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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1964, p. 2

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The Cariadian Statesmnan, Bovnmanville, April 15, 1964 venors: Agriculture and Can-1 ________________adian Industrie.-, Mrs. Adel-I bert Beacock: Homne Econo-1 mies and Health. Mrs. George * Heaslip; Citizenship and Edu- cation, Mrs. Ben De Jong; R ep rts fro n +Historical Research and Cr rent Events, Mrs. Allan Bea- R epo ts fro mcock: Curator. Mrs. Grant ~ Tbompson: Publie Relations, N. nsttutes Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm; Sun- W m n s Ins it te hne Committee. Mrs. George OJohns, Mrs. George Boweris, NESTLETON IV. 1. decided too hold :nhe Foo Mrs. Milton Fisher, The nnul me,,:ig -idForum. -Tricks wt'h a Mtix.' The commiltee appointed to Theannal'ne' ng idThe ladies were remînded of make arrangements for the blection of officers of ete the antique displav i Black- Dis:,rict Annual to be held n .on Women s lnstitute was stock Hall :- Mav. when anv'Nsieo nMvwl eta held in the Unitodý Church 'hcavv artwl-]es v 1 hbe collec:i- he home of Mrs. Arthur Hv- .. S. roomn on Aprîl Ist. Pre- ed for same. îard. Itn place of the Girls' ,ident Mrs. H. Vine was un Fourleen ladieý paid OICe Work at the Annual the the chair. nc $1.00 membership fee. a Blackstock W. I. will dispiay Following tiie Opeîiîig Ode donation was received from, bats made at their recent mil- and Creed, <ie minutes and Mrs aý arne n e ievcus.Ec nttt correspondence were r e ad. nesr.Ja. arienhpc nd ejn teDircrse. Eachinstfiue Leaersip raiingCousesmade. Excellent reports were articles for the Handicraft chosen were (1) Focus on give n bv the Staniding Corn-, displa,- Finishes, (2) New Lac ok te c onvenors sumnming 1pý Lunch was served bv the wil attendte Shrt BeCorse vears work. A bale for officers and the singing of In Guelph, July 8-12. Il was U.N.R.R.A. valued at $1ý3500' ý"The Queen" brougbt the -- read.v. Mrs. Vine's daughterý meeting to a close, Mrs. Re g. Middleton kindly de- livrs it to headquarters on Toronîto. Tt was noted that '10FEL I A. nd 5Sfor 'sale, werecorn- 1962 DODGE 4-DR. Siant 6 cyl. en>ine, 3-speed automatic, winclshicld wash- ers, seat beits, customn radio, local trade-in. Real popular car. 1961 CORVAIR 2-DR. 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion, backup lights, seat beits. Good clean car. 1959 DE SOTO 4-DR. STATION WAGON V-8, automatic, customn ra- dio, fully power equippcd. Locally owncd since ne-si. 1959 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 6 cyi.. automatic. customi radio, backup lights. iwheel discs, w ashers. mirrors. Lo- cal trade-in. Clean. 1958 METEOR 4-DR. 6 cyl., standard transmis- sion, custom radio. Local trade -in. 1958 BUICK 4-DR. HARDTOP Automnatic, fully powered. One local oivner '.inee ne-w. Immacula te' 1958 CHRYSLER 2-DR. HARDTOP Autoniatic. custons radio, power brakes and ste-ering. Real sharp automobile-. 1958 DODGE MAYFAIR 4-DR. V-8, automatic, custom r-a- dio, %vashe-rs. Local. one ow,.ne-r. A-1 condition. 1957 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 cyl., autornatic.ILocai trade - in with onhy 25,000 original miles. 1956 PLYMOUTH 4-DR. 6 'x'L a.tu to rn ti c cI ca n. 1956 FORD 2-DR. V-8 wiih reconditioned nio- tor. Good automobile-. 1954 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. 6 c l., standard traîosnîîsl- sion. Gond runnin.- car. 1962 GMC TON PICKUP wîth hand hyvdutîsilie Only 11,000 mile-s. riglit for quick sale. PALMER MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTII VALIANT -DOI)GE 20 King Street East Illine 623-5,18: N' vry plcted within the pasi year. Nîr. anîd Mus. Wilfred Bo\v- A resolution re impuovementý manî and Erie were visitors ôt il) sewing thread was read . Mu and Mus. Rîts-,ell Besi and Mus. R. Davison presided family, Solina. for the election cf officers. Fuiends and relatives of Mu. Mus. WV. Jackson. convenor of, and Mus. Ken Cochrane gaih- the Nominating Committee, ered together Saturday even-i puesented the slate of officers in.- in tlie Hampton Hall. Mu., as follows Pas' Presidenit. and Mus. Cochrane were pue-' Mus, H. Vine; President, M-. scnted witb a lovely cabine'; A. H vland: Isi Vice President. from tbeir friends and rela - Mus. C. Wilson 2nd Vice Pue- tire> fuom the communit.. sîdent. Mus. Allait Beauock: Mu. and Mus. Wm. Wh'teý Secrctarv - Treasurer. Mus. H. and family. Wbitby. weue, Vine: Alternate Secu-Trea.,. Sundav evening dinner guCstsi Mus. R. Davisnn: Ptanist, Mus. of Mu. and Mus. Elmer Leec L. Malcolnm: District Director. and' family. Mus. M. Emerson: Alteunate Four of cuIr Sundav School District Directoî', Mus. V teacheus attended the meeting Hudson; B r a in c b Directo"s, beld in Guano on, Saturdav. Mus. Fred Daves, Mus. Alan Sînce the card pauty beîdý Beacock. Mus. R. W. Jackson; bv the Stewauts two weeks Aciditors, Mr. H. McLaugb-' ago was such a success.xveý lini. Mus. G. Hleaslip. have decided to hold anotlcr Standing Com,-mitîe (Con- partv wilh the U.C.W, ladies in charge. Mu, and Mus, Phil Coiiliîî. Leg oonOshawa, Mu. and Mus. . H oflo Wbitby, eeSnaevigl i FRO5M PAGE ONE' , guests cf Mus. R. Griffin. <ce- Officer Keith Fcugusoiî 'Mu .and Mus. L. Cochrane who passed i l aI' tc Mi% and Raloli were recent visi- Ofl~ tous of Mu. and Mus. K. Cadi- Bate ai bismeetng.raîte and Mu. and Mus. H. Following the diniteî. pue- 1 olnWîb pareil bv the Ladics' Auxiliauy1 olnWibv members conxerned bv Mlie The April m eetinîg of the Bales. antd seuverib MlipU was held on te after- ntenbers cf the Legîti, blîcre nocît cf the 8tb. at the homne was entertainm-ent, Glennt of Mus. L.. Simpson. Mus. E., Vîrtue. Ted Sheehart. Paddy Le ru vsnca XVlsh aîîd Art Sheehaît pla 'v- Muýs L. Cochtrane gaxe thel cd anîd sang several folk scngs. sculptlure and Mus. A. Emmetit Jack Adams, ail duessed upi and Musý. F. Samîis the devo-ý swanky top bat. mcrning coatio1na!- The encouriters abouIti and canie, perfoumcd that old 'xhicl' our readers told lis, favorite "Burlingîo Bei'tie" reere about Cbistiaîtitv from; so familiar tb first \var x.ct- the Woesterniiworld in thel crant; Fasternr Countrv cf Iîîdia. Anther lîigiîligirt of Itletape was ,iveCiibv Mus. uG.1 evcning was the performnice Boxviri n n'Wontei cf tIn- of the Legion Meits Choir dia". undet Direciot- Murdocht Bea- Mi-,anrd Mus. Bob Sntith ton- Tlîe sang several ta- aînd ltamil!. Scaubououbs. were mîliar niutnbcus. Bert Hicck Sunclav eveningp dintier guests cf Cobourg ovas prevaileri cf Mu. anrd Mr.. A Taylor ancl urpon 10o sin<' sever1al solos ini Davrid. that deep bross xnice Iit a ra xvcll kncwn hure soniex cars Expressors of appit cultitiot'. NESTLETON ,xoe givcî b«vJcte O'Nelil l l ti. Johtnt NcCaldcii is lin i te ladies for the delictoLIý dinner, b * Ernest Bradley 1cr daritîg in Scctland witlt re the, Legion merrbeus wlto art- tux c-ý. cd as xaiters andcîIo the Muand Mu-S. i HvauxCit- feîî oi, theii thought fulî- îrc îot lud oee 1,css i lnlvitilîg fIle 'nId thex'- spent the winteu. swe0,at1s " Io the aîînutal part.% 1Sx'mpatlt'v cf the cormmîîîîî-, Puesîdent Steebaît also read v i> cxtciided ho Mus. Staný cUI thIe names cf hîose xcit- Hackcr (nec Jean Campbell>i crans xr'Ito had passed axxav andI familxv iii the lnss of MuI.! since the last Vîmy itigli. Hauker, Mu. and Mus. Wrn.ý Tbev inc'Iuded Hieub Pausons. Steel accompantied Mu. and: W'm. Watsoni, Frecd Lake. Wm."Mus . Arthur RowNan tr thebc Mv'itchell. Jack Wilsonî. Per fuiteral in Midîand. Mu.and! Greenfiel,d, Jac'k Nickeuscîur.Vls. Granit Campbell aiîd! Gco. Pingle. Frank Gaurocl Karn also attended. R o b e r t K e il it e t b, FranIk Kitchener' Burton soeît a Wiliants. Cecii Aloxr'a « . Mlark fcWr davs itn Toronto wvitli, Byrnes and Art Peî fect. fre:ds. Txxo veti'aiîs cf Itie SOtî t IL MIr. and Mus.Ar'thur Ml Afrîcair rxa ececixed consid- ocii f Matle- Creek,,! erable appltîuse as tlîev stood aî'e bolidaviitg with Carl-: before îhciu xnungcu om xright î'elatives. rades. The.\-xxe,, A-,bbut Kil- Mu. and Mus. Ewrt Blîgîtti patuîck antd arr.v Westnuîtt. of Buooklini called on sexeralI- hoth of Bonrnan ile ,.futends in he r illage cîrSun- Tuec balantce oifte exerîiig da V. ,vas -pent it fiecdîx discut- vIi-s Caý rnilxite. rno sîcît îinînng t Imucrîlxvcbeans. aînd Stexeit Kellv cf Lii tIc abouit thlîrr days ini <lecaî'mv Bitaiîrt isibed Mu. anîd Misý d ri ng thle xxar<s iiivxh bîr-i Bruce H-easlo. Cainadiarts have b akeripatt.fMu. and Mus. George Il cas- Seu,tal cf Ihose precrit t ,' i<spert thbb weckend xxi ml x'terans cf both the firsi anîd Mu. aid Mus. Reg-. Ruskin ani second xvorld wars. Mur. and Mus. EtuIe Ross, Tor- I We wish Io thank the iiai. IiIanY fricnds and ci customners who attcndcd nur "Spring Garden es- va"lasi veckcnd . b . tiitose %vilo %vere unable to at- tend Nve cxtend a spec al inv itation te)didrop ini any tîne next we ek OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK1 ~ FULL SELECTION 0F EVERGREENS JUST ARRIVED *LANDSCAPING IS OUR SPECIALTY*t FREE PLANNING FREE ESTEIMATES SSPRING GARDEN FESTIVAL SPECIALS Evergreen Special! 1 Golden Pfitzer 15" - 181, 1 Meyer luniper 1121* - 15", 1 Sas'in luniper 151, - 19*' Save - S2.10 $4.50 $3.60 $3.95 Specual $9.95 Fertilizer Spreader Regular SM.6à Save SI.7o $6.95 SFirub Special' 1 Hydrangea P.G. 1 Potentilla 1 Spirea NVan Houtti Save - 2.1 Special $2.. Tree Special! I Mountain Ash 5'-6' 1 weep' Vln6X Save - Sl.46 Special $6.4. 994 VAN BELLE GARDENS ~ 3MILES WEST OF BOWMANVILLE ON HWY. NO. 2 1 6HO 23 -.-)575 ý'E DELIVER "Tom Thumb " Shorthorn ( )"r two ti x'cks aigu. bbis miniatur-e Shouthor' oft>N Mrandi NI îs I craci' Hcsb, RIR.2, O îono. At brtl wxhilc the wigbtfmir a tiormnalItaIf' is a bout 40 pounc batliroom scales at 14 pouiis, but aside from tbis pc tormeti. alitlîiiîli trin i rI but' îeukîiiie. Il is beliex'ud1 hit-th. " Bu rlington Bertie " memoiîiis dn ont Satuiclax xvi pe rformed Utw poi B n(,itF r ici f Whitby ecr ,Jack< Acams bogt back manîîv Ille \1îmv Ni-b'm ciniier aI ltte Legioný îî11t1 ulird imi'ct this foiroai aitje andt qmlill t'siwa 1Firm's Tender For Two Classrooms Accepted by Area Bd. ftt' to i o ' '1 ' T S- So I oli !llt j SI g ' ! mi ' . i Sir .r'î î (i "li), ti Jitirti 1IlaI - i Ž, -r1( R i 2, i, 9 7.,tit. ' rt I lotO ('(i)- fiîot , 1 'tri Ni mi: NI: ii il 't' conte t :"I. ilo Ni 'l:- ;urîc B u. i 1 Toron, o (Nil M !: M : 1c1 1'i r:' hi vt:cd N:1 Ai):NI N Ber 'i r. ir lier t' 0' 0 d I S l i it r, SAt the itext miniîg cf lbhe local Lions Club te tuesi - Identt. xice-presicieit, secîcetaux', and treasurer will bc nontin- ated and eccted [rom te grutp already selected as directois fou 1964-65. The bii'thda.Ns cf LIoYdc Clmf- toii, Douig Keutp, Clarenice Hockînî, Ed Leslie and Glenn Hodgscn were celcbuated by their felloxv Lions. The wîît- ners cf tbu hockeyv duaxvfou I Tuesday ex'eniiig, April 141h. %veue George Moore and George Wiiec Stuart R. James. seccndcd bx' Orville Osborne noveri that accunts bc paid, aîîd Ibis v-as carîcd. >Si. John's Arîglicaît Church Guild c'atercd for ter de- liciots diîîîeu Mus. B, L. Buuk xx'as the îabering cn-! x'enci . Fcllowring te butsiness meeting flitc Lions Club bridge lournament wa-s sarbe.d. Cancer Society REXALL KLENZO TOOTH BRIJSHES -1 and 4 row Nylon Brîsîhe brushes. Choice af 3 styles - Tuf ted end; Convex or Muli- tfut filling. In acetate tube. Reg. 50é-,....... 2 tor 5k REXALL EFFERVESCENT SACCHARIN TABLETS 100%l/ gr. Regular 35é ........ 2 for, 36c' 500 /, gr. Regular 98e ......... 2 fo99 1000 1/1 pr. Regufar $1.19. ...2 for $L20 100 '/, gr. Regular 401 .....'...2 for 4le 500 'A gr. RegLrlar $ 1. 10... 2 or $1.11 1000 'A gr, Regular S$1.59 ...2 for $1.60 (ARA NOME GOLDI FLARE LIPSTICKS In 6 glorious Sprîng shade Regufar $ 1.50 .2 for $1.5 VITAMNS AD iOIC . REXAIL COD LIVE Reg,.$51.00.. ., CO LIVER OIL.8, 16 or'. ReguiLar $i t-ROM P-AGE ONF EAI aoiv bic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o thc cîîtitl li,<fîe Boxciianville Biaii of Regutar $1.75 s:t' lt;, cREX AIL HALIBUT xxelcnmed Ite large îuîm ber oif REXAIL POLY DROI cli:. e I Yî-eî &A - ropiREXAIL YEAST et:. ', iicitrileople Who atendled t'lemeu1-25 ,içcrtDIpjr i î )'tîhîrt'niaiir'llc' Kînetîr Clcub toi' Ille c e i i lirutla(.- i'euent g(leiiiu donation of a i V t i it ithit > îîoirutplt cic irc.Icttu atIRUBBERSET SHAV > ~ ~ ~ ~ -l t m; ttiiii recn o bthbe local Buaittîr f PERMEOGE RAZOF tit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h .rt iitti tt~bC anaclian Caitccu Souiet\ 69r' ni,î'î tiii iii î~, ~LANGLOIS LAVEI i te '.î N gi ' 164, stusscd Ilit Cancer ocexnLANGLOIS LAVEND 't.'t 0' i i iteth -link vvîfbtte Canadimîn Bd SACHELOR SMOKI Crossc Blood Cltnîcs. aînd sI a - 7, rd tuaI flic blcod donations Store (bip throughtheir Luse as - trasfsios or anerpatienîts. REXAIL AEROSOL C he m cu s The members cf bbc exceu- $1.39 C he m i als 1 ive oif the Bownîaîîvîlle and REXAIL MOTH FUN A ~ * ~ Ditrut Braixci îtr-KLENZ0 TWO.SPO? ducd bv PresiclIuý.t Futosinan REXAILL AEROSOL j i i. r'ica olxsVir'c-Prusýicleiit. Dr. $1.49 Pi1)j 'ilugé mlt . t aiii'E. D. Huîbbaud : Secretaux'. Mus. r i'ta tge r usE ctf Douiglas Tay\lor. Tucasurer, lit -tP i;11 t t;îîodcr'is. Clarence Bell: Director cf j r .lile 0 a ic:i'hrpittically. : Publicitv aîtd Edication: Mus. ADRIENNE SPRAY- $2.00 le c' îtrît t la ui pro- Stan DuîîîîîA> iant Dirertor CARA NOMIE SATlh iii t i iiaccîm x<rPuîblicitx aîd Eduicabloir: Ern- *oz. Reg . 50I t .iiîitt 1 t>1 I hî'j Wcssells. Wornein's Serxice BATH U e1 CIti\ fl+ ,CARA NOME BUB 'tcesau ia' Conx'enor. Mus.W. B Syer; $1.50 ci r liusc pro- Waltorr Pascoe and Rex'. Fred ADRIENNE COLD Ui 1 Iiii limI . i et 51wa n ietos n M . $ .89 ciiplcî'b' Sann Diecbrs.andMusE.ADRIENNE ALL PU r,.~t t tr ml, elI canîger R. Tlîompscn. chairmnîao f flici care 3i/rz Reg. 'iandiii t it rtcenbtlots. 1Sun.bine Group.$1 AREN NDC 1; .wt 'ti ct.of chltllss Leslie Smale. Caîîîpaîgn ADRIENNE FLOWII 'ci !f î.c ljiu !rtcd -5 jChairman, called for bbc sup- R eW'uar 51.00. t e. i i'tuu li >îue î'lcîîAD IENNE CREAM titO ltO tI c'îIl ore port cf the people cf tbe toxxn oz. Jar. Reg. $1.29. titi' " : ir 'corne and district for the annual orCancer Campaign for Fuînds. Heasked that ail resîdents M t vt.t . . wr b\, tlE give generouzilv <o ibis worthvR Hc11lîrgshiiean tant nianag er bu cause U fi- ofi-itna îî i the Can- D. NMa cli nceStCptlelSrimti c- cieM't ~itir'cf Chbem- duced lbc gu' -,' pcakei' A;iitl:. .-_ iaioir L 'n\maniH, 'Ici st .Toiroto 2King St. E. xx .îîth 11iluod and drug dîrec- Presicient af the Ontîario Di- ER 011. Eortfied 10A and D. 4 oz. oi Reg2 for $1.01 $119g. ....2 for $1.20 89. 2for $1.90 rR COMPOUND TABLETS. 100,s. 2 for $1.76 rLIVER 011. Capsules. 2M, 100's. 2 for $1.90 OPS. .. Re g $2 98 2 for $2.99 LIMON TABLETS. iQO's. Regular 2 for $1.26 'iNG BRUSH. Reg, $2.00 2/$2.01 IR BLADES. Pac.kage of 20's. Reg. 2 for 70i NDER NIENTHOLATED SHAVE 1 rîjýhlPss. Reg. M,. 2 for 76c IER. Pre--,have lt ion ' 4 oz Rmg. 2 for s1.26 ER-S TOOTH POWDER. R-Rular 2 for 80« MOTH PROOFER. 11 o .R g1a 2 for $4 IE CRYSTALS. 3 ounces' Regular 2 for 401 )NGE PAK. Reg. 53r 2 pkg. for 54J AIR REFRESH ER. 1I1 oz. Regular 2 for $1.50 Y-ON BATH POWDER. 8 oz. Reg. 2 for i2.01 IN FINISH DRY Si<IN BATH OIL. 5 2 f or $2.51 5 2.00 2 for $2,01 LE BATH 011. 4 ourirces. Regular CREAM.71/, 2 for $1.51 CREAM 7V2ouinco jar. Regular 2 for $1.90 >RPOSE CREAM. Night and day $1.25 12 for $1.26 CREAM. Extra soof hing. 3 oz. Reg, MG CREAM DEODORANT. 1 oz, 2 for $1.01 0SHAMPOO WITH LA NOLIN 3V, "t- REXALL A-SA-REX TABLETS Quickfy refteve headache, cold syrnp- toms. 5 gr. 100's. Regular 69d .. 2 for 70Ç 5 gr. 200's. Regular $1.29..2 for $1.30 5 gr. 300's. Regufar $1.69, 2 for $1.70 10Ogr. l00's. Regufar $1.29 2 lor $1.30 Chiftdjen's2v<7gr,50Os Rr-g.49e2 for 50ç 01 EN lei N% REXALL PRO-CAP ADHESIVE TAPE Wlaterproof) /x 10 yds.20 eg. 590 fr 0 y Sd. og. 59e . 2. forr', v ADRIENNE SPRAY HAIR NET (With Lanolîn) Kpeps your tiair in soft perfect ordAr, enven on damp or wîndy days. Neyer slicky or brîltie.. 5 07. Re-g. $1.49t ,...... 2 for $1.50 11 oz,. Reg. $1.99 .... 2 for $2.00 BABY PANTS tîny Toi. Piîii< white of hikie Improv.d binding Medium, large, X largo- Reg Sûri pair 2 Pr. for 51j ADRIENNE CREAM DEODORANT 1 oz. Reg. 69r 2 for 70e 2 ni, Reg si ,no 2 fer $1.01 Mi-31 SOLUTION Mouf h wanti and gargle & oi Reg 69r 2 fur 70c 16 oz Reg 98,. . 2 for 99e TERRY FACE CLOTH i2, xi *Heavy wergt Assoied colotis Regtir3. . . ..> 2 fir,36c 8088Y PINS FHelen (ùrîîrllt Black or Brown. bo s Reg 25, 2 for 26c 24 s Reg ~.. 2 for 14< LADIES' DRESSING (OMB / - Asoirred colours I n pcly r aýe Regîrlar ?Or .. 2 for 21< MILADY NOTES 24 faricy rotes wrth rnafaîîîîg ~enopes Whire or Colmmr Reg P, . 2 for 76% BLUE-LINED ENVELOPES R ?ei 1',. RR g . a:8kage . 2 lIr16e NYDROGEN PEROXIDE Injri ~ 4 ni Reg 10e 2 for 3l1 :ci, Rteg ;. 2 tor 76i REX BALL POINT PEN peg 50r .. 2 for 51j BO0NUS BUVS REXALI TO0OTHPASTE. fTrioPak. fturridfited. 'I tubes $1.89 val r,, Bonus Buy 51.09 R EXAIL THEATRICAL COLO OR CLEANSINO CREAM. 16 oz. Pr-g $1 50O Bonus Buy 99% ~~ REXALL MOTH F UME CRYSTALS 16 oz. RegulA 69r Bonus Buy 491 3- ~SIELQUE LOTION DETER- GENT 32 otnres. Regular 89f ...Bonus Buy 690 -HSEAREOL OfTEMN PIG cSL AIG Righi reserved foo it ___________ claunt f es P ices $s hect o rhange w <hout notie. _ YOUIR Y&LOVELL W WE DELIVER Phone 623-3361 Bowimanv..l* 6 evl.. durnp. Price-d Rose Special! 1 Blaze- Clinîbe-r 1 Fashia Polyantha 1 F.K. 1)rsski ~1.29 $1,29 1.29 Save - s Special S3.87 Sheep Manure 50 lbs., Reg. S3.29 $2.73 25 Ihis..BEg . SI95 $1.49 1. ý4- 1 -«e Doing VeII son of .the Canadian Canceri In bis address on Cancer ' enerais' C ac Research Mr. Henderson said that 100 years ago peopleý thought that tbev knew ailý they were decidedly mistaken s S l m l y r i hsasumption.Abu "More than 60 per cent of Ab u Discipline technical 'know-how' bas been devoloped in the last 10 years., Dus îng Salem A t h 1 e t c League, James McPhail wal This bias led to specialization Club's Hockey Banqu<et beld:Salenis second top scorer. Rae and one of its most important a the Meinoriai Park Ch.ub- MePhail x as awarded the aspects is research," he de- bouse on Saturdax April 11l Goalkeeoer's tropbx- as lbe had elared. Jim Cherry, coach of the O)sh-i a 1 8,iav.erage for 1-2 ga cne.. The great strides made awa Generals, outlîned tlhe! IncidetîtallY, during the last through researcb into dit'ferent programn set oui for the boyý plax 0ff gaie whicb Salem types of ilînesses were point- on th teami Mr. Cherrv spo<e won 9-6t1 or er Mitchell's Cor- ed out by the speaker. He re- about their discipline .icludl Crs. Gergei, Leaver scored 6 ferred to interesting projeets ing the curfew and the e- goals and collected two assisis in cancer research being car- couragement given to uphold for ci.-bî points. ried out today. and added that their name iri their home- Mîr. are Webster said a il is very possible that we will of%-wrI n i ahras come to benefit in our lime , iw.f vrkadbsfîe s from the results of these great! James MePhail and bis bro-, :pokc a fev: words and corn- undertakings. !ther Rae presented Mr, W'eb-' men1tcd on1 Mur Cherry's Mu. Hendersoti said that ster. Principal and coach cf ,;Pccc wben a patient is tbld lie bas Saîem,. witb a srnall tropbx Thc\e Memoriai Park womcn cancer questions that arise ýfor him to keep and a larger contributrd ho this banquet, from bis case ofien lead to ex- one to be keptinb the scbool.' and xr'hcn Brian Blackburn periments in the laboratories' Ron Buchanan, Osbawa's jýst ccd up to thank <them be 'an on animais.. top centre, presented trophîi sý110 a lutte0 difficîîlt ' Cancer ts a cellular disease t0 George Leaver. Jame>. Mc- Wavmtt Casbmian. also of as discoveued b 'y isolation and Phail and Rae McPbail I.te Gerîcraîr. rras Prescrit as diseetion of cancerous celîs. IGeorge ovas awarded tbe tro- a ""est. He pointed ouItbat it is not 1phb*y for the top scorer ;n .-A ialire\\-as field aftcr the always discernable in test South Darlington's Hocker' st.pper, tubes under microscopes wben- il is impossible 10 obtain a CNENA uicpltc r erhng for tbre diieniona asectprojeets to tie ili)xvith Canada's Ccniennial in The speaker said that, ait 97 omnilei akn butanwlba egg whicb is composed of a 167Bomnieisalng butaew irr, single cell can illustrate the Darlington anîd Hope have hotu discussing the componients of a ceil. H-e prospects of compiling and puîîîting a histor'x of discussed the differences be- their respective townships, but there is a problem tween normal celsadco of finding someone qualified and \Villing bo under- ceuortscnes. Malignancv is - soleiv coîîcerned xitb the re - take the tremendous amouttof ,voik involved. prdutonc î ex- Urider the centennial projecîs. the mlunicipalibies plained. would be responsible for one thîî'd the cost, the Themau clusproues n province a third and the federal go\'ernment a ,n caif was boun on the f armn recent yvears against other third. discar-es thiit bad long becit h it weighed 12 pounds ýconsidered incurable, and tbeý ids. It now weighs in on the work donc by nîany greau eculiarity, seems to be well 'physicians and other scientists' lheanialwasa pemtur ,ýar, bthindiîcatixve that event- I the aimal as apremaure allv. cailcer, too. as ar result LI of research, will also be con-, I E T A D N queed, M. Henderson stated U T AM D R O E îoî'ate in :s poison coirîrolifiu-miy. Ile paîd higb trîbute U T AM D R O E prograni. 'Io ail those wbo work so bard1 'Wc bave initiated ail cdul- to puoteet tbe world from ibis Buit to Your Own Specifications cainlpuogram with bthe drcad discase. caain Associaticon of Con-' Dr. liubbard nmoxed a \t MANY PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Can r.adican nt ri [ ha k o M . -e d ro ý o e t hi r si e iti t Wi h u e a lsue mes.n ta re xer iniLt).er-t f tbas n form.tive ando oe1 hsPetg îtî îhu ea ;ci consumer groups and tolthoutiphi povoking address. BITadDVLPDB agricultural, medical, ou otlier Preýsident HaruY Freemian also BITadDV l(11DB types cf cuganhzations. wo .exprcsscd appueciation 10 thic i must imlpues.. ci1 thcmn sale guest speaker.W A T R S H E S practiies ttd habits in ttbý Foilcwing the general meet-: handilitîg c' inaterials Ibat. 'ing a deliecus lunch xvas serxv- ECUSV A E could bc hazaudous because cf'cd b;' the Sunsbine Guoup.EX LSV AGN certain nccessauv cornIl.t !f a general nature. More tlian 90f peu cent cf K a 'AccidentaI poisoi rg It 01tthe xvcuk clone by our Can-ý l e e s R cl o the incucase in Canada, but adian Red Cross SccietY ispeu-',728- fortunatel\, 1f bu timber cf formed bYv xolunteei men,7 8 32 fatal acr ideritîs s not Tfh% women and young people f rom are ut latixel\' SInaîl irrr i oni- ail xvalks of life. ber," Mu. Clitton ..aid 1-le told tbe meeting that the par- liarntntauy comnîittee oni fondW and drugs bas ueferued in its report to the falet cf a foruîrr ate lack cf serinlîs poisoîîiigs ..... .. inis c< ountu\ . A xote cf tharrks t c Mu. ýCliltoîi foir his i nteesting tad- ducss and foi' tbe practical ad- j vice lie had gixen xx a.s mcvu,(d by Ted Miller. Di ecors fof tlicBxvat ville Lionis Cilub. xx'bc Wl l take office on J ulv I si for thc conîing \cai, xxuucclected ai ibis meeting. Thev are Ralpbi Arnes. B. L. Buk. Lloyd Clît- bton, Jack Durn., Larirencce GET TWIGE AS MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE l Goddard. Clarence llockin. Dou:g Keip. Ed Leslie, Ted ciS RSTH RD YARL1 Milieu Il. R.(Budî Moses., *M * RRDA - PRL1 Geie Wbtatîd Bob 1 THRU SATURDAY -APRIL 25 Williamîs.

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