she wn a teyears. This seemed ta be the Plac, n2aui00md.Souisr e roght iiia reordo Mrs. Talbert Alldread visitedl mailbox. To ber greal uc hold -back, tbc fear that thbc woilcl)tclce ee. ffor t, ii colîecting, sorting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, I prise tbe eggs had haîched cost of a f reezing unit wouîdfopikutc hae um a nd seling. This effort is, Oshawa, on Sunday, on theand Ibere were the litîle baby be fr pic98-4635. phne , g ood foi' thle boys, for lhcý occaion f Mr and Mrs. birs tyingta srviv in u ber Tis 9sbb7-46p35. nh1harder thex have ta woî'k, theý ocasion s oh edinan nr.i-fros tyAil th ou drie. the previaus eigthtmr aeu t r n Johnsn's 4th wedinganni-frost Apri weaher. owmores capcdfve. th px'ioare int Mers. r geSih n . ladies, il would be wise for s TrPj have brought in a total of over, handling thcîr fonds. Mr.Gog mt n bo leave your houseclean r II 13,500 botties. The cesulting- Your contributions build up: Irwin Farrow visiled Suinday1ing and gel busy wibh yaur inom asgnUalogway'chactr s elsfud. inStackvilhe with Mr. andknitting needles, for Ihese icrehsgn og . cce swl sfns Mrs. Percv Farrow. Cogatl tiosowards establishing a Troopi Tbank 'Oui for v'our support,ý Mc ndMs Pu Selr will need warm woallcný Newcastle:-Cogautin1 wibh a beallhy independent, and xve arc looking forward' M.adMsPalSeIrjackets until the weaîhec be-1 aM.Rbn (u)Wgrotlook. The Scouts must la a hîsyS-tid. and daughters Lînda and Wen- amswamemndwecR or himsealf u dvI, Oshawa, werc Stindax' acltually say. 'Tis Spring". O iningfo islan his wifc, Jean, a weck's bhi ýSt. George's W .A. Holds day in Nassau. Bud cnteredý NEWCASTLE BOY SCOUTS" ýa contesl for the J G A. store maagrs e ndhi if S rng Tea, Bake Sale 9th Sem-Annuaiahong with other huck *y wîn- ners from other I.GA. stores,i are n0w soaking op somne Newca.stle:- 'Tle Aflenniooin crs. devora'cd lic caîîdlc liold- POP B TTLE RIVEwarm suonshine, arnd enj oying Branch of St. George's W. A. crs. Mrs. D. R. Dexvdncx' Starting 9:30 am. SAT. APRIL le some reîaxcd boucs in the held Iheir Spring Tea and:apencri tuehe c. and Mcs. W.' -halmv breeze. i Bake Sale on Friday aftcr-,1-1. Gilîson pourrdi mîing 'he __ __- o n. Iside the P arish H all, afte nnioa i. spriig booed in fu glory. Tehk-ai\,t ae Larg basets of pussy wîh- willîsexeral îlîaicez of home r P EA L LW R KS ws and i e s dcorated the:!nadre pics, ari, (ookies and' Shall, with taîl vases of mîxed cks, anr!it w-as soan barcc <Iflowecs dccocaling the Ion, c t abes. he ndivdualîe~agaiii. as Uic ladies boughît up 1ab1ý,,s he nliVCILII te liek lv thl><' mxi ting dfesseIrt s lenllsi sprîng flowers of î>îçký, .iî- v,',h'Wic- mnauve, pink or x'llow. Flow-: * ON NATI NAL RAN S * __________ nkiek knaeks ivere offeced ON NA IONA BRA DS fanale God imcd clothing A t Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fnr. - Sot. .111 Community drseswrrasosld f o jiiiw ccc ton la te t a hi ' an xv _Bowlinghoenaf odeo oirj a goori oux' in saulr suzc of the ('-ltti mng toi' sale, tusi m of tea amaaog thcef Ilndshp gix'cn Sa fr(cîx'Of Jtue ladies of the W. A, UwaS \Arth111otîc tnip 10 iie Pari h FHaIl.>T'he of'îc u tlîcir t, eaou Id WcIl lîc atiriiiii'ed iot, hei'l. îîîcx jýi B1AYER< ASPIRIN 5 c j!i 100's sugg list 93c 59 I IiORNAL COLD CAPSULES sugg. Iist I~ 1.1739i 1ALBERTO VOS SHAMPOO "a99C " VICK'S VAPO-RUB - sug t i-î5 7C jBRECK CREME RIS- - .125 value 87c 111 1BROMO SELTZER igIs1.9 97c ' FLORIENT AIR FRESHENER ----- 1.23 ~ P,' BAN LOTION DEODORANT suigg. iist 89<' 77c .,Ii 2 VITALIS HAIR TONI(Gcas .gItI1 *3 3 2l PEPSODENT Dental Cream sugg. lis(1.09 value 8 9c p WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH WEEK a BOWMANVILLE NEWASTE 2 CGWLJNG'S DRUG STORE JOHNSON'S DEUG STORE iri iALEX MqcGREGOR, DRUGSI ORONO 41 JURY & LOVELL STUTT'S PHARMACy .111 21 G Newcastic:- The fallowinq, Is a list of high scarers ini the vaciaus league bowling on the Communiix' Lanes duriîg Ille weck ending April 111h Ladies' League - (2tî0 and aven) - Diane Langstaff '2 5 i, Velma Parker 260), Ruth Candi 2,50, Marge Winters '-,I, Jani- ice Qoantih 2)38, N a n c x Gaines 228, Bettyv Major 22, Joan Ard 221. Madclon MadilI 2104, Reta Fosier 2(12. I Men*s League ( 11S p)vi avec) - George Klimrbaîli 220. Wayne Pearce 271, Garyv Ba,-. chard 246, Albert Peacce 24,, Mecrill Hencv 24.3, Wx'nn Col- lier 241, George Glanvill *-23 1. John Cugham 229- Junior League -(201> ani avec) - Ron Good 312, Arthur Montîgomery 234, Garv Foî'get 205. Joan Martin 200. Thunsday« vMîxcd League - (1010 and avent - Ken Whitney 248, Ruth Couch 227, Donn-a Fleard 226, Marilyn Coueh 216. Art Duheau 209, Mamîrcen Powell 204, Lloyd Ileard --01. Rex. 11 Rticwdnvx v a alsa pr('eei ai the tuca ta w'chcome thie quisi:. a rnd 'o ('ongratflatc tli<e W .,'j. foi- theilî effot.i ELIZABETH VILLE (7hîitrlii civr "rrheld bcre. al:o înda lChool. fln Tiic- day i.îthîcexx'as On clieavw'e hcld ;a double qulmng. Thc W. 1I.. lîad a qtmîhî for Mc<. Shcppacd, and IhP U.C.W*. did 0anc for Mr.. Elliott Lîm'îh was scrvi'd, and hx'xxac rve x'ninzs, wp wcre d' ble lii finiýh theni The suncrnite ii d e il t Mr. WXhiîe, and sevecal tcachers Frida 'y Mixed League -<0 curriculum foc ýSuntdav Shoo, and avec) - Albert Pearce , held ah Can'on. Thîîisdax Cx'- George Kîmbaîll '82. Bccnii'e cnng' Partner 265, Murray' Patter ' orm On Fccla en:iio 1l,1the .,Suri- 262, Edna Dacling 2,38. M -dax' Scanol :lad !heir f;lrn rilh HenrY, 245, Lauca Hazel- nigilt at Caion. don 232. Irene Cunninghamn 231, Wa; ne Flintoff 226, Stan Tle 'orccw c a )s,a Allin 225, Ben Hoogkanip 9'13 'cce ut ýSun'ýI-. ýd(e )ý( " t he Harvey Pacîner 2916, Evelvn weekcnd. mrbley 214, Tracy Embl',y Mc. and Mr,. Faiqt andfM-1 21l, Patricia Parker 211. Stqn il%* ecccre b'Mr. andr Mcs. Powell 208, Glen Rowc 207, 0. Mecrn, Sundav ;ladys Merrill 201. 4 A car bo1ad at:e,,nded thei GIBLETS 1 Te anaia Stteman BwmavileApil15. 1964 il The members of the club en-ý people of the village for thcrr joYed a verv delîcious dinner,l generous donations, and their and afterwards were given a goal is ta make each year a-a tour of the school. even biggcr year than the onîe During tbis meeting, plans E previaus. Il is their hope thal were startcd towards the Ithe cil izens of the village hax-e club's annual firew orks dis-ih s s m o l i i d n play in May. It has been plan- .sm ol nmd n ned la again canvass the bosi-ý they are reminded. that ex-en ness men before May 131h.ý though thex' max' fot; go lota and 10 have a silver collection1 the park to %watch the fire- taken bi he park on the ev-I works. thexr can drop lu a ening of the displax'. Thel donation to anv of the up- Lions are most grateful to the' town -stores. lbI25C BONELESS, PORK LOI, END CUTSlb45 9c* RIB ROA&STS SHOJ GROUND CHUCK SMOKED WIENER BAK ERY PRODUCTS. JANE PARKER PIE large 24-oz sîze Reg. Pric. ecdi49a 39 SAVE 10c Jane Par ker, Ora ng. or Lemnon Reg. each 59c-SAVE h0c CHIFFON CAKE each 49C ,lane Parker, Plain or Seeded Reg* loaf 25e-SAVE 4c RYE BREAD 24oz loa 21c Jane Parker Reg. Price pkg 39c-SAVE 4c CINNAMON ROLUS pkg of 83 5C Jane Parker, Brown & Serve, Poppy Sand Reg. Pnice pkg 27c-SAVE 6a FRENCH ROLLS 10o7ipkg 21C A &P Low - Low Prices on Fi ASPARAG-U_ 3ARLINKA GRAPE alf0 ia, Large Firm Heads. No. 1 Grade, Siz.24't LETTUCE 2ao29( t , ' 'ow. VeIlow Cookimy, Brtusshed and hrh',Nm, 1 Grade )NIONS hp'~bag i19C )RANGES VA[ENCIA U-b relhIoag 69c Higliest Quaîity Fods at Ceq Ori co W tI Pork 'n Chili Saure) Reg. Prie 2 tins 39c-.SAVE 4«. CLARK'S BEANS Iî5R0oz t f345C 2"Oc Off Oral) Reg. Price box 73c-SAVE AN EXTRA 14o SURF DETERGENT giant iize box 59C 2c Off Deali, 8PECIAL 1 SOLO MARGARINE 4-b pkgs 99e lurex, White or Cotoured Reg. Prie pkg 29C.--SAVE 4a JOILET TISSUE pkg o 2ros 2 5c tobir, FHood 14 Va,iete SPECIAL 1 PUDDING MIXES 1o pkg 33C I ~ Social autd £J)erona/ 1

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