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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1964, p. 5

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Legion's 2Oth Convention The Royal --anadîan Legion Roger Teillet is expected to returns to the scene of the address the openîng session. organization's founding f or its Special overseas guests in- 20th biennial convention at clude General Sir Richard Winniipeg, May 17th - 22nd. Gale, G.C.B.. K.B.E., D.S.O.,I Prime Minister Lester B. M.C.. the former Deputy Su-ý Pearson officially opens the prerne Commander of NATO. convention at which some The colorful General Gale, 1,300 delegates are expected. who droppc'd with the 6th Business sessions start on May British Airborne troops on the 18th, and the Minister of Orne river on the eve of VE. 'Veterans' Affairs, the Hon. Day, is also Deputy Grand, Y i r f ) Beauti Program ca7i uork. wonderj' for )'ou! Cnrne' . . rneet . . Nîss Aideru à speciaity inaiicd repiesentative Miss Chelsea Fellows who viii be ah ciii'Elizabeth Ardeni Ceenter Monday anrd Tuesciau. May 4th' and 5Sil. Let lier gîve voci a eomplimentan-y a nalysis chart for x'ecr' indi. ciduat sk nriLare . ýsue has some woruden'fUni ake-urp mnagic te shiow YOU as weIL. JURY & LOVELI 6 Photne 623-336 IWIwIwIwIw9 WE ARE Just Bursting With Happiness Presîderîr cf the B r i t i s1 Commonrwvealtht Ex - Serî'îcr Lcagcc'The B.C.E.L. is a i million ruîcnubcr \ucralru 'nou gani.saticit cstablislîeclin iiii 40 u'om nîctuealttii ceLnitrin' The Legiori is itirecrîtie' nreîuîer forr Catiadi, j Velverton U.C.W. are catering minutes, the financial report,! The Canadian Statcsman. Bo\wnianville, April Y). 1964 for this luncheon. Mrs. R. G.' and the annual financial re15 Preston volunteered to make' port. Mn-s. A. Wade in givin"gý teanniversary cake. : the auditors' report said that P rte Tom and Ruith Park. ent Report were given by' al 'the books were in perfect con- Pa tis Ho o and Diarîne Park. Glenîia standing committe convenors dition. Four convenors. Mtrs. C Park. Art ar-d Ivv. Coven-,. and officers. noting a success- R. Farrow. Mrs. A. COdeP M: îe W'ai er' ifadMra 'fui vean- fi.nanciallv wt'î -~ C. Ferguson and Mrs .M. Jones ol Wie cellent educational pnogramrs gave reportsot thein - ca: s- Mr. and Mn-s. Park n'en-e iin- at ever meetin. A bu.Vwork.'iteci for suppen- on April l9tâ at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pci evrWefrg u t' ek v ~ L I c Io tic nornu.'of Mi' and M'trs. to Kitchener and other potnýs's Mn-s. C. Brown, pas, d 5 YepîAtcoerv adari-dt had been enîoved last falI.:dent,. fornmaily nsalled fitanhe Dvi Arkln ren-ly. athed n'-Ted\, Mrs. lIarrv Ryiey gave her'cffîcers: Pas@I Presîdent. 'tIrs. wMn- eanMte d ar k jnca trnul't-erirag. Te Presidentiai report as weIl as C. Br-owni:President. Mrs. T. W lue elebatne hr 011 ý er -ln-e reseritnd wta atoe the work cf the 4-H club cf!Henderson: Ist Vice Pres., îti lhave beeri entetarîd h o enjoyecd a delîcicaîs buit- which she is the leader, thank- Mrs. M. Samîs: 2iîd Vice Pres., their îamily andi friends \ith 1 eprwie i.adMs ing aIl for their co-operation.t Mns. T. Sowden: Sec.-Treasu- etsprive:r.adMs The W. 1. will sponsor- a en- Mn-s. S. Lancaster: District en-at surprize gathiertgs. R. Briîev. Bcwmanilile' Mn-. friendiy wetcome (o the ne'.v'Director. Mrs. C. Brown; On April 111h Mn-. arnd Mrs ard 'trs. Walter Par-k, Tyrorie. Doctor- coming to the cern" Branch Dinectors. Mrs. Gan-t- Colini Taylor irîvîted thernte îuho werc hie w'edding attend. munitvy. foîlowing the Athletir shore, Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. R. hcrhoe. . and Mr. A. a n t5 ý2 5 esag:M-audM Association Freid Day and Farrow. Mrs. W. Farrow; Au- Wood, Tyrone. wen-e aise pres- C. McIrnney. MrIl. andîc\I rs. .1. concert being held on May 13.- ditons. Mn-s. F. Gilmer, Mrg. ent. After a delicieus supper. Park and Irn H. Steel, Peter- Dr. Richard Butler and bis A. Wade: Surishine Commit tee, gîfts 'en-e presenteci. On Aprîl bcreugh: Mr. anîd iMn-. K. famili' are expected to arrive Mrs. H. Dennis. Mrs. F. Gil-i 181h there utas a gatherirîg cf Park, Oshiawa; Miss Glerîna here from Aurora on May jt. mer. Mn-s. T. Henden-son: Pian-'the immedrate familv aithue Park and Mn-. Rav Kictike. Mn-. There Was a d'pa ro st, Mn-s. F. Gilmen-: Public Re-'l-cme cf Mr. and N-rs. Tenuland NIrs. G. Kilpatrîck aîîd needlworkdoridbvptay emcf lattons Officen-.Mn-s. MeCul- Park. Oshuawa. Thev gave the Mn-I. and i's. J. Irifusini w-en- bers during the winten- montnsl ough; Coruvenors. Mrs. R. honon-ec couple a beaetifcrl ir'able ho bc preselut. They whih iclued anyiteý;,Farrow. Mn-s. C. Fen-geson,: silven- tea service anîd arn arum-, ave their uicle arnd auint twci whih iclued anvitesMn-s. A. Wade aird Mrs. NI. yensari' floral arrangemient. icvely anniverisarv cups and quilts. regs. bats. dresses,: Y crocheted articles, baby cIe- Jns riigtoepeci xe- aies thes, etc., aise ceppen- îooîîng.. n-s. Henîderseri thuei Ccii- One quilt ini Panticular wAas! ttnued the muee'ting with pay- rnuch admircd. a pienen- Le.ment cf fees cf S1.00 each be- Cabin" desigu cof intricate (mv m_ýg paid. Mn-s. Lancaster read N OO P N pieces. t he "thank \,ou" notes. One OO P N a Luncli v'cs ser'.',cd by tire cf these. fn-cm Mn-s. HaEigh., hostess assisted bv Mis. Vin-, cctaincd a poen which was cent Jackson, Mn-s. Thomas: read hiMn-s. Hendersen Jening an Mr. Erl ea- Plans wei'e made for al- o e f H a r yin Jhening nd M -. ai V tending the District AnnualIot Mns Gays Maico 1 ni s o n uuil Mrs. Brown. Mn-s. lleu- (one mile cast of Oshaw'a on Hwvy. 2) n'on the luck birtiudav ,prise den-sen and Mn-s. Lancaster a' inn, mebesotnciînnii g 'd celeoates. Th'e meeting FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-7512 Presonj closeci with the benediction. Mn-s. RaiphPrso expres- 1 aften- whietî Mn-s. Br-own iii- (OPEN EVENINGS) sed the thanks cf the ladies tO citd ai tot the kitchen for arr- tlie hostess and al] these whc' t1erccc__c ad- pe1 had asssted. f chocolate cake. Little Bri'\,an John Bruce. vho wvas scvcn month's old xvhcn the abox'c photo n'as take i ni March, appcai's 1m hcdelinhLed xxitlî is visit ai the photograpur's .st.udio. Hle is the sciai] son of MVr. and M rs. Johtn Bruce. Llbe',t.\' St. North, Towxn. I-is grandiparents arc Mn-. anud Mrs. A. R. Mcadows, Mrs. J1. E. Bi'uce, all of Boxv- manvîlle. anid Mn'. James E. Bruce cf Oshawva. Brt'an John is the gr'cat-giaindson cf Mn- aand Mrs. C. E. Morris. Bcrwmanî' rue.Mi. eoe Meadoîva. New'castle, and Ms c Warnamcke.t(of Belevihi e. Photo by Asior' Studio._ lu ali lan 'ilnm ORA-VI SHRYADPR N JORDA RAV h Uther oieiSe s iîo': ar Mri. li-eriîail (,Oct/ciii And D) 'W'. Il. Ecktar ofi Illtat Both are asso('la ed w t h rh Netîerlands War Graves Coin mnittcc which bas heen spcn- soring Ipilgriiiiages foi Caii ldan eîxt -of-kii n tn wa irvsn I loi iand. 'Mr. G oet zn:,Chaîrrnian oif t hi Neth- c iancis Wa r Ga î Comtiii tee, whill Dr. Fîîklaar is Dui) Chairrman and Bergornaster o Hol1ten, Site of oîîe cf the lai-~ er Canadian ceemct'r îes. 'The lcgioli'" ltîîîîlîî . con- v entioni was helin cWî1)iîrîîp in 19'25. EVERYTHING MUST GO 1O00Ooo5OOOFF REGULAR PRICES4 SOME PRICES BELOW WHOLESALE FOR EXAMPLE:4 Ladies' Winter Coats $ 5.00 - $7.50 Men's Work Pants $2.000 Boys' Dress Slacks $2.004 Ladies' Slacks $2S.004 Children's Wear - Baby Clothes MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS SALE STARIS THURSD.AY 10:00 A. M. Corne Early for Best Selection b5ENHERTOG'S< CLOTHING 43 KING ST. W BOWMANVI LLE Women's Institutes NIAPI 1- (ROVI W. I. eilI ahoi t j.Te iýý aIpe G vo, Wocri's n isti- ln - J s \v lsIo h e a-h l- bie wa fied in the c htîr cii> da ý ilc nc T l wh h' m eig opei ci isith the Sin- Icelesel td i e iii1 of the Ode anîd the i -T n ilc lu iia as st: c pavllet o OrLord ve leu Praîaci( ! Th s n o uit 1. a l ic- )( h ld p itý of lfý I - is (1) Blcck Piîtiiiiîg; () saici thath flcttîw S(c i- New Lamnp Shades Fcr Old. i'Cuss Sx il h }arýd work, (2). [t was duo-cicfûd to cili rr Oiýrcin s \dva.cicii inmpu lsive a'-ý - Fa jr, thle dispia Ito he "A t icir:. The lin rder we c' 4 Yv i- o Apiotisthelu tes i le flic ieed [orý t tas dccidcd to 'ovte l.oo it(,ec-tr' tc ~Pennies for'-Fr'îcndstîip.' IiTh Ciiti 'ii'inin, [S tt) Mrs. W. Il.Brown. DiŽtrict' bc tîcld crn April 2th atl(ie Drr'ecetcr. repcr'ted crIlthe Dis- homie cf M:W. Bt cvii. The trici Excu(Ltive meeting whicn nmeetinîg ecsdviht i lc re - vas field on Maich 31sil at pela titig o f 'Ifie (I ce'in Mrs. Wm. Millîgaiî's. Newtonî- tiii ville. Delegates to the Distric!t Annual at Nestletoicri MAi RI:'IHANY Wi. i. I 2th to be Mr-s.Hi. Crx'dei'nîaîi, LVrit. WhiteM rs. S. Dci le \ýi liain' Rvi 'în anid Mi-s. Il. Bradicu' eaiiîiii. h i'-ccîîî . i Itlivas dîtided io h iv a siirt' ci, ie Btiaii\ Wc-1 sîngle subsciription m ithe p tAuSli;ttit-althticanimal' sociatiori cf Ccrîsunris aîl cd i hein Motîciai' ii îght the District Dircctcr to reoporIt (ic honte cf' MI.,;iue R' each nmorth ocii11(iehlItili. Millia P;îliieî 'oIidic Mrs. S. DoYlei' rend Mrs.<'. tt uetonitvi lie(fothtin- .Jt[rc' iiinal 1repol It l i por iîiii:.i t .11ý:M i-. Batpt lndiList ries". Thomlas Juiiig sirenc NUS. C, 5\ a1I ot't ' p1c t treasu i'cr l miJs. T. Jackso i,' fcr' -'1-1one Eccnîrn ies a unlMrs.lIla Pal huer. brýaîi'h di Healt. "Citizeriship a iCni ci'tcr,: Mr's. Ieutcr Morion.! Edticaticri' crîcenci' is 'DstitDi rcIii.w tiM's Stevcers mvas absent"-jij ri-,ei g'NealI s Ieriase cal Rcscaîi'ti anîd CrII'i'rt EV- Ml'S.. Eaiî'l m(tici .Ptublie ciits" nas i'epcî'e d 1)\ r.n R't rs f cn .Brci,' Br'ck'. Rvti .Mi*r . ErliieriSrmit h, -'IThe Pii]a Rî'tatioîis - '1- 0it, Mr's F u eîthar'-l por ias gier h MYi-.,. S. S Li.i li i'e.Co iliri1 ti;'i' Mor'tori.Suc' Leso r epoilcrîcdifî rcsnrIitiîns. 'Gccd Ncigtîbci'-" Scicii 'iiitî ' ic cî tonilî'cli b Mis . ?' i'eii il tr ' "hoiia5 Jî'i- Stceiei. , ttAS ri'Licl hi' M iS. C. iii- ftir- Acili II'c' an Grci an M c, W. ai ,iLdCaîîadia iiIi)ditit it. Mc sAlil- i~,îie th' :îidiii'5upîrît. a: idi ("sol' Secît. Cilizen.-Iiip. di Miiîtî ' iiîît tîiî ctî h,ýclîtj o i in' and 'i.ii- .«((tiî' ,, Si lîî'ur'. lîc'îuît iiit', iii l l.t ii 'Ifîtil't ii'i Mr.W. Bt'1owii re(potfteitr as a par-ttif titeir pi'igralîri5 Ile tuomi ialiitcoiniitc. 0t fiî'n'i' foir. 164 - 65 1 htt' ii te t riaiiut e- Pcisi P te. Mi . BnHi. ~1)([,t lxMi ' h Peitc'.NIus IL 'dt îig inti a batik halancte îna iîî. st \'tue Pl'(- I . s. S. cf S17,16 vîth l ai't'cuîiu.- Dci'h .SeciTreŽ .Mi>. C.pîiDd 'l'enW. I i a . ýpstîncd Gretlîin. Distic cctt a'l' -fI ('11b1h '--k, tif v'b 'h Mrs .W. B-own: D D crc" rtie' î'r' itlt .t r lii' Rc iiinS (fficer. 'tir'. ~ rîfiî .c'c2dfo Swîallr>u.B'ai'i îe'nrs . >icai tire ferrcd 'c Mr- lf Br Jfdl\î. M~RNe-rmriaîîinct.iiappr-, P.a:..~t Mi-W l.itt i. At' hlad ttcrdt'd in Itle 4-H- dituirs. 'M is t'. lýa ri A J i h t naciigrî'ed LitirIll o a ptî)hI' MI i S' S. Laîir-d 'Good Nt- i- foi, a býjor*t cit ie cwi lair's 'tr F Se'e . 'tiS'. [E. "i'i>'.i' on, F'ni ie. R. Dtai.Meiruber. hîip, Mi'.. D"ieî'*oî'tt 'i lu-i'ied CNi.i.tC Sod., t i'.p iri.h lIaIt, ai o ?ulr I. 'ollin 'fer the Bc'.ling Banquet fci, St:idîtg Cciiiî.ti'i (tîn- li ' Iita\ 811, 'c hfiirld cri itîc:s.\rc'lo:eaibCAt- tiNr Adldisont Sct adaiI idus:tc.. Mc C 1Xvas a ppoi:îred a e(01"Criceiciof fui' Home ' contimiu> and idtlie btîîqicc. lia tl .NIr- G. Beech * 'C'I - Plains vn to il'ci for senl-i)tip a id Edtieatioîî.M. tu Fa'tDcrtîa rt 'n','.In- S La. cd. Il istor"eal Rearcni -' tnite'.Dtrc'Ai l ricet- and C airrctrEî'cîîs .. P s R ý hichii ! hb e id Briok .Rc c!citîicinS Mli S.-B n iti Mi' lt'tirs. HJ-1 Mor'cn c" Mrton. Ni" ruce "e" M !r s D',si 'u ii' ti "Sm 'h ,und NI :c. " oic'vci, ' airw.u'1cry ecur'ip pointed in -icces.stop lcokîni 'n.-,,s î'cîin lcgt' h..dt the elecator."ýv'hich liad beenI i 1ýo the 5f)th Annivcn-:ar-v prcpared b",-I-' A Barri '. iof :' BetL' i brdîjcis .i a frriirmm c: ce -Ci."'1 .11 ""it'r"'n "-sUccC- ncans à0oincîhing d:i- thc kînchcon program. m This ls the wceek to stock your Freezer. Tai advantage of these special buys during IGA hig Frozen Food Sale. The big advantagc J"rozen Foods [s (bat there is no preparatic needcd. Frozen ai thc Peak of I"reshncss the! convcnienee foods are a big ([me saver. Thn frozen food sale is just another n-cason why m~ say "AT IGA 101' ALW'AYS GET A ITTI MORE THAN VOl' EXPE('T". FRESH PORK LOIN SALE! RbPortion Loin ac Roast O' Pork 37l T1endelrloin Portior M l. avg. of on ýse is ,n bI LOIN Centre Cut TableRfite Rindless SLICED 1-lb. pkg ChopSorRoastlb69c SIDE BACON 65c Alpine or PrimroseC (hopped lb. .Sliced Beef Steakettes 55c BEEF LIVER lb 39c Chic. Ric.- Chic. Noodie Vegencîbio Basf Mushroom - Scotch Broth CLARKS SOUP ....... 2 lO-oz. tins 29c Bentty Croci<er 4 varie,,e CAKE MIXES .. . Beify Crocker 4 vorietien FROSTING MIX.... Ass'i. Sc bars Famîi'j Pack NEILSONS BARS 20's a nd 2S5 EMBASSY CIGARETTES liospiaiiy 5IRAWBEFIRY RHUBARB PIE......... M¶cVitîe's GINGERNUT BISCUITS SocdasALORILUCOsE) NALI<ERS SALTINES 20-oz. Picg. 16'oz. Pkcq. 41 c Pkq. of 6 bars 2 for 49c ctn of 200 $3 .16 each 55c 8-oz. Pkq. 29c I-ib Pkq. C A L F O R I A U S C O U S R E D B E A U T I E j Strawberries 1.00 F.S.No.1Grade California LETUCE - Onitario Hot House Long4 CUCUMBERS 2for 25c G~reenf Sli'ers m m 3 for 29c 'Vexas U.S. No. 1 Grade CRISP (ARROIS 3-l1). BaK. - 25c Bowmanlville IGA IGA Fancv I 5-oz. lins APPLESAUCE 2 i 29c Maxwell House 6-oz. jar INSTANT COFFEE 1.09 ()MO K ELLOCG' 12-oz. Pkgs. CORN FLAKES 2Ri53c (olt Size KRAF"TI I ~TDAThi, weck& 3n M I b~I~~ ttal ofl* £ BONUS TAI-ES Ja~-> .~r Receive an Extra 5.1 iýonus Tapes %vith Cookie Mix QuakeAr Oîm White Vaseline Ja Receive an Extra S4. 0 Bopus Tapes with P & R Fancy Red COHOE SALMON I?5 IGA Peanu t Butter Facelle Tissue "'1' ,pnk Or mhife 2 roll packt Reeive an Extra $2.00 Bonuis Tapes %vith SQLO2c noff Margarine 2 Pq FARMHOUSE Cherry or Apple FROZEN PIES eachl SLICLD Tabieffte P..CKNo.DHade 16 Co o Gad j., POTATOES 10 ib. nar And remember you can redeem your tapes for Free Gifts or Eaton Merchandise Certificetes - BOWMANVILLE- special repre.fentatll'e Mziss ('h elsîea fïe//ows wi/Z .112w 'I 071 ou' the fan/lo/i l/,' E1'ahetih Arden 2 King St. E. i -d The New'tcnuilte W. 1. ce- ven-sed the usual erden' cf hhings, arnd (heir n- ruaI mie- ing, April 151h, begari with a Pot lucek dinner at the homie cf Mn-s. C. Brown. Eighteen, ladies anud one ycung beyycu-ý .ioyved the wenden-ful dinnuer: and the cheen-tcr chatten-. After ail had been set ru en-de agýairi. the president,' Mn-s. T. Herîde-sen, calIed thé Meeting to begin, and al] jieinr the W. I. Ode. Mary, Stewart Cotîec't. ar-d Lon-d's Prav Cc. Mn-s. L anfic as ter rend thue' Ddar%#%r4.c f rd%"% Foodli*ner

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