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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Apr 1964, p. 8

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9 The Canadian Statesrnân. Rowmanville. April 15. 1964 SPORTopucsiO NBy Frank Mohun 623-7234~ BADMINTON CLOSING The Bowmanville Badminton elosing tournament is slated for a week from SaturdlaY (April 25thj. This year, president Dr. Keith Slemon tells us that there will be "A", "B" and "C" divisions, evervone starting in "A' and dropping backi If they lose a first round match. Ail members wvishing to participate in the club champ- ionships will find an entry list in the entrance hall of the club. So, get your name on there right away, in time for cpening round action on Monday night. Ail events willi thereafler be played on Friday up to the finals, which start, Saturday at 7:910 P.M. As usual at most badminton affairs, spectators will be made welcome. Lunch will be servedi. However, although iiext Saturday concludes a tremnendously successful season, yet t0 comne ]F the cloring dance a rnonth later on May 23rd,! to Bowmanville's ow.ýn popular young orchestra - the Mon- tereyx. t 1- t t 1- t jt t NOTE FRO.M, THE "SENATOR" We were glad to receive a letter from Jim Co 'vie. man- ager of the Local 189 hockey club, that as we mentioned in last week's coluimn. won the Jr, Hockey championship. .Jim, aiso knownvr far and wide in area sporting circles as the "Senator*. s orie of the most knowledgable sportsmen -We bave ever met, soeit is always a pleasure to listen to his views. Speaking on hehalf or the Local 189 team, Jim sa *vs: "We feel that this leagip has gotten off te a good start, this year. A lot of credit must go to -Jack Baker for his untiring efforts and to him we say 'thanks for a job weil done'." The srnator points out that some of the players have now heen on midget, juvenile and junior championship clubs. ý The 189'ers had four league leaders, namely "Pat" Murhy in goal, top goal scorer Grant Thompson, leading defence-' mnan in goals scored. Brian Bradley and even most penalties - Brue Ogdeni. .Jim's lcter closes as follows: "On behaîf of the team, mnanaper anîd coach, we would like to thank ail our most faithfiîl siippnrlcr,ts our tram sponsors - - Local 189, U.R.W., adwe would like te also wish the league every success in the future. \il kiridest personal regards, J. C. CoY le, manager Local 189 Club." ~ i- t t t t ELTON TURNS IT ON Headfingigmobthie Menis Major League home-stretch. Elton' Prock is reall.y turning il on. Last Wednesdlay night the speed-balling niilk nman look over the average Iead and' brought his tera into a lie, for first place. He boosted the average 10 242. roltîng gaines of 268, 353 and 301 for a huge 922 triple, liigliest iu second schedule action. and only beaten by Ernie Perfect's 935 mark in the first haîf. Must be nlue to be able 10 bnwl luke thai. -. t t '- TOWN 1,EA GULE SOFTBALL It was aîunnuînu(-ed Iast nught ibat 1teams wvill be drawn up i leFs thaîî two ek for the forthcoming Men's Town Sofibafl League cdu. Pla ' vrs who v-eu in the lonp Ias year should contact their mnragei rnuelîîf\,hile new-comers who would be interested in culcuing the league miust get in touch with either cf thr foIllet ug(-M-utît embers.- Jack Reid, Tom* Pearson, John Fow.ler. Bill Cole or Bruce Cole. - - , Tt COME NOW CLARENCE For a loiz Urne the poor N.H.L. officiaIs ;(ceferees and linesinen I tveu nIot olf'%,ai the mccrc'v o! coaches and man-' agers. but ddit recc. ce much support frora their bosses,' namely Carl V'o.s and Clarence Campbell. Now il appears that Mr. Campbell is bending ovei- back- wards 1to el evrr 'voice that these gentlemen just dont make a bad cal]. Its u; ic-c to sec Ihat Clarence has developed such loy\al qualitie9 but ev-ecu-one knows the officiaIs can't pos-ý igibly vbeaboue- correct ail the time. Perhaps a slightlyl More seisffble attitude would secra more logical from a man Who was onue of tlui.s mations top laut-vers, before accepting the N.IIL. presidentis chair. Wheuî qucstioncd about the officiai wvho kept Toronto' ehorthanded sorne 33 seconds ton long in the opening game of the scrni-liuîais, 'Or Camapbell had tbis to say - Il wasn't his fait- the tla 'ver shoîild have knowrî when the penalty expiî'ed hinuself.- île dici knowv, but we wonder if it is up ta the pla 'vcrs t lea'.ethie penalty box on their own -- that Used to meaui anothr' penalty , if they' vIeft too soon, Corne iaw Clarece, .\ ~Ou douit expecl us in swallow that. MIXED BOWLING BANQUET 'The mlxxent boutlirig leagkie championship goes Friday night, \wth fiheir banquet slatrd foc a xveek from Saturda'., April 2.5îh at the Meniorial Park Club House. PLAYOFF FRENZY As we gradiiallv ' \ '.orked our wav In the edge of the chair. and stueaîed i omit is the Leafs managed to decision Canadiens inIi 1 finial gaine, wt kept thinking how ridiculous it was to gel so frantit- over a hockey game. Didnt have' Rny wagers oun t1e outunine cîther 50 bow corne? 0f course, we wereniî going 1olutcian 'voite knuow bow v-e actc-d. luw - ever. we\ve siTuce du. mîvced t bat this playoff fever (if that's A tiî'ed, buit happy Atom AI] Star team came home from Trenton on Satucdav with a Joad of tîn- phies foc playing and %vinning foLir garnes in less than eight- hours. The, games weîe-ecoming so fast. thev Atom Ail Stars Make Clean dido 't even bollîci to chang~e thcir clothes. This is the Donu Bell I Sorts and hlobby' trophv piescntcd by Fric L. Si-nit h lu Captain Dax'id'Ormist'on for Wnning thte A Gî-oul) titlfu. Sweep On Satuî-dav, Bowmanville's Atom Ail Stars plavcId lfouri- esand \Von therru ail in the Trenton Minor Hockey- League lout-nament. 'l'ie (G-and ('han- piorlshipI Idl Jeweller-s t cophy is shotyn bore being pi('scitedi hv Jaîck I lad- ley vo goalie Robert Willoughby. ï'ho(11(15courîtes.v Ioug Walsh otf 'iThe Trvl uî Ill a ta l tSt s een iareron sevecal other folks N t nviIIe wdbh whoin we talked. Onîe guv told us bus wife locked lier- wt n ile sel f iu the u runa fier Montreal ýscored. C . II SaIn îaYvii ii anu etaened tb d iSrUptthe bud- Sta rkillI minton club dauuie. We k iîo\\ of several ladies who airived Iitntiutled foi last week) ijnescorted, m-ilte bIlis su-as\, s e'.iîîg thie T.V. Pulford înight Forgî-îý,-Me-Nots - 27 34701 even have saved poissie cdonestic lioslilit 'y, but he didnt do pmjji-ivs --2:1- -----î-) Il bon sooni. Ilope iblis i*puIc els lIoI he Sou>jbh\,iew danue A. l( r'.-1 C)3:3403: before it'.%oser ibis Saiiuudaî*Su1f]o\<'us 12 328103 - - , , t O'r 200 Ciames TOWN EAGL' BANQ'ErFarrow -282. 219: Gwcen TOWN EAGU BANQ ET HalloweiI 243, 213, 210; Dale B 0vîrI231. Ina lBiow..n 225. Salurrtalv uîght, aiIllew lions ('einice. the Town Hockey, 213: Edua Elfintt 225, Marion League wiIl holdi a Baniquet anid Dante, starting at 6:3o 10 artie-Mux2eî 22. Marie wind up thie scasoir lii îah s S3010 per couple, a pla ver, Trini 2122. Miullir Porter '219. and $6.0)0 for otu! 'udcrs Foc t itkel s sce TedFar Doris 'l'uupk fus 2 19, Nuna Fars. Job ý Oidsîî1ounuî213,:\ Miba Fa r- Fowler, Bob Niaui iisot or BilfI CoIe. The MonîeeYs wil Ilr-ou 2 07, MNau g. %,,acDonialdi provide the bcta.21. - c ~ j f j j.Averages t tEdna E!hl eî-198 ATOM CHAIMPIONS Niairin Ilarti t axwell -195o Doru, Tounpkmus 1931 On Satiirdasih\. le AionnA Il Stars w,%ound up the F;eason Jeai1 mLIl - 184 wîth a foui nu aiglul gant- t'. uîPerformiance in bhe Trenton GUI Iallow..ell - -18 2 lînia Rrousti - ------ 181 Minor 1Ilockes .-ssociuiai 5 *su1t auoui ournamnerîl 1o ake heDc usStar k -- - 181 big tr'ophîs Ittsaure occheti 1) Alex Wiseman and lai rs- Mac- 181 Piper'. .'.lh Iu3tjk -. Ces'le as mhanager. Fi rsî gaine 'vas a at I-rrf W 179 Il amr. wliueiu anioccitinie ýgoail lu Gary Carter gave thera M ac- .Wadul - 177 a 3.2 wun Liudsax 'lhu-y îlas'ed Ganarioqme at 3 p.m. NIar-ioluun - - -177 M il liu t r, - 174 and beait nt-rn H-t1 left iheir uninforms on fçr their third Tovc,-, t m u-17".4 gamne agairusi BceeIle aI .5 o'clock that Ibev-won 3-2, colli- AItlîuu'.'. -1731 ing tram behinid 1<>do il 'l'lie Iast garne s'as at 6:30, wilh NIarcil, u Fitrruu' -------- 167 o)nly limie foi, a chocolat bar un between. This lime thev: Mii nta ocîuu- 6 . Betu'Sî'-v -. &gain met Lirndsa *v who biad wvon the consolation title andiFLaira Milf- 1> downcd thenra.5-1 lo compile a tremendous dav-s work. D;1il' BoIs\' ri- .. Needless 10 sas. tbbc siepî niost of the wavs rie Cn N~ rc grtltinAtm!Nettue Sav ery 129 W~\~IBERTY BOWL LTD. BASE LUNE Duîe 1<) the ter tuila tioln of Bowling Leagties ... LIBERTY BOWL'S 12 ALLEYS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR OPEN BOWLING "Make uip a party and visit us for an after- noon or evcning of enl- ~- jov ahie rccreation. - - <v-' ,, PHONE 623.5663 For Reservations SNACK BAR FOR YOL'R CONVENIENCE F riday Afternoon Ladies' Bowling '(00 (amles ". l'e 21î. 266: . pat- field 263, B. McDonlald 263, E. Richîards 260, M. CowÀain 21.9, D. Brooks 233, M. Malley 205, D. Brooks E. Etcher o. Paftlîcld M. Gibson .M. Cowauî K. D )ddcis M. Colville JLobb \V 'onî bes IVI. ANl 1 er « M. C ()i ve M. Fo, ter E. M lt-bell S. Brouoks E. Ru-liards A. llodgson D. Rogers B. MucDolla 1Id R liîliiiisoli- D. paedlnî M. iVItDouiuld E. Couuîb<' M. Mfci R. Ciîwaiu 1.Graliaril 'leanm Standing (,ames1 Ft-ber Ili I9 Mqaut vu 12PI iMaites I 19 Lobh 8 11eaiu) 217 20)6 1901 186 183 18() 178 173 172 170 168 165 164 I16o P ins 9586 Bowling BA N'I'. 6 1 R 1,S 5 , e i S - I r 0 ; l l eý i i u i i og 5 , NIc I rier 10: A Xvrcm 3, Evans 2. Iligl) Single 1). S no s'.d u-îi 199, F ', len niiiig 181. Iltih Ibonhle F". Ilieuîîî îiîg 35:1 . ) ui'd'i Tpa inStandingr l.'.fp4f senuîngers3 E ascli-:î EAis - . JUNIOR iiiRuer 9 NIi io n 5, G ood uvin 1> r d' mondsoîî 5, Bromel 0: Selles f.Mitchuellî2. High SinZle L. Nickeison 205, N. God- %viil 204. lligh Dou bie N. Gndwin :186, G. Muion 2-9 .N ukerson 342. 'leam Standing Sel ur'. 3*2 Brme l-ie1 *, Bu-uitf I'i JUNIOR BOIS o. Tear Brock 5, AlIder 0<: Piper 3, Colville Parry 2; Marshailî5, Baker 0O Callati High Single K. Oke --- M. Mlar'shall 264, P. Pari v- Coombeg - 224. A. Crag-o 214. D. Piper'McKnight 20.5. lihDobePerfeot Iliuh DublS 5Oke M. Marshall 386, D. Piper1 S. Etcher Iý 1Men's Major Lg Team w il Liberty Bnw 27 12 Nels Osborne Insurance 27 12 Frank's Variety 'Store 23 16 Ken's Men', Wear 22 i2 161 Pepsi Cola.- 22 17 Lander Hardware 21 18 Ilooper's Jewellerv IR 21 ,!Lumber . 16 2.1 16 Fdksa' 14 25 14 Olym pia Resta uranti 1 .1322512 131 *Selby' Grant Heating 1.3 26 13 Nre Averagp,% NaeGames Avj Elton Brock 39 24 Ed. Leslie -.19 23 jHarold Bennett .1 9 2: 'Ernie Perfect .19 23 AI Osborne - 39 23 DrkH. Rundle - 39 22 JackGy 36 22 Russ HaÏlman ....'6 22 f Karl Piper .19 22L Larry Piper .139 22 Bob williams 39 22 Murra y Larmer .13 221 Bob Glanville ..1.39 21! Hap Palmer - 39 21i Bill Westlake .39 211 Mel Burgess 27 21, Bert Engley j.o 21F Si Trewin 39 211 Russ Oke - 39 21. f Jack Bond - 39 2 1, Bud Henning 19 214 Alf a e l 39 2 1: Caece Oke_ 39 211 Harold 'Michelson .19 209 Mike Murphy 39 206 Jim Callan .19 206 I-arry Snowdero 39 205~ Laurence Leaman .16 20. Stan MeMurter 39 205 9Ted Bagne]] 36 205 Hank Jan7en 39 205 Howard Bromeil 3.0 205 Bob Richards 39 21)3 George Piper .1, 203 iDon Çke- 39 202 Jack Parker 3 0 Ron Maynard 33 24 201 Norm Henning -.--394 200 Dave McKnight ...39 200 Bowling News Presîdent Elton Brock had .just about the best bowling night of bis life en Wednesday when he put together games of 268-353-301 for a grand total of 922 pins, high for the second schedule, Brock's single game of 353 was high for the night. He boosted his aver- age from 235 to 242 to take the lead in the individual stanîding and his team, thE Nels Osborne Insurance team. are now lied with Liberty Bowl for top spot. Ves sic, Brocky really had a night to be remembered. Harold Bennett was not ton far off the Pace and had gamnes of 280-278-308 for a total Of 861. Russ "Dutch" Hialîman had 2,38-252-312 for' 802. Fred Cole had 768 wilh a 335 single. Ernie Perfect72 (261). Ed Leslie 7451 (264). AI Osborne 737 (.322), KarI Piper; 721 <251), Si Trewin 718 (270-; 267), Ted Bagnell 718, (276), Pat Leddy 713 (264). Somne flue single gamnes were bowled by Harry Snow- den 3091, Norm Henning 297, Bert EngleY 288, Glen Hodg-1 son 281, AIf Samelîs 281 Bo Richards 274, Bill Westlakeý 27.3, Harold Michelson 267, George Joncs 26.5, Howard Bromell 2163, George Piper 2621. Maurice Richards set the Seasoiî's low single with a nice game Of only 80 pins. Clar- ence Oke had 104 and George Glanville tI0) Richards had the low triple. 389. Alley Clhatter A s slated above. Elton Brot-k took over top position nl the averages at 242 for 39 garnies. Ed Leslie moved up où 2:318.-liaold Bennett took ver third spot 236, Ernie Per- ecl 235 and AI Osborne 234. Tl'le batle for the teamn Championship could îlot be verv rach uloser as Liberty liovI and Nels Osborne's in- irance teams have 27 points, ach anîd afler 39 games onlyý !0 pins separate the two A!l tram vaptains ar-e asked 0contact the members of lurir team Io sec, who wilI be tending the banq1uet on Sat- irday. May 2nd. 79, P. Parry 321. Team Standingr 3aker .19 3rock - . . 37 )arr v 34 Ider' -- 34 arshal -24 le 27 221 21 19 High Single 1). .Nowlan 249, B. Couimbes 211, L. Durai 213. R. Beauprie 201, L. Ma.vnard 233. High Triple h ayardm 6.J Portern . ...a ....n . Trophies Galore for Atom Ail Star Team 31 i 7 2 g7 12 M2 :16 135 14 '7 25 25 9 1 18 18 14 SA HO CAR WE WILL REMAIN OPE 24 HOURS A DAY MONDAY, APRIL 2C - UNTIL - NEDNESDAY, APRIL 2j' PRICES iLASH EC ONAL BRND MAODELS LESMEN WILL BE ON DUTY 24. )URS A DAY DURING THIS GIGANTIC 72-HOUR SALE! ur Ioss of sleep . l 1 ili be your gain in $avings! STEN TO CKLB FOR LIVE BROADCASTS DIRECT qOM OUR SHOWROOM UCKY HOURLY PRIZES IFTS! GIFIS! GIFIS! E WELCOME YOU AT ANY HOUR We have more than 100 New and Used tiacs, Buicks, Acadians and Vauxhails Iock to choose f rom. We are out to 72 new cars during this 72-hour sale. 'e going ta meet this target by offer. fantastic deals! FOR HUGE SAVINGS AND BOWMANVILLE'S BESI NEi AND USED CAR DEAL VISIT ROBSON MOTORS TODAY! Pont seli We'r ing 1 166 K Hap 1 ,ing St. E. D)on Armstrong, Sales~ ~hiIp Stcw Preston Rav Lathangue BOWMANVILLE'S FIR! 72 I ST 5' p ' Phone 623-3:396 Manage r 1 il 31 ON ALL

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